
=== Mapley is now known as IS_THIS_GREEN
=== IS_THIS_GREEN is now known as is_this_greener
=== is_this_greener is now known as Mapley
jjfrv8knome, a reminder that you were going to investigate http://imagebin.org/29946601:05
jjfrv8once that's settled, I can push the remaining 8 or so chapters that depend on it01:05
knomeyou can push them, that's related to entities01:14
knomeso we don't need to change the markup01:14
knomeonly the entities file01:14
jjfrv8knome, MP is pushed01:56
knomeMP or branch? :)02:00
knomei saw the email really quickly, but it went via a mail filter somewhere deep in the bin02:01
knomehmm, wait02:02
knomedidn't i approve and merge this already?02:02
knomei did the other MP manually since it would have reintroduced stuff that was already fixed02:03
knomebesides, you have push rights to the main branch yourself, i trust you to push only sane things02:04
Unit193But not me. :D02:04
knomewell that's why you don't have the push rights02:04
* knome hides02:04
Unit193With that last one, I'm done on docs right?02:06
knomeyou have entered a room. the door behind you is locked from outside. what do you do?02:07
knomeyou stood still for a time too long, and one of the doc team people noticed you with no task. you are assigned a new doc team task. what do you do?02:10
Unit193re-sync'd mine with master.02:10
knomejjfrv8, Unit193: you might want to look at lp:~knome/ubiquity-slideshow-ubuntu/xubuntu-uife02:11
Unit193(Should actually have been done properly too, pushed as linguas2.)02:11
knomedidn't see any MP. hard to see diff's.02:11
Unit193You were going to look before I went for the merge, make sure I'm in the right ballpark.02:12
knomeit's easier to look at a MP and diff02:12
knomebut i can look at the branch as is02:12
knomewill try to get to that tomorrow, since doc freeze soon02:13
Unit193Err, whoops then.02:14
* Unit193 should have set jjfrv8 as reviewer again. :P02:14
Unit193Actually, line 103 would be of interest to him.02:16
knome=== modified file 'scripts/translate.sh'02:17
knomeseriously? :)02:17
knomei guess you mean lines 114-11502:18
Unit193Well, that it's modified is of interest of course.02:19
Unit193So technically the coreutils dep isn't precisely correct, but it basically is.02:19
Unit193If you use the linguas file, it isn't, but it falls back to a method that uses basename -s, so I left the dep in there.  What do you think?02:21
knomethe dependency is okay02:25
Unit193Want anymore reviewers?02:25
knomei'll tell you tomorrow02:26
knomeor add myself02:26
Unit193Feel free to ask any questions.  It'd be nice to move the entire translation things into the translate script, but I was pretty sure you didn't want that. :/02:28
knomelet's get the translations into trusty, then we can improve02:29
Unit193Sure, just means the clean target is a tad slower.02:30
knomeyaeh, but first time we have translations02:33
* Unit193 hopes for a full Russian translation yet.02:39
knomemmh, would be good to get several languages in02:47
knomei'm off for now02:48
knomesee you later02:48
elfyknome: slideshow looks ok - the red looks better :p - all done now? 08:09
ochosiknome, bluesabre: just talked to seb128 and Laney about the FFe for light-locker1.4.0, they both said it should be fine09:22
ochosiknome, bluesabre: also, cavalier wants to wait with 1.4.0 release till the weekend so we get more translations. i suggest we prep the changes in light-locker-settings and think what we wanna have as default setting09:22
knomeelfy, red? :P10:01
knomeelfy, no, two minor changes yet.10:01
knomehey ochosi 10:02
ochosihey knome 10:06
ochosijust sent you an updated tahr-ball10:06
bluesabreochosi: alrighty, sounds good10:36
ochosibluesabre: so i guess let's start testing light-locker 1.3.0 and work on l-l-s again...10:37
brainwashwhat did change?10:38
ochosioption 1: late-locking (BOOL)10:39
ochosioption 2: lock-on-suspend (BOOL)10:39
brainwashoh, great10:39
ochosiif (late-locking) { greeter-screensaver-timeout = 0; }10:39
ochosielse { greeter-screensaver-timeout = $default_value; }10:40
brainwashmakes sense :D10:40
ochosibluesabre: ^10:40
brainwashwill the changes land in beta2?10:40
ochosii'm really happy retrospectively speaking that we introduced that timeout as an option in the greeter already10:41
ochosithat way we don't have to touch the greeter at all for this FFe10:41
bluesabrebrainwash: ideally10:42
brainwashhow do you pass the new greeter timeout?10:42
ochosibrainwash: modify /etc/lightdm/lightdm-gtk-greeter.conf10:42
ochosithat's the only way10:42
ochosiat least right now10:42
brainwashmulti user systems... :(10:42
ochosiso yeah, before you say it, multiple users can override each other10:42
ochosibut that's *always* the case10:43
ochosieven now10:43
ochosiper-user greeter settings just don't make sense at all10:43
brainwashonly people with root privileges can change it anyway10:43
slickymasterWorkknome: is rev 625 of the ubiquity slideshow going to be our final? I'm asking so I know if I can start working on its translation?10:54
knomedon't start yet10:54
knomeit's not final10:55
slickymasterWorkdo you still think that somethings could be improved?10:56
knomewe are missing one slide10:56
knomei need to work on the artwork10:56
slickymasterWorkmissing one slide where?10:57
knomein the slideshow10:57
slickymasterWorkloare we going to add one more slide?10:58
ochosihumm, new whiskermenu bugfix release11:05
knomeslickymasterWork, just HOLD. :)11:07
slickymasterWorkknome: alrightie11:07
knomeslickymasterWork, i will get a UIFe bug filed today, get it merged and hopefully uploaded soon11:07
bluesabreochosi: has it been packaged already (whisker)?11:23
ochosinope, i don't think so11:23
ochosithat's why i mentioned it11:24
ochosijust read the release-mail on xfce users ml11:24
bluesabreok, I'll get to that tonight if Noskcaj doesn't beat me to it11:25
knomewe got handed a package of cashew-peanut-papaya-raisin mix11:25
knomemission accomplished:11:25
knomea bowl of raisins left11:25
bluesabrethat would be handy11:26
bluesabreI bought raisin bran11:26
knomehow's that so satisfying11:26
bluesabrepretty sure there are 5 raisins in the box11:26
knometo eat all but the raisins11:26
knomeaha, should send you more11:26
bluesabreso, I will work on packaging for shimmer-themes, xflock, and potentially whisker tonight11:27
knomebluesabre, http://temp.knome.fi/xubuntu/trusty_slideshow/slide_per.png11:27
knomebluesabre, opinion?11:27
bluesabreuse a tahr or a more adorable kitty?11:28
bluesabreor, grumpy cat11:28
bluesabreother than that, looks good to me11:29
knomewatch the words11:29
knomeslickymasterWork, http://temp.knome.fi/xubuntu/trusty_slideshow/slide_per.png11:29
knomeno, the "more adorable"11:29
knomesomebody in this room owns that cat11:29
slickymasterWorkI was already seeing it11:30
slickymasterWorkwhy a cat?!11:30
knomewhy not?11:30
knomeisn't it a good pun ;)11:30
brainwashmmh, the slide mentions libreoffice, but we don't ship it by default11:31
Unit193ochosi: Jackson knows about it, for some reason told me about it, and 1.3.1 is up.11:31
ochosiUnit193: hm, you mean whisker?11:31
slickymasterWorkbrainwash: the reference to LibreOffice relates to Mugshot11:32
knomebluesabre, your fault!11:32
Unit1931.3.2 is out, what I said is outdated now.11:32
knomei guess we can drop the mention just as well11:32
knomeit's mentioned in the docs anyway11:32
brainwashslickymasterWork: I know that11:32
knomein a better way11:32
knome"*if* you have libreoffice..."11:33
ochosiUnit193: yup11:33
brainwashbut it might give the user the impression that libreoffice is installed by default11:33
brainwashknome: ok11:33
knomebrainwash, bluesabre: damn you two, can either change their nick, same length and same initial is no good11:34
Unit193Tell me about it.. :P11:34
ochosiwell, that was easy, eh?11:36
knomeyou can just s/bluesabre/bs/ ;)=11:36
Unit193FWIW, I read 'bluesabre' as blues bre, like what a minion in Despicable Me says.11:36
knomethanks... now i have to use some time to watch clips on youtube11:37
bluesabregotta run, bbl11:44
jjfrv8knome, looks like we got our signals crossed with the recent MPs. When I pulled 163, I saw that some screensaver references were stil in there...13:00
jjfrv8so I assumed you had not merged my latest version. That's why I just copied the two chapters with those references over again this morning13:01
jjfrv8so I'm hoping everything is right now, but it looks like there's one paragraph in the current MP that's the same as the xubuntu-docs branch13:04
jhenkehi everybody15:40
elfyreally sorry about this - but reported a thunar bug ;)16:28
elfybug 129420916:28
ubottubug 1294209 in thunar (Ubuntu) "Deleting files from desktop freezes machine" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/129420916:28
elfyhi pleia2 16:32
pleia2hi there elfy 16:32
ochosihey micahg 16:59
jhenkehi guys17:08
elfyhi jhenke 17:09
brainwashelfy: thanks for yet another thunar/xfdesktop bug :P17:22
elfyI do my best ;)17:25
ochosithere's a new xfdesktop release btw17:26
ochosihope we can get that in, it has lotsa nice bugfixes17:26
* elfy really ought to subscribe to some of these xfce m/lists ... 17:27
Unit193I check commits every few days.17:29
Unit193Sooooooo, not sure if it's been fixed in the latest Trusty kernel, but graphics work in liquorix. :P17:30
jhenkehow was the name of the package the include all the packaing/devel tools again?17:48
jhenkeI've forgot the name and I am on a fresh VM image17:48
Unit193It's what I was thinking, but packaging?17:51
jhenkeyes that was it17:51
jhenkejust forgot the name17:51
jhenkesorry guys, just experienced a segfault in xfwm4, bug 129426418:17
ubottubug 1294264 in xfwm4 (Ubuntu) "xfwm4 crashed with SIGSEGV in _int_malloc()" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/129426418:17
ochosilots of segfaults all over the place lately18:20
jhenkeshort question shall I add a changelog entry after I updated a patch or is that the taks of the person accpeting the pull request?18:23
ochosijhenke: yeah, changelog is good generally18:32
ochosibut not mandatory18:32
jhenkeokay I have fixed the problem in my private branch, to whom shall I send the merge request for xfce4-session?18:41
ochosijhenke: can you quickly point me to it?19:02
ochosigenerally speaking, this would be the routine:19:02
ochosi1) check whether there's a bugreport upstream19:02
ochosi2) if not, submit one19:02
ochosi2) if so, check it19:03
ochosi3) add the patch there and a comment19:03
ochosi4) wait patiently until the/a maintainer picks it up19:03
ochosiif it's a fix we want in xubuntu and that wont go into a bugfix release soon enough, we can add it to xubuntu19:04
ochosifor that to happen, simply file a merge request for xfce4-session19:04
jhenkeI just modified the patch that was already in xubuntu19:15
jhenkeochosi https://code.launchpad.net/~jhe/ubuntu/trusty/xfce4-session/light-locker/+merge/21160519:16
ochosithere were a few discussions around that19:18
ochosiwe knew about this simple patch :)19:18
jhenkeI just reordered the locking so light locker is always used first if available19:23
jhenkeshouldn't cause any regressions19:23
ochosiwell it shouldnt *now* because light-locker now checks whether it's running (with the 1.2.1 update)19:27
ochosibefore that update it was actually not entirely unproblematic19:27
ochosihey Noskcaj 19:29
Noskcajmorning ochosi 19:30
ochosijust a quick heads up19:30
ochosinew bugfix releases for xfdesktop and whiskermenu today19:30
ochosiif you have time, that'd be great19:30
Noskcajyep, packaging now19:31
ochosibluesabre said he could take care of whisker, so xfdesktop would have higher priority19:31
ochosibut if you wanna do both, i guess he won't be mad at you :p19:31
NoskcajI'll do both in debian, i'm guessing he meant straight to ubuntu19:33
ochosipossibly, i dunno19:33
ochosibut debian sounds good19:33
Noskcajalso, tthe indicator update finally hit trusty19:33
ochosiwhich one?19:34
ochosiah great19:35
ochosithe theming fixes we did )19:35
ochosiah, no, the prop dialog19:35
ochositheming fixes was 2.3.119:36
jhenkehi Noskcaj19:44
Noskcajhey jhenke 19:45
ochosihave a good one everyone19:57
elfybug 129057520:01
ubottubug 1290575 in LightDM GTK+ Greeter "lightdm-gtk-greeter does not exit cleanly when logging in" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/129057520:01
elfyis this one fixed or not - got it affecting 2 things - one's confirmed the other fixed20:01
elfyif whoever thinks it is fixed then it isn't20:02
brainwashelfy: apparently not fixed20:36
brainwashthe greeter was patched to exit properly and free allocated memory, but there seems to be another problem20:37
brainwasha problem which I cannot reproduce20:38
brainwashit happened once so far and I simply blamed xmir for breaking it20:39
elfylol 20:39
elfywell I don't have that so we can't blame it :p20:39
brainwashright, but you have some log files we would like to see I guess :D20:40
elfybut let's not get into that guessing game stuff again - you tell me what you want and I'll provide it20:40
brainwashbasically the stuff in /var/log/lightdm20:40
elfynext time it happens I'll add it to the bug report20:42
brainwashthanks, you can skip the .old files, because these are the log files created by the previous lightdm or greeter start20:44
brainwashand the files containing a number greater than 020:44
elfyjust the 2 lightdm.log and x-0.log20:48
brainwashand x-0-greeter20:49
elfyyep - didn't see that20:55
jhenkegood night20:59
elfynight jhenke 21:00
brainwashochosi: bug 129330523:05
ubottubug 1293305 in exo (Ubuntu) "Several icon themes lack an "internet-mail" icon, causing it to go missing from the XFCE menu" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/129330523:05
brainwashany thoughts?23:05

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