
Bashing-omCoover55: nope, I am saying it may work, be prepared to chase down the UUIds particularly in /etc/fstab - FileSystenTABle 0 .00:00
Coover55How would I go about doing that then?00:00
Coover55Ah brb00:00
Bashing-omCoover55: Try it and see what results. Won't hurt a thing to try ( UEFI and all bets are off !).00:01
Coover55Bashing-om: My dad just asked what I was doing and I told him. He says don't do it it'll fuck up my Windows install and I'll have to reinstall00:04
Coover55I seriously doubt it but I can't do it now because he said so...00:05
Coover55Question though, Ubuntu 12.04 does support AMD processors, no?00:05
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Bashing-omCoover55: Windows7/8 = UEFI, and that my friend is a whole new ball game ! but just trying to boot an external hard drive will not hurt the main operating system, so long as you know how to adjust the booting orders.00:07
Coover55Not the booting the installation00:08
Coover55Although I'll be installing to the external hard drive so ah whatthehay00:08
Bashing-omCoover55: AMD64 is nd as been fully supported for the longest time.00:08
Coover55Bashing-om: Alright then. Thanks for your help, I'll give this a shot00:09
gr33n7007hDan, maybe /var/www00:09
Coover55If it doesn't update the kernel appropriately when I put the external hard drive into my laptop, what do I need to do to get it working right?00:09
Coover55Oh dang, it just got to another step. Surprised.00:09
gooses89Hey guys, I am planning on doing a full server migration using rsync. For this to to run smoothy I believe i should have the same kernel on both. One has  2.6.32-042stab076.8 and te other has 2.6.32-042stab081.8. How do I get those so that they are the same? Did some research and I can't find the info I'm looking for.00:10
DanGr33 tried it but it did not run it00:10
Bashing-omCoover55: If this is your father's computer, hey he best be at your side and approve of anything you do ! .. I got my kids their own computers to keep them from messing up mine !00:10
Coover55[system] Successfully activated service 'org.freedesktop.nm_dispatcher'00:10
gr33n7007hDan, have you started apache?00:10
Coover55It's not my dad's computer it's my own00:10
Coover55As well as my own laptop which I want to use for Ubuntu00:10
Jordan_UDan: How did you test it?00:10
Danumm to be hones got no clue i just rented the serv and im not familiar with linux at all00:11
Jordan_UDan: Is this server hosted by another company?00:11
Bashing-omCoover55: When it does not boot, you enable boot messages, start reading ALL the log files, and figure out the why.00:11
Danim renting it00:11
Coover55And how do I enable boot messages? Again not familiar with Linux or really any alternative OS00:12
Coover55Always been workin within Windows since I was 5 years old haha00:12
DanYes Jordan00:13
Jordan_UDan: What happens when you enter the ip address of this server into a web browser?00:13
Danumm it just showed the index it had before (it worrks but no content has been added )00:14
Danso i added my webfiles but no change00:14
Bashing-omCoover55: (oohh, be carefull), edit the file /etc/default/grub - after making a backup - and replce the terms "quiet splash" with "text". One time boot effort -> edit the boot grub parameters @ the grub boot menu.00:14
Bashing-omCoover55: Not a thing wrong with knowing Windows, ubuntu is a very different mind set ! .. things are not at all the same in most repects. steep learning curve.00:16
Danis there anything i have to do or something Jordan??00:16
Coover55Bashing-om: Editing the file seems pretty straightforward. I should be able to simply do this by accessing the file in question from Windows... right?00:16
Coover55Bashing-om: Or do I need to launch the Live CD to access the files?00:17
Coover55Bashing-om: And also, I have used the Live CD quite a bit and really love Ubuntu so far. Just wanna be able to save my data lol00:17
Bashing-omCoover55: Well, I am not Window literate, And yes one can enter the installed system through the liveDVD. (if one must when all attempts to boot have failed ).00:19
Coover55Bashing-om: Well, I will attempt to install it on my desktop and then switch it over to my laptop. They both have AMD processors and GPU's so hopefully it will work alright00:19
Coover55I'll be back in a little bit, probably00:20
Coover55Talk to you guys later! :)00:20
Coover55Wait one last question00:20
Bashing-omCoover55: You are well on your way to learning 'buntu. 1st rule is always always have a backup. With good backups and a liveDVD can fix anything that breaks !00:20
Coover55Bashing-om: By using this method it won't mess up anything on my current Win8.1 install (laptop, where I intend to use Ubuntu) nor my Win7 install (desktop, where I'm going to install to ext hard drive), correct?00:21
Bashing-omCoover55: Once more I stress, UEFI is a whole different thing. The partitioning on the hard drive for one is different, and how booting is set up for another. !!!00:24
Coover55UEFI Is how Windows boots, no?00:24
Bashing-omCoover55: Yeah, Wiondows 8 for sure, and maybe the later Windows 7 .. I say maybe !00:25
Coover55Bashing-om: Wait, for sure as in it WILL mess up the install, or that Win8 is booted with UEFI?00:25
Coover55Because when I set my BIOS to launch in UEFI boot it launches to Win8 but when set to CSM Boot it goes to Ubuntu00:26
gooses89 Hey guys, I am planning on doing a full server migration using rsync. For this to to run smoothy I believe i should have the same kernel on both. One has  2.6.32-042stab076.8 and te other has 2.6.32-042stab081.8. How do I get those so that they are the same? Did some research and I can't find the info I'm looking for.00:26
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frenchfaceHey I have just installed Ubuntu Server 12.04 and after it boot my monitor displays invalid input00:27
Bashing-omCoover55: Wont mess up the install .But EFI booting (Win8) is set up to load boot code in a particular way, now if in the booting process the EFI booting does not find what it is looking for, because it does not exist, will not boot.00:28
Coover55Alright then. Thanks man00:29
Bashing-omCoover55: sure ! ... TBH there are ways around UEFI, But we are not going there ! ( I do not do Windows)00:30
oneThe machine is having a problem where the dmesg returns permission denied after chmod 0600 to only allow root to veiw. What are some possible fixes?00:32
Jordan_UDan: Did you replace /var/www/index.html, or provide the path to one of your own files in the URL?00:32
bish0p_Hi, I'm trying to work with node.js in the terminal, and I'm getting errors. Should I ask about that here, or is there a channel I should go to?00:37
tewardbish0p_, maybe #node.js can help too?00:39
tewardbish0p_, you might want to start there, for specialized help, otherwise maybe we can help, if you ask specific questions.00:39
onebish0p_: What are the errors?00:40
bish0p_Ah, alright. I didn't know if they had a channel.00:40
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tewardbish0p_, you can always ask here, though, but we'd need more details than you've provided, such as a pastebin of the errors00:40
bish0p_I'm trying to install grunt, and it fails to fetch from the registry00:40
teward!pastebin > bish0p_00:40
ubottubish0p_, please see my private message00:40
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dfsasdfbish0p_, is that the same popcorn that's in the link on hacker news?00:47
DanJordan_U i did not replace it because the index for my website was in a different folder00:47
bish0p_dfsasdf, I got it from techcrunch, but I'd assume so.00:48
bish0p_Is there something wrong with the install?00:48
midmy wifi keeps disconnecting, i am using ubuntu 12.04, can someone further assist me in this problem?00:56
onemid monitor it with another machine00:57
midone, what do you mean?00:57
jbomid: It worked OK before?00:58
jboand It works OK on another machine?00:58
midjbo,  yes the internet is not the problem and yes it id work before but i forgot the process i did i know it was something with the realtek drivers00:59
midjbo, but now it is giving me nothing but problems01:00
RobDudeIs it 'safe' to install other window managers, like KDE or any of the others I"ve heard using apt-get; or is it likely to mess up my default Ubuntu stuff01:01
dfsasdfhow do i add that resource monitor to the top bar?  I dont seem to be able to right click to add it01:02
jbomid, may be you can manual configure the internet, such as IP address, DNS, gateway, and try it01:04
Shurpuhi there, if I backup my /home folder can I make a full reinstallation of Ubuntu (want to install Xubuntu) and have all my files by crushing the new clean /home by my old one?01:04
fermulatorHey all; I just upgraded my Ubuntu media center from 12.04.4 (because I was tired of dealing with crappy support for ATI fglrx and Radeon didn't work with dual monitor for me without crashes Unity...); upgraded to 12.10; but resulted with No X after the upgrade+reboot; (Fatal server error; "no screens found"), then upgraded to 13.10 via console (do-release-upgrade) ... same issue.... could someone please help me recover my Xserve01:08
fermulatorr? (w/ Radeon open source driver)01:08
E911Whats the best way to setup remote desktop in Ubuntu? Should I use VNC Server - if so which one? and how do I set it up in the background01:17
fermulatorThis is my insanity w/ the fail to startx: http://paste.ubuntu.com/7105620/01:17
puishfermulator: what did you do?01:18
puishor did it just blow up?01:18
fermulatorpuish: I upgraded from 12.04 to 12.1001:18
fermulatorpuish: after the upgrade; then the reboot; Xserver failed to start ever again01:19
puishfermulator: im no expert, but it doesn't look as if a video driver is installed01:19
fermulatorONCE; i was able to get it in; (by forcibly installing xserver-xorg-radeon ... but it was as though the entire "ubuntu-desktop" package was gone; (i got a mouse with a UI, but no Unity shell)01:19
puishwhat one were you using?01:19
fermulatorwas previously using the Radeon Xserver open source01:19
fermulator(prior to the upgrade, from xorg-edgers)01:19
fermulatorpuish: it currently shows that "xserver-xorg-video-radeon" /is/ installed01:20
fermulator(the vesa driver is also installed) dpkg --list01:20
fermulatorthis person had the same issue (or similar); http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1752580, and had to re-install :( -- not good01:22
fermulator--> what the heck; the "fbdev" drivers weren't installed .... should I submit a bug for dependency issues?01:23
puishI'm just as confused as you are.01:24
fermulatorI'm wondering if maybe it was because I was using xorg-edgers PPA ... and when the updater "removed and purged" all non-official packages, it didn't auto-re-add the standard xserver packages...01:26
onetry compiling from home01:26
fermulatorpuish: it's still really busted... the Unity shell i missing the entire top-bar01:27
fermulatorafter a reboot; X doesn't start automatically... and when i force it to start; this time Unity shell is completely missing01:27
gr33n7007hfermulator, whats the output of:  update-alternatives --config x-session-manager01:29
fermulatorgr33n7007h: http://paste.ubuntu.com/710566901:32
onemid use another machine to monitor it01:33
midI still keep disconnecting from the wifi, can someone please assist me? If not can you please tell me where i can fin some support for this PLEASE01:34
oneE911: better to not use remote desktop01:34
E911one: ?01:35
Coover55Bashing-om: You still there?01:35
oneE911: yes01:35
gr33n7007hfermulator, looks like what you said before is right01:35
gr33n7007hwith the ppa01:35
fermulatoris there anything else I need to re-install for xserver to function properly?01:35
besdeshello, is it possible to install gnome 3.10 on ubuntu 12.04 ?01:36
Bashing-omCoover55: I bounce about a bunch, but I am back !01:38
billy_hi all01:40
billy_everytime i suspend my ubuntu (13.10) it sleeps for a couple of seconds and then restarts up again. any ideas?01:41
Bashing-ombilly_: What it be ?01:41
Bashing-ombilly_: Hello, this is ubuntu support, do you have a situation to resolve ?01:42
Coover55I tried installing Ubuntu with my desktop. Same result. Re-downloading ISO in case of corrupted files. Suggestions as to how to go about preparing the files for my Extrenal Hard Drive?01:42
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billy_maybe my message didn't go through. every time i suspend my ubuntu 13.10 laptop it suspends for a second and then starts up again. any ideas why this happens? i can't seem to suspend the laptop01:43
Bashing-omCoover55: 1) verify the .iso file ->https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM ; 2) burn the ,iso as an image slowly ->https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BurningIsoHowto ; 3; Boot the liveDVD and what results ?01:45
Bashing-ombilly_: Sorry suspend issues on a laptop is out of my sphere of knowledge, await for others who can advise.01:47
Bashing-omCoover55: If when the above is verified, and there is still a problem, pastebinit; sudo parted -l with the external drive connected. will see what we can see.01:49
midthank you very much everyone01:50
DanAnyone has some knowledge about setting up a website into Ubuntu 12.04 server01:51
DanServ has LAMP01:52
Danbut i cant get to launch the damn thing01:52
Danjust shows the original testing one (server works but no content added)01:52
spaceshipdoes anyone know how to enable multi-touch screen guestures support in Ubuntu?01:57
Coover55Bashing-om: I don't actually have a DVD to burn in to.01:59
aeonltdltdspaceship: according to this they are enabled in unity https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Multitouch01:59
Bashing-omCoover55: There are other menas .. how about a USB thumb drive ?01:59
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Coover55Yes that could work, but wouldn't it be slower than putting it directly on the External Hard Drive?02:00
spaceshipaeonltdltd: thanks but how about the more commonly used guestures like two-fingers scrolling?02:01
Bashing-omCoover55: The installer does not work that way, what the easies and BEST way IMHO is from a DVD (USB is faster) .. any other way gets complex and error prone.02:01
Bashing-omeasies/easiest !02:02
aeonltdltdspaceship: i have used 2 finger scroll on a trackpad before (macbook), i'm not sure if had to install anything other than synaptics drivers02:02
Coover55Mm, well I do have a USB thumb drive but no DVD's02:03
Bashing-omCoover55: Inaddition that install medium (DVD) becomes the liveDVD .. to aid in repairs/fixes and (RE-)installs .02:03
Coover55Bashing-om: I'll see if perhaps my dad has a DVD02:04
Bashing-omCoover55: ->http://www.ubuntu.com/download/help/create-a-usb-stick-on-windows ...02:05
Bashing-omCoover55: Like I say, if ine dies not do the burn to a DVD, each alternate means gets more complex.02:06
Bashing-omone does02:07
filadomeis there any way to put the task menu on the bottom like Windows?02:11
oneBashing-om: does what?02:11
aeonltdltdfiladome: are you on unity?02:11
filadomei play unity 3d games02:13
aeonltdltdfiladome: not the kind of unity i meant, are you on stock ubuntu? not xubuntu/lubuntu or any other variant?02:14
Bashing-omCoover55: a former post  "if ine dies" should have been "if one does " ..02:14
aeonltdltdfiladome: does your desktop look like this? http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/a/a8/Ubuntu_13.04_Desktop.png02:19
StrangeloveMDI am having a problem with wifi occasionally dropping out on a Toshiba Satellite on 13.1002:22
filadomeaeonltdltd, yes but the older version02:22
StrangeloveMDWell, the Wifi connection is maintained, but internet connectivity is lost.  There does not seem to be any interruption between the computer and router, and the internet connection to the router is unbroken, and runs continuously on other machines.02:23
aeonltdltdfiladome: after some searching, it's not officially supported. you can't move the unity dock02:23
StrangeloveMDThat is all the relevant information I can think of, unless browser/IRC client, etc would be relevant.  Does anybody know of what I could check?  (fully updated, afaik)02:24
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aeonltdltdStrangeloveMD: how long til the connection is back?02:30
StrangeloveMDaeonltdltd, usually ~15 minutes.02:31
StrangeloveMDBut 5-45 in practice, as far as I can tell.02:31
oneStrangeloveMD: check all of the software layer networking.02:31
filadomewhere can i find training wheels for linux?02:32
aeonltdltdStrangeloveMD: unlikely, but maybe it's getting reassigned an ip address?02:32
ubottuThe Ubuntu server guide may be found at http://help.ubuntu.com/12.04/serverguide/C/02:32
aeonltdltdhmm not it02:32
StrangeloveMDaeonltdltd, That doesn't seem to be the case, glancing at my IRC connection logs.02:33
StrangeloveMDone:  I am not sure what you mean, and google hasn't helped a ton.  Can you point me towards a page on this?02:34
aeonltdltdStrangeloveMD: i had a wifi dongle that overheated under linux a few times before02:34
aeonltdltdbut given the largely irregular timings it's probably not thta02:35
StrangeloveMDaeonltdltd, Interesting.  There was a point where I thought cycling the wifi card on/off was helping, but it is looking like that was a lucky correlation a few times.02:35
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=== gerald is now known as Guest26322
rafahthi :) someone can help me with iptables? I created a some rules, but it's remain down and I want to up a some accept rules to stay before the drop rules... these ports when I created a accept rule doesn't work because I have a drop all port without rules...02:41
BaffledNoobieHi! I've a question about a dual monitor setup using an intel (onboard) video card and an additional (ancient) ATI video card simultaneously).  Does anybody have any experience here with video drivers?02:52
macsscan anyone help me boot windows 8 from a usb stick02:58
SirLagzmacss: not in here.02:59
macssSirLagz why02:59
SirLagzbecause this is #ubuntu and not #windows02:59
sAGREsthey sell ubuntu here not windows02:59
macsssAGREs Im trying to get ubuntu ...02:59
macssi have ubuntu on the usb stick03:00
aeonltdltdsAGREs: for only $0.00, limited time only*03:00
* N_l_G_G_E_R 03:00
SirLagzmacss: then why are you trying to boot windows 8 from a USB stick ?03:00
macsstrying to replace windows 8 with ubuntu, but cannot boot from usb stick03:00
macsssorry twas unclear03:00
SirLagzso you want to boot Ubuntu from a USB stick ?03:00
N_l_G_G_E_Rpower iso03:00
macssok i made the boot stick03:00
macssis there any way to check if i made it right tho03:00
BaffledNoobieI can hihghly recommend pendrivelinux.com for bootable USB creation03:01
N_l_G_G_E_Rif it loads03:01
N_l_G_G_E_Ru know03:01
N_l_G_G_E_RCurrent System Configuration —I-n-v-i-s-i-o-n—03:01
N_l_G_G_E_ROperating System: Microsoft Windows 7 Ultimate, Service Pack 1 up for 3 days, 17 hours, 28 minutes 3 seconds03:01
N_l_G_G_E_RCPU/RAM: AMD FX™-8320 Eight-Core Processor with Currently 3514 of 16284MB in use which is 21.58%03:01
N_l_G_G_E_RStorage System: 3.64TB Internet Connection: n/a03:01
N_l_G_G_E_RDisplay System: -2GB AMD Radeon HD 5450 using a Generic Non-PnP monitor at 1280x1024 32bit color 60Hz refresh03:01
rwwi do like it when problems solve themselves.03:02
BaffledNoobieHey, Can anyone here point me in the right direction to get an ancient video driver working as a dual monitor setup?03:02
SirLagzBaffledNoobie: what video driver ?03:03
rwwboo, spoke too soon03:03
SirLagzrww: lol03:03
=== dino82 is now known as zz_dino82
=== FU041 is now known as BigBlackCock
BaffledNoobieI've got an old ATI driver sitting aside an onboard Intel Driver (which works).03:03
rwwBigBlackCock: *sigh* Don't, please.03:03
BaffledNoobiesorry an old ATI card03:03
SirLagzBaffledNoobie: what ATI device ?03:03
BaffledNoobieAll in wonder 12803:04
BaffledNoobievideo card03:04
SirLagzah. No idea then03:04
SirLagzway before my time ati-wise at least03:04
BigBlackCock robert shhh03:04
rwwBigBlackCock: no u03:04
BaffledNoobieI figure that it should be able to use VESA compatible drivers03:04
BaffledNoobieand would be happy to get that working03:04
SirLagzBaffledNoobie: probably. have you tried specifiying the vesa driver in /etc/X11/xorg.conf ?03:05
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BaffledNoobieSirLagz... thanks, I've  tried, with no results.  It seems like the kernel knows about the hardware but never loads the proper modules, if that makes sense.03:06
SirLagzBaffledNoobie: indeed it does03:06
SirLagzBaffledNoobie: you may need to check to see if the kernel even have a driver for the ATI AIW03:06
BaffledNoobiewell, I found an ATI driver and even a Rage 128 driver, both of which I was able to add into the xorg.conf file and get interesting output.  But it never seems to "03:07
BaffledNoobieI've also tried plain old vesa03:08
SirLagzNot sure then.03:08
BaffledNoobieis there a good reference on how the entire kernel / video module / X11 system works?03:09
BaffledNoobieThanks for your help03:09
HondaJerIs there a way to have better recording video with Logitech Pro Webcam C920 for video editing?03:09
SirLagzBaffledNoobie: not that I know of03:09
HondaJerWhen I record the video it is slow and choppy but afterward the video that is saved looks fine.03:10
SirLagzHondaJer: how are you recording it now ?03:10
HondaJerI use kdelive to do record video03:10
traucetAnyone else having fits with nvidia drivers, wine, and WoW?03:18
BaffledNoobiehaving fits with ancient ATI drivers...03:19
macssdoes anyone know how to check if the bootable device i made is gonna work03:20
macssi am trying to install ubuntu on windows 803:20
Caelumanyone know how to make xmodmap settings not be constantly lost in cinnamon03:20
BaffledNoobiemacss.... what does that mean install ubuntu on windows 8?03:20
BaffledNoobiedo you want to run it on a windows 8 machine with USB boot?03:21
macsswindows 8 is running. i  i have a partition ready and i want to install ubuntu to it from the usb. it is fat32 format is there any way to tell if that will work without restarting03:21
BaffledNoobieif you really want to, there's a roundabout way to do so...03:22
traucetNever understood dualbooting. I prefer just to use a vm.03:22
BaffledNoobieyou first need to install virtualbox, then fight with the program to trick it into believing that your USB drive is really a virtual drive03:22
BaffledNoobievirtualbox allows you to run a virtual linux machine from a .iso file03:23
macsstraucet i dont want to use windows. i just want to keep it installed on here in case i need it03:23
macssi have done that and it is slow03:23
BaffledNoobiethat's the best I've got... good luck03:24
macssBaffledNoobie ok i will restart and come back but it wasnt letting me choose the usb when i tried an earlier bootable-creation03:24
sabgentonis ubuntu ditching unity for gnome?03:25
sabgentonwhy is there more talk about gnome now?03:25
Beldarsabgenton, Where, around the water cooler. ;)03:25
traucetMe have a fresh install of Kubuntu and cant get the 331.49 drivers from Nvidia to install.03:26
sabgenton.."speak Our work on design is centered around GNOME, with settings and preferences the current focus as we move to GNOME 3.0 and gtk3."03:27
sabgentonBeldar: don't know what shuttleworth means here, I'm probably totaly out of context03:27
Beldarsabgenton, You have not ever had to show a source?03:27
Beldarlook at the date, gnome 3 underlies unity and othe de's03:28
BeldarTuesday, January 18th, 201103:28
sabgentonoh is that before unity03:29
Beldarit's before 2014, hehe03:29
BeldarAt one time gnome 3 was the choice, but unity was developed and gnome was a bit slow as far as release schedule for ubuntu I believe.03:30
sabgentonBeldar: isn't trusty tar   going give better support for gnome03:32
Beldarsabgenton, Better, what support?03:32
mikehaas763I know it's a release goal, but does anyone know if 14.04 is on track to have just python3 installed by default?03:33
sabgentonok never mind I thing I must have been getting muddled up with ubuntu-gnome03:33
sabgentonwell it looks like there'll be more qt support  pushed by ubuntu tablet and all anyways I guess03:33
EndymionMHi.  What's the difference between 12.04.4 Desktop and 12.04.4 alternate?03:34
sabgentonthat was the main reason I found that shuttlewoth blog03:34
traucetOk, so been googling for 2 days. Tried every tutorial I could find. Anyone have a definate way to install Nvidia 331.49 drivers on an notebook with a gtx 460m? On Kubuntu 13.10?03:34
SirLagztraucet: do the 331.49 drivers support the GTX 460M ?03:35
TheCTSx64 or x32 traucet03:35
Bashing-omtraucet: does the 460m equal optimus, then try the Bumblebee project, or if switchable graphic ability is not a consideration -> Nvidia-prime.03:36
traucetSirzLagz: According to Nvidia they do.03:36
DiamondciteHow is it failing to install?03:37
DiamondciteIf the ubuntu package installers don't work.. you could use nvidia's directly?03:38
traucetBashing-om: Nothing I have found have related the card to Optimus.03:38
SirLagztraucet: are you exiting X, and then installing the nvidia drivers from a tty ?03:38
traucetTried nvidia-current which installs 303 i think  which work but fail in wine newer version of wine.03:40
SirLagztraucet: are you installing nVidia's drivers or packaged ubuntu ones ?03:40
traucetDid the service stop lightdm03:40
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traucetUbuntu nvidia-current is older driver.03:42
traucetSirLagz: Ubuntu nvidia-current is older driver.03:43
SirLagztraucet: so which are you trying to install ?03:44
Bashing-omtraucet: As I understand it, Nvidia does not support the switchable graphics in linux. // If I am not mistakien the 'm' in the 460m means it is of optimus technology.Integrated with Intel graphics.03:45
SirLagzBashing-om: no, the M just means mobile, i.e. laptop graphics. Although a large majority of Laptops will have optimus technology in them03:46
Bashing-omSirLagz: Roger that as mobile .. no more to say. (filed for future reference)03:48
traucetBashing-om: Not sure about switching. All I know is m=mobile for laptops. I will have to verify the swithing to intel graphics.03:48
SirLagztraucet: do you have Intel GPU as well as a Nvidia GPU on the laptop ?03:48
traucetSirLagz: Well its a Sager(Clevo) Laptop, never noticed an intel gpu.03:50
SirLagztraucet: what's lspci show ?03:50
Bashing-omtraucet: I am certain that a GT 640M card is of optimus technology and is integrated with intel.//  460m (??)03:51
SirLagzBashing-om: it all depends on the laptop vendor.03:51
Bashing-omSirLagz: OK, but also depends on the card installed. And yes I can be barking up the wrong tree. Just try'n to help.03:53
sabgentonIs ubuntu phones contacts   going to be pluginable to different clouds?03:53
sabgentonor just ubuntu one03:53
sabgenton(or nothing)03:53
SirLagzBashing-om: true. Just saying for reference :)03:53
SirLagzAFAIK all new mobile gpus are optimus enabled, but whether the laptop has the intel GPU is what matters03:54
Bashing-omSirLagz: we could look at -> sudo lshw -C display ; and -> lspci -nnk | grep -iA3 vga . and see what the system sees.03:56
traucetSirLagz: Only VGA compatible controller is listed as NVIDIA Corporation GF106M (GeForce GTX 460M) (rev. a1)03:57
traucetBashing-om: lshw -C display shows only the nvidia card and details.04:00
SirLagztraucet: I would say that you don't have optimus04:00
SirLagztraucet: so are you installing the drivers direct from nvidia ?04:01
traucetSirLagz: Tried the ppa from linuxedgers? Tried sfgxi. Tried indtalling .run directly from Nvidia.04:03
SirLagztraucet: I'd use the one directly from nVidia. What happens when you try to install the one from nVidia ?04:03
traucetSirLagz: First thing is the pre-install script fails.Then if you proceed anyway, nouveu gets in the way, after that I can not log in. I have to tty. Log in and startx manually.04:07
Ben64traucet: you really should use the driver that comes in the ubuntu repository04:07
Ben64all others are not supported here04:08
SirLagztraucet: how does it fail ? You should be disabling nouveu anyway if you're going to use the nVidia drivers. and if you're getting a tty and not X then probably the first 2 things that stuffed up stuffed up this as well.04:08
Ben64traucet: also, you should not be doing "startx"04:08
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traucetSirLagz: Tried to blacklist nouveu but it still starts.04:10
SirLagztraucet: then something else is going wrong.04:10
SirLagztraucet: do you have a /etc/X11/xorg.conf ?04:10
traucetSirLagz: No04:12
Ben64traucet: use the latest driver that is in the ubuntu repository. for me its 331, not sure about 13.1004:13
traucetSirLagz: Although, I added a .conf file to modprobe.d to blacklist nouveau.04:15
Ben64traucet: if you install it properly, it does all that for you04:15
traucetBen64: what command did you use to install those?04:16
Ben64well i'm on 12.04, i have a package called nvidia-331-updates04:16
traucetBen64: Is that apt-get install nvidia-current nvidia-331-updates?04:18
=== Jan11 is now known as ON1
DylanI have two keyboard settings (German and English) and I want to be able to switch between when I press ALT+SHIFT_L. How can I do that?04:21
Dylanbetween the two*04:22
sarthakWhat's the command for disk speed test?04:23
DylanHm, doesn't seem to be any knowledgeable ones present.04:24
sarthakMust all be asleep. Dylan04:24
DylanI did think Linux professionals went to sleep so early. :P04:25
DylanI didn't think*04:26
DylanOof, I'm forgetting to type words left and right.04:26
sarthakFigured it out. Wasn't putting in my drive id correctly.04:26
macsswhen installing ubuntu, my computer screen goes blank for a while. Unsure if it will return, I turn off the PC. The checksum is correct. 64 bit windows version04:27
sarthakmacss Is your video card supported? Should still work as generic VGA.04:28
macsssarthak i have no idea04:28
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sarthakmacss What model video card are you using?04:28
macsssarthaz the display adapter is AMD Radeon HD 840004:29
sarthakmacss Try this thread. Seems like a driver issue. Use "nomodeset" on boot.04:31
macsssarthak ok thanks so do you recommend i try nomodeset on boot? i dont know how to do that04:33
traucetAhh, screw it, Ima just going to try the X-swat ppa.04:35
sarthakmacss Put in the live cd or usb, and press up/down key to get the menu option. Then press F6 -> nomodeset.04:35
sarthakmacss Check this thread. http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=161313204:35
sarthakmacss That thread tells you why nomodeset is required (some cards have blank screen as you do).04:36
macssok ... but its pretty easy to click around and find nomodeset?04:36
sarthakYes, definately. Press F6 Key and it should pop up with option for nomodeset. macss04:37
sarthakI was considering getting the R7 240 (hd 8500) actually, looks like it's not the best option for Ubuntu.04:37
macssAnyone know how to get to nomodeset during install? I couldn't find it04:43
ubottuA common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter04:44
Bashing-ommacss: Boot:->depress and ho;d right shift key->language screen, escape key to accept the default boot -> boot optioons scrren -> F6 key, space or enter to accept and then the escape key to exit .04:46
traucetAhhcrap, X-swat ppa installed 304 drivers.04:48
macsscfhowlett OK but the ubuntu install launch screen I see doesn't respond to f6 or show that option. Should I try OEM (manufacturers mode)?04:48
cfhowlettmacss couldn't hurt to experiment...04:49
wrb123what's the syntax for making backup copies of all files in the current directory04:50
Bashing-ommacss: NO ! "OEM" is to alow some one else to set up the system rather than the one who installs it,04:50
wrb123say i had 1.txt and 2.txt and wanted to end up with 1.txt, 2.txt, 1.txt.bak, and 2.txt.bak04:50
ubottuUbuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall - Don't want to use a CD? See http://tinyurl.com/3exghs - See also !automate04:50
wrb1231.txt being the same as 1.txt.bak, etc.04:50
ddelmacss: Try 14.04 LTS.04:53
cfhowlettmacss, 14.04 is still in beta mode.  if you don't mind testing an unreleased distro, go for it.04:53
macssIf it fits on a 1gb USB04:53
cfhowlett!mini|macss, if space is an issue ...04:54
ubottumacss, if space is an issue ...: The Minimal CD image is very small in size, and it downloads most packages from the Internet during installation, allowing you to select only those you want.  The installer is text based (rather than graphical as used on the Desktop DVD). See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD04:54
ddelI'm using 14.04.  The only one that would install on my machine.04:54
macssShould I do the daily build version04:58
ddelmacss: Yes.04:58
macssddel its 928 megabytes. Will that work on 1gb USB05:00
ddelmacss: 14.04 is almost ready for release. Next month, I believe.  So you will be able to upgrade to the release version easily.05:00
macssddel OK so which should I download?05:01
macssddel OK I think it will fit.05:01
ddelmacss: I used a DVD.  Use the DESKTOP distro that matches your CPU. (intel or AMD.  32bit or 64 bit.)05:04
rww1) Please don't recommend 14.04 in here. 2) it's 32-bit x86 or 64-bit x86_64, not Intel vs. AMD.05:05
ddelmacss:  There's also an installation for Macs.05:05
cfhowlettmacss, for 14.04 support go to #ubuntu+105:05
ddelrww: Why?  I'm using it right now.05:06
rwwddel: Because it isn't released yet, and thus is not supported in here.05:06
ddelrww: It works better than nothing.  And nothing is what macss has now,.05:07
rwwddel: Well no, it doesn't. Unsupported versions of Ubuntu break things. "Nothing" is at least supportable to fix.05:07
ddelrww:  Why do you think they publish the daily builds?05:07
rwwddel: So that developers and testers can develop and test. *Not* for production or daily or regular-person use.05:08
cfhowlettddel, this ^^^05:08
rwwI'm not sure how this is complicated. 14.04 does *not* go in here.05:08
elkyddel: for people to test with, not to run seriously.05:08
alvtecUbuntu 14.04 comes out?05:08
rwwalvtec: middle of April05:09
elkynext month05:09
Mr_Cool59i have a laptop with 13.10 installed with nvidia drivers and can not get sli to work any help05:09
ddelOh, brother!  Backups are your friend.05:09
Mr_Cool59i have a laptop with 13.10 installed with nvidia drivers and can not get sli to work any help05:17
Mr_Cool5913.10  sli  help05:21
Mr_Cool59so we have a bunch of people in hear but no one can help05:24
ubottuMr_Cool59,: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com/ or http://ubuntuforums.org/ or http://askubuntu.com/05:24
ubottuThe people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines05:24
Mr_Cool59i tryed what i could find but it did not help i only do support of any ind as a last resoult05:25
goose00014000I'm trying to install LAMP on my Ubuntu 13.10 install...I just got done installing Apache and PHP5 and libapache2-mod-php505:28
goose00014000I restarted the apache server as the documentation said05:28
goose00014000and when I try to fire up a PHP file from my browser it still won't work05:28
goose00014000Just get a 40405:29
goose00014000Does anyone know what I'm doing wrong05:29
Ben64404 is not found, so you don't have a file where its looking05:29
Mr_Cool59i belive i found a sound install bug since i had to instal it serval times to get the sound to work as well this also happend with serval diffrent distrubitions wich leads me to thank it is a kernel issue05:30
goose00014000Ben64: Fixed it...Due to a stupid mistake on my part. Thanks!05:32
Robbie_CrashI've got an Ubuntu Server VM that I'm trying to set up that loses its network connection after about 10 seconds. I disabled the static IP on it, and it receives a DHCP address. After the connection drops all IP information is the same in ifconfig. I've removed and added different vNICs and it happens with all of them, and happens to each of them if I install multiple. There's nothing of use in05:45
Robbie_Crash/var/log/dmseg. Any ideas?05:45
Robbie_Crashnevermind, found it. irqbalance apparently breaks *NIX VMs with more than one vCPU on Hyper-V05:49
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bray90820How would I put a job in the background05:57
dfsasdfbray90820, ctrl-z then bg ?06:00
bray90820dfsasdf: that worked06:00
bray90820dfsasdf: so is ctrl+z basically suspending it06:04
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dfsasdfbray90820, yes06:13
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dfsasdffg runs it in the foreground06:14
bray90820Alright thanks06:14
dfsasdfjobs will show you all jobs06:14
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bray90820i know that one06:14
dfsasdffg %3 will put job #3 in the foreground06:14
omarHi all06:24
foglimberwhy can't I get ufw to start on bootup?  is there a log to check somewhere to see why it won't06:27
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cfhowlett!ufw|foglimber, you have to enable it - off by default06:52
ubottufoglimber, you have to enable it - off by default: Ubuntu, like any other Linux distribution, has built-in firewall capabilities. The firewall is managed using the 'ufw' command - see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UFW | GUI frontends such as Gufw also exist. | An alternative to ufw is the 'iptables' command - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo06:52
linociscohi all, a friend of mine has installed ubuntu l3.10 on HDD of HPCMT D530 Desktop,  all were fine. but he wants audio video player . At home. no internet07:01
linociscohe asked me if he could bring only HDD and plug it on one free machine which is not the same HPD530. they are HPElite 8300 or 8000, meaning different desktop. can we download or install vlc or some media player in this way and take it back to his home?07:02
wizard_Ai created an wi-fi router using netsh in windows (adpter intel) now i connect to it with my ubuntu server tty1 (adapter atheros) , but i do not get a successful connection07:03
MooDoolinocisco: perhaps you could download the package vlc from here - http://packages.ubuntu.com/07:03
MooDoofor him07:03
linociscoMooDoo, all machines at work are windows 7. if I download from that package.ubuntu.com, can it satisfy all dependency problem?07:04
llutz_!aptoncd | linocisco maybe this helps07:04
ubottulinocisco maybe this helps: APTonCD is a tool with a graphical interface which allows you to create one or more CDs or DVDs with all of the packages you've downloaded via apt-get or aptitude, creating a removable repository that you can use on other computers - See also !offline07:04
llutz_!offline | linocisco07:05
ubottulinocisco: If you need to download Ubuntu packages using another machine or OS, check the desired packages in Synaptic and select File > Generate package download script. Alternatively, try http://ubottu.com/ljl/apt/ - See also !APTonCD07:05
BlackDeathgday all,   diving in the deep end and trying to work out how to install a .deb package and download all the dependancies automatically.... (x spoils me :))07:07
=== CyberJacob|Away is now known as CyberJacob
llutz_BlackDeath: sudo dpkg -i foo.deb ; sudo apt-get -f install07:08
linociscollutz, I can't find code name of 13.10 (Saucy Salamander) on your link http://ubottu.com/ljl/apt/07:08
BlackDeathmany thanks llutz... google wasnt being very helpful  :)07:08
llutz_linocisco: hmm, seems ljl has stopped working on that. write him an email and ask kindly for help.07:10
linociscollutz, do u have ready to use .deb file of vlc player with dependencies to share for 13.10?07:11
llutz_linocisco: nope07:11
llutz_linocisco: have you read the part about using synaptic?07:11
linociscollutz, synaptic is using ubuntu , right? i have no ubuntu07:12
linociscoat work07:12
llutz_linocisco: the guy without internet needs to use synaptic to generate the script07:12
KartagisI'm using 13.10, and if the computer stays on for a while, the keyboard's numpad stops working even if the numlock is on. any ideas?07:14
foglimberi have enabled ufw but it still doesn't start on bootup for some reason07:16
dfsasdfin 13.10 what can i do to get alt-tabto be faster>?07:16
SubZero4Does the NSA have backdoor access into Ubuntu?07:21
toby_hubbardIs anyone running xubuntu07:25
toby_hubbardDo you know how to run a jar as an executable bit?07:26
Fudusright click, permissions, click exec tickbox07:26
Fudusor chmod +x blah07:26
SubZero4Does anyone know how to add this to Ubuntu? https://torrentfreak.com/ubuntu-to-add-torrent-search-140104/07:26
toby_hubbardIt doesnt have that box07:27
tag0java runtime installed, I suppose?07:28
Fudustoby_hubbard: "execute: [tick] Allow executing file as program"07:28
toby_hubbardthere is no command saying execute with a tick box07:29
FuuqUmiist!info audacious07:30
tag0toby_hubbard: http://technews.pristinedesigners.com/open-run-install-execute-jar-file-ubuntu-linux/07:30
ubottuaudacious (source: audacious): small and fast audio player which supports lots of formats. In component universe, is optional. Version 3.4-1 (saucy), package size 318 kB, installed size 1399 kB07:30
FuuqUmiistwhat is the audacious PPA?07:30
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FuuqUmiistFudus so this is the correct one? ppa:nilarimogard/webupd807:32
Bauer1I have an old laptop Lenovo Ideapad S10-2 with 1gb ram using Mint 16 (Ubuntu based), with very very slow booting, screen flashing while booting, and now I see this error perf samples too long lowering kernel.perf_event_max_sample_rate (first it was 2540 > 2500 and lowering to 50000 and then 5020 > 5000 and lowering to 25000. Currently screen is flashing for 10 mins, and no new lines show up...07:32
Bauer1any ideas?07:32
Bauer1it is very hard to boot, takes many restarts and lot of patience07:32
Bauer1clean install with only wifi driver changed so wifi works07:33
FuuqUmiistBauer1 are you using the XFCE version?07:33
toby_hubbardIm using XFCE07:33
Bauer1FuuqUmiist I think yes, I also had the very same symptoms (flashing screen, difficulty to boot) trying Lubuntu07:33
Jordan_U!mint | Bauer107:33
ubottuBauer1: Linux Mint is not a supported derivative of Ubuntu. Please seek support in #linuxmint-help on irc.spotchat.org07:33
Bauer1but there I could not get wifi to work at all07:33
foglimberi've tried ufw enable, it says it's enabled and will start on next boot, but it never does07:34
Bauer1Jordan_U: you really think this is mint-specific issue? it seems more related to kernel and not Mint07:34
Fuduswhat does ufw status say07:34
FuuqUmiistBauer1 which lubuntu version did you try07:34
Bauer1FuuqUmiist: Lubuntu, I managed to get wifi semi working there, but could not find any solution to not being able to set the Wifi password and connect due to security policy I could not figure out how to modify07:35
Bauer1but it had the same booting flashing screen issue FuuqUmiist07:35
Bauer1and very long booting time when it finally managed to boot after a few restarts07:36
FuuqUmiistdid you install version 13.10?07:37
Bauer1yes FuuqUmiist07:39
FuuqUmiistBauer1 was the laptop working well before you tried to install Ubuntu?07:39
Bauer1FuuqUmiist, it had a very old XP on it, barely working and slow. that is why I tried Lubuntu and now Mint ... not much alternatives for Atom cpu and 1gb ram07:40
bray90820 How would I suspend a process already in the background07:41
FuuqUmiistBauer1 Lubuntu and Mint should work fine on that computer, i have tried both on my netbook07:41
FuuqUmiistBauer1 if you are still having problems you could try Puppy Linux07:43
Bauer1FuuqUmiist: I'd rather try and stay on mainstream distros where there is a chance of support.. besides I got wifi working, just need to fix the boot problem and I think thats it07:44
Bauer1sec I have screenshots of the Lubuntu issue07:44
FuuqUmiistBauer1 usually when you try to connect to a passworded network it will first as you for your admin password, then the WIFI password07:45
linociscollutz, can I try downloading vlc package with live cd 13.10?07:45
FuuqUmiistlinocisco i think you can07:45
Bauer1FuuqUmiist it did, but then it asked for wifi password again, and nothing.. except error about security policy preventing setting wifi password for system.. something silly I could not google any solution to07:46
FuuqUmiistyou can install stuff with a live CD, depending on the persistent size07:46
Jordan_UBauer1: What version of Lubuntu? (12.04, 13.10?)07:46
bray90820 How would I suspend a process already in the background07:46
FuuqUmiistBauer1 the first time it ask for your Lubuntu password, the second it is asking for the WIFI password07:47
FuuqUmiistbray90820 you mean "kill" a process in the background?07:47
bray90820No i mean suspend07:48
Bauer1Jordan_U: 13.10, here are screenshots: https://www.dropbox.com/s/n8e8jkqlc4rxfy4/20140315_163120.jpg and https://www.dropbox.com/s/ld5cx98l0eashq0/20140315_191618.jpg07:48
Jordan_Ubray90820: kill -SIGSTOP $pid07:48
Bauer1both catch pixels switching rapidly between lubuntu logo and system startup :)07:48
Bauer1it is usually stuck at this stage07:48
FuuqUmiistbranant i'm not sure, i'm a noob too, but maybe you can just press CTRL + Z in the terminal window07:48
FuuqUmiistbut i think it stops it, i'm not sure if it suspends07:49
FuuqUmiisti mean bray90820*07:49
Jordan_UBauer1: Try pressing ctlr+alt+F7, hopefully an explicit VT switch will help things.07:50
bray90820Jordan_U: how would i start it again07:50
Bauer1FuuqUmiist, you think I mixed the wifi and root pass back when I tried Lubuntu? hard to imagine I did that :)07:50
bray90820FuuqUmiist: he waas correct07:50
Jordan_Ubray90820: SIGCONT07:51
Bauer1Jordan_U: that does nothing in the current Mint flashing screen, should I upload screenshot as well?07:51
Jordan_UBauer1: Did you have this problem when booting via the LiveCD/USB?07:51
Bauer1Jordan_U: I think yes, I just waited it out or rebooted a few times until it loaded, I assumed once I install normally to the HDD, it is something I could fix07:52
Bauer1yes, definitely had the problem, I can probably reproduce it from live cd again07:52
Bauer1would take me some 10+ mins I guess to create the live cd07:53
Jordan_UBauer1: What graphics card does this machine use?07:53
bray90820Jordan_U: one more question07:53
farawayhi, am i completely wrong or is the current UTC 7:53 ?07:53
FuuqUmiistwhat app did you use to make the liveCD?07:53
bray90820how would i bring the process to the forgtound07:53
Bauer1Jordan_U: something integrated from Intel, I think 845 something.. I can check online one sec07:54
Data_Crusad3rFuuqUmiist, i have no idea07:54
Data_Crusad3rFuuqUmiist,  brasero I think07:54
FuuqUmiistis this an actual CD or USB?07:54
Data_Crusad3rGuys, is there a way to install ubuntu 14.04 on my laptop without having to use a CD?07:55
Bauer1Jordan_U: specs online say Mobile Intel 945GSE Express, but would need to reboot now a few times and see in system07:55
asdasdsdadi killed my desktop bar and dash  all i see if the wallpapr.  how do i reset everythig? i was messing with my compiz settings07:55
FuuqUmiistData_Crusad3r you can install via USB07:55
Data_Crusad3rFuuqUmiist, no, i mean is there a program?07:55
FuuqUmiistdo you have a USB flash drive?07:55
Data_Crusad3rFuuqUmiist,  I have a hard drive07:55
Data_Crusad3rFuuqUmiist,  is that okay?07:56
FuuqUmiistData_Crusad3r you want to install via an external HDD?07:56
Data_Crusad3rFuuqUmiist,  is that possible?07:57
Data_Crusad3rFuuqUmiist, Is there a program that will let me install the iso images?07:57
FuuqUmiistprobably, i never done that before07:57
FuuqUmiistmaybe you can just use the same process for a liveUSB for the USB drive07:58
Data_Crusad3rand how does it work?07:58
Data_Crusad3rFuuqUmiist,  because i have never tried a usb before07:58
Data_Crusad3rFuuqUmiist,  i always use a liveCD07:58
FuuqUmiistmaybe this will help http://www.ubuntu.com/download/desktop/install-desktop-latest07:59
FuuqUmiistData_Crusad3r what is your current operating system08:00
Data_Crusad3rubuntu 13.1008:00
FuuqUmiisttry this, if not just wait for someone else to help http://www.ubuntu.com/download/desktop/create-a-usb-stick-on-ubuntu08:01
FuuqUmiistbut i don't think 14.04 released yet08:01
linociscoFuuqUmiist, I can't find synaptic manager in 13.1008:01
asdasdsdadhow do i reset my deskto? i hosed it08:02
asdasdsdadno more dash or top bar08:02
Data_Crusad3rFuuqUmiist, thanks a lot buddy! the first link helped a lot :)08:02
FuuqUmiistlinocisco try typing "gksu synaptic" in the terminal08:04
linociscoFuuqUmiist, the program "gksu" is currently not installed08:05
FuuqUmiistasdasdsdad this might help you http://ubuntuhandbook.org/index.php/2013/08/reset-unity-and-compiz-in-ubuntu-13-10/08:07
asdasdsdadnow ccsm keeps dying sth about no default screen08:08
asdasdsdadnow ccsm keeps dying sth about no default screen1 i just needed to run ccsm from a terminal i opened with ctrl alt t08:10
asdasdsdader, i just needed to run ccsm from a terminal i opened with ctrl alt t08:10
FuuqUmiistlinocisco did you just want to install vlc?08:11
linociscoFuuqUmiist, plus all dependencies08:11
FuuqUmiistsudo apt-get update08:11
FuuqUmiistsudo apt-get install vlc vlc-plugin-pulse mozilla-plugin-vlc08:12
linociscoFuuqUmiist, I followed http://www.videolan.org/vlc/download-ubuntu.html08:12
linociscoFuuqUmiist, but not working08:12
FuuqUmiistyeah that works08:12
omarHi all.08:12
FuuqUmiistoh maybe not heh08:12
oneWhat exactly does nomodeset do?08:13
FuuqUmiistlinocisco does it stall in the installation process?08:14
FuuqUmiistor updating process?08:14
linociscoFuuqUmiist, apt-get update and upgrade were fine using live CD08:14
linociscoFuuqUmiist, but gksu and vlc can't be installed. error08:14
FuuqUmiistwhat was the error08:14
omarAfter I edited the grub file by adding "acpi_backlight=vendor" next to "quiet splash" to fix a problem with the monitor brightness, the brightness control literally disappeared in the "Brightness & Lock" setting.. :/08:15
omarWhat can I do to get it back?08:15
linociscoFuuqUmiist, unpacking after apt-get upgrade finished08:16
asdasdsdaanyone know how to speed up alt-tab in 13.10?08:16
linociscoFuuqUmiist, now unpacking after apt-get upgrade finished08:16
linociscoFuuqUmiist, error said unable to locate vlc08:19
linociscoFuuqUmiist, error said "E:unable to locate vlc"08:19
kevinskyomar: Hello08:20
ubuntuloveI have a problem with my ipaddress
asdasdsdaget a new ipaddress08:21
FuuqUmiistlinocisco maybe just try to install SMplayer heh...  sudo apt-get install smplayer08:21
ubuntuloveI dont want to I like this ip address08:21
linociscoFuuqUmiist, same error08:21
omarkevinsky, I am trying to fix the brightness issue in my computer by adding "acpi_backlight=vendor" in the grub file. But after doing that, the brightness control in the "Bright & Lock" literally vanished. What can I do to get it back?08:22
linociscoFuuqUmiist, apt-get install "whatever name" has error08:22
FuuqUmiistlinocisco maybe try a PPA08:22
ubuntulovewhat is everyone doing tonight man it kind of funny it monday again lol weekend with fast08:22
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linociscoFuuqUmiist, apt-get install ppa?08:23
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FuuqUmiistsudo add-apt-repository ppa:rvm/smplayer  ;  sudo apt-get update  ;  sudo apt-get install smplayer smtube smplayer-themes08:23
FuuqUmiistor just sudo apt-get install smplayer08:23
ubuntulovesudo apt-get ipaddress08:23
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Starcraftmazterow do we reselect unity after uninstalling cairo08:24
k1l_ubuntulove: that command doesnt work08:24
StrangeloveMDI am having trouble with a Toshiba Satellite running Ubuntu 13.10 dropping internet connection intermittently.   Wifi connection to the router is maintained, and the internet itself is not cutting out.  (continues to work on other systems)  It will be out 2-45 minutes, then come back.  Does anybody have any ideas?08:24
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ubuntulovewhat kind of place is it08:27
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k1l_!ot | ubuntulove08:29
ubottuubuntulove: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!08:29
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iptableubuntulove, sudo apt-get install ipaddress on the other hand might work if the package exists08:30
gabmushello everyone, big problem i need to solve asap. I have a macbook where i installed only ubuntu gnome. for some reason it f***s up sometimes and now it isnt showing gdm. after some time waiting the cursor appears, but thats it. i have an nvidia integrated gpu08:30
linociscoFuuqUmiist, cannot add PPA "ppa:rvm/smplayer". Please check that the PPA name or format is correct08:31
snypWhy does apt-get want to remove "blender fonts-droid libavdevice53 libboost-filesystem1.53.0 libboost-locale1.53.0 libboost-regex1.53.0 libopencv-core2.4 libopencv-highgui2.4 libopencv-imgproc2.4 libopenimageio1.1" when I want to remove fonts-droid?08:31
tiblockHi. I have ubuntu server 12.04 x86, when i login true SSH i see "6 packages can be updated.", but apt-get update and upgrade says nothing to upgrade. Also i see "*** System restart required ***", so i need reboot server to apply upgrades?08:31
snypI don't see how fonts-droid can depend on blender.08:31
iptablesnyp, dependencies. There are a number of packages which require fonts-droid maybe?08:32
gabmusok, i rebooted and now its working, but it will stop working again eventually. halp meh08:32
ubuntulovegabmus: what is your bios named you can click a command to get it but I dont know what it is on a mac book08:32
gabmusubuntulove: you cant access the bios on a goddamn mac, its a useless piece of crap08:32
iptabletiblock, apt-get update && apt-get dist-upgrade08:32
FuuqUmiistlinocisco i'm not sure, i'm not that good with linux yet08:32
iptabletiblock, read on safe-upgrade vs dist-upgrade08:33
linociscoFuuqUmiist, thanks anyway bro08:33
gabmusit has always acted awkwardly, since the first time i used gnu+linux on it08:33
snypiptable: but shouldn't apt-get warn explicitly instead of just showing a few packages that depend on it and trying to delete it. Arch's pacman just fails, which imo is a better approach. don't u think so?08:33
tiblockiptable, so thath "6 packages can be updated." is about dist-upgrade?08:33
FuuqUmiistlinocisco maybe there is not enough persistence space on the USB drive08:33
iptablesnyp, if you want detailed information like that, use aptitude instead of apt-get08:33
Starcraftmazterhow do we reselect unity after uninstalling cairo08:33
snypiptable: i see..08:33
iptablesnyp, same command parameter, just aptitude instead of apt-get08:33
snypoh k08:34
FuuqUmiistlinocisco if you want makye just install ubuntu directly on the USB without making it a liveCD08:34
ubuntulovegabmus will call the number that you got it from and tell them you need to get another mac or do a hard install to get mac os x back on your computer08:34
tiblockiptable, what about "*** System restart required ***", why its required? How i can know?08:34
gabmusubuntulove: if i wanted to use mac os i would08:34
k1l_ubuntulove: stop that. be helpfull when giving advice in here08:34
iptabletiblock, the only reason why you may require a system restart is because of the upgrade08:34
gabmusits just that i dont want to, since it doesnt do what i want to and doesnt respect my freedoms08:34
tiblockiptable, okay, thank you08:35
iptabletiblock, and the only package that requires an actual system restart is a kernel upgrade08:35
ubuntulovegabmus: Why are you here then08:35
gabmusubuntulove: to have help08:35
iptableubuntulove, he wants to get ubuntu working properly on his mac08:35
k1l_gabmus: dont mind the troll08:35
iptablegabmus, did you install nvidia proprietary drivers?08:35
linociscoFuuqUmiist, I have to create ubuntu live USB stick first, right?08:35
gabmusiptable: yes sure08:35
FuuqUmiistlinocisco what is your current operating system08:36
iptablegabmus, using the ubuntu software GUI thingie?08:36
linociscoFuuqUmiist,  win 708:36
gabmusim not a novice, i know how stuff works and im really into computers, its just this damn macbook makes me crazy. my desktop runs fine, no problems whatsoever08:36
gabmusiptable: no, using apt-get08:36
FuuqUmiistlinocisco how big is your USB drive08:36
iptablegabmus, it was a serious question. I do realise you might not be a novice, although installing via apt-get, you will first need build-essential and linux-header to get the driver to compile correctly for your kernel08:37
loveyoutoHello anyone got advise on a nivida card that crush and gives an error message x10-1029308:37
linociscoFuuqUmiist, 4 GB08:37
snypaha aptitude shows much better info08:37
iptablegabmus, the GUI would install those for you automatically, while apt-get doesn't for one reason or another.08:37
gabmusiptable: everything works fine on my destkop having installed everything the same way. also when the macbook decides to boot, the driver is active08:38
iptablegabmus, ok, did you check if the generic/other drivers are blacklisted?08:38
gabmusthe nouveau? it shouldnt be even there anymore08:38
FuuqUmiistlinocisco in the process did you make space for persistence file size? http://www.ubuntu.com/download/desktop/create-a-usb-stick-on-windows08:38
gabmuslet me check08:38
tiblockI have question. How i can see if server need reboot after upgrade? I see it only when i log in true SSH, how i can know about reboot other way?08:39
iptablegabmus, my guess is that some other driver might be sometimes taking over and failing to boot. that woudl explain this "when it decides to boot" - i.e. a race condition.08:39
gabmusiptable: its still there, but it should be blacklisted. should i apt-get purge it?08:39
iptabletiblock, if you ran apt-get upgrade and upgraded the kernel, it would need a reboot to boot into the new kernel08:40
iptabletiblock, you can also check the kernel versions installed in /boot (ls /boot) and use uname -a to see running kernel. If running older kernel - you need a reboot to boot into latest one.08:40
tiblockiptable, not kernel. reboot solved that "6 packages can be updated.". Also i think kernel updated are blacklisted, i use VPS.08:41
gabmusshould i purge "xserver-xorg-video-nouveau"?08:41
iptablegabmus, check in /etc/modprobe.d and /etc/modules.conf - make sure it DID get blacklisted08:41
gabmusbut can i purge it?08:41
iptabletiblock, I'm afraid that if you resolved whatever issue you had I may by unable to help now since we cannot troubleshoot it any more.08:42
iptablegabmus, I would just blacklist just in case08:42
oneWhat is on ubuntu.tv waggafinger vs bass go boomboom ?08:42
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gabmuspurged it. i can boot in safe mode to reinstall it eventually.08:43
gabmuslets try to reboot08:43
gabmusim crossing my fingers08:43
iptablegabmus, http://paste.ubuntu.com/7106939/08:43
onegabmus: ubuntu is very similar to macos08:43
omarHi all. I am not able to modify brightness for some reason. How can I fix that?08:43
iptablegabmus, you should have something like that in modprobe.d in one of the files08:43
* iptable goes away for 15 minutes08:44
gabmusin one of the files is pretty generic08:44
tiblockiptable, uhm... It wastn problem... Look: i login true SSH, and i see "6 packages can be updated." and "*** System restart required ***". I do restart, and that lines disapears. But i had 98 days uptime and i have vulnurable somewhere and didnt know that i need restart. So when i do upgrade i want to know do i need restart or not08:44
tiblockiptable, where i can look that?08:44
gabmusblack screen again08:44
oldherlhello, where should i search for libelf-32bit ?08:45
iptabletiblock, the only time you need to restart is when you upgrade the kernel, as stated. I also told you where you can find the kernel versions.08:45
gabmusits relevant to say that the nvidia logo shows up before this black screen08:45
gabmusi learnt that if the cursor isnt showing, it may happen sometimes that gdm shows up08:45
oldherlshould i search "libelf 32" on PPA? or somewhere else?08:45
iptabletiblock, although, if you want to know why the softwaer is saying it needed a reboot, check the motd of user login, and then check the script that's doing this to find out what it does. it's just an MOTD script08:45
tiblockiptable, it wasnt kernel. It was 6 packages that requested reboot. But i didnt know that they want reboot.08:45
iptabletiblock, no, it's a script that thinks that you need a reboot.08:46
tiblockiptable, okay. That what i lookng for. Thank you.08:46
iptabletiblock, see my previous message08:46
iptabletiblock, oh, ok. no problem08:46
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gabmusi rebooted and its now working again. it has an inconsistent behavior08:48
gabmusbtw even if i purged nouveau, its confirmed that the nouveau is blacklisted, along with other old nvidia drivers. it looks exactly like your paste08:49
Starcraftmazterhi if we uninstall cairo dock it breaks unity08:50
Starcraftmazterand the user isnt able to log in08:50
Starcraftmazterany suggestions?08:50
tiblockiptable, looks like MOTD is part of kernel and it somewhere inside. Oh well, will just relog after upgrade to check if reboot is need.08:50
oldherlStarcraftmazter: use tty08:50
Starcraftmazteryes and which command oldherl?08:50
geirhaoldherl: what do you need libelf for?08:50
k1l_Starcraftmazter: reinstall ubuntu-desktop to make sure all depencies are installed08:51
oldherlgeirha: for compiling another piece of software08:51
oldherlgeirha: i've been using another distro for years, but this time i have to deploy something on a ubuntu server08:52
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k1l_oldherl: ubuntu uses multiarch. dont you need one of them? http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?suite=saucy&searchon=names&keywords=libelf08:52
oldherlk1l_: are to same type as lib32z1-dev in the repo?08:53
oldherlk1l_: *to->the08:54
omarHi all. I am not able to modify brightness for some reason. How can I fix that?08:54
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k1l_!multiarch | oldherl08:54
gabmus_mobileso apparently my problem doesnt have a solution. well, np, i just hope my damn macbook works when i need it. if i wanted to buy anotehr notebook, let's say with only an intel integrated gpu, what could i buy? something cheap, dont mind about ultrabooks and beautiful but expensive stuff08:55
gabmus_mobileomar: are you using an nvidia gpu with proprietary drivers?08:56
omargabmus_mobile, I am not sure.08:56
gabmus_mobileomar: do you have an nvidia graphic card?08:56
omargabmus_mobile, From the looks of it, not I don't. I have a Radeon.08:57
gabmus_mobileyou *should* know. check in system settings > details and see what "graphic" says08:57
gabmus_mobileomar: ok, then i think i cant help you. have you memory of installing drivers at all on that pc?08:58
omargabmus_mobile, "Graphics: VESA: KALINDI"08:58
oneIs there a way to get dickson off of the network?08:59
omargabmus_mobile, I am trying to install the "additional drivers" now.09:00
gabmus_mobileomar: i have no idea how amd gpus work. i know the open source gallium drivers were very good, even if compared to the proprietary catalyst ones. but maybe the screen backlight isnt supported by gallium drivers. and something tells me that neither the official catalyst support it.09:00
oneWhat just happened the channel dissapeared from irssi09:01
gabmus_mobileomar: i wouldnt suggest you to do it. cant you live without backlight control?09:01
k1l_one: please stick to the channel guidelines in here and keep this channel clear for ubuntu support09:01
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omargabmus_mobile, By the way, your proposed to solution to my function keys issue (installing 14.04 beta) yesterday did not work either. Unfortunately. :(09:02
playusbI need help with a error message am getting it says error cant find file niggle what does that mean:(09:03
omargabmus_mobile, It would certainly be better to live with ability to increase/decrease brightness, you know.09:03
gabmus_mobileomar: yeah i remember. im sorry, i kinda expected that anyway. you could always try archbang, even if i dont suggest you to if you aren't an expert09:03
omargabmus_mobile, I am no expert. :/09:04
playusbHello anyone there I need help please what the hell is a niggle09:04
gabmus_mobileomar: then just avoid it. im sorry, looks like your pc isnt gnu+linux friendly09:04
k1l_playusb: what command /programm gives you that error? and what is the exact error?09:04
omargabmus_mobile, It's really sad you know.. Despite my hate for Apple, these issues make wish I bought a Mac instead.. :(09:04
gabmus_mobileask toshiba support, they *should* help their users i suppose09:05
omargabmus_mobile, Yeah. I seems so.. :/09:05
gabmus_mobileomar: dont, i have a macbook, and it is a pain in the butt to use linux on it09:05
gabmus_mobileomar: asus is a great brand, i would go with that09:05
playusbK1L_: Error Cant Find Niggle 80000x09:05
omargabmus_mobile, I would have used iOS..09:06
gabmus_mobileios is crap, believe me09:06
gabmus_mobileive used it time ago, never again09:06
gabmus_mobileyou mean osx09:06
omargabmus_mobile, yeah. That.09:06
gabmus_mobileit is crap anyway09:06
gabmus_mobilebelieve me, gnu+linux is great, but as any other os, its far from being perfect09:06
gabmus_mobileyou have to learn to fix stuff yourself, but i think it's worth it after all09:07
omargabmus_mobile, True.09:07
gabmusim back on my desktop09:10
gabmusi have to go in 40 minutes09:12
iptabletiblock, no. the package responsible for the notifications is called update-notifier-common09:16
iptabletiblock, what you need to do is look into /usr/lib/update-notifier/update-motd-updates-available09:17
TheBarderMight be the wrong channel to ask but I don't think I'll find more people familiar with Ubuntu so: I'm taking a networking security class & as part of the class we have to compromise several class mate computers. One of the machines includes linux & as far as I can tell the student I'm supposed to work on chose Ubuntu 12.04. LTS. I have to be able to obtain the password hashes from it but...09:17
TheBarder...OpenVAS wasn't able to help... can any one make suggestions? :-)09:17
iptabletiblock, this is the script that checks all that. other scripts are also in /usr/lib/update-notifier09:17
tiblockiptable, thank you very much09:17
iptabletiblock, exactly: /usr/lib/update-notifier/update-motd-reboot-required09:18
iptabletiblock, study that to find out what it checks09:18
tiblockiptable, "if [ -f /var/run/reboot-required ]" lol09:18
tiblockiptable, thank you.09:19
iptabletiblock, nice.  simples :D Apparently the file (if present) means that reboot is required.09:20
iptabletiblock, also, /var/run/reboot-required.pkgs lists the packages that requested ther reboot so you can find out which ones want the reboot to happen09:20
tiblockiptable, easier just open SSH.09:20
iptabletiblock, e.g. on my one that needs a reboot: libssl1.0.0 linux-image-3.8.0-36-generic linux-base09:21
iptabletiblock, yup. anyways, mistery solved09:21
tiblockiptable, yes. Thank you.09:21
gabmusTheBarder: i dont think there is any known exploit to do so. if it was known, they would have fixed it09:21
KamuelaI have a problem that may be solved in the following thread: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2191109 However, I have no clue what file or collection of settings they're editing to fix this. Could someone take a look and clue me in? Thank you.09:21
iptableTheBarder, is he running any services? did you try port scanning? once you find services, did you try to see the versions and trry common exploits to those versions?09:22
iptableTheBarder, anyways, that's what you have to do over the network. Hvae fun googling on how to do it ;)09:22
iptableTheBarder, if you do have physical access, boot from liveUSB and hope like hell the drive is not encrypted. In all other cases, you cannot get the hashes.09:23
TheBarderOpenVAS did port scan with nmap, default & snmp walk scans. He's runnuing a website but beyond that the server didn't respond to anything. Does 12.04 have firewall on by default?09:24
iptableKamuela, which change exactly are you referring to?09:24
iptableTheBarder, uhm, or not listening on other ports maybe ...09:25
EvyHey Need help with Dvd player and ubuntu 13.10 32bit09:25
altech_1anyone working with ISPconfig on 12.04?09:25
iptableTheBarder, well, he has a website, did you try to find out what version of apache/nginx/php/mysql he is running and try exploits to those? google on how to.09:25
Kamuelaiptable: Reply #6, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2191109&p=12864209#post1286420909:26
iptableKamuela, anyways, this lookslike a line for the boot command. Hold CTRL during boot and it will display a boot menu (before the system boots). On that menu, press 'e' to enter edit mode. Find the linux or kernel command and add these to the end of it.09:26
gabmuswell, g2g guys09:26
TheBarderk... that's an idea... I'd been googling for unbuntu & metasploit & not finding a lot :-)09:26
gabmussee ya09:26
iptableKamuela, this will only work on the selected boot.09:27
iptableTheBarder, the security issue is more about manually actually doing some work, then just using ready-tools for script kiddies09:27
litfatsEvy: What.09:27
TheBardernot this class :-p09:27
iptableKamuela, if you want to make it permanent once you have tested this, let me know and we will guide you. It's called "add parameters to kernel boot"09:27
iptableTheBarder, well, that's daft enough not to attend it :D09:28
EvyThere is one dvd that does not work in vlc or the media play but works in windows09:28
TheBarderI have 2 days to compromise 7 computers & all we were shown in class was metasploit & JTR :-)09:28
iptableEvy, encrypted. did you install libdvdcss?09:28
Evyiptable : nope will try09:29
TheBarder& oh... netcat head command09:29
iptableEvy, sudo apt-get install ubuntu-restricted-extras libdvdread4; sudo /usr/share/doc/libdvdread4/install-css.sh09:29
iptableEvy, that will install what is required to read css encrypted DVDs. it IS legal and there is no issue with it. It's just not opensource09:29
Kamuelaiptable: ok thank you iptable. i'll write it down right now and give it a try before coming back to tell you if it worked09:30
litfatsEvy: iptable Is part right but not with vlc09:30
iptableTheBarder, yes. it gives you apache and PHP versions. now google for security vulnerabilities for versions between THAT version and latest PHP. then find out how to do those and execute.09:30
iptableKamuela, cool. have fun09:31
ZorkyAnyone else having trouble with running KVM virtualisation using a ubuntu server 12.04 vm in kvm? my vm will only boot every 10 time. and constantly freezes in a random service start after fsck from util-linux09:31
iptablelitfats, uhm, yes with VLC. I actually had that problem only yesterday funny enough. VLC woul;dn't play it and handbrake wouldn't rip it. Installing CSS - result - VLC plays it and handbrake can read it.09:31
iptableZorky, you mean it says "fsck" on top of the screen and freezes like that?09:32
Evyok the computer need a restart?09:32
iptableZorky, known issue, disable automatic fsck as much as you can.09:32
iptableEvy, no09:32
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Zorkyiptable:  no it freezes at a random spot after that. on a random service. and refuses to continue after that i have to reboot the vm.09:34
Evyiptable : it's stuck on a gray screen09:34
iptableEvy, using what player?09:34
Zorkyiptable:  how would i disable fsck? when the vm wont even proceed past the service start after fsck.09:34
iptableZorky, it would be nice to know if it is trully random service or one of the services locks it up. Services nowadays start asynchroniously. Tried checking logs after it boots?09:35
Zorkyiptable:  it wont boot09:35
altech_1need help getting phpmyadmin to work with ISPconfig?09:35
iptableZorky, get a successful boot, check logs in /var/log - dmesg, syslog etc.09:35
iptableZorky, you said it boots ocasionally09:35
Evyiptable : should i use a diffent one?09:35
Zorkyiptable:  i have experienced this error multiple times on multple machines running kvm on ubuntu server 12.04 and it's ONLY when you are installing ubuntu server 12.04 in a vm it does this09:36
iptableEvy, VLC is the best known one. What version of ubuntu and when did you last run updates09:36
iptableZorky, sorry, let me make something clear. you get your HOST or VM to have issues, and what is the HOST OS, and what is the VM OS?09:36
Zorkyiptable:  i would be lucky if the damn vm will even boot now09:36
Zorkyiptable:  the host is Proxmox09:36
Zorkyiptable:  vm is ubuntu server 12.0409:37
iptableZorky, is it the VM that's having issues booting?09:37
Zorkyyes only the VM.09:37
Zorkyand only with ubuntu server 12.0409:37
Zorkyeverything else runs just fine09:37
mbah_When 14.04 release?09:37
iptablembah_, as the name suggests in April 201409:37
DJonesmbah_: Something like 23rd April09:38
Zorkyand this is an issue only with kvm virtualisation… vmware virtualbox you name it. will run it just fine09:38
DJonesmbah_: 24th I think09:38
iptableZorky, what version of ubuntu is proxmox?09:38
Zorkyiptable:  proxmox runs on debian09:38
Kamuelaiptable: well I don't think it changed anything whatsoever, oh well09:38
iptableZorky, for a fact I am running ubuntu server 14.04 as host and ubuntu server 12.04 as VM on KVM and that runs just fine.09:38
iptableZorky, I am guessing ubuntu server 12.04 wants/needs some settings for the VM that proxmox is not setting.09:39
mbah_Yeeahhh, 1month more09:39
Zorkyiptable:  this is NOT an issue only in proxmox. i have experienced this issue on a openstack environment and from a fresh install of ubuntu server 12.04 as host09:40
iptableKamuela, well, it would mean it didn't help. if you get a command line, try dmesg |grep {your_parrameter_name here} to see if it got that parameter set09:40
iptableZorky, but it works on 14.04 as a host, which is a bit weird, no? Try disabling automatic fsck on boot and that *might* just do it. It worked for me.09:41
Zorkyit wont get past firewall now09:41
Zorkyiptable:  where do i disable fsck?09:41
iptableZorky, what do you mean firewall? won't get past what exactly?09:41
Zorkyi'll screenshot it next time09:41
Zorkynow it booted09:42
Zorky7th try09:42
iptablehttps://www.google.co.uk/search?q=ubuntu+disable+fsck+on+boot - returns first link: http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-1815997.html09:42
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Kamuelaiptable: if i'm doing it correctly, which is 'dmesg |grep {i915.i915_enable_rc6=1}' I get a return of nothing which means it didn't get set, huh?09:42
iptableZorky, do the fstab and tune2fs changes09:42
iptableKamuela, when I say {something_here}, I mean, without the {}09:43
iptableKamuela, dmesg |grep 'i915.i915_enable_rc6=1'09:43
Kamuelaiptable: sorry about that misunderstanding, same no return there though09:44
iptableKamuela, well, you didn't boot with those parameters.09:44
Kamuelaiptable: e brought me to a grub editing interface. it's possible i didn't understand the script and added those values to the wrong part?09:45
Kamuelaiptable: i added it to the end, beyond any of the if/fi blocks and after initrd09:45
iptableKamuela, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/KernelBootParameters09:45
iptableKamuela, as I have stated, add them to the line that starts with "linux" or "kernel"09:45
Zorkyiptable:  lets see if this fixed it09:45
iptableKamuela, you effectively ignored part of my instructions actually :D09:46
Zorkyiptable:  http://imgur.com/4KqcgL809:47
Zorkythats what happends09:47
Kamuelaiptable: effectively i did, so after quiet and splash this time. i'll brb again09:47
iptableZorky, barely looks random really. Tried uninstalling the "uncomplicated firewall"? whatever that is...09:47
Zorkyiptable:  it's random. simetimes it's a different service09:47
iptableZorky, looks like your fsck passes though, no issues there. Still, it looks like an issue with firewall at this time. DID you try to check the logs when it manages to boot?09:48
iptableZorky, /var/log/* tbh09:48
Zorkyiptable:  after reboot it did this http://imgur.com/oYDLAax09:49
Zorkysometimes it's the failsafe boot delay09:49
iptableZorky, reboot, get it to finally accidentally boot and check logs, really. they 99.999% of the time have the issue written out09:49
Zorkywhat log file? now it's the bridge socket events into upstart that failed..09:50
iptableZorky, all of them. check /var/log/syslog, /var/log/dmesg and /var/log/this_one_looks_interesting09:51
Zorkyso you want me to check the log files of EVERY single service that boots with the os?09:51
Zorkyhave you any idea on how many that is?09:51
iptableZorky, uhm, yes.09:51
iptableZorky, I normally grep -iPr 'error|warning|panic' /var/log/* to begin with09:52
iptableZorky, and if nothing found, I tail the last few lines of all log files I feel may be relevant. following failure of that, it's time to actually spend 30 minutes troubleshooting by tailing the last 100 lines or so of all the logs files09:53
iptableZorky, another way is to disable quiet and splash (if enabled) from the boot parameters and see all the beautiful boot lines scroll by until hang. that might display something more09:53
Kamuelaiptable: yep dmesg showed it got injected, i don't think it solved the problem unfortunately :\09:54
Evyiptable did the updates, still the same issue09:54
iptableZorky, also, this looks relevant http://forum.proxmox.com/threads/16526-Anyone-else-seen-this-Ubuntu-12-04-LTS-64bit-KVM-install-hangs-late-boot-weird09:55
Shadow_aokis someone using ubumirror ? The dists folder is missing and i can't find why it isn't synchronized09:55
Zorkyiptable:  i just ran grep -iPr 'error|warning|panic' /var/log/* you want me to post it to a pastebin ?09:55
linociscollutz, hi09:55
Zorkybecause i got an insane amount of errors printed09:55
iptableZorky, got that many errors? :D ok, pastebinit and also look at the link I sent you just now09:55
iptableKamuela, well then this is not your solution then I'm afraid09:56
linociscollutz, i have installed ubuntu 13.10 on new HDD recently and installed aptoncd. what can i do to take required packages to home with no internet09:56
iptableEvy, what version of ubuntu?09:56
Kamuelaiptable: thanks for the help. i guess i'm still holding out for 13.10 hd4600 support09:56
iptableEvy, that *should* already work. Tried default movie player on ubuntu as opposed to VLC for the sake of it?09:56
linociscohi all, i have installed ubuntu 13.10 on new HDD recently and installed aptoncd. what can i do to take required packages to home with no internet09:57
iptableKamuela, try 14.04, see if it resolves the issues. You can try beta for the test.09:57
Evyiptables : Videos requires to install plugins to support the following multimedia feature: DVD source09:57
linociscocreating using aptonCD gave me one iso file09:57
iptableEvy, oh, you don't have DVD playback installed at all?09:58
iptableEvy, do any actual DVD movies play?09:58
iptableEvy, also, VLC has a tab somewhere to show you log, what error does that spit out?09:58
Zorkyiptable:  http://pastebin.com/BNFyLgbP09:59
Evyiptable : where is the log?09:59
Kamuelaiptable: how would I be able to test it with something like a dist-upgrade09:59
iptableKamuela, you wouldn't. normally, to JUST test, you would install it on a USB drive you can wipe09:59
iptableKamuela, or run a full reinstall of the OS09:59
Kamuelaiptable: basically the video working would be as simple as me making a bootable usb, booting into it, and seeing if video worked as i expected by default?10:00
iptableEvy, Tools->messages in VLC10:00
linociscohi all, i have installed ubuntu 13.10 on new HDD recently and installed aptoncd. what can i do to take required packages to home with no internet and no aptoncd10:00
iptableEvy, you need something like that: sudo apt-get install gstreamer0.10-plugins-bad gstreamer0.10-ffmpeg gstreamer0.10-plugins-ugly mpg123 *something like that*10:01
iptableKamuela, you would need to boot from a bootable "live" usb/cd, click on install and install to another USB drive. Then boot the installed version from the USB drive and you can install drivers there. you CANNOT install video drivers on liveUSB, even with persistance mode10:02
Kamuelaiptable: ok, it's more of a nuisance that i have to deal with so i suppose i can continue dealing with it10:03
iptableZorky, 1. see the output of kern.log - looks like a panic based on GPU (the GPU being emulated). 2. look at the link I did send you, looks relevant.10:04
Zorkyiptable:  im trying to do that change on grub so see if that changes anything10:04
Evyiptable : Google say : try sudo apt-get install ubuntu-restricted-extras10:04
linociscohi all, i have installed ubuntu 13.10 on new HDD recently and installed aptoncd. what can i do to take required packages to home with no internet and no aptoncd?10:05
Zorkyiptable:  i somehow broke grub but it still booted10:06
junzihow can i whisp to user in channel10:06
iptableEvy, yes, I did tell you to do that, did you?10:07
iptableZorky, as in now it actually boots?10:07
iptableZorky, that would be the graphics card incompatibility with the kernel in question of the VM10:07
junziany help?10:07
iptablejunzi, how abtou PM them (private message)?10:08
iptablejunzi, /query nicknamehere10:08
Zorkyiptable:  hmm there is no gfx card, except the CPU one. it's being run on a blade server10:08
junziiptableö /query ıs ıt ok?10:08
iptableZorky, that's irrelevant. The KVM is emulating some sort of GPU10:09
junziiptableö /query10:09
iptablejunzi, like you would: /query iptable10:09
Zorkyiptable:  does it have something to do with VNC display?10:09
iptablejunzi, a new window opens and you can type in it to that person10:09
BlackDeathhi guys.. tryong to follow the guide https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Hamachi... but when i try run "sudo add-apt-repository ppa:webupd8team/haguichi " i get a command not found... any help please10:09
iptableZorky, well, the only way to get VNC display to work is for KVM to first emulate some kind of GPU, yes. It's the graphics card that KVM is emulating that ubuntu 12.04 kernel not likey ;)10:10
DJonesGrr, stupid paste buffer10:10
junziiptable, /query10:10
linociscoportable external drive and USB drive can't be accessed from GUI on ubuntu 13.10.it flashed to appear and gone10:10
linociscobuggy ubuntu 13.1010:10
iptableBlackDeath, you don't have full apt installed? that's interesting.10:10
BlackDeathiptable:   how do i install full apt?10:11
Evyiptable : yea still does not work10:11
Zorkyiptable:  hmm i wonder if i remove the display for the vm in proxmox and press start. and it boots as it should. since it's a terminal based OS there is no need for a display after install10:11
iptableZorky, up to you to determine and test10:11
Zorkynow it says error: no suitable video mode found. then it hangs there for 30 seconds and proceeds to boot10:12
iptableZorky, definitely on the right track then. GPU emulation is the reason. Video modes for "Video Default" can be cirrus, QXL, VGA, VMVGA, Xen. Or you could try to find out how to ignore that error altogether. But anyways, issue located :)10:13
Evyiptable  : nomaly working dvd don't any more10:14
iptableBlackDeath, http://stackoverflow.com/questions/13018626/add-apt-repository-not-found10:14
iptableEvy, that sentence got me lost. so do any DVD movies (proper DVD movies) play at all?10:14
Evyiptable dvd that normaly working is not working anymore,10:15
iptableEvy, so all DVDs are consistently broken ok. Can you please put in a DVD that's data, not movie and try to read file? I just want to make sure your DVD drive did not burn. Following that, I will want to know what region your DVD drive is and movies are.10:16
cx1964Does anyone know how to connect my samsung galaxy xcover2 to my usb? (I Can use mtp)10:17
iptableEvy, you *could* try to reboot just in case, if oyu have ran upgrade just now.10:17
Evyiptable trying to play pal 4 (Aust)10:17
iptableEvy, also, see this link https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/PlayingDVDs10:17
iptableEvy, 1. reboot, then 2. check link I sent you10:17
Zorkyiptable: i think i found the workaround for this. only time will tell if it actually worked. it increased boot time with aprox 10 seconds because of grub says no video mode found. thanks for the help10:17
iptableZorky, no problem.10:18
iptablecx1964, http://www.smbc-comics.com/?id=2388 :D10:20
iptablecx1964, then use mtp I guess ;) On ubuntu 14.04 is "just works". on older ubuntu, I had to use 3rd-party tools.10:21
iptablecx1964, one thing to keep in mind: your screen needs to be unlocked for mtp to be available via USB to your PC, so unlock the screen before plugging it in10:22
cx1964I use Ubuntu 12.0410:22
iptablecx1964, that will be painful then.10:22
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iptablecx1964, there is mtpfs and suchlikes you will have to manually experiment with. but do remember to unblock screen before each try. it is very important or MTP access will not be granted by phone10:23
cx1964when 14.04 is released in april I will upgrade. But is it possible for now to connect to my samsung galaxy xcover2?10:24
iptablecx1964, you best solution is to use "Ex File Explorer" on the phone and do it via FTP/scp/other10:24
someHumanI can't log in to my Ubuntu.10:24
iptablecx1964, wireless-like ;)10:24
someHumanI just updated it to 13.1010:24
someHumanAfter I log in, it just shows me this blank screen.10:24
iptablesomeHuman, so you can login, but end up with a blank screen?10:25
someHumaniptable: Yes10:25
k1l_someHuman: install the correct video drivers from the ubuntu repo10:25
someHumanOk? How do I do that?10:25
someHumanI run AMD10:25
iptablek1l_, damn, took it right out of my mouth ... uhm, fingers :D10:25
someHumanSorry noobie here.10:25
someHumaniptable: What?! Hahahaha!10:25
iptablesomeHuman, what is the graphics card? intel/nvidia/ati?10:25
k1l_someHuman: log into tty and install the package "fglrx"10:26
someHumank1l_: How?10:26
iptablesomeHuman, as in: press ctrl+alt+f1, login to console, type in: sudo apt-get install fglrx10:26
iptablesomeHuman, Then?10:27
Evyiptable : rebooted10:27
Humbedoohthen reboot ;o10:27
someHumanThat's it?10:27
iptablesomeHuman, then reboot once you done that.10:27
iptablesomeHuman, to reboot: sudo shutdown -r now10:27
someHumanOk ok10:27
iptableEvy, works?10:27
Humbedoohiptable: or, just type 'reboot' ;\10:27
Evytoy story works, grey's anatomy s4 does not10:28
Evyiptable i think i had to use classic media player to get it working in windows 710:29
iptableHumbedooh, nah, that's soooooo uncool :D10:30
Humbedoohiptable: pfft, faster to type!10:30
iptableEvy, is tha particular DVD a DVD or bluray?10:31
iptableHumbedooh, I'm old-school, where we had to 'alias reboot=shutdown -r now' to do that10:31
iptableEvy, looks like one of those weird encryptions that just won't work on ubuntu.10:31
iptableEvy, there is a very limited amount of DVDs that will jsut refuse to decode. Is it the same region as the DVD drive?10:31
Evyiptable : maybe wine that app?10:31
Evyyes it works in windows10:32
someHumanI have already installed the fglrx10:32
someHumanStill the same.10:32
Evybut want to move all my stuff to ubuntu but only this dvd and itunes are stopping me10:32
duoidoes the ubuntu tracker block certain IP addresses?10:32
someHumanI just get blank screen after logging in.10:33
someHumanI just updated to 13.1010:33
someHumanI already have the latest fglrx installed10:33
iptablesomeHuman, try reinstall instead then.10:34
someHumanOh man!10:34
iptablesomeHuman, like install, but reinstall.10:34
EvyCMP crashes on loading the dvd in winde10:34
iptableEvy, looks like one of those DVDs that will not play on ubuntu. Note that movie industry doesn't like linux due to "hax0rs" lol :D10:35
iptableEvy, google, install and run handbrake. It is a riping tool, but for your purpose you could run it to see if it can scan and see the titles on that DVD. handbrake is quite good with that.10:36
Evydo you know how to sync ipods in ubunt?10:36
iptableEvy, Rhythmbox has limited support for it. Otherwise, it's iTunes under wine. Note that Apple iStuff is built to lock you in under their bubble.10:41
Evyi have itunes in wine but does not talk via usb10:42
Evyshould i just handbrek it in windows then just copy it? : iptable?10:50
ActionParsnipEvy: handbreak runs in Ubuntu too10:50
ActionParsnip!info handbreak | evy10:50
ubottuevy: Package handbreak does not exist in saucy10:50
iptableEvy, try handbrake in linux I meant. might just work.10:50
ActionParsnip!find handbreak10:50
james_woodsHey, whats the current state of ubuntu 13.04 regarding start stop of daemons at boot? As far as I know systemd has not been rolled out as the standard manager (yet) so where should I look for startup scripts when I compiled a package from hand and ant to check if it is started at boot time?10:50
ubottuPackage/file handbreak does not exist in saucy10:50
iptableActionParsnip, Evy it's in a PPA for 13.04. Just google it.10:51
ActionParsnip!info handbrake10:51
ubottuPackage handbrake does not exist in saucy10:51
ActionParsnipiptable: raring is EOL and not supported in any way10:52
iptablestill, it will install via PPA on all from 12.04+10:52
KamuelaI'm trying to figure out why a node installation keeps defaulting to an older version. is there a command that lets me see like whereis the root executable of a link?10:53
Evyiptable : W: Failed to fetch http://ppa.launchpad.net/stebbins/handbrake-releases/ubuntu/dists/saucy/main/binary-i386/Packages  404  Not Found10:53
iptableEvy, google it. I think you may need just a little work to install it (like replace /etc/apt/sources.d/handbrake... "sausy" with "raring"10:54
ActionParsnipEvy: the PPA doesnt support Saucy10:55
BlackDeathhi guys... can anyone help me set up hamachi on a terminal only box... want it set up on my servers i'm building at home so i can work on the from anywhere through hamachi.. i have it working on my laptop, but my laptop have x running..10:58
BlackDeathi have the package install just cant work out how to set iy up10:58
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Evyiptable : does not show up chapters on handbrake even on windows11:01
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BlackDeathhi guys.. having trouble finding a way to make hamachi auto start at all.. let alone to pick hte net wokr i want..  any pointer or links please11:05
El_QuedroI have forgotten my keyring password, is there a way to change it without losing my passwords?11:05
ActionParsnipEl_Quedro: no, you will need to delete the keyring and build new11:06
El_QuedroActionParsnip, Thanks.11:07
jasabelleis it possible to attach my scanner to ubuntu server and have it acessible on windows over the network? i have samba installed11:22
jasabelleim reading this :) http://richardappleby.wordpress.com/2012/07/28/building-a-scan-server-on-ubuntu-server-12-04/11:23
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Guest67566hello anyone can help me with my grafic driver please ...11:31
Guest67566please where i can get some help with ubuntu 13?11:32
k1l_!details | Guest6756611:32
ubottuGuest67566: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."11:33
Guest67566of course thank u :)11:33
Guest67566i try mint few days ago ...11:33
Guest67566and my grafic card does not work ...11:33
Guest67566i had win 7 befor and work fine11:34
Guest67566yesterday i try kali linux and work excelent!!!11:34
Guest67566 but kali is not for me :)11:34
Guest67566so now i try xubuntu as advice from some ppl on irc. but still same problem .11:35
Guest67566i cant play any flash games11:35
Guest67566i cant almost see nothing on the screan11:35
Guest67566but as i set on kali was perfect11:36
k1l_Guest67566: flash or video card drivers? what is the exact issue and what ubuntu exactly are you now talking about?11:36
Guest67566my computer is wery old11:36
k1l_Guest67566: we cant support kali or mint in here. stick to ubuntu or one of the official derivates11:36
Guest67566could u provide me step by step how to do it ?11:37
Guest67566it is ubuntu the new version i download yesterday 13.10 i think ??11:37
haosHello. Is there a way to gedit grub by remote terminal? (headless machine, Ubuntu 12.04 LTS say "Cannot open display")11:37
RoryGuest67566: Can you open the software center and locate and instance the package "xubuntu-restricted-extras"11:37
k1l_what gives "lsb_release -a" give you?11:37
meldronhi everbody, after I updated ubuntu 12.10 to 13.10, my flash (chrome|pepperflash) freezes unity after some time in FULLSCREEN mode, i tried to disable compiz fullscreen redirection, anybody had the same problem and was able to fix it?11:38
Roryhaos: if you ssh to it with "ssh -X" you can forward X applications. But what problem with Grub are you actually having?11:38
haosthanks Rory, will try. I need to change the grub to autoboot default option (Ubuntu) even after failed shutdown11:39
Guest67566ok i did it  its not installed11:39
Guest67566shall i install now ?11:39
Roryhaos: You could use a text-based editor like nano?11:40
RoryGuest67566: Yes, install that package. Ubuntu doesn't come with Flash11:40
haosRory, can i? :) All guides say to use sudo gedit /etc/default/grub11:41
Roryhaos: gedit is just a text editor. As long as you're editing the file, it doesn't matter what you use11:41
haosyea, nano just works, thanks!11:42
Roryhaos: Jumping through hoops to use a specific graphical editor, when all you really need to do is edit the file, seems a little convoluted :P11:42
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Guest67566it says to install Xubuntu restricted extras,these items must be removed :  and there is Libav codec library  and Libav utility library    ....now cancel   or install anyway?11:42
RoryGuest67566: What have you tried to do to fix the problem up to this point? Do you have any third-party repositories added?11:43
Rory!flash | Guest6756611:43
ubottuGuest67566: To install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash - See also  !Restricted and !Gnash11:43
lorddaedrahello! how to kill all processes by command name? Command (column in htop) = '... -jar youtrack-5.0.6.jar ...'?11:43
Guest67566i did nothing yet at all . except apt-get update  and upgrade11:43
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RoryGuest67566: locate the "flashplugin-installer" plugin, and install it11:47
Guest67566i di install the flash plagin  before but no changes11:50
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morganyone know why i cant use gedit on SSH to edit files on my college server11:52
DJonesmorg: gedit is a graphical app, normally, ssh it text based11:52
Rorymorg: are you using the "-X" flag on SSH to enable X application forwarding?11:52
Rorymorg: If you just need to use a text editor, use nano11:53
k1l_morg: use a CLI editor like nano11:53
DureikenHi, is there a tool on ubuntu or debian under console to monitor and store CPU usage by core ? thanks a lot11:53
morgyes nano is ideal but if gedit worked id prefer it11:53
k1l_morg: then you will have to ssh -X for that11:53
morgRory: will the -X flag work for gedit?11:54
morgthanks :)11:54
Guest67566ok i did all the steps but nothing change11:54
Guest67566please anyone cam help me?11:55
morgdid u restart after the installatio?11:56
Guest67566browser or computer?11:56
FariokoI tried to install the proprietary drivers from AMD.com but it doesn't work. This is the install log http://paste.ubuntu.com/7107737/11:57
Guest67566yes i did11:58
Guest67566i see just some lines11:58
Guest67566when i try to go to yuotube11:58
k1l_Guest67566: releoad the site11:59
Guest67566i did that to11:59
k1l_sometimes youtube doenst show a video for me but on reload it does11:59
morg@Farioko wait11:59
Guest67566i m sure thats a driver problem12:00
k1l_Farioko: why dont you use fglrx form ubuntu?12:00
ActionParsnipFarioko: there is a package for the drivers, what AMD GPU do you use?12:01
Guest67566it works so far only on winxp. 7 and kail linux12:01
morghybrid graphics?12:01
Guest67566mint and ubuntu not12:01
Fariokok1l_: Because it's bugged my cpu is maxed out12:01
ActionParsnipFarioko: what AMD GPU do you use?12:02
Fariokok1l_: CPU AMD 6400 GPU 2x r9 280x12:02
raj__where could I make bash chnages for all users ? local bash.rc overrides global, is there no way I can force global configuration ?12:02
ActionParsnipraj__: /etc/bash.bashrc   I believe, there is a file in there12:03
Fariokok1l_: you know what's wrong? :)12:03
raj__ActionParsnip: user's bash.rc will override the settings in that..12:03
ActionParsnipFarioko: there is a how to by Spatry on YouTube which may help12:03
raj__isn't it ?12:04
ActionParsnipraj__: not sure there, have a play see what you can do12:04
ActionParsnipraj__: I believe so12:04
raj__ActionParsnip: going to confirm this if you say so12:05
sydneyHow do I execute A .tar.bz2 file?12:05
ActionParsnipsydney: if you install unp, you can use unp with any archive12:05
Guest67566so no help here..? maybe can u guys direct me somewhere else to go and solfe that problem then please?12:06
ActionParsnipGuest67566: what is the output of:  lsb_release -a; uname -a; dpkg -l | egrep 'flash|gnash|swf|spark'12:07
ActionParsnipGuest67566: use a pastebin like http://pastie.org to host the output12:07
Guest67566one min please12:07
sydneyActionPartership_: I can extract it that way,but how do I install it? :)12:07
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ActionParsnipsydney: guess.....12:07
milsDoes anybody know of a common issue with nvidia + HDMI out + Samsung 3d HDTV? I have no overscan but the vertical resolution seems to be doubled so I can just see half of the screen.12:08
ActionParsnipsydney: install what? install unp?12:08
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Guest67566the last comand  -dpk-l does not work12:12
Guest67566should be all together ?12:12
ActionParsnipGuest67566: it will if you run the right command, look at the comamnd I gave, then look at what you ran12:13
ActionParsnipGuest67566: if youu COPY and paste the command it will work.12:13
ActionParsnipGuest67566: if you attempt to retype it you may botch it, this is WHY I give the exact command12:13
Guest67566i did copy and run so only two first work12:14
ActionParsnipGuest67566: its also all one command12:14
ActionParsnip12:07 < ActionParsnip> Guest67566: what is the output of:  lsb_release -a; uname -a; dpkg -l | egrep 'flash|gnash|swf|spark'12:14
ActionParsnipGuest67566: there is a space12:14
ActionParsnipGuest67566: so you couldnt have copied it12:14
tracyoneHow to associate *.qpf file to quartus(a programmable logic device design software from Altera)12:15
bitnumushi, can someone tell me what would cause usb0 interface to be setup on a fresh install ?12:15
ActionParsnipbitnumus: try: dmesg | grep -i usb012:16
glambertHi, got an issue with some ubuntu VMs that I've posted in #virt on OFTC but as they're ubuntu VMs I thought may be able to get some advice in here.12:16
glambertThe VNC screen under the virt-manager has crashed during boot but all of the servers are running fine.  Fix for this issue appears to be adding "quiet splash nomodeset" into the /etc/default/grub and running grup-update12:16
bitnumusActionParsnip, few MAC address lines and   IPv6: ADDRCONF(NETDEV_UP): usb0: link is not ready12:16
glambertBut, is there a way of "flushing" out the VNC screen without rebooting the servers?12:16
ActionParsnipbitnumus: do you use a USB based network interface12:16
Adieis there a simple say to make my numpad enter key act the same as my main enter key?12:17
bitnumusActionParsnip, no, this is a beaglebone with a screen / power and ethernet cable connected nothing else at all12:17
Guest67566<script src='http://pastie.org/8937671.js'>12:18
fermulatortracyone: I assume you have Qartus installed through wine? (if you're running a Ubuntu flavor w/ nautilus; http://smallbusiness.chron.com/change-file-associations-ubuntu-44747.html, or Unity; http://datainfer.wordpress.com/2013/11/27/set-default-file-association-in-ubuntu-unity-for-applications-not-listed-in-open-with/, ... plus a bunch of other ways: http://www.howtogeek.com/117709/how-to-change-your-default-applications-on-ubun12:18
ActionParsnipGuest67566: why are you adding sudo?12:19
ActionParsnipGuest67566: why are you not copying the command I gave?12:19
ActionParsnipGuest67566: no worries the data is there12:19
ActionParsnipGuest67566: yuo know how to copy and paste, right12:19
Fariokok1l_: ?12:19
fermulatortracyone: else, if it's installed via Crossover in some way... they have their own mechanism12:19
tracyoneI install Quartus II for linux  version12:19
ActionParsnipGuest67566: its one line of code, then press ENTER12:19
ActionParsnipGuest67566: so why all this extra rubbish and why are you adding sudo at all when I didn't add sudo in my command?12:20
bitnumusActionParsnip, could my local network be causing this usb0 or something? i can't see why its there at all, it has a section in /etc/network/interfaces12:20
ActionParsnipGuest67566: why did you add sudo?12:20
fermulatortracyone: ah excellent; native; then this link would do it: http://www.howtogeek.com/117709/how-to-change-your-default-applications-on-ubuntu-4-ways/ (see the last section "File Associations")12:21
Guest67566well coz i try to do it at first time and it didnt work so i tough maybe i have to ad sudo12:21
ActionParsnipGuest67566: yes because you didnt copy and paste the  comamnd I gave12:21
Guest67566i m sorry i dont even know why is that wrong12:21
Guest67566i m learning12:22
ActionParsnipGuest67566: if you'd ran the actual command I gave using copy and paste you wouldnt have any issue12:22
fermulatortracyone: if that doesn't work, see the last last section "Update Alternatives" to manually add path for Quartus12:22
Guest67566i did12:22
ActionParsnipGuest67566: yes learning to follow instruction....12:22
ActionParsnipGuest67566: if you run:  sudo apt-get install flashplugin-installer12:22
ptbsarehello everyone12:22
tracyonefermulator: ok  I will try that12:22
ActionParsnipGuest67566: then enable the partner repository, you can install adobe-flashplugin and you can then close all web browsers and rerun, should be ok then12:23
=== zz_dino82 is now known as dino82
Guest67566the flushplugin i install from the center12:23
ActionParsnipGuest67566: yes, remove the package, you can use either way12:23
fermulatortracyone: great; good luck12:24
Guest67566apt-get remove flashplagin-installer?12:24
ActionParsnip12:22 < ActionParsnip> Guest67566: if you run:  sudo apt-get install flashplugin-installer12:25
ActionParsnipGuest67566: I ALREADY gave you the command12:25
Guest67566yes u did and i told u tat i did it by the center and now when i past your command  it says i have the newer version12:26
ActionParsnipGuest67566: this isnt a case of learning a new OS, you need to read what is written to you12:26
Guest67566we both should12:26
ActionParsnipGuest67566: the software centre way and the apt-get way are fine, they both achiebe the same end12:26
Guest67566when u told me to do apt-get install..... whatever i told u that i did it already that12:27
ActionParsnipGuest67566: you dont want any version at all, you want to remove it12:27
ActionParsnipsudo apt-get --purge remove flashplugin-installer12:27
ActionParsnipmy bad12:27
ActionParsnipGuest67566: then install adobe-flashplugin and you should be ok12:28
Guest67566no !! what i want is to make it work  and i vave no idea if i have remove it or what12:28
ActionParsnipGuest67566: alternatively, dont install adobe-flashplugin, install Google Chrome and enjoy Pepperflash12:28
Guest67566sudo apt-get install flashplugin-installer12:28
Guest67566Reading package lists... Done12:28
Guest67566Building dependency tree12:28
Guest67566Reading state information... Done12:28
Guest67566flashplugin-installer is already the newest version.12:28
ptbsaremay i ask a question here?12:28
Guest675660 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 6 not upgraded.12:28
fermulatorptbsare: definitely, please do12:29
ActionParsnipGuest67566: if you run: sudo apt-get --purge remove flashplugin-installer     it will remove it12:29
ptbsareMust I upgrade from a no-longer-supportted release to a newer release such as 14.04 or 13.10?12:29
ActionParsnipptbsare: for continued support you must be using a supported release. 12.04 and 13.10 are also fully supported.12:30
Guest67566ok done12:30
ActionParsnipGuest67566: ok now enable the partner repo and install adobe-flashplugin package, or switch to google chrome12:30
fermulatorptbsare: You do not /have/ to; I ran 11.04 for years. Unsupported releases (i.e. non LongTermSupport LTS); will continue to function; however you'll no longer benefit from security updates and improvements. (i.e. running the "Update Software" stuff will show that there are no updates)12:30
Guest67566not sure how to enable that ?12:30
Guest67566no i dont want chrome12:31
ActionParsnipGuest67566: http://askubuntu.com/questions/14629/how-do-i-enable-the-partner-repository12:31
ptbsareok thank you all!12:31
Guest67566ok thx12:31
Guest67566ill be back12:32
bitnumusActionParsnip, seems it was a run_boot-scripts issue on beaglebone that i needed to remove12:32
ptbsareare there any problems if i do not upgrade?12:32
bitnumusActionParsnip, now i'm trying to figure out why my wifi dongle shows wlan1 and not wlan0   :)12:32
ActionParsnipptbsare: no updates and no community support. The OS will continue to function though12:32
ActionParsnipbitnumus: let it, just tell your network software touse wlan1, wicd can do this easily12:33
Guest67566well i dont have software sources :)12:33
fermulatorptbsare: If you have a completely functioning system, and are happy with it; there won't be any "new problems" that arise because your version is no longer supported. However, it's possible that new technologies will come along and your system would eventually not be able to use it ... but that's likely not a concern for years.12:33
ActionParsnipGuest67566: or you can uncomment the lines for the source in /etc/apt/sources.list12:33
ActionParsnipGuest67566: there are lots of guides online on how to do this12:34
fermulatorptbsare: Note that I recently upgraded distros from 12.04.4 to 12.10 to 13.10 and the auto-upgrade distribution upgrade stuff worked fine. (no data loss)12:34
fermulatorptbsare: Upgrading is always encouraged (at least until you hit the next LTS version)12:34
Guest67566i know and so far i m ower a week on so many dist. to try it12:34
Guest67566i m tired :)12:34
bitnumusActionParsnip, good point, i can do that but curious to why it picks this instead of wlan0 ?12:35
ActionParsnipGuest67566: then uncomment the lines in /etc/apt/sources.list .It's all that GUI thing does12:35
ptbsareOk,many thanks to you two!12:35
Guest67566Enter the complete APT line of the repository that you want to add as source12:37
Guest67566The APT line includes the type, location and components of a repository, for example  'deb http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu saucy main'.12:37
=== gerald is now known as Guest31627
daumhey guys - i'm trying to make my resolv.conf immutable so that other programs (such as vpnc) can't modify it, however when i run chattr +i /etc/resolf.conf i get chattr: Operation not supported while reading flags on /etc/resolv.conf any ideas why?12:38
Obsdarkhey oh12:39
Obsdarki have 2 questions12:39
Obsdarkfirst one: i'm installing ubuntu server on a notebook to test it, but when i select the option of "Check Disks" or something it start to blink in white flashes12:40
ActionParsnipGuest67566: there is no line to add12:40
ActionParsnipGuest67566: gksudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list12:40
Obsdarkany ideas?12:40
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Obsdarkanother one, where i can find the documentation?12:41
ActionParsnipGuest67566: remove the # character from the start of the lins with:   deb http://archive.canonical.com/ubuntu precise partner12:41
ActionParsnipGuest67566: and:   deb-src http://archive.canonical.com/ubuntu precise partner    on them12:41
ActionParsnipGuest67566: save the new file, close gedir and run:   sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get install adobe-flashplugin12:41
Obsdarki know it can be a noob question but, surely to all of you is easy to resolve12:43
Obsdarkpersonaly this happend to me before with the rescue toolkit12:44
Obsdarkbut in that time i just press a key and solve the problem, but i can't remember what key it was12:44
Guest67566ok i did it what now ? apt-get update?12:45
Obsdarkand i'm a very noob Linux & Ubuntu user12:45
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ActionParsnipGuest67566:  sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get install12:50
Guest67566ok still the same problem !!! :(12:51
Obsdarkthanks in advance...12:52
Guest67566now even the sound is gone12:53
tracyonefermulator: I don't konw how to use update-alternatives:-(,my quartus II was installed in /opt/altera/13.1/quartus/quartus12:53
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=== Enissay_ is now known as Enissay
phinuxHey i have a problem with installing Ubuntu 12.4 on my desktop. Is here somebody dat can help me?12:56
Guest67566r u still here ?12:58
phinux<phinux> Hey i have a problem with installing Ubuntu 12.4 on my desktop. Is here somebody dat can help me?12:58
Guest67566i did all  but it dont work at all and now the sound is gone12:58
Obsdarkfirst one: i'm installing ubuntu server on a notebook to test it, but when i select the option of "Check Disks" or something it start to blink in white flashes, any ideas? the other is, where i can find the documentation? Thanks in advance13:00
ObsdarkA pair of questions, maybie some of you can help? ;)13:00
yeatsObsdark: have you confirmed that the md5sums matched for the ISO image?13:01
phinuxHey i have a problem with installing Ubuntu 12.4 on my desktop. Is here somebody dat can help me?13:01
Obsdarknope, how i do that?13:01
yeats!details | phinux13:01
ubottuphinux: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."13:01
yeats!md5sum | Obsdark13:02
ubottuObsdark: To verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows13:02
Obsdarkok but is it safe to turn it off? or how can fix the flashes so i can receive the info than apparead when i try that?13:03
phinuxI have a wierd color pattrn on my screen when try to boot ubuntu 12.4 from usb after i selected de default. I expect to get ubuntu running from the usb so i can instal ik from there. On mij laptop it runt just fine. and i thy it with a linux mint cd and i get the same result.13:05
Obsdarkok, thanks a lot.. but is it safe just remove the USB stick?13:05
ActionParsnipphinux: what GPU do you use?13:06
Guest67566Action Parnship  is that all we can do ? maybe u can tell me please where i can find some more help if we cant solve it here ?13:08
ActionParsnipGuest67566: that's all I know. I use Chrome and have no issues13:08
Guest67566ok thanks for ur time13:09
Ideas123Ok,I had this thought.If I were to start a computer recycling buisiness similar to http://www.bing.lmgtfy.com/?q=comprenew. How many of you would think it a good idea or not?13:10
phinuxAsus  Engt24013:10
phinuxNvidia  geforce gt2413:11
ActionParsnipphinux: try the boot option:  nouveau.blacklist=113:11
Guest67566by the way " i use chrome " is not the issue  i just try it and is the same problem ... so ias i set from the early beginning  the problem is with driver  not with the flash ... how can i find the driver used for kali or whatever ?13:12
ideas123Ok,I had this thought.If I were to start a computer recycling buisiness similar to http://www.bing.lmgtfy.com/?q=comprenew. How many of you would think it a good idea or not?13:12
phinuxi cant get to the boot option. don't know how13:13
ubottuFor a list and explanation on some of the boot options, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions See also !nomodeset.13:13
phinuxi have boot menu uNetbootin13:13
ActionParsnipphinux: read the screen ;)13:14
=== sword is now known as Guest58999
phinuxdefault, help, try ubuntu without installing, install ubuntu Check disk for defects, Test memory. That is nothing more13:15
ikoniaphinux: what are you not sure about ?13:16
m0eecryptfs.. is there a way to "force change" the user password and update the "mount password" only using the "mount passphrase"?13:18
CodeGosuif multiply signal arrive to process, if application is handling one is it possible it will not fire on some other signals?13:19
m0eok, so atleast its not my lack of finding the info.. :)13:19
phinuxI can't install Ubuntu on my desktop, when with the same usb on my latop it runs just fine. But i know little to nothing about linux.13:19
CodeGosuis there a way can ensure i handle all signals coming to application?13:19
ikoniaphinux: what's the actual problem ?13:19
ikoniaCodeGosu: normally it sets the first one it gets in motion13:19
ikoniaCodeGosu: once that happens - it won't respond to another13:19
phinuxFirst i get a menu from Unetbootin Blue with default, help, try ubuntu without installing, install ubuntu Check disk for defects. i selected default.13:20
ActionParsnipphinux: if you press 'e' on the unetbootin screen, do you get more options?13:20
ActionParsnipphinux: at the bottom of the screen, are there keyboard buttons named to add options?13:20
m0eikonia, so the best way is to mount using passphrase, rsync the contents to a diff directory, remove the user and the .ecryptfs/username, then re-add the using using --encrypt-home, then rsync the contents back?13:20
ikoniam0e: thats probably how I'd approach it13:21
phinuxnop doesn't do a thing and nop no options13:21
m0eikonia, I think there must be another way.. anyways.. I'll keep digging and let you know if I find a more elegent solution13:22
m0ethank you :)13:22
phinuxAfter i selected default i get a color pattrn screen and it stays that way13:22
phinuxsame problem when i try to boot linux mint 16 from cd13:23
phinuxit is same to say that is is a gpu problem but without the options am stuck13:24
ActionParsnipphinux: when the screen with the man and the keyboard loads, press SPACE13:24
phinuxman and the keyboard??13:25
ActionParsnipphinux: http://blog.siliconforks.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/05/ubuntu-out-of-range.png13:26
phinuxdon't have that13:26
phinuxit shows directly the blue menu from UNetbootin13:27
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uovobwhi *, i have installed linux-crashdump on an ubuntu 12.04 to check for hardware errors, how come some time after a crashdump-issued reboot the /var/crash/vmcore file is deleted? (but the linux....crash is not?) where is this behaviour specified? tia13:32
Guest58999i have a problem on c13:33
Guest58999who have time13:33
ShawnRisk1How do I install Flash Player?  I have tried a n in Midori Browser? I have tried a number of tutorials that tell me to do this via command line but when I restart and look in extensions nothing is there.13:33
=== ShawnRisk1 is now known as ShawnRisk
phinux<ActionParsnip> i try to run the check en restart every thing en now i have > /ubnkern initrd=/ubninit persistent_ in the menu13:35
=== android is now known as Guest93645
Guest93645hello please help me with the bludy driver13:35
ShawnRiskGuest93645: You need to provide more details13:36
phinux<ActionParsnip> i pressed enter en now i in BusyBox v1.18.5 built-in schell (ash)13:37
Guest93645shawn i m doing that for last week no result and last hour here as well. i m so down with that i m sure i have some problem with driver  i cant wach any flash realted stuff13:37
Guest93645i have ne 13 xubuntu13:37
Guest93645on windows works fine13:37
Guest93645on kali perfect but kali is not for me:)13:38
=== KyleYankan is now known as K3YLE
=== ShawnRisk1 is now known as ShawnRisk
Raunorhello, is there anyone here willing to help me out with ubuntu installation? basically I have win7 64bit right now and I burned ubuntu 12.04 64bit dvd (it's many files on dvd not iso) however it wont show up on my boot screen (I only have windows 7 launch option there) and when I tried to install ubuntu with that installer, it just gave me error, what should I do?13:40
ShawnRiskAny thoughts on my question?13:40
Guest93645was that for me?13:41
Guest93645there will be some for me ?13:41
Guest93645thats right    :) anyone PLEASE13:44
phinuxit looks like there are more people with questions, than people hoe can anwser13:45
Guest93645yes unfortunetly13:45
Guest93645please who can help me to fix the driver for xubuntu 13?13:47
afancyHi, I use "perf stat" command to view the performance counter, and get the results "26,089 context-switches  # 0.126 K/sec" <-- what does it mean for "K/sec"? does it mean the context-switch 126 times per second OR the the throughput, 0.126KB per second? thanks!!13:48
whoeverphinux: yes13:48
ShawnRiskGuest93645: did you try the xubuntu room too?13:48
whoeverphinux: it's sunny outside , can you fix it :-)13:48
ShawnRiskThat would be good.13:48
Guest93645yes i think i was everywhere already13:48
Guest93645it works perfect only on kali and windows?!!13:49
Guest93645on mint and ubuntu not13:49
whoeverai6pg: k looks like a unit of measrment13:49
whoeverafancy: k looks like a unit of meaurment13:50
ikoniasaying "anyone" is just pointless13:51
ikoniaanyone what ?13:51
afancywhoever: yes, i am not sure k represent 1000, or KB13:51
ikoniaShawnRisk: anyone what ?13:51
Guest93645willing to help?13:51
ikoniawith what ?13:51
ikoniaask a question and wait for someone to help if they can13:51
Guest93645sorry english is not my best side13:52
ShawnRiskGuest93645: you should ask the question every 15 mins not what you are doing13:52
Guest93645i didnt know that yet13:52
Guest93645thanks for advice13:52
whoeverafancy: beeing that they are sensore and time readings  I would guess 100013:53
Bwithmore14hello everybody there knows what type of long range wireless usb adapter is working out of the box and no problems at all in ubuntu?13:53
phinux<whoever> I'm new to Ubuntu and i have installing problems13:53
kartikey_hey can i install windows 8 if I've  installed ubuntu 13.10 on my whole drive?13:54
korbelzgod why?13:54
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korbelzphinux: I'm new to linux too, just got it installed I can try to help13:55
korbelzhi hbs13:55
=== pnielsen_ is now known as pnielsen
hibsi need someone to point me to the right direction13:55
hibsi want to make .sh script13:55
hibsthat will make dpkg -s package13:56
hibsread the output13:56
hibsand with user yes or no13:56
hibsinstall evertything13:56
Guest93645Can anyone help me with my grafic driver please ? problem is that no flash is working  there was no problem on win and kali but on mint and xubuntu i cant watch anything flash related13:56
korbelzthats way beyond my skill set13:56
Guest93645qand i m noob :(13:56
korbelzguest have you installed flash yet?13:57
Guest93645of course13:57
Guest93645severall times13:57
Guest93645we try here with some ppl13:57
Guest93645but no succes13:57
korbelzhrmm, I just installed linux yesterday had the same problem, it cleared up after installing flash 12.whatever13:57
tracyonewget http://fpdownload.macromedia.com/get/flashplayer/pdc/
tracyonetar -xvf install_flash_player_11_linux.x86_64.tar.gz -C ./temp13:57
tracyonesudo cp -a temp/libflashplayer.so /usr/lib/mozilla/plugins13:57
tracyonesudo cp -a temp/usr/* /usr13:57
tracyonerm -rf ./temp/*13:57
=== makije is now known as [makije|away]
phinux<korbelz> I try to install ubuntu form USB but i get a color patrrn screen14:01
Guest93645that does not work14:01
Denis____Hi, I am trying to install Ubuntu 13.10. In order to use internet for help during installation, i need to set14:03
Denis____MAC address (required by my ISP)14:03
hibsno one with scripting knowledge?14:04
Denis____how czn I set MAC address in upstream Ubuntu?14:04
ikoniaDenis____: your mac address is not set14:04
ikoniaDenis____: it's on your hardware so you don't need to set your mac14:04
ikoniahibs: just ask your question14:04
hibsi did, ok here it goes again14:04
Guest93645ikonia u can not help me?14:04
hibsi want to make .sh script that will do dpkg -s packagename14:05
hibsshow the output to the user14:05
hibsand if decides to install14:05
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hibsi know how to handle that14:05
ikoniaGuest93645: to be honest, I've not been following your questions because you've been annoying me just saying "anyone" over and over14:05
zsw /msg NickServ identify onelove14:05
Guest93645i m sorry for that14:05
Denis____when i try to connect to any page, i get information from my ISP (access blocked, if you changed your network adapter please contact our support). I contacted the support and they told me to set MAC address manually in Ubuntu.14:05
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ikoniahibs: the guys in bash can help with that, but it's basically a "read" sytatement and then pass dpkg -s $packagename -y14:05
X3NQzsw, fail14:06
Guest93645just understand me i m on that issue for over week14:06
ikoniaDenis____: then their support is wrong - you don't change your mac14:06
hibsok tnx ikonia14:06
hibsi will try there14:06
Guest93645so could u please give me a hand with that ikonia?14:06
ikoniaGuest93645: no14:06
uovobwshould anyone care, the reason for the vmcore file being deleted was the tumor that is apport deciding to remove it once having run...14:07
Guest93645fair enough14:07
raj__how to override global .bashrc over user .bashrc  ?14:07
Denis____thanks. do you, by any chance, know how to bypass the block set by my ISP provider? they claim it's only a matter of setting MAC address, that's incorrect, so... what do i do?14:07
ikoniaraj__: it reads global then parses your local one, so your local one will win by default14:07
ikoniaDenis____: you tell your ISP the correct current MAC address14:08
ikoniaDenis____: they update their systems to authorize you14:08
=== Thorium220 is now known as Thor|Away
raj__ikonia: sorry my bad.. I wrongly said.. i want global one to be preferred..!!14:08
Guest93645ikonia can u at least tell me where to go for help14:08
Denis____thank you! "sudo ifconfig|grep HWaddr" correcT?14:09
ikoniaraj__: you'd have to change their bashrc to source the gloval one at the end14:09
ikoniaDenis____: that will tell you the current mac14:09
ikoniaGuest93645: here is the correct channel for ubuntu help14:09
Guest93645so i have xubuntu is that a problem ?14:09
Denis____last thing, internet is working just fine on Windows. does that mean they need to set a different mac address for ubuntu?14:10
elichai2i've got a problem: http://pastebin.com/Jc8F3N1P14:10
raj__ikonia: & what should I write for that in user's bashrc ?14:10
ikoniaDenis____: check the mac addresses and see if it's different14:10
Guest93645so can  someone help me to solve the problem with GPU driver?14:10
ikoniaraj__:  . /etc/bashrc (or whereever you global one is)14:10
Denis____thank you very much!14:10
ikoniaelichai2: you're using debian14:11
ikoniaelichai2: so please ask in #debian - this channel is for ubuntu only14:11
raj__ikonia: just this much at the end of user's bashrc right ?14:11
elichai2ikonia: but it's particulary the same14:11
elichai2and #debian couldn't help me14:11
ikoniaraj__: that simple14:11
parapanhi fellows ubuntu 12.04 LTS when checking system monitor it reports swap - not available ...how do I fix this ? thanks14:11
ikoniaelichai2: then wait for someone in there to help you properly14:11
raj__ikonia: thanks!! :)14:11
parapanikonia: respect man ;)14:11
ikoniaparapan: ?14:11
ikoniaparapan: please showme the output of swapon -s14:12
parapanikonia: just saying HI :D14:12
parapanikonia: FilenameTypeSizeUsedPriority14:12
parapanikonia: that's all14:13
ikoniaparapan: ok, so there is no swap enabled, please pastebin your /etc/fstab file14:13
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parapanikonia: http://pastebin.com/rqf7ZRpX14:14
ikoniaparapan: please do "blkid | grep fac0fe"14:15
ikoniaparapan: do you get any results14:15
sydney May I ask How do i log back in on a 12.04 live cd,beckause it says I need my username and pasword,and i didn't know a live cd had one.14:15
ikoniasydney: ubuntu/ubuntu but it should never ask you14:15
raj__ikonia: I believe I should be placing the custom settings in a "new" bashrc file  & sourcing that in the user's bashrc instead of sourcing the entire /etc/bash.bashrc, isn't it ? Thanks!14:15
morgdoes anyone else have the hang problem with rhythem box? mine stops responding so often. I almost always have to restart my whole PC14:15
budo_what is going on? I cant copy and install google voice plugin?14:15
ikoniaraj__: not from what you've said no, you should source the global one if you want the global one to be the master14:16
fidel_sydney: try 'ubuntu' with an empty pw14:16
sydneyOk I will try both,Thanks!14:16
raj__ikonia: acutally i wanted to have some settings for "all" of my users..so was looking  for a single place from where i could do it for all;;  but seems like I shouldn't be overriding all the settings.. just those which I want, isn't it ?14:18
parapanikonia: no output from terminal14:18
raj__ikonia: hence it seems like a new file should be good option ?14:18
parapanikonia: should I try with sudo ?14:19
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ikoniaparapan: please try with sudo14:20
ikoniaraj__: a new file would work yes14:20
raj__ikonia: something like /etc/bash.bashrc.local would like good ?14:20
ikoniaraj__: anything you want, it's just a file name14:20
parapanikonia: nope, no resulr14:21
raj__cool,, thanks so much ikonia!14:21
ikoniaparapan: good, that's why it can't mount swap, y ou've changed the partition layout and that uuid no longer exists14:21
monkeytoedoes the latest version of ubuntu work with r9 280x's?14:22
ikoniamonkeytoe: check the xorg driver/module version needed to support that card14:22
android_looking for help with the flash ang gpu driver please14:24
morglooking for hlp with rhythembox14:24
ikoniawelcome back Guest9364514:24
android_what a worm welcome14:25
parapanikonia: may be because I changed the grub from the kali default back to ubuntu first install ??14:26
ikoniaparapan: no, nothing to do with grub14:26
ikoniaparapan: do "sudo blikid" and get the uuid id of your swap partition14:26
parapanikonia: or because I've loaded a pae kernel and I switch back and forth between kernels ?14:26
ikoniaparapan: update the uuid in /etc/fstab for your swap partition and reboot, you'll then be find14:26
parapanikonia: command not found14:27
espereguanybody knows if it is possible to use onboard hdmi audio with a cpu without a integrated GPU?14:27
ikoniaparapan: blkid sorry14:27
parapanikonia: got it14:27
android_warm i should say14:27
ikoniaesperegu: why would it have an onboard hdmi socket without a video card onboard ?14:27
android_did u change ur mind?14:27
ikoniaandroid_: no14:28
mzazaI am trying to install updates but I get an error that my boot partition is full14:28
android_not warm any more14:28
espereguikonia: well. the core series from intel have the gpu in the cpu14:28
espereguikonia: I have one without it. and I want to know if I can still use hdm audio14:28
ikoniaesperegu: right, so it should have a gpu with it then14:28
ikoniaahh I see14:28
ikoniano idea how that would work14:28
meldronhi everbody, after I updated ubuntu 12.10 to 13.10, my flash (chrome|pepperflash) freezes unity after some time in FULLSCREEN mode, i tried to disable compiz fullscreen redirection, anybody had the same problem and was able to fix it?14:29
android_and may i ask what the reason is ? coz maybe i just waste my time ?14:29
espereguikonia: thx.14:29
espereguanyone else a clue?14:29
parapanikonia: think I need a restart correct ?14:30
ikoniaparapan: correct14:30
budo_do i have to be up all night for this. damn. how can you install google plugin14:30
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android_whole night? lol i m here for a week14:31
mzazaHow can I safely remove unused kernels in the boot partition?14:31
budo_im not trying to be here all night14:31
ikoniamzaza: open the package manager, search for the kernel packages, mark them to be removed14:31
android_of course not14:31
android_week will be fine14:31
ikoniabudo_: what's the actual problem ?14:32
android_now i got it14:32
mzazaikonia: Can this be done from terminal? Or what package manager to use?14:32
ikoniamzaza: any package manager you want, or you can use apt-get sure14:32
budo_im on ubuntu. i need to download and install a google plugin. anytime I do it, install failed14:33
mzazaikonia: How can I remove kernel from package manager, what is the kernel package name?14:33
ikoniabudo_: can you walk through it step by step please, lets see where it's going wrong, what plugin, and where did you get it14:33
ikoniamzaza: dpkg -l | grep kernel14:33
rwwmzaza: should look something like linux-image-versionhere-generic on the output of that dpkg command14:34
ikonianice addition rww14:34
budo_ubuntu 14.04 http://www.google.com/intl/en/chat/voice/14:35
rwwmzaza: if you do uname -a, you'll see what version is currently running. i tend to keep around that plus the previous one, and remove the others14:35
budo_I click 32  bit14:35
ikoniabudo_: ok, the first thing to be aware of is 14.04 is pre-release, it's not supported yet, you can talk about it in #ubuntu+1 channel14:35
budo_ 32 bit .deb (For Debian/Ubuntu)14:35
sydneyhow do I log out of openbox.I restarted and all I get is a blank grey screen.14:36
rwwsydney: right-click on the desktop, there should be a menu there that has an "exit" option or something14:37
sydneythank you,very much!!14:37
budo_alright thank you ikonia14:37
parapanikonia: you're the man; swap partition of 7,4 GB available: thak you !14:38
RobDudeIs there any way to adjust the volume of an application that isn't currently playing sound?14:38
RobDudeI have a website that 'dings' when there is an update and I want to adjust the volume.  In the Sound/Applications tab it doesn't show up, except for a split second, when it dings14:39
RobDudeand I can never adjust it in time, then it disappears again14:39
parapanikonia: I have another issue if you can spare a second; no matter I load a regular kernel or a pae kernel the RAM is only reported as 3,3 GB from 4 installed; the PC is a DELL laptop with 945G onboard graphic controller ...14:40
ikoniaparapan: can you show me the output of "free" please14:41
parapanikonia: http://pastebin.com/5qCrGWZm14:42
ikoniaparapan: can I now please see uname -a14:42
Logan_!it | lorenzo_14:42
ubottulorenzo_: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)14:42
parapanikonia:  3.5.0-47-generic #71~precise1-Ubuntu SMP Wed Feb 19 22:05:41 UTC 2014 i686 i686 i386 GNU/Linux - now is the regular 32 bit kernel not the pae ......but pae is reporting the same quantity of memory available/installed14:43
ikoniaparapan: can you reboot into the PAE kernel please and show me the output of "free" again14:44
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parapanikonia: k > just a sec ...14:44
k1lbbrock25: /exit14:44
Sentynelanybody using the ec2 package mirrors getting signature errors on precise-updates at the moment? I don't *think* it's on my end (have wiped /var/lib/apt/lists etc with no success)14:47
lufthi, i'm trying to set up 1:1 nat on an ubuntu server14:48
luftI have an alias to eth0 called eth0:1 set up with static ip and I can ping and ssh into my machine with that IP14:49
luftso now I want to forward all requests to that IP to an internal ip address
luftthis is the iptables rules I've entered to try to enable this14:50
luftbut so far it's not working, traceroute shows the connection to not being forwarded14:51
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android_can someone help me please to solve problem with flash or gpu driver on xubuntu 13.10? please!!!14:52
parapanikonia: http://pastebin.com/z2CdywwG - sorry the ubuntu pae kernel is not loading anymore ...stops at checking battery status .....I loaded kali-pae instead .....14:53
zchrykngdoes anyone have any pointers for installing Ubuntu desktop when all you get is garbage when you boot to the installer? (HD7990 graphics card)14:53
ikoniaparapan: I'm not supporting the kali kernels14:53
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parapanikonia: K, but you'll see is reporting the same amount of memory14:54
ikoniabut I don't know how the kali kernel is built, so I can't comment on that14:54
ikoniaask the #kali-linux guys, they know how their pae kernel is built14:54
seednodeWhoa, running Ubuntu on a 799014:54
parapanikonia: k...I try to boot the ubuntu pae again ...14:54
zchrykngtrying to anyway.14:54
luftcan anyone help?14:55
seednodezchrykng, so screen is just garbled nonsense?14:55
seednodeAt what point does that start, or is it that as soon as you select boot source?14:55
budo_anyone that cant download google plugin in the latest ubuntu you might can try this:   http://ubuntuhandbook.org/index.php/2013/07/install-google-talk-ubuntu-official-repository/14:55
budo_it worked for me14:55
zchrykngright when it should get to the installer gui. The purple ubuntu loading screen renders correctly.14:56
parapanikonia: http://pastebin.com/ygRKYAHw - free and uname output pae kernel ubuntu ;)14:58
monkeytoeI am trying to do a pxe install of ubuntu... but the pxelinux.cfg directory is empty in archive.ubuntu.com  /ubuntu/dists/saucy/main/installer-amd64/20101020ubuntu271/images/netboot/pxelinux.cfg14:58
monkeytoeit shows as a symlink to an empty directory14:58
SecretFirehow can I upgrade libc6 to version 2.15 via terminal?14:58
ikoniaparapan: can you run sudo dmidecode and put it in a pastebin please14:58
ikoniaSecretFire: you don't14:58
parapanikonia: I suspect a hardware issue / on the desktop PC I've enabled pae , booted the kernel and the memory reported was 4 GB as installed14:59
SecretFireikonia : how can I upgrade it?14:59
dduvnjaki keep getting this error on my Ubuntu Precise instances running on AWS:14:59
ikoniaSecretFire: upi fpm#y14:59
dduvnjakW: A error occurred during the signature verification. The repository is not updated and the previous index files will be used. GPG error: http://us-east-1.ec2.archive.ubuntu.com precise-updates Release: The following signatures were invalid: BADSIG 40976EAF437D05B5 Ubuntu Archive Automatic Signing Key <ftpmaster@ubuntu.com>14:59
ikoniaSecretFire: sorry, "you don't"14:59
Sentyneldduvnjak: I'm getting the same14:59
sydneyHow can I change the volume in LXDE;It doesn't have a icon and my keyboard keys don't work for some reason.15:00
dduvnjakany idea who's to at fault here? AWS or Ubuntu?15:00
dduvnjakand is there a way to work around it?15:00
dduvnjakadding the key manually didn't help15:00
Sentyneldduvnjak: something's got corrupted on the server as far as I can tell; I don't know who's responsible for it though15:00
Sentyneldduvnjak: you can switch the package manager to use a different mirror site in the meantime15:01
parapanikonia: http://pastebin.com/GZ4rswbN15:01
ikoniaparapan: that is showing 4gb of ram installed, that's quite odd15:02
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dduvnjakthat won't work for me, i'm spinning up AMI images with these sources hardcoded15:02
parapanikonia: I tough the same15:02
sydneyhow can I disable the pasword on resume in LXDE?15:02
zchrykngseednode: sorry I answered your question, but forgot to ping you.15:03
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sydneyAlso How do I change the volume in LXDE15:03
parapanikonia: maybe Dell was doing something to fix the amount of RAM for the video ? and the bios is closed ......but I bet it will work on Windows .....15:04
ikoniaparapan: that would be a lot of video card ram15:04
Denis____I'm installing 13.10 and I can't connect to internet from live USB (to get help during installation) because Ubuntu reports a different MAC address than WinXP. My ISP recommended changing MAC address manually in Ubuntu. How can I do it in live Ubuntu?15:04
parapanikonia: yeap ....and problem is when installing a virtusl OS , the virtualbox is reporting a video memory available of only 128 RAM15:05
ikoniait's possible there is a faulty dimm I suppose15:05
naxili haven't xorg.conf file.. so where is the config file for "avaible" monitor resolution?15:06
parapanikonia: hmmm ....a hardware issue ....I'll try to replace one DIMM and see .....thanks for now ikonia !15:06
seednodeDenis____, I think you could download macchanger and use that maybe; is that in core repos?15:06
seednodeBut not sure why MAC address is an issue; does your access point filter by MAC?15:06
Denis____seednode, I'm a complete noob, don't know what is in core repositories and not sure why my ISP would block connections from different MAC addresses anyway, it's a cable connection, never had a problem like this before15:08
budo_ok. how do i get microphone to work15:08
android_can anyone help me to find the right driver for my old pc? whatever i do the flash does not work15:08
seednodeDenis____, well, try running "apt-get install macchanger"15:08
seednodeThough wait, why is Ubuntu reporting a different MAC15:08
budo_i already did alsamixer15:09
Denis____i don't know why :( it's actually my mom's pc, i suppose her ISP has set MAC manually in Windows, she said they not only connected the cable but also spent time in Win installing the connection15:10
seednodeDenis____, MAC addresses are linked the the network card, not set by ISPs15:10
seednodeUnless your ISP has a really strange setup, which I admit could be the case15:10
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Denis____seednode, will it help if i post physical address shown by winXP and MAC reported by ifconfig here?15:11
seednodeWell, so long as they're different, I don't need to see them15:12
seednodeI guess we can at least try spoofing MAC address to see if that fixes it15:12
Denis____they are, the one i see in Win is mostly zeroes, the one reported by Ubuntu looks more like a real number15:12
Denis____different numbers and letters15:12
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ShawnRiskhow do I install libssl3.so?15:14
Denis____seednode, thanks a lot, i'll try installing macchanger on live ubuntu and changing MAC15:14
ActionParsnip!find libssl3.so15:14
ubottuFile libssl3.so found in firefox, firefox-dbg, libnss3, libnss3-1d, thunderbird, thunderbird-dbg15:14
ActionParsnipShawnRisk: ^15:14
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ShawnRiskActionParsnip: I need to install firefox?15:15
ShawnRisk!file libnspr4.so15:15
seednodeDenis____, you'll want "macchanger -m [XP MAC address] [device]15:15
seednodeFor your syntax15:15
devianshey, is there an ssh setting that can change a users shell?15:16
ActionParsnipShawnRisk: i'd install libnss315:16
devianswhen I login to this ubuntu box i get a bash shell, regardless of whats in /etc/passwd15:16
budo_ok. and if someone is having issues with microphone it might be this:  http://itsfoss.com/how-to-solve-microphone-not-working-in-skype-quick-tip/15:16
naxili haven't xorg.conf file.. so where is the config file for "avaible" monitor resolution?15:16
budo_it worked for me15:16
plmwhere I configure the time for enter the screesaver ?15:17
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sydneyHow do I remove the pasword on resume in LXDE?15:18
ShawnRiskActionParsnip: says libnss3 is newest version.  I am trying to install the missing files from here: http://pastebin.com/385BGezF and get that from doing: ldd ~/.mozilla/plugins/libflashplayer.32.so15:19
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sydneyhow do I remove the pasword on resume from standby in LXDE?15:19
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shelloxdid anyone got a copy of The Official Ubuntu Server Book, 3nd Edition, July 201315:20
ubottushellox,: Ubuntu Server Edition is a release of Ubuntu designed especially for server environments, including a server specific !kernel and no !GUI. The install CD contains many server applications. Current !LTS version is !Precise (Precise Pangolin 12.04) - More info: http://www.ubuntu.com/products/whatisubuntu/serveredition - Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/12.04/serverguide/C/ - Support in #ubuntu-server15:20
shelloxI bought it before, but I'm travelling and would like to have a PDF copy15:20
shelloxcfhowlett: it's a book15:20
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cfhowlettshellox, and most in this channel are NOT server users - as opposed to the #ubuntu-server channel15:21
naxili want delete the possibilty of 1376x768 at 70hz (i want only that ress with 50hz), where is the avaible resolution config file?15:21
monkeytoeis there any way I can use a livecd, install the drivers I want, and then create a USB pen drive from that?15:22
X3NQFelishia, noooooo15:23
FelishiaGPL. LGPL, FDL... what's all that?15:23
FelishiaI don't understand squaaaaaaat!15:24
seednodeThey're all licenses, but let's be real, BSD is the only real license15:24
ikoniacalm down please15:24
ikoniaFelishia: this channel is for ubuntu support issues15:24
ikoniaFelishia: please keep to that topic only15:24
sydneyHow do I remove the pasword on resume in LXDE?15:24
Felishiawell it's kubuntu anyway15:24
Felishiaa program I'm developing15:24
ikoniaFelishia: ok, well, kubuntu topics too15:24
seednodeIs there a support channel for licenses here?15:24
yeats!alis | seednode15:25
ubottuseednode: alis is a services bot that can help you find channels. Read "/msg alis help list" for help and ask any questions about it in #freenode. Example usage: /msg alis list #ubuntu* or /msg alis list *http*15:25
Felishiabased on Qt and the users have some kind of deal with the enterprise I'm working for15:25
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Felishiaand I don't know if I can sell it, because the deal is selling the source code and the program, like GPL15:25
Felishiato the friend enterprise15:25
ShawnRiskActionParsnip: any further thoughts?\15:25
ikoniaFelishia: how can we help you with an ubuntu / kubuntu issue ?15:25
seednodeyeats, I checked that a bit, but nothing is instantly obvious as just licesnes15:25
seednodeSo was hoping someone knew off the top of their head15:26
Felishiaand I don't know if I have to pay for Qt15:26
yeatsseednode: not that I've ever heard of15:26
ikoniaFelishia: QT's website has it's licensing and contact information on it15:26
Felishiathat's the problem... I understand codes, not laws... I feel so stupid15:26
ikoniaFelishia: talk to QT15:27
FelishiaI need to know if I have to pay and how to prove it15:27
ikoniatheir contact details are on the website, it's not something for this channel15:27
Felishianone answers :c everyone seems to be a coder too15:27
ikoniaFelishia: contact the QT project owners/company15:27
ikoniaFelishia: they will answer.15:27
Felishiammm... like by e-mail?15:27
ikoniause their website15:28
naxilxorg.conf is deprecated.. where is the "new" resolution config file?15:28
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ikonianaxil: it's dynamic15:28
naxilwhat u mean with dynamic?15:29
Felishiaikonia, how?... I can't find a contact information15:29
ikonianaxil: there is no file it "guesses" you can still use xorg.conf to hardcode features15:29
naxili want delete a kind of refresh rate15:29
ikoniaFelishia: what website are you using15:29
naxili want my dvi out never go to 70hz15:29
naxilhow to do it ikonia ?15:29
ikoniacheck the xorg.conf syntax15:30
naxilikonia, but i haven't it15:31
ikonianaxil: you make it15:31
naxilafter that? i have read about xorg.conf... after that xrandr use xorg.conf?15:31
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ThomasBSTrying to install ubuntu server on an old laptop from a bootable USB stick created by Universal USB Installer.. I've added a timeout on 10 secs, when I press a key down on the keyboard (laptops keyboard or just plain USB keyboard) the coundown freezes but Im unable to do anything.. Like the first keystroke is registered but the whole installation freezes .. Anyone experienced this and/or know what to do?15:35
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sydneyI am not trying to be pushy,but does anyone know How do I remove the pasword on resume in LXDE?15:35
monkeytoehow do I install ubuntu to a usb15:37
garyis2mecan someone help me to get my brother  printer/all in one to work in Ubuntu15:41
ubottumonkeytoe,: For information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent15:41
ratmavAnyone here ever worked with a Palo Alto VPN?15:44
random3u43h47is ubuntu suitable for a netbook ? (1g ram)15:45
cfhowlettrandom3u43h47, probably better results with lubuntu or xubuntu - both optimized for older and lower spec hardware15:46
DJones!requirements | random3u43h47 Have a look at this link, I suspect you'll be better with Lubuntu or Xubuntu due to the memory restrictions15:46
ubotturandom3u43h47 Have a look at this link, I suspect you'll be better with Lubuntu or Xubuntu due to the memory restrictions: Hardware requirements to install, boot and comfortably use Ubuntu are listed at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/SystemRequirements - For a !flavor with lower requirements, see !Xubuntu or !Lubuntu15:46
cfhowlettnot true, LUBUNTU is optimized15:46
cfhowlettxubuntu also works well15:46
ratmavI'm trying to get connection information for a Palo Alto VPN on Ubuntu 13.10. Their documenation give me a command "show global-protect-gateway gateway name test_vpnc"15:46
random3u43h47thanks for you answers, have been using puppy15:46
ratmavI try to install "show" from the repos, but I get a bunch of mail packages like postfix. Is there something else I need to install?15:47
garyis2mecan someone help me to get my printer to work in Ubuntu15:47
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timotheus-detroiIf system details recognizes my CPU as an AMD Athlon 64 x2 does that mean ubuntu is utilizing both cores? if that's just a text string it retrieved from the CPU, how do I verify that it's using both cores?15:50
SubZero4How do you delete files with a lock on them?15:52
TomyWorkwhat's a lock?15:52
seednodetimbermaniac, check "top" or "htop"15:52
seednodeSubZero4, they show a lock on them in file manager?15:52
somsip_timotheus-detroi: run "top" in a terminal, then press 1 to see each core it's using15:52
seednodeI'm going to guess they're set to read only, try chmodding them15:52
TomyWorka lock, as in a padlock icon in the file manager of a particular desktop environment. great error description15:53
seednodeAnd there's still decent odds it's a permission issue15:54
SubZero4@TomyWork Do you know how to do this?15:54
timotheus-detroinvm, I think I found it, "System Monitor" shows 2 lines, for CPU1 and CPU2.15:54
seednodeSo I stand by what I said15:54
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SubZero4I'm guessing you don't lol15:55
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seednodeAlright, SubZero415:55
seednodeSwitch to the directory where those files are in command line, then run "ls -l"; if the first string of characters looks like -rwxrwx--- or something similar, it might be permissions issue15:56
SubZero4I'm looking to delete a folder in file manager with a padlock on it. I'm pretty sure you can do this with terminal15:56
TomyWorknope, i probably dont use your desktop environment so i dont know what that padlock means. seednode's guess seems sensible though15:57
seednodeTomyWork, I don't use a DE at all, I'm just making an educated guess15:57
seednodeBut here15:57
TomyWorki meant SubZero4's DE15:57
seednodeIn terminal, just run "rm /path/to/file",  where /path/to/file is, well, the file and its path15:57
seednodeIf it says insufficient permissions, that means root or another user made the file15:58
seednodeIn which case you need to sudo rm /path/to/file to get rid of it15:58
luckydbhi guys, is there any quick fix of firefox, thunderbird and chrome not working in 14.04 so far? or just wait for stable release? :) thx15:58
seednodeBut make sure to double check that you have right path and filename, or you might delete the wrong thing15:58
SubZero4Thanks :)15:58
cfhowlett!trusty|luckydb, ask the other channel16:01
ubottuluckydb, ask the other channel: Ubuntu 14.04 (Trusty Tahr) will be the 20th release of Ubuntu.  See the announcement at http://www.markshuttleworth.com/archives/1295 for more info. support in #ubuntu+116:01
RobDudeIs there any way to adjust the volume of an application that isn't currently playing sound?16:03
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Guest94642#nick christopher16:15
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stidowhats up16:23
stidoi need help16:24
NeonThaiHi! I have a little question. in my Ubuntu-machine, i can't see network-resources ( other PC not shown in Network list)16:25
compdocother pc runs what OS?16:25
NeonThaicompdoc Other PC with Windows. I installed some soft, that Ubuntu asks me: samba tdb tools and libpamsmbpass16:26
compdocNeonThai, do you have samba installed?16:27
dark-yuxHey I'm writing a new desktop and need help implementing a system tray to support indicator applets how do I go about that?16:27
NeonThaicompdoc yes it called Samba 3 6 3 2ubuntu2.916:28
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compdocNeonThai, edit the file /etc/samba/smb.conf and make one change:  workgroup = <put your windows workgroup name>16:29
NeonThaicompdoc Thank you, i will do it16:29
YusonluqliqekuliSorry this one is slightly off topic, but does anyone use Intellij idea 13.16:29
trismdark-yux: easiest would be to look at the indicator-applet code (the gnome panel app), it is pretty simple, and most of the others are basically copies of that code16:30
MrokiiHello. Trying to install an otf font via the Font Viewer failed, while installing a ttf-font worked fine. What could be the reason?16:30
dark-yux@trisim where can you find it?16:31
NeonThaicompdoc: It written Change this to the workgroup/NT-domain name your Samba server will part of.... i must take changes here yes??16:31
trismdark-yux: https://code.launchpad.net/~indicator-applet-developers/indicator-applet/trunk.14.04 or you could just: apt-get source indicator-applet; to get the package16:32
compdocnot sure. that looks different. Doesnt it have: workgroup = WORKGROUP16:32
NeonThaicompdoc: yes it have it16:33
compdocis WORKGROUP the name on the windows PC?16:33
compdocor did you change it?16:33
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NeonThaicompdoc: yes i checj now so it have WORKGROUP i did not change that16:34
compdocwell, the windows PC and samba should use the samw workgroup name to make things work better16:35
NeonThaiI open Network lookup app, clicked Windows network, workgroup and then i see only my PC (Ubuntu) in list16:36
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dark-yuxI'm lost reading the source code is there a tutorial or some manual?16:39
sacrebleuhaving problems installing build-essentials, error code is:  dpkg: unrecoverable fatal error, aborting: reading files list for package 'printer-driver-hpcups': Input/output error16:39
sacrebleuE: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (2)16:39
NeonThaiMy Ubuntu-computer is also not visible in Windows's PC although I opened the folder shared16:40
NeonThaiplease advice: Where in Ubuntu settings to make my pc visible at Network?16:41
sacrebleuNeonThai: Network under Settings?16:42
sacrebleuhaving problems installing build-essentials, error code is:  dpkg: unrecoverable fatal error, aborting: reading files list for package 'printer-driver-hpcups': Input/output error16:43
sacrebleucan't install irssi either16:43
grekhi i have linux on virtual box - i run it when i have wifi connection - everythink work fine but when i run this machine on wired connection they dont connect to networks - in some place save dhcp serwer - where i can reset it ? - here is my ip addr , ip r and /etc/network/interfaces please some help16:43
grekwhat i can do ?16:44
sacrebleugrek: check settings for your vbox look for network, you can select which device16:44
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sacrebleugrek: this is OT fyi16:44
NeonThaisacrebleu My network setting in Ubuntu only are connections and nextwork tools. I can't find button o make my PC vivible in network16:44
sacrebleuNeonThai: what kind of network?  a microsoft winblows network?  did you try the network icon in the top bar menu?16:45
greki have in virtual box - bridget adapter + host only adapter16:45
NeonThaisacrebleu I have simple network. My PC (Ubuntu) and Windows desktop. Wireless connection16:46
grekplease help16:46
sacrebleuNeonThai: and you want to have the winsucks machine recognize your ubuntu yoonix?16:46
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sacrebleugrek: can you select device for bridged adapter16:46
NeonThaisacrebleu i want 2 things. To make Ubuntu files visible in Windows PC and 2. Make Windows's folders available in mu Ubuntu16:47
sacrebleugrek: try asking in #vbox instead of here16:47
greketh1 is saved - i canot find settings  in /etc/network/interfaces i have auto lo16:48
sacrebleugrek: its a setting in vbox not in ubuntu, ask in #vbox16:48
sacrebleuNeonThai: you can either a) use WinSCP / WinSSH to connect to your ubuntu's IP address, or you can set up a samba server as per the ubuntu docs: https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/serverguide/windows-networking.html16:49
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grekwhat is iface lo16:51
sacrebleuask in #linux,  no one will help you here16:51
subz3r0sacrebleu: you may go to #linux...16:52
leeyaai am trying to figure out why i dont have connection on one of my boxes. it does resolve all addresses, can ping any address but cant curl or use apt16:53
leeyaawhat could be the reasons ?16:53
subz3r0grek: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Loopback16:53
llutzleeyaa: wrong proxy settings?16:54
leeyaallutz: sigh16:54
leeyaayeah i bet thats it16:54
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NeonThaisacrebleu on that article, configure Samba :comment = Ubuntu File Server Share   path = /srv/samba/share  <----- in this i can write my Home folder instear "share"?16:55
leeyaallutz: no it isnt proxy this time16:56
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ActionParsnip!rootirc | Kites16:57
ubottuKites: It's not technically our business, but we'd like to tell you that IRC'ing as root is a Very Bad Idea (tm). After all, doing anything as root when root is not needed is bad, and especially bad with software that connects to the Internet.16:57
leeyaaenv | grep -i proxy returns nothing16:57
Kitessu cfeiten16:57
llutzleeyaa: some odd iptables-rules?16:57
leeyaallutz: nope, if it was iptables nothing would go out16:57
leeyaayet i can ping etc16:57
leeyaahm but i cant telnet16:58
llutzleeyaa: wrong assumption, but16:58
kriskropdleeyaa: did ou even check ? 'sudo iptables -L'16:58
leeyaakriskropd: i dont need to, there is no iptables except on my router server16:59
llutzleeyaa: you know things like "iptables -A OUTPUT -p tcp --dport 80 -j DROP"16:59
kriskropdI don't know why you wouldn't even bother checking one command, but suit yourself16:59
leeyaaia checking the router atm16:59
llutzleeyaa: ping telnet ssh still works16:59
leeyaallutz: telnet doesnt, i guess ip for that box is blocked on my firewall17:00
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leeyaagod i am going to kill the previous admin17:01
NeonThaii wanna save changes in smb.conf but i can't save, it not allowed?17:02
llutzNeonThai: use "sudo nano smb.cnf" it needs root-rights17:02
leeyaathanks for the tip llutz17:03
NeonThaillutz Run this command in Terminal?17:03
k1lNeonThai: yes17:03
llutzNeonThai: yes, or use "gksudo gedit smb.conf"17:03
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leeyaauntil when old.releases repos will be available? so i know when ill have to upgrade Description:Ubuntu 6.06.1 LTS :D17:04
m1dnightstar/go info17:04
leeyaaone: have some of those too17:05
k1lleeyaa: erm, i would not consider to use that old releases.17:05
leeyaak1l: i dont have a choice17:05
NeonThaii run command and i see Terminal windows called GNU nano 2.2.6               File: smb.cnf   <----i can edit here?17:05
PacketCollisionis it just me or is DNS for us-east-1.ec2.archive.ubuntu.com gone?17:05
* OerHeks smells a troll in here17:05
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k1lleeyaa: they have security issues that are really really really easy to attack. and they (like its said) no support. so we suggest you use supported ubuntu releases.17:06
oneleeyaa: is it just the description17:06
leeyaak1l: i do use only new and supported versions, but i cant do anything about the 100 or so boxes that have old releases.17:07
k1ljust think about all the recent ssh updates ubuntu got. i would not connect a device without that patches to the internet17:07
leeyaanot really worried about security, all are behind decent firewall17:07
Keanu73the ssh client or server package?17:07
Keanu73leeyaa: well, there's antiviruses for ubuntu17:07
Keanu73there's even one for AVG, and some other windows antiviruses too17:08
Keanu73some windows antiviruses have a linux version of it17:08
leeyaaKeanu73: are you sure you want to install an antivirus on a server ?17:08
NeonThaii typed gksudo gedit smb.conf and i see Blank notepad with smb conf. It is a good? i can add in file?17:08
Keanu73I installed antivirus on my ubuntu computer17:08
OerHeksNeonThai, no, use the full path17:08
k1lthe old-releases are just meant to make an upgrade possible when the real ressources are taken off17:08
leeyaaKeanu73: i use firewall17:09
oneleeyaa: where are there 100 boxes of old ubuntu?17:09
Keanu73one: oh my17:09
Keanu73you want to see old versions?17:09
NeonThaiOerHeks Thank you)17:09
sacrebleuhaving problems installing build-essentials, error code is:  dpkg: unrecoverable fatal error, aborting: reading files list for package 'printer-driver-hpcups': Input/output error17:09
leeyaaone: no idea, some dc in bay area17:09
OerHeksNeonThai,  /etc/samba/smb.conf17:09
leeyaai inherited this crap and need to fix crazy stuff17:09
oneleeyaa: why so many17:10
rchekalukW: Failed to fetch http://us-east-1.ec2.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/precise-updates/Release.gpg  Could not resolve 'us-east-1.ec2.archive.ubuntu.com'17:10
rchekalukWhat gives?17:10
leeyaaone: what do you mean by why so many17:10
PacketCollisionrchekaluk: I'm having the same problem. DNS for that domain is not resolving from within EC217:11
oneleeyaa: 100 boxes17:11
rchekalukPacketCollision, argh17:11
onethey talk about the poor17:11
dadisCan anyone help me get my MPD port opened?17:11
sacrebleuPacketCollision: is this similar to my issue17:11
PacketCollisionrchekaluk: exactly my feeling on the matter17:11
oneand somebody has 100 boxes17:11
leeyaaone: vms mostly, stage env, dev env etc17:11
rchekalukPacketCollision, Thx for the confirmation though17:12
dadisMy MPD port 6600 gets refused by other hosts on my network17:12
dadisI can connect via localhost however17:12
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PacketCollisionsacrebleu: are you running your machine in Amazon EC2 on US-East-1?17:12
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llutzdadis: so most likely you configured your mpd just to listen on localhost/ and not on external iface17:12
sacrebleuPacketCollision: no i'm running in that region but not on EC217:12
dadisHere is my netstat -an http://pastebin.com/SVJ2D6S417:12
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dadisllutz, how can I set that in mpd.conf?17:12
llutzdadis: " " <-   there it is. check the documentation, i don't know17:13
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oneleeyaa: there may be some interesting things that may be done with those 100 boxes17:13
SentynelPacketCollision, rchekaluk: there were some problems with that mirror (invalid signatures) so it's been moved in DNS, but you'll have to wait for caches to expire17:13
NeonThaiOerHecks i typed gksudo gedit /etc/samba/smb.conf and all works! THANK YOU :) ))))17:13
PacketCollisionsacrebleu: I'm including VPC when I talk about EC217:14
PacketCollisionthanks for the info Sentynel17:14
sacrebleui'm just not able to install anything due to some whack dpkg error17:14
dadisllutz, thank you, the trick was to set bind address to "any"17:14
oneleeyaa: so it is an entire enterprise of ubuntu that was 'inherited'?17:14
sudormrfhey guys.  is anyone in here that is using pidgin getting a 503 error?17:14
sudormrfbecause I am17:14
dadisllutz, i appreciate your help17:15
rchekalukSentynel, thx for info17:15
leeyaaone: correct. newest boxes are with 12.04 LTS17:15
smooreshow do i create a new unity launcher shortcut?17:15
sudormrfdisabled the account, re-enabled it and I get internal server error17:15
PacketCollisionsudormrf: Google Talk is down, is that what you're trying to use?17:16
sudormrfPacketCollision: that explains it :D17:16
sudormrfand yes17:16
sudormrfquestion answered :D17:16
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subz3r0supports ubuntu 12.04.4 luks encryption with aes-xts-plain64?17:16
subz3r0since you cannot use it with the alternate cd17:16
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oneleeyaa: are the machines running now17:16
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oneI remember back when ubuntu was at ver 617:18
leeyaapain in the ***17:18
oneleeyaa: clustering those boxes may be fun17:19
Beldarsmoores, More details help, tell the channel your end goal.17:19
leeyaaone: they are17:19
smooresBeldar, to open the "Create Launcher" dialog box.17:19
oneleeyaa: what led to the inheritance?17:19
leeyaaa new job ;p17:20
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llutz!ot | one leeyaa17:20
ubottuone leeyaa: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!17:20
Beldarsmoores, You must have a picture, doing this with the keyboard, clicking your heels.....etc. ;)17:20
* leeyaa kisses llutz 17:20
smooresBeldar, what?17:20
HackuinHey all :]17:20
oneall back d3fc0n17:21
smooresBeldar, I want to add an icon to the unity launcher. How else could one describe the use case. How the heck do I get this "Create Launcher" dialog box to open.17:21
oneCr. call17:21
smooresBeldar, http://i.stack.imgur.com/OHcwv.png17:22
oneok k1l ,leeyaa join #ubuntu-offtopic?17:22
sacrebleuok, apt, Ubuntu One and dpkg all throwing error regarding HP CUPS printer driver wth17:22
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smooresBeldar, right clicking my desktop does not give me a menu option for this dialog box17:22
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sacrebleusudo mv /var/lib/dpkg/available /var/lib/dpkg/available-broken17:23
sacrebleusudo mv /var/lib/dpkg/available-old /var/lib/dpkg/available17:23
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sacrebleu reading files list for package 'printer-driver-hpcups': Input/output error17:23
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Beldarsmoores, Just trying to have you give enough details for help from the channel.17:24
llutzsacrebleu: i'd check /var/lib/dpkg/info/printer-driver-hpcups.list17:25
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biaxs X139507621717:25
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oneleeyaa ready for d3fc0n?17:28
oneleeyaa: privmsg me17:28
RobDudeCan someone help me.  I have a process running called 'mono' and it's CPU % is 131 (I dunno how that makes any sense, but that is what it says).  I dunno why I have mono running, or why it is taking so much CPU - I want to kill it.  When I kill it within top, it comes back with a new PID.17:29
oneleeyaa: it is important that my instructions are followed17:31
Pinkamena_Dis it possible to stop a cd drive from reading after each resume from sleep?17:31
BeldarRobDude, mono is fonts, lots of info on the web.17:31
llutzBeldar: fonts? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mono_(software)17:32
RobDudeHow can a process take more than 100% CPU?  Does that mean it is multithreaded17:32
llutzRobDude: yes17:32
oneleeyaa: ?17:33
Beldarllutz, well more than that, yes.17:33
leeyaaone: sorry, ive got some work to do before i go home17:34
oneleeyaa: give me a connection to the boxes.17:35
leeyaaone: now why would one do that ?17:38
siavoshkcdo what?17:39
llutzleeyaa: maybe you like troll-feeding17:40
oneleeyaa: to help17:40
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raj__when I logged out of a ssh connection on remote server, I got message : Received SIGHUP or SIGTERM, what does this mean ?17:43
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kriskropdWhat might cause a system to completely freeze under a load like this? http://pastebin.com/raw.php?i=LdmtRPFU  I cannot ping the machine or anything, and I only have the htop data because I had an ssh session open before it froze - it's been increasingly getting worse (happens within shorter uptime, used to happen after several months, now happens in less than a week)17:52
kriskropdI'm pinning this on hardware failure, but I'm not sure which direction I should be looking into (is memory going bad? cpu? mother board?)17:52
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MO_HandesI use squid for bypassing internet filtering, sites with https protocol are perfectly opened by squid, by http site does not. is there any way to solve the problem? securing all the http data or coding the data transmitted through http?17:55
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DureikenHi, is there a tool on ubuntu or debian under console to monitor and store CPU usage by core ? thanks a lot17:59
aviscan i compile ubuntu from source ?18:00
subz3r0Dureiken: you might want to have a look on "top" or with some colors "htop"18:00
subz3r0sudo apt-get install top htop18:00
SpecDureiken: nmon is awesome, but i'm not sure that it "stores"18:00
SpecDureiken: 'sar' would be more appropriate for that18:00
subz3r0ahh, you want to store it in a text file? not sure if top or htop can handle it. just have a look18:01
Dureikensubz3r0 htop seems fine but no storage ?18:02
subz3r0Dureiken: i did not check18:02
sydneyhow do I bypass the pasword prompt in lubuntu every time i resume from standby?18:07
Specby typing the password in18:07
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loganrundoes anyone know how I can mount the SD memory for a digital camera18:09
seednodeWell, assuming you don't have udev doing that automatically18:09
seednoderun fdisk -l, and look for which device it is18:09
seednodeThen make a mount folder for it, maybe "mkdir /mnt/sd"18:10
seednodethen mount [devicename] /mnt/sd18:10
sydneyhow can i turn off the pasword prompt in lubuntu,so I do not have to type it in every time I resume from stanby? I do not know where the power options are.18:10
loganrunI tried fdisk -l but it does not show the device I think, but lsusb does, and I can see the camera in Nautilus. It gives me this for the file location: gphoto2://[usb:002,004]/DCIM/100NIKON18:10
loganrunthere must be some way to mount the SD memory18:11
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zykotick9loganrun: fyi, that "gphoto2://..." means it's not mounting as a normal filesystem...18:14
daftykinsloganrun: perhaps it's using MTP - is this through a card reader or is the camera plugged direct?18:14
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loganrundaftykins, the cameria is plugged in directly18:16
loganrunzykotick9, o.k. but the locaiton makes no sense18:16
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daftykinsloganrun: have a look at the camera's settings then, sounds like it could have options for USB mass storage vs. MTP mode18:16
loganrundaftykins, maybe, but seems like nautilus can read it o.k.18:18
daftykinsloganrun: that's 'cause it has MTP support18:18
daftykinsloganrun: so... is that going to be enough? :)18:18
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loganrundaftykins, no the memory card seems to be corrupt or something, need to try to recover files18:19
Coover55I've managed to install Ubuntu successfully... sort of. Upon launch, SYSLINUX Tells me "ERROR: No configuration file found" Next line: "No DEFAULT or UI configuration directive found!" Next line: "boot: [text field]"18:20
daftykinsloganrun: right, MTP won't cut it then, you're going to need a card reader or to change setting on the camera if it exists18:20
Specloganrun: you have partition?18:20
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Coover55I type in / (where it supposedly installed the boot manager thing) but it just tells me "Invalid or corrupt kernel image."18:21
kriskropdloganrun: you can use photorec to recover files, I can vouch for it as a good recovery tool, but you'll have to be able to mount the partition in order to recover from it18:21
Specdaftykins: dd the data straight from the camera (unmounted) to an iso file, and then rip jpegs out (if you're tryin gto get images) via "recoverjpeg"18:21
Specdaftykins: loganrun ^18:21
dasorenI want to make so that user "foo" can only be SSHed into from the localhost but still allow user "bar" to be SSHed into from any network. From what I see PAM can do this, can anyone comfirm this? just want to make sure I am not wasting my time.18:21
daftykinsSpec: can't do that whilst it's mounted via MTP though, he mentioned it doesn't come up as mass storage. making it mass storage is step 118:22
loganrunkriskropd, thanks, ok still trying to figure out how to mount it,18:22
Specdaftykins: oh, it's corrupted and MTP only? lawl18:22
Specuse a card reader :p18:22
zykotick9Spec: +118:22
daftykins*or* change the camera setting18:22
Coover55I'll be right back, have to walk my dog. Hope someone has an answer when I come back :D18:23
Specdaftykins: my galaxy doesn't allow me to use mass storage at all18:23
daftykinsSpec: that's not a camera ;_;18:23
Specdaftykins: ain't no setting i've found at least18:23
daftykinswhich is it again?18:24
Specs3 and s4 :(18:24
daftykinsyeah they ditched mass storage due to android changes18:24
daftykinsoh hey i remember you raging at MTP now i think about it :D18:24
SpecMTP on linux is a pain18:24
luminosohello all. does anyone knows if i install xubuntu 14.04 i must reinstall when final hits arround?18:25
luminosoif i install the beta18:25
zykotick9!final | luminoso18:25
ubottuluminoso: If you install a development version of Ubuntu Trusty and keep up with package updates, then you will be upgraded to the official release of 14.04 when it comes out. To make sure, type « sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade » in a terminal.18:25
luminoso kj18:26
luminosolast question: do you know which xorg-server comes with 14.04?18:26
tozenluminoso: xorg18:26
zykotick9luminoso: #ubuntu+1 might be a better place to ask18:27
luminosoyes but which version? because i need catalyst proprietary drivers18:27
luminosok zykotick9 ty18:27
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smooreswhy doesnt unity launcher search find /usr/bin/gvim?18:27
amircHi, I installed ubuntu 13 on a Samsung S9 laptop. According to an installation guide I'm reading there is suppose to be a '/sys/devices/platform/samsung/' folder. But I don't have it. Where could it be?18:28
tootheIs there a command to upgrade to the latest kernel?18:28
tootheMy google results come up with the latest kernel from kernel.org, but I'm not sure if Ubuntu LTS necessarily has the latest kernel like that.18:28
daftykinsamirc: to do what?18:28
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tozenluminoso: just checked 1.15.018:29
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loganrunI have a laptop with an SD card reader and tried to boot with the Ubuntu live CD, but it doesn't seem to see the SD card18:29
mel|hi, does someone know how to keep the backup partition of a samsung series 7 laptop alive if switching completely to ubuntu?18:29
amirc<daftykins> To turn off silence mode18:29
mel|i cant seem to find any backup tools18:29
loganrunare there some drivers or something I can install18:29
daftykinsamirc: silence mode? do you have /sys/devices/platform/ at all?18:30
ramsub07Hi guys how do i change the separator between column values in a csv file ?18:30
mel|it came with pre-installed win 8 (bleargh)18:30
tozenluminoso: mine is Build Date: 13 March 2014  12:22:38PM18:30
mel|ramsub07: in an existing file?18:30
tozenluminoso: xorg-server 2:1.15.0-1ubuntu718:30
mel|find and replace?18:30
llutzramsub07: sed18:30
Beldarloganrun, No SD in the bios or per-session boot menu? How did you load ubuntu to the SSD?18:31
ramsub07find what ?18:31
mel|with the text editor of your choice18:31
mel|whatever separator is used18:31
loganrunBeldar, sorry I mean I booted with the Ubuntu live cd. now I want to read an SD card18:31
ramsub07existing separator is tab space (\t)18:31
amirc<daftykins>  Yes18:31
mel|and which one do you prefer?18:32
ramsub07I want comma (,)18:32
daftykinsamirc: nothing in that path?18:32
llutzramsub07: tr '\t' ',' <textfile >textfile.new18:33
amircdaftykins:  There are some subfolders but none of them is samsung18:33
Beldarloganrun, Does this computer have installed OS's, if so what, and is this live boot a response to the SSD not being seen in any installs?18:33
=== badon_ is now known as badon
mel|ramsub07: a csv file is just a plain old text file18:35
loganrunBeldar: the computer has windows 7, I want to make an image of the SD card to be mountable on linux and/or to try to repair the corupted file system on the sd card18:35
wheatthinLogan_, use windd, and make an image of it..18:36
Beldarloganrun, What is the file system on the card?18:37
wheatthinsorry Logan_18:37
MO_Handeshow do you address a http proxy with user pass authentication? like http://DOMAIN/USERNAME:PASSWORD@IP:PORT or what?18:37
loganrunno idea what FS in on the SD card, it is from a Nikon camera18:37
Beldarloganrun, Ah, all this info is pertinent, outside my help is all.18:38
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amircdaftykins:  What do you think should be my next step? I tried to google this issue but with no luck18:41
daftykinsamirc: well you didn't mention what this silent mode is, so i'm not sure what you're really after18:41
amircdaftykins:  Sorry. Its a Samsung S9 mode that keeps the CPU fan turned off and saves power over performance18:42
Cuddles_hello everyone... How does this work???18:43
daftykinsamirc: oh right, i think /sys tends to be kernel/BIOS/EFI related stuff - so perhaps there's a reason it's not present18:43
daftykinsCuddles_: basically you ask a support question18:43
konraddo hi, i have a problem with xubuntu 13.10, i installed it recently and i have a problem that image on my monitor dissapears. my LCD acts like it's disconnected from PC. my graphics card is HD3870. image randomly dissapears while i'm using my PC, sometimes it happens about 5 minutes after i turn on my PC, sometimes after 1 hour or so. i installed ssh server on my xubuntu PC to check if my computer is still working after image dissapears18:44
konraddo- and it's still working. i tried ctrl+alt+f1...f6 does not work.18:44
konraddoand btw there was no problem with image dissapearing when i was using ms windows18:44
daftykinskonraddo: what graphics drivers are you using?18:44
konraddoradeon hd387018:45
daftykinskonraddo: that's a graphics card, not a driver18:45
konraddoahh sorry ;p18:45
JoelDoes someone know of a guide that talks about a vpn connection on one ethernet connection, and forwarding all trafic from another ethernet connection over that vpn connection?18:45
ramsub07llutz : I tried replacing the tab character with a comma using tr command18:45
ramsub07The result file is empty18:45
llutzramsub07: your exact command was?18:46
YomiHey. For some reason lightdm keeps looping on me, and I can't seem to figure out why. Any ideas?18:46
oneWhat driver is run when nomodeset is added to grub?18:47
Havenstancequick question for anyone who knows. I am setting up a 13.10 server install at work, the boss wants to have a usb key to decrypt the disks at boot. how can i do this?18:47
daftykinsone: read /var/log/Xorg.0.log to find out18:48
daftykinsHavenstance: encryption wouldn't be very good if you could do that18:48
jdolesdaftykins: please stop with your stupidity.18:48
Havenstancedaftykins, I understand that, however the boss wants it so how do I give it to him?18:48
jdolesdaftykins: it's completely obvious what he wants.18:48
jdolesdaftykins: yet, you just don't understand the poor fellow.18:49
trismYomi: check out /var/log/lightdm/lightdm.log, although if you mean that after you log in it brings you right back to the login screen you might just need to delete ~/.Xauthority18:49
daftykinsHavenstance: depends if you're encrypting systems with a setup that provides a key you can unlock from18:49
jdolesHavenstance: if you can't solve that yourself, find a consultant who can.18:49
onedaftykins: so modesetting just probes and loads kern drivers?18:49
Yomitrism: no, it keeps displaying the nvidia logo, and then goes shows the VT and then repeats...18:50
daftykins!nomodeset | one18:50
ubottuone: A common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter18:50
daftykinsthat's all i can give you18:50
Havenstancehonestly, I'm not looking for a consultant or anything stupid. I want to use a USB key in lieu of a password at boot for decryption.18:50
daftykinsoooooooh now i get you18:50
jdolesdaftykins: very fast.18:50
daftykinsHavenstance: sorry no experience with that.18:50
jdolesdaftykins: it only took a factor 100 longer than it took me.18:50
ramsub07llutz: (cat mappings.csv|tr '\t' ',')>mappings1.csv18:51
Sailor1190hello everyone18:51
konraddoglxinfo | grep openGL says: unable to open display.18:51
trismYomi: ahh then the greeter might be crashing on you, might also check out the greeter log in that directory18:51
Sailor1190please i need a help18:51
jdolesHavenstance: if you haven't Googled yet, then you are just lazy, otherwise it might be complicated enough to require intelligence.18:51
konraddolspci -v -s `lspci | awk '/VGA/{print $1}'` says: !!! Unknown header type 7f. Kernel driver in use: radeon18:51
Sailor1190i would like to install ubuntu 13.10 on win8 buitl in HP18:52
_46bit_Hey. I'm trying to copy files off what I've been told is a Red Hat harddrive.18:52
jdoleskonraddo: glxinfo only works with a valid DISPLAY variable.18:53
ramsub07llutz: (cat mappings.csv|tr '\t' ',')>mappings1.csv18:53
konraddoso how can i check version of my graphics card driver if it's failing?18:53
llutzramsub07: works here18:53
phunyguyjdoles: would you mind giving it a rest?18:53
_46bit_Ubuntu can't seem to recognise the filesystem and I know nothing about red hat filesystems or how to open it?18:53
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jdoleskonraddo: you are confusing a whole lot of problems, I think.18:53
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_46bit_Any help or search keywords would be great!18:53
jdoleskonraddo: first of all, which version do you run of Ubuntu?18:53
llutzramsub07: i'd just prefer the cat-less version, but both should do18:54
daftykinskonraddo: upload the contents of /var/log/Xorg.0.log to paste.ubuntu.com - that'd help18:54
konraddonewest version of xubuntu (13.10), with all updates installed18:54
ramsub07I am getting an empty file as an output18:54
jdoleskonraddo: ok, then you should look somewhere else for help; I recommend people to run whatever most corporations run (which is 12.04).18:54
llutzramsub07: ls -l mappings.csv18:55
jdoleskonraddo: that is, perhaps someone wants to help you here, but really, any other version is just a waste of time.18:55
tableswhere can i find the deb or debs for a package installed?18:55
phunyguyjdoles: STOP please.18:55
ankovhow do you can edit the really noisey guy could provide that for types18:55
Cuddles_I'm very new to IRC and am using I18:56
jdoleskonraddo: please understand that you are essentially a free tester when you run anything newer than a LTS release.18:56
DJones!guidelines | jdoles18:56
ubottujdoles: The guidelines for using the Ubuntu channels can be found here: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines18:56
Sailor1190i want to install ubuntu on win8 built in HP18:57
ramsub07llutz : It worked for me in the second time18:57
ramsub07tks a lot :)18:57
Cuddles_I'm very new to IRC and am using irssi. It's very confusing to me. Am i just new or am i doing something wrong?18:57
Sailor1190got a lot of errors18:57
konraddohttp://paste.ubuntu.com/7109770 <- its output of cat /var/log/Xorg.0.log18:57
konraddoah, but it's before image dissapeared, is i recently rebooted my PC, so i don't know if there will be useful information.18:58
YusonluqliqekuliHi ho Hi ho18:58
Cuddles_I'm very new to IRC and am using irssi. It's very confusing to me. Am i just new or am i doing something wrong?18:59
Sailor1190come on guys18:59
compdocCuddles_, whats not working?18:59
konraddoSailor1190, ?19:00
sliptteesHi guys19:00
Cuddles_Nothing, just very confusing...19:00
adamcunningtonHi, can anyone talk me through using remmina to connect to a windows7 machine? I can't seem to connect19:00
Sailor1190installing ubuntu on win8 built in computer19:01
sliptteesso I'm wondering if it's possible to create a LiveUSB larger than 4GB persistent ubuntu?19:01
Coover55Question repeat: I've managed to install Ubuntu successfully... sort of. Upon launch, SYSLINUX Tells me "ERROR: No configuration file found" Next line: "No DEFAULT or UI configuration directive found!" Next line: "boot: [text field]". I type in / (where it supposedly installed the boot manager thing) but it just tells me "Invalid or corrupt kernel image."19:01
Yomitrism: the only thing the that showed up in that file is an error about opening /usr/share/lightdm/remote-sessions/ (but I've made that directory...)19:01
Beldarslipttees, Yes you can have a casper-rw partition bigger.19:02
toothestupid chinese ssh attempts19:02
Pici /mode -zq+b jdoles!*@* *!*@unaffiliated/jdoles19:02
sliptteesBeldar: Who?19:02
Sailor1190this is stranger channel19:03
loganrunkriskropd, ha got photorec for cygwin since I can't get linux to read the SD card. looks like it is working. thanks a lot19:04
Beldarslipttees, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent19:04
YusonluqliqekuliDoes anyone have any idea why I'm geeting a blank white screen in my virtual device even with components added.19:05
sliptteesBeldar: thanks19:05
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onedaftykins: very well19:05
Beldarslipttees, No problem.19:05
pi__/join debian19:06
ubottuThe core of Ubuntu is the Linux kernel: see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel - You shouldn't have to compile your own, and if you need to troubleshoot issues, you can try a !Mainline kernel instead, but if you insist, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel/Compile (see also !Stages)19:06
ikoniapeople can see it19:07
ikoniaplease don't type in caps19:07
Sailor1190just to catch your attention19:07
ikoniayou've lost it as I don't respond to people typing in caps19:07
YusonluqliqekuliCan anyone help with development issues?19:08
Sailor1190forgive me19:08
ikoniaYusonluqliqekuli: what's the issue19:08
adamcunningtonHi, can anyone talk me through using remmina to connect to a windows7 machine? I can't seem to connect19:09
YusonluqliqekuliThanks ikonia, the issue is when I run my form in Intellij , the emulator show form with blank white screen and no components.19:09
ikoniaYusonluqliqekuli: ah, is this ubuntu touch development ?19:09
ikoniaand the ubuntu touch emmulator ?19:10
groutsomething is dumping huge amounts of ip addresses in my gnomes-session.log but I cant find out whats writing to it.19:10
adamcunningtonikonia: the remote desktop client19:10
ikoniaadamcunnington: what's the issue with it19:10
pi__i can see that you are alive19:10
oneHow does one manually switch modes sfter using the nomodeset?19:11
YusonluqliqekuliOk ikonia, could you expand on that.19:11
groggsterHello, I have a problem which I need help with regarding the  building of a kernel modules for Ubuntu Touch. http://paste.ubuntu.com/7109676/19:11
groutgnome-session log is full of 8 gigs of ip addresses and growing drastically19:11
ikoniaYusonluqliqekuli: sorry, I wasn't clear "do you want help with ubuntu touch development emmualtor" or something else19:11
YusonluqliqekuliNeed help with Intellij and why the emulator just shows a blank white screenwhen I run the form19:13
ikoniaYusonluqliqekuli: I'd suggest using intellij support - not ubuntu as it's not an "ubuntu product"19:13
YusonluqliqekuliOh ok, I'll try that, thanks.19:14
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alyx_I'm running elementary os (which is based on 12.04). running `do-release-upgrade` returns "Checking for a new elementary OS release" and "No new release found". how do I make it so that I can upgrade to an ubuntu release?19:19
ikoniawe don't support elementary here19:19
alyx_I don't care about compatability with elementary os additions19:19
ikoniause the elementary support resources19:19
onegroggster: what are the names of the kernel packages I've tried linux and kernel and it is not recognizing it.19:20
alyx_not even if I'm looking to get back to ubuntu?19:20
alyx_and ditch the elementary part?19:20
ikoniaalyx_: correct19:20
MrSavageWhat's a good client and server app for ubuntu? I tried apt-cache search and couldn't find anything19:20
ikoniaMrSavage: client and server app for doing what ?19:20
MrSavagei meant for ftp19:20
ikoniaapt-cache search ftp will list them19:21
ikoniaso don't know why you didn't find any19:21
MrSavageyes i already did that and put it into a file19:21
ikoniaok, so go through them19:21
MrSavageand then did a regex for /\(client.*server\)\|\(server.*client\)19:21
trismYomi: if you pastebin it I'll take a look19:21
MrSavagecouldn't find anything for what i wanted19:21
ikoniaMrSavage: thats just stupid, why are you putting "client/server" in regex19:21
ikoniajust read the text file and find ones you like19:22
ikoniathen research them19:22
MrSavagethere's over a hundred results19:22
gupta_dishantanyone one willing to help on android developmetn?19:22
MrSavageand i need an app that's server and client19:22
ikoniaI'm sure you can narrow it down ignoring things like php-ftp19:22
ikoniagupta_dishant: not in this channel19:22
MrSavageikonia: i only found 2 results that had the words client and server19:23
MrSavageand they were not what i wanted19:23
ikoniawhy are you searching for that ??19:23
ikoniaftp clients and servers are seperate19:23
MrSavagei see19:23
MrSavagejust to keep my apps more organized19:23
onewhat are the names of the kernel packages I've tried linux and kernel and it is not recognizing it.19:23
ikoniamore organized ???19:23
adamcunningtonikonia: i can't connect - i'm using as the server as my windows 7 machine is on the same network but the connection just 'times out', it can't connect19:23
onesource that is19:24
ikoniaadamcunnington: telnet to the port, check it's open19:24
Kaidelongis precise_main_binary-i386_Packages broken upstream right now?19:24
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KaidelongI have a bad apt-cache and can't do anything with apt19:24
Kaidelongwondering if I just need to wait and update the apt-cache later or if I need to do something else19:25
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adamcunningtonikonia: how do i do that?19:26
ikoniatelnet $server $port19:26
adamcunningtonikonia: how do i know what port? i am just connecting to the ip19:27
ikoniaadamcunnington: you research what port rdp runs on19:27
MrSavagehow do you know what kind of windows manager you're using?19:28
ikoniaMrSavage: you installed/configured it19:28
MrSavagei did not, my prof gave me this VM19:28
ikoniayou can always look in your session files19:28
Kaidelongwhen I try "apt-get update" I get a GPG error; "The following signatures were invalid: NODATA 1 NODATA 219:28
adamcunningtonikonia: doesn't look like it's open. How do I open a port? Is that the same as forwarding?19:30
ikoniaadamcunnington: no, it will be blocked on your network on on the windows host19:30
countfuzzballI have a debian archive that is supposed to contain a dynamically linked library only have its static library and a dangling softlink to the shared library. I install the package the shared library appears. What kind of black box magic is dpkg doing to create a dynamic library out of a static one?19:30
adamcunningtonikonia: windows firewall i guess?19:30
ikoniaadamcunnington: no idea19:31
RoyBringusCould anyone confirm if the new ATI drivers in 14.04 are stable?19:31
ikoniaRoyBringus: thats too vaguage a question19:31
bekkscountfuzzball: Well, dpkg cant do that. Apparently you have an archive that contains a static libary and a symlink, in fact.19:31
ikoniaRoyBringus: 14.04 discussion is in #ubuntu+1 channel19:31
RoyBringusikonia, thanks19:32
adamcunningtonikonia: is there another that i can test? I think there may be an issue with the ip... the port should be open as remote assistance is enabled on my pc19:33
ikoniaadamcunnington: an "issue with the ip"19:33
ikoniaadamcunnington: if you can't telnet to the port - it's closed19:33
adamcunningtonikonia: i have no idea. What port can I test that is almost definitely going to be open because I can't telnet to the ip at all19:33
ikoniaadamcunnington: you can only telnet to ports that are open19:33
adamcunningtonikonia: yes i want to try telnetting to an open port, what is an example of an open port?19:34
ikoniaI don't know your windows machine - so I can't answer that19:34
countfuzzballbekks: Yeah, but dpkg might be calling another command or even during the postinst phase of the package set up to create the dynamically shared library. I checked 'control.tar.gz''s contents too and there was nothing but an md5sum and control info about the package.19:34
countfuzzballSpecifically, it's libXRes-dev in Precise.19:34
fellayaboyi have windows server with dhcp server and bridge adapater as a guest os in VM.  how do i configure it so that hosts connected via a switch to linux host can receive an ip address from the guest os. do i have to forward ipv4?19:35
bekkscountfuzzball: dpkg cant do that - dpkg doesnt magically calls something, and you cant "convert" a static lib into a dynamic one.19:35
fellayaboyin virtualbox not vm sorry.19:35
ikoniafellayaboy: ##windows would be the correct channel19:35
ikoniaor #vbox19:35
fellayaboyno this is a linux issue ikonia19:35
bekksfellayaboy: use bridged networking as described in chapter 6 of the vbox manual.19:36
huangpo99_adamcunnington: try zenmap and do a scan on the target server's IP19:36
fellayaboyi did bekks19:36
ikoniafellayaboy: no it's not, your running a windows host and virtual box19:36
ikoniafellayaboy: you need to conifgure the host to bridge19:36
bekksfellayaboy: if you did, it would have worked ;)19:36
ikoniathat is a windows/vbox issue19:36
Coover55Don't know if anyone answered this earlier, went AFK to go to the store19:36
ikoniaunless I have missunderstood19:36
fellayaboyno linux is is host, windows is guest19:36
Coover55REPEAT: I've managed to install Ubuntu successfully... sort of. Upon launch, SYSLINUX Tells me "ERROR: No configuration file found" Next line: "No DEFAULT or UI configuration directive found!" Next line: "boot: [text field]". I type in / (where it supposedly installed the boot manager thing) but it just tells me "Invalid or corrupt kernel image." Any ideas?19:37
fellayaboyhmm. i have ubuntu as host OS, windows server as guest OS, with bridged adapter on virtualbox...  ifconfig -a doesnt show any vb adapters also (not sure if they would exist in the first place)19:38
countfuzzballbekks: It's curious and very interesting, imo. Only other option I can think of is dpkg detects the .a file and just copies it to its proper name complete with version number.19:38
adamcunningtonhuangpo99_: can you explan what that is / means?19:39
adamcunningtonPlease can someone give me an example of a port that is open by default on windws7 so i can test whether I'm using telnet correctly because I can't seem to telnet to any port on a machine on the same network19:40
ikoniaadamcunnington: it depends on your host - talk to the guys in ##windows19:40
adamcunnington#windows just advised me that 80 should be open. Ikonia telnet 80 doesn't work19:41
wheatthinAdam99, port 139 might be on... depending if you've configured it during installation19:41
adamcunningtonikonia: it appears I can't telnet into anything19:41
kristenbbhi, I have just created a partition, but I cant write into it, it says permission denied. How to fix this ?19:41
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jribkristenbb: how are you trying?19:41
ikoniaadamcunnington: then something on your network is blocking it19:41
wheatthinadamcunnington, sorry*19:41
kristenbbjrib: just "touch test" for examle19:41
adamcunningtonikonia: how can i troubleshoot that?19:41
jribkristenbb: did you format your partition with some sort of filesystem?19:41
ikoniaadamcunnington: however I doubt port 80 is open on your windows machine19:41
sivai have a probelm with youtube-dl19:41
kristenbbjrib: it has ext419:41
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jrib!permissions | kristenbb19:42
ubottukristenbb: An explanation of what file permissions are and how they can be manipulated can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FilePermissions19:42
adamcunningtonikonia: you're right, i just tried with 139 and it worked19:42
ikoniaadamcunnington: the guys in ##windows did not say port 80 is oopen on your machine19:42
kristenbbjrib: it's not a file permission, but a partition permission, I know about files but not about this19:42
jribkristenbb: what are the permissions on the directory where the partition is mounted?19:42
DinosaurioHi. Yesterday I mistakenly used "find -delete" in my home folder. It removed few things and configurations, but all seems work fine. Would you reinstall the OS when 14.04 is released or it shouldn't give me further problems? Thanks.19:44
jribDinosaurio: should be fine. If you want to start fresh, just create a new user19:44
adamcunningtonikonia: that's a little pedantic - i asked what is open by default and i haven't changed any port defaults19:44
kristenbbjrib: all but w and owned by root, instead of the current user19:44
ikoniaadamcunnington: 80 isn't open by default19:45
ikoniaadamcunnington: hence why I said "it depends on your box"19:45
jribkristenbb: paste the actual output of ls -ld /path19:45
Dinosauriojrib: Okay, thanks19:45
ikoniaadamcunnington: thats why "80 isn't open" and he didn't say "80 is open"19:45
kristenbbjrib: drwxr-xr-x   3 root   root19:45
ikoniaadamcunnington: and thats why you got no response on 8019:45
jribkristenbb: see ubottu's link on how to manipulate permissions19:45
jribkristenbb: (and ownership)19:45
nvanmeursHello dear people of the Ubuntu channel, I've installed Ubuntu 12.04 on my younger brother's computer yesterday. All went fine except for one little thing. Ubuntu did not recognize his wireless USB adapter which is a Sitecom WLA-6000 (more details here: http://pastebin.com/qAEekb6a). It would be really appreciated if anyone could help us :)19:46
kristenbbjrib: i know about chmod and chown, but how to do that when mounting a partition ? I have others mounted, and they mount with the correct permissions19:46
jribkristenbb: forget that it is its own partition, just manipulate the permissions as usual.19:46
jribkristenbb: *on the directory*19:47
kristenbbjrib: but that would only  apply until it's mounted, wouldnt it ?19:47
jribkristenbb: what?19:47
jribkristenbb: permissions are stored on the filesystem19:47
kristenbbjrib: I mean if I changed the ownership of a mounted folder, and unmount it, the folder disappears, and so does the permissions ?19:48
huangpo99_adamcunnington: disregard my earlier suggestion about zenmap19:48
jribkristenbb: permissions are stored on the filesystem19:48
jribkristenbb: they will still be there when you remount19:48
junkanoohaving trouble installing jre on my ubuntu gnome 14.04 beta... anyone here that can help19:49
jrib!+1 | junkanoo19:49
jrib!ubuntu+1 | junkanoo19:49
ubottujunkanoo: Trusty Tahr is the codename for Ubuntu 14.04 - Support only in #ubuntu+119:49
huangpo99_adamcunnington: if you want to know which ports are open on your windows host, open a DOS prompt and run 'netstat'19:51
kristenbbjrib: ok thx19:51
kristenbbjrib: it works, but I wonder how come permissions are kept on a folder that doesn't exist anymore, since it's removed when unmounted ?19:52
jribkristenbb: it's on the filesystem, like the name of the file for example19:53
kristenbbjrib: you mean that when you delete a file, the filename stays somewhere ?19:53
jribkristenbb: no19:54
jribkristenbb: who is deleting files?19:54
kristenbbjrib: well a folder in that case19:54
nvanmeursCould anyone please help me get this Sitecom N750 X6 (WLA-6000) to work on ubuntu?19:54
jribkristenbb: who is deleting a folder?19:54
kristenbbjrib: well I guess 'unmount' is, since 'ls /media' shows one entry when mounted, and no more entries when unmounted19:55
freeroutehi, I'm trying to install playonlinux but aptitude is saying I have unmet dependencies - http://apt.kpaste.net/c59ca119:55
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jribkristenbb: right, it's unmounted, but that data is still in your partition.  Your OS is just not showing it to you in that location anymore19:56
freerouteI just want those stuff that POL recommends to be installed, yet it seems that any of those resolutions would not install the recommended stuff?19:56
kristenbbjrib: I see, thanks.19:56
llutznvanmeurs: what wifi-chipset does it use? whats the usb vendor/prod-id  (from "lsusb")?19:58
huangpo99freeroute: Ubuntu Software Center gives you an error too when you try to install PlayOnLinux?19:58
nvanmeursllutz: Let me get it, 5 sec19:59
nvanmeursllutz: In the meantime here is some extra info: http://pastebin.com/qAEekb6a19:59
Havenstancedoes anyone know how to encrypt a storage drive and unlock with usb key at boot on 13.10 server?19:59
freeroutehuangpo99: I have eOS installed with software center removed, I do most of the things through CLI (or at least, I try :p)19:59
llutznvanmeurs: no offense, but useless info ;)20:00
huangpo99freeroute: gotcha. I'm not too familiar with aptitude. does 'sudo apt-get install playonlinux' give you the same errors?20:01
nvanmeursllutz: Bus 001 Device 021: ID 0df6:0067 Sitecom Europe B.V.20:01
llutz!find rt2870sta20:03
ubottuPackage/file rt2870sta does not exist in saucy20:03
llutz!find rt2870sta trusty20:03
ubottuPackage/file rt2870sta does not exist in trusty20:03
nvanmeursUsing 12.04 btw20:03
freeroutehuangpo99: http://apt.kpaste.net/dcdb - it does seem to say that gettext is recommended, however I don't see in the packages which are going to be installed. Although, could it be in the form of libgettextpo0 ?20:03
nvanmeursllutz: Using the 12.04 version of Ubuntu20:04
Havenstancedoes anyone know how to set up encryption on storage drives and decrypt at boot with a usb key?20:04
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raj__how could I do this step without curl(don't have it on my server, OR should I install it ??)... "curl -L http://debian.datastax.com/debian/repo_key | sudo apt-key add -"20:05
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Koolcidanyone please help with eth0 not showing in ifconfig20:05
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llutznvanmeurs: seems you need a fairly new version of the rt2800usb-driver, not sure if 12.04 supports this.20:06
ezra-sKoolcid, ifconfig eth0 up20:06
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huangpo99freeroute: gettext is only recommended.20:07
nvanmeursllutz: Any chance it will be available in any upcoming release like the new LTS?20:07
freeroutehuangpo99: ah, I'm just afraid that it missing will break something20:07
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freerouteWINE after all, is a delicate drink :p20:07
nvanmeursllutz: If it is, it is not that big of a deal. He'll just have to stick to windows a little longer20:07
freeroutehi iamiherb20:07
llutznvanmeurs: i'd ask in #ubuntu+1 about the kernel and rt2800usb driver version20:08
freeroutesuch a short live relationship :(20:08
Koolcidezra-s: tried that. been getting message "eth0: ERROR while getting interface flags: No such device"20:08
nvanmeursllutz: Thanks alot thank you for the information20:08
gr33n7007hKoolcid, lscpci | grep Ethernet20:09
llutznvanmeurs: "0df6:0067" is the important info on that device20:09
huangpo99freeroute:  :)  apt-get has Super Cow Powers! It is very stable.20:09
freeroutehehe :p20:09
freeroutemoo, moo moo moo.20:09
huangpo99freeroute: do 'sudo apt-get --help' for a quick cli intro20:09
freerouteI use aptitude because I remember reading somewhere it was superiour to apt-get tho20:10
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freeroutecan't remember where exactly :(20:10
huangpo99freeroute: also, 'sudo apt-get check' will look for broken dependencies, but prompt you before doing anything20:10
alexaFriend of mine has got Aces Aspire 5738zg, recently has installed Ubuntu 13.10 and updated all there was to be updated. His Fan runs all the time but when using Windows, Fan doesn't work all time. in fact, fan causes temperature to rise and battery to leak faster. Under  additional drivers (for graphics), there is only two options: 1. use kernel module (or driver) 2. don't use driver. What shall he do?20:11
Koolcidgr33n7007h: 03:00.0 Ethernet controller: Broadcom Corporation BCM4401-B0 100Base-TX (rev 02)20:11
huangpo99freeroute: aptitude does a good job at showing which packages are available, kinda like the Ubuntu Software Center for the cli20:11
nvanmeursllutz: Your help is most appreciated, Iḿ asking them right now :)20:11
gr33n7007hKoolcid, and cat /etc/udev/rules.d/70-persistent-net.rules | grep SUB < pastebin20:12
huangpo99freeroute: but if you know your .deb package name, apt-get will do the same thing20:12
huangpo99freeroute: are you getting different error messages between aptitude and apt-get?20:12
huangpo99freeroute: if so, that's weird20:13
freeroutehuangpo99: yeah, I pretty much use aptitude's cli (so not the ncurses interface) because it saves me typing and has prettier output :p20:13
freerouteah no, aptitude just says that gettext and stuff is recommended but won't be installed20:13
nichlasalexa: this is usually caused by not using the right drivers for the graphics card.20:13
freeroutehuangpo99: you can see both aptitude install and apt-get install output on apt.kpaste.net20:13
nichlasalexa: as an effect it cannot let the card sleep when nothing is being done, and gets far too hot in the process20:14
huangpo99freeroute: I see. So your concern is how do you create a baseline in case you want to back out?20:14
nichlasalexa: i assume that the machine has an ATI card?20:14
freeroutehuangpo99: eh, like a savepoint?20:14
huangpo99freeroute: yeah, zackly20:15
huangpo99freeroute: I think there is a way to do it, checking man page20:15
freerouteI guess that too, but primarily because I'm too lazy typing apt-get :p20:15
alexanichlas: ATI Mobility RadeonTM HD 4570 512MB DDR320:15
Koolcidgr33n7007h: sorry im a huge newbie. says "pastebin: No such file or directory"20:16
freeroutehuangpo99: also, wherever I read that aptitude was superior, it also told me to preferably not use aptitude and apt-get interchangeably, because that would somehow mess stuff up.20:16
freeroutealso, they have different logfiles20:16
nichlasalexa: you should look into installing the fglrx drivers20:16
huangpo99gotcha, I see your point20:16
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huangpo99stick with aptitude then as you are used to it20:17
rigo88how can i check which -dev and other packages are need to be installed for the "make"?20:17
gr33n7007hKoolcid, Type: "sudo modprobe b44"  in terminal without the quotes20:17
OerHeksrigo88, you will know by the error you get20:18
OerHeksrigo88, if you cannot locate the desired package, just ask here20:19
rigo88i tought most of the times is "build-essential" enough :)20:19
rigo88File not found: /lib/modules/3.4.75-sun4i/build/.config at ./scripts/make_kconfig.pl line 33, <IN> line 4. //this is the first error, and it stucks here (line 453 of the ./build file: system ("make -C linux dir DIR=../media/") == 0 or die "Can't link the building system to the media directory.";20:21
linuxthefishwhy does ubuntu always have suspend problems?20:22
freeroutehuangpo99: yep, will do. Thanks :)20:22
nomicdunno -- I know what you mean .. since 12.04 on xubuntu20:23
nomicor recent .. never had suspend problems on 10.04 ..if you look it up -- they are easy to fix20:23
huangpo99linuxthefish: can you give us more info? Suspend problems can be specific to the hardware20:23
nomicie. doesn't shut down20:24
Koolcidgr33n7007h: the output of your earlier command without pastebin is    SUBSYSTEM=="net", ACTION=="add", DRIVERS=="?*", ATTR{address}=="00:11:43:71:16:0d", ATTR{dev_id}=="0x0", ATTR{TYPE}=="1", KERNEL=="eth*", NAME="eth0"20:24
linuxthefishhuangpo99 the fan is 100% after waking up from suspend20:24
linuxthefishand temp 1 on acpi -t is 90'C but the other temps are fine and the laptop is cool :(20:24
gr33n7007hKoolcid, ok cool, did you type: sudo modprobe b4420:24
gr33n7007hKoolcid, it might just need the friver loading20:25
huangpo99any related errors in /var/logs/syslog?20:25
Koolcidgr33n7007h: yes and it seems to have frozen20:25
gr33n7007hKoolcid, what do you mean frozen?20:25
huangpo99also, did you google for suspend problems related to your version of Ubuntu on your laptop model?20:26
linuxthefishyeah but it's unfixable20:26
unicodestring111hi I Need help on ubuntu20:26
linuxthefishsomeone posted a script and the commands in it worked but it dosn't work20:26
huangpo99linuxthefish: not sure how to proceed from here. you will need to break out the shovel and dig20:27
linuxthefishok thanks20:27
Koolcidgr33n7007h: there is nothing showing up on the new line where the cursor is20:28
gr33n7007hKoolcid, can you type in the terminal?20:28
huangpo99askubuntu.com is a good place to try, just take the tour first to help you with asking good questions20:28
huangpo99unicodestring111: what's up?20:29
unicodestring111how to use use ununtu laptop as wireless hotspot -- ap-hotspot does not work - my hard ware is not supporting access point -- BUT ON WINDOWS netsh wlan set hosted network WORKS LIKE CHARM - Why can Windows make my laptop as access point - but NOT UBUNTU20:29
gr33n7007hKoolcid, that's ok, there souldn't be any output to that command. Now try ifconfig eth0 up20:29
Koolcidgr33n7007h: yes but commands dont do anything20:29
Koolcidthere is no blank@blank~$ on the left. ifconfig returns nothing20:31
gr33n7007hKoolcid, that should be "sudo ifconfig eth0 up"20:32
gr33n7007hKoolcid, then ifconfig -a to see if it's there20:32
Koolcidgr33n7007h: would it be ok to close this terminal (seemingly still runing sudo modprobe b44) and open a new one first?20:33
PatBatemani read in news that 14.04 will have Gnome 3.10, how to change from unity to gnome after install?20:34
gr33n7007hKoolcid, yes but if it's hanging it's probably not loaded20:34
gr33n7007hKoolcid, In the new terminal type: lsmod | grep "b44"20:35
rhtrarhi, does anyone use alpine email client?20:35
Koolcidgr33n7007h: sudo ifconfig eth0 returns "eth0: error fetching interface inforation: Device not found"20:36
Koolcidgr33n7007h: lsmod | grep b44 returns nothing with and without quotes20:37
gr33n7007hKoolcid, have you got wireless card aswell20:38
Koolcidgr33n7007h: not sure how can i check?20:38
gr33n7007hKoolcid, lspci | grep Network20:40
oneHow does one run cli commands added to startup applications in gnome when the term should be visible? (like running this irssi at startup)20:40
trismone: gnome-terminal -x command;20:41
onetrism: And is it possible to open multiple tabs in that terminal using the startup script?20:42
nichlasone: gnome-terminal -e "bash command"20:42
Koolcidgr33n7007h: Ethernet is Brosdcom Corporation BCM401-B0 100Base-TX (rev 2)20:43
Kev1hello, i want to make a deb package from source, but the source is in pascal, is it possible to build it?20:43
gr33n7007hKoolcid, does Ifconfig -a ouput anything at all?20:43
ikoniaKev1: no20:43
Kev1must it has to be in c++ ikonia ?20:44
ikoniaa deb package is just a container20:44
Koolcidgr33n7007h: yes the section for lo20:44
wolfy1339i get this message while doing "sudo apt-get update" how do i get rid of it? Ububtu Server 13.1020:44
trismone: seems: gnome-terminal --tab -e 'command1' --tab -e 'command2'; works20:45
bitvilaghey everyone I would like to use two servers in chain a routers ...I traceroute the package and goes through the first server but timeouts the second. Do i need iptables for routing packages? Any advice on how this is made? The goal is to use the VPN network attached to second server from the workstations attached to the first server.Any advice?20:45
gr33n7007hKoolcid, one more thing to try before i got to do an arrend. Try sudo modbrobe -r b43 then after that command try sudo modprobe b44 sometimes they interfere20:46
gr33n7007hKoolcid, and kill the hanging terminal if you haven't done already20:47
SergeyServerbash: ./ghost++: Permission denied20:47
SergeyServerthis is probably because I have one instance running20:47
SergeyServerhow can I fix?20:47
Kev1ikonia, what languages are support for source?20:47
nichlasbitvilag: i'm not sure i understand what exactly you are trying to do20:48
Kev1have a nice day everyone20:49
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Koolcidgr33n7007h: alright thanks for the help. modprobe does the same thing everytime i run it... ah well it was a good try20:51
onetrism, nichlas very well, shall test20:51
bitvilagnichlas the layout is complicated but the main problem is the first server is not strong enough for more vpns so i had to setup a second server but the first one is the router so any request to the vpn network goes to the first server so i need to route the request to the vpn from the first server to the second because the connection is on the second server20:51
bitvilagif i traceroute the vpn network it hops to the second server but goes no further...:S20:52
bitvilagit must be a setup on the second server that is incorrect20:52
SergeyServerbash permission denied20:53
SergeyServerhow to allow permission20:53
nichlasbitvilag: It sounds like a normal software router. I would however look at pfsense or something easier than iptables20:53
Aqui1aHello. I've got a question, if someone wouldn't mind helping. I've been trying to install Ubuntu onto my SSD using a bootable USB I created using the Ubuntu ISO and unetbootin. However, when I restart my computer, press F8, choose to boot from the USB, I get an error message: error: file /boot/grub/i386-pc/normal.mod not found. I've downloaded the ISO file twice, formatted and recreated the20:53
Aqui1aUSB with unetbootin, but I get the same error.20:53
raj__for a service although a pid file exists but still on attempt to start service, it fails saying "* could not access pidfile for Cassandra"... checked folder permissions under /var/run(owner: root) , the subfolder cassandra is owned by cassandra user but still serivice cannot access pid file.. & the file exists as well..(as pid is shown in cat)..so why says it can't service access pid file?20:53
nichlasbitvilag: i am not sure if the traceroute would actually ping on the address behind the router. Are you using nat or just routing?20:54
gr33n7007hKoolcid, Keep asking maybe someone can help :)20:54
otayHi, I have Ubuntu 12 but I use KDE. However, when I try to log in to my computer today, I can only get in to the Unity desktop. How do I get KDE back? (thx)20:54
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bitvilagjust routing20:54
bitvilagsent u pm20:54
raj__& running the service as a standalone process just works.. but not  using "service <service-name> start"..!20:55
Koolcidgr33n7007h: i can only hope20:55
otayI installed plasma-desktop but I still don't see an option for kde in the login menu. Should I reinstall KDM? How do I get back to KDE?20:55
wolfy1339i get this message while doing "sudo apt-get update" how do i get rid of it? Ububtu Server 13.1020:56
mekonotay: i installed kde-full and there is20:56
nichlasotay: click the white dot on the login screen20:57
nichlasotay: there you can select what to login to20:57
Koolcidcan anyone out therehelp me connect to eth020:57
cblackgreetings! I am not very familiar with ubuntu/apt and am hoping someone can give me some pointers. We have a box running lucid release and an app we are installing outside of apt/dpkg is compl aining about missing libssl.so.10. I do some searching and see I need libssl1.0.0 package, yet apt-get and apt-cache can not find such a package. AFAIK all basic default lucid apt repos are installed.20:58
cblackWhat am I missing here?20:58
mekonKoolcid: there is not eth0 in ubuntu. eth0 = o33p120:59
Koolcidmekon: i dont understand21:00
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mekonKoolcid: i think its bug.21:00
Aqui1aHello. I've got a question, if someone wouldn't mind helping. I've been trying to install Ubuntu onto my SSD using a bootable USB I created using the Ubuntu ISO and unetbootin. However, when I restart my computer, press F8, choose to boot from the USB, I get an error message: error: file /boot/grub/i386-pc/normal.mod not found. I've downloaded the ISO file twice, formatted and recreated the21:01
Aqui1aUSB with unetbootin, but I get the same error.21:01
mekonKoolcid: configure eth0 normaly but use p33p1 not eth021:01
Koolcidmekon: what do you  mean by configure? what should i do?21:02
mekonKoolcid: u can simply edit etc/network/interfaces or that gadget in tray21:03
wolfy1339Hello, i get this message while doing "sudo apt-get update". how do i get rid of it? It's on Ububtu Server 13.1021:04
Aqui1awolfy, what message? :s21:04
macsssInstalling ubuntu, i cannot find the option for nomodeset, can someone help me21:04
otayI got the last msg to install kde-full. I'm doing that and it has to install over 600M of stuff. That is odd, because I was just using KDE on this computer last week... dunno..21:05
onemacsss: /boot/grub/grub.conf21:05
macsssone ok thanks but i dont know how to do that21:05
skypcehello people21:06
mekonmacsss: i think its about edit default/grub and modeset=0 instead nomodeset21:06
nichlasotay: did you somehow install a meta-package that removed KDE?21:06
macsssok but how do i do that mekon?21:06
skypcehow can i upload a bug fix for a package?21:06
ubottuA common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter21:06
one!nomodeset @macsss21:06
otaynichlas: I guess that's possible. I don't know. I secretly blame IT even though the surely didn't do it :). Wait!! OMG yes, I uninstalled boost LOLOLOLOL. I think that's what did it.21:07
Koolcidmekon: it should say auto p33p1   iface p33pi inet dhcp?21:07
otaymaybe? Odd21:07
macsssone mekon alright but i have never changed parameters for an install before21:08
wolfy1339Aquila http://paste.ubuntu.com/7110363/21:08
* otay thinks nichlas is right21:08
mekonmacsss: very easy add modeset=0 to /etc/default/grub in line with GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT="modeset=0 other_option etc"21:09
Joe_knockIn LibreOffice Calc, can you import .json files ?21:09
nichlasotay: you probably still have all your user settings, so you might have to install it all again. But what is 600 megs today anyways :P21:09
mekonmacsss: and update-grub21:09
wolfy1339Hello, i get this message while doing "sudo apt-get update" http://paste.ubuntu.com/7110363/ . how do i get rid of it? It's on Ububtu Server 13.1021:10
mekonKoolcid: ifconfig and u can see p33p1 interface, and use it21:10
Aqui1aHello. I've got a question, if someone wouldn't mind helping. I've been trying to install Ubuntu onto my SSD using a bootable USB I created using the Ubuntu ISO and unetbootin. However, when I restart my computer, press F8, choose to boot from the USB, I get an error message: error: file /boot/grub/i386-pc/normal.mod not found. I've downloaded the ISO file twice, formatted and recreated the21:11
Aqui1aUSB with unetbootin, but I get the same error.21:11
mekonKoolcid: just rename eth021:11
phunyguywolfy1339: http://askubuntu.com/questions/162391/how-do-i-fix-my-locale-issue21:11
Joe_knockwolfy1339: Looks like they're just warnings about the language.21:11
nichlaswolfy1339: or http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=172035621:12
Joe_knockAqui1a: Does your BIOS support USB formatting?21:12
Joe_knock*USB booting not formatting21:12
Koolcidmekon: p33p1 is not showing up i nifconfig21:13
mekonKoolcid: ifconfig as root what showing is?21:13
llutzKoolcid: ifconfig -a21:13
mekonyes -a mean all, ianctive too21:14
Aqui1aJoe_Knock, I installed Windows 8.1 earlier today using my USB stick. I don't know if that means it supports USB formatting, but I hope it does. lol21:14
nichlasAqui1a: before spending ages on it: is it possible to test using another usb? I've tried a few sticks that simply refuses to ne used for any kind of booting21:14
Aqui1aNichlas, I've installed Windows with it today.21:14
nichlasAqui1a: ok, just checking21:14
Koolcidmekon: stil only showing the lo section21:14
DinosaurioGuys. How to remove recursively all .jpg files contained in a folder?21:14
Joe_knockAqui1a: Okay, so the problem isn't with the BIOS. You say its giving you an error when you try to boot from it?21:15
mekonKoolcid: ifconfig -a ?21:15
mekonKoolcid: as root or sudo21:15
llutzDinosaurio: find dir/ -type f -iname '*.jpg' -delete21:15
Aqui1aJoe_Knock, Yep. I press F8, and the boot menu comes up. I tap down to the USB, press enter, and the error message appears.21:15
Koolcidmekon: same thing just the lo21:15
Dinosauriollutz: thanks :)21:15
Aqui1aJoe_Knock, I get the error message, and it puts me into grub rescue.21:16
arrithany good tips on getting say messages output by the sound system into a log file? i'm assuming it's some kind of alsa thing?   similar to    gnome-screensaver --no-daemon --debug 2>&1 | tee ~/gnome-ss.log21:16
mekonKoolcid: that mean that your network card not working.tThan maybe dmesg or lspci21:16
Joe_knockAqui1a: I see that it is a common error.21:17
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Aqui1aJoe_Knock, I've Googled it extensively, but nothing seems to apply to me. It seems that they've already installed Linux, and it's the hard drive that's causing the problem, or they're able to type in Linux commands to mount drives and what not. I can't even get to that. lol21:18
macsssmekon i dont know where /etc is21:18
skypcehello people21:18
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skypcei need that upload a change for precise21:18
Joe_knockAqui1a: That is because you aren't aware of the fact that you can run linux via the USB21:18
skypcei try to do it manually but i cant21:18
skypceit is so difficult as do a deb package21:19
mekonmacsss: its is directory with configuration files21:19
Aqui1aJoe_Knock, what do you mean?21:19
Joe_knockAqui1a: The instructions for installing grub2 specify that you run ubuntu via the bootable device (example, run on disk) and then install grub221:19
Koolcidmekon: lspci shows my eth card is a broadcom corporation BCM4401-B0 100Base-TX and my network card is broadcom corporation BCM4306 802.11b/g Wireless LAN controller21:19
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ejoI could use some advice on a terminal issue that just started happening!  Running 13.10 with no major alterations and only trusted software sources.  If I leave a telnet session unattended for more than say 3 minutes it gets stranded, won't accept input.  This just started happening days ago.21:20
macsssmekon .... where is the directory21:20
Joe_knockAqui1a: I actually remember encountering this problem a long time ago myself.21:20
ejoThis telnet problem coincided with changing my broken cable modem out for a new good one, but that shouldn't be causing it.  No ctrl chars or esc sequences work when this happens; I have to kill the window and open a new one and reconnect to the telnet server.21:20
mekonKoolcid: its should be working21:21
Aqui1aJoe_Knock, Do you know if there's a guide on how to do this, because I'm not sure how to do this at all.21:21
Koolcidmekon: it does for about a minute after boot then dissapears21:21
ejoThe one other note I have on this: about a year ago I had something similar and it seemed to be related to the terminal/shell window not regaining focus properly in some cases.  But that went away.21:21
Joe_knockAqui1a: Let me check for you.21:21
Aqui1aJoe_Knock, alright thank you.21:22
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mekonKoolcid: ask in forum becouse its something strange21:22
Joe_knockAqui1a: What is your boot sequence?21:23
Koolcidmekon: i have, no answer for a couple days. Thinking of reinstalling?21:24
Aqui1aJoe_Knock, I'm not sure what you mean. My SSD has priority?21:25
mekonKoolcid: or try some live distro and see if it see your card21:25
david1hey, what would I use to control volume from CLI?21:25
ilhamiis it possible to get GUI for Ubuntu Server?21:26
Koolcidmekon: if i had all the info from when i was connected is there a way to connect it?21:26
Joe_knockAqui1a: What I need you to do is to boot into ubuntu from the USB. It will give you the option to "Run Live". You need to run a live version of ubuntu that is living on your USB stick.21:26
cblackAnyone have an idea of how to get a newer libpci and/or hwloc on an older lucid install?21:26
Joe_knockilhami: Yes it is. It is advisable not to do so.21:26
david1ilhami, I think that's essentially what ubuntu server is21:26
mekonilhami: apt-get install kde-full, i use server as desktop21:26
david1regular ubuntu sans gui.21:26
david1thats how it was described to me anyway21:27
Joe_knockdavid1: Correct21:27
ilhamiJoe_knock why isnt it a good idea?21:27
Aqui1aJoe_Knock, I can't get into the USB though. I don't have any option to run a live version of Ubuntu. I get the error message as soon as I choose to boot from USB.21:27
mekonKoolcid: normally its very easy for example dhclient eth021:27
Joe_knockilhami: Unless you are using the server for personal/home use on your own hardware, having a GUI on a remote server will waste resources.21:27
Joe_knockAqui1a: Although we could try to resolve the issue through using the USB, do you have a CD/DVD disk?21:28
ilhamiJoe_knock I am going to make a server from my own old laptop21:28
ilhamiand I heard good things about Ubuntu Server21:28
Joe_knockilhami: You don't really need a GUI for a server.21:28
ilhamibut since I am not a pro at Linux yet I would like a GUI to support me21:29
Aqui1aJoe_Knock, Sadly not! I don't even have a CD/DVD burner.21:29
mekonilhami: is true, i have 5 ubuntu server21:29
Joe_knockAqui1a: Okay, it looks like we need to resolve the issue with the USB then.21:29
Koolcidmekon: yea i thnk something went pretty wrong21:29
mekonKoolcid: try install ubuntu server21:30
ilhamidoes how many requests the server can handle at the same time depend on RAM and CPU?21:30
Koolcidmekon: if you say so. i gotta go thanks for trying21:31
Aqui1aJoe_Knock, Ok then, thanks for this, I appreciate the help!21:31
david1Johey. joe knock. volume control from CLI? I am using openbox to free up ram for gaming, but volume control buttons wont work21:32
Joe_knockAqui1a: Do you still have an OS that works? Or is the PC void of any OS now?21:32
Joe_knockdavid1: Are you looking for a command to control the volume?21:33
Aqui1aJoe_Knock, I'm on the very PC I'm having trouble with right now. I was attempting to create a dual-boot. I also have a laptop in front of me.21:33
Joe_knockilhami that is a tough question to answer. One that doesn't matter for a home server21:33
Joe_knockAqui1a: You could use your laptop with an OS (like winXP/7) to run the "Live version" of Ubuntu.21:34
Aqui1aI have ubuntu installed on it21:35
david1never mind, find it21:35
david1alsamixer. :P21:35
david1everything is much better21:35
ilhamiJoe_knock it's for a school project21:35
ilhamiwe need to stress the server21:35
ilhamiand test it21:35
Aqui1aJoe_Knock, how would running a live version of Ubuntu on my laptop help me install Ubuntu on my PC? I'm absolutely clueless! haha21:36
Joe_knockAqui1a: It is a gentle process towards getting to the final solution :) When running the live version, you will be able to update grub2 (which may or may not be causing the problems) and once grub2 is updated, you can then install ubuntu onto the dualboot system :)21:37
ejoI am guessing from lack of responses that no one currently watching here has ideas about my shell/telnet issue --21:37
Joe_knockilhami: Perhaps you should try this channel for server related matters: #ubuntu-server21:38
ilhamiJoe_knock thanks21:38
Aqui1aJoe_Knock, I think I understand. So, by running this USB in the live version, I can update files on the USB itself while its in use?21:38
ejoIf I move focus away from a shell window with a telnet session running in it -- if I get back to it soon enough it's fine, but if I work in other windows for about 3+ minutes the telnet session gets stranded.  This is new, it never used to happen.  Only thing I changed recently was my cable modem from a broken one to one that appears to be working perfectly.21:38
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Aqui1aJoe_Knock, I'll stick the USB in my laptop then and have a look :D21:39
Joe_knockAqui1a: Yes! that is correct. That is what they explain when speaking about running live and updating grub2.21:39
Joe_knockAqui1a: I am sending you 5 links to the issue in a private window. Have a look at them21:41
=== anonymous1 is now known as telnet
Aqui1aJoe_Knock, I tried booting from the USB on my laptop and I got the exact same error.21:44
Aqui1aI'll have a look at those links now21:44
Joe_knockOkay so if it can't run from the USB, then either the problem is with the USB or the ubuntu on it (primary causes of the problem).21:45
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Aqui1aJoe_Knock, I doubt it's the USB as I used it just hours ago to install Windows 8.1 onto this computer. I'm guessing it's the actual ISO, then? Or, somehow the program used to make the USB (unetbootin)?21:47
Joe_knockPossibly, Aqui1a. I really can't give a clear answer as I am not actually seeing the problem in front of me. Which version are you using?21:48
Aqui1aJoe_Knock, I downloaded the latest version - 13.10.21:48
MrSavageI got this error when I tried to SSH "ssh_exchange_identification: Connection closed by remote host"21:49
netameta__hey all, anyone with an idea why / what can cause my server to show 504 bad gateway ?21:49
MrSavagenot sure how to fix this21:49
netameta__it was working find, and now suddenly it happened, no idea why21:50
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MrSavagenetameta__: 10.5.5 504 Gateway Timeout The server, while acting as a gateway or proxy, did not receive a timely response from the upstream server specified by the URI (e.g. HTTP, FTP, LDAP) or some other auxiliary server (e.g. DNS) it needed to access in attempting to complete the request.21:51
netameta__so that means that i should restart those services ?21:51
netameta__or ?21:52
Joe_knocknetameta__: That would be 1 option.21:52
netameta__How can you restart http  or ftp ? or the others?21:53
Joe_knockAqui1a: Can you paste the error msg in the private window for me. I will keep looking for a usb-related issue.21:53
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netameta__joe_knock and MrSavage, this is awakword i did nothing and its now back up21:54
Joe_knocknetameta__: http://askubuntu.com/questions/187071/how-do-i-restart-shutdown-from-a-terminal21:54
Aqui1aJoe_Knock, Will do :) Just trying something atm, not too optimistic, but still...21:54
oneHow did gnome-terminal --tab -e 'command1' --tab -e 'command2'; seem to work over there?21:54
netameta__do you guys know of a place i could read about it a little  ?21:54
netameta__Thanks joe_knock,21:54
MrSavageI got this error when I tried to SSH "ssh_exchange_identification: Connection closed by remote host", how do i fix this?21:55
Joe_knocknetameta__: About 500 errors? Wikipedia would have concise info on it.21:55
oneIt is returning There was an error creating the child process for this terminal21:55
netameta__thanks will see21:55
Aqui1aJoe_Knock, can I just say that the folder in the error message - /i386-pc/ - isn't on the USB. Is this important?21:56
Joe_knockAqui1a: 1 important thing I forgot to mention is that, are all your systems using the same architecture as the OS? You get 32-bit and 64-bit versions of linux.21:57
trismone: what is the actual command you are running? I was just testing with: gnome-terminal --tab -e 'bash' --tab -e 'htop'; and it was working21:58
Aqui1aJoe_Knock, Yep. I'm currently using 64-bit editions of Windows on both my PC and laptop.21:58
ankovkillerbart10, download from their website, I first case that21:58
onetrism: irssi21:58
onetrism: you run the command?21:59
Aqui1aJoe_Knock, I think I've got it working!22:00
Joe_knockAqui1a: That is great news!22:00
trismone: irssi working fine too, can you put the actual command you are typing?22:00
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sydneyHow do I access the power options in LXDE?22:01
Aqui1aJoe_Knock, I created the USB using a different program (Universal USB Installer) instead of the other two I'd previously tried (unetbootin & tuxboot). It's loaded up on my laptop, now to try it on my PC. :D22:01
trismone: you aren't actually using 'command1' command2 are you? those were just placeholders for 'irssi' or whatever22:01
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Joe_knockAqui1a: That is likely where the error is from (I hope)22:02
onetrism: you run irssi22:03
onetrism: what you need do?22:03
onetrism: you hear voice?22:04
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tytanWill I be able to install Ubuntu 14.04 on a non PAE system?22:04
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ikonianon-pae system ???22:05
onetrism: you hear voice?22:05
trismone: I do not know what you are talking about22:05
Guest47776Joe_Knock, :( I'm gutted22:05
Guest47776Is Joe_Knock in here often?22:06
onetrism: you are deaf?22:06
=== RickyB98 is now known as rickyb98
ikoniaone: stop it22:06
sydneyDoes anyone know how to make LXDE go into stanby after a certian time.I cannot find a power settings anywhere. Also,how do I disable Pasword on resume from standby?22:06
tytanwell, non pae. a 32 bit system which has the 4gb ram barrier22:06
ikoniait will just not use all the ram22:07
onetrism: you maybe you need you pills red or blue?22:07
andyfiedsydney: i don't think lxde has those settings by default22:07
ikoniasorry trism22:07
tytanWell, sadly this isn't the case. Even lubuntu comes with a PAE-Kernel standard and requires it. My system doesn't have it. Lubuntu won't start.22:08
sydneyandyfied_: do you know where I can get them?22:08
ikoniatytan: your system doesn't have it ??22:08
ikoniapae ius not a hardware thing - it's a software limitation22:08
andyfiedsydney: setx is built into it i think22:08
andyfiedsydney: xfce4-power-manager apparently works well too22:09
sydneyI will try them,Thanks!22:09
netameta__Now the 504 is back again this is weird.. the server responds perfectly via SSH,22:10
netameta__cuold it be a DNS issue? or domain issue ?22:11
Sprockshas anyone here used byobu?22:11
ssbeoneheloo guys22:11
MrSavageWhy isn't my terminal colouring my username and my ls ???22:12
ikonialook at the alias of ls22:12
ikoniaMrSavage: please show me the output of uname -a22:12
MrSavageikonia: Linux COMP2406VM 3.11.0-14-generic #21-Ubuntu SMP Tue Nov 12 17:07:40 UTC 2013 i686 athlon i686 GNU/Linux22:13
ikoniawhat version of ubuntu is that ?22:13
=== Guest47048 is now known as tytan
MrSavageikonia: no idea this is a vm created by someone else22:15
tytan13.10 32 bit ISO require your CPU to have Physical Address Extensions, or PAE. "PAE is provided by Intel Pentium Pro and above CPUs, including all later Pentium-series processors (except most 400 MHz-bus versions of the Pentium M)."22:15
ikoniatytan: ok, so you're talking about PAE extensions22:15
ikoniatytan: what cpu do you have ?22:15
willwh_Sprocks: yep22:16
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Sprockswillwh_ do you know how to get byobu to open multiple tabs at lauch like the .screenrc file does for screen?22:17
tytanikonia: I don't know ^^22:18
ikoniatytan: finding out would be a good start22:18
willwh_Sprocks: run it in screen mode?  :)22:18
willwh_or did you need to use tmux for some reaosn?22:18
willwh_I'm sure there is a way to do that22:18
Sprocksisn't the default for byobu screen anyways willwh_22:19
BerylAnyone know of a browser with something like noscript+requestpolicy built in?22:19
zchrykngHi all! I asked this question earlier, but no one was able to help me.22:20
zchrykngdoes anyone have any pointers for installing Ubuntu desktop when all you get is garbage when you boot to the installer? (HD7990 graphics card)22:20
Sprocksisn't the default for byobu screen anyways willwh__ (srry didn't see you leave at first)22:20
CaptainQuirkHi there !22:21
macssanyone know about compatibility with Lenovo ideapad S415? Im trying to get an ubuntu version22:21
CaptainQuirkI'm just about to buy a sata to usb adapter for an old sata hard drive I would like to keep on using22:21
BerylMy USB-SATA controller works fine, some generic thing22:22
CaptainQuirkQuite interested in one product in particular, product details don't mention Linux as compatible system22:22
Sprockswillwh  how do i make sure its in screen mode?22:22
CaptainQuirkshould I be worried ?22:22
hggdhCaptainQuirk: usually, no22:23
BerylCaptainQuirk: I'd email the manufacturer, it depends on waht controller chip they're using or if it's some weird setup, all of mine work fine though, cheap chinese generics22:23
BerylCaptainQuirk: even my USB-IDE one works and it doesn't on Win8...22:24
MrSavageHow do you make your name coloured on the terminal?22:24
zchrykngSo... no one has any tips on how to do that? :(22:24
netameta__This is a joke22:24
netameta__one time it works one time it doesnt22:24
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Berylzchrykng: my 7770 and 7850 work fine, strange, although if you try 14.04 it has much newer stock drivers, and fglrx is acceptable these days22:25
Berylzchrykng: If you manage to install afterwards adding xorg edgers for the latest fglrc should run fine22:26
zchrykngBeryl: Ok I will give 14.04 a shot... where would I get that? Also, I just thought of this. I have three screens attached to the card. Would that make a difference?22:27
zchrykngNevermind, found 14.04.22:28
Berylzchrykng: i'll get you a diret link to the latest image...22:28
Berylzchrykng:  http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/daily-live/current/22:28
zchrykngBeryl: cool thanks!22:29
Berylzchrykng: Strangely, for me EVERYTHING works except for me, and it runs better... but firefox often refuses to start, hmmm22:29
cyrnwhen I add a pre-up under my main interface in /etc/network/interfaces it no longer assigns an IP address to that interface when it brings it up.  it does however bring up all my alias interfaces.  if I remove the pre-up line it works again.22:29
netameta__Could a large 3000*200-300 word response from a curl response cause an error with nginx ? because it seems i keep getting a 504 bad gateway, while the server seem to be up and running and i am connected to it though ssh.22:30
willwhSprocks: byobu-select-backend22:30
willwhsorry got caught on a call22:30
zchrykngBeryl: that is odd. My computer has always been a little funky so this is just the latest issue XD22:31
bitvilag3is anyone really into routing in ubuntu? i would need some help in routing traffic coming from a server to a network that is connected to the server i am on right now...22:31
Sprocksthats ok willwh, ill try it in a second22:31
=== bitvilag3 is now known as bitvilag
Sprocksthanks willwh that worked22:32
bitvilagso anyone?22:33
willwhSprocks: glad I could help22:35
willwhbitvilag: yeah22:35
willwhiptables baby :D22:35
willwhhonestly - I don't have time to help you now, but that is what you should look at22:35
willwhor hire someone to help ;)22:35
hawawat's wrng with my gimp??? if i change opacity to 50+ its completely opaque n if 5022:36
hawaif 50- completely transparent22:36
netameta__Could a large 3000*200-300 word response from a curl response cause an error with nginx ? because it seems i keep getting a 504 bad gateway, while the server seem to be up and running and i am connected to it though ssh.22:37
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nousefornamesanyone here that could give a helping hand22:41
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EndymionMHi, I'm using 12.04.4 with Unity 2d, and I have some questions.  I found a site which showed me how to shrink the launcher with the shell.qml, IconTile.qml, and LauncherList.qml.  How small can it go without glitching?22:42
toad_Anyone on?22:42
toad_That is intelligent in the ubuntu area?22:43
EndymionMtoad_: I wish I could help?22:43
toad_bitvilag do you know your way around ubuntu?22:43
bitvilagwillwh is it possible to do it without iptables? I mean just pure routing?22:43
bitvilagi am a medium knowlodged user so there are quite a few things I dont know..:S22:44
toad_do u know about wireless?22:45
bitvilagwhich ubuntu do u have?22:45
toad_I have a broadcom b43 and ubuntu detects it but says disconnected22:46
toad_Then i unplug my adapter ang get nothing22:46
nousefornamesi'm just looking for a good guide for dual booting ubuntu with windows 8.1 .... if anyone had a link to a tutorial that makes sense i'd be estatic22:47
bitvilagare you using the default driver?22:47
willwhbitvilag: yep you can22:48
toad_I installed the fwcutter driver through the terminal as the one in additional drivers claims there is an error in jockey.log22:48
willwhbitvilag: http://www.techrepublic.com/article/understand-the-basics-of-linux-routing/22:48
salainfohow can I upgrade to 14.04 from 12.10 ?22:51
wheatthinsalainfo, I'd wait until it came out as a final release22:51
ikonia14.04 is not out yet, development version discussion is in #ubuntu+1 channel22:51
salainfowheatthin: that's the idea22:51
toad_I used apt-get install b43-fwcutter firmware-b43-installer or so22:52
bitvilagtoad_ my first guess is driver second is the config of the wireless?! i must go now bye bye22:52
MrSavagehow do you change the # of workspaces in gnome?22:53
toad_do anyone here know about broadcom b43 in ubuntu 12.04 wireless?22:54
ikoniaubuntu uses unity - not gnome22:54
ikonia(as he shell)22:54
ikoniaMrSavage: I think you need to check what version of ubuntu this is, as it may not actually be "ubuntu" but a spin based on ubuntu22:55
ikoniait seems a very odd build22:55
toad_does anyone here know about broadcom b43 wireless in ubuntu 12.04?22:56
MrSavageikonia: it's lubuntu22:56
ikoniaMrSavage: what version ?22:56
MrSavageno idea22:56
ikoniaI think you need to find out22:56
MrSavagealso i'm using openbox for my UI i think22:56
toad_does anyone here know about broadcom b43 wireless in ubuntu 12.04?22:58
node539..follow the white rabbit..22:59
gonyereDoes anyone else get a (very brief) black screen immediatly after logging in?23:00
toad_does anyone here have a dell 1300 running lts?23:00
irreverantI can't seem to get my ubuntu server 12 to start either with xfce or gnome..23:01
irreverantsudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop23:01
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irreverantI'm running it in VMWare Player; it's the 13.04 64AMD - however the host machine is running an i7 with 8gbs of ram will this affect it from installing properly as a vm?23:03
dudesafHey everyone, I am running ubuntu server 12.04, I am trying to setup an access point using hostapd. From a different box I can see the wifi broadcast. I have also setup dhcp server. However, I am unable to connect to the AP. any ideas?23:04
toad_is anyone here using an inspiron 1300?23:05
toad_is anyone here using an inspiron 1300?23:06
kopasetikhi, i'm running ubuntu 12.04 on a toshiba nb50523:06
kopasetikthis is what's giving me trouble when i boot up: http://hastebin.com/xubirejoba.xml23:06
toad_kopasetik: what wireless does it have?23:07
kopasetiknot sure23:07
toad_oh nm23:07
irreverantdudesaf: does it give an error message when you attempt to connect?23:08
bray90820is /dev sharable by default23:08
irreverantcan anyone answer my vm server 12.04.4 issue?23:08
bray90820dudesaf: were you saying no to me23:09
irreverantI'm running it in VMWare Player; it's the 13.04 64AMD - however the host machine is running an i7 with 8gbs of ram will this affect it from installing properly as a vm?23:10
irreverantthe problem is getting a ui for this installation.23:11
salainfoAGAIN: how can I upgrade to 14.04 from 12.10 ??? ( I know that 14.04 still beta)23:11
YamakasYwhat's best these days, ufw or apf ?23:12
IdleOneirreverant: it depends how much ram you give the vm, but the fact that it is a vm should not matter23:12
IdleOnesalainfo: you can either do incremental upgrades (which will take you a few hours at least) or do a fresh install of 14.04 when it is released (recommended)23:12
irreverantIdleOne: ok great, that's what I thought in the beginning. Whata'bout getting a UI for the server installation...23:13
salainfoIdleOne: yes but. how ?23:13
irreverantwhen I attempted sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop it just hung for me after it installed the interface.23:14
IdleOneirreverant: sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop23:14
bazhangsalainfo, 12.10 to 13.04, 13.04 to 13.1023:14
IdleOneirreverant: that should do it, then reboot.23:14
irreverantwhat's the syntaxing for xfce: or the no bundled software UI?23:15
IdleOneirreverant: xubuntu-desktop23:15
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GeoAnyone have any experience with running squid as a reverse proxy? I'm getting Access Denied errors when trying to connect (TCP_DENIED/403 errors in the logs)23:27
chris_99anyone know how to switch the default python to version 3.3 in saucy23:28
irreverantwhat's the cli for shutting down ubuntu server?23:29
irreverantAnd why is it in only cli?!23:29
rypervencheirreverant: sudo shutdown -h now or sudo halt23:29
rypervencheirreverant: Unless you want to reboot it.23:30
irreverantI want it to shutdown23:30
=== CyberJacob is now known as CyberJacob|Away
naxili have a strange problem with bluetooth23:33
naxili get only timeout23:33
naxili have insert the dongle.. but the device not start properly23:34
naxil[ 7480.963145] usbcore: registered new interface driver btusb23:34
naxil[ 7482.088046] Bluetooth: hci0 command tx timeout23:34
oneIt looks like the whole system is run in a VM on tty723:35
HadesWatch3rI have a Dell E6520 Laptop with a NV4200 chipset and the intel ... I want to enable the Nvidia drivers but they are not listed in the additional software drivers tab ?23:36
irreveranttty7 just means that the serial interface your using to communicate with it.23:36
irreverantyou can use xterm or any terminal emulator software to communicate with it.23:36
HadesWatch3rWhat kind of spell do I require in order to make the nVidia video drivers work on ubuntu 13.10 ?23:37
tharkunHadesWatch3r: Just install the apropiate module. Usually the nouveau will work fine.23:39
HadesWatch3rok.. will do.23:39
HadesWatch3rtharkun, thanks23:39
naxilwho can helpme with bluetooth?23:40
tharkunnaxil: State your problem and someone will come to the rescue.23:41
naxil[ 7482.088046] Bluetooth: hci0 command tx timeout , after i insert the usb BT dongle, no way to use it23:41
tharkunnaxil: Collect usefull log entries, what have you done to solve the problem and whatever fact you find that can help. External usb dongle or internal connection. You know the kind of stuff people require to pinpoint your problem.23:42
naxilexternal usb23:43
naxili insert the usb external BT to usb port.. and i can't use it at all, i try with hciconfig hci0 reset but get me TIMEOUT every time23:44
bray90820if i do "fg job_number" should it bing the bg process to the fg23:44
kingragabhi all23:44
VoidWhispererWhat keeps causing this23:46
VoidWhisperernvm wrong channel23:46
=== Guest16597 is now known as _46bit_
ruthHi, guys, I am new with Linux and just clean installed Ubuntu 12.04 to an older computer. When I cleaned installed from a cd, I set the bios for "IDE  CD", and when it was done downloading, I took out the cd and it restarted and everything was well. BUT, now, when I shut it down and later come to turn it on, it says this, "error: unknown filesystem  grub rescue> -      I turn it off and go back into the bios and try another boot sequence to23:48
ruth no avail. What should I do?23:48
HadesWatch3rCan't install the Nvidia drivers.23:49
HadesWatch3rThey say I don't have a compatible device.23:49
oneI want to talk to the ubuntu coders.23:51
tharkunone: Identify them and the post a direct bug report.23:52
Beldarruth, Assuming this install is bootable try this app, and save the bootinfo summary url. https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Boot-Repair23:53
onetharkun: Is that a joke?23:53
grep0rruth, is it a dual boot? i mean do you have windows on it? the easy way is boot repair cd otherwise manual23:53
Beldarruth, You can just run the summary and post it back if you like, this is all done on a live cd.23:54
oneThere are so many things that can be fixed with ubuntu.23:54
naxil_people why not start live and simple re-configure grub?23:54
oneI want to talk to the coders to have the things fixed properly.23:54
tharkunone: no, but your question is.23:54
rwwone: Do you have a specific Ubuntu support question we can help you with today?23:55
rwwlastlog 32.23:55
Beldarnaxil_, Lots of options, it;s nice to get the bootscript if needed.23:55
ruthThis is a clean install.  My live CD was an alternate download, so no live cd here.23:55
oneDo the coders fix problems?23:55
naxil_Beldar, are u good with BT dongle?23:55
rwwone: Do you have a specific Ubuntu support question we can help you with today?23:56
ruthShould I still try that url, Beldar?23:56
naxil_rww are u good with BT dongle?23:56
tharkunone: Beeing honest. File a bug for each and every one of the flaws you believe there are and the see what happens.23:57
rwwnaxil_: Nope. I expect that if you ask your actual question someone who is may come out of the woodwork, though.23:57
onetharkun: usually I get an argument23:58
BurritoSk8r_Brandon is spamming in PM.23:58
Beldarruth, You need a live cd to do it, with a desktop, From the terminal is possible, but not a beginners method. Is ubuntu the only OS on the computer.23:58
rwwBurrito: thanks, sorted23:58
tharkunBurrito: If problem continues take it to #freenode23:59
ruthYou know what? I have a boot repair disk for Ubuntu. Will that work?23:59
ruthI think I can give you the info using that, right?23:59
Burritotharkun, yes. He was just advertising another chatroom (a practice which falls outside of freenode guidelines, and a chatroom itself which also falls outside of those guidelines)23:59
Beldarruth, Yes, bootrepair has a live download.23:59

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