
rick_h_cmaloney: started to review apps. Appreciate your thoughts at CHC if you get time before then to peek at them.01:38
rick_h_this is going to be so tough. There's 4 or 5 people I really want to support.01:38
cmaloneyrick_h_: Sure thing01:56
rick_h_cmaloney: cool thanks01:56
rick_h_cmaloney: I know at least a couple more are on the way. Wheee01:57
cmaloneyThough my thought is the one that couldn't be bothered to fill out anything is pretty much a non-starter.01:57
rick_h_cmaloney: :) well it says WIP at the top01:57
rick_h_they're allowed to submit and work on it over time01:57
cmaloneyThe whole thing is a WIP. ;)01:57
rick_h_yea, noticed that01:58
cmaloney"findafireanddieinit, check out our new terms of service and how we're integrating with LinkedIn"03:21
cmaloney(from Slideshare)03:23
greg-gcmaloney: is there one of smoser *with* an audio fix? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ps-nJKPlitk03:29
* greg-g hasn't watched yet, but worried03:29
greg-goh, "autofix"03:30
cmaloneyautofix I think tries to do som ebasic fixing...03:34
cmaloneyJames might know more about how that works03:35
cmaloneyI haven't played with it, so not sure.03:35
* cmaloney sticks to audio. :)03:35
greg-gjust confused why the title had that in it03:35
cmaloneyNot 100% sure, but I think it was something that Google did to try to correct some algorpthmic flaws.03:36
cmaloneyshakycam, white balance, audio perhaps?03:36
* greg-g shrugs03:36
cmaloneyAgain, using my butt-voice.03:36
cmaloney(aka talking out my ass)03:36
* greg-g downloads anyway03:37
greg-g"git-annex addurl https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ps-nJKPlitk" ;)03:37
cmaloneyyoutube-dl :)03:37
greg-gyeah, git-annex uses quvi, no idea what's different between them03:37
cmaloneyI can tell you one difference: I'll remember youtube-dl sooner than quvi03:39
greg-gI don't need to remember it ;)03:43
greg-gbut yeah03:43
rick_h_sleepy tues12:14
cmaloneytired this morn12:18
rick_h_yea, same. Doing code reviews at 10pm is wearing12:19
rick_h_starting at the coffee shop catching some run rise to hopefully help12:19
mrgoodcatmorning everybody12:47
mrgoodcatrick_h_: did you see i got the logger running on a domain that doesn't have 'dickweed' anywhere in it12:47
rick_h_mrgoodcat: hah didn't see the update but saw the original :)12:47
rick_h_mrgoodcat: I appreciate the update. Let me know if you need some dns <312:48
mrgoodcatit's running on logs.dyladan.me right now12:48
rick_h_happy to create a CNAME or something12:48
mrgoodcati already set up the vhost to accept logs.bmark.us if you want to cname that to logs.dyladan.me12:49
mrgoodcatthe bmark domain is a little more official than my personal one12:49
rick_h_sure thing12:49
mrgoodcatwhen does GSoC application window officially end?12:52
mrgoodcatgot to be soon12:52
* rick_h_ goes to look12:52
rick_h_yea, 3pm the 21st12:52
mrgoodcatlonger window than i'd have guessed12:54
rick_h_yea, 2 full weeks to submit apps12:54
mrgoodcati wonder if alexm92 will be the last hopefull to filter in12:55
rick_h_hopefully, it's hard enough12:55
mrgoodcati doubt it12:55
mrgoodcatespecially since bookie is a pretty small project, when it becomes apparent that the big projects aren't available anymore i think people will filter down to the smaller ones12:56
mrgoodcatwhich they don't realize are already pretty much locked dosn12:56
rick_h_well I hope they'll move upstream since they'll have more room/resources12:56
rick_h_yea, I mean it's a sucky system because of the overload initially12:57
rick_h_but the folks that got in early and got their patches and names in have the edge12:57
rick_h_coming around now is just a waste of time tbh12:57
mrgoodcati don't think that's such a bad thing. it promotes good work ethic and dedication12:57
rick_h_well but it gets them going nuts so off the gates they don't stop and think much about what they're doing/etc12:58
rick_h_and swaps mentors hard12:58
mrgoodcatyea. if you do it in the future it might be worth making a single pull request part of the application process. "I will only accept one pull request per candidate until applications are over so make it count"12:59
mrgoodcatit would promote making detailed and well thought out pull requests13:00
mrgoodcatI'm struggling a bit and maybe one of you can help me. I'm reading IRC protocol from a stream socket. IRC commands are terminated by \r\n. Sometimes, especially when I just connect to a server, multiple commands will be in a single recv. Am I better off going with a small buffer and reading each individual command from the stream one at a time, or a large buffer that will grab a bunch and then processing those13:08
mrgoodcati figured out a good way to do it. nevermind13:23
cmaloneyGood morning13:27
cmaloneyagain. ;)13:27
DrDaemonEyemoin cmaloney :)13:27
jrwreni gave up and started drinking heavily yesterday, after I wrote about that slow django. :)13:33
jrwrengood morning ya'll13:34
mrgoodcatlol good morning13:37
cmaloneyjrwren: Jej13:48
cmaloneyheh, even13:48
cmaloneyApparently I'm speaking Norwegian. ;)13:48
mrgoodcatcmaloney: where did you get those arabic characters?13:54
rick_h_off by one error today13:54
cmaloneymrgoodcat: ?13:54
mrgoodcatmaybe that wasn't you13:55
mrgoodcatwhen trying to break the bot13:55
cmaloneyHeh. I went to my podcast page (Open Metalcast)13:55
cmaloneyThose were Cyrillic.13:55
cmaloney.Шитрок by Оргия Праведников from Шитрок13:56
Havenstancegood morning fellow michiganders14:21
jrwrenwhy doesn't pyflakes warn that iteritems is deprecated?14:36
mrgoodcatit's iter(dict.keys()) now i'm pretty sure14:36
brouschHavenstance: Good morning14:37
mrgoodcator you can just say "for k in d.keys():"14:37
mrgoodcatif you're using a for loop14:37
jrwrenkeys is not iteritems()14:37
jrwrenits viewitems now, but my question is why pyflakes doesn't warn me about it.14:38
mrgoodcatnot sure14:39
cmaloneyYay, duplicity backup finally finished.14:54
mrgoodcati did my initial backup over esata14:54
mrgoodcatthen moved it to a network location14:54
cmaloneymrgoodcat: This is USB3.0 local14:54
cmaloneyso not too horrible but slower than I thought it might be.14:55
mrgoodcathow big?14:55
cmaloneyjust under 2TB.14:55
mrgoodcathow long did it take?14:55
cmaloneyUm... about 24 hours.14:55
cmaloneySo actually that's not too bad.14:55
rick_h_jrwren: isn't it only deprecated in py3?14:55
cmaloneyConsidering it's compressed as well14:55
mrgoodcatyea. mine was like a week14:55
rick_h_jrwren: I thought it was still in 2.7 and since it'll never be upgraded there no deprecation issues there14:56
cmaloneyI don't think I'm backing up the same amount of data as I was under rdiff either.14:56
mrgoodcatrick_h_: yes py3 only14:57
jrwrenrick_h_: it doesn't exist in py314:57
jrwrenso I'd consider it deprecated in py2 :)14:57
mrgoodcatcmaloney: mine was like 7 TiB14:58
rick_h_jrwren: right, but why would pyfakes give you warnings for py3 stuff?14:58
jrwrenwhy wouldn't it?14:58
rick_h_jrwren: I mean does it correct yuor print, exceptions, etc?14:58
jrwrenpython3 is the future, right :)14:58
cmaloneymrgoodcat: Damn. :)14:58
jrwrenI'd like it to do those things.14:58
mrgoodcati have a huge movie and tv library14:58
rick_h_yea, ok. So your concern is "why isn't pyflakes pointing out py3 incompat code"14:58
jrwrenrick_h_: yes14:58
mrgoodcati actually don't back it up anymore though14:58
rick_h_jrwren: not so much "why isn't it yelling about iteritems"14:58
jrwrenrick_h_: yes, I guess so.14:59
jrwrenmaybe its a python-mode option or something14:59
mrgoodcati had to add my backup storage to the raid 6 because i ran out of main storage14:59
cmaloneymrgoodcat: I never got into storing video. Though I have 1TB dedicated to music. :)14:59
mrgoodcati'm not sure how much of mine was music15:00
mrgoodcatbut i deleted it all15:00
mrgoodcatgoogle music has completely replaced my local library15:00
cmaloneyBah, that's all compressed. :)15:00
cmaloneyFLAC or get back.15:00
mrgoodcatand google movies with netflix is slowing down my video storage as well15:00
mrgoodcatmy uncle is an audio engineer and we've had many discussions about audio codecs and such. the end result of which was, if you aren't in a studio you probably can't even tell the difference15:01
cmaloneyRight. But I still rip FLAC, but I don't get into the high bitrate nonsense.15:02
mrgoodcatbesides, its so convenient15:02
cmaloneyBut I can tell the difference between FLAC and mp315:02
mrgoodcattoo high bitrate can actually degrade your sound quality instead of raising it15:02
cmaloneyYep. I watched the Monty / Xiph video. :)15:02
cmaloneyUnless you're bouncing tracks it doesn't make sense.15:02
mrgoodcatyou have to have a certain quality listening environment to be able to tell with the newer encodings15:03
cmaloneyWhich is why I have to laugh at the Pono nonsense.15:03
mrgoodcatrick_h_: you went to gr on the wrong weekend. http://grdevday.org/Home.aspx is this weekend15:08
mrgoodcatcmaloney: i'm probably within 12 months of taking my RAID array offline15:09
mrgoodcatalthough i may be less that that away from a few disk failures.15:09
mrgoodcati'm surprised it hasn't gone yet to be honest15:09
greg-gcmaloney: oh pono15:10
cmaloneyI think some new drives are in my future.15:42
cmaloney95% on two of my 1TB drives.15:42
cmaloneyand my 2TB backup drive is at 89%15:42
greg-goh, mine is for "more copies makes me happier" reasons15:42
cmaloneyI need to convince JoDee that a NAS is in my future. ;)15:43
brouschcmaloney: You need a rack in the basement15:43
cmaloneybrousch: I need a basement15:43
cmaloneyThat's more important at the moment. :)15:43
greg-gmy 2x2tb RAID1 is only at 600 gig used, but I want to do a cycling backup of it with 2 drives. bringing one to the office each week15:43
cmaloneyI'm surprised how expensive 2TB of offsite storage is.15:44
cmaloneyAmazon S3 ain't cheap.15:44
cmaloney$163 per month for 2TB if I'm understanding properly.15:45
greg-gcmaloney: I'm using glacier for my photos, not bad, obviously only for "oh shit the house burned down" situations15:45
rick_h_I think you've missed some calculations there15:45
cmaloneyrick_h_: I have NFC what I'm doing. :)15:45
cmaloneygreg-g: Yeah, I'd like to use Duplicity with Amazon Glacier but there's apparently some tricks to get that working.15:46
greg-gI see 170 for 2tb on S315:46
rick_h_cmaloney: nvm, guess you're right15:46
greg-g.085 * 2000 = 17015:46
cmaloneyYeah, at that rate I may as well get some drives and call it a day.15:47
rick_h_cmaloney: I missed a 0 on my initial in the head math15:47
rick_h_you have full 2TB of unlosable info? 2000GB?15:47
cmaloneyrick_h_: No worries. I was hoping I was wrong, honestly. :)15:47
greg-gdef, that's the cost of 2x2tb (well, $200 is)15:47
* rick_h_ is just a simple guy I guess. 15:47
cmaloneyI have 2TB of stuff that I'd rather not replicate15:47
cmaloney1TB of music (purchased and ripped)15:47
rick_h_I mean my NAS has 1.5TB of stuff but that's like 4 years of backups15:48
cmaloneyand about 400GB of pictures / projects15:48
greg-gthe really important stuff? Photos and Videos I took over the years: 158.32gigs15:48
greg-gall in glacier15:49
rick_h_yea, but that's .158 TB vs 2TB15:49
rick_h_so yea, I'd stick the music in glacier I suppose15:49
cmaloneyI have all of the podcast stuff in my projects directory and that takes up space.15:49
cmaloneyYeah, and that may be the smarter way to do15:49
rick_h_or get that Google storage, that was 2TB for $1.99/mo?15:49
cmaloneysince I don't care about encryption on the music.15:50
rick_h_http://readwrite.com/2014/03/17/google-drive-pricing-plans-drop-cloud-rivals-breakdown#awesm=~oySD6vIApskxQR sorry $2/mo for 1TB15:50
rick_h_not sure if there's a good way in linux to fill/get at it15:50
cmaloneyStill, $4 a month is not horrible.15:50
jrwrenwho wants to know the worst part of 14.04 trusty, the greatest ubuntu ever?!?15:51
rick_h_jrwren: I'm game15:51
cmaloneyjrwren: You have nothing to bitch about?15:51
greg-ghe'll find something (see?!)15:52
jrwrenno python 3.415:52
=== mrgoodcat is now known as testtest3
=== testtest3 is now known as testtest33
jrwrenpython 3.4 released yesterday15:52
=== testtest33 is now known as testtest333
=== testtest333 is now known as mrgoodcat
rick_h_jrwren: :/ yea that's a sadface15:52
brouschso trusty is worthless!15:52
rick_h_means no asyncio in an LTS15:52
greg-ghuh, bad timing15:52
jrwrenbrousch: no!!!15:52
brouschfuckit. I'll wait for 16.0415:52
jrwrenrick_h_: exactly!15:52
cmaloneySo you'll have to side install15:53
jrwrenthe no asyncio in an LTS is a bummer.15:53
cmaloneyboo hoo15:53
jrwrencmaloney: true15:53
rick_h_I'm with you jrwren, it's a big deal to python folks and people that deploy on servers15:53
cmaloneyblame the python developers for not getting 3.4 out sooner.15:53
brouschThis is unacceptable. Windows 8.2 will definitely have Python 3.4 bundled15:53
jrwreni don't blame anything. Both are excellent releases.15:53
jrwrenbrousch: nut-uh.16:04
mrgoodcatlol windows 8.2 is more likely to have NSA.exe 3.4 bundled16:06
jrwrenI'm pretty sure it also comes with who_would_use_me?.exe v3.416:06
* mrgoodcat wonders how long it will be before people lease laptops like cars16:08
mrgoodcatMicro$oft and crApple would be so happy16:08
mrgoodcatoh, we're sorry, you've violated the terms of service by installing linux and your desktop is being reposessed16:09
jrwrenmost corporate organizations do exactly that, and have done so for years.16:15
jrwrenwhere you been mrgoodcat ?16:15
rick_h_ok http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QrqZl2QIz0c is kind of cool16:16
mrgoodcati'm not surprised16:16
rick_h_<3 my pebble steel16:16
jrwrengreat ad, if only it actually worked that well.16:25
jrwrenoh fuck that ad... a dad can't bathe his kid without checking a bball score. way to live in the moment douchebag.16:26
cmaloneyI can't cook without checking my twitter feed. ;)16:27
rick_h_jrwren: heh, he's there vs in front of the tv and getting them involved. I'll take it16:28
jrwrenyeah, i phone in parenting too16:30
cmaloneyHonestly I don't have much of a problem with that ad.16:32
cmaloneyDUde already has split attention about the game vs. kid rime16:34
cmaloneyso he's better managing kid time vs. game time16:34
tony-smlrI was seeing if bookiebot  would give me the time16:35
tony-smlrIm setting up a bot on my #smlr channel16:35
* tony-smlr g16:35
cmaloneybookiebot is a wip16:36
tony-smlrbookiebot: help16:36
bookiebotclaim echo func help list pull release relist sleep16:36
bookiebotslept ten seconds16:37
tony-smlrubuntulog2: hello16:37
cmaloneyI think that one is just a straight logger16:38
tony-smlryea,  ok16:38
cmaloneytony-smlr: Which bot are you playing with?16:39
cmaloney(for #smlr?)16:39
tony-smlryea,  I setup jenni16:40
tony-smlrits a fork of phenny16:40
cmaloney.beats - Returns the current internet time16:41
tony-smlrits kinda cool,  there is AI and will respond in coversation16:41
cmaloneyMan, that never took off the way it should. :)16:41
tony-smlrI don't know what it is...  internet time?16:42
cmaloneyit was a misguided attempt for giving everyone something that wasn't UTC that everyone could coordinate schedules.16:42
cmaloneyProblem was it was about as useful as planning around a UNIX time stamp16:44
tony-smlrthat seems cool  like the difference between metric and sae16:44
cmaloneyIt was an interesting idea, but breaks down because none of the other measurements are decimal16:45
cmaloneySo one day = 1000 beats, but 1 hours is 41.6 beats16:45
cmaloneyand a minute is 0.694 beats.16:45
cmaloneyso it gets rather tedious16:46
tony-smlryea,  I can see that16:46
cmaloneyso mid-day is 499.999999999999999916:46
cmaloneyApparently this uses BMT as its official time16:48
cmaloneyMan, to be in the internet of 1999 again16:49
cmaloney1990s rather16:49
tony-smlrok,  got to go...16:51
cmaloneylatereness. Have fun!16:52
cmaloney(but you don't have to do if you don't want to. :) )16:52
mrgoodcati walk away for 20 minues and miss an entire conversation about my bot16:55
cmaloneymrgoodcat: This is why you need to have a watch with IRC on it.16:56
mrgoodcati have irssi notifier16:56
mrgoodcatbut i was at lunch16:56
rick_h_you must never leave!16:58
mrgoodcatrick_h_: curse you and this sqlalchemy17:00
mrgoodcatalchemy is exactly what it is17:00
cmaloneyWhat's up with sqlalchemy?17:00
cmaloneyother than it's the most fun you can legally have with a database?17:01
mrgoodcatRoR just makes it so foolproof. i can teach someone to make a model and store it in a db in like 4 minutes17:01
greg-gcmaloney: you should move to CA and have more fun!17:02
mrgoodcatin 6 minutes you can have ownership relationships too17:02
mrgoodcatsqlalchemy gives you a little more control at the expense of being more verbose and requiring a little more legwork17:03
rick_h_mrgoodcat: if you're having issues you're doing it wrong17:03
mrgoodcati'm not17:03
rick_h_what extra legwork? Creating a db session?17:03
mrgoodcatno. it just takes a bit longer to learn17:04
rick_h_oh yea to get all of it sure17:04
rick_h_but it's a usable db layer in return17:04
rick_h_vs all the AR crap17:04
mrgoodcatyou don't like activerecord?17:04
rick_h_no, despise it. It teaches devs to be db lazy and they complain that SQL is broken when it's not17:05
rick_h_AR is like giving someone a chromebook and tell them they're computing17:05
mrgoodcati have a chromebook17:05
rick_h_you're web browsing...welcome to the computer party17:05
rick_h_right, and do you compile code on that chromebook? edit dvds? etc?17:05
mrgoodcatum yes17:05
rick_h_you can do some tasks on it, but it's limiting17:06
rick_h_ok fine...chromeos17:06
mrgoodcatthe new haswell chip in it performs surprisingly well actually17:06
rick_h_AR is the chrome-os'ing of database development17:06
mrgoodcati was amazed at how fast it compiled my custom kernel17:06
mrgoodcatyou know, for a $200 11" netbook17:07
rick_h_you too can have a crappy screen, crappy keyboard, and no storage space!17:07
mrgoodcatyea i know17:07
mrgoodcatthat does bother me a bit17:07
mrgoodcatthe keyboard i've gotten used to17:07
mrgoodcatand i'm waiting for one of these in the mail http://www.amazon.com/MyDigitalSSD-Super-Cache-Solid-State/dp/B00EZ2E8NO/ref=cm_cr_pr_product_top17:09
jrwrenmrgoodcat: write an AR layer on datamapper. its not difficult.17:09
mrgoodcatjrwren: you're missing the point. i'm not saying AR is better or that sqlalchemy is worse. i'm saying rails was unmatched for quickly prototyping ideas17:10
mrgoodcatobviously i'm not going to be writing an irc bot using ruby on rails17:11
mrgoodcatand i already wrote one with ruby17:11
jrwreni disagree, strongly.17:12
jrwrenIMO what you already know is easy, and what you don't know is not.17:13
jrwrenI never got good with rails, adn so prototyping ideas was never fast or easy17:13
jrwrenbut I was/am super fast at doing that with C#17:13
rick_h_greg-g: umm, I'm not sold on that blog post. Huh? People that send email to gmail using students are suing?17:50
rick_h_it seemed to hop around from processing messages for ads, to users aside from ads, to consent from email originators?17:50
greg-grick_h_: All users of gapps for education are having their emails/etc scanned to produce profiles of them. This goes again what was agreed to by the Universities (I believe) when switching to gapps. University email is kind of sacred, and professors/etc shouldn't have to worry about a third-party for-profit making a profile on their communications.17:52
rick_h_greg-g: ok but was there a clear violoation of agreed terms? It seems the post was heading there but then backed away17:52
greg-gnot sure, not sure that agreement is public (which it yet another stupid part of the deal)17:53
greg-gthere are some of us that say, even with this being in the agreement/was done with open eyes, it shouldn't have been done as it creates a bad precedent for university email and what can be used against professors17:54
greg-gwe already have one professor at UMich who is incendiary (forget his name, did a lot with the middle east), and if he used gmail or gapps, he would be putting both himself and others at potential risk if google had another flub (accidental) where they showed who you emailed most often publicly.17:54
rick_h_yea, I'm all for raising the veil and such but it seemed the only firm things were you could not turn off email processing because it was required by featured provided (aside from ads) and people outside the org using the apps service were suing17:55
rick_h_gotcha, so using institution email at a public U is considered a bit of a safe haven?17:55
* rick_h_ isn't up on prof email practice/etc17:55
rick_h_but finds this interesting17:55
greg-git has been historically17:56
greg-guniversities and professors have a really special relationship17:56
greg-guniversities can't tell a prof what to research or not research (well, not any good university)17:56
greg-g(once they have tenure)17:57
greg-gso, academic freedom is at question here17:57
greg-gif a prof's actions are chilled because of this, that's bad17:57
greg-g"chilling effects"17:57
jrwrenBAM!  https://github.com/jrwren/homebrew/commit/9c732081726cad49aae6686c056f2770cec683b217:59
rick_h_:) go jrwren17:59
jrwrenif only I could make a pull request, but that is too much work, cuz I'm a lzy lazy dev.18:02
mrgoodcati'm sure someone else will do it18:04
jrwrenyes, but I decied it should be me. or that I should at least TRY to send pull req18:04
jrwrengood change for me to learn more about git.18:04
mrgoodcatgood for you18:05
jrwrenand it wasn't even difficult, cuz git is awesome.18:05
jrwrenoh blah, there was already a pull req https://github.com/Homebrew/homebrew/pull/2763618:07
cmaloneygreg-g: Sick thing is JoDee's been told in no uncertain terms that students should be using their uni accounts to email her18:13
cmaloneyone of which is gapps, two of which are Outlook (which is unusable under Linux)18:13
cmaloneys/uni/college/ but you get the idea.18:14
jrwreni was told the same thing.18:16
jrwrenits a stupid, but understandable policy18:16
greg-gcmaloney: :(18:17
cmaloneyAgreed, but interesting in light of gapps and the whole discussion above.18:17
jrwrenfor students and admin its a different issue stemming from FERPA.18:17
cmaloneyworst. named. policy. ever.18:18
jrwrenFERPA says its a crime to even confirm or deny a students enrollment, so the schools attempt to claim that school email the only "secure" way18:19
jrwrenany other email account might be compromised and would be a violation of ferpa to discuss student status18:19
cmaloneyferpa is once again a policy enacted by folks who don't understand education18:20
cmaloneyJoDee can't even discuss grades with students.18:20
jrwrenwhich is really interesting given our state of "give up your password" so we can probe your computer.18:20
cmaloneyjrwren: exactly.18:20
jrwrencmaloney: how old are her students?18:20
jrwrenwhy can't she discuss grades?18:20
cmaloneyrarely will she get one under age18:21
jrwreneven under age, if they are college level, ferpa applies.18:21
cmaloneyjrwren: she can't over email that isn't controlled by the school18:21
jrwrenoh, right.18:21
jrwrennot just grades, should not discuss any course work. doing so would imply a student is enrolled, which is a ferpa violation.18:21
cmaloneyand again, stupid.18:22
cmaloneyMuch like SOX.18:22
cmaloneyproblem: Enron18:22
cmaloneysolution: Handcuff every company so nthing like tht can ever happen again.18:23
jrwrenwhat else would you do cmaloney ?  have accountants and CEO go to jail?!?18:40
jrwrenfor the record: i DO want them to go to jail.19:04
jrwrenthings like this are why I have high hopes for ubuntu phone & tablet: http://www.macrumors.com/2014/03/18/itunes-beta-local-syncing/19:04
jrwrenubuntu one is cool and all, but the prospect of open source phone and tablet mean I could write code and make it use owncloud or whatever if I wanted.19:05
brouschWhy couldn't you do that with an Android app?19:07
jrwrencuz android sucks.19:11
jrwrenand I hate it.19:11
jrwrenand java sucks19:11
jrwrenand dalvik sucks19:11
jrwrenand google is evil empire and cannot be trusted.19:12
jrwrenare there any good android open source apps?19:12
jrwren... subsonic media player is good, I suppose.19:12
jrwrenare there any good android open source apps for email and calendar?19:12
jrwrenbrousch: nice!  I need to check this out19:13
brouschThis is supposedly the second best email client (behind Gmail's) https://f-droid.org/repository/browse/?fdfilter=k-9&fdid=com.fsck.k919:14
brouschI'm not sure about calendar'19:14
brouschjrwren: Andr Replicant is an Android OS for the freetard-lover http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Replicant_(operating_system)19:17
jrwrenthat is great, I still dislike the underlying technology used to build it (java/dalvik) and the bastard android userspace.19:20
jrwrenagain, all reasons why I have high hopes for ubuntu mobile stuff19:20
cmaloneyjrwren: I'm not a huge fan of SOX. I think it's entirely too much overhead19:23
cmaloneyjail for fraud, definitely19:23
cmaloneyStill gobsmacked that there have been no heads rolling for the financial crisis.19:23
jrwrencmaloney: why would they? those who would prosecute are bought and paid for by the criminals19:24
cmaloneyagain, gobsmacked.19:25
jrwrenthings I didn't know about python2: http://legacy.python.org/dev/peps/pep-3113/19:38
jrwreni've been hearing a lot about python3 lately. I've not heard much about this: https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Python319:59
cmaloneyrick_h_: ^^20:07
rick_h_cmaloney: been looking :)20:07
rick_h_now is this lenovo or google moto?20:08
cmaloneyI'd assume it was Google Moto when developed.20:08
cmaloneybut not sure if it's Google or Lenovo Moto that's releasing it.20:09
cmaloneyie: Is it something that should have been strangled in the crib and being released or is it awesome.20:09
cmaloneySomeone in $company just sent a .docx file containing (I shit thee not) just a URL.20:14
cmaloneyI'd like to issue a Microsoft-abuse citation20:15
ColonelPanic001greg-g: about MeritMail... that's what we're on now20:28
ColonelPanic001personally, I favor stay on it because I like our email being on our platters, but I get the feeling that's not what will happen20:28
cmaloneyGod, I fucking hate Ruby.21:30
cmaloneyore more correctly: rvm is a real pain in my ass.21:30
greg-gwe're hiring a ruby dev21:35
rick_h_cmaloney: heh john ping'd me about my talk21:39
rick_h_cmaloney: you need to turn the board of doom into a kanban board :)21:39
cmaloneyrick_h_: yeah, he mentioned it to me21:39
rick_h_cmaloney: gave him the book to go read21:39
rick_h_cmaloney: heh, good luck!21:39
cmaloneyI'm not 100% convinced it'll work for us21:39
rick_h_yea, too isolated, not enough team21:39
cmaloneyMostly because our devs aren't 100% interchangable.21:39
rick_h_maybe something will get nicer, if only the WIP tracking and such21:40
greg-gsame here :/21:40
cmaloneyWe're little silos with some overlap with John21:40
cmaloneyrick_h_: ++21:40
rick_h_some way of at least opening up things a bit21:40
rick_h_visibility is good21:40
cmaloneyI'm working on installing Redmine 2.5 at the moment. :)21:40
rick_h_hah sorry21:40
cmaloneyYeah, that's really where I want us to land.21:40
cmaloneyKnowing how much we're trying to eat at one time21:41
cmaloneywe don't hve that.21:41
cmaloneyphuck that.21:42
greg-gour test instance of it21:42
cmaloneydown atm?21:42
greg-gif you request an account, I'll approve, it's a throw away instance21:42
greg-goh lol21:42
greg-gwe're migrating our OpenStack cluster from one DC to another... this must be currently migrating over the tubes21:43
cmaloneyLooks AMAZING!21:43
rick_h_greg-g: you sure know how to demo :P21:43
cmaloneyIt's like a 404 page, but not even there.21:43
greg-g:) :)21:43
rick_h_it's SIMPLE!21:43
rick_h_that's hard to do man21:43
greg-gsee! we're right on track! nothing to do!21:43
cmaloneyIt's a GANTT CHART FOR THE MIIIND!21:44
* rick_h_ starts chanting about "mission accomplished!"21:44
rick_h_ok, gone on too far. /me is brain melted after another busy crazy day21:44
rick_h_interviewing is hard21:44
* rick_h_ would rather be coding21:44
mrgoodwebleft my laptop at work D:22:19
gamerchick02mrgoodweb sorry to hear that. i leave mine there every day. :-P22:36
mrgoodwebi don't ever leave it at work22:36
gamerchick02your personal laptop?22:36
gamerchick02mine is work issued and i leave it locked in the desk22:36
mrgoodwebyes personal22:46
mrgoodwebi'm quite upset about not having it22:46
mrgoodwebmy project is on it and i was in the zone22:46
mrgoodwebnow i can't work on it until tomorrow22:47
gamerchick02ugh i'm sorry22:47
gamerchick02can you go back and get it?22:48
mrgoodwebpossibly after class22:48
mrgoodwebbut i can't leave school until ~1022:49
gamerchick02rebooting for a game... :) see everyone later22:54
=== mrgoodweb is now known as mrgoodcat

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