
xnoxcjwatson: stgraber: elmo says /boot should be more than 256MB in 2014-2019 =) i think we should give /boot same or more than EFI.15:28
xnoxefi is at: 512 512 1024 free15:28
xnoxboot is at:15:29
xnox128 512 256 ext215:29
cjwatsonideally, in 2014-2019, /boot shouldn't need to exist ...15:31
cjwatsonbut sure, feel free to bump the max size15:31
cjwatsonEFI is only that large because of stupid fat32 constraints, though - don't take it as any kind of specific guideline15:31
infinityMy /boot only has 81MB in it...15:42
infinityI suppose actually autoremoving helps.15:42
xnoxinfinity: how often / when is autoremoval is triggered on the default installs?15:50
infinityxnox: Triggered?  Never.15:57
infinityxnox: That's probably something both unattended-upgrades and update-manager should learn to do, BUT, we need to argue about how to do it safely.15:58
xnoxinfinity: so how does marking kernels for autoremoval help, if autoremoval never happens (e.g. neither by default apt-get, periodic apt-get, update-manager / unattended-upgrades) ?!15:58
infinityxnox: It helps for people who use apt-get autoremove.15:59
infinityPretty sure no one said it was perfect, nor that questioning it required flailing and interrobangs.15:59
infinityThe deep concern with automatic autoremoval is the potention for people to shoot themselves in the foot.16:00
infinityBut maybe that's just a question of "people should learn how metapackages work and not whine when they break stuff".16:00
infinitySince the most obvious breakage would be "apt-get install corp-metapackage; remove corp-metapackage; (automated tool removes all of corp's packages; corp files angry bug and escalates support ticket and threatens to eat our children)"16:01
xnoxinfinity: that's no different then a corp's user doing $ apt-get autoremove or doing --auto-remove. etc. if corp wants it installed, it should keep it installed, i heard puppet is good at installing things when they are removed.16:06
xnoxinfinity: imho /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/50unattended-upgrades should change to Unattended-Upgrade::Remove-Unused-Dependencies "true";16:07
infinityHaving something happen automatically is definitely more surprising than a user explicitly calling autoremove.16:08
infinityI'm not saying it's wrong, I'm jut saying we need to weigh the options and decide if it's an issue.16:08
antarusinfinity: yeah we wrote our own kernel remover, the debian folks on the team seemed to massively distrust apt-get autoremove for some reason ;p20:20
infinityantarus: I had a healthy distrust for it a long while back, it all seems to work as advertised now.20:22
infinityIt's certainly not bitten me in any unexpected ways in a very long time.20:23
antarusyeah, I think her fear is somewhat justified20:23
antarusmostly because I bet our end users do some crazy stuff20:23
infinityUsers will be users.20:24
antaruswhat I really want is something more like apt-get autoremove <depstring>20:24
antarusinstead of acting on all packages20:24
antarusbut I don't think that exists20:24
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