
Peace-Riddell: i am testing in 2 computers with fresh installation of kuubnut 14.04 08:24
Peace-i had problems with dragon player and dolphin 08:24
Peace-it doesn0't find h264 decoder08:25
Peace-qapt ask me to search but doesn't find anything 08:25
Peace-installed kubuntu-restricted-extras but nothing 08:30
yofelPeace-: apachelogger is the multimedia expert usually08:30
Peace-:) apachelogger pop up!08:32
Riddell"Subject: PPA access cancelled for Private PPA for Kubuntu Ninjas" err, what?09:11
jussiRiddell: I got that also. guess they killed the ppa09:12
jussior they just don't like kubuntu peoples09:13
Riddelljussi: no I got it for all my private PPAs09:15
tsimpsonI got one for the "Ubuntu Font Family Beta PPA" too, maybe an LP issue09:16
Riddelland I can add myself back09:16
Peace-yofel: :) with webm it works !! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7OQuDUoTHEo09:23
Peace-apachelogger: :D09:25
Peace-i am really really happy that my  modifications works and it's a bug of ubuntu 09:26
Peace-apachelogger: btw i can 't reproduce video on file open window09:40
Peace-i have installe kffmpegthumbnailer 09:40
apacheloggerfails to compute09:41
Riddell"kdevelop-python for Python 3: first stable version (1.6.0) released!" we might want to package that09:53
Riddellkubotu: newversion kdev-python 1.6.009:54
Riddellapachelogger: for all the python 3 developers who use kdevelop?09:54
apachelogger!info kdev-python trusty09:54
ubottukdev-python (source: kdev-python): KDevelop Python Plugin. In component universe, is extra. Version 1.6.0-0ubuntu1 (trusty), package size 1569 kB, installed size 12075 kB09:55
apacheloggerRiddell: past feature freeze and wasn't intended to go past feature freeze09:55
Riddellfeature freeze shmeature freeze :)09:56
Riddellwe have PPAs for that sort of thing09:56
apacheloggerppa works for me :P09:56
apacheloggeranyway, note that kdev-python is already at 1.6.009:56
apacheloggerno clue what the deal with that is09:56
apacheloggerdid shadeslayer_ tell us about the qt sru yesterday?09:58
apacheloggerI may have forgotten09:58
apacheloggerover night plasma-desktop somehow managed to catch up to whoopsie-upload-all in crash count in 14.0409:59
apacheloggerwhich actually is surprising if you consider that the plasma thing apparently happens a lot and the whoopsie thing actually was depending on very specific timing09:59
apacheloggerthen again, if you add up all qdeclarative crashes you'll probably have like 2.5 times the amount of crashes whoopsie had ^^10:00
Riddellapachelogger: no he didn't tell me10:04
apacheloggershadeslayer_: qt sru piiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiing10:05
Riddellbug 1290514 has a saucy patch on it but not precise10:11
ubottubug 1290514 in qt4-x11 (Ubuntu Saucy) "LibreOffice KDE4 backend crashes in Qt4 recursive paint events" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/129051410:11
Riddellneeds test cases10:11
Riddellhmm, no jmux to ask for a test case10:11
apacheloggerI have no clue what to do with bug 129152610:40
ubottubug 1291526 in kdebase-workspace (Ubuntu) "could not start ksmserver with nvidia-prime at next login" [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/129152610:40
apacheloggerthough TBH if ksmserver xioerrors that still sounds more like a bug in the x stack more than anything else10:41
Riddellmm, I doubt it's anything to dow ith ksmserver rather than with X clients failing generally10:49
BluesKaj'Morning folks11:19
soeegood morning BluesKaj11:20
BluesKaj'Morning soee11:20
RiddellvHanda: on starting kontact I get "KNotes uses a new storage technology that requires migration of your current KNotes data and configuration"  is that baloo?11:21
Riddellor maybe it's just akonadi11:21
lordievaderGood afternoon.11:45
sgclarkRiddell: the files are in my ubuntu one12:09
vHandaRiddell: don't know. You'll have to ask Laurent12:19
RiddellvHanda: just been testing baloo and upgrades from 4.12, all works well except filename search in dolphin, do you know of any problems in that area?12:22
vHandayes, you'll have to try again with beta 312:23
RiddellvHanda: ah, known problem? do you have a bug number?12:24
vHandaJust this - https://git.reviewboard.kde.org/r/116837/12:24
RiddellvHanda: lovely thanks12:25
=== rdieter_afk is now known as rdieter_work
RiddellScottK: bug 1291899 updated12:35
ubottubug 1291899 in kde4libs (Ubuntu) "Feature Freeze exception for KDE SC 4.13" [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/129189912:35
soeesomeone might take a look http://paste.ubuntu.com/7113846/ ?12:37
Riddellsoee: pastebin `apt-cache policy kalarm` ?12:41
soeeRiddell: http://paste.ubuntu.com/7113891/12:47
Riddellsoee: you might need my new access details to kubuntu-ninjas, it changed today12:49
soeeah, so the old one might be removed12:50
soeeRiddell: worked, thank you12:51
BluesKajyup, W: Failed to fetch https://private-ppa.launchpad.net/kubuntu-ninjas/ppa/ubuntu/dists/trusty/main/binary-amd64/Packages  HttpError40112:51
BluesKajdump the ninjas ppa?12:52
apacheloggermhhhh, we are supposed to do a bug hunt12:53
apacheloggeroh my12:53
soeefor me it doest helpe BluesKaj (to install kalarm) i had to use the new one from Riddell12:53
jarkkoi got today updates, but it also wants to install some kernel files (kernel that i dont use). and later it wants to remove those files sudo apt-get autoremove...this has happened so many times already...why it wants to instlal those kernel files?12:53
soeejarkko: becuse they are new :)12:54
apacheloggernew is always better12:55
soeejarkko: i think it wants to install new kernel version and informs you that previous one might be removed12:55
jarkkoi have 3.13.612:55
jarkkoand this is 3.8 series12:55
* BluesKaj comments the ninja ppa12:56
jarkkoit's not updating the kernel itself12:56
apacheloggerwe don't have 3.8 kernels in trusty, neither do we have 3.13.6 kernels in trusty, so it's probably ppa stuff12:57
jarkkoactually i might have saidd it wrong...it seems the kernel is 3.13-0-18 or something like that12:57
jarkkoi have manually installed 3.13.612:57
apacheloggerthat makes more sense12:57
apacheloggerjarkko: remove linux-image-generic I think12:58
apachelogger(also using foreign kernels is le dangerous)12:58
jarkkoi use ubuntu ppa12:58
jarkkoThe following packages will be REMOVED:12:59
jarkko  linux-headers-3.13.0-17 linux-headers-3.13.0-17-generic12:59
sgclarkRiddell: I am also getting Http404 error ninja ppa12:59
jarkkoso i quess the installed version was
BluesKajjarkko, yeah 3.13.0-18-generic13:00
jarkkothere is no 3.13.0-18 entry13:01
jarkkoso why it wants to install 3.13.0-8 files? if i have newer kernel already available?13:01
apacheloggerbecause it's not an official kernel and you did not remove the packages that pull in an official kernel13:03
apacheloggeralso support in #kubuntu or #ubuntu please13:03
BluesKajso is that particular ninja ppa that I posted above no longer valid or what ?13:04
apacheloggerBluesKaj: ask Riddell nicely to give you a new url13:05
* BluesKaj asks Riddell politely for the new ninja ppa/url13:06
* sgclark also asks Riddell politely for a new ninja ppa/url13:07
apacheloggeragateau_: button resizing in OEM mode working as expected \o/ https://trello.com/c/0ls4KLRB13:08
Quintasan>Launchpad: cancellation of archive access13:13
QuintasanWhat did just happen here13:13
agateau_apachelogger: yay \o/13:16
apacheloggerQuintasan: ur being kicked out for being lazy13:19
QuintasanI see.13:19
apacheloggerQuintasan: launchpad is broken or something13:19
Riddellsgclark: "Patch boostfix.diff can be reverse-applied" it somehow got applied without quilt knowing about it13:19
apacheloggerQuintasan: all private ppas were cancelled somehow13:19
QuintasanUh I see.13:19
Riddellsgclark: run `patch -p1 -R < debian/patches/boostfix.diff`13:19
Riddellsgclark: then you can quilt push  successfully13:20
apacheloggerQuintasan: well, membership anyway, so you just need to request a new key13:20
sgclarkRiddell: ok thank you13:20
Riddellsgclark: "--with dkms"  you don't need that, that's for linux kernel moduels13:20
Quintasanapachelogger: The repo is back up?13:20
Riddellsgclark: and in debian/rules you have dh_install twice, you can remove the one without --list-missing as the second one will do the same thing13:21
apacheloggerQuintasan: the repo never was gone, your private ppa access keyes were canceled13:23
RiddellQuintasan: I can add you back13:24
QuintasanRiddell: I did add myself back in the Manage access page but no new keys13:25
Riddelloh you're back in already, clever you13:25
Quintasanwell, lunchpad just gave me keys13:26
RiddellQuintasan: see https://launchpad.net/~jr/+archivesubscriptions13:26
QuintasanThat reminds me - it's way past lunch and I had nothing13:26
Riddellwith your username13:26
QuintasanYup, it's up13:26
RiddellQuintasan: I made some fresh hummous yesterday, you should try that13:26
QuintasanThanks Riddell13:26
Quintasanhttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hummus ?13:26
Riddellthat's the stuff, freshly made it's lovely13:27
QuintasanYou eat alone or you put some stuff into it?13:27
QuintasanOr put that over some other food?13:28
QuintasanIt's a dip13:28
QuintasanGotta try it.13:28
QuintasanThough it's probably fastfood today since I'm at uni till late13:29
Riddellnice on toast with some pesto and almonds13:29
apacheloggerdid I mention, the trello says that beta3 tagging is tomorrow :O13:29
apacheloggerit appears we are a bit behind the kde13:29
apacheloggerbtw, maybe it's vbox but ever so often ubiquity fails to detect intartubes access13:33
apacheloggerI am not quite sure what to make of it13:33
RiddellI've never seen hat13:38
RiddellI've never seen that13:38
sgclarkRiddell: patch -p1 -R < debian/patches/boostfix.diff did nothing, still errors :( this makes no sense13:38
Riddellsgclark: even if you download the files from your ubuntu one share?13:39
sgclarkRiddell: ahh was working with mine, will grab those13:39
Peace-yesterday i had a crash of installer 13:47
Peace-daily build13:47
sgclarkRiddell: yes still same error with those files. I wonder if I am somehow broken13:49
=== agateau_ is now known as agateau
sgclarkRiddell: I figured it out14:12
apacheloggernow libreoffice-math is cluttering the menu14:19
apacheloggerin the name of darth vader, what is it with people making shitty desktop files14:19
* apachelogger silently cries in corner14:19
BluesKajI doesn't know why I keep libreoffice, never use it14:21
sgclarkRiddell: should I be building this with qt4 or qt5?14:36
Riddellsgclark: hmm, good question14:36
Riddellsgclark: it's for plasma media centre which is qt4 so I guess start with qt 414:37
Riddellsgclark: but for bonus points you could make a separate qt5 package :)14:37
sgclarkRiddell: will do :)14:37
shadeslayer_apachelogger: my computer is broken14:50
shadeslayer_trying to get it fixed14:50
apacheloggeroh my14:50
apacheloggerstop spilling coffee over the hardware :P14:50
* apachelogger proudly points out that he hasn't had a coffee incident in over 3 years xD14:51
shadeslayer_apachelogger: nah, gpu is broken15:09
shadeslayer_laptop heats just a little bit and screen goes bonkers15:10
Riddellshadeslayer_: do you have a precise patch for bug 1290514 or need me to do it?15:11
ubottubug 1290514 in qt4-x11 (Ubuntu Saucy) "LibreOffice KDE4 backend crashes in Qt4 recursive paint events" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/129051415:11
Riddellshadeslayer_: do you have a test case for that accessibility problem?15:11
shadeslayer_Riddell: my bug is well documented, jmux's isn't15:12
apacheloggershadeslayer_: mh, intel onboard graphics ftw15:19
* apachelogger points out that the accesibility problem has slightly higher priority15:19
apacheloggershadeslayer_: where are we on that?15:20
shadeslayer_apachelogger: waiting for paperwork on LO4 bug15:22
shadeslayer_Riddell: i thought i uploaded precise15:23
shadeslayer_if not, please go ahead and do that15:23
shadeslayer_since i need to setup the spare machine15:23
apacheloggerI feel they should be handled seperately15:25
apacheloggerif verifiction of one patch causes failure the other will be blocked as well15:25
sgclarkRiddell: qxorm is ready for you in my ubuntu one15:26
apacheloggerI do wonder what the problem is15:40
apacheloggerare we using apt-pkg incorectly, or is the deb broken, or is apt-pkg bugged15:41
Riddellsurely manchicken will know all15:42
apacheloggerI don't think he's looked at that particular part of madness yet ^^15:43
apacheloggerit's pretty isolated from the rest of the lib15:43
* apachelogger can't find the function in question in apt15:45
apacheloggerI am just really very bad at grepping15:46
apacheloggerapt has really terrible code15:49
apacheloggerapt problem, sort of15:51
apacheloggerit expects the path to have a file extension and then tries to fetch a substring of that15:51
apacheloggerif the path doesn't have one that causes an out of range exception because the extension length may be 0 for example15:52
mamarleyI am getting an HTTP 401 for the Kubuntu Ninjas PPA.15:55
Riddellmamarley: you'll need a new password15:58
Riddellmamarley: for which you'll need to promis to fill in the testing form15:58
* mamarley promises.15:59
manchickenWhat will I know?15:59
sgclarkRiddell: http://paste.ubuntu.com/7114834/16:09
Riddellsgclark: lintian's not wrong there but since you have good reason to change it it's fine to override16:10
* manchicken can't open that errors document…16:14
apacheloggermanchicken: fixed :P16:16
apacheloggermanchicken: for the errors you need to sign an agreement saying that you won't do evil things with the data16:16
manchickenNo promises.16:16
apacheloggerseeing as the data is automagically transmitted without user tempering that seems fair ;)16:16
apacheloggermanchicken: are the fixes in master good for release?16:17
manchickenAs far as I know.16:17
apacheloggerif so I am batch exporting everything to the package to safe us from having to roll a tarball ^^16:17
manchickenThey don't fix the LANG settings bug, but the duplicate sources bug has been fixed.16:17
apacheloggerit's a start :)16:18
manchickenAnd from what I understand, that bug you submitted was an existing bug.16:19
apacheloggerthe debfile thing, yeah16:20
apacheloggeror maybe not, it's really a bug in apt-pkg if you ask me16:20
apacheloggerlibraries should not ever throw exceptions, but I reckon most of the world outside qt will disagree with me on that16:21
apachelogger  Uploading libqapt_2.1.70-0ubuntu2_source.changes: done.16:22
apacheloggerSuccessfully uploaded packages.16:22
apachelogger^ batch export of master changes16:22
apacheloggerthat makes qapt-deb-installer pretty much crash free it seems16:25
apacheloggershadeslayer_: you haven't landed the a11y fix in trusty yet?16:26
sgclarkRiddell: did you grab the qt4 version already? the qt5 still has the same filenames16:26
shadeslayer_apachelogger: i did16:27
* apachelogger wonders why the crash is not marked deprecated16:27
Riddellsgclark: not yet I'm afraid16:27
sgclarkRiddell: ping me when you are ready for qt5 :)16:28
apacheloggershadeslayer_: nevermind, error tracks the crashes against plasma-desktop so until its version changes it won't be able to detect the fixery16:29
apacheloggeron a related note16:29
apacheloggeryofel: 4:4.11.6+git20140308+bzr48768+pkg866~ubuntu14.04.116:30
apacheloggeryofel: didn't you deactivate/delete the daily builds?16:30
apacheloggershadeslayer_: seems ubuntu4 indeed has stopped all the qdeclarativeitem crashes \o/16:32
apacheloggerdon't see any submissions with that version anyway16:32
apacheloggerRiddell, shadeslayer_: I propose the council sends a free shirt to the dude who came up with the fix16:33
shadeslayer_+1 from my side16:34
kubotu::workspace-bugs:: [1283820] content of windows (and desktop) appear black when using kwin, but not with kwin_gles - in... @ https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/1283820 (by avlas)16:40
ahoneybun_Riddell, apachelogger can you throw me a list of packages I need for full support for any lang? ex. like for just the danish lang? I wish to test the User Docs in 14.0418:59
apacheloggerahoneybun_: systemsettings -> regional stuff -> change language to whatever -> will install everything -> logout -> login -> everything should be in that language19:19
ahoneybun_apachelogger, thanks19:19
ahoneybun_going to test now19:19
ahoneybun_does not install it19:23
ahoneybun_doing it though konsole19:23
ahoneybun_apachelogger, the current problem is that khelpcenter is looking in the wrong directory for the lang file for the user docs19:29
yofelapachelogger: I thought I did, obviously I didn't completely :S20:01
yofelI'll get rid of them tomorrow20:01
kdeuser56how are tags in kmail handled now? are they using xattr for pop3 mail?20:07
* yofel added himself back to ninjas20:14
yofelcome to think of it... "You can grant access to people or teams to install software from your PPA."20:14
yofelRiddell: couldn't we just add people there instead of sharing our keys?20:15
kdeuser56yofel: are you on 4.13?20:17
yofel.90 that is20:17
kdeuser56yofel: can you reproduce the following: give two folders the same tag and then click the tag in one of theme in the right side panel... this does not query anything ...20:18
kdeuser56yofel: If I remember correctly clicking the tag would query all folders/file of the same tag ...20:18
yofelnow you ask me something as I've never actually really used nepomuk for anything bug email indexing. I'll check in a bit though20:20
kdeuser56yofel: Finally I will make use of all the tag/comment stuff, as I the xattr solution is more reliable...20:22
kdeuser56so I wont loose all my metadata again with an upgrade20:22
yofelif you enable it sure, we won't be testing though as xattr is disabled distribution wide by default (IIRC)20:23
yofel*testing it20:23
kdeuser56yofel: how can that be? xattr works here, although I never specifically enabled them ...20:24
kdeuser56yofel: using btrfs though ...20:24
yofelI might be wrong then, not sure. I'll have to verify what's ext4 set to20:25
kdeuser56yofel: so you changed the login process for the private ppa?20:30
yofelok nvm, xattr seems to work fine with ext420:30
yofelI stand corrected20:30
kdeuser56yofel: I cannot access the ninjas ppa anymore20:31
yofelkdeuser56: well, launchpad admins did a private ppa membership cleanup and caused some collateral damage20:31
kdeuser56yofel: ah okay20:31
kdeuser56yofel: in a bad situation ... I was just about to install some missing debug package for some akonadi crashes :-(20:31
yofelI can give you a new key as I'm looking up my new one anyway right now20:32
kdeuser56yofel: would be coold :-)20:32
kdeuser56yofel: can you reproduce the quering problem?20:32
kdeuser56yofel: another thing i noticed: the advanced file search in dolphin is broken for ratings ..., no matter which rating I select, all files are shown20:33
kdeuser56does anyone here know how to handle apt-get correctly from shellscripts? The process seems to return quite often, e.g. after finishing download, after finishing extracting etc. so if I list some apt-get commands after each other, only half of them get executed ...20:37
kdeuser56this makes my life really hard, as I run automated scripts that should install me debug packages, that a parse through a for loop, but in the end there are many missing ones ... recking shows the got parsed though ...20:38
macokdeuser56: do you know you can install many packages on one line?20:39
kdeuser56maco: of course, but this is no option when using a for loop ...20:39
kdeuser56maco: and that has one big disadvantage: if one package is not installable, the whole process fails ...20:39
macoi dont think ive ever used apt-get in a for-loop, but i guess what i'd do instead is use the for loop to build a list, then pass that to apt-get20:40
kdeuser56maco, as I said, has the disadvantage of failing if one package is not installable20:40
macooh right it doesnt skip20:41
macodpkg --set-selections does skip though20:41
yofelkdeuser56: apt-get shouldn't really return anything until a package is installed20:41
yofelif anything it asks you a lot of questions20:41
maco(im trying to think of how i've replicated package lists across rebaselines)20:41
kdeuser56yofel: but somehow it does not work, it always leaves out packages that are for sure specifiedi in the commands and are installable ...20:42
kdeuser56yofel: and if I am not mistaken apt returns something after finishing downloading packages ... that might be the reason ...20:43
kdeuser56is the only rational argument that would explain the siutation: apt-get finished downloading, while the script already passes the next command, but apt-get is not ready yet, so it fails, while the other process finishes20:44
yofelyou can never run apt-get in parallel, but it shouldn't wait after downloading20:45
yofelunless something failed to download20:45
kdeuser56yofel: i know i cannot run it in parallel, but the script could already pass another command, although apt-get is still locked ...20:46
kdeuser56the passed command would simply fail ...20:46
kdeuser56yofel: In theory I should be able to remove nepomuk-core-runtime right?20:51
yofelnot really, at least not right now20:51
yofelRiddell: did we have a consens on completely removing nepomuk?20:51
kdeuser56yofel: it does not work, E: Error, pkgProblemResolver::Resolve generated breaks, this may be caused by held packages.20:52
kdeuser56yofel, has to do with kde-runtime 20:53
kdeuser56yofel: could nepomuk-core-runtime  and nepomuk-core-data become optional dependencies of kde-runtime ?20:54
kdeuser56yofel: and making a hard dependency on nepomuk only for applications not ported to baloo yet, like digikam? 20:55
yofelkde-runtime has the KCM, so either we remove it completely or not at all20:56
kdeuser56yofel: ah damn, right :-(20:59
shadeslayer_yay -.-21:12
shadeslayer_apparently my issue is well documented21:12
shadeslayer_so its not a single instance of the logic board being faulty21:12
shadeslayer_yofel: can you do me a favor?21:24
shadeslayer_yofel: plz update kdeconnect21:24
Riddellahoneybun_: see /usr/share/language-selector/data/pkg_depends search for :da:22:15
Riddellyofel: no consensus against removing it, why would we keep it?  PMC is the only thing left using it and I doubt it's worth the resources for something that isn't installed by default22:15
yofelok, I'll remove it from kde-runtime then, that never got done22:17
yofeldo you know what else needs removing? Does it have to be running for the migrator?22:17
Riddellno it doesn't, and the migrator switches it off in the config22:18
kubotu::qt-bugs:: [1290514] LibreOffice KDE4 backend crashes in Qt4 recursive paint events @ https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/1290514 (by Jan-Marek Glogowski)22:38
=== soee_ is now known as soee
=== emma__ is now known as emma
RiddellScottK: ping, don't forget bug 129189923:42
ubottubug 1291899 in kde4libs (Ubuntu) "Feature Freeze exception for KDE SC 4.13" [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/129189923:42
kubotu::qt-bugs:: [1289600] Fix for crashes due to ubuntu-specific accessibility patch @ https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/1289600 (by Alexey Borzenkov)23:43

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