
=== thumper-gym is now known as thumper
mterryrobert_ancell, I have another patch I'd like to squeeze into lightdm.  This time having it search XDG_DATA_DIRS for config info (to let OEM team customize image)01:14
mterryrobert_ancell, haven't written it yet, but wanted to run idea by you01:15
robert_ancellmterry, makes sense01:15
mterryrobert_ancell, cool.  Will whip something by your next morning hopefully01:15
robert_ancellmterry, I was thinking about that at one point - we're supposed to always use XDG_DATA_DIRS now right?01:15
mterryrobert_ancell, ideally01:15
robert_ancellI was wondering if we should be using $XDG_CONFIG_DIRS as well - I noticed upstart uses that01:16
mterryoh maybe01:16
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=== CardinalFang is now known as qengho
GunnarHjThanks pitti :)06:54
pittihey GunnarHj; yw!06:54
hikikompt, hello :)08:05
hikikoit seems that marco had already proposed something better than a slider and I wasn't aware08:05
mpthikiko, really? Seems like a slider is the right control to use here. Anyway, it’s the layout that’s the issue.08:07
hikikohello, the option mirror displays in u-c-c is for any number of displays isn't it?08:34
hikikojust to get sure08:35
hikikook found :) ignore ^08:36
seb128good morning desktopers08:50
hikikohi seb128 :)08:50
seb128hikiko, hey, how are you?08:51
hikikogood, you? :)08:51
seb128good morning Laney ;-)09:06
ochosimorning everyone09:06
ochosiseb128: can i quickly ask you something wrt a FFe we're considering?09:07
seb128ochosi, hey, sure09:07
Laneyguten morgen seb12809:07
ochosiseb128: thanks! ok, so we're planning another release of light-locker (1.4.0), which introduces one feature ("late locking") and an option that could almost be considered bugfix ("enable/disable lock on suspend", right now it can't be disabled)09:08
ochosiseb128: we've already done the last dev release for it and are only waiting for some translations to flow in (maybe until the end of the week). do you think there's a chance for a FFe for this?09:09
ochosiseb128: (the alternative would be to backport the "disable lock on suspend" option to the 1.2 series)09:10
seb128ochosi, 1.2 is the serie you have in trusty? what are the other changes in the new serie? (e.g what would you left out if you backport that only)09:11
ochosiseb128: yes, 1.2 is the series currently in trusty. there are no other changes than the two i mentioned. i know the version step sounds big, but that's all we implemented meanwhile09:12
seb128if there no other change the "backport to 1.2" option doesn't really make sense09:12
seb128that's basically the same option than taking the new one09:12
ochosiwell partly we were targetting xubuntu with 1.4, and a small version step for a new feature seemed a bit odd09:12
seb128I'm not in the release team but that seems fine for a ffe from where I sit09:12
seb128Laney might have more of an opinion, he's in the release team ;-)09:13
ochosisure, thanks your pov :)09:13
Laneyit should be ok if xubuntu wants it in09:13
ochosiyep, already discussed with project lead and one of our other devs to be sure09:15
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seb128Laney, https://code.launchpad.net/~binli/unity-control-center/1291862/+merge/211258 got updated if you want to give another round of testing09:19
LaneyI saw09:19
Laneywill do09:19
ochosithanks for the heads-up Laney and seb128 !09:20
ochosiLaney: would it be ok if i asked you for review once the FFe is ready?09:20
LaneyI'll see it come in09:21
ochosi(you can still say "no" then ;))09:21
ochosiok, sure09:21
tsdgeosseb128: i think lightdm not starting has to do with it trying to find a self-compiled unity-greeter from back when i did some development in unity-greeter, just that i can't find the file where i changed that now :D10:01
seb128tsdgeos, try looking in /etc/lightdm ?10:02
tsdgeosdid, couldn't find anything, will wait for mterry and ask him10:02
seb128tsdgeos, look at /var/log/lightdm/lightdm.log it has the "Loading configuration from..." lines10:03
seb128tsdgeos, or maybe you can share that log file?10:04
tsdgeos[+4.79s] DEBUG: Session pid=1726: Running command /usr/lib/lightdm/lightdm-greeter-session /home/tsdgeos_work/unity-greeter/src/unity-greeter10:05
tsdgeosi only need to know where that comes from :D10:05
seb128can you share the log?10:05
tsdgeosah, found it10:05
seb128where was it?10:05
tsdgeosso i had changed greeter-session in  /etc/lightdm/lightdm.conf and created a new file under /usr/share/xgreeters/10:07
seb128k, that makes sense10:07
seb128so it was in /etc/lightdm :p10:08
tsdgeosyeah, just the _work grep i was expecting to find was not there10:08
tsdgeosso PEBKAC10:09
seb128good that you resolved it in any case ;-)10:11
GunnarHjHi seb128, have a minute?10:23
seb128GunnarHj, hey, sure10:23
GunnarHjseb128: A proposed "What's new" page: http://people.ubuntu.com/~gunnarhj/whats-new.html10:23
GunnarHjCould you please review it and let me know if the selection of items is appropriate?10:23
seb128oh, thanks for working on that!10:24
GunnarHjseb128: There is a small thread about it on the ubuntu-doc mailing list, starting with https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-doc/2014-March/018757.html10:24
GunnarHjseb128: We try to cover the 2 years period 12.04 - 14.04.10:25
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seb128that list seems mostly good10:26
seb128it would be good to add a bullet point about Hi-DPI monitors support10:26
seb128the scaling option you listed in 2. is part of that10:26
seb128but we have scaling support in GTK, libreoffice, chromium as well10:27
GunnarHjseb128: In that case somebody needs to propose the wording. I simply don't know enough about it.10:27
seb128not sure if the new lock screen is worth mentioning10:27
seb128did we add the "disable online sources" for the dash for or after 12.04? (I don't remember)10:28
GunnarHjseb128: Isn't the lock screen more a thing behind the scenes?10:28
seb128if that was not in 12.04 it might be worth mentioning10:28
seb128"behind the scenes" ... well, replacing the grey win95 style password box is quite user visible10:29
seb128but yeah, it's not a new feature or anything like that10:29
GunnarHjok :)10:29
seb128you can maybe mention work continued to improve the unity look&style10:29
GunnarHjOk, that sounds good.10:30
seb128e.g rounded windows decoration, new lock screen, theme tweaks (borderless windows for example)10:30
GunnarHjseb128: Anything on the list that you feel is redundant?10:33
seb128GunnarHj, 6. is already included in the dash section10:35
GunnarHjseb128: Yes, that's true. I'll drop that.10:36
seb128you can add a (including music stores, wikipedia, <some useful/popular scopes>) to 4.1. if you feel like highlighting some10:36
seb1287. ... we already had some online integration in 12.04 no?10:36
qenghoHiya. This is a weird problem. Sorry. Two keys, Up and Left, on my USB keyboard stopped working.  Not inside Linux. At all, e.g. at GRUB prompt. I plugged in a PS1 keyboard to same computer and it works. I plug the keyboard into another computer, and it works. So, my question, WTF?10:37
seb1289. I think we dropped the remote login from the default installation, so I'm not sure it should be mentioned10:37
seb128qengho, usb port buggy? can you use another device (music player, key, phone) in it?10:37
GunnarHjseb128: 7. I 'stole' it from "What's new 12.10".10:38
GunnarHjseb128: 9. Ok, let's drop remote login.10:38
seb1287.. ok, so 12.10, I knew it was some versions old but I didn't remember the specifics ;-)10:38
seb128that's all the comments I have10:38
GunnarHjseb128: Thanks! What about the wording of that scaling thing?10:39
qenghoseb128: could be. Four wires carrying HID protocol and exactly two keys not working?  I'll test it, though.10:39
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seb128GunnarHj, I don't really know, "Support added for scaling Unity and the applications, which allows a better experience on Hi-DPI screens"10:47
qenghoWell that is thoroughly unsatisfying. Putting keyboard in original computer, different port worked.  Moving it back to the same USB port, and it works.10:47
seb128GunnarHj, you can maybe find details in https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Unity/Desktop/14.04/Unity7HighDPI10:47
seb128qengho, weird :/10:47
GunnarHjseb128: Ok, that page should give sufficient guidance. Thanks!10:49
qenghoSo, having a PS1 plugged in, visiting a different port for a moment, some minutes of cursing, and talking to a frenchman, in aggregate, fixed it.10:49
seb128GunnarHj, yw!10:50
seb128qengho, could maybe be a loose wire or something, doing contact sometimes after moving it, still weird that would affect only some keys though10:51
hikikoseb128, do you know if ff and libreoffice and thunderbird pay attention to text-scaling-factor or scaling-factor or who should I ask?10:53
seb128hikiko, I don't know, libreoffice -> Sweetsha1k , tb -> chrisccoulson10:54
hikikoSweetsha1k, hello! could you please tell me this ^^10:57
Sweetsha1kLibreOffice has its own font scaling factor see Tools->Options LibreOffice->View->User interface scaling, there is no decision yet on syncing that from Unity (by unity writing in the LibreOffice profile).11:00
hikikothanks Sweetsha1k :)11:02
=== Sweetsha1k is now known as Sweetshark
cyphermoxLaney: what's this about modify.own on bug 1116317?12:25
ubot2Launchpad bug 1116317 in network-manager-applet (Ubuntu Precise) "[ffe] allow option to create user connections by default" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/111631712:25
cyphermoxalso, I didn't add DEP-3 tags because I took the patch straight from Debian, I want to avoid merging this when it comes to merging from Debian next time, which should be as soon as U opens, pretty much12:25
Laneycyphermox: It's in the description12:28
Laneytags let anyone that's not cyphermox see where it came from12:28
Laneyare they hard to merge?12:29
cyphermoxno ;)12:29
cyphermoxjust a smaller diff makes my life easier ;)12:29
cyphermoxthe modify.own explicitly should not be in the package12:30
cyphermoxit's custom policy for those enterprises that really want to lock down NM12:30
cyphermoxthis just allows nm-applet to honor such configurations the right way rather than not allow you to configure the connection at all as the user, since it defaults to system-wide12:31
Laneyya, I just mean that it's not checked for explicitly in the patch (compared to the old version which did)12:33
LaneyIt sounded to me like you had to change that setting but it is actually the default12:33
Laneyheaders could go in debian too btw if you can commit there ;-)12:34
Laneyif not, you should probably get that access12:34
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GunnarHjpitti: relaxed dependencies?13:10
pittiGunnarHj: only recommend it, or perhaps better with [i386 amd64 ...] (i. e. arches where LibO is available)13:10
pitti[i386 amd64 armhf powerpc]13:11
pittiGunnarHj: ^ but that list ist a bit icky to maintain, and won't sync to debian13:11
pittiGunnarHj: hence i was wondering why a thesaurus would need a hard dependency on LibO13:11
pittishouldn't that rather be "Enhances:" or Suggests:?13:12
GunnarHjpitti: Well, it does not need anything. It's just two text files.13:12
pittiGunnarHj: right, so dropping it to suggests shoudl be ok?13:12
pittiGunnarHj: oh, and Architecture: should be "all", not "any"13:13
GunnarHjpitti: Absolutely. Should I do it in Ubuntu only for now?13:13
pittiGunnarHj: unless these have some binary stuff in there which is arch dependent?13:13
pittiGunnarHj: no, I think that can go to Debian13:13
GunnarHjpitti: I understand about "all". Wondered about all those different debs...13:13
pittiGunnarHj: sorry, I missed that during review13:14
GunnarHjpitti: Now I'm going to remember it. :)13:14
pittiGunnarHj: do you want to prep an update? I'll sponsor it right away (you can just send me a pastebin, or via mail, etc.; as easy as possible)13:14
GunnarHjpitti: Ok, I'll prepare it. Stand by.13:15
pittiGunnarHj: thanks!13:16
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GunnarHjpitti: Thank *you*.13:16
Laneyoh neat, you got that in13:16
pittiLaney: yes, we just need to appease britney a bit :)13:17
Laneyya, looking at that Enhances sounds good13:17
GunnarHjpitti, Laney: Just a thought... I didn't invent that recommend myself - I copied and pasted from some other mythes-*. Can it possibly be that changing from "any" to "all" is sufficient?13:19
pittiGunnarHj: yes, I suppose it is13:20
pittistill curious how that got through britney, as regardless of its arch that dep remains unsatisfiable on those arches13:20
pittibut presumably britney special-cases that13:20
GunnarHjpitti: I have no idea.13:21
pittiGunnarHj: so for now, let's fix it to Arch: all13:21
GunnarHjpitti: Ok.13:21
Laneythere's some special-casing of arch:all in britney13:23
Laneyso it probably works13:23
mterryseb128, the new lockscreen in 14.04 doesn't work for me.  It never accepts my password.  Is that a known bug?13:33
seb128mterry, no13:34
seb128mterry, do you have some weird chars that nux might not like? e.G can you type all the chars from your password in e.g the dash?13:34
GunnarHjpitti: http://people.ubuntu.com/~gunnarhj/mythes-sv_new-arch.patch.txt13:34
mterryseb128, yeah13:35
mterryseb128, everything is on the keyboard13:35
mterryi.e. no composing13:35
seb128mterry, your keyboard layout is right (check the indicator)13:35
seb128mterry, do you have any error in the .cache/upstart/compiz.log ?13:36
pittimterry: is your /etc/shadow root:shadow 640, or did that perhaps get changed?13:36
pittimterry: (sometimes happened to me when restoring backups)13:36
pittiGunnarHj: built/uploaded to sid; I'll sync this evening or tomorrow morning13:37
GunnarHjpitti: Thank you very much, Martin!13:37
pittithanks to yo13:38
mterryUh, I'd have to kill my session to double-check it, but I don't remember seeing another layout in there (I do have a second chinese layout for testing configured, so it's possible it screwed that up...)13:40
mterryseb128, also, how is one supposed to switch to another user from the lockscreen?13:40
mterryseb128, none of the indicators open for me13:40
pittithe indicator worked for me, but it's not very discoverable13:40
pittiit ought to be similar to lightdm, that'd be nicer13:40
seb128mterry, using the indicators, once they fix the stacking regression issues you just described (which they added when fixed the "dash sometime open in front of the lock screen)13:41
seb128pitti, similar? like listing different users13:41
pittiseb128: perhaps, but at least some directly visible "switch to other user"13:41
pittilike in the old screen saver13:41
seb128mterry, you can probably keyboard browse it though :p13:41
seb128pitti, right, that would be nice. The "list other users" is tricky because you don't want to type your password in a process owned by another user :p13:42
pittiseb128: right, and you can't even (I even wonder how it does that for your own user -- there must be some setgid shadow helper involved?)13:43
pittiprobably unix_checkpwd13:43
mterrypitti, seb128: ok, /etc/shadow is good.  Looking at compiz.log13:43
mterryseb128, I don't have a compiz.log?13:43
seb128mterry, sorry, it's in gnome-session-ubuntu.log13:44
mterryseb128, trying to dig through the file.  We don't use gnome-screensaver anymore with this, right?  This is in-shell?13:47
seb128sort of13:49
seb128depends for what, the lock screen/unlocking is in unity yes13:49
seb128we still use gnome-screensaver for idle tracking and starting lock13:49
seb128e.g we didn't replace those part, we just changed g-s to trigger the unity lock when it was displaying it's gtk dialog before13:49
mterryseb128, I don't see anything in the log13:51
seb128k, dunno then :/13:51
seb128note that you can change the lock screen back to gnome-screensaver in ccsm13:52
seb128if you want to verify that g-s takes your password fine13:52
mterryseb128, is that "None"?  (I get lightdm, unity, or none)13:54
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* mterry sticks with LightDM, since None is apparently really None13:56
seb128mterry, lightdm is g-s I think?13:58
mterryseb128, no it took me right to lightdm itself13:58
mterryKinda nice13:58
seb128you might be able to run XDG_CURRENT_DESKTOP=GNOME gnome-screensaver-daemon or something14:00
seb128if you want to test typing your password to g-s14:00
seb128but otherwise you need to find andyrock to debug unity not take your password I guess14:00
andyrockactually none should allow you to use g-s14:08
andyrockg-s should be smart enough to detect that unity is not locking14:08
seb128andyrock, do you have any hint on how to debug password not being accepted by unity lock screen? seems to happen to mterry14:11
andyrockseb128, let's start from the lightdm pam14:12
andyrockmaybe he's using a different module?14:12
mterryandyrock, when I did None and locked screen nothing happened14:12
seb128andyrock, how do you know which one is being used?14:13
andyrockmterry, well i added that before Trevinho integrated unity with g-s14:13
seb128it's likely that mterry tweaked his pam config, he has been working around component using it14:13
mterryseb128, that's fair...  I don't remember what I would have done, but it's possible14:13
andyrockwe use lightdm pam config file14:13
seb128andyrock, btw are you working on all those bugs tagged lockscreen? like the "lock again when coming from the greeter"?14:13
andyrockyep not know14:14
andyrockduring the afternoon14:14
andyrockmterry, can you pastebin the content of  /etc/pam.d/lightdm ?14:15
mterryandyrock, http://paste.ubuntu.com/7114270/14:16
andyrockmterry, lightdm works fine?14:16
mterryandyrock, seems to14:16
andyrockbut it fails to unlock or it says that the password is not correct?14:17
andyrockmterry, ^^^14:18
mterryandyrock, the lockscreen does.  It spins for a bit then says invalid password14:18
andyrockthat's weird... i did some tests in the last week (just on my system, not in trunk!) and it happened that nux doubled some chars14:21
andyrockat the moment there is no way do debug it without building unity14:22
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seb128oh, it's meeting time!15:30
desrtcan't touch this15:30
seb128qengho, Sweetshark, mlankhorst, laney, tkamppeter, desrt, larsu, kenvandine: hey15:30
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* kenvandine waves15:31
seb128I hope everybody is back to bugfixing after ff backlog and vUDS ;-)15:32
seb128let's get started15:32
seb128no qengho?15:32
seb128Sweetshark, ok, you start I guess then ;-)15:32
kenvandine"bug fixing" :)15:32
qenghoBah, network flaky.15:33
qenghoMy turn?15:33
Sweetsharkqengho: go15:33
Sweetshark(me still collects bug refs)15:33
qenghoDone: direct-mode touch devices seem to work in Chromium Dev line now. Backporti15:33
qenghong it to Beta line, which should be landing at end of month.15:33
qenghoDone: publishing Cr 33.0.1750.152 to security now.15:33
qenghoTo-do: gestures don't work for dependent-mode touch devices yet.15:33
qenghoTo-do: polish Cr patches so they're accepted upstream.15:33
seb128qengho, is the version that landed recently in trusty including touch support?15:34
qenghoseb128: no. The diffs to that are too big.  I can't backport that far without lots of bugs.15:34
seb128so it's not going to be in trusty at this point I guess?15:35
seb128what's the plan? get those upstream and flowing back with some update later on?15:35
qenghoYes.  End of this month, 34 is promoted to Stable. That will have all.15:35
seb128great, so maybe even for trusty release ;-)15:35
seb128qengho, thanks15:36
seb128Sweetshark, your turn this time!15:36
Sweetshark- upstream Writer 4.2 regression sweep15:36
Sweetshark-- fixed table zoom crash fdo#7485415:36
Sweetshark-- found and triaged table cut-undo and insert row crashes, fixed thanks to Miklos now fdo#75898 fdo#7511015:36
Sweetshark-- all confirmed, open Writer 4.2 regressions triaged now (5 regressions, 3 inherited from AOO work) => looking good in general15:36
Sweetshark- looked at some old regressions (introduced in4.1 and older)15:36
Sweetshark-- fixed cant shrink graphic regression (orgin: AOO again) fdo#4735515:36
Sweetshark-- fixed broken table refs fdo#7549215:36
Sweetshark- fixed autopkgtests15:36
Sweetshark-- fixed local running tests first. Unfortunately, that didnt mean they also run happily in the VM.15:36
Sweetshark-- fixed them there too, should be alright now -- waiting for PPA build to finisto confirm15:36
Sweetshark- looked at regression count in other apps too15:36
Sweetshark- Investigated options for HiDPI setting sync from Unity (vUDS session)15:36
Sweetshark- bumped to upstream 4.2.3~rc115:37
Sweetshark- Ongoing: triaging "Send Document as Mail" brokeness -- bug 121719115:37
ubot2Launchpad bug 1217191 in libreoffice (Ubuntu) ""Send document as Open Document Text" fails to attach doc when using Thunderbird" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/121719115:37
Sweetshark- Ongoing: Hackfest Gran Canaria preparations https://wiki.documentfoundation.org/Hackfest/GranCanaria201415:37
Sweetshark(well, and quite a bit of additional bibisect/triage work in writer)15:37
desrtSweetshark: how does one get invited to said hackfest? ;)15:37
seb128Sweetshark, do you need sponsoring for the 4.2.3~rc1?15:37
seb128Sweetshark, and yeah, I see how you guys pick your hackfest locations!15:37
Sweetsharkseb128: I want the autopkgtests and the mail issue still in there.15:38
seb128let me know when you need sponsoring15:38
Sweetsharkseb128: also: its an rc1 -- shouldnt be an issue, but ...15:38
desrtseb128: aruiz has his name on this list... i suspect this may have something to do with it :)15:38
Sweetsharkdesrt: there is still travel sponsoring available. just contribute to LO and ask ;) (that said: europeans have it cheaper to that location, so ...)15:39
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seb128Sweetshark, btw I pinged about the dmb application, bdrung is busy and he didn't want to keep blocking it so he bounced back to them to have it re-evaluated, with some luck it's going to be ok this time!15:39
seb128desrt, haha15:39
Sweetsharkoh, speaking of which: some GSOC mentoring.15:39
Sweetsharkseb128: cool15:39
seb128Sweetshark, thanks15:40
seb128mlankhorst, hey15:40
mlankhorstbugsquashing, keeping the xorg workqueue from exploding, fixing crash bug on shutdown with optimus, updating wine to 1.6.2 (needs sponsoring), upstream kernel work + testing (ati + snb optimus appears to work again :D), taking a look at all piglit crasher bugs in mesa.git.15:40
mlankhorsthope that didn't get cut off :P15:40
Sweetsharkdesrt: aruiz and the fact that a/ Las Palmas uses LibreOffice, while b/ the rest of GC uses OpenOffice still both have nothing to do with that.15:40
mlankhorstbut piglit has no crashers on my system now, going to look at intel and ati next.15:41
seb128that didn't15:41
seb128mlankhorst, I saw quite a fix segfault in the e.u.c daily reports, I guess that's what you are focussing on in the next weeks?15:41
mlankhorstseb128: the most common one appears to be lack of xv support in fglrx15:42
mlankhorstat least that's my guess15:42
mlankhorstwas getting 100 dupes of that bug :P15:42
mlankhorstoh speaking of which another one15:42
seb128do we have people talking to amd about those?15:42
ubot2Launchpad bug 1279412 in fglrx-installer (Ubuntu) "Xorg crashed with SIGABRT in xdl_xs115_atiddxPixmapIsTypeOf()" [Critical,Triaged]15:42
mlankhorstyeah i poked them15:42
mlankhorsttseliot: ?15:42
seb128we don't have contact at virtualbox by any chance?15:43
seb128quite some reports in trusty from issues with their gl drivers15:43
mlankhorstnot that I know :s15:43
seb128mlankhorst, thanks15:44
seb128laney: your turn (I wonder why my xchat tab complet 2 laneys there)15:44
Laneyyou can't have too many laneys15:44
Laney• Short week due to holidays15:44
Laney• GNOME updates: glib webkit librsvg15:44
Laney• cross-building breakage with Qt 5.2; fix building15:44
Laney• Upload qcreator-plugin-cmake for upgrade failure15:44
Laney• Review many FFes15:44
kenvandinebecause Laney is twice as cool as seb128?15:44
* kenvandine ducks15:45
seb128kenvandine, I'm going to show you :p15:45
mlankhorstless than half as cool, which is why you need 2 ;D15:45
kenvandinemlankhorst, better math then me :)15:45
seb128Laney: how are things looking from the FFe front to you? (and for the release)15:45
* seb128 is still a bit nervous about the new lock screen15:46
LaneyI'm just parallelised15:46
seb128not sure that's going to be good enough for release15:46
LaneyI don't see much for desktop remaining15:46
Laneycyphermox wants to make NM use user connections15:46
seb128that, and there is the Ubuntu GNOME ffe for gnome-desktop 3.10 which seems risky as well15:46
Laneyand there's the gnome-desktop one15:46
seb128laney: no cool utf8 end of list char this week? ;-)15:47
LaneyIt feels too risky, I'd probably rather they just do that on unctuous unicorn day 115:47
Laneyno I was fiddling with glib until the last second :(15:48
seb128yeah, that's my take too, not going to make the GNOME guys happy though15:48
Laneyyou put one in yours though :P15:48
LaneyI usually use this list http://unicodeemoticons.com/cool_text_icons_and_pictures.htm15:48
seb128laney: thanks (to both of you :p)15:48
tkamppeter14.10 will be unctuous unicorn?15:49
seb128tkamppeter, who knows ;-)15:49
seb128tkamppeter, your turn btw ;-)15:50
mlankhorstpssh unicorns15:50
kenvandineit's that time in the cycle where everyone has fun speculating15:50
tkamppeter- Google Summer of Code 2014: Got first student applications, especially IPP-over-USB support for Linux will get done by one or two students who already did several GSoCs successfully for us.15:50
tkamppeter- cups-filters: 1.0.47 and 1.0.48 with security fixes and several other bug fixes including a crasher in cups-browsed.15:50
tkamppeter- ghostscript: As there was no new upstream release before FF, backported important upstream fixes to our package.15:50
tkamppeter- HPLIP: 3.14.3 upstream release with many bug fixes.15:50
tkamppeter- system-config-printer: Additional fix for driver auto-download.15:50
tkamppeter- Bugs.15:50
mlankhorstLaney: I've upgraded my bike to a draft horse btw >:D15:51
seb128tkamppeter, thanks15:51
seb128desrt, your turn ;-)15:51
tseliotmlankhorst: sorry, I'm fighting with a different issue on my amd system15:51
desrtupstream bug fixing, releases15:51
desrtreviews, various bits of ubuntu bug hunting15:51
desrtjhbuild hacking and cleaning up (environment handling, mostly -- fixed debian multiarch, python path issues, finally killing off ACLOCAL_PATH, gnome-common fixes, etc.)15:51
desrthelped a few potential SoC students find their way15:52
desrtlots of portability fixes in various projects in the past weeks15:52
desrtbranched glib15:52
desrtgoing to start looking at mainloop again15:52
desrtseb128: did we start seeing less of that u-s-d crasher in the past days?15:52
seb128desrt, I'm trying to check15:54
seb128but I might just get back to you at the end of the meeting for that :p15:54
seb128desrt, thanks15:55
seb128no attente, he's on holidays until thursday15:55
seb128larsu, so your turn15:55
larsu- finished up rhythmbox menus after design input15:55
larsu- evince: added back secondary keybindings; some other smaller bug fixes related to the menubar patch15:55
larsu- sound: show a red icon when muted and sound is playing, fix volume notification when allow-amplified is on, fix volume-slider-clicking issues, don't show players on greeter15:55
larsu- some fixes to the theme15:56
larsu- we now have lock screen profiles for indicators15:56
larsuI think that's about it15:56
seb128larsu, thanks15:56
seb128good work on the themes and classic menus for those apps ;-)15:57
desrtseb128: yr turn!15:57
seb128desrt, no, kenvandine's first :p15:57
desrtoh.  right!15:57
kenvandinehaha :)15:57
larsudesrt: ts ts ts15:57
kenvandineContent hub branches are all queued up for review and pending a silo request, hopefully tomorrow.  Some of the packages including in the silo request are locked by other silos right now.15:57
kenvandine * Link instead of copy content whenever possible15:57
kenvandine * Quiet the debug output by default15:57
kenvandine * Fix for handling legacy apps as default instead of only click15:57
kenvandine * Fix for app switching on aborted transfers15:57
kenvandine 15:57
kenvandineOther stuff:15:57
kenvandine * Updated wallpapers for 14.0415:57
kenvandine * Precise SRU for gwibber15:57
kenvandine * Working on a POC for showing click installed wallpapers in ubuntu-system-settings15:58
kenvandine /EOF15:58
seb128oh, click wallpapers15:59
seb128I didn't know that's a thing :p15:59
seb128I saw your content-hub u-s-s merge request, but I'm unsure how to test it15:59
kenvandinethey want to be able to get click packages for wallpapers into the store15:59
seb128I think I'm just going to approve it from review and test when it's in the silo15:59
kenvandineseb128, that'll be in the silo request15:59
seb128that sounds cool15:59
desrtsilos... trains...15:59
desrtsometimes i wonder what's going on15:59
seb128do they also plan to include some by default? ;-)15:59
kenvandinei sure hope so!16:00
seb128desrt, didrocks making us love the train (for those who didn't already before)16:00
* kenvandine is an american, what's a train? :-p16:00
didrockskenvandine: for Europe only :p16:00
desrtcanada is currently having a problem with too much wheat in silos and not enough trains16:00
seb128desrt, the new CI basically give you a "silo ppa" with a build of all the things that you asked to land, makes testing on any arch much easier16:00
kenvandineseb128, our silo request includes several packages that are currently locked by other silos16:01
kenvandineso we're waiting on those16:01
seb128kenvandine, going to be fun, like u-s-s I want to put some land request today as well16:01
kenvandinewe have sooooo many branches queued up16:01
kenvandinegotta get it landed!16:02
seb128good luck landing that ;-)16:02
seb128kenvandine, thanks16:02
seb128ok, this time my turn16:02
seb128• quite some testing of fixes from others, helped to land those through sponsoring or CI train (eog, nautilus, gnome-icon-theme symbolic, evince, rhythmbox, glib, ubuntu-themes, indicators, ...)16:02
seb128• quite some bug triage to see what should be fixed for release16:02
seb128• hosted vUDS client-1 track16:02
seb128• some ubuntu-system-settings reviews16:02
seb128• tested new settings icon for touch, started using them in u-s-s16:02
seb128• desktop bugs fixing (mostly unity-control-center)16:02
seb128desrt, indeed, it's a nice move :)16:03
desrtseb128: would be nice to hear about the u-c-c accounts and u-s-d gsettings things when you know16:03
seb128desrt, yeah, I'm on it16:04
seb128ok, any other topic?16:04
desrtthis was a very short and efficiently-run meeting.  congratulations everyone.16:04
seb128thanks everyone!16:05
kenvandineseb128 rocks! :-D16:05
desrti think in the future we should have all of our meeting without attente.16:05
seb128that's mean :p16:05
desrtpost hoc, baby16:05
kenvandinempt, any thoughts on how click installed wallpapers should be shown in uss?  I assume not under Ubuntu Art or Custom16:06
seb128desrt, https://errors.ubuntu.com/problem/3f51cd3b1862122d4df85b44bf6c30245e8e4a76 suggests there has been no recent report of the gsettings issue, but it's not that frequent/we don't have that many trusty users, so I'm going to keep watching it for a bit16:06
mptkenvandine, what is a “click installed wallpaper”?16:06
kenvandineextra wallpapers installed from the click store16:06
kenvandineso not part of a default set16:07
desrtseb128: k.  thanks.16:07
desrtlunch time :D16:07
seb128desrt, enjoy!16:07
mptkenvandine, is it possible to delete those individually after the package is installed?16:08
mptE.g. if the package installs 20 of them, can you delete 4 of them without things blowing up?16:08
kenvandineit's just code... i could make that possible :)16:08
kenvandinehowever, i think i'd rather guide the user to remove the package...16:08
mptkenvandine, it’s just that if the answer was yes, they could go into “Custom”, but if the answer is no, probably they need their own section.16:09
kenvandinei was thinking each package could provide a "set"16:09
mptThat makes sense16:09
mptwith its own heading16:09
kenvandinemaybe collapsed by default, but you could view the set16:09
kenvandineso the click package could provide metadata, including a title for their set16:10
kenvandineand that would show up under some "Extras" section or something16:10
mptOr just at the top level16:10
mptUbuntu Art, Foo, Bar, Custom16:11
kenvandinei worry about noise... my kids must have like 30 of these sets installed in android16:11
mpt(where Foo and Bar were installed)16:11
kenvandinethat's a lot of sections16:11
kenvandinemost of the android ones include their own UI for setting the wallpaper, but i'd rather that be done in uss16:12
kenvandinein fact, that has to be done in uss... since confined apps can't change those settings16:12
mptkenvandine, even 30 isn’t a long list if they’re all collapsed by default. And if it becomes a problem we can make an “Extras” category with package subcategories later.16:13
kenvandinemhall119, FYI ^^ specifically the bit about metadata and a title for the set16:13
kenvandinempt, ok, maybe Extras should be below custom?16:13
mptkenvandine, I don’t think so, they’re more similar to Ubuntu Art than they are to Custom16:14
mptAnd if this is going to be possible, perhaps Custom should be renamed to something more specific (not sure what yet)16:14
kenvandinempt, maybe ubuntu art and custom should be collapsable too?16:14
mptyes indeed16:14
mptgood idea16:15
kenvandinejust not by default16:15
kenvandineok... great16:15
kenvandinempt, mind updating the designs when you have time?16:15
mptCan you report a bug for the design changes, please?16:15
mhall119kenvandine: how far back should I start reading?16:17
kenvandinemhall119, basically we're thinking we'd have the click packages provide a title for the wallpaper "set" which would be a section title in system settings16:18
kenvandinethen you could browse just the wallpapers in that set16:18
mhall119kenvandine: can the click package's title be used as the "set" name?16:19
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mhall119so "Trusty Wallpapers" in the example click I gave you would be the same of that set16:19
kenvandinempt, bug 129420316:20
ubot2Launchpad bug 1294203 in ubuntu-system-settings (Ubuntu) "[backgrounds] Provide UI for handling click installed wallpaper sets" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/129420316:20
kenvandinemhall119, add your 0.02 there too :)16:20
mhall119kenvandine: also, eventually we'll want a way for users to uninstall these wallpaper packages16:20
kenvandineso maybe that could be an action when your viewing one of those sets16:20
mhall119will these packages be shown in and installable from the Applications lens?16:21
kenvandinemhall119, please comment on that bug so mpt can also think about what the UI would look like for that16:21
kenvandinemhall119, no idea... i haven't thought about that yet16:21
kenvandinei know it was discussed during uds...16:21
mptEven if it is the first example of the inadvisability of managing all software from an “application lens”, it won’t be the last…16:26
tremdidrocks: ping ?16:36
tremhi all16:36
didrockshey trem16:37
seb128trem, hey, please state your question rather than using "ping", others might be able to help you (and didrocks might be able to decide if he has spare cycles to reply or not)16:37
didrockswas going to tell the same thing :)16:38
didrocks-> back to work16:39
tremBut I don't have a question, I just want to talk to didrocks ;)16:39
seb128trem, take a ticket, there is a waiting queue, it's like wanting to talk to  the prime minister, those are busy people :p16:41
tremI wasn't aware that didrocks has the same planning as the prime minister16:42
seb128the prime minister might be less busy in fact :p16:43
seb128desrt, the account change seems to work fine, tested lock/unlock/changing password for one user and another/changing login mode/changing realname16:44
trembut didrocks works on desktop, is it really complex and difficult ? ;)16:44
desrthopefully they sort it out upstrem as well16:44
seb128yeah, I'm going to comment on there as well16:46
seb128trem, there are quite some work ongoing, he's also working on ubuntu touch images16:47
seb128trem, you should just write him what you want to write though ;-)16:47
tremseb128: it"s not really important, I can wait16:47
tremI won't bother the prime minister for such thing ;)16:48
seb128trem, those behaviour are not really helpful, if you have something to say just write it, or you can wait forver16:48
seb128others might be able to help you as well16:48
tremseb128: I don't need help, just want to talk (in private) with didrocks16:48
seb128trem, well, then don't use a channel but /query16:49
tremotherwise, I agree with you (100%) that I should ask my question on the chan16:49
tremseb128: a little hello before a query may be nice16:49
cyphermoxLaney: I think you're misunderstanding that bug, it's just allowing people to use a locked down policykit policy, not actually changing any kind of default in the desktop17:00
seb128trem, yeah, you might never get to talk to him if you insist on your behaviour, anyway I tried to help but seems like you prefer your way so good luck ;-)17:00
Laneycyphermox: I do17:01
LaneyIt lets you create connections if you are denied the modify.system permission17:01
cyphermoxwhich shouldn't happen on desktop normally17:01
cyphermoxdon't get me wrong I'm adding the DEP-3 tags now :)17:02
cyphermoxI just get worried when I see "change blah", because it's not really changing anything of the standard behavior on desktop, you'd normally have the permissions you need to create connections. It's only for enterprise locked-down setups17:03
LaneyWho has the modify.system and modify.own privileges by default currently?17:04
LaneyI think it's admin/sudo & active for the former and active for the latter17:05
Laney(what I was getting at with that is that AFAICS it does change behaviour for the non-admin case)17:44
bjfbug 1291939 makes using dark backround terminal windows very difficult to use17:52
ubot2Launchpad bug 1291939 in ubuntu-themes (Ubuntu) "window borders are now missing meaning overlapping windows of the same type have no separation, and no separation from the background" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/129193917:52
cyphermoxLaney: in desktop, you have modify.own active by default and modify.system for sudo, but active via a polkit rule if you're in the admin or sudo group18:07
cyphermoxso all standard installs end up being using the modify.system action18:08
LaneyUntil you have another user who isn't an admin18:09
LaneyI don't really think that's an enterprise-only case18:09
cyphermoxit is18:09
cyphermoxon a standard desktop, if you're not admin,18:09
cyphermoxyou just will get thrown out by NM18:09
Laneyeven after this patch?18:09
cyphermoxnot with this patch18:10
LaneyThat's what I was getting at18:10
cyphermoxthe patch introduces proper behavior18:10
Laneyso it is a change for this use-case18:10
Laneyit's a /good/ change18:10
cyphermoxbugfix there.18:10
Laneybut still, something to look out for18:10
cyphermoxagree, but I really do want to stress that this is what NM should always have been doing, and anything else is absolutely very wrong, even if someone did rely on it before18:11
cyphermoxpeople who lock down a system and know what they are doing actually change the polkit rules18:11
cyphermoxanything else we can just tell people to not do that18:11
cyphermoxI usually like the make it easy on people, but this is really really wrong not implemented as such, and I've been getting lots of request to fix it, esp. in LTS18:12
LaneyIt's fine to fix it, that's why I approved the request18:12
cyphermoxthanks :)18:13
cyphermoxso we're just arguing shmemantics18:13
Laneybut I do not agree that non-admin users is a niche or enterprise or unsupported thing, if that's what you are arguing18:13
cyphermoxjust that there is a right way to do it18:13
Laneywifi should work for them, indeed18:13
cyphermoxand that the current behavior is fundamentally broken for enterprise users where we've seen this kind of lock down being done18:14
cyphermox(with actual bug reports)18:14
cyphermoxI wholeheartedly agree about giving my kids a non-admin account ;)18:14
cyphermoxthe bofh in me will assign a user as soon as a nick is decided for the newborn :D18:15
cyphermoxLaney: also, manual milestone tests?18:17
Laneythere's a newborn?18:17
cyphermoxLaney: no, there isn't18:17
Laneyi got excited18:17
cyphermoxhaha not yet ;)18:17
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Laneythat's what I was referring to18:18
Laneyjust a suggestion though18:19
cyphermoxtbh I would like to move to a bigger place first, and that's being planned, and probably soon after18:19
cyphermoxit's kind of involved for a generic post-installation test18:20
cyphermoxmaybe more for an OEM kind of install?18:20
cyphermoxnot that it's irrelevant, just a more likely use case there18:20
cyphermoxsince it involves messing with polkit rules and all18:21
LaneyI mean a test that says "non admin users can add new wifi connections"18:22
Laneyright, I'm offski18:22
seb128laney: have fun18:37
seb128mterry, your pagination branch still gives me a criss-cross merge with a conflict :/19:30
mterryseb128, :-/19:30
seb128mterry, the other branch is about to be merged back to trunk, that might make easier to rebase?19:31
mterryseb128, yeah not sure why that is happening.  I merged in custom-pages again19:31
mterrySaw and resolved the conflict19:32
seb128right, it's the bzr19:32
seb128I don't know :p19:32
ochosilarsu: gah, you changed the icon-name from "blocking" to "blocked" here, so ubuntu-mono and other icon themes won't show the icon you're expecting: http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~larsu/indicator-sound/lp1291530/revision/42219:41
ochosior can anyone on unity with the sound-indicator confirm that this actually works? (without cheating and changing the icon-name ;))19:42
ochosiseb128: since you reported the bug, for some odd reason i can't seem to be able to find the spec: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/indicator-sound/+bug/129153019:46
ubot2Launchpad bug 1291530 in indicator-sound (Ubuntu) "Icon doesn't turn red when sound is played while muted" [Low,Fix released]19:46
ochosiit seems odd that the spec should refer to "audio-volume-muted-panel" as the icon name for the blocked state (i.e. red icon)19:46
ochosiwhen it should be either "audio-volume-muted-blocking-panel" (as ubuntu-mono-icons suggest) or "audio-volume-muted-blocked-panel" (as larsu's patch suggests)19:47
robert_ancellbregma, are there any plans for unity-greeter and hidpi?19:55
bschaeferrobert_ancell, for the lockscreen? Yes, im almost done with the HiDPI just the dam background is a little tricky :)19:56
robert_ancellbschaefer, not the lockscreen but the greeter19:56
bschaefero the greeter...19:56
bschaeferhmm, i've not looked at that ;)19:57
robert_ancellbschaefer, yeah, I figured it had been forgotten about!19:57
robert_ancellbschaefer, I figure we just need to increase the grid size and the font size when we cross a resolution/dpi threshold19:57
bschaeferrobert_ancell, :(, we weren't able to get scroll bars either....19:57
bregmarobert_ancell, not forgoteen, just postponed19:57
bregmaHDPI is a feature that went form "don't do anything in 14.04" to "why isn;t everything perfect yet?" in less than 3 months19:59
robert_ancellbregma, that's never happened at canonical before20:00
bschaeferrobert_ancell, also for hidpi we need to adjust the login user box, and Ill have to look at how the panel is done. (As I think the panel for the greeter comes up before unity?)20:03
robert_ancellbschaefer, yeah, the greeter shows before unity20:03
bschaeferit'll be interesting as we'll have to increase the panel + each entry as well20:03
bschaeferwe could also focus on the box + text + background as well20:04
bschaeferrobert_ancell, also the logo image is a png... im not sure how easy it would be to get an svg for that (but it doesn't look good scaled :)20:05
robert_ancellbschaefer, oh yeah, xnox wanted to fix that20:05
bschaeferrobert_ancell, that would be sweet :)20:05
seb128ochosi, spec is https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Sound#Title20:29
seb128"If sound is muted and an application tried to play sound in the past five seconds, a red speaker with a cross (audio-volume-muted-panel). "20:29
seb128bregma, you guys are working on bugfixing right? ;-)20:30
seb128robert_ancell, hey20:48
robert_ancellseb128, hello20:49
seb128robert_ancell, what's wrong with the indentation in https://code.launchpad.net/~seb128/unity-control-center/users-change-inactive/+merge/211608 ?20:49
seb128oh, the }20:49
seb128sorry ;-)20:49
chrisccoulsonseb128, what are you doing around so late? ;)21:33
* thumper found a real annoying bug last night21:34
thumpernot got around to filing it yet21:34
thumperI have multiple users on my laptop21:34
thumperswitching users means typing my password in, which is expected21:35
thumperbut immediatly on the session starting, it locks the screen and I have to type the password again21:35
* seb128 slaps chrisccoulson with an old trout21:35
chrisccoulsonhah, thanks ;)21:35
bschaeferthumper, with the new lockscreen? If so, check the list we have going here :) https://bugs.launchpad.net/unity/+bugs?field.tag=lockscreen21:36
seb128chrisccoulson, I'm working! some of us still do ubuntu uploads :p21:36
thumperbschaefer: yes21:36
seb128chrisccoulson, though I see you did some today as well ;-)21:36
chrisccoulsonseb128, yeah, i thought it would make a change21:36
bschaeferthumper, theres one where if you let the lockscreen lock by it self it requires two log ins... soo im guessing its the same type of bug21:36
thumperbschaefer: bug 129108821:37
ubot2Launchpad bug 1291088 in unity (Ubuntu) "Doesn't unlock when coming back from the greeter" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/129108821:37
seb128chrisccoulson, did you fix the firefox url handling? ;-)21:37
bschaeferthumper, sweet :), ill be sure to poke andyrock extra to look at that one21:37
chrisccoulsonseb128, weren't you writing a patch for that? i told upstream that you were!21:37
bschaeferthumper, if you want to post on the bug how you're reproducing it, i bet that would help andyrock21:38
seb128chrisccoulson, I've one, it's a 1 liner in apturl that install a file in the directory firefox gives us for those ;-)21:38
bschaeferas I think hes having problems reproducing it atm21:38
seb128bschaefer, I think he fixed those by reinstalling gnome-screensaver last week21:38
seb128bschaefer, his local hacked version was different from the one Trevinho got uploaded21:39
thumperbschaefer: he can get in touch with me if needed, happens every time21:39
thumperbschaefer: I added a comment about what I do21:39
bschaeferseb128, i see, interesting21:39
bschaeferthumper, awesome thanks a lot!21:39
bschaeferthumper, also hows all that cloud stuff going :)?21:39
andyrockthe problem is in gnome-screensaver :D21:39
thumperbusy busy21:39
bschaefersounds just like us :)21:39
thumperandyrock: don't pass the buck21:39
seb128andyrock, you better fix those issues before thumper gets angry at you!21:39
andyrocki will21:40
andyrockjust need some more time :D21:40
* thumper hands andyrock two days21:40
* bschaefer just has a broken gnome-screensaver :(21:40
chrisccoulsonseb128, i'll fix it if you upload oxide in to the archive21:40
chrisccoulsonit needs a debian/copyright file21:40
chrisccoulson(i was only joking about that btw)21:41
seb128bschaefer, andyrock: joke aside, it would be good if you guys make some progress on unity bugs this week, nothing landing since thursday, we are pondering dropping the new lockscreen for trusty because it looks like we are going to need to make a call between that and getting regressions/bugs in unity fixed21:41
seb128chrisccoulson, (lol, no way :p)21:41
chrisccoulsonseb128, it's only a 250MB upload21:42
bschaeferseb128, we have branches! Just waiting to get them landed21:42
bschaeferseb128, the indicator rendering behind is fixed as well21:42
Trevinhoseb128: no worries, we can fix everything... :P21:42
seb128bschaefer, well, https://code.launchpad.net/unity/+activereviews ... it has 3 branches added since friday, 3 branches in 3 work days for a team of 4-5 people ...21:42
seb128Trevinho: ^21:43
seb128well, nothing against you guys21:43
seb128but the current trend doesn't give confidence21:43
seb128so it looks like we might need to drop features to give us budget for regression fixes21:43
seb128bschaefer, trevinho, andyrock: you guys might be stacking fixes locally, if that's the case it would be better to have regular landing with what is available rather than stacking and then dumping21:45
Trevinhoseb128: there are also other things to focus on... but ok fixes will arrive21:45
bschaeferseb128, yeah, the silo stuff is still a bit new to us... we can try to pump more out to land quicker21:45
seb128Trevinho: sorry, nothing against you, and I know there is other work, we just need to make calls at some point, we can't do everything with the resources we have21:45
seb128so if you guys focus on features/hidpi work still, we need to make on what to do with spare resources21:46
seb128and for LTS that's going to be "fix the regressions"21:46
seb128there are quite some bugs with lim21:46
bschaeferhi-dpi work is pretty much on hold while im helping out andyrock21:47
seb128some issues with the launcher as well (like the tooltips are buggy, the "pimps/'>'" signs are buggy), with keybindings/tapping21:47
seb128super-<number> stopped working to focus apps (if you numbers are the top of the keyboard are behind a shift combo at least, like on the french layout)21:48
Trevinhoseb128: mh, weird, but that's probably due to the fact that we support Keypad numbers as well now, but it's going to be probably easy to fix21:49
Trevinhoseb128: anyway therea re lot of things to shape and we know, but still things are much better in general, also I hope that this cycle we won't forget the role of SRUs.21:50
seb128Trevinho: yeah, it's probably easy, like most of the other stack of small issues/regressions, the issue is that if nobody start focussing on those they are still going to be there in the LTS release and we are going to be getting press on the low quality of our LTS21:51
seb128we shouldn't rely on stus21:51
seb128the release needs to be good, that's what gets most reviews21:51
seb128it's also what most users try/upgrade to21:51
Trevinhoyes, but srus on release day as it used to be, should be done anyway... And it will hit most of people, allowing us to work till the last day21:55
seb128Trevinho: not sure about "most of people", it's at least not going to be the first experience for lot of people21:56
seb128it's still good if we fix bugs in SRUs21:56
seb128but the first experience is going to be what is on the iso/coming preinstalled for lot of users21:56
seb128that's usually the release iso, not the iso + surs21:57
Trevinhoindeed, not that I don't agree... I just hope that this time we'll get proper SRU released, and not like in the past cycle where we have backports ready and still not released21:58
seb128well, anyway, my point was: now is time to focus on fixing regressions and important bugs21:59
seb128users are going to be fine if hidpi support is missing in some part of the dash21:59
seb128they are not going to be if they bindings are not reliable22:00
bschaeferseb128, agreed!22:02
TheMuso`Since there are unity folks around, I've got a query. I am working on bug 1066157, and I've determined that there is a race condition of some sort, because whenever I use Orca's flat review mode, I can read the dash icons with Orca like normal. Is there a signal in the dash code somewhere that the a11y code could connect to, so it is notified of dash changes? Bearing in mind that the a11y code can only access either the result icon objects, the dash v22:08
ubot2Launchpad bug 1066157 in unity (Ubuntu) "dash +orca does not speak the names of application icons" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/106615722:08
TheMuso`If there was a signal, I could then signal at-spi to query unity again and thereby allow dash icons to be navigable and readable with orca.22:08
TrevinhoTheMuso`: a signal when... happens what? :)22:09
TheMuso`Trevinho: Ok I probably didn't explain that well enough. What I think is happening, is that the at-spi registry ends up having stale information with regards to the dash, such that when an Orca user is trying to navigate the dash, they do not hear what icon has focus when navigating with the keyboard. They hear the group titles, like files and folders etc, but not the results themselves.22:12
TheMuso`When I mess around with a mode in Orca which allows one to read the screen from top to bottom as things are displayed, this triggers a refresh of the accessibility info in the registry for the dash, and the results are spoken when navigating with the keyboard.22:13
TheMuso`I am wondering whether there is some way of the accessibility code being notified of dash updates, so it can signal the at-spi registry to update the accessibility tree WRT the dash.22:14
TrevinhoTheMuso`: mh, there are but related to results, not sure if there's a global one... andyrock or bschaefer might know more22:20
bschaeferI sadly do not know off the top of my head :(22:21
andyrockTheMuso`, for what i know dash accessibility never worked that well22:25
TheMuso`It works well enough for finding things. The text entry doesn't work I know, but that would require writing too much new code to fix at this late stage. The lenses also are not accessible, but the results at least do work. This is a regression from precise where unity 2d had working results, and as explained, if you use Orca in a particular way, the results are made available.22:26
TheMuso`I did see the on_realized signal in the dash controller, but unless the accessibility code is specifically passed a pointer to the controller object, it is unable to get a pointer via any other means, and that signal may not even be what I want.22:28
andyrockTheMuso`, i can take a look once the lockscreen bug list is empty22:28
TheMuso`I don't mind having a look, since I know you guys have your hands full, I'm just wondering whether you guys know of anything that could help.22:29
=== TheMuso` is now known as TheMuso
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