
ballIt looks as though vnc4server wasn't at fault: Xfce4 was eating my tab key for some reason.00:10
dougbbIs this the right place to ask about 14.04 b1 problems?00:13
krytarikdougbb: No, that's actually #ubuntu+1.00:15
dougbbeven for xubuntu related stuff?00:15
krytarikGenerally, yes.00:16
dougbbOk, thanks!00:16
xubuntu800can some one help me12:19
zleapjust installed xubuntu 13.1013:48
zleapjust trying to re-configure thunderbird, i copied or backed up my settings folder .thunderbird from my previous install and it should restore settings or i thought it would but it hasn't13:52
zleapthats better monospace-11 as font size13:55
GridCubezleap, no idea14:03
knomedid you copy the directory over, and only then ran thunderbird?14:04
knomesome of the settings might be overwritten if you copy when running thunderbird14:04
koegsand make sure to delete the old .thunderbird first14:06
knomei wonder if some settings are saved under .mozilla as well14:07
knomeapparently not14:07
knomewonder why .thunderbird isn't under .mozilla like firefox :)14:07
elfyzleap: have you checked in .thunderbird to see if there are 2 folders in there?14:08
elfyif you copy a backed up one in there - then you could have 2 - and the profile.ini file might well be looking at the wrong one14:09
elichai2i've got a problem: http://pastebin.com/Jc8F3N1P14:10
koegs!ot | elichai214:11
ubottuelichai2: #xubuntu is the Xubuntu support channel, #xubuntu-devel for discussion regarding development of Xubuntu, and #xubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!14:11
knomeelichai2, ummh, looks like that's because you are using debian repositories14:11
elichai2yeah, i'm using debian14:12
elichai2but #debian couldn't help me14:12
GridCubeelichai2, then what do you expect us to do?14:12
elichai2and xubuntu is almost the same thing14:12
koegssry, wc14:13
knomeelichai2, not really. this isn't the right channel to ask14:13
GridCubeelichai2, its... not when it comes to repositories and dependencies14:13
zleapelfy, there seems to be14:15
zleapimap smtp and imap-114:16
android_hello please is here anyone who can help me solve the problem with my Gpu driver? i was on many channels but no success at all . i have xubuntu13 and there is no way that i can use flash  on windows and yesterday i try kali linux it work prfect ... i m on that issue for a week so if any one can give a hand and finaly get rid of that bloody problem will make my day ....please14:18
elichai2ok, thanks14:18
elfyzleap: not quite what I meant I would have u8jl3bfh.default and another oddly named one if I didn't deal with this a different way14:21
zleapi have that and crash reports14:22
elfyzleap: ok - so is that you're backup folder? what settings do you think it's not kept?14:23
zleapsettings to connect to mail sever etc14:24
zleapi just deleted the local .thunderbird folder and am copying over the one i backed up14:24
elfyzleap: well that should work - it's worked for me like that for as long as can remember14:25
zleapwhen i load thunderbird up it just goes to the screen that attempts to set things up14:25
elfyok - so have a look at profile.ini14:25
zleapopened that14:26
zleapstart with last profile = 114:26
zleapi then have profile014:26
zleapname default14:27
elfyzleap: yep14:27
elfyhang on a moment14:27
elfyzleap - have you copied the backup into .thunderbird now?14:28
zleapwell i copied the whole thing over14:29
zleap.thuderbird on my old and everything in it, got moved over14:29
zleapthen just moved back again,14:29
zleappermissions are fine as both login names are the same14:29
elfyzleap: pastebin the profile.ini14:31
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.14:31
elfyand also ls .thunderbird/14:31
android_can someone help me please with flash?14:32
koegsandroid_: 13.04 or 13.10? how did you install flash? what gpu are you using?14:33
elfyzleap: ok - the ls ?14:33
zleapi changed the startwith last profile = 0 from 1 to 0 btw14:34
android_at first thaank u .. i just follow steps by the guys on irc14:34
android_its an old pc14:35
android_works fine with win 7 and kali14:35
android_mint and xubuntu not14:35
ubottuandroid_,: To install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash - See also  !Restricted and !Gnash14:35
elfyzleap: I think you'll want that to be 1 - the rest looks right to me14:36
android_look i did all of it and even i m a noob i know that the problem is with some driver not with flash14:36
koegsis flash working but looking weird or what is your problem with flash?14:37
android_last time i did exactly what u ask me for i lost sound ... and till now is like that14:37
elfyzleap: you could try setting IsRelative=0 ans StartWith..=114:38
elfythat's how mine is set14:38
android_so ubottu can u give me a hand with that? please i m so tired walking tru that issue for e week now !!!!14:38
ikoniaubottu: is a bot14:38
ubottuYes, I can confirm that I am a bot. http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Bots for all information.14:38
android_what is bot?14:39
android_sorry i dont understand14:39
zleapelfy, shoudl there not be an easier way for users to back all this up you can with firefox14:40
zleapandroid_, a bot is a program designed to give you auto responses in IRC14:40
zleapand do other tasks14:40
android_fk. i m talking to program ?14:41
android_can u help me please?14:42
cfhowlettandroid_, you didn't even answer the question you were asked14:42
android_i did more as 100 times !!14:42
zleapelfy what have they done to thunderbird you seem to have to go in circles to get to advanced settings14:42
elfyzleap: make one to do it? but it's not any different here than it is with windows and tbird/firefox14:42
android_ok please ask me again14:42
koegsandroid_: 13.04 or 13.10? how did you install flash? what gpu are you using?14:42
koegsis flash working but looking weird or what is your problem with flash?14:43
android_nity/RestrictedFormats/Flash - See also  !Restricted and !Gnash14:43
android_<android_> 13,1014:43
ubottuandroid_,: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."14:43
zleapbut I can sync stuff like bookmarks etc in firefox14:43
elfyzleap: maybe so - but ... I really don't have the inclination to get into what needs to be done - all I know is - I copy the folder into .tbird, start tbird and it works for me14:44
elfyzleap: if you've still got copy of the backup - then close tbird, delete the .thunderbird folder from the new install, copy it back from the backup and then start tbird14:46
elfyzleap: don't delete it though if you've not got the backup still14:46
android_i had win 7 ( work ok) i wanted to go to linux and i install mint  but flash dont work there at all then i try ubunti same problem  then i install kali  it was more as perfect no problem at all with flash  but thats not dist for me  so choose xubuntu cos someone here told me is good for ancient pcs  and iv got the same problem  no flash working i spend here hours folowing steps from ppl who knows but no success . so my problem is fla14:48
android_sh and yes i did all i was ask for but it didnt help and now i dont have even sound .14:48
zleapelfy, ok14:48
android_and it is 13.1014:49
koegsyour text stopped after " so my problem is fla "14:50
android_sh... i was talking again to program ?14:51
knomekoegs, see the next line :)14:51
koegsknome: thx, sometimes i have brainlag :(14:51
koegsandroid_: maybe the easiest way would be to do a fresh install, then come back and see if we can get flash running14:52
android_i did that at least 10 times14:53
android_it is sure a driver problem14:53
android_i need some kind of ancient driver14:54
zleapelfy, i can manually point tb to the right folder now I have got to the advanced settings page14:54
elfyzleap: what page is this?14:54
android_please can u help me?14:55
ubottuandroid_,: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com/ or http://ubuntuforums.org/ or http://askubuntu.com/14:55
android_i did all of that :(14:55
cfhowlettandroid_, operative word here is "patience" as in - get some.14:56
zleapperferences, settings, server settings - local directory14:56
android_do u mean like what one more week?14:56
zleaphowever it seems to be confused as to where the server is it is asking me to log in to14:56
zleapwhich doesn't look right14:56
android_i m here for  a week talking with program14:56
koegsandroid_: which GPU?14:57
android_maybe someone can tell me if there is any way to download drivers from kali and put them here since they wor so nice?14:57
android_koegs old one14:58
koegswhich one?14:58
android_give me the line ill type it on terminall and show to u14:58
android_thants for ur time14:58
koegslspci -nnk | grep "VGA\|'Kern'\|3D\|Display" -A214:59
android_i mean please give me the command14:59
koegs!paste | android_14:59
ubottuandroid_: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.14:59
android_00:02.0 VGA compatible controller [0300]: Intel Corporation 82865G Integrated Graphics Controller [8086:2572] (rev 02)15:00
android_Subsystem: Hewlett-Packard Company D530 sff(dc578av) [103c:12bc]15:00
android_Kernel driver in use: i91515:00
android_koegs r u still here ? just asking15:05
android_koegs r u bot to? sorry if not but i really dont know and i need some help here15:09
knomeandroid_, he's using the bot to give you instruction links15:10
knomeandroid_, just follow patiently what he says, and answer when asked15:10
elfyandroid_: the only bot is ubot - everyone else is people - they use the bot to give common instructions15:10
android_maybe u can help me?15:11
koegsi am not sure if "reverting to an old driver" is a good way and i am pretty sure by installing flash you will not loose sound15:11
android_now i understand sorry for my ignorance15:11
koegsstill, my approach would be: reinstall, make sure you have sound, then come back here15:12
android_no someone told me to add (waiT)ILL FIND WHAT15:13
koegsbasically after a fresh install the only command you will need is "sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install flashplugin-installer"15:14
koegsthen you should have flash in firefox15:14
android_yes i did exactly like that15:14
zleapok i have asked the person who helped me set up the mail server (well he is hosting it) for the right settings for thunderbird so will try it that way15:14
zleapits a case of the right combination of uid/password and other settings ports, etc and it should work15:14
android_koegs why everything works on win and kali but not on mint or ubuntu?15:16
android_the problem is that every time i ask for help i have to do 100 things i did before with someone else and then i m in the same point15:17
koegswell, "install xubuntu and use one command" are two things, not a hundred things...15:18
android_well i mean i did it what u sey exactly for 100 times15:22
android_i mean not 100 times exactly  byt exactly what u say for like 90 times :)15:23
koegsand what happens then?15:23
android_i m in the same point15:23
koegsyou never exactly described your "flash problem"...15:23
android_well what do u mean what happen?15:23
android_u see i m here15:23
android_thats happen:)15:23
koegsthat is not a "flash problem"...15:24
android_i know that my ps is old15:24
android_ofcourse not15:24
koegsto be honest, i dont need more explanations, i need details15:24
android_that what i sed to many from the beginning15:24
android_is driver problem!!!!15:24
koegsplease... try to describe your "flash problem" as detailed as possible and do not say "it is a driver problem"15:25
android_so i m looking for help with the driver witch cose the flash problem (sorry for my english):)15:25
android_ok can u come and see by ur self please ?15:26
android_i mean with teamviewer?15:26
android_i m so tired of the describing for not 100 but 1000 times15:26
koegsyou did not describe your problem once...15:26
cfhowlettandroid_, post the issue to the forums.  describe fully.  copy the link.  use the link whenever someone asks you to describe your issue.15:27
android_my id is 111 645 85115:27
android_password 250715:27
koegsnow everybody will hack your computer15:27
knomeandroid_, i would advise you to change your password immediately.15:28
koegsit is never a good idea to post teamviewer-credentials to an unknown person or a public channel15:28
android_there is no way to fix the flash player !!!!! i need some ancient driver !!!15:28
android_i know15:28
android_but as u know to i have nothing on that computer cos is for a week install and reinstall :)15:29
koegsmy patience is gone, as cfhowlett said, try to describe your problem in the forums and really... do not think it is a driver problem in general15:29
android_so if we find the problem ill know for the fresh install :)15:29
android_is just a mashine15:29
android_nothing privet in !!!15:29
android_i m doing that for so long !!!15:30
knomeandroid_, please calm down15:30
knomeandroid_, and please understand that we are all volunteers here15:30
android_my is gone long time ago but who give a s...t15:30
android_ok sorry knome15:30
android_i know that15:31
knomeandroid_, so you problem is that "flash doesn't work", right?15:31
android_i truly apologise my behavior15:31
android_i just desperate looking for help15:31
knomeok, please answer my question so maybe we can get some progress here15:32
android_that was till 3 -4 hours ago after some tips from here there is no sound to15:32
android_but the main problem is flash15:32
knomewhat is it with flash?15:32
android_i cant watch any thing on ytube for example15:33
knomehave you installed flash?15:33
zleapandroid_, try www.youtube.com/html515:33
zleapthat gets round it,15:33
android_i cant even check my own flash on adobe side cos the flash dont work15:33
knomeandroid_, have you installed flash?15:34
android_ok right now15:34
android_many many times with help from here15:34
zleapandroid_, i have just installed a clean xubuntu and can watch http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NmDgm48Gv6Y fine15:34
android_ok i see that side very clearly15:34
zleapwheni installed i clicked the box to download other stuff, drivers, non free etc15:35
android_zleap of course u can  but u is u i mean yr pc is yours not mine mine is very old!!!15:36
knomeandroid_, ok, please calm down now.15:36
zleapbut it should still pull things down it needs15:36
zleapif you tell it to,15:36
zleapi have had real issues with flash in the past but not recently15:36
knomezleap, unless you can guide him through real issues, please don't intervent15:36
android_no whatever needs flash i just see come yellow and violet lines15:37
knomeit's okay if you want to help him, but then please do that, and not say "works for me"15:37
knomeandroid_, so something is "playing" anyway?15:37
android_i can see some lines like shapes15:38
android_but made of colour lines15:38
android_maybe i can make screen shot?15:38
android_so u have more info?15:38
knomeandroid_, ok, in that case, try to right-click a flash video, select "settings", and in the first tab from left, uncheck "enable hardware acceleration"15:38
android_oops sorry where i find the flash video now ?15:39
knomeandroid_, any flash video.15:39
android_if i understand i can open now any lets say youtube video and right click on it?15:40
android_so when i open any video now the pic. is devidet half half right click >seting and i m on xubuntu main seting ?15:43
android_please can u jump here to look at it ?15:43
knomeyou are not making any sense; as i said, right-click a flash video and select settings15:43
knomeit opens the flash plugin settings15:43
android_thats what i did15:44
knomein the first tab from left ("display"), uncheck "enable hardware acceleration"15:44
knomeand click close15:44
knomedoes that fix your issue?15:44
android_it does not work at all15:45
knomewhat does not work at all?15:45
android_i mean when i click right on movie i see : allow flash movie from the side,copy flash lokation,flashblok options,remove this flash,inspect element,addblock plus thats it15:48
knomewhich browser are you using?15:50
knomeok, have you installed gnash or the adobe flash?15:51
android_i try both before15:51
android_now is adobe15:51
android_non is working15:52
android_cos i truly think is the driver issue15:52
android_but ok i m just simple user sure u know whats right15:52
android_and by the way since i did what i was before ask for on the utube now i have the black screen (u know for the movie) and there is letter f ‎wasnt before15:54
cfhowlettandroid_, almost every person here is "just a simple user" ...15:54
zleapclick on the letter f15:55
android_so where r the ppl who create that i tough is u guys?15:55
holsteini test with the chrome browser. not chroium.. since adobe provides chrome the latest flash15:55
knomeandroid_, if you have adobe flash installed, you should have the "settings" menu item15:55
zleapthat usually pops up if you have flashblock but i don't think that is the case here15:55
cfhowlettandroid_, as stated previously, "volunteers" ....15:55
holsteinyou can use chromium with the latest flash from chrome.. but, its easy enough to install chrome and test, and see if it having the latest version addresses your issues15:55
android_well when i click the black screen split half left side is violet with lines right side is black15:56
android_i try it to chromium no help :(15:56
holsteinandroid_: and with the chrome browser? utilizing the latest version of flash?15:56
holsteinandroid_: *chrome*.. not chromium, as i said15:56
holsteinandroid_: you can reference https://www.adobe.com/software/flash/about/ where it is stated that the version in chrome is newer15:57
android_ok trust me please since i m on it for a week i did all15:57
holsteinandroid_: did you try chrome?15:57
android_iceweasel chrome chromium opera whatever name it15:57
android_always same problem15:57
holsteinandroid_: open chrome, and go to https://www.adobe.com/software/flash/about/ and tell me what version is listed15:58
android_can i some how give u screen shot?15:58
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.15:58
android_so yu can see it15:58
android_well i dont have now chrome since i try again with new installation like 4-5 hours ago15:59
android_ok i have screen shot where to send it?15:59
android_i just dont remember sorry15:59
cfhowlettandroid_, read the link.  instructions are there16:00
holstein!paste | android_16:01
ubottuandroid_: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.16:01
android_sorry i tooks some time cos when i make screenshot the flash crash :016:06
android_r u still there guys ? or ill have to start all again with someone else? :)16:08
zleapok back16:08
holsteinandroid_: i think i would follow knome 's suggestion to the letter, since it seems the exact same issue16:09
holsteinandroid_: for me, its just unclear what you have, or what you have done so far that could be causing the fixes not to work16:10
android_i dont see any seting menu item here?16:10
knomeandroid_, when you right-click on the green/purple video?16:10
holsteinandroid_: what version of flash are you getting when you visit https://www.adobe.com/software/flash/about/16:11
android_well i understand u but as i set i m here for a week with that problem so i im just really stupid now following tasks given from ppl so i my self have no idea to what i did or what i didnt16:12
android_but that is new install  like 5-6 hours16:12
cfhowlettandroid_, start keeping records16:12
holsteinandroid_: what version of flash reports at https://www.adobe.com/software/flash/about/ ?16:12
android_ok i cant see on adobe anything cos the flash don work16:12
holsteinandroid_: i understand this can be frustrating for you as a user, but adobe doesnt allow us much freedom here, and i need to know what version reports at https://www.adobe.com/software/flash/about/16:13
holsteinandroid_: you should see it in text below the banner i assume you are saying you have issues with16:13
knomeandroid_, we see that.16:14
holsteinandroid_: the sight here https://www.adobe.com/software/flash/about/16:14
knomeandroid_, and your flash *does* work. just not as it should.16:14
android_now u can tell me maybe ?16:14
android_cos as i set i cant see16:14
android_but that is so annoing16:15
knomeandroid_, can you please answer either my or holstein's question?16:15
holsteinandroid_: please visit this site https://www.adobe.com/software/flash/about/ and tell me what version.. when i go, it says "You have version 12,0,0,77 installed"16:16
knomeunless you answer our questions, we can't help you16:16
android_why works on kali  or windows 7 ?16:16
android_or xp?16:16
android_no idea16:16
knomeandroid_, can we please focus on getting the issue fixed16:16
holsteinandroid_: adobe officialy supports windows..16:16
android_i love that idea THANK U16:16
andryhi folks16:16
holsteinandroid_: kali is an older version with a differnt kernel.. all of that is quite irrelevant16:16
android_and kali?16:16
knomeandroid_, so please answer either my or holstein's question16:17
holsteinandroid_: as stated above, its a different release.. differnt kernel16:17
knomeandry, hello16:17
android_repete the question please16:17
holsteinandroid_: what version of flas is reported at https://www.adobe.com/software/flash/about/16:17
cfhowlettandry, greetings.  state your ubuntu issue.16:17
android_i just send u screenshot !!!16:17
knomeandroid_, you didn't16:17
knomeandroid_, it was a screenshot of youtube16:18
android_i can not see it what version it is16:18
holsteinandroid_: no, you sent the same screenshot from before. and i dont need/want a screenshot16:18
android_no the other one!!16:18
holsteinandroid_: thats the youtube video page16:18
android_ok wait16:18
holsteinandroid_: there is no other one, and if there is, you will calmly repost for me16:18
holsteinandroid_: help me help you by visting https://www.adobe.com/software/flash/about/ and tell me what version is reported in text. no screenshot is neceesary16:18
android_yes i m so sorry my mistake16:19
android_i did it but i send the wrong one16:19
holsteinandroid_: ok. and when you right click on the garbled image?16:20
android_ok wait16:20
andryis anyone else into the source code of xfwm? i patched it to maximze the window at drag-to-top (instead of tiling it into a half) .. but i still have some issues16:20
andrylike it isnt "really" maximized, just full sized16:20
knomeandry, i'd ask #xfce-dev16:21
andryok thank you :)16:21
knomenp, good luck16:21
android_lol i cant send u screen shot of that ...any time i do the right click desapire16:21
android_ok so when i do right click i have :)16:22
holsteinandroid_: its not disapearing for me and you used to say it didnt come up, so, is it coming up and going away? or not coming up?16:22
android_view image..copy image etc...16:23
android_no setting!!16:23
knomeandroid_, please keep calm16:23
holsteinandroid_: but, the menu comes up? that is my question16:23
android_it is coming ap other small window with view ,copy etz. but when i want to make screenshot is gon !!16:24
holsteinandroid_: if so, try http://helpx.adobe.com/flash-player.html step 5 has an animation that should give you the settings menu.. assuming its coming up now, and not disapearing..16:24
android_it comes16:24
holsteinandroid_: i dont need a screenshot, friend16:24
holsteinandroid_: it will go away.. im not asking for a screenshot16:24
android_ok :)16:24
holsteinandroid_: what i am asking is.. vist http://helpx.adobe.com/flash-player.html ..go to step 5.. right click on that animation there.. and see if you can access the "settings" menu16:25
android_ok on stage 5 i see same thing like always16:26
holsteinandroid_: ok.. and that is what?16:26
android_some dots and lines16:26
android_looks like a tree16:26
holsteinandroid_: and when you right click on it?16:26
android_ok one sec16:26
android_yes there is seting but i cant open it ???16:27
holsteinandroid_: why not? "cant" doenst convey information to me16:27
holsteinandroid_: you click and the menu doesnt repond? it crashes? what?16:27
android_well i choose seting i mean i click on it and nothing happen the whole window desapire16:28
holsteinandroid_: what window? the browser? the desktop?16:28
android_the one with options after right click16:29
holsteinandroid_: i suggest trying #ubuntu and you can try http://www.adobe.com/company/contact.html?promoid=JOPDO but i dont think they support linux16:29
android_like : zoom in show all,16:29
android_i did ubuntu to:(16:30
knomeandroid_, so, to double-check...16:30
android_i m really sure is an issue with driver  so maybe we can work on that ?16:30
knomeandroid_, you right-click the animation, and the context menu opens16:30
holsteinandroid_: sure.. and the issue is, its not a xubuntu/xfce/linux/ubntu product16:30
holsteinandroid_: then, try a different driver16:30
knomeandroid_, then you left-click on "settings" (not "global settings")16:30
holsteinandroid_: i suggest the vesa driver16:31
ubottuandroid_,: PLEASE DON'T SHOUT! We can read lowercase too.16:31
android_oops sorry16:31
holsteinandroid_: no caps please.. just let me know if you have a question..16:31
android_like many question the point is if u have an answer ?  :)16:32
holsteinandroid_: have you tried that^ of the vesa driver?16:32
android_ok i did open that link before16:32
holsteinandroid_: you dont "open" it.. you opt into html5 vs flash16:33
android_no i did yet nothing with the drivers16:33
android_but everything with flash16:33
holsteinandroid_: so, when you use html5 with youtube, its fine?16:33
android_what is that then?16:34
android_i open it ..right?16:34
android_or maybe i just dont understand u guys16:35
android_i m sorry it makes me so crazy that problem16:35
holsteinandroid_: you read the text at that link,a nd you can opt into htlm5 at youtube.. instead of flash that is cuasing you issues16:36
holsteinandroid_: as i said, you dont just visit the page.. you read it, and opt in16:37
android_ok and if that is the problem is gonna fixit also flash games?16:37
android_or just youtube?16:37
holsteinandroid_: there is notthing to "Fix" here, friend..16:37
Morroghello xubuntu irc :)16:37
cfhowlettMorrog, greetings.  what is your xubuntu issue?16:38
android_but now no sound:)16:38
android_i can see now guys :)16:38
holstein!audio | android_16:38
ubottuandroid_: If you're having problems with sound, click the Volume applet, then Sound Preferences, and check your Volume, Hardware, Input, and Output settings.  If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files,  see !players and !mp3.16:38
Morrogit's related to xscreensaver and dpms. i'm trying get the following to work: when i lock the screen manually, i'd like my monitor to turn off (so xset force dpms off). when i then wiggle my mouse, it brings up the xflock4 screen as expected16:39
android_i cant click now the volume applet ????16:39
holsteinandroid_: just let us know, details, if you have a question..16:40
android_i mean when i click just small whit line apears and thats all16:40
Morroghowever. after 30 seconds or so, even if i don't touch my computer in any way, the dpms is still pushed away, and i see the normal blank screen (so backlight is on)16:40
Morrogi have no idea where to look, so maybe one of you knows more :)16:40
android_yes i have question why now i have no sound?16:40
android_how to fix it please?16:40
holsteinandroid_: did you seee the troubleshooting link i gave? let me get it again for you16:41
holstein!audio > android_16:41
ubottuandroid_, please see my private message16:41
Morrogi manually edited /usr/bin/xflock4 to include the 'xset dpms force off' bit16:41
android_the bad news is that now :http://imagebin.org/299756   and u set there is no problem ?16:43
android_u must be so tired of me :)16:44
knomeandroid_, you only opted in for html5 for youtube16:45
knomeandroid_, now do you promise to answer my questions and read carefully what i say to try to fix the display issue for good?16:45
android_yes and then i ask what if i have that problem with games.. so someone set that is no a problem ...but we r still on the same point :)16:46
knomenobody said that.16:46
knomenow let's focus on your issue16:46
knomeand not talk about any other issues for the moment16:46
Morrogi'll just wait for a while ^_^16:46
android_yes i do promise  as much as i can16:46
knomeMorrog, feel free to ask away, i'll be guiding android_ but others can answer you16:47
knomeandroid_, open a terminal16:47
knomeandroid_, type sudo16:47
knometype: sudo nano /etc/adobe/mms.cfg16:47
knomethat will ask for your password16:47
knomedid you see a text editor open?16:48
android_yes nothing on it empty one16:48
knomenow copy and paste the next line into that file:16:48
knomepress ctrl+o to save the file16:49
knome(and press enter)16:49
android_ Error writing /etc/adobe/mms.cfg:no such file or directory16:50
knomeandroid_, open another terminal16:51
knomeandroid_, and type: sudo mkdir /etc/adobe16:51
knome(will ask for password)16:51
knometry saving again with ctrl+O and enter16:52
knome(in the other terminal)16:52
android_on the previous one?16:52
knomeyes, the one with the text file16:52
knome(you can close the other window)16:52
knomenow press ctrl+x to close the file16:53
knome(and the editor)16:53
knomeand type: cat /etc/adobe/mms.cfg16:53
knomethat should output the Enable... line in the terminal16:53
android_Subsystem: Hewlett-Packard Company D530 sff(dc578av) [103c:12bc]16:54
android_Kernel driver in use: i91516:54
android_android@android-an-tt-3456:~$ sudo nano /etc/adobe/mms.cfg16:54
android_[sudo] password for android:16:54
android_android@android-an-tt-3456:~$ cat /etc/adobe/mms.cfg16:54
knomethat's good.16:54
knomenow close *all* browser windows.16:54
android_irc to or not?16:54
knomeandroid_, you will have to close this window as well if you are running it from browser16:55
knomeandroid_, once you closed all windows, rejoin the channel16:55
knome(obviously, you can then open a browser window)16:55
android_no i close all windows that one is seperate16:55
android_open again?16:55
knomeyes, now open firefox16:55
knomeand try to load a page with flash16:55
knome(not youtube, because you opted to html5)16:56
android_...:( the same problem16:57
knomego to http://helpx.adobe.com/flash-player.html now16:57
knomeand see if you can open the settings window from the right-click menu16:57
android_no ..:( same like before16:59
knomeandroid_, ok, what does the following say on the line with "Installed":17:02
knomesudo apt-cache policy flashplugin-installer17:02
android_5. Verify if Flash Player is installed17:03
android_If you see clouds moving in the animation below, congratulations, you have successfully installed Flash Player!17:03
android_If you don't see the animation after completing all the steps, refresh this page using the icon below.17:03
knomeyou are not following17:03
knomerun the following in terminal: sudo apt-cache policy flashplugin-installer17:03
knomeand tell me what is in the "Installed" line (no other lines needed)17:03
android_  Installed: (none)17:04
android_  Candidate:
android_  Version table:17:04
android_ 017:04
android_        500 http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ saucy-updates/multiverse i386 Packages17:04
android_        500 http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ saucy-security/multiverse i386 Packages17:04
android_ 017:04
android_        500 http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ saucy/multiverse i386 Packages17:04
knomeandroid_, please, i said "just the Installed line"17:04
android_again i make mistake17:05
knomeok, how did you install flash?17:05
android_yes i realise that after i send it17:05
android_is stress17:05
android_first time with the center17:05
knomei will need to go away from keyboard for 5 minutes, will be back after that17:05
android_later someone told me to purge it17:05
Morrogyou're a patient man knome ;)17:06
android_ang give me line with apt17:06
android_yes he is17:06
android_and i m so thankfull for that17:06
android_and to do also tat17:07
android_        500 http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ saucy/multiverse i386 Packages17:07
android_android@android-an-tt-3456:~$ sudo sed -i "/^# deb .*partner/ s/^# //" /etc/apt/sources.list && apt-get update17:07
android_sudo apt-get install flashplugin-installer17:07
knomerun the last line again: sudo apt-get install flashplugin-installer17:08
android_ok done17:11
knomenow try to open a page with flash again (and again, not youtube...)17:11
android_do i have to firs close the browser?17:12
knomeyes, would be better to close all browser windows first17:12
android_any idea knome ?17:17
knomeandroid_, open about:plugins in your browser17:18
android_u must be so pist with me i m sorry17:18
knomeand look which PATH the flash plugin uses17:18
knome(or if there are multiple flash plugins, all of the paths)17:18
android_i m sure thats better way (no missunderstanding)  :) http://imagebin.org/29976317:20
knomeandroid_, ok, go to terminal and type: killall firefox17:21
knome(this will close all of your browser windows)17:21
knomethen run firefox again, and once again, try loading a page with flash17:22
android_u r very pation persone17:22
knomecomes with the profession17:23
android_sorry for my english but i m sure i get what i mean:)17:23
android_one day maybe ill join u :)17:23
knomedid loading a page with flash work now?17:25
android_the same!!!::( and i mean i m sure "YOU" know what i mean :)17:25
android_nothing change17:25
knomeandroid_, have you upgraded all packages to latest versions?17:28
android_hope so17:28
android_i did apt-get update &&apt-get upgrade17:28
knomerun: sudo apt-get dist-upgrade17:28
android_he following NEW packages will be installed:17:29
android_  libjs-jquery linux-headers-3.11.0-18 linux-headers-3.11.0-18-generic17:29
android_  linux-image-3.11.0-18-generic linux-image-extra-3.11.0-18-generic17:29
android_  python-apport python-keyring python-launchpadlib python-lazr.restfulclient17:29
android_  python-lazr.uri python-oauth python-problem-report python-secretstorage17:29
android_  python-simplejson python-wadllib17:29
android_The following packages will be upgraded:17:29
android_  libfreetype6 librsvg2-2 librsvg2-common linux-generic linux-headers-generic17:29
android_  linux-image-generic python3-distupgrade ubuntu-release-upgrader-core17:29
android_  ubuntu-release-upgrader-gtk17:29
android_9 upgraded, 15 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded.17:29
android_Need to get 62.5 MB of archives.17:29
android_After this operation, 214 MB of additional disk space will be used.17:29
android_Do you want to continue [Y/n]?17:29
knomeyes, please continue17:29
android_sorry that was to big for here17:29
android_may i ask question?17:30
Morrogonly if you give cookies17:30
fballsmMmMm cookies17:30
android_iv make some chocolate u want ? u have to come and get it17:31
android_and it will be my pleasure to shere with u :)17:31
knomeandroid_, after the updates are done, you will need to reboot your computer for the changes to take place17:32
knomeandroid_, after you've done that, try opening a firefox window and loading a page with flash17:32
knomei'll be off for some time, will have dinner now17:32
Morrogenjoy knome17:32
android_bon apetit17:33
android_ok ill do it17:33
android_takes 15 min here17:33
android_u gonna have same nick?17:33
android_how ill find u later?17:34
Morroghe'll probably just stay here but appear as away. he'll be back, don't worry.17:34
android_ok thank u :)17:34
GridCubeandroid_, knome is the Xubuntu Project Leader, he will be here :D17:34
android_wow :)17:35
android_almost like me :)17:35
Morroganyone else in here knows about xscreensaver/xflock and dpms?17:36
GridCube!anyone | Morrog17:36
ubottuMorrog: A high percentage of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? See also !details, !gq, and !poll.17:36
Morrogsorry, i asked earlier and no one replied :)17:37
Morrogit's related to xscreensaver and dpms. i'm trying get the following to work: when i lock the screen manually, i'd like my monitor to turn off (so xset force dpms off). when i then wiggle my mouse, it brings up the xflock4 screen as expected17:37
android_well i dont !!!17:37
Morroghowever. after 30 seconds or so, even if i don't touch my computer in any way, the dpms is still pushed away, and i see the normal blank screen (so backlight is on)17:37
android_and i m here ...17:37
Morrogi manually edited /usr/bin/xflock4 to include the 'xset dpms force off' bit17:37
Morrogit's as if xscreensaver is doing something and fooling dpms that the backlight should be activated17:38
Morrogyou can probably try to replicate this behavior with: xscreensaver-command --lock && xset dpms force off17:40
knomeandroid_, did you reboot your computer already?17:48
Morroghad a nice dinner, knome?17:53
knomeMorrog, yep17:55
android_not yet 77% so far :)18:05
android_like 5 min more Knome18:13
holsteinandroid_: use the #xubuntu-offtopic channel for non-support related conversation.. thanks!18:14
android_im not talking at all18:16
android_the only person i want to talk is u :)18:16
holsteinandroid_: sure.. and this channel is not for "talking".. use the channel i referenced, that is referenced in the official /topic18:17
android_oops sorry18:17
android_i tough that is knome  ..:(18:17
nono_i set all setting to default (i duno why) and restart now seems as if its loading properly then it start beeping no txt at the begining i hear six beeps and then widows loads18:17
android_i ll18:17
nono_what could be the problem18:17
Morrogthe problem i was talking about earlier (interaction between dpms and xscreensaver) has to do with this: http://www.jwz.org/blog/2005/03/how-does-x-suck-today-today-its-dpms/18:24
Morrogbut looks like it's not an easy fix, if there even is one18:24
Morrogstill it's odd, because i'm on a laptop, so i'm not using a mouse that can be moved by accident18:27
konraddohi, i have a problem with xubuntu 13.10, i installed it recently and i have a problem that image on my monitor dissapears. my LCD acts like it's disconnected from PC. my graphics card is HD3870. image randomly dissapears while i'm using my PC, sometimes it happens about 5 minutes after i turn on my PC, sometimes after 1 hour or so. i installed ssh server on my xubuntu PC to check if my computer is still working after image dissapears18:40
konraddo- and it works. how can i solve this problem? i cannot find any info on the internet18:40
holsteinkonraddo: you can also try TTY18:41
holstein!tty | konraddo18:41
ubottukonraddo: To get to the TTY terminals 1-6, use the keystroke ctrl + alt + F1-F6 respectively (Alt+F7 will get you back to your graphical login).  To change the resolution for your TTY, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ChangeTTYResolution18:41
Guest15468ok i m back18:41
fballsoh thank you18:41
konraddoi tried it, nothing happens18:42
fballsi didn't know alt+f7 did that18:42
Guest15468r u here knome?18:42
holsteinwhen that issue occurs.. that can be telling.. other than that, i would just try different graphics card drivers.. you can also try the larger #ubuntu community after confirming its driver related18:42
holsteinGuest15468: if you have a question, just ask.. otherwise, chat with knome in #xubuntu-offtopic18:43
Guest15468nothing change unfortunetly18:43
konraddookay, i'll go to #ubuntu18:43
nono_does anyone now ahything i could do? with my problem18:43
holsteinnono_: sounds like hardware issues.. something in the bios18:43
nono_if i cant get into the bios how do i fix this issue18:44
Guest15468please im so tired if that iv ben talking with knome for like two hours and now again u want me to start over again ?18:44
Guest15468i m the one with the flash problem18:45
holsteinnono_: the bios is quite particular to each machine.. and, its just a suggestion to rule out.. im not saying its the "fix"..18:45
Guest15468and i was askt to make upgrade and come back18:45
holsteinGuest15468: sure.. like i said, ask if you have a question, and a volunteer will do the best they can to help.. cheers18:45
fballsdoes anyone run compiz? i can't figure out how to change the titlebar font since i can't use gnome-tweak-tool.18:45
holsteinfballs: i stopped trying.. i use other compositors18:46
fballswhich do you use?18:46
Guest15468ok so i have a huge problem with flash or Gpu driver i cant use it ...18:46
Guest15468how can i contact knome again?18:47
holsteinfballs: i'll just try the options and see what fits best.. i'll start with the included one and maybe end up with compton..18:47
holsteinGuest15468: how was it with the vesa driver?18:47
Guest15468i dont know??18:48
holsteinutilizing the vesa driver should remove your current driver from the equation, which is why i suggested it before18:48
fballsi was perfectly happy with vanilla Xfce, but i got horrible video tearing with that18:48
Guest15468how to do it?18:48
holsteinGuest15468: do what?18:48
Guest15468the vesa driver?18:48
fballsI hope they fix it in a future release :S18:48
Guest15468so fer we work on flash18:49
Guest15468far i mean18:49
holsteinfballs: there are a few other compositor options you can try.. compiz just got to be too much hassle for me.. more than it was worth18:49
nono_ive checked the ram sticks etc18:49
holsteinGuest15468: this is one way http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1270209 ..you could likely try safe graphics mode from a live CD18:50
holsteinGuest15468: flash is just not supported in linux, officially, so when you want to troubleshoot it, it can be tricky, and frustrating18:50
holsteinGuest15468: nothing about linux is preventing you from loading that content.. if you think its GPU driver related, try the vesa driver, and see if tha helps.. then, you can move forward with that knowlege18:51
Guest15468IT IS !!!18:51
holsteinGuest15468: otherwise, you should try the larger #ubuntu community, since its larger, and this is not related to xubuntu or xfce18:51
Guest15468i have xubuntu18:52
Guest15468and everything works prfect on kali and any windows18:52
holsteinGuest15468: kali is using a different kernel, and windows support is irrelevant18:52
Guest15468ok could u give me a hand please with that?18:52
Guest15468i dont care anymore for windows18:53
Guest15468i want linux18:53
Guest15468but i see  tath wan is just not enough18:53
holsteinGuest15468: sure. but, you must understand, adobe doesnt support linux, so its up to you to provide your own support for flash18:53
Guest15468my own?18:54
Guest15468what do u mean?18:54
holsteinGuest15468: if you want to rule out the graphics driver, try my 2 suggestions.. the vesa driver via xorg.conf or a live CD with nomodeset18:54
Guest15468i cant do anything18:54
Guest15468i m just new here18:54
holsteinGuest15468: i mean, by being patient here with volunteers, troubleshooting and trying suggestions18:54
holsteinGuest15468: have you tried the vesa driver? if not, try that.. that will help you determine if your GPU driver is in fact the issue18:54
Guest15468ok ill do whatever u ask me for but can u please give me some line for terminall thats i learn already please18:55
holsteinGuest15468: the live CD can be booted using the mode i suggested18:56
Guest15468i m sure thats the GPU18:56
Guest15468cos we did all with flash for like a week here18:56
holsteinhttp://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 for example18:56
knomeGuest15468, i'm out of ideas and since holstein has an idea how to possibly fix it, i would follow his suggestions as closely as you did with me18:56
Guest15468wow thank u u r back!!!!18:56
Guest15468i was so f.... down18:57
Guest15468that i have to start all over again18:57
fballsGuest15468, what video drivers u running?18:57
Guest15468please knome18:57
Guest15468just a bit more18:57
holsteinGuest15468: if you have a question, ask.. otherwise, use the #xubuntu-offtopic channel for chat.. thanks18:58
Guest15468u spend already so much time with me  i dont want to go over and over again18:58
fballsif its not your video drivers or your flash installation, i don't know what else it could be18:58
holsteinwe have not ruled out the video drivers..18:58
Guest15468R U INSAINE???? HOLSTEIN? i have a question since one week and i go over and over again from beginning r u bot?18:59
Guest15468i just need someone to help me19:00
Guest15468ok so what is the best advice ?19:00
knomeGuest15468, please calm down19:00
holsteinGuest15468: this will be the 3rd time you are asked to stop using caps.. please be respectful... i understand you are frustrated, but flash is no supporting linux anymore19:00
holsteinGuest15468: "(Flash Player 11.2 is the last supported Flash Player version for Linux. Adobe will continue to provide security updates.)"19:00
knomeGuest15468, there is nothing to go "over again"19:00
knomeGuest15468, your flash installation seems fine.19:01
Guest15468what do u mean knome?19:01
holsteinwith that in mind, you must be patient and willing to troubleshoot.. if you think the GPU driver is the issue, try a different driver19:01
Guest15468we spend here so much time and now holstain is asking me what is my problem ?!!!19:01
fballswhat card you running Guest15468?19:01
knomeGuest15468, please calm down.19:01
Guest15468i dont know19:02
knomeGuest15468, this is the last time i will tell you that.19:02
Guest15468old one for sure19:02
Guest15468knome but please stay with me19:02
Guest15468we did some thing already19:02
holsteinGuest15468: i am asking you, specifically, to try a different driver, if you want to know if the GPU driver is the issue19:02
Guest15468but i dont know how to do it yet19:03
Guest15468ill learn19:03
Guest15468but ....fk:(19:03
Guest15468so how can i change the driver?19:04
fballsyou can probably do lspci -v from a terminal and see what you have19:04
Guest15468fballs that was for me?19:04
holsteinGuest15468: the 2 ways i have suggested are 1. http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 from a live CD and http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1270209 with a custom xorg.conf specifying the vesa driver19:05
holsteini think the live CD is the easiest.. and you can install and test the flash version from the live CD easily..19:05
Guest15468why i have to do live cd iv i have live usb?19:06
fballsthat's fine too19:06
Guest15468so for the first few sec the screen is nice when booting19:07
Guest15468and then same story19:07
holsteinGuest15468: what screen?19:07
Guest15468ok can i have the link please for the files so i dont post here?19:08
holsteinGuest15468: what files?19:08
Guest15468android@android-an-tt-3456:~$ lspci -v19:08
Guest1546800:00.0 Host bridge: Intel Corporation 82865G/PE/P DRAM Controller/Host-Hub Interface (rev 02)19:08
Guest15468Subsystem: Hewlett-Packard Company d330 uT19:08
Guest15468Flags: bus master, fast devsel, latency 019:08
Guest15468Memory at f8000000 (32-bit, prefetchable) [size=64M]19:08
Guest15468Capabilities: <access denied>19:08
Guest15468Kernel driver in use: agpgart-intel19:08
Guest1546800:02.0 VGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation 82865G Integrated Graphics Controller (rev 02) (prog-if 00 [VGA controller])19:08
Guest15468Subsystem: Hewlett-Packard Company D530 sff(dc578av)19:08
Guest15468Flags: bus master, fast devsel, latency 0, IRQ 1619:08
Guest15468Memory at f0000000 (32-bit, prefetchable) [size=128M]19:08
Guest15468Memory at fc400000 (32-bit, non-prefetchable) [size=512K]19:08
Guest15468I/O ports at 24e0 [size=8]19:08
Guest15468Expansion ROM at <unassigned> [disabled]19:08
Guest15468Capabilities: <access denied>19:08
Guest15468Kernel driver in use: i91519:09
holstein!paste | Guest1546819:09
ubottuGuest15468: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.19:09
Guest1546800:06.0 System peripheral: Intel Corporation 82865G/PE/P Processor to I/O Memory Interface (rev 02)19:09
Guest15468Flags: fast devsel19:09
Guest15468Memory at fecf0000 (32-bit, non-prefetchable) [size=4K]19:09
Guest1546800:1d.0 USB controller: Intel Corporation 82801EB/ER (ICH5/ICH5R) USB UHCI Controller #1 (rev 02) (prog-if 00 [UHCI])19:09
Guest15468Subsystem: Hewlett-Packard Company d530 CMT (DG746A)19:09
Guest15468Flags: bus master, medium devsel, latency 0, IRQ 1619:09
Guest15468I/O ports at 2440 [size=32]19:09
Guest15468Kernel driver in use: uhci_hcd19:09
Guest1546800:1d.1 USB controller: Intel Corporation 82801EB/ER (ICH5/ICH5R) USB UHCI Controller #2 (rev 02) (prog-if 00 [UHCI])19:09
Guest15468Subsystem: Hewlett-Packard Company d530 CMT (DG746A)19:09
Guest15468Flags: bus master, medium devsel, latency 0, IRQ 1919:09
Guest15468yea thats what i was asking for thanks19:10
PiciGuest15468: use a pastebin.19:10
PiciI muted you for much of that.19:10
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.19:10
Guest15468so when the system starts is nice high resolution but after few sec goes to that19:10
Guest15468thank u19:10
holsteinGuest15468: so, whats the question? i was addressing a flash issue.. are we talking about a graphics issue?19:11
Guest15468i know u r all so bussy there but please just spend some time with me to fix that coz i spend one week here for that !!!!!19:11
Guest15468yes holstein19:12
holsteinGuest15468: fix which? this is a new issue,and you are not explaining it19:12
Guest15468not new !!19:12
holsteinGuest15468: i was troubleshooting a flash related issue. now, what specifically is the issue?19:12
Guest15468one week old19:12
Guest15468ewery day i m here19:12
Guest15468starting talking with everyone over and over again19:12
holsteinGuest15468: regardless, testing with another graphics driver will be a good step.. or, just use 12.0419:13
Guest15468look r u working there?19:13
Guest15468thats what i was asking for from beginning but i need hand for that please19:13
holsteinGuest15468: sure.. just ask if you have a question19:14
Guest15468why i m asking if u r there is cos for me to explaine u what is the problem is like .....? but knome spend a lot of time with me so if u know him we can save a lot of time !!!!19:15
Guest15468...iv i have any question..?19:15
Guest15468...is that a joke?19:15
knomeGuest15468, others are able to help you as well, please listen to them19:16
holsteinGuest15468: please, no more caps19:16
holsteinGuest15468: i just dont konw what you are asking for..19:16
holstein15:13 < Guest15468> thats what i was asking for from beginning but i need hand for that please19:16
knomeGuest15468, absolutely the last warning. the next time i will have to remove you from the channel19:17
holstein"that" is not specific enough for me to help you.. just share details.. thats all im asking19:17
Guest15468knome please help me to explain my problem only19:17
Guest15468i m just so tired here doing same things for hours and hours19:17
knomeanswers are not always available (immediately)19:18
Guest15468r u getting guys well who knows that better as me?????!!!!!!19:19
holsteinGuest15468: have you tried 12.04? if not, just try that.. try it live.. it may just work "out of the box"19:19
Guest15468and can u please tell me why before i spend time to download one more distro and find out that my not?19:20
Guest15468ok holstain u want details ...19:21
holsteinGuest15468: no.. i dont.. i only suggest you try a different graphics driver19:21
Guest15468thats a best i can explain19:22
Guest15468is there a way i can do it with terminall?19:22
holsteinGuest15468: thanks, friend.. and i have seen that already.. and appreciate your linking it.. but, have you tried the vesa driver?19:22
Guest15468thats all i learn since the jurney wit linux so far but i love it19:23
Guest15468so please19:23
holsteinGuest15468: the way to try it is outlined at the link i gave you before.. http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=127020919:23
holsteinGuest15468: i will not give you commands to copy/paste into a terminal, because, you really need to read and understand what the file you are making is doing, and how to remove it19:24
holsteinSimply overwrite /etc/X11/xorg.conf with these contents and restart:19:24
holstein^ but, you will not have one there, so, you will make one.. and you can remove it using a live CD or tty19:24
Guest15468well cool but "Simply overwrite /etc/X11/xorg.conf with these contents and restart:" is not simply for me !!!19:24
Guest15468so im only asking for hand19:24
holsteinGuest15468: sure.. ask what you like, but you need to be specific19:24
holsteinGuest15468: "i am trying to write x to y and z is happening" for example19:25
holstein"i need a hand" is not specific enough.. i need to know what specifically you are having issues with19:25
Guest15468thats make sense19:26
holsteinGuest15468: so, you will *not* find a file at the location /etc/X11/xorg.conf this is why..19:26
ubottuThe /etc/X11/xorg.conf file is deprecated, but sometimes may still be needed to pass values to specific drivers. See `man xorg.conf` for file structure and syntax. | Generic xorg.conf generation: http://ubottu.com/y/xorgconf | ATI proprietary driver specific: http://ubottu.com/y/atiamd | Nvidia proprietary driver specific: http://ubottu.com/y/nvidia19:26
Guest15468so can u tell me what i have to open to change that please tell me that like to the cow please and ill do it and i promise u want need to tell me the same thing again ...deal?19:27
holsteinbut, you can put on there.. you can copy the text in the post i gave you at the link.. and you will need root access to make the file19:27
holsteinGuest15468: i am in the process of explaining why you are not going to be able to edit a file19:27
holsteinGuest15468: you wont be able to find that file.. the file that i, and the link are referencing. the file at /etc/X11/xorg.conf19:28
Guest15468i dint read the black lines19:28
Guest15468only the red sorry19:28
holsteinGuest15468: the reason is listed above19:28
holsteinGuest15468: read *everything*.. thats why im giving you the information19:28
Guest15468thank u19:29
Guest15468well teaching19:29
holsteinGuest15468: so, you will *create* that file19:29
holsteinthe contents of the file are listed at the link i gave you19:29
holsteinspecifically http://paste.ubuntu.com/7109961/19:30
Guest15468i have no idea about what u wrote "syntax" etz... i m just a normall girl who want to learn19:31
holsteinand only that content.. so, you will *create* a file at that location.. do you understand what i mean by that?19:31
holsteinGuest15468: the, answer the question19:31
holsteinGuest15468: do you understand what i mean by creating the file at that location? and please use the #xubuntu-offtopic channel for chat about your gender, etc19:31
Guest15468not yet but it does not mean -not give me please some time to work on it thank u19:31
holsteinGuest15468: you will create a file as root.. do you know what that means? if not, let me konw *eactly* what the question is19:32
Guest15468root is the admin19:32
holsteinGuest15468: sure.. and thats not the question.. the question is, do you know how to create that file as root?19:33
holsteinyou'll need to create the file /etc/X11/xorg.conf as root and fill in the content of that file specifically from http://paste.ubuntu.com/7109961/19:33
Guest15468not ..:) sorry19:33
holsteinGuest15468: what do you need help with from those instructions?19:34
Guest15468not yet19:34
Guest15468i just have linux (not working) for a week!!!19:34
holsteinGuest15468: just use #xubuntu-offtopic for any statements or comments like that19:34
Guest15468but as u see i dont geve up so give me some credit !!!19:34
holsteinGuest15468: ask here *only* support questions.. have you created the /etc/X11/xorg.conf file as root? if not, ask me what you need to make that happen19:35
Guest15468what do i need to make /etc/files?19:36
holsteinGuest15468: you are not making that.. you are making *specifically* /etc/X11/xorg.conf with the content from http://paste.ubuntu.com/7109961/19:36
holsteinGuest15468: what is your question about that?19:36
Guest15468how can i change anything in /etc/folder?19:37
knomesudo nano /filename19:37
holsteinGuest15468: you dont change "anything" there19:37
holsteinGuest15468: you specifically create the file i have asked you to specifically create19:37
holsteinGuest15468: have you? if not, let me know where you are hung up19:38
Guest15468terminall sudo/etc/...?19:38
knomeGuest15468, you are told which file you need to create19:38
holsteinas knome has stated, you can use the command in the terminal19:38
Guest15468ok thank u that was cool i got it :)19:38
holsteinsudo nano /etc/X11/xorg.conf19:38
Guest15468hello knome19:38
holsteinthen, paste in http://paste.ubuntu.com/7109961/ and save the file with control O19:38
Guest15468just give me a min i want to try it alone19:39
holsteinGuest15468: please say hello in the #xubuntu-offtopic channel, thanks19:39
Guest15468sudo: /etc/X11/xorg.conf: command not found19:41
Guest15468i m hopeless19:41
Guest15468ok holestein19:41
knomeGuest15468, read the instructions again19:41
Guest15468looks like i breake all linux rools and i did not even start it19:42
mappssudo nano /etc/X11/xorg.conf19:42
mappsyou missed the nano dude19:42
nick1296I tried to run Xubuntu on my HP DC5700 and for some reason the volume control does not work in software19:47
Guest15468ok i cant do it alone19:47
nick1296I can control it with a keyboard with HW controls, but not in the SW19:47
nick1296any ideas of the problem?19:47
mappsjust run the cmd Guest15468 and almost done19:48
mappsjust gotta copy/paste19:48
nick1296I can't even find a sound option in the settings19:48
Guest15468mapps how to run it?19:49
mappsin a terminal19:49
mappscopy and paste: sudo nano /etc/X11/xorg.conf19:49
Guest15468that i know19:49
Guest15468bash: cd: /etc/X11/xorg.conf: No such file or directory19:49
holsteinGuest15468: thats all there is to it.. copy the content i gave you.. dont paste here19:49
mappsno etc/X11 dir uh19:50
Guest15468ok i m now in nano19:50
Guest15468its empty19:50
holsteinGuest15468: you fill the content in, friend19:50
nick1296if anyone needs to know what I tried to hopefully fix it, I disabled the internal speaker, and unlugged it with no luck19:51
holsteinGuest15468: http://paste.ubuntu.com/7109961/ is still the content19:51
mappsyea Guest15468 now copy the text off the pastebin holstein provided and paste it in there19:51
holsteinGuest15468: this is *not* a fix, either.. you will reboot the resolution will be off, and you will test.. this is a troubleshooting step, at best19:52
knomenick1296, what xubutnu version? what volume control?19:52
Guest15468ok i hope i did it19:52
Guest15468what now?19:52
holsteinGuest15468: dont hope.. look and confirm19:53
holsteinGuest15468: as i said, this is *not* a fix.. this is a way for you to reboot using a different driver. the vesa driver19:53
Guest15468ok so now i have to reboot?19:53
holsteinGuest15468: you will reboot, and test.. and confirm if things are "better" or not.. then, you can determine what you would like to do19:53
holsteinGuest15468: you dont have to do anything, friend. but, if you are reading and doing what im saying, you need to reboot to test that driver..19:54
Guest15468ok before i do reboot is there a way to check if i did what i had to do ?19:54
Guest15468thank u19:54
holsteinGuest15468: yes.. look at the file, andsee that it contains the input i told you to put in it19:54
Guest15468...ok   ??? so i reboot19:55
mappswell check the file first19:55
mappscat /etc/X11/xorg.conf19:55
Guest15468!!!! vesa:)19:55
Guest15468thank u19:56
Guest15468holsttein  i m not idiot ... i just start a week ago !!!! please :)19:57
nick1296it's on a HP DC570019:58
nick1296the one in the app  bar19:58
xubuntuhello im back20:10
=== xubuntu is now known as Guest9711
Guest9711and the system stack20:10
Guest9711now i use usb\20:10
Guest9711there is progres the screen is perfect20:11
Guest9711but is stack20:11
holsteinGuest9711: so, you are using the xorg.conf i gave you?20:12
Guest9711now not20:13
Guest9711coz it cant start20:13
Guest9711there is huge improovment20:13
Guest9711the resolution20:13
Guest9711but is stack on the big x and mouse with the bluue hfce20:14
Guest9711now i used usb live20:14
Guest9711i even cant read what i wrote :)20:15
Guest9711the syste dont wqant to start20:16
Guest9711it stack on the screen where is the white X with mouse and xfce or something like that but yes the resolution is perfect20:17
Guest9711holstein>r u here still ready to help me ?20:18
holsteinGuest9711: whats the question?20:18
holsteinGuest9711: we are all volunteers, just ask your question20:18
holsteinGuest9711: are you using the xorg.conf i gave you? or not?20:18
Guest9711well i did ask u so many times r u trying to making fun of me? u know wery well what is my problem so my question is what now cos after i did what u told me to do system does not start !!! is that goog question  friend?20:20
Guest9711i did answer u already20:20
holsteinGuest9711: so, are you using the xorg.conf?20:20
Guest9711how ?20:21
Guest9711i m now live from usb!!20:21
elfyholstein: I don't think so - I'm reading the last bits as it wouldn't start20:21
holsteinGuest9711: you can remove the /etc/X11/xorg.conf file you put in place then20:21
Guest9711coz after what we did or i did if that makes u feel better ( u r sensitive) is my system stack !!20:22
holsteinGuest9711: not sure why you are hanving issues with that file.. its rather generic and should work wth any hardware20:22
holsteinGuest9711: i suggest using ubuntu 12.0420:22
elfyGuest9711: no-one is making fun of you, what people are trying to do is work out what it is you need each time - you write a lot of stuff that's not easy to understand and not actually related to the issue20:22
Guest9711if u r not sure how could i be?20:22
Guest9711and how can i remove that now if the system don boot?20:22
holsteinGuest9711: you could become sure by confirming the contents of the file20:23
holsteinGuest9711: you use the live CD to remove it20:23
Guest9711or boot but stacks20:23
holsteinGuest9711: or, tty.. or anything20:23
Guest9711? no idea what u r talking about now sorry20:23
Guest9711i did what u ask me20:23
Guest9711and YES the resolution change for better20:24
Guest9711but it not start!!120:24
elfyGuest9711: that is ONLY in the live session20:24
holsteinGuest9711: what didnt start?20:24
Guest9711so now i put my usb live same system i install before20:24
holsteinGuest9711: the desktop didnt start?20:24
holsteinGuest9711: have you tried installing 12.04?20:25
elfyholstein: what I read - no desktop with xorg - op is booted to live session20:25
Guest9711every thing start but finaly there is a screen with a huge H BLACK MOUSE AND BLUE XFCE OD SOMETHING LIKE THAT20:25
Guest9711OOPS sorry for capslock20:26
Guest9711no i did not but i did try to instal so many ...20:26
holsteinim just not clear what is better, then20:26
holsteinGuest9711: i suggest 12.04.. its LTS, and likely the same that kali is based on.. should, as  suggested before "just work"20:27
Guest9711well u know i m here for so long and ppl teling my to go to mint or ubuntu or xubuntu or whatewer and im so tired of it i like the one iv got now ...20:28
Guest9711and i did follow all the steps so far20:29
holsteinGuest9711: if flash support is a key factor for you, you should go with an OS that adobe supports20:29
Guest9711nothing works!!!20:29
holsteinGuest9711: nothing is broken, which is the issue20:29
holsteinGuest9711: you have a flash issue. and flash is not supported in linux20:29
holsteinGuest9711: you will need to do some advanced troubleshooting to determine what the issue is specifically20:30
Guest9711so how mint or any other works?20:30
Guest9711just for me not?20:30
holsteinGuest9711: im proposing becuase they are based on 12.0420:30
elfyholstein: I would +1 trying that20:30
holsteinGuest9711: they are not the same.. if they work, just use them.. if flash support is important20:30
Guest9711so thats what i m for here where else should i go?20:30
holsteinGuest9711: 12.0420:30
holsteinGuest9711: if you are asking what else should i do, try 12.0420:31
Guest9711r u sure?20:31
holsteinGuest9711: no.. and no one is allowd to be sure.. flash is not supported20:31
holsteinGuest9711: but, it may be better on your hardware in 12.0420:31
Guest9711ok from other hand may i ?20:31
holsteinGuest9711: i dont understand what that means20:32
Guest9711i m tired of downloding and installing over and over again ... i know that kali works cos yesterday i had it but i dont need all the stuff  .. i want simple one how can i do it since i know its working for me perfect?20:33
Guest9711i mean how can i get rid of all the stuff what kali have?20:34
holsteinGuest9711: ask them.. this is not kali support.. i know they are different, and when i downloaded kali, it was based on 12.04. which is why i suggest 12.0420:34
Guest9711to have a clean one and put what i want?20:34
Guest9711could u please give some link (the fast one) :)20:35
holsteinGuest9711: for what?20:35
Guest9711please and thank u for all ur time20:35
Guest9711and thanks to knome to :)20:36
Guest9711for the 12.0420:36
holsteinhttp://cdimage.ubuntu.com/xubuntu/releases/12.04/release/ is what i use20:36
Guest9711thank u all the best guys . even we didnt manage  much i just try to compare u with windows lol ... u rock !!!! thanks20:37
Guest9711i m on that side u send me but there is like 100 lines ... what should i use?20:39
Guest9711to be sure thats what i need?20:39
knomedownload a desktop file that matches your CPU architecture20:40
knomeand a file that ends with .iso20:40
Guest9711 xubuntu-12.04.4-alternate-i386.iso20:40
Guest9711that one is ok?20:40
knomeGuest9711, i said "a desktop file"20:42
knomemeaning *-desktop-*20:42
elfyGuest9711: NOT alternate20:43
Guest9711ok whats the diferent?20:43
elfythe alternate is text based20:44
Guest9711ok thanks20:44
Guest9711all the best guys thank u so much for ur time !!!!20:44
operanalHi All20:49
operanalwhat is the oldest/slowest PC you have been running Xubuntu on?20:49
arrithany good tips on getting say messages output by the sound system into a log file? i'm assuming it's some kind of alsa thing?   similar to    gnome-screensaver --no-daemon --debug 2>&1 | tee ~/gnome-ss.log21:10
Noskcajarrith, Try #ubuntu , since it's not xubuntu specific21:16
ubottuDon't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com/ or http://ubuntuforums.org/ or http://askubuntu.com/21:16
arrithNoskcaj: good idea21:16
peyamHi guys22:13
peyamI have a huge problem with my xubuntu. I had it for a long time now it's getting irritete22:13
peyamI use a 32inch TV as monitor with  1920x1080 resolution and default font size 8 px. 9 is too big and 8 seems to be good. anyway it's very hard to read since rendering isn't that good22:15
peyamhow do I make the font more clear to read?22:15
knometry editing the monitor settings22:15
knomeit's possible it's not able to produce a very clear image if it's not meant to be used with pc's22:16
peyamyeah.. so many options..22:16
peyamactually it has a very nice picture on windows or regular Ubuntu22:16
holsteinpeyam: xubuntu is ubuntu.. you mean regular ubuntu 12.04 vs xubutu 13.10?22:17
holsteinthe windows support will be irrelevant22:17
peyamholstein, With ubuntu with unity i dont have same problem and not with windows so it shouldnt be a monitor issue22:17
holsteinpeyam: i didnt say it was22:18
holsteinpeyam: but, if you are able to force a resolution in main ubuntu, it should be possible in xubuntu22:18
peyamno it was to knome :)22:18
holsteinpeyam: i would start with the tool arandr, and then go on to other monitor settings22:18
peyamwhat happens if I use a proprietary driver?22:19
holsteinpeyam: are you comparing ubuntu and xubuntu of differnt releases?22:20
peyamno both 12.0422:20
holsteinpeyam: i would do whatever you are doing for main ubuntu.. or, just install ubuntu and put xfce on there22:20
peyamtoo much work im sorry. :(22:20
holsteinpeyam: xubuntu *is* ubuntu.. so, it wil be capable, assuming you are using the same software, of the same resolution22:20
peyami have so much here22:20
peyamI can take a screen shot22:21
holsteinpeyam: try using the same driver for xubuntu that is working in ubuntu, and use the tool i suggested to adujust the settings as knome suggests22:21
peyamholstein, Im afraid of loosing something if the closedsource driver mess something up22:22
peyambut rndr sounds good22:22
peyamI will do it. thanks22:22
peyamhttps://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/12866097/peyam.png holstein22:23
treyanyone here22:24
treyi need help22:24
GridCubepeyam, it looks pretty good22:25
bazhangthen ask trey22:25
GridCubei mean the fonts look fine22:25
peyamGridCube, really?22:25
peyamit is somehow blury22:25
GridCubeyour problem is not font related22:25
peyamnot totally sharp22:25
GridCubeits a setting on the monitor and/or the drivers22:26
peyamI think i begin with TV setting first22:26
treyi installed xbuntu  side by side with ubuntu 13.10 and now  i cant find gpart on xbuntu22:26
GridCubetrey, its not installed by default22:27
GridCubeyou need to install it22:27
treyi did22:27
GridCubesudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install gparted22:27
knometrey, if you have it installed, look under settings manager22:27
GridCubethen go to settings > gparted22:27
treyi used the software center thats the prob22:27
GridCubetrey, no problem22:27
peyamit seems like the pixel distance is too long22:28
GridCubeits on settings, it doesnt have an entry in the menu22:28
GridCubepeyam, try another resolution?22:28
GridCubemaybe your monitor doesnt like the one you are asking for it22:28
peyamdisplay manager is buggy22:29
treyits not there ill try to sudo instal22:29
peyamdoenst return to the previuse resolution22:29
peyamtrey, open the terminal and type sudo gparted22:30
peyamits not gpart, it's gparted22:30
treyone min22:30
GridCubetrey, is there, is on settings22:30
peyamGridCube, he maybe doesnt have the icon. I had once this problem when the icon didn't appear. he''ll need to go to /usr/share/applications/ and remove the .png from the icon22:31
GridCubetrey, http://goput.it/9b33.png22:31
GridCubepeyam, try using arandr to modify the resolution settings22:32
peyamI wil22:32
peyamwhat is the difference between 1920x1080i and 1920x1080?22:33
treygot it ty I had to sudo install it  is unetbootin good on xubuntu22:33
peyamunetbooting works fine yes22:34
treyany work better22:34
peyamGridCube, I got it22:34
treyim sorry im noob22:34
GridCubei neve had any problems whit unetbootin22:34
peyamGridCube, i used 1920x1080 without i22:34
peyamand it solved the problem22:34
peyambut the mouse is too slow22:35
peyamit's hacky22:35
GridCubenot so excellent22:35
peyamGridCube, the one without i should be P (progressive) but that made the mouse slower22:41
peyamany solution?22:41
GridCubebump the mouse speed?22:42
peyamit's hacky22:42
GridCubewhat drivers are you using?22:42
GridCubeprivative or generic?22:43
GridCubeyou can check on the source settings, the last tab is aditional drivers22:43
peyamthe opensource one. I tried the prvative once it didn't work so I haven dared to use it again22:45
GridCubei would recommend you to try again22:45
GridCubeif they dont work you can always revert22:45
GridCubeif you delete the /etc/X11/xorg.conf after the install of privative drivers the system will boot on generic22:46
GridCubei tell you this in case you cant boot to a graphicall instance after installing privative drivers22:46
treybest link to download xubuntu 13.1022:46
peyamtrey, what do you mean?22:47
GridCubetrey, xubuntu.org22:47
treyi downloaded and setup inunetbootin and it wouldnt start failed22:47
treyit up22:48
GridCubetry downloading it again, it might have failed to install22:49
GridCubetrey, you say you already have an ubuntu installed right?22:50
treyand i need a sd card formater to clean my card22:50
GridCubetrey, do you have an ubuntu 13.10 installed or not?22:51
treyi had messed it up with compiz22:52
treytrying tto play with effects22:52
GridCubetrey, well, thats irrelevant, if you install the xubuntu-desktop there then it will just work22:54
GridCubetrey, in the login manager choose to start a guest session and then open a terminal and run "sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop" that will install xubuntu, then you log off and choose to start a xubuntu session22:54
treyim on xubuntu now im trying to 64 bit  i put 32 on22:56
treyill just have to redownload it and hope i get it on there right22:59
peyamtrey, dont forget to format ur usb device23:01
treyty i need a program23:01
peyamGridCube, in case the installation goes wrong. how do I remove the driver?23:02
GridCubepeyam, log into a tty, ctrl-alt-f1 to f6, then log in, cd to /etc/X1123:03
GridCubeand do sudo mv xorg.conf xorg.conf.old23:03
peyamadn then23:03
peyamshould write it down23:03
GridCubethat will rename xorg.conf to xorg.conf.old and then when you reboot the system will use generic drivers23:04
treyi have a 8 g sd card and i can only access 5 g  help23:05
peyamso what?23:05
knometrey, i'm sorry for his behavior23:06
treyits ok23:06

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