
dougbbIs this the right place to ask about 14.04 b1 problems?00:15
ali1234you want #ubuntu+100:28
dougbbgot it, thanks :)00:28
ali1234unless it's highly related to xfce00:29
ali1234then, maybe00:29
dougbbwell, both of my questions are, actually :)00:29
dougbb1) xfdesktop --reload no longer cycles the desktop wallpaper00:29
dougbb2) trying to change the "Time And Data Settings" to use ntp, and the attempt to install it is failing "Could not install package  The necessary applications to install the package could not be found"00:29
ali1234why xfdesktop --reload cycle the wallpaper?00:30
dougbbali1234: it has always done that if you use an image list .... according to the man page it's still supposed to work, but it doesn't00:31
ali1234the way that wallpaper works in xfdesktop has been totally rewritten to support different wallpapers on each virtual screen00:31
ali1234so it probably got broken. so report a bug please00:32
dougbbyes, I notice that it has been rewritten, and the interface is quite different00:32
dougbbOk, where should I report it? Regular launchpad?00:32
ali1234launchpad and also bugs.xfce.org00:32
ali1234and then link the upstream report on launchpad00:32
dougbbOk, will do00:32
ali1234make sure at least one of the reports has detailed steps how to reproduce00:33
ali1234for time and date, i assume that is using the xfce clock plugin?00:34
dougbbyeah, no worries, I have done bug reports before :)00:34
dougbbali1234: I think so ... I'm getting to it from the Settings dialog00:34
ali1234yeah i see it00:35
dougbbSettings -> Time and Date00:35
ali1234also report that one... but only on launchpad, as i'm not sure if that's an ubuntu customization or not00:35
ali1234looks like it wants to install a package but it doesn't know which one so it just has an empty string00:35
ali1234post links to the bug reports here when you're done please00:36
ali1234i can't promise the wallpaper thing will get fixed. it might be the feature just disappears from the manpage etc00:37
dougbbOk, give me a couple minutes, still restoring access to some of my stuff after the clean install00:37
dougbbali1234:  :(00:37
ali1234the new thing automatically rotates the wallpaper though00:37
dougbbI know it's a silly thing, but I like to have my desktop wallpaper rotate at <hour>:00 and <hour>:30 ... I used to do that with a cron job00:37
dougbbyeah, the auto rotator starts the timer when you log in00:38
ali1234well, there is a way to do that still00:38
dougbbit doesn't do it at a specified time00:38
ali1234yeah, i understand. but you can still do what you want00:38
dougbbok ... I'd be happy to know how :)00:38
ali1234tell xfdesktop to only use one wallpaper, then use xfconf-query to change the wallpaper filename, then issue the reload00:38
ali1234this is a more robust way... you can explicitly select any wallpaper you want00:39
ali1234also, since we fixed up xfwm, you can use any old-style X11 wallpaper tools and get rid of xfdesktop completely (though you'll lose desktop icons)00:41
ali1234stuff like hsetroot00:41
dougbbok, that looks promising ... I'm not seeing how to specify the wallpaper with xfconf-query00:41
dougbbheh, I used to use hsetroot when I ran openbox00:42
dougbbI might even still have the script I wrote for that00:42
ali1234so there's a tool called "settings editor"00:42
ali1234which is like windows regedit :)00:42
dougbbthat was like 5 years ago00:42
ali1234in that you'll see a channel called xfce4-desktop00:43
ali1234inside that you should see some keys called image-path00:43
ali1234xfconf-query is the command line tool for manipulating those settings00:43
ali1234there is also a dbus interface if you want to write a python script00:44
brainwashdougbb: bug 127009000:44
ubottubug 1270090 in gnome-system-tools (Ubuntu) "time-admin can not install ntp" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/127009000:44
brainwashalready reported, no solution yet00:44
dougbbbrainwash: I'll look, thanks :)00:44
ali1234ah nice one :)00:44
dougbbali1234: I've never done dbus, but I see the image-path setting in the settings editor00:45
ali1234xfconf-query -c xfce4-desktop -p /backdrop/screen0/monitor0/image-path -s <path to image>00:46
bluesabreknome: we inherited it from mrpouit, who inherited it from rancell00:46
bluesabreknome, that is, lightdm gtk+ greeter00:46
ali1234you would do something like that. without the -s should print the current value00:46
ali1234you might not even need to tell xfdesktop to reload, it should watch the keys for changes00:47
ali1234ah so the prblem with ntp is missing gksudo again?00:48
ali1234so we need to switch it to pkexec?00:49
knomebluesabre, you all suck ;)00:49
bluesabrebut I imagine its restricted because its a core app?00:50
dougbb... always nice to be appreciated00:50
knomeit all depends on LP setup00:50
bluesabrenot sure if its okay to change it, so I leave it as is00:50
* knome shrugs00:50
bluesabreneed me to upload a .po file?00:50
knomei can ask translation and documentation people... oh, i'm one of those myself :P00:50
brainwashali1234: maybe try to use the software center if installed00:51
knomenah, it just sucks that my translations are suggestions, not real translations00:51
knomei guess i need to apply to the finnish translator team00:51
ali1234why don't we just ship the ntp package?00:52
bluesabreI can approve your translations since you generally don't put garbage in there L)00:52
brainwashali1234: we ship ntpdate00:52
ali1234ntpdate is no good for setting the system clock though00:53
brainwashI doubt that anyone is willing to fix this00:54
dougbbntpdate is fine if we want our time synchronization to be 'about as good as windows'   :)00:55
ali1234i'll fix it tomorrow. geez00:55
brainwashthe user can easily install ntp manually00:55
ali1234i'm not using software centre though00:55
ali1234synaptic is installed by default right?00:55
ali1234why not?00:56
brainwashthat's the reason that it does not work in the first place00:56
dougbbno, that's one of the things I have on my "install my stuff after a clean install" list00:56
ali1234no, the reason it doesnt work is gksudo was removed00:56
brainwashsynaptic does not use gksudo00:56
dougbbcouldn't it use dpkg to install? or apt-get?00:56
ali1234the bug report says it does00:56
ali1234on the comment that you wrote...00:56
brainwashwell, it checks for both I think00:57
brainwashit's a ubuntu specific patch00:57
dougbbfwiw I can do the "unlock" activity just fine00:57
brainwashoh, maybe it calls syncaptic with gksudo and not with pkexec00:57
dougbbIt pops up the sudo window, I enter my password, and the interface changes00:57
brainwashdid you install gksudo?00:58
ali1234what package is it even in?00:58
dougbbIt's trying to change the configuration from Manual to "keey synchronized ..." that fails00:58
dougbbbrainwash: no, I haven't installed anything yet00:58
brainwashpackage "gksu"00:58
dougbb.... trying to keep it stock for a bit so that I can more usefully report bugs00:58
ali1234no i mean that panel?00:58
brainwashso have fun00:59
ali1234isn't that like, abaondoned upstream?00:59
brainwashbut patches are still welcome01:01
dougbbdo they have a replacement? I can certainly install and configure ntpd myself, just trying to do things the "normal" way for the beta01:01
ali1234yeah gnome has a replacement... it only works with gnome01:02
brainwashthere's also mate-system-tools (fork)01:02
ali1234okay so the problem here is that g-s-t has a common/gst-package.c which attempts to be a cross platform package installation tool01:02
ali1234i can fix this01:03
dougbbfwiw, the "unlock" button causes polkit-agent-helper-1 to run ... that's where I'm entering my pass to get the thing unlocked01:03
ali1234but someone will have to upload it01:03
ali1234yeah it uses policykit to unlock01:03
ali1234ten it uses it's own crufty mess of code to install packages with gksudo and synaptic01:03
ali1234it should use packagekit for this01:03
ali1234it's what it is for01:03
ali1234maybe it does try, if it is available01:04
dougbbsorry if that was obvious to you, I'm still learning linux internals after a long period of bsd01:04
ali1234okay so we don't ship packagekit either01:04
dougbbali1234: gir1.2-packagekitglib-1.0 and libpackagekit-glib2-16:amd64 are installed 01:05
ali1234well, i'll investigate this properly tomorrow01:05
dougbbawesome, thanks!  I'll sign up for the bug01:05
dougbbjust curious ... wouldn't something like 'apt-get install ntp -y' do the trick?01:06
brainwashwithout sudo?01:06
ali1234"sudo apt-get install ntp -y" might though01:06
ali1234but there would be no where to type your password01:06
dougbbyeah ... sorry, the sudo was implied :)01:06
dougbbah, right, no more gksudo :(01:06
ali1234i don't even understand why it was removed01:07
ali1234i mean we even have a factoid telling people to use it01:07
ubottuIf you need to run graphical applications as root, use « gksudo », as it will set up the environment more appropriately. Never just use "sudo"! (See http://psychocats.net/ubuntu/graphicalsudo to know why)01:07
dougbbyeah, I was just going to ask why01:07
brainwashso people can have some fun and configure pkexec? :)01:07
dougbbyeah, that totally looks easier :-/01:09
brainwashuse the software center.. or fall back to terminal?01:09
ali1234oh well, it was worth a try01:10
dougbbOk, I just ran this: pkexec --user=root apt-get install ntp -y01:11
dougbband it worked01:11
dougbb(ran it from the command line that is)01:11
ali1234packagekit is still the best way... it's not tied to debs01:12
dougbbIf that works in the same security context as the "unlock" button creates then it should be an easy fix01:12
dougbb*nod*  I can't speak to that01:12
ali1234i should check if they have fixed this in mint01:12
dougbb... although fwiw I like things that use policykit, since it works with my fingerprint reader01:12
ali1234mate or xfce edition... they have both right?01:12
dougbb(after installing the software for it of course)01:13
ali1234packagekit uses policykit01:13
dougbbah, ok01:13
ali1234they're all from the same place01:13
dougbbare things with the *kit names generally related?01:13
ali1234generally yes01:13
dougbbOk, that's good to know, thanks01:13
ali1234consolekit is another, but it's dead now01:13
ali1234replaced by systemd01:13
ali1234systemd will probably swallow up all the other *kit stuff eventually01:14
ali1234of course on ubuntu we don't use systemd, so we still have consolekit afaik01:14
ali1234for now anyway01:14
brainwashno, we have logind01:15
brainwash+ systemd-shim01:15
ali1234doesn't that use consolekit though?01:15
ali1234oh, okay01:15
ali1234hmm... mate-system-tools does not have gst-package.c at all01:17
ali1234which is promising01:17
dougbbInteresting ... I installed the ntp package, and now the time and date tool is already set to "update automatically"01:17
ali1234yes, it checks if it is installed01:18
brainwashand running01:18
ali1234mate-system-tools just puts up a message telling you to install ntp01:18
brainwashit's a service after all01:18
ali1234same as g-s-t, but without the "install it" button01:19
brainwashonly a message... sounds great :D01:19
ali1234i guess they;re still stuck on 2.001:19
brainwashor they removed the debian patches01:20
ali1234or they never had them to start with01:20
ali1234tis is mate, not mint01:20
dougbbso the software center now pops up even more dialogs that disappear so fast I can't see them .... nifty01:25
dougbbOk, finally got signed in and subscribed to the time-admin ntp bug :)01:31
dougbbis there a way to use dpkg or apt-get to find out what package xfdesktop comes from?01:32
ali1234dpkg -S /usr/bin/xfdesktop01:33
knomebluesabre, "generally" ? :P01:40
knomehow do you even know...01:40
knomeyou couldn't really know if all the xubuntu docs were "humpty dumpty"01:40
dougbbgoogle translate is your friend :)01:42
brainwashlaunchpad failed to build a package for amd64.. did not even provide any build log, so I requested to retry it and it magically worked now01:46
brainwashwish I could understand packaging a bit better01:47
brainwashwhy isn't there a daily xfce PPA? because no one cares to maintain one?01:49
dougbbali1234: I've reported the wallpaper bug: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gnome-system-tools/+bug/129328701:52
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1293287 in gnome-system-tools (Ubuntu) "xubuntu 14.04 'xfdesktop --reload' no longer cycles wallpaper image" [Undecided,New]01:52
dougbboops! https://bugzilla.xfce.org/ SSL cert expired today01:53
dougbbd'oh, apparently that site requires yet another account to be created :-01:55
brainwashyou've filed the report against.. gnome-system-tools01:55
dougbberrr, no, I changed it to xfdesktop401:55
dougbbapparently my change didn't "take"01:56
dougbbbrainwash: do you have access to fix that? Or how can I do it?01:56
brainwashalready did01:57
dougbboh, thanks!01:57
dougbbthat was what came up in the dialog when I started filling in the bug report, but I changed it ... that's why I asked the dpkg question01:57
brainwashthe xfdesktop maintainer is usually very active02:00
dougbbis it worthwhile for me to create an account to file the bug on bugzilla.xfce.org as well? Or wait till I get feedback from the launchpad bug?02:01
brainwashbut we still need an upstream report, not sure if he checks launchpad regularly02:01
dougbbah, ok02:01
dougbbno worries02:01
dougbbI just ran into another little bug (leftover from previous versions) ... I changed my icon theme and my mail icon went missing02:02
dougbb(in the menu)02:02
bluesabrebrainwash: some components are auto-imported, but are frozen02:02
bluesabreso they cannot be synced from git02:02
bluesabrefor their vcs-imports02:03
brainwashbut there are no daily builds02:03
bluesabreit might be possible to set more of them up, haven't had a chance02:03
bluesabrebrainwash: libxfce4ui and parole are here: https://launchpad.net/~smd-seandavis/+archive/xfce-4.12-daily02:04
bluesabre(daily pkgs)02:04
bluesabrethe others are messed up, I'll try to get around to fixing them this week02:04
brainwashI was able to build xfdesktop (git)02:05
brainwashbut doing this felt more like a hack, so it's not done properly I guess02:06
bluesabreyeah, poke me throughout the week to fix it02:06
bluesabres/fix it/add packages to my ppa02:06
brainwashand also build them for trusty02:07
bluesabrethat too :)02:08
brainwashdo i need --enable-maintainer-mode?02:09
bluesabreusually helps02:10
brainwashok, I'll test it02:10
brainwashI had to make similar changes -> http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~smd-seandavis/libxfce4ui/debian/revision/1302:11
brainwashalso added "make" after autogen.sh to debian/rules02:12
brainwashbut that's somewhat wrong02:13
brainwashwithout it the build process would stop at some point and complain about missing files02:13
bluesabrecopy the same arguments used in autogen to dh_auto_configure02:13
brainwashI did not use any for autogen02:18
brainwashxfdesktop-marshal.h and c were missing02:20
brainwashmake creates them02:20
bluesabre./autogen.sh --enable-maintainer-mode02:20
brainwashto create those files?02:20
bluesabretry it02:21
brainwashok, what about "dh_shlibdeps --dpkg-shlibdeps-params=--ignore-missing-info" ?02:22
brainwashhad to add this too02:22
brainwashno a clean solution?02:25
bluesabreI'll check it out02:25
brainwashthe build process stopped at some point, gave me some error message.. so I've added something to make it go away02:26
bluesabreprobably not ok02:26
brainwashI'll try to resolve it properly02:28
brainwashbtw is there some way to use the git commit message(s) for the debian changelog?02:29
bluesabreif its just a daily package, changelog doesn't really matter, but debian changelog does not store that kind of info02:30
brainwashit would be great to see something informative when updating the package02:31
brainwashother than "auto build"02:32
bluesabreauto builds will only display that, part of the recipe magic02:32
brainwashok, that's fine then02:33
brainwashI've removed the additional "make" and added "--enable-maintainer-mode"02:34
brainwashmake[4]: *** No rule to make target `xfdesktop-marshal.c', needed by `libxfdesktop_la-xfdesktop-marshal.lo'.  Stop.02:35
brainwashI'll try it on my test system tomorrow, don't feel like abusing launchpad any longer with my failed builds :)02:37
dougbbinteresting, so if I'm logged into launchpad when something crashes on my system it automatically creates a bug report ... I never knew that02:44
dougbbI will put that to good use with some of my bugs that occur frequently :)02:44
brainwashdougbb: bug 1293305 needs to be re-assigned also03:16
ubottubug 1293305 in xfdesktop4 (Ubuntu) "Several icon themes lack an "internet-mail" icon, causing it to go missing from the XFCE menu" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/129330503:16
brainwashxfdesktop4 is the wrong target package03:16
dougbbbrainwash: yeah, I noticed that ... this time I double-checked that i selected "I don't know" but it selected what was filled in when I started the form anyway03:17
dougbbVery annoying03:17
dougbbalso, there doesn't seem to be a "preview" option, which I looked for to see if I could check for that problem before submitting03:17
brainwashso what is the main culprit? the app menu (xfce4-whiskermenu-plugin), the mail reader shortcut (exo-utils) or the affected themes (various packages)03:19
dougbbwell it's the icon choice in the "Mail Reader" menu item03:19
bluesabreI think that's xubuntu-default-settings that installs those items03:20
dougbbI'm not sure what package that comes from03:20
brainwashbluesabre: exo-utils03:20
dougbbthis is why I didn't guess :-/03:22
brainwashwhat would be the replacement for "internet-mail" icon?03:23
brainwashone thing we cannot change is to edit all the different icon themes out there03:25
dougbbbrainwash: yeah, that's why I suggested placing some defaults in /usr/share/pixmaps03:26
dougbbif there is a more specific icon in the theme, it will override that03:26
dougbbbut if there is not, the /usr/share/pixmaps version will get picked up03:26
dougbbthat makes it a fairly painless solution03:27
brainwashthe question, how should we provide this additional icon?03:27
brainwashI suggest that we should target the app menu instead, it shouldn't hide an entry if the icon is not available03:29
brainwashit could display a generic icon or just no icon03:30
bluesabrexfce4-applications-menu or whisker?03:31
brainwashdougbb: whisker menu, right?03:31
dougbbIt's not totally clear to me which bit is the whisker menu03:32
dougbbin a default install it happens on the menu that is in the upper left corner of the screen03:33
brainwashtake a look at the linked picture03:33
dougbb... and also in the "Applications" menu if I right-click on the desktop (which I think is the same thing)03:33
dougbbah, yes03:33
dougbbit is happening in the new 14.04 version, and also in the 13.x menus03:33
brainwashalso in the right click context menu of the desktop?03:33
brainwashthe mail reader entry is completely missing?03:34
brainwashthat's really strange03:34
dougbbno, just the icon03:34
dougbbthe text bit remains03:35
dougbbso in your example, the little picture of the envelope with the old "first class" ribbon around it would be gone, but the words "Mail Reader Read your email" would still be there, as well as the spacing where the icon should be03:36
brainwashah ok03:36
dougbbI changed my icon theme to GNOME which did it for me in 14.0403:37
dougbbthere are several others that I usually install which also have the same problem03:37
dougbbok, bugzilla.xfce.org bug created for the xfdesktop --reload issue:  https://bugzilla.xfce.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1075403:38
ubottubugzilla.xfce.org bug 10754 in General "'xfdesktop --reload' no longer cycles wallpaper image" [Normal,New]03:38
dougbb... this time I managed to associate it with the right package  :)03:38
brainwashthe usual answer would be to "use an icon theme which provides the necessary icons"03:38
dougbbbrainwash: yes, but that's a silly answer, since several of the icon themes that ship by default have this problem :)03:38
dougbbnot to mention, the fix is painless .... just put default icons in /usr/share/pixmaps for everything in the menu03:38
brainwashI'm just not sure, how we could ship the a generic mail icon03:39
dougbbif you use the svg images you'll be all set03:39
brainwashbut which package does provide it?03:40
dougbb(since obviously they'll scale to whatever context they are used)03:40
dougbbthat I can't comment on intelligently ... the how and where of packages I am still trying to learn03:40
dougbbalthough I would think that at least for this issue exo-utils might be the right answer03:41
brainwashright, this can cause some headache03:41
brainwashyes, exo-utils03:41
dougbbFWIW this internet-mail icon is the only one I've ever seen go missing03:42
brainwashand an upstream report might be also required03:42
dougbbso the problem may actually be limited to that icon, but I certainly haven't done a thorough test to see if every menu icon shows up with every icon theme :)03:42
brainwashsadly the priority to fix this is very low03:43
dougbbyeah, I can understand that ... but I agree that it's sad, because this is exactly the kind of thing that makes linux look "unpolished" to novice users03:43
brainwashnovice users usually don't change the icon theme03:44
dougbbI know how to fix this problem, so to me it's a minor annoyance ... but to users trying it out for the first time it's a WTF03:44
dougbbheh, yeah, keep telling yourself that :)03:44
dougbbnumber one question I get from people when I tell them I'm running Linux on my business laptop, "OOOooo, can I see what it looks like?"03:45
brainwashbut feel free to add some additional information to your report03:46
brainwashlike which icon could be used exactly03:46
dougbbI thought I did?03:46
dougbboh, you mean like exactly which symlink to create?03:46
brainwashfrom the elementary theme?03:46
dougbbwell I like the elementary theme, but it seems not to be installed by default on 14.0403:47
dougbbthere are some "elementary-<foo>" versions though03:47
brainwashbasically a step-by-step explanation03:47
brainwashwhich icon, where to install it, what symlinks03:48
brainwashand details about the icon file itself03:49
brainwashwhich license03:49
brainwashand at this point of the dev cycle I'm not even sure, if the change will land in trusty03:52
dougbbyeah, understood ... I should have reported it long ago, but I'm trying to make up for lost time here :)03:53
OvenWerk1brainwash: speaking of menu icons... I have seen some that show in the right click menu but not the top corner menu (in studio but with xfce) They used to what has changed in T?03:54
brainwashit's always great to have users who want to improve the distribution they use03:54
brainwashOvenWerk1: some? can you name any?03:55
dougbbwell I try ... sometimes I get really busy so some of the trivial stuff falls by the wayside03:55
OvenWerk1Off the top of my head meterbridge from jack. A lot of them are audio apps03:55
dougbbI used to do software development for a living, and I spent a long time volunteering for FreeBSD, so I always appreciated it when users sent useful bug reports03:55
OvenWerk1A lot of them seem to be pixmaps03:56
OvenWerk1I am booted in 13.10 on this machine03:56
OvenWerk1everything works in 13.1003:57
brainwashdougbb: that's awesome, open source is great, but sometimes there is just not enough man power to push forward and change things :)03:57
OvenWerk1brainwash: I think almost all of them are in our own metas, that is creative sw.04:00
brainwashOvenWerk1: I assume that you are talking about the recent regression, launchers which specify an icon + extension (example.png) are not displayed properly04:00
OvenWerk1AH, yes that makes sense04:00
OvenWerk1The few I looked at the desktop file for were like that04:01
brainwashxubuntu has replaced the default xfce app menu with whisker menu (alternative app menu)04:01
OvenWerk1brainwash: is that something that will be fixed? or should the apps be usiing no extension?04:02
brainwashso we are somewhat not affected by this directly04:02
brainwashit will be fixed soon-ish04:02
brainwashwell, I hope04:03
brainwashOvenWerk1: https://bugzilla.xfce.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1070904:04
ubottubugzilla.xfce.org bug 10709 in Applications Menu "Some icons not being displayed after upgrade to xfce4-panel-4.11.0" [Normal,New]04:04
OvenWerk1I wonder if it is worth overlaying a blank icon for the error one. So it doesn't look broken :)04:05
brainwashnah, it should easily fixable, but someone has to look into it04:06
OvenWerk1Beyond me for sure. I can do some c stuff, but tk is about a gui as I get04:07
brainwashthe menu from the desktop right click menu works fine, so we already have a working solution04:07
brainwashjust need to "port" it04:08
brainwashit's written in C04:08
OvenWerk1Ya, it would be, but wrapping my head around gtk is more than I am up to right now.04:09
brainwashyou don't even touch gtk04:09
OvenWerk1I managed to do a pygtk thing to put an icon in systray, but that is it.04:10
brainwashit's about loading the image file into a buffer04:11
OvenWerk1I thought you would have to use some toolkit.... ok.04:12
brainwashso passing the correct path seems to be broken in some cases04:12
brainwashno, just edit the .c file04:12
OvenWerk1Or it is lookiing for path/file.ext.* and not finding it04:12
brainwashyou might need to read about the api04:13
OvenWerk1Very much04:13
brainwashpossible, I did not investigate yet04:13
brainwashbut it's something which should be fixed within a small amount of time04:14
dougbbbrainwash I added the extra details you asked for .... the ones I could answer anyway :)04:15
brainwashdougbb: thanks04:15
dougbbglad to help04:15
dougbb... and thanks to you and ali1234 for all of your help as well :)04:16
ochosimorning everyone09:17
ochosiknome: thanks, added a brief conclusion09:34
ochosiwe could theoretically add before/after screenshots09:57
ochosito avoid the current "wall of text" impression09:57
ochosiknome: do you think we could get a new light-locker feature-release into 14.04?10:20
ochosi(given that it would happen soon)10:20
ochosior: what's your opinion on that10:20
ochosithe feature i'm referring to is "late locking"10:20
ochosithis means that instead of going to the lockscreen directly when the "lock session" signal is caught (i.e. when someone actively locks the session or the timer for that is expired), it only goes to the greeter/unlock screen when the user wakes the machine up10:22
knomei fail to see the difference10:22
knomeplease explain further ;)10:22
knomei'm more of less AFK for 5-15mins10:22
ochosiexample: 1) listening to music, no activity for 30mins (screensaver timeout) 2) screen blanks10:23
ochosiwithout late locking: 3) you get forwarded to the greeter, music stops.10:23
ochosiwith late locking: 3) screen blanks 4) you touch the mouse -> you get forwarded to the greeter, music stop.s10:23
brainwashochosi: can you please comment on bug 129191410:25
ubottubug 1291914 in xubuntu-default-settings (Ubuntu) "Whisker menu "hides" About Xfce and Contribute to Xubuntu" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/129191410:25
brainwash"contribute to xubuntu" will be dropped if I remember correctly10:26
ochosiyup, done10:27
brainwashthat was fast, thanks :)10:27
knomeochosi, hmm, right10:28
knomeochosi, so music stops only when you are *shown* the unlock window?10:29
ochosithat's the main difference10:29
ochosibut, it has to be mentioned that also when you *accidentally* touch the mouse, your music won't keep playing :)10:30
ochosithere's nothing we can do about that one10:30
knomeof course10:30
brainwashsame applies to some applications which access the graphics card10:30
ochosi(apart from not using timed-locking)10:30
knomeis the feature ready?10:30
ochosiit is in a development release (1.3.0) at the moment10:30
knomeis it tested (at all)?10:31
ochosiwe're waiting for translations to release 1.4.010:31
ochosiyeah, it is tested, but i can't say how much10:31
ochosii mean, i tested it a few times with nvidia/nouveau drivers10:31
knomeis there any likely regressions?10:31
ochosicavalier tested intel10:31
ochosiand i think someone tested radeon10:31
ochosinot that i can think of10:32
ochosi(the feature has been in a separate branch for a while already, so actually we tested it for a while)10:32
ochosithe changes that this feature would require:10:32
knomelet me give 5 mins to think about it10:32
ochosi1) update light-locker to 1.4.010:32
ochosi2) update lightdm-gtk-greeter not to initially blank the screen10:33
ochosi3) update light-locker-settings to reflect the additional setting10:33
ochosi(also, 1.4.0 brings an option to deactivate lock-on-suspend)10:33
ochosi(that one could be backported to 1.2.1, but there wouldn't be translations for it)10:33
brainwashknome: can you please mark bug 1033174 as "wishlist"?10:36
ubottubug 1033174 in xubuntu-default-settings (Ubuntu) "Improvement in the default keyboard shortcuts (lock screen and shutdown menu)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/103317410:36
knomeochosi, i think we could try to get the new release in, but please get it prepared ASAP so we will have it in time for b2 (or preferably, in dailies before b2)10:50
ochosiknome: ok, i'll also talk to bluesabre about it though10:53
ochosisince we'd have to do some work on this together10:53
knomedo that, but please do it today10:53
knomewhy is the pdf export so slow?10:54
ochosibtw, as an alternative, we could try to bring in the lock-on-suspend option10:54
knomethat's a new feature as well, right?10:54
ochosinot really10:54
ochosicurrently it locks on suspend, *always*10:55
ochosiit's just adding an option for that10:55
ochosiso not a very invasive change10:55
brainwashbut an important one :)10:57
knomeany reason we woldn't want to do both?11:01
ochosiknome: not really, apart from teh fact that late locking needs more changes11:04
knomeso which would you consider a better "patch" ?11:18
knomei just changed the IRC support page to a full-width page12:25
knomeallows more scrollback12:25
xubuntu254much better!12:26
brainwashknome: can you please mark bug 407976 as "won't fix"? it's an old issue that we cannot verify anymore14:23
ubottubug 407976 in xfce4-session (Ubuntu) "xfce4-session crashed with SIGSEGV in malloc()" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/40797614:23
knomewhat about marking it incomplete14:26
knomeand undecided14:27
brainwashmmh, maybe14:28
knomecan you also follow up with the upstream bug?14:29
brainwashbut the report targets ubuntu 8.04 :D14:29
brainwashthis is ancient stuff14:29
knomeyeah, i wonder what the general guideline is14:29
brainwashme too14:29
knomemark bugs with EOL releases won't fix or something else14:30
* knome digs in the bugsquad wiki14:30
brainwashthe bug description also mentions Xfapplet which is gone now14:32
brainwashremoved from the repo since at least 12.0414:33
knomeSome bugs are never responded to by the submitter (also called "original poster", or "OP"). These bugs will be automatically expired by Launchpad in 60 days, counted from the day it was set incomplete. There is no need to act on them (and, actually, changing the bug will restart the expiry period). Note that this applies for the Ubuntu project (i.e., those bug tasks that have "(Ubuntu)" in their name). Other projects may, or may not, have automa14:36
knome...which makes me think that setting to "incomplete" is the right way :)14:36
brainwashso want to kill it slowly? :)14:37
knomewell, i guess that's the only way to mark it "expired"14:37
brainwashI'm fine with it14:37
knomei mean, theoretically "won't fix" is a bad status14:37
knomebecause it *would* fit our plans to fix that bug if we had it :)14:37
brainwashwe did not manage to fix it in time, or maybe we did... stupid outdated reports :D14:38
* knome shrugs14:39
brainwashthere are still a bunch of older reports still open, cleaning them up really takes some time14:40
brainwashsome are still valid, others are not easy to verify anymore14:41
knomebrainwash, see bug 40797614:44
ubottubug 407976 in xfce4-session "xfce4-session crashed with SIGSEGV in malloc()" [Unknown,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/40797614:44
knomebrainwash, asked #ubuntu-bugs, and they said the usual way is to mark it as invalid with a comment like one i left14:44
brainwashgreat, thanks for asking in -bugs and changing the status accordingly 14:46
knomeyou really should get those bug permissions14:46
knome16:46  hggdh: knome: correction -- set to incomplete, and ask the OP to check on a newer release14:47
knome16:47  hggdh: knome: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Bugs/Responses#Release_has_reached_EOL14:47
brainwashyea :D14:48
knomeslickymasterWork, actually, let's take it here14:58
knomehere's my notes:14:58
knome* refresh first slide14:58
knome* rethink "personalize" slide title14:59
knome* rethink "personalize" slide screenshot14:59
knome* simon works on the "customize" slide14:59
knome* artwork in the "help" slide?14:59
knome* artwork in the "thanks" slide?14:59
knomeand that's it.14:59
slickymasterWorkbesides the first two items, I have to say that the mugshot in the personalize slide is really to big15:00
elfyha ha ha ha 15:00
elfyoooh yea 15:00
slickymasterWorkI like the artwork on the help slide, I wouldn't touch it15:01
knomei would rather not do non 1:1 shots...15:01
knomethere is no artwork on the help slide D:15:01
elfyslickymasterWork: I said the same about mugshot15:01
slickymasterWorkelfy: ;)15:01
elfyit needs cutting like the other one ;)15:01
elfy*just saying*15:01
slickymasterWorkthose ballons with the xub log and the words are on the Thanks slide?15:02
knomei actually think we should rework the whiskermenu shot.15:02
knomeslickymasterWork, you said "help"15:02
slickymasterWorkI'm still branching the last rev, so I haven't yet saw how it is now15:02
slickymasterWorkmy mistake, :(15:02
slickymasterWorkI meant the Thnaks slide15:02
knomeslickymasterWork, remember you can always 'bzr pull' if you already have any version of the branch15:02
slickymasterWorkI really like those images15:03
slickymasterWorkI haven't15:03
elfyknome: oh - is that how you do it ... 15:03
slickymasterWorkI'm at work, not at my laptop15:03
knomeelfy, haha! :)15:03
knomeelfy, yeah... 'bzr pull' always gets the latest revision15:03
elfyno laughing at the bzr hater ... :p15:03
slickymasterWorkalmost done15:03
* elfy ends up with bunches deleted :)15:04
knomeelfy, well that's a general VCS thing15:04
knomeelfy, branch/clone once, then keep pulling newer revisions15:04
knomeelfy, the command in git would be 'git pull' as well ;)15:05
elfyaah cool - thanks knome :)15:05
knomeand iirc, it's also 'hg pull' in mercurial...15:05
slickymasterWorklousy connectivity 15:05
slickymasterWorkok done. Going to run it15:07
slickymasterWorkknome: knome, I don't see how to add any artwork in the help slide15:08
knomeslickymasterWork, exactly...15:09
slickymasterWorkunless some text gets wiped15:09
knomethat's why i wondered why you like the artwork on that slide15:09
knomeor how15:09
slickymasterWorkno, I was really referring to the thanks one15:09
slickymasterWorkeven though taking in consideration yuor aged objection, I think they suit very well there15:10
slickymasterWorkthe first slide, you said refreshing it15:11
slickymasterWorkyou mean other the removing the we need you help part (which is already done)?15:11
knomei was thinking of reviewing the text as well15:12
knomelet me open the slideshow as well15:12
* knome has been focusing on the "when we were kids" discussion on offtopic :P15:12
slickymasterWorkyeah, I've been cross reading it :)15:13
knomeslickymasterWork, so actually, the first slide text is now okay15:13
slickymasterWorkthat's my opinion, also15:13
knomei was really "meh" with the "this *exciting* piece of software..."15:13
knomereally, that crappy, buggy software? ;)15:13
slickymasterWorkbut jjfrv8 mentioned that he didn't like the 'much' on the second block of text15:13
knomei don't like that either15:14
knomeand we should look at making that "if" -paragraph a bubble15:14
slickymasterWorkand it can be misleading15:14
knomelike the live one in the help slide15:14
knomeargh, i can't work with the guitar wall on the speakers15:17
knome(explosions in the sky: it's natural to be afraid, a 13min+ epoch)15:17
elfyknome: the 'much' thing - wouldn't the installed desktop look exactly the same as the live one?15:17
knomeexcept some icons on the desktop and minor things like that15:18
slickymasterWorkI saw those guys in last Primavera sound festival here in Porto15:18
elfyAfter installation, the desktop will look similar to how it does now.15:18
slickymasterWorkthat's my point elfy, and why I think it may be misleading15:18
elfyAfter installation, the desktop will look similar to how it does now.15:19
elfyAfter installation, the desktop will look blue.15:19
slickymasterWorkThe live support could be changed into something like real-time support or sth15:19
elfyit will look similar 15:20
slickymasterWorkknome: what are you disliking in the whisker shot? 15:21
knomebut if we want to make the shots similar, i think we should rather edit that than the others15:21
slickymasterWorkso we're just speaking of moving it's placement in the slide?15:22
elfyknome: I don't feel as strongly about the theme config screenies - the one behind kind of shows that it's not an afterthought15:22
knomeelfy, huh?15:22
knomehow can one feel so lost15:23
elfyyou might be talking about a different thing :)15:23
knomei'm pretty sure what you say is making sense15:23
elfyoh good 15:23
knomedon't expect me to understand any of it though15:23
elfyI won't15:24
elfyI'll just be completely blunt about it and say the mugshot one completely wrong :)15:24
slickymasterWorkknome: "Personalize your computer" -> "Shape your computer to who you are"?15:25
elfythat sounds wrong 15:26
slickymasterWorkelfy: +115:26
knomei did :P15:27
elfyha ha ha 15:27
elfyAfter installation bit looks wrong15:28
elfysimilar to how it does now rather than similar to as it does now15:28
elfyAfter installing, the desktop will look similar to how it does now15:29
elfyperhaps is better15:29
elfyknome slickymasterWork - so what's wrong with Personalize your computer ?15:30
elfyother than the z ... ;)15:30
knomebrb, need to take care of #x15:30
slickymasterWorkthe mugshot shot is too big knome 15:31
elfyslickymasterWork: he knows - I spent an hour on Saturday talking about it :p15:31
knomewell then take a smaller one... :P15:31
knomemax. 410 pixels15:32
knomeif you want it to fit in the space15:32
slickymasterWorkgive me a minute and I'll send to you?15:32
knomesure. i'll be herding cats at #x anyway15:32
slickymasterWorkknome: mugshot GUI isn't resizable, so I'll have to do it in gimp. I'm going for a 75% size15:38
knomeany other ideas for that slide?15:39
knometake a screenshot of the login window with a user image set?15:39
slickymasterWorka stock image, you mean?15:40
knomemaybe not15:40
knomethe stock images are BAD15:40
slickymasterWorkwith the xub logo as image user?15:41
knomei don't know15:41
slickymasterWorkI'll try it15:42
knomewe could just take the screenshot and ask ochosi for any image to put in there15:42
knomewe can replace the image easily enough anyway15:42
knomepleia2, we should probably list the projects that the docs team is working in the "get involved" area15:45
knomelike, also mention the slideshow15:45
pleia2knome: like, the lp links?15:45
pleia2or maybe write something up on the wiki15:46
pleia2and link to that15:46
knomeoh meh15:46
knomeit's just one more link we want15:46
knomeso please let's not create a wikipage for that15:46
knomeIn addition to the Xubuntu system documentation, ...15:46
knomethat would be a good place to mention the slideshow15:47
knomewe also should talk less about the community help wiki15:47
knomeif at all15:47
knomeand/or move it to somewhere later15:47
knomewe're talking about screencasts as well15:47
knomethat's a bit specific15:47
knomemaybe we should reword it to say "other kind of documentation projects are welcome as well"15:48
knomealso, while we're at it, should we lists sites like askubuntu in the "support" list?15:48
knomeor do we want to keep it stritcly with IRC + ML + LP support requests15:48
knomesoo... the slideshow :P16:06
slickymasterWorkI'm having problems with my VM box16:07
slickymasterWorkgive me a few more minutes16:08
elfywhat are we after getting here?16:08
knomedid you pull the latest revision?16:08
elfyme or slickymasterWork ?16:08
knomei pushed changes to the first slide16:08
slickymasterWorkI've pulled it, and I'm ok with the changes you made16:09
elfyI'm up to date16:09
elfyand slide one needs to be sorted 16:09
elfyyou want me to do that and push it?16:09
knomesure, but you probably can't push to the main branch...16:10
elfyI could the other day I thought16:10
elfyif not someone else will have to 16:10
elfyoh no - I can't of course - just mine16:11
knomeheh :)16:11
elfythough it still needs to be sorted - it's not spanglish at the moment even - it's stranglish :)16:11
knomepaste me the new text16:12
slickymasterWorkI'm not being able to get a screenshot of the login greeter16:12
elfyAfter the installation, the desktop will look similar to how it does now.16:12
elfyknome: ok - I'll grab a screenshot then - max size 410 was it ?16:13
knomeah, done16:13
knomeslickymasterWork, booo! :)16:13
knomeelfy, yeah, max width 410, but i guess that's not a problem with the greeter login16:13
knomejust make the username "Xubuntu User"16:13
knomeyou can leave the profile image as is16:13
knomewe can replace it manually16:13
elfyhow do you run lightdm in testmode?16:15
knomeno idea...16:16
elfywith zenity or something I thought 16:16
knomeochosi would know16:17
knomebut of course he's not around when you need him16:17
* elfy has it worked out now16:18
knomethat ochosi is never available when you need him, or the screenshot?16:18
elfytest mode and the screenshot shortly :)16:19
elfyback shortly16:20
brainwashlightdm --test-mode16:20
slickymasterWorkknome: check your email16:21
knomeheh, who's first ;)16:21
knomeis it in spam :P16:22
brainwashwith all the talk about screenshots I start to wonder.. do we already have a new default wallpaper?16:22
knomeah no, there it is16:22
knomebrainwash, no16:22
brainwashwell, at least we can already use the community ones :)16:24
elfyknome: mailed you what I could get - will need tidying16:25
knomebrainwash, we *will* have a new wallpaper though.16:25
knomeelfy, i got it sorted, from slickymaster ;)16:26
elfyok 16:26
elfyjfi - install xserver-xephyr then lightdm --test-mode16:26
slickymasterWorkknome, elfy. "Personalize your computer" -> "You in your computer"?16:27
slickymasterWorkyeah, I know, too lame16:28
elfyand I keep getting odd times with lightdm-gtk-greeter sitting here - causing me pain16:28
elfyI'd have said something like Make It Yours - except the next slide does similar16:28
slickymasterWorkyes elfy, it's sort of ties up that next slide16:29
elfyor 16:30
elfyleave the title as it is and change the wording in the text to something like Make the greeter yours16:30
elfybut tbh I really don't see what's wrong with Personalise your computer16:31
elfyknome: did you change the stranglish yet? 16:31
knomenot in the branch though16:32
slickymasterWorkhave you pushed it already knome ?16:32
elfyjust checking :)16:32
knomenot yet16:32
slickymasterWorkwell, maybe it's better just to leave it as it is16:33
slickymasterWorkthe tittle, I mean16:33
elfypersonally I don't see an issue with it 16:34
slickymasterWorklol, I getting crazy16:38
slickymasterWorkevery is crashing here,, from my VM box to SQL Server, oracle 10g16:39
knomei just pushed a new revision 61516:40
knomei'm getting grumpy, #x and too little food16:41
elfythat looks better for the greeter rather than the mugshot one16:42
knomeyep, i think that slide is ready now16:44
elfyon slide one - I wonder if the text bubble would look better slightly higher16:45
slickymasterWorklet me check16:47
slickymasterWorkknome: I think elfy is right, regarding the bubble in the first slide16:50
knomei don't know16:50
knomei'm not sure about the whole bubble16:50
knomei think it was better as is...16:50
slickymasterWorkalso, are we keeping the live designation in the help slide?16:50
knomeochosi, ping ping, slideshow content16:50
knomeslickymasterWork, mmh, we can change that to real time16:58
knomeor real-time?16:59
slickymasterWorkYES, REAL-TIME17:00
slickymasterWorksorry, my VM is completely cuckoo17:00
knomehehe, np17:02
knomeok, done17:02
knomeso what do you think, should we just revert the bubble to no bubble on the first slide?17:03
elfyI'd say so17:03
slickymasterWork+1 on that knome 17:03
knomeok, do we want to extend the slide?17:04
elfyextend? 17:06
slickymasterWorkwhich knome, the first?17:06
ochosiknome: sorry, won't get to that before very late or tomorrow17:06
knomethe first slide17:08
knomeextend as in have more text17:08
knomeochosi, do you plan to show "menu paths" ?17:08
slickymasterWorksorry guys, have to take my kid to his tennis class17:11
slickymasterWorkwill be back after dinner17:11
knomeslickymasterWork, that's fine, ttyl17:11
knomehave fun :)17:11
slickymasterWorkwill be the all time thinking about the car repair budget :P17:11
knomeawwh :/17:11
elfyknome: is there any need to add more text - if the slide says what we want - then it's enough17:12
knomewas thinkinga bout17:12
knomei don't know17:12
knomeit's probably okay :P17:12
elfyI'm all for giving people information - but I'd not thing putting stuff in 'just because' is enough reason :)17:13
knomeanything else that's borked?17:13
elfythe text + the images says all if you ask me17:13
elfyI'll look now again17:13
elfynot sure if it's just running it from the script, but here when it changes to slide2 - the bubble stays still while it's changing17:14
elfycomma in line 1 of slide 2 looks wrong "On the desktop, you will see icons that can be used to access some of the most common places on your system."17:16
elfyOn the desktop you will see icons that can be used to access some of the most common places on your system.17:16
knome"bubble stays"?17:16
elfyslide 1? I say no17:17
elfylooked better as text only there17:17
knomeso you mean17:18
knomei haven't pushed the change to remove the bubble17:18
knomei gues...17:18
knomeok, slide 1&2 fixed as you said17:19
knomebut not in the main branch!!17:19
elfyslide 2 - "You can also add and remove extra panels using this dialog. " 17:19
elfysorry - slide 2 as well :)17:19
elfybecause you can't remove panel 0 17:20
knome(not in main branch...)17:20
elfydid you change 'live' to 'real time' in support slide?17:22
knomewould "real time" be better?17:22
knomepleia2, US english expert?17:22
elfynot really - real-time works 17:22
elfysame slide - comma after The Official Documentation17:23
pleia2real-time is good17:23
elfyI think17:23
elfyno - scrap that :p17:23
elfyunless you put another one after Xubuntu 17:23
knomeeither one works for me17:25
knomewhatever makes the text more legible17:25
elfyI think "The Official Documentation, that covers many of the most common areas and questions about Xubuntu, is shipped with every Xubuntu release.17:26
knomepleia2, since you are at it, you should mention that download links need updating with each point release17:26
pleia2knome: that's the getxubuntu update17:27
knome+ === Update on release ===17:28
knomenot only release, also point release17:28
pleia2ooh, point release, right17:28
knomethat's something too easy to overlook17:29
pleia2knome: I think searching by categories is broken17:29
knomehow is it broken?17:30
pleia2shows one post, no way to find others17:30
knomeyeah, i guess we should change that17:30
knomethat's really the most boring thing ever to do17:31
knomework on wordpress archive pages17:31
knomei never seem to get them "right"17:31
knomewhich is why i'm hesitant to touch anything on my own blog...17:31
knomepleia2, another request (from elfy) was to make the blog entries show on the front page... thoughts on that?17:42
pleia2so I thought I'd like to have them not show anymore, but now I feel sad about it17:43
pleia2at least having a title (perhaps stub) would be nice17:43
elfymy issue's really about old stuff being undiscoverable17:47
knomewhat pleia2 reported would fix it17:47
elfyok - then I'll be happy with that :)17:48
jhenkehi everybody19:49
ochosiknome: just pulled the latest rev of the slideshow19:55
ochosinot bad19:55
jhenkeI've been following the xubuntu-devel ml for some time now, it seems you are a bit short of people contributing?19:55
ochosiespecially the first slide is much better19:55
ochosijhenke: very true19:55
Noskcajochosi, Do we have an oem install slideshow this time too? Should just need a symlink19:56
ochosiknome: i was wondering, can we make the slideshow a bit more "interactive", e.g. add some hover-effects?19:56
ochosiNoskcaj: not that i know of, is there an OEM version of xubuntu?19:56
knomeNoskcaj, the OEM installer didn't work for xubuntu for 13.10, i don't know why it would work for 14.04 as no progress is done on that19:56
knomeochosi, propose and i can look at it19:57
Noskcajknome, ok.19:57
ochosiknome: e.g. in the panel slide, when hovering the bubbles, the text-bubble could be highlighted as well as the correct part of the panel19:57
Noskcajochosi, There's on option during install to make an oem install19:57
ochosiknome: well... you're the king of web css around here ;)19:57
Noskcajjhenke, Is there anything in particular you'd like to help with?19:58
knomeochosi, huhu... :)19:58
knomeyeah, that's doable, i guess...19:58
knomebut it might involve some js19:58
jhenkedevelopment (maybe packing), I am currently near the end of my computer science master19:59
jhenkein general I prefer more backend work ^^19:59
ochosimm, developers are very welcome20:00
ochosixfce is mostly written in c20:00
ochosiwe have a few python apps too20:00
ochosiwell, and you need to get to know the toolkit (gtk2 and gtk3) in case you're not familiar with it yet20:00
jhenkeso far most of the my experience is in Java and C++, toolkits I have used Qt in Java, but well in CS you always have to learn new stuff every day20:01
knomeochosi, i deliver the panel stuff you mentioned today, and you deliver the customize text today. deal? ;)20:02
NoskcajThere's a few Xfce apps written in C++ if you want to try and provide bugfixes for those. And if you want to help with packaging, i can show you how20:02
ochosiknome: meh, ok, i'll try my best :)20:02
jhenkewith Packaing the most problems for me are still make and autotools20:02
knomeNoskcaj, i'll fix that for you: if you want to help with packaging, there are mentors available20:03
ochosispecifically there is only whiskermenu that is written in c++ afaik20:03
ochosiand that's only a panel-plugin20:03
ochosiso i guess with xfce there's no way around c really20:03
jhenkeI know, but C isn't really hard, I just prefer OO style programming so far20:04
ochosi(plugins are also written in vala, python or c++, but everything related to the core is c)20:04
jhenkeochosi in my bachelor we worked with C on embedded system, the kind with 4 KiB RAM ;)20:04
ochosiheh good, we want our apps to be lean ;)20:05
jhenkeas long as I does not have to be register based programming :D20:05
ochosino worries20:06
ochosinot *that* lean20:06
ochosijhenke: anyway, best way to start is usually find a bug that annoys you or "scratch your itch"20:08
ochosiand don't hesitate to ask20:08
ochosiif people can help you, they're usually happy to20:09
jhenkeyeah, I have been nagging the ubuntu kernel team since january to fix Haper-V related bugs...20:09
knomejhenke, welcome :)20:09
jhenkeHaper-V = Hyper-V20:09
jhenkeis there any page in launchpad that lists all source apckages in the xubuntu seed?20:12
jhenkeso I have a starting point on which packages I should focus?20:12
knomewe're currently fixing the bugs for 14.0420:13
knomeso the best place to start is https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/xubuntu-t-bugs20:13
ochosiyeah, there is a seeds file20:13
jhenkeochosi yeah at some point I found that too, I was more looking like an overview page that links to the source package sites in launchpad, but I will start with the blueprint then20:14
ochosiyeah, we dont have an overview like that20:15
ochosiwe try to work very close to upstream xfce20:15
ochosiso bugfixes should ideally (also) go upstream20:15
jhenkeclear, no two opnions about that20:16
knomeochosi, oi, you are going to be under pressure!20:18
knomeochosi, i have the JS implementation almost ready!20:18
jhenkehmm somebody forgot to renew the tls certificate for bugzilla.xfce.org20:20
ochosithat certificate thing is quite new :>20:21
jhenkeit ran our yesterday20:21
jhenkein a perfect world somebody would renew it a week before that time20:21
ochosijhenke: xfce is short on contributors too...20:26
brainwasheven more than we are :)20:27
jhenkehmm my time is currently not that extensive, but how could I proceed there? 20:27
ochosidepends on what you wanna do20:30
jhenkewell I could do small things that are need on the code, I do not know what is currently needed?20:31
brainwashthunar needs some love, tends to segfault quite a lot20:32
ochosijhenke: pick your favorite/most-used component and then look for bugreports :>20:32
ochosiyou can also choose the most-whined-about bugs20:32
jhenkebrainwash yrah, every time you want to unmount a usb driver in 13.1020:32
ochosibut generally, going with what your passionate about is a reasonable choice, cause then you have enough energy to go through with it20:33
brainwashright, this one seems to bug many people20:33
ochosibrainwash: yeah, but e.g. it doesn't bug *me* enough to debug it ;)20:33
ochosi(i rather write small features for parole that i need)20:33
ochosiknome: can i push or are you about to?20:33
brainwashI'm currently trying to fight the huge amount of launchpad reports =S20:34
knomei'm about to, but feel free to (i'll merge...)20:34
knomei'm not changing content really20:34
knomejust other files...20:34
brainwashjhenke: but https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/xubuntu-t-bugs is a good start, if you want to help improving the forthcoming Xubuntu release20:37
jhenkehas somebody looked into #1291019 already?20:40
knomebug 129101920:40
ubottubug 1291019 in xfce4-session (Ubuntu) "xflock4 still uses xscreensaver by default" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/129101920:40
Noskcajjhenke, No ones fixing it AFAIK, but it's a very easy fix, just modify the patch for light-locker20:44
knomeochosi, you around?20:49
ochosiknome: yes20:49
knomehmm, diverged20:49
knomewait a sec.20:49
jhenkeokay, I guess the code is in some bazaar branch on launpad?20:49
elfyjhenke: nice to see you in here talking about doing things :)20:49
jhenkeelfy thanks20:50
knomeochosi, ok, pull revision 61720:50
knomeand watch in awe ;)20:50
knomeelfy, ^ slideshow20:50
elfyalready on it :p20:51
knomechanges @ desktop/panel slide20:52
ochosiknome: one sec, wanna finish my part first ;)20:52
knomehover over the boxes20:52
elfyhorrible red 20:52
knomei know20:52
knomebut at least you notice it in this drafting stage20:52
elfynow - when we decide what colour the pink should be - the line should be the same - ealry warning :D20:53
ochosimeh, have to draw a 16px icon for gtk-theme-config... :/20:53
elfyconcepts great though 20:53
knomeochosi, HAA HAA20:53
knomeochosi, put this on while you draw it: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2LM0CZZ9Uw820:54
elfyis the theme config in the seed yet - or is it still the ppa one?20:54
Noskcajjhenke, yes, the code is in lp:ubuntu/PACKAGE20:55
jhenkeI have been avoid bzw mostly so far, any major difference to git I need ot be aware of?20:56
Noskcajit's easier to use ;)20:56
knomejhenke, the basic commands work in a very similar way20:56
knomejhenke, bzr branch instead of git clone20:56
Noskcajjust branch, add, commit, push.20:56
Noskcajremember to de-apply the patch with quilt pop before you work on it20:57
ochosielfy: it should be in the seed20:59
ochosiknome: do i even have push-rights to this branch?21:02
ochosigreat :D21:03
ochosiso i need to do a MR?21:03
knomepush to your own and do a merge proposal21:03
ochosimeeeeh :)21:03
knomeor send me the html file in email21:03
ochosiknome: MR sent21:05
knomei will look at it in 5 at most21:05
knomewant to edit the pink color in the shots?21:05
ochosiactually i was wondering whether you wanna highlight the bubbles in a less subtle way21:06
ochosi(and anyhow, the elegance of your implementation exceeded my expectations)21:06
knomei wondering about that too...21:06
knomeheh, thanks21:06
knomenow we need to come up with a good color21:06
ochosi#ff00ff is the best ;)21:07
knomergba( 255, 0, 255, 0.7 )?21:07
knomethat's better than the current...21:08
knomeyou can poke around with that21:08
knomepenultimate line in link/base.css21:08
knomeochosi, a few comments:21:09
knomedesktop background vs desktop wallpaper?21:09
knome"Theme configuration" vs theme configuration tool?21:10
knomehah, we've just hit the UIFe deadline21:14
knomei merged that commit with my last merge...21:15
knomeUI Freeze exception21:15
knomemeaning we will have to file some "paperwork" to get to land new stuff21:15
jhenkehmm update-manager also seems a bit volatile in +1 versions at times21:16
elfyso we've got a half done slideshow :p21:16
knomeelfy, no...21:16
knomeelfy, everything is actually uploaded21:17
knomewait, no21:17
knomeeverything except simon's slide :)21:17
knomethat isn't worse than poking the right people21:17
elfyjhenke: I tend to use update mangler to check it works a few times - then either terminal or synaptic - which is in my list of things to install21:17
elfyknome: I pulled it - no changes :)21:18
ochosiknome: i'm fine with desktop "wallpaper", i just didn't want to overuse the word21:18
knomeyeah, just wondering21:18
knomei'm fine with either as well.21:18
ochosiknome: i'm fine with calling it a theme configuration tool21:18
knomeyeah, easier to translate as well..21:19
ochosii guess it's still clear from the path what is meant21:19
ochosiwanna make those changes directly?21:19
knomei'll do that21:19
ochosior do i have to update my MR ;)21:19
jhenkeelfy i also prefer synaptic for package management, but update manager automatically downloads the changelogs, saves a few clicks, I am lazy 21:19
ochosithere were some ppl who wanted to give synaptic a new UI21:19
knomeochosi, #ef8aef21:20
ochosiit was generally a good idea, but, frankly, 1) it didn't look very easy-to-use and 2) it was never implemented21:20
ochosiknome: mm, looks nice21:21
knomewant to update the screenshots? :|21:21
knomethe 16px theme conf icon is cool!21:22
ochosiknome: which ones, the ones of settingsman and gtk-theme-config?21:23
knomewith the color i pasted you21:23
ochosiah, hm, ok21:24
ochosione sec, gotta fix something else first21:24
knomethen we need to think about a few more (minor) thinhs:21:24
knome* color for the panel highlight21:25
knome* help slide artwork?21:25
knome* thanks slide artwork?21:25
knome* whiskermenu shot?21:25
knomeoh! and21:26
knome* greeter menu profile image21:27
jhenkeby the way are there any plans to define a default keyboard shortcut to open the whisker menu?21:31
jhenkewith the search feature that can really boost productivity21:32
ochosijhenke: yeah, actually i wanted to add super+space21:32
jhenkesuper+space is imho a bad idea21:32
ochosiwhy that?21:32
jhenkeon some platforms that is used to switch the keyboard (input) mode21:33
jhenkeespecially in asia21:33
ochosiright, but e.g. in ubuntu that opens the dash21:33
jhenketo switch between latin mode and the local script21:33
ochosii think in osx that also opens a launcher21:33
ochosior file-search/app-execution thingy21:33
elfymaking it the same as ubuntu dash sound's sensible to me21:34
jhenkeI currently defined super+less by hand as it is also possible to hit those keys at the same time21:34
brainwashctrl + esc?21:34
jhenkeI think it should defintielly start with the super key21:35
ochosii guess we want something that ppl discover easily21:35
ochosiyeah, most of our kb-shortcuts involve the super key21:35
jhenkeideally would be just the super key with not additional21:35
brainwashdon't we use ctrl+esc for the app menu?21:35
brainwashthe default one21:36
jhenkebrainwash I think so too21:36
ochosijhenke: yeah, feel free to code support for holding a key for >1sec into xfce4-settings ;)21:37
ochosiactually that shortcut brings up the keyboard-shortcut overlay in ubuntu21:37
ochosi(same on chrome os)21:37
brainwashand what about ctrl+alt+l for screen locking?21:38
brainwashif we really want to imitate unity21:39
jhenkeI think it would help to use the same shortcuts as windows where possible, to make it easier for people coming from windows to xubuntu21:39
jhenkehonestly i also tried super+L at the first time to lock the screen ....21:40
brainwashbug 103317421:42
ubottubug 1033174 in xubuntu-default-settings (Ubuntu) "Improvement in the default keyboard shortcuts (lock screen and shutdown menu)" [Wishlist,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/103317421:42
jhenkeokay everybody, getting late here, see you21:45
brainwashgood night21:45
elfycya jhenke 21:46
elfynight all 21:51
knomenighty elfy21:51
ochosinight jhenke 21:52
dkesselyeah good night :) time to go21:52
Unit193Wow, I come in and everyone runs off.21:52
ochosii'll stay a while longer Unit193 ;)21:53
knomeme too21:53
Unit193Also, yeah, meta+l makes more sense to me.21:54
ochosiknome: screenshot #1: http://www.zimagez.com/zimage/screenshot-2014-03-17-225434.php21:54
Unit193And not for the "Windows" factor, just plain makes sense.  Also was pointed out if you use the current at a TTY, surprise!21:55
ochosiknome: #2 http://www.zimagez.com/zimage/screenshot-2014-03-17-225536.php21:55
ochosiUnit193: i wouldn't mind if someone put together of meaningful kb shortcuts21:56
ochosiit's just yet another discussion late in the cycle :/21:56
knomeochosi, looks good21:56
Unit193ochosi: What's wrong with planning for Unicorn?21:56
knomepleia2, ^ your favorite theme color21:56
ochosiknome: cool, you could do the panel-highlight in the green you used for the website headers/sections21:57
knomeochosi, hmmh, i made it white already21:57
knomethat didn't look bad21:57
knomebut i'll check that.21:57
ochosiUnit193: nothing, but i just assume that ppl usually assume that everyone will land in the upcoming release21:57
ochosii'd totally +1 it if you'd set up a barebone page for default kb-shortcuts as a T+1 spec21:58
ochosisince micahg still hasnt merged my x-d-s merge-requests, we could still add some shortcuts21:59
knomeyyyyyyeah, looks good.21:59
ochosimicahg: you got the hint/reminder, right? ;)21:59
mikodo_hey guys, will we be able to run Xorg commands in Xubuntu 14.10 and beyond? I always use Xcalib for inverse, with my old eyes. If I cannot with Xubuntu in the future, I will have to move to move on.22:43
ochosino idea why you wouldn't22:44
ochosiit's not like anyone is moving to wayland or mir anytime too soon22:44
mikodo_ochosi, will Mir after Xmir expires in 14.10 support X?22:45
mikodo_Wayland as I understand it, uses X code, so I expect it support Xcalib commands22:48
ochosithere are no such plans for 14.10 yet22:49
ochosineither wayland nor mir are really realistic22:49
ochosiand X won't go away so soon22:49
ochosiso no worries22:49
mikodo_ochosi, must have changed, as last I looked, there was to be no Xmir in 14.10, but thanks for your encouraging thoughts, about things not changing too drastically anytime soon22:50
ochosimikodo_: that's almost not the motto of xubuntu22:50
ochosi"things not changing too drastically anytime soon"22:51
brainwashand don't forget.. 14.04 is a LTS release22:51
brainwashso you can use it for some years22:51
mikodo_Thanks guys!22:52
ochosino problem22:54

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