
rick_h_applications for GSoC starting to roll in. Man this is going to be so hard to pick 200:45
mrgoodcatlol did you see Hubert?01:50
mrgoodcatlittle late to the party01:50
mrgoodcati almost feel bad02:01
bookiebotSearches most recent copy of bookie repo for function definitions; Update repo with .pull; Syntax: .func <regex>02:29
mrgoodcat.help func02:29
bookiebotSearches most recent copy of bookie repo for function definitions; Update repo with .pull; Syntax: .func <regex>02:29
mrgoodcat.help list02:29
bookiebotno docs for command02:29
bookiebotecho func help list pull relist sleep02:29
mrgoodcat.help asdf02:29
bookiebotno such command02:29
cmaloneyjcastro: http://www.theregister.co.uk/2014/03/15/windows_desktop_and_laptop_market_share_dips_below_90_per_cent02:37
cmaloneyAbout the only thing I got wrong in our bet was the timeframe. ;)02:37
cmaloneyThat and not counting iOS. :)02:37
mrgoodcatbelow 90%02:38
mrgoodcati like how below 90% is considered a huge problem02:38
cmaloneyOur bet was Mac marketshare at 10%02:38
mrgoodcateveryone else considers that a monopoly02:38
rick_h_and +1 ugh, but got to sleep in a bit so yay12:12
brouschJust a bit?12:14
cmaloneyYeh, acc. to the fitbit I got 5h30m sleep12:15
mrgoodcatrick_h_: how was GR?12:35
brouschGR is awesome with every metric you choose12:44
rick_h_mrgoodcat: good stuff. Parking was meh but we had a good day12:45
mrgoodcatbrousch: are you from gr?12:46
brouschWest MI in general12:47
mrgoodcati'll agree with you all day on that12:47
brouschrick_h_: I've never seen that parking ramp full except during ArtPrize and museum new exhibit openings. It was really odd for it to be so busy on the 3rd weekend12:48
mrgoodcati love traverse city, kalamazoo, and grand rapids12:48
rick_h_woot! pocket casts now with chromecast support13:06
rick_h_<3 the world we live in13:07
mrgoodcatchromecast ias been really bad to me13:08
rick_h_why so? The only issue I find is that the chrome extention has to be disabled/enabled every so often as it loses the connection to the chromecast13:08
brouschmrgoodcat: Did it kill your good cat?13:08
mrgoodcati had a really hard time with initial setup13:09
mrgoodcatand occasionally it will lose connection to my wifi13:09
brouschIt has worked very well for me13:09
mrgoodcatthe chromecast extension is total garbage13:09
brouschBut i use it almost exclusively from Android13:09
mrgoodcatand the sound cuts out occasionally13:10
mrgoodcati use it exclusively from android and chrome os13:10
mrgoodcatyou would think it would work the best13:10
mrgoodcatit just feels like a beta product13:10
brouschAlso I basically just use netflix and youtube13:10
mrgoodcatyoutube is the worst for sound cut out13:10
mrgoodcati use it for netflix, youtube, and google play movies13:11
brouschI've had no sound problems13:12
cmaloneymrgoodcat: How far away from your wifi is the Chromecast?13:12
brouschPlayed 2 different 1.5 hour long youtube videos yesterday13:12
mrgoodcatabout 20 feet13:12
mrgoodcataccross the same room13:12
mrgoodcatline of sight13:13
mrgoodcati even switched routers13:13
mrgoodcati have a netgear r6300 right now13:13
mrgoodcatbut i had a belkin before13:13
brouschdoes it go through the TV to get to the router?13:14
mrgoodcatsort of but not really. its on an angle13:15
mrgoodcatabout 45 degrees13:16
cmaloneyTrying duplicity again for local backup.14:07
cmaloneyI think the biggest problem I have is trying to backup 10lbs of shit in a 5lb bag.14:07
cmaloneyBut did decide to turn off journaling on the backup drive as I think it was rather unnecessary.14:08
mrgoodcatduplicity is actually really good14:21
mrgoodcatrick_h_ has the patience of a saint14:22
mrgoodcatno way i could be a GSoC mentor14:22
mrgoodcatnot that i believe anyone would actually want me to mentor them14:23
mrgoodcatmeanwhile on the set of Ocean's fourteen http://bit.ly/1md2O9A14:30
jrwrenrick_h_ is a manager. You can call him Mister Manager.15:14
rick_h_huh? I'd not recommend it :P15:14
cmaloneymy only problem with Duplicity is it takes forever to complete15:19
rick_h_cmaloney: my first sync to my NAS took 4 days15:20
rick_h_it's what it takes to start a backup15:20
cmaloneyrdiff-backup is much quicker15:20
cmaloneybut it also tends to lunch itself if the dest volume fills up15:21
cmaloneywhich seems to happen to me if I use VBox. The image files change enough to make things not want to work right15:21
cmaloneygreg-g: obnam is fine save for a few problems:15:21
cmaloney1) I've never seen it finish.15:22
cmaloney2) See above.15:22
greg-gcmaloney: finishes for me15:22
greg-gcmaloney: did you follow the guide and start with a subset?15:23
greg-gobnam backup $HOME/somesubdir15:23
cmaloneygreg-g: I had one version when I tried it that was completely borked.15:23
cmaloneyNo, I tried the whole hog15:23
* greg-g shrugs15:23
greg-gworks great for me15:23
cmaloneyIt was before 1.0 released.15:23
greg-ga incremental now takes about 10 minutes15:23
greg-gspeed isn't it's strong point, though15:24
cmaloneyRight. I need something that's a little quicker than Obnam15:24
cmaloneyalso space efficient15:24
greg-gobnam does dedup15:24
cmaloneyalso: could be conflating obnam with duplicity.15:25
greg-gI don't know the others too well anymore15:25
greg-gother than "rsync"15:25
cmaloneyYeah, rsync is awesome15:25
cmaloneyI swear if rsync stopped working I think I'd seriously have to consider not jumping off of a bridge.15:25
greg-gif you don't want versioning, it Just Works15:25
cmaloneyI used to use rsnapshot. Liked it a lot but rdiff-backup was more efficient15:26
greg-grick_h_: you made me chuckle out loud in the office: https://twitter.com/shmcmahon/status/44532965660282060815:29
rick_h_such great stuff http://docs.python.org/3.4/whatsnew/3.4.html15:29
rick_h_greg-g: <315:29
jrwrentime to move to python315:31
jrwrenrsync isn't backups.15:31
jrwrenif you delete a file, and rsync runs and deletes the synced files, you cannot recover.15:31
jrwrenor rather... rsync MIGHT be a backup - if you have a stupid recovery specification15:32
greg-gjrwren: that15:32
rick_h_well, there's different kinds of backups. Full versioning isn't always necessary and if you don't do -e you can rsync and keep old files around15:32
rick_h_but they're the latest version15:32
rick_h_and you are backing up multiple locations right?15:32
greg-gI've been bitten by the "new version wasn't right" bug15:32
jrwreni like to say - there is no such thing as backups. There is only restores.15:32
rick_h_greg-g: yea, but that's another level of 'data lost'15:33
cmaloneyjrwren: Deep maaaaaaaan15:33
greg-gluckily I could go through git-annex's previous versions15:33
jrwrentar -cf - / >/dev/null   # is a backup15:33
cmaloneyOK, I do not like git annex.15:33
cmaloneyI tried it for my book collection and hated it15:33
jrwreni neither like nor dislike git annex.15:33
greg-gcmaloney: which part?15:33
cmaloneygreg-g: The "files are not real files" part.15:33
cmaloneythe "syncing takes longer than rsync" part15:34
greg-gah, so, "git-annex direct" will make you happy15:34
cmaloneythe "holy shit I think I just did something stupid and now I have to restore from backup" part.15:34
cmaloneythat part.15:34
greg-gcmaloney: there's this pattern I see in you: you want speed at the expense of well written software that guards against data loss ;)15:34
cmaloneygreg-g: Point15:35
greg-gbut seriously, git-annex direct makes the files real files, but you loss a ton of git-annex's safe guarding15:35
cmaloneyI think the main part was I didn't understand what it made it tick15:35
cmaloneyand that ultimately wasn't what I had in mind.15:35
cmaloneyYeah, familiar with it15:36
cmaloneybut what I really wanted (in this case) was a way to sync my books to my laptop15:36
greg-gyeah, I've gotten to the point where I know how it works (mostly, not all) and thus I grok it, and when grok something, you love something ;)15:36
cmaloneyand rsync does that nicely15:36
rick_h_greg-g: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SS516maqfAg woot looks like it's up15:37
rick_h_it's a talk I should try to give again. I could use a few iterations on it.15:39
* greg-g is listening15:42
mrgoodcatlol i love the description15:44
mrgoodcat"he's been a team lead for about 10 minutes"15:44
rick_h_talk the talk with a giant salt lick15:45
mrgoodcatand a shot of tequila15:51
greg-grick_h_: when are your daily standups? time of day? where does your team live?15:56
rick_h_greg-g: so ours is 11am est. We have folks in italy, EDT, and mountain time in CO and Canada15:56
rick_h_greg-g: so 9am for the western folks, after lunch for guy in italy15:57
* greg-g nods15:57
greg-gwe have a senior dev in Australia15:57
greg-gkinda fucks everything over15:57
rick_h_greg-g: yea, we've got a design guy in AU. So I'll meet with him at night as needed and we tend to have more of a weekly catchup with him15:58
rick_h_greg-g: but we track his work on the board15:58
* greg-g nods15:58
greg-grick_h_: slides with links to your boards? (sorry for interrupting, but you're a manager now, you HAVE to multitask)16:03
rick_h_greg-g: :P16:03
rick_h_greg-g: the big work board isn't publicly avail16:03
rick_h_greg-g: I'd be happy to do a hangout/screenshare if you want a walk through/questions16:03
rick_h_but it's behind a login16:03
* greg-g nods16:04
rick_h_and shared the slides doc with you16:04
greg-gty sir!16:05
greg-gthe requirements on code review based on diff size16:05
greg-gwe don't have such crazy rules like that16:05
rick_h_it helps break code down and prevent massive diffs that talk days to review16:06
rick_h_and I think is a really really good thing16:06
greg-gyeah, I like it16:06
rick_h_helps break that 3 day card to two 1 day tasks16:06
greg-gwe don't have too much of a problem with that, but it does happen16:06
greg-gwe have a huge rewrite of one of our extensions just sitting there because, well, it's a rewrite, all at once16:06
rick_h_yea, sometimes we have to do more work to do things behind feature flags and such but it makes things not get hung up for so long and impossible to merge16:07
rick_h_trade wasted time in making things landable as you go vs removing that cruft once it all does land16:07
greg-gpeople need to get more comfortable with feature flags16:08
greg-grick_h_: does whatever ya'll use for code reviews enforce that, or is it team enforced?16:08
rick_h_we've got a few good lessons on using those. Working in the negative case vs the positive for 'is the flag on' to aid cleaning up a closed flag16:08
rick_h_greg-g: team enforced16:09
* greg-g nods16:09
rick_h_once in a while we let one go because of the nature of the work16:09
rick_h_or things like "mechanical change, moved x to y"16:09
greg-ga tool enforced thing would need an override feature16:09
rick_h_but nice because you need break the work from mechanical vs actual changes in a big branch16:09
greg-ghuh, yeah16:09
jrwrenwhoa! pep442 finally makes python GC not crazy! :)16:13
cmaloneyI heard one anecdote from a developer that when he worked at $COMPANY they had an onerous process for landing program changes into production16:56
cmaloneyso the developers learned to make all of their code work via the database instead.16:57
cmaloneybecause that was less controlled than the codebase16:57
greg-gbrings a whole new meaning to "data is code, code is data"16:57
rick_h_yea db needs the same process16:57
cmaloneyTheir code essentially became a boot-loader for code in the database16:57
cmaloneyI'd rather the lesson be that you can get to the point where your process is more important than actually getthing things done.16:58
cmaloney(but yeah, your database should also have some rigor to it)16:59
greg-goh good: http://www.google.com/appsstatus#hl=en&v=status16:59
rick_h_well the trouble is that is takes a lot of time to get the process right17:00
greg-galso, yay depending on a service without an SLA17:00
rick_h_until you've got the smooth running process changes tend to be big and infrequent which just makes them harder17:00
rick_h_but until you get it smooth you won't get small frequent changes that are more ideal17:00
rick_h_greg-g: yea :/17:00
rick_h_we'll see if I'll be doing my hangout interviews this afternoon17:00
greg-gguess who has a Ops-wide team meeting over hangouts soon?17:00
cmaloneyrick_h_: Agreed, but developers tend to see processes that are too strict as damage and route around it.17:01
rick_h_cmaloney: yea, understand17:01
cmaloney++ for creative solutions, but their code suffered as a result.17:01
cmaloneyWe saw that with FieldConnect and their backward waterfall process.17:02
cmaloneyIt was a challenge to get anything promoted to production so it felt like a major accomplishment to land any change.17:04
rick_h_right, the goal of any process should be making it faster and easier to land things safely17:05
cmaloneymuch like figuring out the controls to an arcade game.17:05
cmaloneyIt should be this simple: http://www.tokensonly.com/images/events/morgan-beckman/images/morgan-b-gameroom-40.JPG17:09
cmaloney(That's Badlands, a laser disc game that had one single button).17:10
cmaloney(Note: The game was terrible).17:10
cmaloneyhttp://www.emuparadise.me/MAME/cabinets/thayers.png <- This was our launch process.17:11
cmaloneyAlso: Thayer's Quest was interesting, but not terribly friendly to newcomers.17:15
greg-g"Since GateKeeper is essentially a runtime business rules engine, it was heavily abused to effectively execute code living in a database. Avoid this through simpler design or a policy of sanity."17:57
greg-gfrom https://secure.phabricator.com/book/phabflavor/article/recommendations_on_branching/17:57
cmaloneygreg-g: re: Techcrunch article on harassment: I take most things from TechCrunch with a grain of skepticism.19:25
cmaloneyBut even if 70% of what is in that article pans out, that's reprehensible.19:26
cmaloney(was re: http://techcrunch.com/2014/03/15/julie-ann-horvath-describes-sexism-and-intimidation-behind-her-github-exit/)19:26
mrgoodcatmaybe i should ad a rickstatus command to bookiebot lol19:45
rick_h_mrgoodcat: :P19:45
rick_h_seems that way "eyeballs averted don't type out 10 things"19:45
mrgoodcati was considering making it so if a new person joined that the bot had never seen before it would greet him with some sort of message linking to the docs and such19:50
mrgoodcatmaybe after i finish the switch to sqlalchemy19:51
cmaloneynah, just have it display that every 5 minutes. ;)20:02
jrwrencmaloney: reprehensible!20:03
mrgoodcatcron job20:03
mrgoodcati'm rewriting my go bot as well20:04
cmaloneymrgoodcat: https://bmark.us/craig/redirect/7f0f9f24bb793f20:06
cmaloney(that's what I think of whenever I hear 'go bot' ;)20:06
mrgoodcatinteresting idea... maybe i should write a bot in go to play go20:10
mrgoodcati've made a few sudoku solvers20:10
rick_h_jrwren: w...t...f? 3252 queries?20:20
mrgoodcatqueries on what?20:20
jrwrenwhich only takes 7s, which i'm totally OK with.20:21
rick_h_no, we don't do that anywhere20:21
greg-gcmaloney: yeah, github has a culture problem. always had. They just now (Jan '14) hired a head of HR.  That shows a real problem.20:21
mrgoodcati'm confused20:21
rick_h_jrwren: ugh, any web thing taking 7s needs to be shot unless it's a one off admin only view20:21
jrwrenassume its not web.20:21
rick_h_still, that'll drop your job20:21
rick_h_I'm done for today, wtf20:21
greg-grick_h_: don't load the Barack Obama article on WP (slow because of how well cited it is)20:21
rick_h_it's 4:20?!20:21
jrwrenstill, the 70s total is what I find unacceptable.20:21
rick_h_holy crap, /me missed the last 2 hours20:22
jrwrenrick_h_: spark it up!20:22
cmaloneyOK, did anyone follow anything that rick_h_ and jrwren said since 4:20? :)20:24
rick_h_context https://twitter.com/JayRWren/status/44565447964846080020:25
rick_h_I'm a little bit less crazy than I seem...usually20:25
cmaloneyWhat the fuck?20:25
mrgoodcatjrwren: why are you making so many queries on one webview?20:26
cmaloneyWhat the hell are you loading?20:26
mrgoodcatwhelp, that's the end of my workday20:28
cmaloneyYeah, same here.20:29
cmaloneynew OMC tonight with any luck.20:29
greg-gthis thread makes me sad: https://twitter.com/faidonl/status/42410856257959116820:33
greg-g(Faidon is an Ops engineer at WMF, also a DD (paravoid))20:33
rick_h_greg-g: :(20:50
cmaloneySo basically what Varnish just did was give everyone a reason to not use Varnish.23:50

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