
=== Ursinha-afk is now known as Ursinha
brainwashhello, can anyone please mark a handful of reports as public? these reports are currently referenced by other reports (duplicates)10:36
brainwashbugs: 1159143 1204675 1290114 123310710:37
brainwashhggdh: can you please reveal the mentioned bug reports? ^12:46
hggdhbug 115914312:52
* hggdh kicks ubot212:52
hggdhbrainwash: 1159143 is public now12:54
hggdhbrainwash: I released the others as well12:59
brainwashhggdh: thanks :)13:01
awehggdh, my membership to ubuntu-bug-control expired, is this something you could restore?  I was granted access so that I can triage/process ofono  bugs, and unfortunately let my membership expire18:27
hggdhawe: yes, I can. What is your LP id?18:53
awehggdh, 'awe'18:53
hggdhawe: done18:55
awegreat, thanks again!18:57
=== Ursinha is now known as Ursinha-afk
=== Ursinha-afk is now known as Ursinha
=== emma__ is now known as emma

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