
=== Ursinha is now known as Ursinha-afk
=== Ursinha-afk is now known as Ursinha
pittiGood morning05:39
dkesselGood morning pitti06:54
DanChapmangood morning07:41
elfyhi DanChapman07:41
DanChapmanelfy hey there :-) how's it going?07:45
elfypretty good thanks - you?07:47
elfyDanChapman: you could possibly do me a favour today - being used to a UK keyboard, install Xubuntu - see if you get this bug 128463507:48
ubot5bug 1284635 in ibus (Ubuntu) "Keyboard layout changes after login" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/128463507:48
DanChapmanyeah not bad thanks, sure elfy i'll have to do it after the school run though :-)07:51
elfyDanChapman: I remember those days :p07:51
jibelgood morning.08:13
jibelpitti, did you have a look at raring and saucy desktop lts upgrades? If not I will, it looks suspicious08:14
pittijibel: ah, not yet; I didn't check upgrades this morning yet08:14
jibelespecially because there is no reason it fails this way on one arch and not ths other08:15
pittijibel: argh, I was just hunting the "no autopkgtests run for new source package"08:35
pittijibel: turns out our tests had a copy&paste bug, they actually work now08:36
jibelargh, indeed08:36
pittijibel: but you are rewriting that whole thing anyway, so I guess I stop looking at the old code now08:37
jibelpitti, yes, I'm rewriting autopkgtest.py but I'll have to change the existing testsuite because adt-britney will be reduced to blindly submitting tests and collecting results08:39
davmor2Morning all10:56
jibelGood morning davmor210:56
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jibelxnox, do you know any change between desktop 20140311 and 20140312 which could have removed the step "ubuntu one" in ubiquity?13:32
jibelversion of ubiquity is the same 2.17.813:32
xnoxjibel: yes. I've unseeded it from the cd, because it is buggy at the moment.13:32
xnoxjibel: it was a cd / iso image building seed change. The ubuntuone plugin package is simply not there.13:32
jibelxnox, thanks, I'll update the tests.13:32
xnoxjibel: i need to resolve bugs in it, before putting it back.13:33
xnoxjibel: cause failing installations is un-acceptable.13:33
jibelxnox, agreed, tell me when you put it back and put it back in the tests too13:33
xnoxjibel: ack. Sorry about not warning you in advance.13:34
jibelxnox, np13:34
jibelxnox, I'll try to make a smart fix to run u1 tests only when it is installed and supposed to run13:35
xnoxjibel: yeah, one can check that package name is present13:37
knomeballoons, any reason why the tracker updating perl script is not in the repository? :)14:10
balloonsknome, because like all good hacks it's never died or been re-written14:11
balloonsthus, I suppose it now befits a place in the repo14:11
knomei'll push it ;)14:12
knomeit's up14:13
dkesselhello balloons14:18
balloonswhy hello dkessel14:18
dkesselballoons: yesterday i thought about running ap tests in a xubuntu environment. thomir said he believes it might be doable. i'm not so sure... ap tests are run in a VM from a ubuntu iso image, right?14:23
balloonsdkessel, well that depends. For ubiquity yes. But for like the core apps it's run in xfvb, no de or wm14:24
balloonsi guess it's a bit odd the xfce apps don't like to be introspected14:25
DanChapmanjibel, i was just coming to speak to you about the U1 page and I see you beat me to it :-)14:25
balloons:-) interesting it was removed14:26
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dkesselballoons: so you believe the first step would be to check if there is any way to make the introspection work?14:27
balloonsdkessel, I believe that is the hindrance. I don't see any issue running the tests under any de14:29
balloonsAP uses X11 or Mir.. that's the only requirements14:30
DanChapmanballoons: also it needs to be registered on dbus i believe. which quite a few of XFCE  apps don't use14:33
balloonsDanChapman, ohh right.. for introspection to work, the app needs to use dbus. So if that's true about xfce apps, than indeed AP won't work on them14:34
DanChapmanballoons: indeed, i've seen apps like mousepad have the option to run on dbus but it's not required but thats gtk2 anyway which blocks it anyway14:35
dkesselDanChapman :/14:38
balloonsis xfce going to move off gtk2 ever?14:39
DanChapmanballoons: i believe they are maiing the transition atm14:39
balloonsif they move to gtk3, will they use dbus or no?14:39
DanChapmani have no idea :-/14:43
elfyhi both14:47
balloonsbuenos días elopio14:47
elfyDanChapman: did you manage to check that bug?14:47
balloonswe need to look a bit further into the qt 5.2 introduced failures.. need to pick up the fri afternoon conversation again14:48
balloonselopio, ^^14:48
DanChapmanelfy I can confirm it, I had it sitting there in my browser thinking i'd saved it but i hadn't. thnks for the reminder14:51
elfyDanChapman: cool - sort of lol14:51
elfyI'd love to know what the issue is with ibus there - but I don't and can do no more than I have14:52
balloonswhich bug?14:52
elfyif it's not fixed before release every lubuntu/xubuntu and ubuntustudio is going to have the same thing14:52
elfybug 128463514:53
ubot5bug 1284635 in ibus (Ubuntu) "Keyboard layout changes after login" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/128463514:53
DanChapmanballoons: https://launchpad.net/bugs/128463514:53
elfyDanChapman: yea :-/14:53
elfythough I think if push comes to shove for us we'll just not seed ibus14:54
elfyballoons: I found that with a password with an # in it - the password is right, the password is right :|14:55
balloonswild bug14:56
elfyballoons: it certainly is14:58
knometame it15:01
elfyI did15:01
elfyinstalled fedora :p15:02
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elfyDanChapman: thanks for Me Too'ing and posting in it15:21
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senanballoons, danchapman, hey :)17:15
senanballoons, can you please review my code ?17:16
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balloonsknome, re: community. I'm reading your old post and digging in the wayback machine to find what you've linked to18:03
balloonsI'm also eating a sandwich with green sauce.. yay st patty's day.. heh18:04
DanChapmano.O green sauce?18:10
balloonsDanChapman, the curse of having a lovely wife who can cook, but also has a sense of humor :-) I believe it was dyed mustard18:11
DanChapmanballoons: heh that's rather funny!! :-D18:12
balloonsDanChapman, while I have you, have you encountered issues with gtk apps spawning windows offscreen or otherwise undisplayed while running tests?18:14
DanChapmanballoons: no I havn't, the only issues i've seen are with some of the recent compiz bugs (which i think are now fixed) where mouse clicks were not anywhere near the mouse pointer and window chrome vanished.18:23
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letozafballoons, hello20:07
balloonshello lderan20:08
balloonshello letozaf :-)20:08
dkesselgood evening letozaf20:08
letozafdkessel, hello :D20:08
letozafballoons, I have another error, a new one on launching reminders app20:09
letozafballoons, http://paste.ubuntu.com/7110202/20:10
letozafballoons, so I am stuck againg :P20:10
balloonsletozaf, can you push your latest code?20:13
lderanhello balloons20:13
letozafballoons, ok just a second20:13
letozafballoons, ok done:lp:~carla-sella/reminders-app/new-reminders-app-tests20:15
letozafballoons, what does this mean : Launchpad encountered an internal error during the following operation: generating an incremental diff for a merge proposal.  It was logged with id OOPS-d9266c38aa41172fde407fdadff24aec.  Sorry for the inconvenience.20:17
letozafballoons, hope I did nothing wrong :P20:17
balloonsok I got everything :-)20:20
balloonsletozaf, so I'm playing with the new -q option for reminders20:39
letozafballoons, what does it do exactly ?20:40
letozafballoons, found it with -h20:40
letozafballoons, I will try too20:40
balloonsyep :-)20:42
balloonsso I'm trying to launch by passing the qml file20:42
balloonsletozaf, you should see something like using main qml file from:20:45
balloonsletozaf, so much is happening with this I think we should push a merge to just get the launch working and the emulator setup20:48
balloonsthen push tests20:48
letozafballoons, ok20:49
letozafballoons, let me se what happens20:49
balloonsI made some tweaks, but I20:50
balloonsstill confused on running from a local binary20:50
letozafballoons, I skipped the only test ad left only the part that launches reminders app, but the error is still there20:52
balloonsletozaf, yes no worries20:53
balloonsok, here's what I understand :-)20:53
balloonswe can't launch this via qmlscene and must use a compiled binary20:53
letozafballoons, how do you do that ?20:54
balloonsso in order to test locally, we need to build the binary first20:54
balloonsyou can do that using cmake .20:54
balloonsthe binary then ends up in src/app/reminders20:54
balloonsthen, we can launch this binary and pass it -q with a link to the local reminders.qml file20:54
balloonswhich is src/app/qml/reminders.qml20:54
letozafballoons, ok, so let me try20:55
balloonsletozaf, I should share my current changes I guess to20:55
letozafballoons, ok20:57
balloonsletozaf, so that now launches properly with a local binary :-)20:58
balloonsI'm going to clean that a little, propose an mp and have you review. we'll merge it, then work on getting tests going20:59
letozafballoons, thanks I will try it now20:59
balloonsthat way, this first part is out of the way20:59
letozafballoons, but the cmake . stuff should also that be done in the test ?20:59
balloonsit's something you would need to do if you want to test against a local changes21:00
balloonsif you are just writing tests it's likely you don't need to build a local copy and it will fall back to an installed version21:00
letozafballoons, oh yes you are right !21:00
balloonswe might need to build local copies at first while developing things tho21:01
letozafballoons, and what about autopilot vis ?21:01
letozafballoons, can we use it now ? and how ?21:02
balloonsautopilot vis should now work via reminders or reminders -q21:02
balloonswith the qml attached21:02
letozafballoons, I have tried without success, but maybe I did something wrong21:02
balloonsautopilot launch -i Qt reminders fails?21:03
balloonsletozaf, ok here's the mp: https://code.launchpad.net/~nskaggs/reminders-app/base-ap/+merge/21140921:04
balloonsso that has no tests, just the launch changes and re-org work you've done21:05
balloonsletozaf, ahh I see what you mean on reminders21:06
balloonsthat's step two, we'll tackle that once this merges21:06
letozafballoons, ok21:06
balloonsit's really hard to share the problem with folks if it's not in trunk21:07
balloonsthis should help21:07
letozafballoons, ok I approved the review request21:07
balloonsperfect.. ok, we'll let that merge21:08
balloonsnow the fun stuff. why is the binary not introspecting21:08
letozafballoons, :)21:08
balloonsletozaf, so I'm working on adding those bits to reminders so it works21:55
balloonsI'll try and land it asap21:55
balloonsit's not building atm :-(21:55
letozafballoons, ok, I think I will go to bed for now :D21:55
letozafballoons, ciao and thanks21:56
balloonsthank you as always21:56
letozafballoons, :D21:56
=== Ursinha is now known as Ursinha-afk

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