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mterryrobert_ancell, I have another patch I'd like to squeeze into lightdm.  This time having it search XDG_DATA_DIRS for config info (to let OEM team customize image)01:14
mterrywhoops, not here01:14
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SparkyFlaryis it possible to put ubuntu touch on my samsung galaxy temporarily?01:25
SparkyFlarylike a live cd sort of way?01:25
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anilHii .. I have compiled phablet kernel with Framebuffer console ..07:43
anilthe nexus 10 is not coming up with new kernel07:43
anilto enable framebufffer console what it require apart from enabling framebuffer console in .config07:43
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asacstgraber: there?08:04
asacstgraber: seems our iamges dont work in infra anyumore (e.g. dont install()08:04
asacstgraber: have you pipecleaned the system-image  update as i suggested yestetrday?08:04
asacogra_: ^^08:06
asachelp :)08:06
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tsdgeosso is phablet-flash finally unsupported?09:16
asactsdgeos: no updates are distributed for a while already09:17
asactsdgeos: dont ask me why we didnt provide a compatibilty link :)09:17
tsdgeosasac: ?¿ i used it yesterday and got me two different images at least09:17
asactsdgeos: yeah, the new one is ubuntu-device-flash :)09:17
asachwoveer, i would have preferred to just keep shipping the phablet-flash command09:18
asacas well09:18
tsdgeosthe command is here09:18
tsdgeosit just doesn't work09:18
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ogra_asac, stgraber discussed it with plars and doanac` last night, they even shared code for a fix09:19
ogra_not sure why that didnt lnad09:19
asacogra_: i think something landed09:22
asacogra_: but noone reran the jobs?09:22
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asace.g. we offlined the device09:22
asacand now its working09:22
ogra_ah, k09:22
asacanyway, discussed was that if there is an issue we revert09:22
asacbecause CI team is all into something customer09:22
ogra_we had three builds this night, intresting that nobody noticed it over three images :/09:22
asacogra_: noone is there09:23
asachence i wanted it to be reverted if something doesnt go well09:23
ogra_they wre ehere to discuss about it09:23
asacthey are all on-site somewhere09:23
asacogra_: yes, but they were in constant firedrill mode for something else09:23
ogra_reverting isnt done easily09:23
asacwell, i asked if we could revert before doing it09:23
asaci didnt hear a NO09:23
ogra_right, but you need stgraber to do it09:24
asacright, hence i asked stgraber and you to pipeclean and if anything goes bad revert right away09:24
asaci am not asking these things for fun :)09:24
asacalso not to you reall09:25
JamesTaitGood morning all; happy Biodiesel Day! :-D09:38
sil2100alecu: ping09:52
nerochiarohey everyone, i'm trying to get multitouch working on desktop via a magic touchpad. unity seems to get the 3- and 4-finger tap gestures to show dash and window switcher, but i can't do multifinger swipes or pinches. any idea where i should start looking ?09:59
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ogra_nerochiaro, i think #ubuntu-x is the better place for this10:13
nerochiaroogra_: ok, thanks10:17
ogra_popey, am i blind or is our topic gone ?10:17
popeyi see it10:17
ogra_(is is my client messed up10:17
ogra_aha, k10:18
ogra_silly focus issues on 12.0410:18
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davmor2Morning all11:03
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bzoltan1cjwatson: Hellor,  do you know when the 0.4.19 click will land?11:40
cjwatsonbzoltan1: hopefully today - I want to sort out https://code.launchpad.net/~mardy/click/lp1245826/+merge/204674 first11:40
cjwatsonif that looks like it's taking too long I'll try to land click first11:41
bzoltan1cjwatson: I wold be happy to see it as soon as possible... we have a fix for the click chroot cmake problem and that needs a healthy chroot.11:42
cjwatsonbzoltan1: your comment on that MP implies that you are creating ubuntu-sdk-13.10 chroots using trusty, which is extremely worrying.  please stop11:42
cjwatsonif you create them using saucy you shouldn't have this problem11:42
bzoltan1cjwatson: one can not create saucy chroot either due to an other problem11:43
cjwatsonwhat problem is that?11:43
bzoltan1cjwatson: it fails ... i do not have the logs in hand11:43
cjwatsonwe should fix that separately11:43
bzoltan1cjwatson: just try click chroot -a armhf -s saucy create11:43
cjwatsonmy internet is very slow11:43
bzoltan1cjwatson: let me produce the logs then11:44
cjwatsonit would be most helpful if somebody with more than 2Mb/s could try it11:44
cjwatson[also, the correct invocation is click chroot -a armhf -f ubuntu-sdk-13.10.  the -s option is really only for debugging]11:45
cjwatsonin particular if you leave out -f then you'll get different results once click chroot's default framework changes11:46
cjwatsonwhich will have to happen at some point soonish11:47
bzoltan1cjwatson: OK, I will use only the arch and the fw11:47
bzoltan1cjwatson: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/7113628/11:49
cjwatsonhm, interesting11:50
cjwatsonthanks, I'll see if I can disentangle that somehow11:50
bzoltan1cjwatson: that might ease some pain11:52
cjwatsonthe cross toolchains are a bit delicate11:53
bzoltan1:) that is a rather mild statement11:55
cjwatsonI have been infected by the British habit of understatement11:56
janimo`ogra_, any idea why between the last two promoted images (Feb 20  and Mar 14) adbd would no longer start and the device seems offline? I see the mtp server config file had been added, you did some adbd/ssh work, but any other clues are helpful11:57
janimo`ogra_, this is not a nexus device11:57
ogra_janimo`, adb was moved to start after the container11:57
ogra_to prevent the numerous disconnect issues we had when it gets dynamically reconfigured all the time11:58
janimo`ogra_, but once unity8 is up and working, adbs should also be ready right? I have a GUI just device offline from adb11:58
ogra_(we leave the whole configuration to android now and only run the adbd on the ubuntu side, that saves from getting like 1000 popups on your desktop and about 4 reconnects, which breaks automation in various places)11:59
bzoltan1cjwatson: well, it is better than being born with the continuously exaggerative Hungarian habit11:59
ogra_janimo`, yeah, it should just come up11:59
ogra_mtp should not have any influence12:00
ogra_janimo`, could it be that your android container misses the forcing of the persistent property for adb/mtp in init.rc ?12:01
ogra_# adb force hack12:02
ogra_    setprop persist.sys.usb.config mtp,adb12:02
ogra_your init.rc should have this one12:02
JamesTaitRegarding https://bugs.launchpad.net/touch-preview-images/+bug/1293797 can someone tell me what service the device contacts to check for updates?12:04
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1293797 in touch-preview-images "nexus 4 "COMMAND ERROR" when updating apps" [Undecided,Confirmed]12:04
JamesTaitClick package updates, that is.12:05
* ogra_ sighs, why do poeople not file bugs against the packages12:05
ogra_JamesTait, i think beuno might know12:06
ogra_(they should query the store server)12:06
beunoJamesTait, click index, yes12:07
beunoJamesTait, it sends a list of packages it has, and the server replies with what's on the server, and the client compares12:07
beunoalecu knows the details12:07
JamesTaitAh, it's querying click index?  Interesting.12:08
JamesTaitHm, I don't recall writing any code that accepts a list of packages. :-/12:09
beunoJamesTait, I forget who did, maybe it was pindonga?12:15
davmor2JamesTait: I can answer that bug, they are on the 14.04-dev version to make them work for the QT5.2.1 version so they shouldn't install on a system that isn't on QT5.2.112:15
JamesTaitbeuno, I thought so, but he wasn't that sure - I think we've figured out what the problem is now though.12:16
beunocool cool12:16
JamesTaitdavmor2, at a high level, yes. :)12:16
cjwatsonbzoltan1: OK, I think I've fixed saucy chroot creation - testing that (sloooowly) and then I'll see about a landing12:28
bzoltan1cjwatson: is there anything I can test?12:29
cjwatson(it needed a dist-upgrade of the chroot before trying to install the cross-compiler etc.)12:29
cjwatsonbzoltan1: you can grab lp:click, do debian/rules build, then sudo ./run-click chroot -a armhf -f ubuntu-sdk-13.10 create12:29
bzoltan1cjwatson: Ohh... that one. Super12:29
cjwatsonalso fixed an embarrassing bug where we weren't actually suppressing daemon startup in the chroot as was always intended12:30
cjwatsonwhich I confidently asserted in some UDS session worked fine :)12:31
cjwatsonbzoltan1: going out to do some admin, hopefully my test will have finished by the time I get back12:32
janimo`cjwatson, hi, is the click frontend going to be rewritten in Vala at one point too?12:32
ogra_janimo`, i thought C all the way :)12:33
bzoltan1cjwatson:  Thanks a lot. I am testing...12:33
janimo`ogra_, well seeing the libclick is in Vala...12:33
janimo`ogra_, which is C after all12:33
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bzoltan1cjwatson: I could create an armhf chroot with ubuntu-sdk-13.10 fw without any trouble. Thank you.12:46
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zbenjamincjwatson: how will the new splitted frameworks actually work. Will you need a own chroot for -html, -qml, -papi?12:53
zbenjamincjwatson: or will a 14.04 framework just support all of them12:53
zbenjaminerm chroot i mean12:53
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Saviqis anyone else's flo turning off after some idle time?13:25
Saviqit's the umpteenth time I thought it discharged, but it's fully charged... just turned off13:25
rsalvetiSaviq: hm, a kernel crash would probably reboot it13:26
Saviqrsalveti, not reboot13:26
Saviqrsalveti, it powers off13:27
rsalvetiSaviq: just noticed mine did the same13:27
rsalvetiwas completely off here13:27
Saviqunless my cats are having fun with me, this is crazy13:27
ogra_Saviq, i noticed it too, but it didnt happen for a while now13:27
ogra_Saviq, was your device wired up ?13:27
Saviqrsalveti, ogra_, sounds like a broken deep sleep mode or something13:27
Saviqogra_, no13:27
rsalvetinothing changed in the kernel side13:27
ogra_rsalveti, i noticed it randomly since i run flo13:28
sergiusensSaviq, yes; rsalveti I thought I told you about that one13:28
ogra_but it only seemed to happen to me when the device was kept wired over night13:28
ogra_havent seen it in over a week now13:28
ogra_(and i didnt have to charge in over a week either !!!)13:29
Saviqogra_, maybe it did power off, then ;)13:29
ogra_Saviq, because it was finished charging ?13:29
Saviqogra_, no idea, something like that13:29
* Saviq files a bug13:29
cjwatsonjanimo`: I'm thinking about it at some point, but (a) I want "click build" to remain pure-Python for portability, (b) the performance-sensitive paths should all be rewritten to use libclick rather than fork/exec anyway13:30
cjwatsonbzoltan1: great, thanks13:30
rsalvetibq27541_get_psp temperature was quite high in my syslog13:30
ogra_it definitely drains significantly less power than all other devices i have13:30
rsalvetibefore it decided to shutdown13:30
robotfuelsergiusens: ping, ubuntu-device-flash reboots my maguro in to recovery mode, it doesn't flash my phone like phablet-flash did. is there a flag I am missing?13:30
ogra_rsalveti, add a fan then :P13:30
rsalvetiogra_: and it also finished charning13:30
bzoltan1cjwatson:  is there a simple way to ask from a click chroot what frameworks are available13:30
cjwatsonzbenjamin: I'm open to feedback on that; I suspect it will generally be more convenient to have a single chroot, and have the ABIs enforced by other things like the review tools.  What do you think?13:31
sergiusensrobotfuel, what are you trying to do?13:31
rsalvetibq27541_get_capacity = 0% ret= 013:31
rsalvetibq27541_get_psp temperature= 34913:31
cjwatsonbzoltan1: No, it's a bit light on query interfaces right now.  Suggest an interface, maybe?13:31
robotfuelsergiusens: flash the phone automatically like phablet-flash did. all of the phones in ci are broken, because they are still trying to use the phablet flash command.13:31
ogra_is that in farenheit ?13:31
rsalvetiSaviq: check yours as well13:32
rsalvetiogra_: might not be in any scale we know13:32
davmor2robotfuel: maguro isn't supported passed the 4.4.2 android update13:32
mterrytedg, what's the bug # for that FFe for indicator-sound?13:32
sergiusensrobotfuel, ubuntu-device-flash --wipe channel trusty-proposed ... like that?13:33
rsalvetiogra_: actually, bq27541_get_capacity = 0 means it was completely out of battery13:33
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robotfuelsergiusens: yes, I have a maguro which is probably the issue13:33
tedgmterry, bug 129367713:33
ubot5bug 1293677 in indicator-sound (Ubuntu) "FFE: Export data to accounts service" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/129367713:33
ogra_rsalveti, yeah, but the 349 $whatever for the temp are weird13:33
Saviqrsalveti, 250...260, doesn't get much higher13:34
sergiusensrobotfuel, I don't think the phablet-flash being broken is related to ubuntu-device-flash13:34
sergiusensrobotfuel, I don't think there's devel-proposed avail for maguro anymore13:34
robotfuelsergiusens: phablet-flash looks for a json file that does not exist on the server anymore13:34
bzoltan1cjwatson: I will figure out something. For now I will rely on the name of the chroot13:34
rsalvetisergiusens: we should have it still13:34
sergiusensrobotfuel, for that, do --channel ubuntu-touch/devel-proposed13:35
sergiusensrsalveti, it's just that robotfuel is mixing up two problems13:35
ogra_there are still both channels for maguro ... but devel/trusty only has 188 as the last promoted image13:36
ogra_(and we dont promote any for it anymore)13:36
sergiusensrsalveti, yeah maguro is there;13:36
Saviqogra_, rsalveti bug #129413013:36
ubot5bug 1294130 in android (Ubuntu) "Nexus 7 (flo) powers down randomly" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/129413013:36
ogra_Saviq, thx13:37
rsalvetiSaviq: can you add your /var/log/syslog in there?13:37
Saviqrsalveti, sure, but I've rebooted twice since13:37
Saviqrsalveti, dmesg.?13:37
rsalvetiSaviq: no worries13:37
rsalvetiSaviq: want the messages before it went off13:37
rsalvetiSaviq: you should have it unless you flashed your device13:38
sergiusensrobotfuel, and the full descriptions for ubuntu-device-flash and installation should be in the wiki13:38
Saviq47MBs syslog - sure, it'll be there...13:38
rsalvetiouch, but gzip should help quite a lot13:39
sergiusensrobotfuel, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch/Install#Step_4_-_Downloading_.26_Deploying_Image_to_Device13:39
Saviqrsalveti, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/android/+bug/1294130/comments/113:40
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1294130 in android (Ubuntu) "Nexus 7 (flo) powers down randomly" [Undecided,New]13:40
rsalvetiSaviq: thanks13:40
stgraberasac: hmm, so on my side everything went well including the end to end tests on devices here. As for QA, my understanding was that sergiusens figured out that they were using broken code ahead of time and provided a fix, I wasn't told of any problem...13:52
* stgraber continues to read backscroll13:53
hedz09ogra_: hey ogra, thanks for the help yesterday. I followed the instructions to prepare the ubuntu touch filesystem and got the following when booting up:     4.258965] init: Failed to bind socket 'property_service': No such file or directory [    4.268258] init: init startup failure [    4.272900] Kernel panic - not syncing: Attempted to kill init! exitcode=0x00000100 . Does anyone have thoughts on what's going on?13:54
sergiusensstgraber, so after a couple I recalled that ci used the device specific channel's json to figure out if there was a new build available; that spanned into a couple of branches that needed updates13:54
ogra_stgraber, all fine13:54
stgraberoh, ok, because they also used the hardcoded URLs instead of parsing channels.json...13:55
sergiusensstgraber, I'm going to see if I can provide an alternative for them; exactly13:55
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sergiusensstgraber, seems they were confused as I was by the definition of 'links' where we thought they were at the file layout level :)13:55
sergiusensas in ln -s ubuntu-touch/saucy saucy13:56
stgraberwell, at least with that change we managed to spot all the tools that aren't spec-compliant in one go ;)13:56
zbenjamincjwatson: yes single chroot sounds way better13:57
cjwatsonzbenjamin: yeah, I think otherwise we end up creating a combinatorial explosion of chroots, it sounds weird13:57
sergiusensstgraber, agreed;13:58
zbenjamincjwatson: completely agree, thats exactly why i'm asking because each chroot will be a own target in creator, that would be totally confusing :)13:58
janimo`ogra_, found the adbd issue. The change in the init script to not poke sysfs much but use the functionfs mount broke it here13:59
cjwatsonzbenjamin: feel free to play with lp:click r403, which is what I'm trying to get landed now13:59
janimo`apparently that other branch of code was not preserved at all. This device has functionfs but since I first heard of it today I'll need to see why it does not behave13:59
zbenjamincjwatson: ok13:59
ogra_janimo`, oh ? do you have a device with functionfs ?14:00
janimo`ogra_, well, mount -t functionfs did mount something and that f_ffs entry is there in syslog so I guess14:00
janimo`as I said I do not know what fs this is or what exactly that init script change was meant to fix14:01
ogra_janimo`, and your android doesnt configure functionfs for the gadget ?=14:01
janimo`ogra_, I need to dig into that. I tested the functionfs mount in recovery mode. In ubuntu boot mode I cannot adb shell in14:01
ogra_janimo`, its like "a unionfs to make the gadget device have more than two functions"14:01
ogra_usually g_android can only handle two functions14:02
janimo`ogra_, I may be missing some kernel config options or it's just something not tested much in this kernel. Does android use this?14:02
ogra_the functionfs extends that14:02
ogra_you should see it being handled in init.$device.usb.rc14:02
ogra_*if* your device supports it14:03
janimo`ogra_, for now I'll override that script with the old version in our rootfs so we can test recent images, but I need to find the cause14:03
sergiusensrobotfuel, just show me the code/script branch and I'll propose an MR14:03
ogra_worst case just drop it from the kernel14:03
ogra_we dont even support more functions than adb and mtp yet14:03
janimo`ogra_, do I need extra stuff in init scripts? I just diffed the two ubuntu image fss and this is how I found the change. If you have a pointer to a bug or changelog for this change which may touch other files that would be good :)14:04
ogra_no, we dont have a bug for it14:04
ogra_changelog entry should be in android-tools-adbd14:04
ogra_janimo`, http://paste.ubuntu.com/7114228/14:05
janimo`ogra_, thanks. So on devices where there's no fgunctionfs is the old codepath not needed either?14:06
janimo`those commands poking sysfs/andoird14:06
robotfuelsergiusens: they are using phablet-flash in a job, pinky is going on site to switch to ubuntu-device-flash, in case something goes wrong.14:06
ogra_janimo`, we wait for the container to have it configured before we start adbd so the sysfs hacks arent needed anymore ... what *is* needed is the line in init.rc that forces the persist property14:07
robotfuelsergiusens: ubuntu-device-flash reboots my phone to the recovery screen, but doesn't flash it. I am using a maguro.14:07
sergiusensrobotfuel, you can still use phablet-flash for the time being14:07
sergiusensrobotfuel, just change the channel to ubuntu-touch/devel-proposed14:07
groggsterHello! I am looking for the kernel sources for for building a kernel module. Where are they, and do I have to do something special to my Ubuntu touch phone in order to build and use kernel modules?14:07
robotfuelsergiusens: yes, we just tested your changing the channel and it works :)14:07
sergiusensrobotfuel, afaik, your box is on raring; I would wait for the switch to saucy14:08
robotfuelcjohnston: ^^14:08
sergiusensrobotfuel, that was what we discussed with plars and doanac` fwiw14:09
plarssergiusens, robotfuel: that's happening this friday14:09
robotfuelsergiusens: I opened a ubuntu-device-flash bug  https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/goget-ubuntu-touch/+bug/1293937 who do I ping to triage?14:14
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1293937 in goget-ubuntu-touch (Ubuntu) "ubuntu-device-flash fails to locate image when using relative revision" [Undecided,New]14:14
sergiusensrobotfuel, that already has an MR which I asked mandel to review14:15
robotfuelsergiusens: ok thanks14:16
hedz09ogra_:  Do you have any thoughts on the error? I haven't been able to find anything.14:25
ogra_hedz09, not really, thats just the last line ... the error is most likely somewhere before14:26
barryogra_: is `ubuntu-device-flash --revision -1` broken?  (channel trusty-proposed)14:28
hedz09ogra_:hmm, ok. Thanks.14:30
ogra_barry, ask sergiusens  .... thats his baby :)14:30
barryogra_: ack :)14:30
barrysergiusens: so, without --revision -1, image 243 gets installed.  but s-i.u.c seems to have image 24214:31
barry% ubuntu-device-flash --channel=trusty-proposed --revision -1 --bootstrap14:31
barry2014/03/18 10:27:14 Expecting the device to be in the bootloader... waiting14:31
barry2014/03/18 10:27:14 Device is |manta|14:31
barry2014/03/18 10:27:16 Failed to locate image -114:31
barry 14:31
sergiusensbarry, yeah; there's an mr for that14:32
popeybarry: command line help says "--revision=" not --revision<blank>14:32
barrypopey: nope.  `--revision -1` also fails (but cli should accept both)14:32
sergiusensbarry, popey yeah, cli works with both; relative versions against latest need a merge14:33
barrysergiusens: ack.  thanks, i'll use an absolute number for now14:33
sergiusensbarry, should land today; getting reviewers is what takes time :-)14:34
sergiusenspopey, care to take a look https://code.launchpad.net/~sergiusens/goget-ubuntu-touch/relative/+merge/21152314:34
popeyhah, saw that coming14:34
popeyi can test at the moment, i dont want to flash my devices14:35
sergiusenspopey, just see that it start downloading ;-)14:36
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om26ersergiusens, hey! do you know why I am seeing this error when doing click setup ? http://paste.ubuntu.com/7114344/14:59
sergiusensom26er, you are not using unity8 from trunk is my guess15:00
om26ersergiusens, its the latest unity that comes on the image15:00
sergiusensom26er, which version; I'll flash and check15:02
om26ersergiusens, its the very latest image 24315:03
sergiusensom26er, need to look at the latest unity8, maybe something changed there15:03
om26ersergiusens, so the problem was I did not had ubuntu-dev-tools installed due to some reason15:03
om26erwhich provides pull-lp-source15:03
om26erI remember installing phablet-tools with --no-install-recommends that's probably the reason15:03
ogra_wow, why ?15:04
Tassadarstgraber: hi, I'd want to add that ubuntu-touch "flavour" (is that what you call it?) to my server too - are all the code changes required on launchpad already?15:05
stgraberTassadar: yep, the production server is running the branch as it is on Launchpad, I can copy/paste you the si-shell commands I did yesterday to do the change15:06
Tassadaryeah, that would be nice, thanks15:06
hedz09ogra_:  here's the full log: http://pastebin.com/ass2A2ws15:07
ogra_hedz09, that looks very much like you are booting into android15:09
ogra_instead of into ubuntu15:09
Tassadarstgraber: also, I suppose it should be fine to add flavor as option when selecting the image to my app (it currently has "channel" and "version", but the channel names are bit too long right now). That would require for the naming schema to be consistent, like there can only be just one slash in the channel name, dividing the flavor name and channel name. Is that what you plan to do?15:09
stgraberfor channel in pub.list_channels().keys():15:11
stgraber    pub.rename_channel(channel, "ubuntu-touch/%s" % channel)15:11
stgraber    pub.create_channel_redirect(channel, "ubuntu-touch/%s" % channel)15:11
stgraber    if "alias" in pub.list_channels()["ubuntu-touch/%s" % channel]:15:11
stgraber        pub.change_channel_alias("ubuntu-touch/%s" % channel,15:11
stgraber                                 "ubuntu-touch/%s" % pub.list_channels()["ubuntu-touch/%s" % channel]['alias'])15:11
stgraberTassadar: that should do the trick ^15:11
stgraberTassadar: in theory we could add more sub-directories in the path but I can't think of a good reason to do that at the moment, so just splitting on / should be fine for now15:12
hedz09ogra_: I put the contents of out/target/product/root  on my root partition. Are these the wrong ramdisk files?15:12
Tassadarstgraber: okay, thanks. I'll make it work correctly even when there is more than one slash then15:12
ogra_hedz09, you want the contents of the tarball in your root partition15:12
ogra_hedz09, (the ubuntu rootfs)15:13
ogra_well, in fact you want a file called system.img in /userdata/ with the rootfs in it15:13
ogra_like rootstock creates15:14
ogra_(the initrd will find it and mount it as /)15:14
hedz09ogra_: my current setup is: root partition contains root, /userdata/ has the system.img with the ubuntu rootfs and android-ramdisk in it. From what you're saying it seems that my root partition is incorrect. Which initrd do I put on my root partiton (if the userdata partition contains the ubuntu rootfs in system.img)15:17
Tassadarhow can I look at the last commit in bzr, like git show15:18
ogra_hedz09, you root partition should only contain /userdata15:18
cjwatsonTassadar: bzr log -p -rlast:15:19
cjwatsonTassadar: I use   bzr alias show="log -v -p -n1 --long"15:19
Tassadarthanks, I'll add that too15:19
cjwatsonso that "bzr show -rlast:" works15:19
hedz09ogra_: ok. I'm using a prebuilt kernel so my build doesn't make a boot.img so I have to make it myself. What ramdisk should be packaged with it?15:22
Tassadarbzr is a bit...different from git which I'm used to. And now I have a merge conflict, guess I'll have to learn how to merge properly in bzr :x15:25
ogra_hedz09, ah, you should have an ubuntu-ramdisk file in your build dir that was downloaded during build15:29
Tassadaroh, when I merge with some other branch in bzr, I don't get history from that branch into my tree, that's unusual15:29
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hedz09ogra_: I have android-ramdisk.img and ramdisk.img. The ramdisk.img has init as  a shell script -- is this right?15:32
rsalvetiogra_: file adbd15:34
rsalvetiadbd: ELF 32-bit LSB  executable, Intel 80386, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked (uses shared libs), for GNU/Linux 2.6.24, BuildID[sha1]=dd06a054f09b70ae16fc2637a9ca78d22c0e9a20, stripped15:34
ogra_rsalveti, hmm15:35
ogra_then it should start for him as well15:35
ogra_rsalveti, could you give him a binary initrd ?15:36
rsalvetijust need to grab that one from the package itself15:36
rsalvetisame as I do for the x86 emulator image15:37
ogra_oh, we build it for x86 ?15:37
hedz09ogra_: I tried using this before and the kernel couldn't find /init :  [ 2.903520] Failed to execute /init.  Attempting defaults... [ 2.913137] Kernel panic - not syncing: No init found.  Try passing init= option to kernel.15:37
ogra_i thought we didnt15:37
rsalvetiogra_: we build it now ;-)15:37
rsalvetihad to change to support x8615:37
ogra_hedz09, then your initrd is broken ... it does all the mounting of the rootfs before swtiching to init15:37
ogra_rsalveti, ah, that was the missing bit :)15:37
rsalvetiyeah, I'd guess that the data partition is not mounted15:37
ogra_hedz09, you do *not* unpack the ramdisk anywhere15:38
ogra_it needs to come from the boot.img (or your u-boot setup needs to load it from somewhere)15:39
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ogra_hedz09, looking at http://pastebin.com/ass2A2ws you never load the initrd15:41
ogra_find out how to configure your u-boot in a way that it loads it15:42
ogra_and put the img file next to your zImage15:42
ogra_i guess the guys in #beagle can help pointing you to docs worst case15:43
popeydavmor2: I fiddled with the nexus sheet formatting because a user showed me a screenshot showing it to be hard to read on windows ⍨15:43
ogra_just ask him to install ubuntu in a VM :P15:44
ogra_or add: "windows is deprecated, please use a modern OS like Ubuntu" at the top of the sheet ;)15:45
t1mpis the "unlock sim" dialog kind of broken in image 244?15:45
tester4711Hi, quick question: how can i restart unity8 in the emulator manually?15:45
t1mpit reacts very slow.. so slow that I cannot properly enter the pin15:45
t1mpand then it just dies before I click done15:46
ogra_t1mp, 243 had some bad Mir issues, not sure that already got reverted properly in 24415:46
cwaynetester4711: adb shell; sudo -iu phablet initctl restart unity815:46
t1mpogra_: okay. could be mir also, I haven't tried much else besides the unlock sim yet15:47
ogra_t1mp, start the system-settings ... if it stays white until you touch the screen, thats the issue15:47
cwaynersalveti: when will the x86 emulator be released?15:47
hedz09ogra_: I've been following TI's Android image for the structure. In hindsight this was a bad route. For their Android image, they make a boot, rootfs and userdata partition. Boot has u-boot.img, MLO, zImage, uEnv.txt unpacked. Rootfs has the ramdisk unpacked as well as the contents of system (uEnv.txt passes an argument to the kernel to indicate this as the root partition). I was able to build CM and construct a similar struct15:47
cjwatsonTassadar: yeah you do, at least after you commit15:47
cjwatsonTassadar: you might want to use bzr log -n0 to see the merged history15:48
rsalveticwayne: when it's done :P15:48
tester4711@cwayne: thx.15:48
hedz09ogra_: uEnv also passes to the kernel the location of the init binary15:48
ogra_hedz09, yeah, bad idea ... load the initrd from u-boot, have a system.img in /userdata on your root partition and you should boot into ubuntu15:48
ogra_you shouldnt need to pass the init= arg15:49
cwaynersalveti: :D15:49
rsalveticwayne: working on it, should have more news later this week15:49
Tassadarcjwatson: what happens to the revision numbers then? do they change?15:49
ogra_the kernel usually looks in known places anyway15:49
ogra_(/sbin/init and /init at least)15:49
t1mpogra_: yes, system settings stays white15:49
cjwatsonTassadar: revision ids stay the same; revision numbers depend on the branch you're on15:49
cjwatson(--show-ids to see the ids)15:49
ogra_t1mp, then blame Mir for the PIN stuff too i guess ... see if it works on 241 or 24215:50
hedz09ogra_: ok, so on my boot partition I should put initrd (just ensuring I understand this correctly so I can move away from what TI did)15:52
ogra_you should put the initrd and change your u-boot configuration to load it15:53
hedz09ogra_:  put initrd where, sorry?15:55
ogra_next to the zImage file ... wherever that lives15:55
ogra_(most likely a vfat boot partition)15:56
ogra_(and no, i dont know what you need to change for u-boot to make it load it ... you will have to find out yourself)15:56
hedz09ogra_: ok, I'll look into it. Thanks for the help.15:57
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mterryogra_, what branches did you have on your machine when you made that boot animation video?16:03
ogra_mterry, only https://code.launchpad.net/~unity-team/unity-system-compositor/new-gl-screen/+merge/21046616:03
mterryogra_, huh, OK.  I didn't see much of a black screen in between the animation and the greeter16:04
ogra_it works pretty nice16:04
bfillerrsalveti, Mirv: I thought qtmultimedia in Qt5.2 depended on gstreamer1.0 and not 0.10. But seems libqt5multimedia5-plugins still depends on libgstreamer0.10-016:14
rsalvetibfiller: just qtmultimedia-touch depends on gst1.016:14
rsalvetibfiller: the original one is still depending on gst0.1016:14
bfillerrsalveti: even for 5.2?16:15
bfillerrsalveti: so for touch apps on the desktop this poses a problem I guess16:15
rsalvetibfiller: it's a problem if you're using qtmultimedia and gst in the same app16:16
bfillerrsalveti: right16:16
bfillerrsalveti: I guess as long as we just use qtmultimedia and not gst directly we should be ok16:17
rsalvetibfiller: yes16:17
bfillerrsalveti: but gstreamer0.10 will get pulled into the desktop based on qtmultimedia which should be ok16:17
bfillershould be ok then16:17
bfillerrsalveti: as long as scene selector in media player can be done someway without directly using gstreamer16:18
bfilleras that's not part of qtmultimedia currently16:18
rsalvetibfiller: afaik that will be done with the mediahub16:18
bfillerrsalveti: will mediahub run on desktop?16:19
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rsalvetibfiller: I belive so, that's part of our convergence plan anyway16:19
timppalatest image seems to be very slow opening apps16:27
timppaand many apps don't open at all16:27
cjwatsontimppa: apparently being investigated, https://bugs.launchpad.net/mir/+bug/1294051 https://bugs.launchpad.net/mir/+bug/129405316:31
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1294051 in Mir "Apps are much slower to open" [Critical,New]16:31
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1294053 in Mir "Settings app opens to a blank screen unless given enough time to render or the app is touched" [High,Confirmed]16:31
timppacjwatson: ok, great16:32
timppageoclue-and-gypsy package was on the changelog, has it been implemented in what way? Can I use it from Qt app?16:33
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tyzeffffffhi guys, i am french guy from maldive, nice no? lol! ok seriously i am linux lover from 2007 with festy fawn 7.04. then this days i used to on a gt-i9070uncle'sam change my android stock for cyano11 bug a bit then now went on cm10.2... then? then i saw that it may possible to install ubuntu touch on my device samsung s advance gt-i9070... and this can help ubuntu if i report bugs... then i like this way but don't know if i16:40
tyzeffffffbig thank and sorry for this little roman16:40
t1mp!devices | tyzeffffff16:43
ubot5tyzeffffff: You can find the full list of devices, official images, community images, and works in progress at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch/Devices16:43
tyzeffffffany advice please cause i can't properly articles to explane if that's possible to install ubuntu touch on my samsung16:43
tyzeffffffoh thank t1mp16:43
tyzeffffffyes t1mp i went to this article but not so clear for me to understand what can i do for my phone...16:45
t1mptyzeffffff: I don't see at-i9070 (I don't know what that is) listed on that page, so there is no port yet16:45
t1mpunless the device is one of those in the list, you would have to port it yourself16:46
t1mpI don't know how to do that. There is a guide here https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch/Porting but it won't be easy I think16:47
tyzefffffft1mp well thank you i think just to wait for some times and see if later...16:49
cjwatsontimppa: the geoclue-gypsy change was just me prodding at multiarch metadata16:50
t1mptyzeffffff: yeah. It seems maldives is not the worst place to be waiting :)16:50
cjwatsontimppa: in an attempt to simplify click chroot16:50
tyzefffffft1mp lol, big joke i just got!!! yes that true nice to be patient here!16:52
timppacjwatson: ok, I had high hopes on that :D16:53
nerochiarobfiller: update: i managed to have the pages flip to the cover without closing the album, but the cover is scaled wrong for some reason. trying to fix that.16:59
bfillernerochiaro: ack16:59
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Tassadarstgraber: by the way, I suppose devices installed from s-i before the rename happened will be automatically set to the ubuntu-touch/* variant when they'll be updated?17:21
stgraberTassadar: yep, they do.17:22
stgraberTassadar: they'll grab an update as usual, the new version tarball will contain the new channel name in channel.ini and from that point on they'll use the new name directly17:23
ogra_mterry, i assume you only want to land https://code.launchpad.net/~mterry/session-manager-touch/split/+merge/211549 once kgunn has landed https://code.launchpad.net/~unity-team/unity-system-compositor/new-gl-screen/+merge/210466 ?17:26
ogra_(which i pinged him about yesterday)17:26
ogra_mterry, or does usc cope with getting options it doesnt know17:27
mterryogra_, yeah really https://code.launchpad.net/~mterry/session-manager-touch/split/+merge/211549 needs to land in concert with ~mterry/unity8/split17:27
mterryogra_, so I'd like to have the branch approved, but it needs proper silo treatment along with the unity8 branch17:27
mterryogra_, USC does *not* cope well with that17:27
ogra_yeah, thats what i suspected :)17:27
davmor2popey: what refactoring did you do to the spreadsheet?17:32
popeyi just moved stuff17:32
davmor2popey: ah fair enough ;)17:33
Saviqogra_, how do I map image numbers between http://people.canonical.com/~ogra/touch-image-stats and the revisions?17:34
davmor2Saviq: Guess work like the rest of us ;)17:35
Saviqdavmor2, I knew there must be some universal approach!17:35
ogra_Saviq, i'm working on the imagebot currently, in the future it should put links with the revisions in place ... until then http://ci.ubuntu.com/smokeng/trusty/touch/ is the easy way, or the harder way is to fish it out of http://system-image.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-touch/trusty-proposed/mako/index.json17:35
davmor2Saviq: it should be the same number in the ci train page17:35
Saviqdavmor2, that's probably the best - the landing emails17:36
ogra_once my bot is done something like http://people.canonical.com/~ogra/touch-image-stats/243.changes will just work17:36
ogra_(though i have other work distracting me from finishing the bot atm)17:36
SaviqETOOMANYCHANNELS too....17:37
davmor2Saviq:  Hey you open the can of worms don't start to panic now you can't handle them ;)17:39
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davmor2Who's the best person to ask about the light sensor not working?17:40
Saviqdavmor2, I'm past EOD, you're almost there, what do you care ;) someone else will have to deal17:40
ogra_davmor2, the powerd maintainer17:41
Saviqdavmor2, light as in backlight, or proximity? /me was pressing plenty of buttons today with my cheek...17:41
davmor2Saviq: light as in backlight, it doesn't do anything and I've been helpfully informed that it used to17:42
Saviqnever really did the job for me...17:42
Saviqok, /me moves to low power mode17:42
ogra_worked always fine for me17:42
ogra_(on mako that is)17:43
davmor2ogra_: and now? not right17:43
ogra_dunno, my usable mako is out of battery atm17:43
ogra_and the other one has no touchscreen17:43
davmor2ogra_: hahaha17:43
ogra_in flo there are known issues with backlight17:44
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rsalvetidavmor2: I'll check that bug later this week17:57
nerochiarobfiller: i think i'm close to cracking it, but i need to go soon. i should be able to finish it tomorrow morning17:57
bfillernerochiaro: anything I could try to at least see if the album doesn't close?17:58
nerochiarobfiller:  yes, let me push a temp branch17:59
nerochiarobfiller: i actually pushed directly to the MR18:02
nerochiarobfiller: as it's a change that will need to go in there anyway18:02
bfillernerochiaro: I'll try it18:02
nerochiarobfiller: thanks, please update MR with your findings18:03
bfillernerochiaro: will do18:03
sergiusensbarry, mandel we good with silo 5 then?18:09
sergiusensjust catching up with emails18:09
barrysergiusens: lgtm18:10
mhall119bzoltan1: is qt 5.2 going to be backported to Saucy in the SDK PPA?18:15
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barrysergiusens, mandel: got disconnect, not sure if you saw my "good to go" message?18:25
sergiusensogra_, rsalveti I added a comment to the vol up/down bug; don't think it's android18:25
sergiusensbarry, yup; got the lgtm one; assumed it's what I wanted to hear :-)18:25
barrysergiusens: :)18:26
ogra_sergiusens, thx18:26
sergiusensogra_, should I also reply to the email? my guess is something is filtering it now18:27
ogra_which email ?18:27
rsalvetisergiusens: it's not android18:28
sergiusensogra_, the landing team meeting email18:29
sergiusensrsalveti, yeah, but the bug is assigned to android :-P18:29
ogra_ah, yeah, i think that might make sense18:29
rsalvetisergiusens: right, but that is fine18:29
rsalvetiit's just a placeholder18:29
sergiusensrsalveti, have you already figured it out?18:29
rsalvetiI'm currently investigating that bug18:29
ogra_blame Mir :P18:29
ogra_its the top one to blame today18:30
sergiusensrsalveti, ogra_ well it's not unfeasible for mir to be it as it grabs the input devices18:33
rsalvetiit was also happening before the new mir landed18:33
ogra_despite the :P i wasnt joking :)18:33
rsalvetibut anyway, checking18:33
ogra_right, it was broken in 241 already18:34
sergiusensrsalveti, could also be qt/qtubuntu; had some issues before there18:34
davmor2rsalveti: ah thanks dude18:45
jkthi there19:08
jktrunning patched ubuntu-ui-components (removed all references to the thumbnailer because that's something I have no idea where to get and how to build)19:08
mhall119bzoltan1: Kaleo: jkt is trying to build the ubuntu-ui-toolkit on gentoo (for testing the Trojita port)19:08
jktfile:///opt/qt5.2/qml/Ubuntu/Components/MainView.qml:18:1: module "Ubuntu.Unity.Action" is not installed  import Ubuntu.Unity.Action 1.1 as UnityActions19:08
mhall119can you help him?19:08
jktthe ubuntu-ui-components built and installed (after patching out the thumbnmailer) just fine, but apparently it requires some Unity-specific bits19:09
jktI'm on KDE4 if it's relevant19:09
mhall119jkt: https://launchpad.net/unity-action-api looks to be the project that provides it19:11
mhall119which looks like it needs HUD stuff19:12
mhall119so really MainView should be runable without Unity.Actions being available to it19:12
jktmhall119: ack, needs hud-2 -> no joy19:13
mhall119bzoltan1: ^^ if you agree, I'll file a bug about that19:13
alecubeuno, JamesTait: did you guys got enough details on the update process?19:14
mhall119jkt: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-ui-toolkit/+bug/1294298 if you want to subscribe to it19:16
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1294298 in Ubuntu UI Toolkit "MainView should be usable without Ubuntu.Unity.Actions" [Undecided,New]19:16
jktmhall119: you might want to add Ubuntu/Components/Page.qml to the list19:17
jktmhall119: and grep shows that TextField.qml and Action.qml are the other two culprits19:18
bzoltan1mhall119:  thanks for filing the bug. We will check it out in the morning19:35
timppaevening! I just typed my longest note with the notes app and noticed that it does not scroll. So when the note is long enough the text hides under the keyboard19:36
timppaI think that's not the way it should be?!19:36
mhall119thanks bzoltan119:38
t1mpmhall119: what's the use case for that bug?19:39
mhall119t1mp: running an app outside of Unity19:39
t1mpmhall119: that dependency is there because actions of the app are also made available to the HUD19:40
mhall119t1mp: then they should be exposed in a way that allows the app to run when the HUD isn't there19:40
bzoltan1mhall119: what is the use case to use an app without Unity?19:40
mhall119bzoltan1: in this case, the upstream developer doesn't run Unity (or even Ubuntu) but wants to run the Ubuntu UI port of his project19:40
t1mpmhall119: you mean for porting it to other operating systems?19:40
bzoltan1mhall119:  I am not against it :) justtry to understand the issue19:40
mhall119t1mp: if I run Xubuntu I should still be able to run Ubuntu UI toolkit apps19:41
bzoltan1mhall119: is that written somewhere?19:41
mhall119I didn't think it would need to be19:41
t1mpmhall119: the plan was that more advanced functions of an app such changing the saturation of a photo in gallery-app, are only exposed via the hud19:42
bzoltan1mhall119:  kind of19:42
t1mpmhall119: those apps would break if there is no HUD19:42
mhall119I can run Gtk apps in KDE, and Qt apps in Gnome, I should be able to run UITK apps in either19:42
t1mpmhall119: to run gtk apps in kde you still need the gtk libs19:42
mhall119t1mp: that's fine, in that case the UnityActions shouldn't be a part of MainView, but something added on optionally19:42
t1mp< bzoltan1> mhall119:  I am not against it :) justtry to understand the issue <-- same for me :)19:42
bzoltan1mhall119:  It is a nice idea and I do not say I do not like it, but it is significant enough to get some real mandate to work on it19:43
t1mpmhall119: why? unityactions comes from a lib that you can install19:43
mhall119t1mp: which pulls in libhud19:43
t1mpmhall119: yes, just like running any qt app on gnome will pull in libqt19:44
t1mpmhall119: I agree that it is nice to keep the dependencies as small as possible. Just trying to find a use case to make the importance more than "Wishlist" :)19:45
mhall119t1mp: libqt is on the same level as ubuntu-ui-toolkit, libhud is not19:45
mhall119t1mp: the user case is that app developers can't port their app to our awesome convergence toolkit without running Ubuntu and Unity on their development machine19:47
mhall119in this case, an upstream email client is giving us an Ubuntu UI port, we should let them develop and run it on the same environment they currently develop on19:48
t1mpmhall119: yes, that makes sense19:48
bzoltan1mhall119:  according to my prsent understanding the target platform for the SDK and so UITK is the Ubuntu 14.0419:48
mhall119bzoltan1: Ubuntu 14.04 does not require Unity though19:48
mhall119jkt is happy compiling from source to run it on Gentoo, but the more dependencies there are to use MainView, the bigger roadblock that becomes19:49
bzoltan1mhall119: I might not be competent enough to say much about that19:49
mhall119bzoltan1: is there any technical reason other than convenience to keep such a narrow target for UITK?19:50
bzoltan1mhall119:  my understanding is the Unity is a centerpiece in 14.0419:51
t1mpmhall119: support takes a lot of time, and we have very limited time19:51
bzoltan1mhall119:  resources, schedule, requirements19:51
mhall119t1mp: I understand, and that's a valid reason for "not right now", but not for "not ever"19:51
t1mpmhall119: technically I see no problems in making it work the way you like :)19:51
mhall119I'm okay with "not right now" if that's the answer19:51
bzoltan1mhall119:  again :) I am not against it... just wish to see a written, documented, discussed and signed requirement19:52
bzoltan1mhall119:  "not right now" means not in the next 3-4 months19:52
bzoltan1mhall119:  zsombi has commented on the bug19:52
bzoltan1mhall119:  he has a good point19:53
mhall119bzoltan1: sounds reasonable to me, though I hope "HUD going away" is a temporary condition of the bottom edge/header changes, not a permanent situation19:54
mhall119but it sounds like a good opportunity to make it a clean separation between UITK and Unity19:54
t1mpmhall119: if the hud would go away, yes. If it comes back with a different way to invoke it it would be a pity to break/remove the APIs for adding actions to the HUD now19:55
t1mpmore than a pity. We promised not to break APIs19:55
bzoltan1mhall119:  me too, but keep in mind that right now I have no mandate, neither time or resources to consider other targets than Ubuntu 14.04 with Unity ... in case you need something else :) you know  who to go.19:56
t1mpI wonder whether QtQuick can do conditional imports19:58
mhall119t1mp: the APIs exposed to developers aren't dependent on Ubuntu.Unity.Actions, that's an implementation detail in the UITK19:59
t1mpin a way, yes - https://bugreports.qt-project.org/browse/QTBUG-1685419:59
mhall119t1mp: developers just use Ubuntu.Components.Action19:59
t1mpmhall119: true. I was thinking of import Ubuntu.Unity.Action 1.1 as UnityActions19:59
t1mpin our Action.qml19:59
t1mpI think we can hide that with a Loader inside Action.qml20:00
mhall119which could be be replaced by something else that doesn't have a hard dependency on other libs, and we wouldn't break the API we give developers20:00
t1mpmhall119: do you know of any apps that use the UITK APIs to offer functionality in the HUD?20:00
nhainesNot to be unconstructive, but I would hate to think that the current situation of Unity 8 is that "no one knows what's happening with HUD."20:01
t1mpnhaines: the new bottom-edge for apps (which I like) conflicts with the current way of invoking the HUD. That's what I know20:04
mhall119t1mp: I know the webbrowser-app does, my uReadIt app does, probably others (though we didn't push this API much)20:05
nhainest1mp: That's where I'm at.20:06
mhall119nhaines: it's in the hands of the designers now to figure out how to expose the HUD in a way that doesn't conflict with the bottom edge changes20:07
* mhall119 personally hopes it's exposed the same way indicators are, from the top20:07
t1mpnhaines: the designers presented the new bottom edge and a new header design in one week, so I don't expect they will also present a solution for that this week20:08
nhainesmhall119, t1mp: this kind of thing should have been hand-in-hand with the bottom edge design (if not the header design).20:08
nhainesI've given thought to overloading the search panel for HUD but I don't think I like that idea.20:09
t1mpapps can have a search button in the header which changes the header title to a search field20:09
t1mpmaybe the search panel in the status bar will not be needed anymore then?20:09
nhainesThere's already no search panel in the status bar.20:09
nhainesBasically, all the vague mockups with no API or implementation means that once again I have to throw away all my app designs and start over... whenever code decides to land.20:10
t1mpnhaines: you are right. the search panel is not there in apps, only in the scopes20:11
t1mpnhaines: which app designs do you have?20:11
t1mpnhaines: many of the new header APIs and implementation are my tasks. So if you have suggestions feel free to tell me20:11
t1mpnhaines: we try not to break existing APIs, and so far we managed not to do that20:12
nhainest1mp: I'm working on a document editor for writers.20:21
nhainesBut I'm not going to waste my time designing toolbars and HUD actions when both of those designs are going to be invalidated.20:22
nhainest1mp: I'm a little skeptical about the header design (same icon for tabs and for actions seems *really* sketchy to me) but I can't wait to see them in action because there's a potential to be really interesting.20:23
nhainest1mp: any idea when they're planned to land?20:23
t1mpnhaines: I don't know what will happen to the HUD20:23
t1mpnhaines: for the toolbar, the plan is that you only have to flip one boolean switch in MainView, and the tools you had in the toolbar will move to the header20:24
t1mpnhaines: it won't land all at once, but in steps. The first steps (bottom edge available for apps, tabs in drawer in the header) in the coming two weeks20:25
t1mpnhaines: we got a bit slowed down because of the transition to qt 5.2. I cannot land new things until we have a stable image with qt 5.220:25
t1mpnhaines: you can track the work in progress here https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu-ui-toolkit/+spec/new-header20:26
jktbzoltan1, t1mp: hi there20:26
t1mpjkt: hello20:26
jktre the unity dep in your QML bits20:27
bzoltan1hello jkt20:27
jktyou realize that this is going to make testing apps for Ubuntu rather hard, if not impossible, when one does not run Ubuntu, right?20:27
bzoltan1jkt:  yes20:27
jktthat's something unexpected20:28
bzoltan1jkt:   why is that?20:28
jktdo you plan to require just a couple of installed libs, or do you plan to impose runtime bits (i.e. running Unity) as well?20:28
bzoltan1jkt: to put it very simple. The primary target for the Ubuntu SDK is Ubuntu.20:29
t1mpjkt: you don't need to run unity, but we do need the unity libs as they define the Action component that is now in UITK20:30
bzoltan1jkt: we do not test our SDK (neither the tools or the APIs) on other platform than on Ubuntu20:30
jktI'm not talking about using a SDK, but about running applications20:30
jktI'm fine with hitting bugs20:30
jktand reporting them, of course20:31
t1mpjkt: you want to port your email app to our UITK, but you want it to stay cross-platform and not depend on unity libs?20:31
jktthis is something which is under development, sure20:31
bzoltan1jkt: As far as I understand now, the objective of the Ubuntu SDK is to create applications for Ubuntu.20:31
jktI do not want to port anything anywhere, "you" want a Unity frontend for that20:31
jktI'm reviewing the patches20:31
t1mpok, I didn't know that20:31
jktanyway, it's your choice to make by all means -- it's just something which surprised me a bit20:32
bzoltan1jkt:  I would love to see the ubuntu SDK and the APIs portable to other platforms. That would be super cool and exciting.20:33
t1mpI agree with bzoltan1.20:33
bzoltan1jkt: I wonder what surprised you. Could you please elaborate?20:33
jktthe way things have worked for past X years was that you were able to run any app on any desktop, you just needed to install a couple of libraries20:33
jktwhat surprised me was that you were surprised that one would want to run a "built for Ubuntu" app on another desktop20:34
jktperhaps I considered that more of an interoperable desktop platform than e.g. a mobile UI20:34
ajalkaneUbuntu SDK is open source, why should it be a problem to have it on other platforms? It becomes only an issue of politics20:34
bzoltan1jkt: it did not surprise me at all. That is a very natural thing.20:34
jktI do understand that one needs to "port" an app (i.e. rewrite an UI) between, say, MeeGo Harmattan and Sailfish20:35
jktthese are completely different beasts, and that's how stuff works on mobile, sadly20:35
bzoltan1ajalkane: it is not forbidden to port the SDK to any platform.20:35
jktbut on desktop Linux, there were historically no such barriers, and one could run, say, a Gnome app on KDE without any hassle20:35
ajalkanebzoltan1: that's exactly what I mean. It's just a question of politics if other distros want to include it.20:36
jktthere were no nasty surprises like menubar disappearing only because platform XYZ has it outside of the window or whatever20:36
ajalkaneI for one applaud Canonical in keeping it open source20:36
bzoltan1ajalkane: I do not do politics... ever20:36
jktI've been told that the QML components for Ubuntu are supposed to power both desktop and mobile apps20:37
bzoltan1jkt: that is correct20:37
jktand therefore I'm surprised that it will be hard to run the desktop ones on a non-Unity desktop, that's all20:37
jktof course "you" are free to spend your resources in a way which fits you best20:38
t1mpjkt: there is still a bunch of stuff missing for desktop in our uitk. We don't intend to make it hard to run on a non-unity desktop20:38
bzoltan1jkt: As far as I know it has never been a secret that the primary platform as development environment and target is Ubuntu20:38
t1mpbut it is not done yet, especially not for desktop20:38
ajalkanebzoltan1: I meant politics on part of the other distros if they choose to include this stuff, not on Ubuntus part20:39
bzoltan1jkt: ajalkane: we do not build anything with a purpose to make porting hard or impossible. Portable code is a fundamental value and we all respect this value.20:39
dobeyjkt: it's no different from any other app, whether it's in qml, c++, or python. as long as you have the necessary dependencies installed and working, the app should work20:39
bzoltan1ajalkane: I do not do any politics, ever... in any meaning.20:40
dobeybzoltan1: are you dead? :)20:40
bzoltan1dobey: :) I have pulse20:41
dobeybzoltan1: whether you see something you do as political or not doesn't much matter. anything you do can be seen as a political thing by someone else. that's how politics works :)20:41
ajalkaneWell me neither. But it's obvious there's lots of politics between the distros. One example is the whole holabaloo between Wayland and Mir, Upstart and systemd etc20:41
nhainest1mp: Thanks for the blueprint!  Sorry, I'm in and out a bit today.  But I appreciate your explanations and the extra info!  :)20:42
t1mpnhaines: you're welcome. I also want to get the stuff in UITK so developers can use it ASAP.20:43
bzoltan1jkt: actually our idea for application developmen is that the SDK will have 3 major components. (1) The SDK Tools, that is QtCreator with special plugins (2) an emulator with the full blown Ubuntu and (3) a click chroot builder. One can create apps for Ubuntu on any platform where these components can work. Even on OSX or Windows ...20:43
t1mpI've seen a port of Ubuntu.Components to OSX... (can't find the website right now)20:44
bzoltan1dobey: I know :) But that is not my problem. I do no do politics and I am happy like this.20:44
bzoltan1t1mp:  and the QtC is perfectly portable too... same as the emulator. The click tools might need some love, but I think they are portable too20:45
dobeylp:click on osx or win would be a bit of a problem right now20:45
bzoltan1jkt: so even on Ubuntu we will go away from the classic model that the runtime is the development environment. It is not sustainable.20:46
dobeyas it uses python-gi and has some code written in vala20:46
t1mpbzoltan1: click tools you only need if your target is ubuntu. I would be happy if people would like to develop cross-platform apps (for osx/windows) using our toolkit :)20:46
bzoltan1dobey:  not on the emulator ;)20:46
t1mpthat would mean we have a really good toolkit :)20:46
dobeywell, sure20:46
bzoltan1dobey:  XCode does the same the Maemo SDKs did the same ... neither of these used any local service or runtime dependency20:47
t1mp^android sdk does the same20:47
jktwell, it just feels backwards when one needs an emulator or chroot or a virtual machine just for running a "desktop application" on a pretty common desktop Linux :)20:48
dobeybzoltan1: sure. but in that case "portability" isn't a concern for those tools, because they'll only ever be run in the VM20:48
t1mpjkt: yes, I agree.20:48
dobeyjkt: you don't need an emulator to run the stuff on linux20:48
t1mpjkt: the bug was confirmed. It is just a matter of time (I'm not saying how much). Any help is welcome :)20:48
dobeythe emulator is to run apps in an environment they would be run in on the phone/tablet/ubuntu20:49
bzoltan1jkt: we have seen that the model you talk about is hardly sustainable even on Ubuntu20:50
bzoltan1jkt:  even as we speak we provide and support the SDK for three different Ubuntu series ... it is not easy and it holds us back20:51
t1mp^just to clarify, it is technically possible to get it all to work on 10 versions of ubuntu and also osx and windows and android, but it takes a *lot* of work to implement it and then even more to support it20:51
bzoltan1t1mp: +1k20:51
JamesTaitalecu, I'm not here, but I think we did: https://bugs.launchpad.net/software-center-agent/+bug/1293797 - feel free to make any necessary corrections. :)20:53
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1293797 in Software Center Agent "nexus 4 "COMMAND ERROR" when updating apps" [Undecided,Confirmed]20:53
bzoltan1not to mention that we do care about how things look and how good quality they are... and I think it is just plain honesty that we do not say that we provide the same experience and quality on distros we can not test and dogfood. But contributions are welcome. We do not block the porting.20:53
bzoltan1jkt: ajalkane: dobey ^20:54
jktwell, at this time I should probably point out that the application which made me come here builds and runs on OS/220:54
jktbut sure, portability and packaging costs real time20:54
t1mpI'd be happy if people port uitk, and do my best to make it easy for them20:54
jkt"uitk" is what in this context?20:55
ajalkaneExactly as I would expect20:55
t1mpuitk = Ubuntu UI Toolkit, also known as Ubuntu.Components20:55
t1mpI'd support porting the full SDK also, but I happen to work more on UITK myself20:56
bzoltan1I totally  +1 what t1mp said20:57
jktso as a feedback from another dev, it appears to build fine on Gentoo when one nukes the dep on "thumbnailer"20:57
dobeyunless upstream qt has stopped supporting os/2, i don't see any reason why the uitk and apps couldn't be ported to os/220:57
bzoltan1jkt:  I know .. that was one thing what caused problem for us too on 12.0420:57
t1mpjkt: oh cool. So there is no problem with the unity/hud dependency?20:57
jktthat's a runtime dep in the qml files20:58
jkt...or I need more coffee20:58
jktnope, I don't20:58
jktubuntu-ui-toolkit doesn't require these libs at build time, but its .qml files cannot load because they reference the unity-action-api20:59
jktbut that's what the bug report says already20:59
dansufIs it possible to check which version of mir is ubuntu touch using?20:59
dansufOr which the current daily build is using?21:00
dobeydpkg -l mir?21:01
dobeyor https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/mir21:01
dansufthere is no such package21:01
dobeypress tab?21:02
dansufI'm not too experienced in it but if daily contains the newset version that's not good21:02
dansuffor me21:02
cwayne_dpkg -l | grep mir21:02
dansufas I've got a little problem21:02
dobeythen don't run the daily builds?21:02
dobeyor file a bug, because that's what the daily builds are for… testing21:02
dansufthe fact is I'm trying to port touch to my phone and it can be my fault, not the ubuntu itself21:03
dansufthanks for the suggestion, I will file a bug when I'm sure it's software problem21:04
mandelsergiusens, sorry, I was out, yes, but I notice you already landed it :)21:06
t1mpdansuf:  apt-cache policy libmirplatform21:07
dansuft1mp, thank you21:08
dansufThis is what happens in my logcat after starting lightdm service: http://pastebin.com/KMaQKNEL21:09
dansufand in unity-system-compositor-log I've got this error:21:11
dansufterminate called after throwing an instance of 'boost::exception_detail::clone_impl<boost::exception_detail::error_info_injector<std::runtime_error> >'21:11
dansuf  what():  error during hwc set()21:11
Saviqdobey, fwiw, there's no bash completion on the devices...21:16
dobeySaviq: oh. well, install bash-completion then hit tab? :)21:17
Saviqdansuf, this error shows up sometimes when different mir servers fight for the hardware, as far as I can tell, it usually goes away after a reboot when everything settles again21:17
Saviqdansuf, not that this should be needed - still a bug21:18
dansufSaviq, the problem is this happens always21:18
dansufand I can't get any grphics at all21:18
Saviqdansuf, what device? which image number?21:19
Saviqdansuf, also, there's #ubuntu-mir that some mir folk hang out on, probably easier to get them there21:19
dansufI am porting it to sony ericson  live with walkman, codename coconut21:20
dansufIf you mean ready device images there are none21:21
dansufexcept for old unflipped saucy21:21
dansufThank you for giving me the channel name, I will definitely go there.21:22
Saviqdansuf, right, that might mean it's a device-specific thing, definitely talk to mir folk21:22
rsalvetijezz, apparmor takes a huge time to run during first boot on the emulator21:38
rsalvetirunning for more than 5 minutes already21:38
jdstrandrsalveti: speaking of which, what's up with the x86 emulator? I saw a blog post and am itching to try21:38
jdstrandrsalveti: also, note, we did get about a 40% improvement on compile times this cycle, but the emulator is a rough environment to make fast21:40
jdstrandrsalveti: we also devised a method to precompile policy which the image generation process could use for preinstalled apps, which would help quite a bit21:40
jdstrandrsalveti: but that most likely won't land this cycle21:41
rsalvetijdstrand: just missing a qt5 stack compatible with gles, which is what I'm currently working on21:44
rsalvetijdstrand: hopefully should have something for later this week21:44
rsalvetijdstrand: oh, ok21:44
jdstrandrsalveti: nice! :)21:45
rsalvetiSaviq: wonder if we have a leak with the emulator as well, unity8 keeps eating more and more if you let the first boot navigation guide running21:48
rsalvetialready eating 80%21:48
rsalvetioom will probably kill it in a few21:49
Saviqrsalveti, interesting... but only when the welcome thing is running?21:49
Saviqrsalveti, bug, please, we'll look into it21:50
rsalvetiSaviq: when rendering it seems21:54
Saviqrsalveti, rendering anything?21:54
Saviqrsalveti, /me thinks mir/u-s-c21:54
rsalvetiyeah, moving to a different lens is already enough21:55
rsalvetisystem-compositor seems fine, unity8 is the one eating more memory21:55
rsalvetilet me open a bug21:55
rsalvetibug 129437321:58
ubot5bug 1294373 in unity8 (Ubuntu) "Memory leak when running Unity8 on the emulator" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/129437321:58
rsalvetiI'd guess something with qt5.221:59
Tassadarstgraber: btw, ubuntu-touch/devel-proposed* aliases are no longer hidden after the rename (but trusty-proposed still is)22:17
stgraberTassadar: should be better now22:33
stgrabernot sure if that matches what we had before as I've just redone it from scratch but I think what's visible now makes sense22:34
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sin18even though i have unlocked my nexus 4 (fastboot oem unlock), at the time of flashing it bombs with 'can't boot recovery image' as im flashing the device with ubuntu-device-flash command23:22
sergiusenssin18, how are you running it?23:25
sin18sudo ubuntu-device-flash --channel=devel --bootstrap23:26
sergiusenssin18, can you pastebin the output?23:27
sin18sergiusens : pastebin.com/GmX8ShRb23:30
shiggitayrsalveti, hello :)23:39
shiggitayany N5 progress?23:39
sergiusenssin18, do you have xz-utils installed? (apt get it if not)23:40
sergiusenssin18, oh, and why the sudo to ubuntu-device-flash23:40
sin18sergiusens : already have xz-utils .... as for sudo (no god reason now that you pose the ques).. let me run it with regular userid23:41
sin18no good*23:42
sin18sergiusens : i know why i was using sudo as i run into error -> mkdir /home/ubuntu/.cache/ubuntu-images/pool: permission denied23:51
sergiusenssin18, that can only happen if the first run was done as sudo23:52
sergiusenssin18, /home/ubuntu, is this a VM?23:52
sin18sergiusens : yes it is VM (virtualbox) hosted on fedora23:54
sergiusenssin18, that's going to be a problem with usb devices appearing and dissappearing; that's the reason it fails23:54
sin18sergiusens : that is true where i have to check 'usb' under devices during the process. However, i remember using same setup to install ubuntu touch on nexus 7 several months back23:55
sergiusenssin18, if you want to flash from fedora install go from yum, hope it has 1.2 and then "go get launchpad.net/goget-ubuntu-touch/ubuntu-device-flash" and make sure adb ad fastboot are avail23:56
sergiusenssin18, well; if from the VM you can run: adb device; adb reboot bootloader; fastboot devices; fastboot reboot; adb devices and it never fails I will look into it a bit more23:57
sin18sergiusens : i can confirm that adb device; adb reboot bootloader; fastboot devices; work for me on VM23:58

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