
=== gerald is now known as Guest26322
* apw yawns08:57
* smb readies the Shreddies09:00
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rtgdannf, can you get the arm64 branch tested this morning ? I'd like to get that pile merged and uploaded.12:29
jtnHello. I gather 3.14 is unlikely to make Trusty. Unfortunately, driver support for Wacom's current range of graphics tablets debuts in 3.14 (I believe). Is there any chance of sneaking the driver into Trusty somehow? -- should I raise a bug? I have hand-rolled a DKMS package of the upstream linux-wacom 0.20 driver for Precise [sic], which suggests it should be straightforward to integrate. I understand if it's too late for Trusty though (I can alw12:36
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rtgjtn, just the 7 wacom patches ? from 3.13 to 3.14-rc7 ?12:39
rtggit log --pretty=oneline  v3.13..HEAD -- drivers/input/tablet/wacom* drivers/hid/hid-wacom.c drivers/input/touchscreen/wacom*12:40
jtnrtg: hang on, I'll see if I recognise those12:40
* jtn refreshes his kernel git... grind grind grind...12:43
rtgjtn, they all apply cleanly12:43
jtnrtg: the log messages look about right (especially b5fd2a3e looks like what I'm interested in)12:46
rtgjtn, ok, gimme a bit to study them and make sure they look good for back porting12:46
jtnrtg: OK, thanks. (FYI, I can certainly test a new installer image against Intuos hardware, not sure about anything less packaged.)12:48
jtnrtg, (the diff looks about like what I expected too)12:48
ogra_apw, could it be that the latest touch kernels are missing the ureadahed patches again ? i dont see it started in http://people.canonical.com/~ogra/touch-bootcharts/ 13:03
rtgogra_, are you sure mako ever had it ?13:06
ogra_rtg, yep, i opened a bug for it and that one got fixed13:06
ogra_Bug 119412713:07
ubot2Launchpad bug 1194127 in linux-manta (Ubuntu Saucy) "ureadahead does not work in current linux-maguro/linux-mako/linux-manta" [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/119412713:07
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rtgogra_, that patch is still in the mako kernel: 'UBUNTU: SAUCE: (no-up) trace: add trace events for open(), exec() and uselib()'13:08
ogra_then i wonder why it doesnt run 13:09
rtgyama ?13:09
rtgogra_, how about this :13:11
rtg811bb1b343784ead1d31109e62e13b55fe9ccc18 security: allow Yama to be unconditionally stacked13:11
rtg83595aa667e65243780e4d453b3c4ee561fb0d82 Yama: higher restrictions should block PTRACE_TRACEME13:11
rtg15b979177a2f77598f0d62c9f1202ec11e0b649c Yama: add additional ptrace scopes13:11
rtgthe PTRACE patch looks like a likely candidate13:12
* ogra_ googles yama and finds weird stuff13:12
rtgwe could ask jjohansen13:12
ogra_its either a death god or a yoga thing :P13:12
ogra_or a restaurant in NY :P13:13
rtgyet another mandatory authenticator (I think)13:13
ogra_yeah, adding kernel to the search helps slightly :) 13:13
ogra_rtg, another thing, could we default to performance governor on all touch kernels ? android forces ondemand later anyway and it might speed up the boot a bit 13:14
rtgogra_, start a bug for it please. assign me or apw so we don't lose it in the noise13:15
rtgjtn, wacom patches pushed13:16
rtgogra_, can you build a kernel with CONFIG_SECURITY_YAMA=n to see if it affects ureadahead ?13:20
ogra_will try, yeah13:21
apwogra_, let us know the bug # for that performance thing13:46
apwogra_, though, if we have the waiting for battery thing, we need to be careful it changes the governor before waiting13:46
ogra_apw, well, we might set it from userspace so we can check for low battery before forcing performance ... 13:46
rtgapw, they may be reconsidering....13:46
ogra_still discussiong it 13:46
apwheh ... htat13:46
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rsalvetiogra_: yeah, I believe we should boot->check battery->enable performance->android->enable ondemand14:07
jtnrtg: excellent, thank you very much!14:07
rsalvetiso we don't need to change the default in the kernel side14:07
rsalvetithat would also affect recovery afaik14:08
rtgrsalveti, ack14:08
* apw likes plans with no work in them :)14:08
rtgapw, I think will still have to deal with YAMA breaking ureadahead14:09
apwif it is that indeed, but would that not break on all including amd64 ?14:09
rtghard to say14:10
dannfrtg: you bet14:10
rtgogra_ is gonna test it14:10
apwrtg, the patch is on our master-next branch right?14:10
rtgapw, no - I asked him to build with YAMA=n14:11
rtgoh, you mean the ptrace patch ?14:11
apwyeah i mean the ptrace patch14:11
rtgUBUNTU: SAUCE: (no-up) trace: add trace events for open(), exec() and uselib() (for v3.7+)14:11
apwright that is the hooks, but we have the yama patch you are suspicious of too, so if we have that combo and the ureadahead produces packs, i don't think it can be those14:12
apwrtg, i cirtainly have packs from the last few days when i upgraded, so it works in that combo14:13
apwi wonder if they are even starting it :)14:13
rtgapw, dunno, I was pushing off the legwork on ogra_ :)14:15
apwyeah works for me, suspect it is not that patch though :)14:15
rtgdannf, I just slammed HEAD on that branch with a final packaging build fix for amd64.14:15
rtgam test building it now14:16
dannfi've got an arm64 build going14:16
rtgdannf, it'll likely fail 'cause of missing modules (phy-core)14:17
rtgdannf, do you cross compile ?14:17
dannfno, native14:17
rtgits _way_ faster, isn't it ?14:17
jtnrtg: Wacom> btw, let me know if there's any testing I can usefully do (I'll check out the final beta at end of March in any case)14:18
dannfccache ftw14:19
rtgjtn, Wednesday's daily ought to have the right kernel.14:19
rtgdannf, I've found that ccache spends moretime computing the hash and reading the object then it took to just compile the file.14:20
rtgat least on tangerine and gomeisa14:20
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dannfrtg: built fine, other than the missing phy-core. sata/net both work, as does reboot driver14:57
rtgdannf, qemu/kvm ?14:57
dannfrtg: on deck14:57
dannfrtg: successfully booted an ubuntu trusty guest15:03
dannflooks good to me15:03
rtgdannf, ok. are you happy with the patch set then ?15:04
rtgyour RTC driver works ?15:04
dannfoh, yeah - need to check rtc15:04
rtgdannf, also, I don't think I have an answer regarding the absence of the PCIe enablement patches.15:05
dannfyep, +1 on the patch set15:05
dannfrtc works, systortc kernel support works15:06
dannfyeah, we'll need to talk more about pci. i'm going to pull in the latest changes into my tree today for testing. another option is the -oldpci patches which are far less intensive, but not a general solution like what's going upstream15:07
rtgdannf, what is the affect of _not_ having the PCIe patches ?15:08
dannfrtg: but i think we can assume it will be needed by users for networking purposes - people that don't use xgene-enet15:08
rtgdannf, I'm not sure I care about that. they'll have to wait for 14.04.215:09
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tremhi all17:21
tremhi apw, are you available few minutes ? I'll be pleased to talk with you17:22
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tremapw: may we talk in private (of course, if you have some free time)17:42
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infinityBenC: SRU kernel nag.21:28
infinityzequence: Ditto.21:28
ParkerRI'm using the raring desktop image on my Nexus 7 (updated to Trusty) For about 12 hours now I've been trying to compile a kernel AND keep it at or under 8MB so it will fit in the boot partition. I have gotten it down to 8.82422 MB. Can somebody take a look and maybe provide some tips on how I can get this to fit? 22:46
ParkerR"Flashing kernel and initramfs to /dev/mmcblk0p2... /dev/mmcblk0p2: updated is too big for the Boot Image (9252864 vs 8388608 bytes)"22:46
ParkerROr if that config would even work... the killer is that I want the Tegra DRm module and it HAS to be built in and not as a loadable module22:47
hallynapw: stgraber: aufs, feh - bug 129354922:55
ubot2Launchpad bug 1293549 in juju-core "Filesystem mount from lxc template causes filesystem permission breakages" [Critical,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/129354922:55
infinityhallyn: Well, that certainly shouldn't change the permissions on the underlying dir, as that's immutable.23:07
infinityhallyn: But copying up, changing permissions, and using that copy would seem sane.23:07
hallyninfinity: right..23:09
hallynoverlayfs allows it fwiw23:10
infinityhallyn: So, the same copy-up mechanism that happens on a contents change just needs to trigger on a permissions change, shouldn't be too hard to hunt that down.23:10
infinityUsing overlayfs as a benchmark for how union filesystems should behave is probably not the best idea.23:12
hallynactually cop-up happened, but chown did not23:12
hallyninfinity: same for aufs :)23:12
infinityBut in this case, I agree that "rm && mkdir && chown" should behave the same as "chown" from the user POV.23:12
infinityAnd from the code POV, that would be a copy-up in the latter case, to emulate what the former is doing.23:13
hallyni need to do a new post on the woes of every option for snapshotted clones23:13
infinityWell, copy-up and chown, obviously. :P23:13
hallynthere is no good one23:13
infinityI still find LVM snapshots to be the least crack-ridden.23:13
infinityThey're just also, unfortunately, the hardest to set up.23:13
hallynyeah the only downside for me for those is that i have to pre-allocate size23:13
hallyni'm actually all set up for them, but for doing package builds i don't want to have to spend that much space per snapshot23:14
hallynof course it's not really taking up the space...23:14
hallynstill may do that23:14
hallyn(gotta rewrite it all this week)23:14
infinityFor local package builds, I use aufs backed on tmpfs.23:14
stgraberlvm also doesn't get you updates to the underlay which happen after you create the overlay right?23:14
ParkerRAny idea on how I could wrangle that under 8MB?23:14
stgraber(not that you usually care for that specific feature)23:14
infinitystgraber: Right, LVM is an actual snapshot, so no weird union "look, new files from nowhere!" behaviour.23:15
stgraberI really need to give btrfs another try since it'd give me the same thing as LVM snapshots but doing it at the fs layer instead, so no size limitation and a bit more flexibility23:15
hallynregular lvm also is limited to depth of 123:15
infinityAnd, indeed, btrfs should also provide the same level of awesome, but I still don't trust it further than I can throw an s/390 mainframe.23:16
hallynstgraber: fsync is now much faster than in 3.2, but still not quite fast enough for me23:16
hallyninfinity: it hasn't failed me in months of using it for all my containers.  just horrible fsync.23:16
hallynall my tests and package builds have been using btrfs snapshots23:17
hallyndafuq - init-generate coredump in my aufs delta0 directory23:17
stgraberhallyn: yeah, my last try was 3.2 and that was dreadful (and getting much worse over time), I need to check whether it'd be reasonable to use for my LXC containers and maybe for my home partition. My laptop's rootfs I intend to keep on ext4 for quite a while still (though having upgrade rollback would be kinda neat)23:17
infinityhallyn: Well, I look forward to a day where it can maybe become a sane default.  Being able to code high level distro features on top (like restore points^W^Wupgrade rollback) would be great.23:18
hallynhaha yeah, i'm using a 100G lvm partition for btrfs containers, mounted at /opt/lxc.  rootfs?  no way :)23:18
hallynwe've been looking forward to that since at least 2009 :)23:19
infinitybtrfs on lvm?  How meta.23:19
stgraberinfinity: I actually never had or directly heard of actual dataloss with btrfs, the usual problem is performance and lack of tooling. The alternative is zfs-on-linux but I'm not too sure which I prefer... zfs is supposed to be a lot more stable, but it's a mostly unsupported dkms module with crazy license issues. btrfs is mainline but not really production ready...23:19
hallynstgraber: no, i used to lose all data the moment i did a subvolume clone23:19
hallynup to like a year ago23:19
infinitystgraber: I'm not hugely concerned about the ZFS license issues, I'm very concerned that I don't think anyone actually abuses it on Linux much.23:19
infinitystgraber: And saying "well, it works great on Solaris" doesn't mean a bunch.23:19
hallynget that Tamas guy in here :)  he keeps yelling me about zfs23:20
stgraberinfinity: I know a bunch of HPC people using ZFS on Linux in production for a couple of years now (with crazy pools doing an insance amount of iops)23:20
infinitystgraber: Potentially comforting.23:20
hallynstgraber: the kernel module, not fuse i assume?23:20
infinityI still suspect btrfs is the way forward for Linux.23:20
stgraberhallyn: right, the kernel module23:20
infinityIf I hear that Tso has given up the fight for the One True Filesystem and started lending his expertise and time to btrfs, that would maybe sway me.23:21
mjg59infinity: In which direction? :p23:22
stgraberthe other problem with zfs is that 32bit support isn't really a priority, so everyone uses it on 64bit. I kind of like all my machines to use the same setup, and I'm not sure I want to be beta testing zfs on 32bit :)23:22
infinitymjg59: Yes.23:22
* infinity discovers that the best way to melt an accidentally-frozen 1.5L block of tomato juice is to add 375mL of 23:25
infinity... vodka, and declares today a success.23:25
xnoxinfinity: it must be spring in canada.23:27
infinityxnox: Well, yes, and because it's Canada, it's clamato juice, not tomato juice, but no one else knows what that is, so I translated.23:31
hallynxnox: say, are you what one might call a current maintainer on libnih?23:34
xnoxhallyn: perhaps.23:35
hallynxnox: i'm trying to figure out why multiple threads, each opening and using their own separate nih-dbus connection, occasionally seem to get memory corruptoin or segvs23:36
hallynevery time the backtrace is different...23:36
hallyni.e. http://paste.ubuntu.com/7111193/ is a few of the backtraces23:36
hallyn(source is at git://github.com/cgmanager/cgmanager file tests/cgm-concurrent.c)23:37
hallynmy first question is: am i doing something obviously wrong in how i'm opening the conection in that file?23:37
hallynnear as i can tell, libdbus should at this point be reasonably thread-safe (since 2011)23:38
xnoxlibnih is not thread safe, unless threading compile time option is enabled (i think)23:39
xnoxand we don't enable that by default, let me check.23:39
xnoxbut your test-case seems reasonable.23:39
hallynwe don't?  d'oh!23:41
hallynall i see in configure.ac is a call to NIH_C_THREAD whatever tht means23:42
xnoxhallyn: yeah, "threads are evil" is the general mantra and "upstart doesn't need them" apart from like starting to do async spawn et al.23:42
xnoxsee m4/libnih.m423:42
xnox        AS_HELP_STRING([--enable-threading],23:43
xnox                       [Enable support for multi-threading]),23:43
xnoxhallyn: recompile libnih with that enabled, install and see if that helps.23:43
xnoxwe can provide it as a separate package/library i guess...23:43
hallyndo we disable that for performance reasons?23:43
hallyni mean, just bc it's enabled in libnih wouldn't mean upstart has to use threads :)23:44
xnoxhallyn: no idea. True that. I see that in mainc and error.c it does reference things with __thread for e.g. context_stacks and exit_status /loops.23:44
xnoxhallyn: recompile libnih and see if that helps your test-case at all.23:44
hallynxnox: thanks!  i'll do that and proceed from there (talk to jodh and yourself i guess)23:45
miseria"un maniatico destruye lo que el mecanico  no puede arreglar, como ejemplo tenemos el calentamiento global" bienvenidos: http://castroruben.com *temo_a_un_ser_sin_rival*23:52

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