
MooDoohello all06:42
cprofittMooDoo: it is impossible to have a 'perfect' meeting time... too many time zones11:58
MooDoocprofitt: I was just curious :D12:04
Unit193Also, to more properly put it, it is the IRC team meeting, not IRC council.12:06
=== ChanServ changed the topic of #ubuntu-irc to: International Ubuntu IRC operators channel | The IRC Team: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/IrcTeam | This is NOT a support channel, support in #ubuntu etc. | The channel is multilingual, but English is preferred | Regardless of language, please write clearly | This channel is logged http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/
MooDooUnit193: thanks for the clarification12:38
AlanBelljose: can you change the fridge from "Ubuntu IRC Council Meeting" to "Ubuntu IRC Operator Team Meeting" please12:39
cprofittMooDoo: Curiosity is a good thing...13:21
DJonescprofitt: Unless you're a cat13:22
hggdhOTOH, as a cat you would have more than one life13:23
cprofittalso true13:23
MooDoolol some people call it being a nosey b**GGer ;)13:25
MooDoo Then again it's the only way I can learn for when I'm in charge ;) lol13:25
DJonesThere's a philosophical question, has Shroedinger's cat used any of its 9 lives13:26
MooDooDJones: who knows, are you prepared to open the box and take a look in ;)13:27
Unit193MooDoo: Also, you may want to set up SASL or CertFP. :P13:27
DJonesBox? What box, I don't see a box13:27
MooDooUnit193: I've not got round to secure irssi to freenode yet :)13:28
DJonesMooDoo: There's a reason nobody has opened the box yet, nothing to do with not wanting to know the answer or anything else philosophical, its just would you open a box containing a starving, probably very angry, possibly turned feral cat with sharp claws13:29
MooDooDJones: or it could be pandoras box cunningly disguised13:30
IdleOneWhy are you people even contemplating opening Schrodinger's, isn't it his box?13:32
IdleOneStay out of peoples private boxes!13:33
MooDoobut but but I'm curious13:33
IdleOneWhat did I say?13:33
cprofittthe odd thing, is that even if I open the box and see a dead cat... Schrodinger would still not know the answer13:33
IdleOneWHAT DID I SAY!13:33
cprofittso, in truth, it doesn't matter if we open it or not.13:34
IdleOneSo, if I read your diary and you never find out is that ok?13:34
cprofittIdleOne: no, that is not what I am saying...13:35
cprofittit is still wrong... Schrodinger would know that we opened his box... he just wouldn't know about the status of his cat13:35
IdleOneSo it does matter13:36
DJonescprofitt: He could just ask the NSA/GCHQ/Google, surely know anyway13:36
cprofittno... he would only know what they told him... he would not actually know13:36
IdleOnewhich is exactly why nobody else should know13:37
MooDooI've got to say this is the most surreal conversation I've seen in here lately....13:42
MooDooSo just to get off the subject of cats...13:42
IdleOneask Schrodinger :P13:45
DJonesMooDoo: The fox said, yummy, that cat tasted great13:47
MooDooDJones: are you sure as we're not getting clarification the box was opened.13:48
DJonesCould have been a different cat13:48
MooDooDJones: see now your getting silly ;)13:49
* rww kicks you all over to #ubuntu-offtopic14:24
MooDoorww: :p14:27
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joseAlanBell: name changed on the fridge15:21
Unit193Thanks, jose.15:23
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