
=== rynomster is now known as Rynomster
nuvolario/ mornings05:31
SpekkoMorning people05:36
bduk1Morning everyone05:43
Kilosmorning jabberwocky93 Spekko Squirm psydroid1 and inetpro 06:03
Kiloshi charl 06:03
jabberwocky93morning Kilos06:05
jabberwocky93maas coffee on06:05
jabberwocky93Maaz: coffee on06:05
* Maaz washes some mugs06:05
KilosMaaz coffee please06:05
MaazKilos: Okay06:05
* jabberwocky93 almost made a typo in the second attempt06:05
KilosMaaz rusks please06:05
Maazbehind the calender on top of the fridge, but dont tell everyone Kilos06:05
SquirmMaaz: largest06:06
MaazWhew do you want a bath full Squirm?06:06
Kilosbathing in milk gave cleopatra a white milky complexion06:09
MaazCoffee's ready for jabberwocky93 and Kilos!06:09
Kilosbathing in coffee makes you look like barak obama06:09
KilosMaaz ty06:09
MaazYou are welcome Kilos06:09
SpekkoMorning Kilos06:10
superflyguten morgen06:55
Kilosguten morgen superfly 06:56
Kiloshi ThatGraemeGuy 06:56
ThatGraemeGuymorning all06:57
Kiloshi Vince-0 07:16
Vince-0Hi Kilos 07:17
Vince-0lekka Internet in paradise07:34
Kilos-mine is trying to sort modems that why in out08:12
magespawngood morning08:13
Kilos-hi magespawn 08:15
magespawnhey Kilos-, whats with the tail?08:16
Kilos-oh my sorry08:16
=== Kilos- is now known as Kilos
magespawnno worries, looks rather stylish08:17
Kilosi got nm seeing two modems at once and havent even added a script for it yet08:17
Kilosbut i cant get kde nm to see the d-link yet08:18
Kilosvery interesting business this08:18
Kilosyou get the .deb off the dwm-156 and install it08:19
Kilosthen it connects on booting but not seen in nm08:19
Kilosonly way i found to kill it is with sakis3g08:19
magespawnyou getting to be the modem master08:20
Kilosbut i sukkel man08:21
Kilosgot lekker modem working tools but all for xp08:21
Kilosand i dont wanna fiddle in my first new modem08:22
Kilosbut i need it connecting stably so i can then brick the zte mf19008:22
magespawnPatience will get you a long way Kilos 08:23
Kilosi bricked your e220 fiddling with a hex editor and nearly cried08:24
Kilosthen found a way to force new firmware in08:24
Kiloshows things by you and family magespawn 08:25
magespawnall good, taking a bit of getting used to me not being there for two nights a week08:26
Kilosyou in jhb then?08:27
Kiloshi spinza 08:27
Kilosinetpro good morning08:27
magespawnno, Empangeni, family still in Hluhluwe08:27
Kiloswhats in pangeni08:28
magespawnthe head office and two of the other properties08:28
Kilosyou about 100ks away hey08:28
Kiloshi psyatw 08:45
psyatwhi Kilos08:53
magespawnhi psyatw 09:16
psyatwhi magespawn09:17
Kilosai! now imageshack wants you to upgrade to a pay account10:23
Kiloshi liamjt 10:30
Kilosmixed up nick today10:31
Kilosoh you here 2 times twice10:31
Kilosoh my here comes a storm10:32
liamTwhy am I here twice, what's going on ?10:32
Kilosif our power goes off i lose my modem10:32
liamTliamjt seems to be coming from my pc, as well as liamT, odd10:35
Kilosyeah i get same addy on both10:36
liamTit happens when you open the program twice 10:48
liamTwho knew ?10:49
Kilosja bduk1 waar is mazal?11:33
Kilossjoe inetpro lyk of groot water van die weste af kom11:36
magespawnback again11:48
Kiloswb magespawn storming here so who knows how long ill be here11:49
Kilosmaybe safer to shutdown for a while11:49
Kilosaw i missed amai14:10
Kilosmaiaas well14:11
Kiloshiya maiatoday  wb14:24
Kiloshow are you girl14:24
maiatodayfine thankx Kilos 14:25
magespawnlater a;; home time14:26
magespawnall too14:26
Kilossup Vince-0 14:52
Kilosfound tools for modern 3g modems14:52
Kilosscared to use them at the moment though14:52
charlgood afternoon15:00
charlMaaz: coffee on15:00
* Maaz washes some mugs15:00
charlhi Kilos15:00
Kiloshi charl 15:01
Kilosme finding lekker tools15:01
Kilosbut everything is for windows15:01
charlthat looks like it's for linux?15:03
charlhi Golynx 15:04
MaazCoffee's ready for charl!15:04
charlMaaz: thanks15:04
Maazcharl: Okay :-)15:04
Golynxhi charl15:04
Kiloshi Golynx 15:08
Golynxhi Kilos15:08
Kiloshi not_found at work again?15:50
Kilosscream when you are bored15:51
Golynxhey not_found15:51
Golynxlol Kilos15:51
not_foundonly 11 more hours to go... why would I get bored :'(15:51
not_foundhi Golynx15:52
Kiloshey not_found can you google there when you are bored?15:54
not_foundgot an ssh tunnel set up so the internets are wide open to me now15:55
Kilosi have found a tool for removing that virtual cdrom from sticks but dont know what that will do to the modem part15:56
not_foundsounds like a one way mission :p15:56
Kilosi dunno thats why i want to find out before i try it15:57
Kilosisnt all that stuff in there for installing on windows mainly15:58
Kiloswb liamT 15:58
Kilosstop with the tongue neelsie ill post a sharp knife just now15:58
Kilosthats a better one15:59
inetprogood morning16:53
Maazinetpro: By the way, Kilos on freenode told me "tell inetpro kyk onder in die lienk http://www.zeroshell.org/forum/viewtopic.php?t=3548&sid=2ac3f79a6dbe52d45421ee37e5d7ab70" 1 day, 6 hours, 6 minutes and 25 seconds ago16:53
not_foundhi inetpro16:58
inetprohi not_found16:59
kbmonkeyhello there17:23
kbmonkeyhello Kilos 17:23
Kiloshi kbmonkey hows you?17:27
kbmonkeyfine Kilos how are you?17:29
Kilosgood ty17:29
kbmonkeyinternet still down at work, I get sent to someone else's office to work.17:30
not_foundo/ kbmonkey17:30
kbmonkeyin between I pack boxes for my move in 2 weeks17:30
kbmonkeyand this weekend travelling to jhb for my future brother in law's bachelor's party17:30
kbmonkeyand showing the flat to people, its busy lol17:31
kbmonkeyoh and the bank sudenly told me I have to renew my card, wow what is happening XD17:31
Kilosfunny things happen all over17:32
Kilosive had an account with imageshack for some years17:32
Kilosnow they sai it expires in 30 days17:33
kbmonkeyja, and my voda phone contract ends next month. I think Im going to cancel. get top-up - cheaper17:33
Kilostopup=pay as you go?17:34
kbmonkeyyes I guess that17:37
Golynxbetaal soos jy gaan = less stress i think17:38
Golynxhi kbmonkey17:38
kbmonkeyhi Golynx, I agree XD17:38
Kilosya much better17:38
Kilosthen its a pleasure not a commitment17:39
Kiloshi Private_User what did you break17:48
Private_Userhey Kilos17:48
kbmonkeyIm going to shower and eat something17:48
Private_Userhmm,,. does it taste good soaking wet?17:49
charli hear it is raining cats and dogs there17:50
Private_Userhehehe nothing broke yet... I think...17:51
charlexcept the clouds, they are leaking17:51
Kilosonly had 1mm this avy charl now its gone17:52
Golynxhi Private_User17:52
charlah that's nothing17:52
Private_Userhiya Golynx17:52
Kilosbut some places are flooded out i see on the news17:52
Private_Userand 'sup charl17:53
Private_Userand kbmonkey17:53
charlhi Kilos, Private_User 17:53
Private_Useralthough he is gone to shower and eat something17:53
Private_Userbrb, gonna go eat food. maybe next time I will try something showered ;) ...hehehe17:57
inetprokbmonkey: depending on how much you use your phone, pay as you go can be more expensive18:18
Kilosnaand inetpro 18:19
* inetpro hates how the mobile companies force the poor guy on the street to communicate less18:19
inetprohi Kilos18:19
inetpropoor guys also have family and friends to talk to18:19
* Golynx blames Vodacom and MTN18:20
Golynx20c per minute, is too much to ask for them18:21
Kiloswow is that what it costs now18:21
Kilosim sure when i stopped foning it was near R3 a min18:22
GolynxKilos nope, thats what ICASA wants to make it18:22
Kilosoh 20c is good then18:22
Golynxbut those companies wana take them to court over it18:22
Kilosya they making a fortune and dont want to lose it18:23
Golynxlol R3 is too much 18:23
Kilosthen they might have to work for a living18:23
Golynxlol ya18:23
Kilosused to be expensive when cells came out18:23
Golynxstill they struggle to get below R1 now18:25
Kilosi gave up and only foned my mom and everyone else got an sms18:26
inetprowhat does a local Telkom landline call cost these days?18:28
inetprothink it is something like 18c per minute18:30
inetpro0.3c per sec18:30
inetprothose are the rates that we should should communicate with on mobiles18:30
inetprocommunicate at18:30
Kilosyeah they should put caps on what they can charge18:31
Kilosand force all to give same value for money18:31
inetproand no expensive advertising18:33
GolynxMTN is making a deal with Telkom http://www.techcentral.co.za/telkom-firms-up-mtn-deal-talks/46815/18:37
GolynxVodacom wants to do the same with Neotel18:37
Golynxdunno how this will impact the "poor guy" though18:41
Golynxhey smile18:42
Kiloshi smile 18:43
smilehi, restarting.. brb ;)18:48
smileback :p18:52
Kiloswassup smile 19:23
KilosMaaz coffee on19:29
* Maaz washes some mugs19:29
KilosMaaz hurry19:29
MaazMaking decent coffee is an art Kilos and should never be rushed19:29
MaazCoffee's ready for Kilos!19:33
KilosMaaz ty19:33
MaazYou are welcome Kilos19:33
charlhi smile19:45
charlwhow the security of whatsapp is a disaster19:47
Golynxcharl: is that the ssl part19:47
charlGolynx: https://twitter.com/kaepora/status/44562386406500761619:48
charlGolynx: http://blog.digital-forensics.it/2012/05/whatsapp-forensics.html19:48
Golynxhmm, and here i'm using sqlite for all my phonegap apps lol19:50
charlthat said, threema's security has been shot down pretty badly too19:51
charlor no sorry, i got that one confused, i was thinking of telegram19:53
Golynxthey should invest in better encryption though19:53
Golynxthats the only way to keep data safe19:54
GolynxEven the best encryption wont last a minute from what the NSA is building http://m.voanews.com/a/nsa-building-a-quantum-supercomputer/1822963.html19:56
charlthey are funding a project in NL too19:57
Kilosseems they want in everywhere19:58
charlif you read dutch: http://www.tudelft.nl/nl/actueel/laatste-nieuws/artikel/detail/nederlandse-overheid-geeft-startsein-voor-race-naar-quantumcomputer/19:58
Kilosi saw somewhere they had hijacked bots to use for spying19:59
charlwho knows what all these bots here are doing19:59
charlnobody knows what they are doing, even if they are coming from russian ips19:59
Kiloswell irc seems to have them under control now19:59
charlirc is a public and unencrypted medium in any case20:00
charlnothing we say or do here should not be on public record20:00
charli feel different about my private chats with friends and family though20:00
Kilosthose are the ones they want to spy on20:01
Kilosall those bots popping in here was for practise runs and to see who uses irc here and everywhere else20:02
Golynxthe NSA got some very attractive information that advertising agencies would pay a handsome sum of money for. Possibly a form of income for the US government aswell.20:03
charlgood point, never thought of it like that20:04
charlgive us companies the edge :)20:04
charlbut i have to say, what the GCHQ was doing with those webcams was just plain hilarious20:05
charlthey say that it became unmanagable inside the organisation because people ran amok watching all the porn20:05
Golynxlol i dont know about that, but it sounds funny as you said it :D20:07
smilehi charl :)20:11
smileI'm not really awake, going to bed..20:11
smilegood night :)20:11
Golynxnight smile :)20:11
Kilosnight smile20:11
charli'm gonna go take a shower and then off to bed too20:17
charlhave a good night all20:18
Golynxtake care charl20:18
Kilosnight charl 20:19
Private_Usercool charl, g'nite but let us know which brand you take to bed... ;)20:19
Private_Usergood night charl20:19
Golynxnight all!21:05
Kilosnight all. sleep tight21:31

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