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barrycyphermox: ping, re: dbusmenu (maybe)00:32
cyphermoxbarry: pong00:32
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barrycyphermox: after the last update, two of my applications lost their global menu.  iirc there was a new dbusmenu uploaded recently, and i was wondering if that could be the culprit.  the apps are emacs and claws-mail00:33
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cyphermoxit's not impossible but it's the second time I hear about this today00:35
cyphermoxnot that I do much on dbusmenu ;)00:35
barrycyphermox: yeah, i was going to ping tedg, but he's offline and you're next on my "hey, i recognize that guy on the dbus menu team" :)00:35
barrycyphermox: i'm just wondering where i should report the bugs.  reporting them on emacs and claws-mail probably won't get much attention ;)00:35
cyphermoxbarry: check if UBUNTU_MENUPROXY is set in your environment00:36
cyphermoxbarry: I'd say either unity or libdbusmenu?00:36
cyphermoxbarry: I wonder if the correct place for the bug isn't indicator-appmenu00:38
barry% echo $UBUNTU_MENUPROXY00:38
barry(although that's definitely not a new setting)00:39
cyphermoxnah, it's not00:39
barrycyphermox: i guess it should be set, right?00:39
cyphermoxrobru: did you fix that on your system ^ ?00:39
cyphermoxbarry: yes, it should be00:40
cyphermoxthat just means to use them00:40
cyphermox(global menus)00:40
barryi vaguely remember that ;00:40
cjwatsonoh hey, you could fix up the libdbusmenu ftbfs :)00:40
cyphermoxbarry: robru asked about this earlier too, but I'm not sure if he fixed it00:40
cyphermoxcjwatson: I could try, but I'd do that only in a few hours00:41
cjwatsonI think it's http://paste.ubuntu.com/7111413/ (following https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=701638, you might want a different approach, not sure) plus documenting the symbols that it complains about now)00:41
ubottuGnome bug 701638 in general "Support automake parallel test harness (fix error with GTKDOC_CHECK)" [Normal,Resolved: fixed]00:41
robrucyphermox, barry no never got it fixed00:41
robrubarry what symptoms are you seeing?00:41
cjwatsoneasier with my mp to make the test suite verbose00:41
cyphermoxI'm trying to go to bed very soon, I will need to be up in very few hours00:41
cjwatsonjust hoping to hand off one of the zillion things I've been working on today to somebody with more clue about it :)00:42
cyphermoxshould be simple enough to fix yeah00:42
barryrobru: both emacs and claws have lost their global menu.  go to the global menubar and the app name never fades into the menu00:43
barryrobru: this definitely worked a few days ago.  those are the only two apps that i've identified so far as busted00:43
cyphermoxcjwatson: ftbfs where? I don't see it in LP or on ubuntuwire?00:44
robrubarry, ok, i'm having the same symptoms on *every* window. I have zero menubar integration right now. luckily the traditional menubars are showing up so apps are usable, just ugly00:44
cjwatsoncyphermox: http://people.ubuntuwire.org/~wgrant/rebuild-ftbfs-test/test-rebuild-20140307-trusty.html00:44
cjwatsoncyphermox: also https://jenkins.qa.ubuntu.com/job/libdbusmenu-trusty-amd64-ci/8/console00:44
barryrobru: interesting.  chromium seems okay00:45
barryff seems okay00:45
barrygtimelog seems okay00:45
robrubarry, lol, chromium is particularly bad, I get a unity titlebar around the chromium window. no menus either. nor ff00:45
barryrobru: have you filed a bug?00:49
robrubarry, not yet, haven't had time to troubleshoot and I wasn't sure if it was something I broke myself (i was tinkering a bit around the time it broke)00:49
barryrobru: naw, it's at least also partially broken for me too.  i'll ping tedg in the morning (if he's around)00:50
robrubarry, ok. please email me the bug and I'll mark it as affecting me00:50
robruwhen you do eventually file it ;-)00:50
barryrobru: +100:51
cyphermoxbarry: does gedit not show menus either?01:03
barrycyphermox: it does01:04
cyphermoxbut not firefox and others01:04
cyphermoxI'm mixing things up, sorry, I see, only claws and emacs01:05
barrycyphermox: well, ff and chrome work for me.  just claws and emacs broken (so far)01:06
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TheMuso`barry: Is emacs using GTK2?01:25
TheMuso`Firefox works because it has a special plugin to work with the menus... But if emacs is GTK2, there is a chance that other GTK2 apps are broken as well, I assume claws is GTK2 also...01:26
barryTheMuso`: i bet you're right that both claws and emacs are using tgk201:28
barryTheMuso`: hmm, maybe not: libgtk-3-0 (>= 3.2.1)01:28
barrythat's emacs2401:28
TheMuso`Hrm ok.01:29
barryclaws-mail is though: libgtk2.0-0 (>= 2.24.0)01:29
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TheMuso`barry: Well I have just confirmed its not all GTK2 apps, I just tried one now and menus behave as normal.01:44
barryTheMuso`: hmm.  okay01:50
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infinitybarry: Asking the obvious question, have you logged out or rebooted since your last upgrade?  I've noticed that upgrades to the menu stuff seem to do weird things to active sessions sometimes.03:21
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pittiGood morning06:36
pittisarnold: bah, 'connecting to Launchpad failed: unclosed token: line 16399, column 6'; yay06:36
pittisarnold: I wonder why that started happening so often; it has worked for years without such cache problems..06:37
pittisarnold: thanks for pointing out, restarting06:37
pittiRAOF: I think you actually want to use umockdev for the recording06:38
RAOFpitti: Yeah, ish.06:38
pittiRAOF: otherwise I'd have to add the whole ioctl decoding and evemu .desc parsing/ioctl synthesis06:39
pittiRAOF: so with umockdev being able to record and read .events files it should be fine, right?06:39
RAOFYeah, mostly.06:39
pittiRAOF: ah, what's missing?06:39
pittiRAOF: ioctls should  be fine06:39
pitti(on same endianess, anyway)06:40
RAOFIt just kinda irks me that if I change the order, or set of ioctls that I use, I need to re-record.06:40
RAOF(Not that I've had to do that, just reading the code that's what I think happens)06:40
pittiRAOF: no, umockdev's recorded ioctls don't need to be replayed in order06:40
RAOFAh, sweet. I guess I mis-skimmed the code.06:41
pittiRAOF: in fact, evdev ioctls are all independent from each other, so you can call them in any order and any number you like06:41
RAOFpitti: In which case I could probably just umockdev evemu-record, right?06:41
pittiRAOF: .record must exactly match the original; .ioctl is a tree06:41
pittiRAOF: well, yes; it's a bit redundant, though :)06:41
RAOFpitti: Only if you've already implemented the ability to record .events as well as replay them :)06:42
pittiRAOF: so, I'll clean up .events reading this morning and then look into .events writing; that should be fairly easy06:42
pittireading is more work (that's why I started with that)06:42
RAOFAh, cool. Thanks muchly!06:42
pittiRAOF: does that description make sense to you, or is it confusing somehow? http://paste.ubuntu.com/7112693/07:20
pittiRAOF: refined: http://paste.ubuntu.com/7112707/07:25
pittizul: apparently the new python-taskflow is missing some new dependencies? (autopkgtest failure)07:34
pitticjwatson: pkgbinarymangler fixed; it was an actual regression, but a corner case (handling of files containing '%'); bash 4.3 apparently got a stricter escaping behaviour07:50
Noskcajmlankhorst, Would you mind fixing the libgphoto b-dep of wine1.6?08:03
dholbachgood morning08:31
mlankhorst morning08:38
RAOFpitti: Description looks good. Is there any way we can shoe-horn a default-device into the evemu format? :)09:31
cjwatsonpitti: thanks09:31
pittiRAOF: the documentation doesn't document it; but I'd expect "# comment" lines to work09:31
pittiRAOF: (i. e. they work with umockdev, not sure if they work with evemu itself)09:32
RAOFYeah, they won't work with evemu, because it doesn't make sense - evemu creates a new uinput device to replay through.09:32
pittiRAOF: I mean if evemu will ignore comment lines09:32
RAOFOh, right.09:33
* RAOF is not particularly interested in that.09:33
pittiRAOF: I just don't want to claim "it writes an evemu .events file" when that file can't be used with evemu09:33
pittiRAOF: ah, seems it does09:34
pittii. e. '#' comments are fine09:34
Saviqdiwic, hey, question about the "what did you plug in" dialog: I have a combo jack (Dell Latitude E6420), but I never get the dialog, nor do I ever actually get mic input from the headset, is there something I could provide you with that needs to be added to some hw quirks or something to fix that?09:50
diwicSaviq, sure, start with alsa-info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Audio/AlsaInfo09:51
Saviqdiwic, http://www.alsa-project.org/db/?f=449823acea2249ba25ab19e793c91858f496576909:52
Saviqdiwic, want me to file a bug (against ?) with that?09:53
diwicKernel release:    3.11.0-12-generic <- any reason you're not running a 3.13 kernel?09:53
Saviqdiwic, good question, no09:54
Saviqhmm update-grub doesn't find the kernel...09:55
Saviqah, 'cause it's not there, must've dropped linux-generic at some point09:55
diwicSaviq, and second, your machine is not one of the affected ones, at least not at this point...is it Certified/Enabled by Canonical?09:55
Saviqdiwic, yeah http://www.ubuntu.com/certification/desktop/models/?query=6420&category=Desktop&category=Laptop&level=Any&release=09:56
Saviqdiwic, they're not *exactly* like mine is - I've nVidia with Optimus09:57
mardycjwatson: hi! About https://code.launchpad.net/~cjwatson/libaccounts-glib/multiarch/+merge/211468, it's the first time I see Multi-Arch so my question might not make much sense:09:58
mardycjwatson: don't we need a similar line for the -dev package?09:58
diwicSaviq, so it's a computer from 2010? Has the Mic worked in previous releases?09:58
Saviqdiwic, yeah, it's an old one, and I can't say that it ever worked09:59
Saviqdiwic, it's definitely only using the internal mic now10:00
Saviqdiwic, I can try  a live saucy if you'd like10:00
diwicSaviq, when you submitted the alsa info, was a headset plugged into the jack?10:01
Saviqdiwic, no, let me10:01
Saviqdiwic, does it matter what do I plug in? i.e. headset vs. headphones?10:02
diwicSaviq, yes10:02
diwicSaviq, if I understand you correctly, plugging in headphones works as it should, whereas plugging in a headset you can't use the headset's mic?10:03
Saviqdiwic, yes10:03
Saviqdiwic, this is with a headset http://www.alsa-project.org/db/?f=b661fa1c8d2824b76db10b5cc4e20ebfab6b93aa10:04
diwicSaviq, ok, so in your case it does not detect the headset mic, although the hardware claims it should be able to.10:05
cjwatsonmardy: it would be nice to get that far, but it isn't required.  I haven't worked out whether the files in the -dev package are multiarch-safe (any files in paths that are common between architectures must be bitwise-identical on all architectures)10:06
cjwatsonmardy: let me have a quick look at that if you want10:06
diwicSaviq, at this point I think your best workaround is to use hdajackretask (in the alsa-tools-gui package) and remove jack detection for the headset mic pin10:06
diwicSaviq, that probably won't give you a dialog (I think...), but should enable you to manually select mic in sound settings10:07
cjwatsonmardy: so, I *could*, but it would be futile; it depends on gir1.2-accounts-1.0, and /usr/lib/girepository-1.0/Accounts-1.0.typelib in that package has different contents on different architectures10:08
cjwatsonmardy: since this isn't required to make "click chroot" work, I'd rather leave that problem for another day10:09
cjwatson(well, strictly, to make "apt-get install ubuntu-sdk-libs-dev:armhf" work)10:09
cjwatsonmardy: by the way, I see there's a new upstream in trunk - is that planned to land for trusty, or should I be looking at doing a direct upload of this to the archive based on what's in trusty now?10:13
Saviqdiwic, hmm indeed, got it to show up, but still no input (tried with an android/iOS ↔ nokia adapter, too, just to check)10:13
mardycjwatson: thanks, I see there's little point in doing that10:13
cjwatsonmardy: https://wiki.debian.org/Multiarch if you want background on multiarch, maybe https://wiki.debian.org/Multiarch/Implementation in particular10:14
diwicSaviq, ok, assuming you have increased the gain (it's quite low in your latest alsainfo) then maybe a hardware failure10:14
Saviqdiwic, yeah, I up'ed it to 100%, no go10:14
Saviqdiwic, so, I'll have to check if windoze let's me work with it, then, will do, thanks!10:15
diwicSaviq, ok!10:15
mardycjwatson: I'd like to land the new version in trusty, yes. So I think we'll take care of landing it.10:16
cjwatsonok, great, thanks10:16
cjwatsonLaney: are you likely to be able to land https://code.launchpad.net/~cjwatson/ubuntu-system-settings/arch-any/+merge/211426 today?  it's blocking several things in -proposed10:17
Laneycjwatson: Sure, I can do10:18
mardydbarth: hi! Can you make https://code.launchpad.net/~cjwatson/libaccounts-glib/multiarch/+merge/211468 land?10:18
Laneyseb128: ^ doing that on its own to unblock stuff, okay?10:18
seb128Laney, no, please wait10:19
seb128Laney, I've some trivial changes for the wizard I want to include10:19
Laneycould do another one ...10:19
Laneybut okay, you do it10:19
seb128those can't bug anything, the wizard is not used10:19
seb128ok, sure10:19
seb128it just feels like we could batch them10:19
seb128but go ahead if you want, I can do another one later10:20
seb128cjwatson, just curious, how is u-s-s blocking things? it shouldn't have much rdepends10:20
seb128oh, I guess it's the online account panel needed it, and that one has rdepends10:20
dbarthmardy: hi10:21
cjwatsonseb128: {clickmanager-plugin, ubuntu-purchase-service} -> ubuntuone-credentials -> ubuntu-system-settings-online-accounts -> ubuntu-system-settings10:21
seb128cjwatson, right, online-accounts, thanks ;-)10:22
cjwatsonI mean it's all stuff nothing needs yet but I still want to keep the list short10:22
seb128Laney, well, your call, feel free to land it now if needed, I can put another landing in a few hours for the one things on the backlog10:22
dbarthmardy: will add to the silo10:22
mardydbarth: thanks!10:23
Laneyseb128: thanks, I will do so that proposed can clear out10:23
seb128Laney, thanks10:23
dbarthmardy: added line 13, along with the rest of the online accounts MPs10:23
Laneywell, they are in firefighting mode again so you never know ...10:23
dbarthmardy: it's a no-op on desktop, but we will need to re-test on the phone with all of the recent changes10:24
cjwatsonLaney: they're being fairly good about letting through obvious packaging adjustments, so far anyway10:25
LaneyYeah, but there's a new problem today in that the images don't boot, apparently. :P10:25
* Laney goes to ask anyway10:25
Laneybah, I can't cross-build system-settings any more10:28
seb128qt5.2 regression?10:31
xnoxslangasek: bdmurray: updated app-install-data-ubuntu uploaded. But we also need updated "command-not-found" data, which is separate?! I'm not sure how that is generated.10:41
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zulpitti: ack11:23
Laneyah I think it's the M-A: foreign on qt5-qmake11:32
Laneyit now installs stuff in triplet-namespaced locations11:33
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cjwatsonLaney: yeah, I noticed the M-A: foreign seemed wonky given the paths11:40
LaneyIt looks like it could be made M-A: same11:44
Laneyassuming the manpage compresses the same way, I guess11:46
LaneyMirv: ^ wdyt?11:46
MirvLaney: looks like :same to me now that the mkspecs were moved11:48
MirvMR:s welcome, there's one new qtbase upload being prepared in CI Train already11:49
Laneyok, if we check coinstallability explicitly11:50
LaneyMirv: how does it work with the source package?11:57
Laneydo I add a changelog entry?11:57
LaneyI'd expected to see stuff merged into the packaging branch but there is nothing there11:57
MirvLaney: full changelog entry at all, propose against https://code.launchpad.net/~kubuntu-packagers/kubuntu-packaging/qtbase-opensource-src and CI will run tests and merge after top-approving12:04
Mirvat the same time, it can be uploaded to a landing PPA via CI Train, but it's not possible right now since qtbase is already being released via CI Train (ETA 1-2 hours)12:05
MirvLaney: so, umm, maybe merge in lp:~timo-jyrinki/kubuntu-packaging/qtbase_sync_from_archives_and_add_harfbuzz_patches first since it's likely to go in, and prepare ubuntu10 upload12:07
Mirvthere was yet another upload by ricardo in the morning without CI involved12:08
LaneyMirv: ok, there it is & requested your review12:12
Laneylet me know when it's up & built so that I can test it out12:12
MirvLaney: thanks, I will12:18
apacheloggertseliot: bug 1291526  ... what I don't get, why would it run into an xioerror when prime selecting nvidia, but not when using intel?12:30
ubottubug 1291526 in kdebase-workspace (Ubuntu) "could not start ksmserver with nvidia-prime at next login" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/129152612:30
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MirvLaney: bzr is choking on your changelog entry, the time stamp is mangled (missing '0')12:40
Laneyit probably got damaged in the merge12:40
Laneythere was a conflict of course12:40
LaneyMirv: try that12:41
LaneyRiddell: I'm getting reject emails from this merge proposal I just made12:43
LaneyCan you maybe make them be discarded instead? Or better have a code review list where they are accepted12:44
RiddellLaney: from kubuntu-devel?12:44
LaneyI guess because kubuntu-packagers had a requested review12:44
RiddellLaney: unfortunately merge request have an implicit destination so I don't think there's a way to have mailman accept them automatically12:47
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LaneyRiddell: AFAICS the best you could do would be to add a spam filter for it12:53
Laneythose can match any header12:54
LaneyFor example you could match on X-Launchpad-Message-Rationale: Reviewer @kubuntu-packagers12:54
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jamespageI can't quite believe I've not had todo this before but what's the right way to move upstart configs between files at the same time as renaming them?13:29
barrycyphermox: an update and reboot seemed to bring back the global menu for claws at least.  not for emacs (but a menu bar is kind of an anathema for that anyway :)13:30
cyphermoxbarry: good :)13:34
Mirvrelease team acked bug #1207812 so if anyone ready for an upload please sponsor the branch I prepared during my patch pilot turn13:59
ubottubug 1207812 in libimobiledevice (Ubuntu) "[FFe] Update libimobiledevice to support iOS 7, fix Trust Prompt Looping" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/120781213:59
seb128Mirv, I can do that14:04
Mirvseb128: thanks.14:06
seb128Mirv, yw, thanks for working on the update ;-)14:06
cjwatsontjaalton: do you think you could sort out the libxmlrpc-c3-dev reverse-build-deps on http://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/nbs.html ?  I assume they need to be libxmlrpc-core-c3-dev now, but I don't really now14:10
cjwatsontjaalton: (you can probably ignore tcos; it seems to have Build-Depends: libxmlrpc-c3-dev | libxmlrpc-core-c3-dev already)14:11
tjaaltoncjwatson: okay14:11
tjaaltonseems I missed the old names14:11
tjaaltonalthough.. *cough* it failed to build on arm64/ppc64el14:12
cjwatsonwhat did?14:12
tjaaltonno wait14:12
cjwatsonhttps://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xmlrpc-c/1.33.06-0ubuntu1 looks fine14:12
tjaaltonthat got fixed by itself?14:12
tjaaltonoh good14:12
cjwatsonmaybe it was transient14:12
tjaaltonyeah it was weird14:13
tjaaltonsome test failed14:13
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tedgslangasek, url-dispatcher didn't officially get added to the touch FFE, do you think we can add it?  bug 120898914:49
ubottubug 1208989 in Ubuntu "[FFe] standing freeze exception for Ubuntu Touch-specific packages" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/120898914:49
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cjwatsonGunnarHj: mythes-sv is stuck in trusty-proposed because it builds uninstallable binaries on arm64 and ppc64el.  You'll probably end up with something similar in Debian.  Would it perhaps be worth an artificial build-dependency on libreoffice-dev (or something like that) so that you only build on the architectures that have libreoffice?15:01
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cjwatsonGunnarHj: Or maybe the binary package should be Architecture: all (which would avoid this problem)?  It doesn't seem to do anything in its build phase15:02
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Laneycjwatson: Already fixed, see -215:11
cjwatsonLaney: oh right15:12
pitticjwatson: right, I uploaded -2 to Debian, will sync once it gets imported15:15
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SaviqMirv, xnox, bug #1294186, otherwise we'll never get it done...15:47
ubottubug 1294186 in qtbase-opensource-src (Ubuntu) "Cross-building broken in qt 5.2" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/129418615:47
LaneySaviq: I have that fix building in a silo now15:49
Laneywell, potential fix15:49
SaviqLaney, oh, great15:50
Laneywe'll see, it might need extra fixes for looking up too15:50
ritzwtf, my precise boot up shows a debian logo on vm15:51
ritzwhen did this happen15:51
heathI'm wanting to write an app which utilizes the play/pause, prev, next, and volume buttons on my macbook. Tips on where to get started?15:52
ritzheath,  configure the shortcuts keys15:53
ritzwhy write an app ?15:53
ritzassuming linux understands the keys15:53
Saviqheath, they should be delivered to your app as XF86Audio* keys, see http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/XF86_keyboard_symbols15:54
heathritz: If there are multiple running apps which utilize the media keys, which one has preference?15:55
GunnarHjcjwatson: Thanks for your head up re mythes-sv!15:55
Saviqheath, so yeah, for Ubuntu it's rather different, you need to connect to the sound indicator which takes the keys15:55
cjwatsonSorry it was a duplicate one15:55
Saviqheath, http://askubuntu.com/questions/7342/how-do-i-integrate-an-application-in-the-sound-menu-using-python should get you started15:56
ritzheath,  whichever you configure the shortcuts for15:57
ritzor write a script to be called upon multimedia keys15:57
ritzheath, http://askubuntu.com/questions/48393/how-to-make-the-keyboard-media-keys-to-work-with-vlc-globally15:57
heathThat's a neat link ritz16:03
heathSaviq: I'll definitely be utilizing your link16:04
* heath wonders if it's possible for a web app to connect to the sound indicator16:05
heathHrm, if youtube can be integrated, then yes16:06
hallynxnox: jodh: I went ahead and filed bug 129420016:15
ubottubug 1294200 in lxc (Ubuntu) "test linked against nih-dbus-tool-generated libraryis not thread-safe" [Critical,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/129420016:15
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LaneyMirv: this is no good17:12
LaneyIt wans to reference an armhf uic17:12
bdmurrayjuliank: I've made uploaded another change to python-apt it seems slangasek and I missed a bit17:33
juliankbdmurray: Thanks for letting me know. I also have some patches in upstream git, I'll do a release soon.17:35
xnoxLaney: qmake doesn't know how to reference "built_arch" tools, cmake does.17:36
xnoxLaney: that's a known bug I haven't fixed yet.17:36
juliankBug fixes only of course (yes, I'm counting uncompressed data.tar support as a bug fix)17:36
Laneyxnox: It is using cmake17:36
juliankbdmurray: It's a bit unfortunate to only have non-public errors.ubuntu.com resources in the changelog. I cannot seem them at all17:37
juliankThe bug fix seems strange17:38
xnoxLaney: oh.17:39
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bdmurrayjuliank: here is the traceback http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/7115343/17:40
Laneyxnox: Qt5WidgetsConfigExtras.cmake looks for host arch tools17:41
LaneyDunno how to fix that17:41
juliankbdmurray: I believe a better fix would be to change parse() to not generate bytes strings.17:43
juliankin self.comment17:43
juliankIt looks like parse() was called with a bytes string (that is, not read using the SourcesList class). In such a case, we need to decode the line if it is not unicode already (once in __init__ and once in __parse__, to make sure)17:45
xnoxLaney: in cmake itself, i added a whole bunch of overrides for all the tools to look for correct arch tools, when building under environment like the one exported by dpkg-architecture -aarmhf-c17:46
xnoxLaney: maybe i need to fix/tweak those. Do you have an easy/simple reproducer for me to iterate with?17:46
bdmurrayjuliank: okay17:46
Laneyxnox: landing-001 ppa, cross-build ubuntu-system-settings17:48
Laneyxnox: I'm guessing you want a similar override to those cmake ones in this file then17:49
juliankbdmurray: This is still Python 2 code? It also crashes for me in another location in Python 3 with a simple test line in bytes.17:51
xnoxLaney: i'll look into it.17:54
xnoxLaney: probably not tonight though, need to finish on time today.17:54
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juliankbdmurray: Have you checked whether your fix actually work. I believe the problem is more that we now return a unicode object in __str__, causing it too fail afterwards because builtin str() tries to convert the unicode to str.18:00
juliankThere's not much we can do about that, except for adding __unicode__ and changing the other code to use __unicode__ instead.18:01
juliankor using python 3 instead of 2.18:01
Laneyxnox: oh, I added some rules which make it work18:03
bdmurrayjuliank: not that specific change no, I've had a hard time recreating this specific dist upgrade errors with sources list18:03
xnoxLaney: cool, i'll probably will snitch them to keep cmake just working for all packages.18:03
Laneyxnox: I added them to that MultiArchCross.cmake file18:04
Laneylemme get a diff18:04
Laneyit just copies ones that are already there for some new tools18:04
Laneyor newly-moved, what evs18:04
juliankbdmurray: I'm probably going to commit http://paste.debian.net/88436/ for this. It decodes byte strings to utf-8 and encodes the internal unicode to utf-8 if you call str() in Python 2 or bytes() in Python 318:05
juliankIt even has a test case for both bytes and unicode.18:06
juliankNot only that, it even contains a German word.18:07
bdmurrayjuliank: okay, great.18:09
infinityjodh: Any hope of my chroot-sessions bug being fixed pre-beta?18:12
infinityjodh: It's amazingly noisy on machines that set up and tear down chroots constantly (*cough*buildds*cough*)18:13
Laneyxnox: bug #1294186 - please review the debdiff when you have time18:26
ubottubug 1294186 in qtbase-opensource-src (Ubuntu) "Cross-building broken in qt 5.2" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/129418618:26
juliankbdmurray: Actually, instead of using unicode everywhere, even if not needed in python 2, how about simply opening the files in utf-8 in Python 3, and keeping the Python 2 code in bytes strings? I think this would work better, as that's the way we handle it everywhere else in the code.18:26
juliankbdmurray: I now (locally) reverted the unicode patch and added http://paste.debian.net/88438/ instead; which only forces utf-8 in Python 3.18:43
juliankIt seems to work just fine in both Python 2 and 3 with the test case and has minimum impact.18:44
juliankWe would not have those problems if people did not write files in an UTF-8 environment and then run reading code in a non-UTF-8 environment like C instead of C.UTF-818:47
juliankapt_pkg.size_to_str() is broken in a non-unicode environment as well, BTW.18:49
* juliank is waiting for his CI to start & complete19:09
juliankbdmurray: I have reverted the unicode change in upstream git for now. I'm not sure what I really want to do. Just hardcoding UTF-8 seems wrong. People might run in a non-UTF-8 locale, and things would break then. I have looked at the other code and we do not assume seem to assume UTF-8 for TagFile, but rather use the default encoding there as well (right, cjwatson?). I'd much prefer if code that sets a wrong locale like aptdaemon just gets f19:50
juliankixed instead.19:50
juliankThis way everyone can use the encoding they prefer.19:50
juliankPython 3 uses the LANG environment variable to determine file encoding.19:53
bdmurrayjuliank: it looks like the release upgrader sets the following - locale.setlocale(locale.LC_ALL, "")19:54
juliankWhich just is the default encoding. But someone must set it to a non-unicode encoding before running it, otherwise things would not break.19:55
julianklocale.setlocale() seems to not influence the default encoding, BTW19:56
juliankIt will determine that during startup AFAICT19:56
juliankIt=Python 319:56
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lamontwhy is it that after I unlock my screen, it generally re-locks the first time?22:55
UserErrorlustre adds 10~ MB to kernel size22:55
infinitylamont: Because reasons.22:57
infinitylamont: There's already a bug (or three) filed about it.22:57
lamontinfinity: cool23:00
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UserErrorWhy are there so many ARM platforms in the libsound2 package? It keeps growing with bloat.23:27
UserErrorALSA-know is that ain't right23:27
infinityUserError: It's 204k of text files.23:28
UserErrorthe /usr/share/alsa/ucm/ dir is complete trash23:29
infinity"complete trash".  Thanks for your input.23:30
UserErrorfor x86 platforms23:30
infinityIt's 204k of text files.23:30
UserErrorit doesn't belong23:30
infinityAlso, it's 204k of text files.23:30
UserErrorit has existed for years23:30
infinityYour crusade, and the language used to fight it, aren't going to win you any friends.23:30
UserErrorI know, it really bytes23:31
UserErrorin 12.04 it was 120K. That is almost a +100% growth from LTS to LTS.23:36
infinityIt's tiny either way.23:37
UserErroralso that means that writes are being used against NAND, SSD, and eMMC storage for 4k blocks23:37
UserErrorNow, multiply that by the number of devices and SSD servers that exist23:38
infinityYou're making and argument for removing every package from the archive.23:41
infinityWouldn't want to write to those precious disks and harm them.23:41
UserErrorand EC2 instances, Azure (copied from EC2) and OpenVZ appliance (proxmox too)23:42
UserErrorI understand why certain things are there for supporting hardware. I do not understand files there for impossible reasons.23:42
infinityNone of those should have libasound2 installed in the first place.23:42
infinityThe simple answer to your question is because it's an arch:all package, and includes support for *drum roll* all arches.23:42
infinityAnd, curiously, ARM seems to be the only arch that leverages UCM sanely, so it's the only one that ships a bunch of (tiny) UCM profiles.23:43
UserErrorand yet the container profile for ubuntu minimal VM still has plenty of modules that shouldn't be there23:43
UserErrorI agree there.23:43

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