
dougbbIs this the right place to ask about xubuntu 14.04 b1 problems?00:16
dougbbgreat ... I did a clean install of the beta, and then did all the updates. I am now trying to change the "Time And Data Settings" to use ntp, and the attempt to install it is failing00:18
dougbb"Could not install package  The necessary applications to install the package could not be found"00:18
dougbbobviously that's a bug, just wondering where the best place to report it would be .... regular launchpad?00:20
dougbbI also have a question about xfdesktop --reload00:23
dougbb... it no longer causes the desktop background to cycle00:23
Berylok so I've tried firefox 24/27/28/29/30, 5 versions, none are working on 14.04, but they were before i updated... all give (process:10585): GLib-CRITICAL **: g_slice_set_config: assertion 'sys_page_size == 0' failed  Segmentation fault (core dumped)00:23
BerylI'm using firefox in wine because it won't run on linux :-/00:24
k1l_Beryl: o_O? firefox runs fine here. try a clean firefox setup without your addons00:24
dougbbBeryl: I'm using firefox on 14.04 b1 without any problems, did you trying moving aside your ~/.mozilla directory00:24
Beryldougbb: yes00:24
Berylk1l_: i have for all of them00:25
dougbbBeryl: did you do a clean install of 14.04 (i.e., formatting the system partitions)?00:25
Beryldougbb: it's hash perfect00:26
dougbbI don't understand what you mean by that00:26
dougbbdid you format the system partitions when you installed?00:26
Berylyes, and not a single bit is wrong00:27
BerylI've been using 14.04 for a while and after a series of updates, even fresh firefox, ANY version will not run00:28
Berylall segfault00:28
BerylIt's funny how wine's development branch is a more stable API00:28
dougbbBeryl, do any other mozilla-based apps work? Like thunderbird or filezilla?00:30
ubottuMozilla bug 833117 in Startup and Profile System "Does not disable glib slice allocator with glib >= 2.35" [Critical,New]00:30
Berylhaven't tried00:30
k1l_"To be able to run it, I have to enter `firefox -safe-mode' and reset it."00:32
Beryltried that00:32
Beryli'm going to rolling back it's deps00:32
k1l_for more workarounds or info see and contribute to that bug00:32
BerylI have a feling all 5 versions of firefos have not broke themselves at the same time00:33
k1l_wait what?00:33
BerylI've tried 24/27/28/29/30, none work00:33
k1l_all 5 version? so you are mixing things anyway? ff works here btw00:33
BerylIt's gotta be a broken dep00:33
Berylit's like back when trying to empty the trash in every gtk de causes the desktop crask00:34
Berylnone of the des were broken, a lib was that was patched to be bad00:34
k1l_ok, so please try a clean 14.04 and a official ubuntu package from the repos. then please report a bug or confirm the bug existing and contribute there00:34
Berylflipping back to pure vanilla now00:36
Beryllol wow firefox gpu acceleration works in wine00:36
Berylok back to standard 14.04 28.0+build1-0ubuntu100:38
Beryl-safe-mode doesn't change anything, crashes instantly on startup, sometimes mozilla crash reporter comes up, sometimes it does not00:41
BerylIf the exact same firefox version/build can run on 13.10 but not 14.04, and 14.04 uses newer deps... gotts be bad deps00:43
Berylinstalled thunderbird... does not work either00:53
Berylfilezilla does though00:53
Berylaaaaand i try launching thunderbird and this time it starts00:54
dougbbBeryl: thunderbird comes installed by default, why did you have to install it?00:54
Beryland again, it fails00:54
Beryldougbb: installed minimal00:54
dougbbso .... does that perhaps suggest a course of action to you?00:55
Berylthunderbird starts every second time, strange00:55
Beryli coudl throw on the ubuntu desktop meta package but it's not going to change firefox or it's deps...00:56
Berylunless canonical has royally fucked with cross deps00:56
dougbbI'm suggesting that you do a stock install, not "minimal" and see if that helps00:59
dougbbof course if it does, you're right that there is a dep problem01:00
dougbbbut I imagine that those of us who are reporting that it works fine did not do a minimal install (I certainly did not)01:00
Beryloh my god praise mint, their firefox deb works02:54
=== Stanley|00 is now known as Stanley00
Data_Crusad3rhello everyone :)07:52
Data_Crusad3rI have a question, can someone help me?07:52
Data_Crusad3rI downloaded ubuntu 14.04 iso last night and i want to install it on my laptop but i dont have a CD07:53
Data_Crusad3ris there anyway to do that without using a cd?07:53
elfyI've not used CD nor USB for a long time - use a USB07:58
elfyI use unetbootin07:58
elfybah read I've not used CD nor USB  as I've not used CD nor DVD07:58
Data_Crusad3relfy, what do i select? daily build, or daily build_64x ?08:00
elfyI don't know what you need ;)08:01
elfyif you want 64bit then the 64x one08:01
Data_Crusad3relfy, alright buddy, thanks :)08:02
elfywelcome :)08:02
elfyData_Crusad3r: if you downloaded yesterday - you can point unetbootin at that rather than get it again08:04
Data_Crusad3ryeah i know but how can i acess the file via unetboot?08:05
Data_Crusad3rits in download files08:05
elfyData_Crusad3r: at the bottom of unetbootin - diskimage - naviagte to the location08:06
Data_Crusad3rin the location, it's only showing me my computer08:07
Data_Crusad3rcan I drag and drop?08:08
elfynavigate from File System to /home/user/Downloads08:11
elfyData_Crusad3r: sorted?08:23
=== wgrant_ is now known as wgrant
GamoderHi everyone, I got two problems (XFCE, 64 bit, 14.04): At first, the notification bar crashes all the time. And secondly, nm-applet does not show.09:32
Gamoder(Additionally, eclipse just crashed, but that might be unrelated)09:32
lordievaderGood morning.09:37
=== Fudgey is now known as Fudge
SuperLagAny of you guys encounter an issue where you cannot lock the desktop session?10:49
SuperLagMy screen will just flicker/flash, like it was *attempting* to lock, but then go right back to what I was doing before that attempt.10:50
BluesKaj'Morning folks11:45
=== soee_ is now known as soee
budo_i cant install this plugin14:38
budo_what is wrong14:38
ikoniabudo_: what is the error you get14:52
budo_ok. anyone that have the same problem as me.14:53
budo_tell them to go to this  http://ubuntuhandbook.org/index.php/2013/07/install-google-talk-ubuntu-official-repository/14:54
budo_and it might work. it worked for me14:54
SuperLagI reinstalled.15:33
SuperLagSo when I mounted old ~, the problems returned.15:34
SuperLagIt's specific to my profile, but I don't know where to start, to fix the issue.15:34
SuperLagI'm currently reverted, to the new profile... but I'd like to have access to the data in my old profile. I guess I could bindmount stuff like ~/{Code,Documents,Downloads,Music,Pictures,Videos}15:35
SuperLagI don't have enough root on the drive where ~ is, currently, to copy stuff over. It's only a 250GB drive. Where all the ~ stuff is stored for the original, it's a 2TB drive.15:42
BluesKajSuperLag, how large is the / partition?15:43
SuperLagdidn't even need to make it that big... I just wanted to make sure I had plenty of room, as I install a lot of stuff usually15:44
BluesKaj15G for / is plenty if you keep it cleaned up of old dependencies15:45
SuperLagyeah, but even if I free up ~85GB of /, that's still not nearly enough :)15:46
SuperLagmost of what's on that drive is either VMs or ISOs that I've downloaded to create said VMs15:48
SuperLagVMware defaults to creating them in ~/Documents/Virtual Machines/15:48
BluesKajheh, here df -h shows; /dev/sda1  12G  6.9G  4.0G  64% /15:48
SuperLagI have since gotten smart and put them in /opt/vm (on a completely dedicated drive) on my laptop15:48
SuperLagto keep ~ usage lower15:49
SuperLagIf I could figure out which config files are causing the issue, I'd just delete them or move them out, son they'd be recreated... and keep things where they are15:49
BluesKajof course after upgrades I usually do an autoclean and clean15:50
SuperLagwhat does autoclean do?15:50
SuperLag~/.local/ being so full seems strange15:55
SuperLagahh.. looks like that's Trash15:56
=== Guest87411 is now known as amblin
roastedhello friends. Has Trusty hit a package freeze yet? As in, the versions of xyz software that we see in Synaptic, are they locked? Or do they have the chance to get upgraded yet?16:26
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=== uncle_comcast is now known as elijah
luminosohello all. does anyone knows which xorg-server comes in 14.04?18:27
luminosobecause i need catalyst 13.218:27
luminosoand i don't want to install something that i'll need to re-install in july due 13.10 eEOL18:28
lordievader!info xserver-xorg18:29
ubottuxserver-xorg (source: xorg): X.Org X server. In component main, is optional. Version 1:7.7+1ubuntu8 (trusty), package size 67 kB, installed size 366 kB18:29
lordievaderluminoso: I suppose that one ^ since I think Trusty is in Feature Freeze.18:29
luminoso!info xorg-server18:34
ubottuPackage xorg-server does not exist in trusty18:34
luminoso!info htop18:35
ubottuhtop (source: htop): interactive processes viewer. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.0.2-3 (trusty), package size 65 kB, installed size 185 kB18:35
pmatulis3beware of this bug18:36
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1292220 in compiz (Ubuntu) "ccsm crashed with UnboundLocalError in AskUser(): local variable 'msg_dict' referenced before assignment" [Medium,Confirmed]18:37
CarlFKlooking for http://packages.ubuntu.com/saucy/gstreamer0.10-ffmpeg  for trusty.19:39
CarlFKor ffenc_dvvideo, or maybe avenc_dvvideo gstreamer plugin19:39
nvanmeursDear people of Ubuntu+1, I was referred to this channel because I'm looking for drivers for a wireless USB adapter ( 0df6:0067 ), itÅ› for my younger brother's computer who is running 12.04. Any chance drivers for this device will be available in the upcoming release of 14.04?20:11
CarlFKnvanmeurs: if you don't get an answer, may as well dl the cd and see what happens20:15
nvanmeursCarlFK: Is 14.04 already available for download?20:20
llutznvanmeurs: not released but beta/daily available here http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-gnome/releases/14.04/beta-1/   or http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/daily-live/current/20:22
nvanmeursllutz: Does it need to be reinstalled upon release?20:23
llutznvanmeurs: just upgrade should do20:23
nvanmeursllutz: Okay Thanks alot :)20:24
llutznvanmeurs: the usb-id (prod-id) is unknown in 14.04 as far as i can find, so it won't use the device automatically20:30
nvanmeursllutz: Thanks for the info, saved me the time from burning the iso20:39
llutznvanmeurs: according http://wireless.kernel.org/en/users/Drivers/rt2800usb the device isn't supported, maybe some other ralink-drivers would work. some info on https://wikidevi.com/wiki/Sitecom_WLA-600020:41
llutznvanmeurs: imho easier to buy a $10 device with realtek or atheros chipset :)20:42
nvanmeursllutz: Yeah we're actually thinking about just wiring the place up20:48
nvanmeursI live one floor higher than him, and I got a router up here20:48
=== elijah is now known as elijah|out
=== elijah|out is now known as elijah
CooLBALLhow can I upgrade to ubuntu 14.04 beta?22:07
ikoniacheck the links in the topic22:09
CooLBALLikonia: i checked them22:34
CooLBALLi neglected ubuntu for too long22:37
CooLBALLeverything about 12.04.4 has me excited about 14.0422:38
CooLBALLthere is a lot to distinguish ubuntu22:42
CooLBALLif I seem offtopic I am kind of waiting to hear if i can upgrade to 14.04 BETA22:44
k1lCooLBALL: of course you can22:44
k1lupdate-manager -d # -d for development release. be aware it will break when you need to do something importatnt22:45
CooLBALLk1l: tyvm22:46
SuperLagk1l: haha23:06

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