
im_zswi lost my login pass01:21
David-Aim_zsw: you forgot it, or you remember it but the system forgot it?01:29
im_zswi forgot it but i did a recovery mode and it did not work at all01:30
im_zswubottu what is dtephendash01:32
ubottuI am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)01:32
im_zswDanid-A hello01:32
StrangeRatgood evening01:32
David-Aim_zsw: in recovery mode, did you have a text consol with a "#" prompt?01:33
im_zswi did not01:33
StrangeRati am having issues with nvidia i think when i goto run games on steam for example the video quality is all grainy and the game is very laggy01:33
David-Aubottu, I think you *are* intelligent, and beautiful too :)01:34
ubottuDavid-A: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)01:34
im_zswi dissagree01:34
im_zswjk i love you ubotttu01:34
im_zsw3 t's damn01:35
David-Aokay, not *that* intelligent then01:35
StrangeRatai love01:35
StrangeRatis optimal love01:35
David-Ait didn't object to being called beautiful. that hansom little bot01:37
StrangeRatso i have a nvidia 660 and when i goto to use steam to play tf2 or dota the graphics are horrible and its super laggy01:37
StrangeRati have the bumble bee drivers installed and the latest drivers for nvidia (331)01:37
=== im_zsw is now known as INEEDSOMEDAMNHEL
David-Aim_zsw: I don't remember if a password is needed when going into recovery mode. if it is, then an alternative is to run a live-system and edit the passwd file on the harddrive01:38
INEEDSOMEDAMNHELi dont have disk01:39
INEEDSOMEDAMNHELis a hash file stored someware in database that i can access ?01:40
David-AINEEDSOMEDAMNHEL: if you have no password for a user with sudo rights or for root itself, i dont think you can just bypass the security of a running system. it would be quite a security hole if you could.01:41
Unit193!pwreset | INEEDSOMEDAMNHEL01:42
ubottuINEEDSOMEDAMNHEL: Forgot your password? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LostPassword01:42
INEEDSOMEDAMNHELi can scan for one01:43
INEEDSOMEDAMNHELand i would not doubt there is one there01:44
StrangeRatis anyone well versed on video card issues?01:54
knomewhy don't you ask the question and find out if anybody knows the solution to your issue?01:54
knome(which is what you should do. welcome!)01:54
StrangeRati always start that way i will ask01:55
knomeno need to, this channel is designed for support questions01:56
StrangeRati have a nvidia 660 and when i run games its really laggy i am using the nvidia driver 331 and bumblebee with edgers01:56
StrangeRati also have no controls in my nvidia control panel like i used to i am not sure what has happened01:57
StrangeRatit just shows profiles under nvidia settings01:58
INEEDSOMEDAMNHELi have waited a really long time02:48
David-AINEEDSOMEDAMNHEL: did you read the link provided by the bot? https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LostPassword03:00
INEEDSOMEDAMNHELyes and as i noted befor that method did not work03:01
krytarik!details | INEEDSOMEDAMNHEL03:01
ubottuINEEDSOMEDAMNHEL: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."03:01
INEEDSOMEDAMNHELi have provided details03:02
bazhangdoesn't work is not much of a detail03:02
holsteinINEEDSOMEDAMNHEL: give some for the volunteers, please. i dont see anything relevant in the scroll back03:02
INEEDSOMEDAMNHELi did befor03:03
holsteinINEEDSOMEDAMNHEL: do it again, please03:03
holsteinINEEDSOMEDAMNHEL: i dont see your details03:03
INEEDSOMEDAMNHELi lost my login pass03:03
holstein!password | INEEDSOMEDAMNHEL03:04
ubottuINEEDSOMEDAMNHEL: Forgot your password? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LostPassword What's the root password? See !sudo. Don't see *** in password prompts? That's normal. Sudo doesn't ask for your password? It remembers you for several minutes. Please use strong passwords, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/StrongPasswords03:04
holsteinINEEDSOMEDAMNHEL: that is what i use.. whats happening for you?03:04
INEEDSOMEDAMNHELthat method did not work03:04
holsteinINEEDSOMEDAMNHEL:  i boot the recover console, and i run "mount -rw -o remount /" ..then, i use the passwd command03:05
INEEDSOMEDAMNHELi did such things03:05
holsteinINEEDSOMEDAMNHEL: what is not working? and how? what are the specific errors?03:05
holsteinINEEDSOMEDAMNHEL: ?03:05
INEEDSOMEDAMNHELthe root shell is not responding03:05
holsteinINEEDSOMEDAMNHEL: you could have a bad/failing hard drive03:06
holsteinINEEDSOMEDAMNHEL: can you boot the root shell?03:06
holsteinhttp://askubuntu.com/questions/24006/how-do-i-reset-a-lost-administrative-password is what i use03:06
INEEDSOMEDAMNHELmore than likely but everything seems okay whit my hard drive03:06
holsteinINEEDSOMEDAMNHEL: seems? hard drives dont "seem". thay are either good or bad03:07
holsteinINEEDSOMEDAMNHEL: can you get to the root console? the recover console?03:07
INEEDSOMEDAMNHELso in my cans 'good' ?03:07
holsteinINEEDSOMEDAMNHEL: can you get to the root console? following the steps at http://askubuntu.com/questions/24006/how-do-i-reset-a-lost-administrative-password ?03:08
David-AINEEDSOMEDAMNHEL: not responding? do you get a shell prompt, so you know you are in the shell? can you type a command, but it will not be executed? or?03:08
INEEDSOMEDAMNHELlrt me see. i want to try to go through a security hole though03:08
holsteinBoot up the machine, and after the BIOS screen, hold down the left shift key to bring up the grub menu03:08
holsteinINEEDSOMEDAMNHEL: ?03:08
holsteinINEEDSOMEDAMNHEL: the recovery console is how to repair the issue you have caused.. if you want to try and "hack" your sytem, try the security channels03:09
INEEDSOMEDAMNHELafter the grub menu is brought up go to ubuntu settings "or somthing like that" and a root shell "should"03:10
INEEDSOMEDAMNHELso #networking?03:10
holsteinINEEDSOMEDAMNHEL: you should see the menu.. the second entry will be the recovery console i, and the link are referencing03:10
holsteinthat is how you would compromise your account.. if you had lost the machine.. thats why you do disk or partition encyption to combat that security hole03:11
holsteinotherwise, you would exploit a service running on the machine to compromise someone's account.. a root user or whatever.. but its not to compromise someones account like you are referencing03:12
holsteinINEEDSOMEDAMNHEL: you just use the recovery console... no need for a security hole03:12
holsteinINEEDSOMEDAMNHEL: its a feature.. not a security hole03:12
INEEDSOMEDAMNHELim 12 knowone cares about my data. not that many people want to be assh#### and mess ur junk up03:12
holsteinINEEDSOMEDAMNHEL: its not about "caring" about your data.. its about this.. what is your question? if you are trying to recover your password, use the guide.. if you are not, then, use the proper channel for your quesiton03:13
INEEDSOMEDAMNHEL? i was not talking about that at all goodbye.03:14
Linux25Im using Xubuntu on my PC and ubuntu on my laptop, one feature i like in ubuntu is the ability to add multiple clocks for different timezones, they show as a list under the calendar, is there something similar for xubuntu?05:31
cheri703_hey xubuntu folks. I am having an annoying issue and I don't know where to start on sorting it out. Sometimes (not always) when I try to open quasselclient, it shows up if I check system monitor, but it doesn't actually *open*, and I can't alt+tab to it. Sometimes I can reboot and it'll open, sometimes not. In the past it would do this but I could click on a notification and suddenly it'd pop up, OR it would disappear if I clicked on one. Anyone06:24
Unit193Howdy.  This is just the client version right?  The one you connect to the core with rather than direct connect?  What version and package? (there's a qt and -kde version.)  I'd try launching it from the terminal and see if you get any messages, also check .cache/upstart/startxfce4.log (if in 13.10)06:43
cheri703_Yeah, I just uninstalled the qt version and installed the other one06:45
cheri703_from terminal it says "Fontconfig warning: "/etc/fonts/conf.d/50-user.conf", line 14: reading configurations from ~/.fonts.conf is deprecated. No DockManager available "06:45
cheri703_oh, and version and package is...whatever's newest. I can check06:46
cheri703_quassel-client 0.9.1-0ubuntu1.106:48
Unit193Hrm, well that's not much output, so best to try the -d switch to enable debugging.  FWIW, I have the quassel-client-qt4 package installed and it appears to be working.06:51
cheri703_yeah, I had that installed and it was doing the same thing06:51
cheri703_I'll try -d06:51
cheri703_hmm...looks like the issue might be that it is supposed to start minimized to the systray, but there is no systray anymore06:57
Unit193Don't have it in Xfce panel?06:58
cheri703_I mean, I have the usual notification/indicator areas, but haven't had a quassel one since switching to xubuntu06:59
Unit193Ah, indicators are a little broken in 13.10 unless you manually fix them, 14.04 is a lot better, or will be, there.  It will/should be in indicator-messages.07:01
cheri703_ok, I'm hoping to upgrade at that point. Is there a way to force it to open maximized instead of minimized to tray?07:03
arrithUnit193: what are your thoughts on waiting a month or two or three after say a release of an LTS to avoid any remaining bugs?07:03
cheri703_That's fine for the upgrade, I need to be able to use quassel in the meantime though :/07:04
Unit193cheri703_: I'd disable the tray icon in the settings, that should do it.  Also, the config file isn't as easy, but in theory you could manually edit that.07:04
cheri703_a while ago somehow bitlbee ate my whole chat, so I had to reinstall quassel-core.07:05
Unit193arrith: I don't generally wait that long, but I also know from other computers or VMs what bugs I will personally hit.07:05
data_hi i need some help please07:05
cheri703_I can't *get* to the settings because I can't get to the menus because I can't open the window because it's opening minimized in non-existent tray07:05
data_Error mounting /dev/sdb1 at /media/data/7290E02C90DFF497: Command-line `mount -t "ntfs" -o "uhelper=udisks2,nodev,nosuid,uid=1000,gid=1000,dmask=0077,fmask=0177" "/dev/sdb1" "/media/data/7290E02C90DFF497"' exited with non-zero exit status 14: The disk contains an unclean file system (0, 0).07:06
data_Metadata kept in Windows cache, refused to mount.07:06
data_Failed to mount '/dev/sdb1': Operation not permitted07:06
data_The NTFS partition is in an unsafe state. Please resume and shutdown07:06
data_Windows fully (no hibernation or fast restarting), or mount the volume07:06
data_read-only with the 'ro' mount option.07:06
data_how can i access this it has all my files i saved to my second harddrive before i installed xubuntu07:06
Unit193cheri703_: UseSystemTrayIcon=false MinimizeOnClose=false MainWinHidden=false  should do it in the config file.07:07
Unit193data_: Do you have Windows?07:07
Unit193cheri703_: .config/quassel-irc.org/quasselclient.conf being the config.07:08
data_i installed xubntu full time07:08
cheri703_\o/ Thanks Unit193!! That worked! :D07:08
Unit193cheri703_: Fantastic!07:08
data_I have had two harddrives07:09
data_one had win8 that i installed xubuntu fresh on the main hdd07:10
data_my second harddrive i put files on it that i needed07:10
data_so i could have them on xubuntu07:10
data_now it wont let me mount the drive.07:10
data_or access the files.07:10
Unit193Well, you could mount read only, though that won't help you when you need to edit files, best idea is to run some form of chkdsk on it.07:11
data_im not sure how to do this07:12
data_any ideas?07:14
Unit193http://askubuntu.com/questions/290630/problem-to-enter-in-ntfs-partition looks like the best bet is to stick it in a computer with windows and have chkdsk/ntfs on it.07:16
arrithsometimes a fsck is necessary. though i might be misremembering but i *think* there's some way to force a mount07:16
arrithmight not always work07:17
data_so there is no way to do this within linux?07:17
Unit193Yeah, could force a mount, think I did when I dualbooted back in '08.07:17
data_i dont have the option to dual boot.07:18
data_i did a fresh install with xubuntu over my windows 807:18
data_so basically i lost everything?07:19
arrithdata_: try to force a mount07:20
data_how do i do that?07:20
data_sorry im new with xubuntu07:20
arrithdata_: step 207:24
data_its not letting me07:24
arrithdata_: what message do you get07:24
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.07:24
arrithyou should make sure you're referring to the correct partition07:24
data_arrith: http://paste.ubuntu.com/7112708/07:27
arrithdata_: try    -o ro,force07:28
arrithfor read only07:28
data_so i type mount -o ro07:29
arrithdata_: instead of   -o force   do instead    -o ro,force07:29
arrithdata_: ro and force   -o ro,force07:29
data_i dont get what you mean im sorry07:30
arrithdata_:    sudo ntfs-3g /dev/sdb1 /media/external -o force,ro07:31
arrithdata_: instead of07:31
arrithdata_: sudo ntfs-3g /dev/sdb1 /media/external -o force07:31
arrith",ro" at the end07:31
data_oot@data:/home/data/Desktop# sudo ntfs-3g /dev/sdb1 /media/external -o force rontfs-3g: You must specify exactly one device and exactly one mount point.07:32
arrithdata_:    sudo ntfs-3g -o force,ro /dev/sdb1 /media/external07:33
data_root@data:/home/data/Desktop# sudo ntfs-3g -o force,ro /dev/sdb1 /media/externalfuse: failed to access mountpoint /media/external: No such file or directory07:34
arrithdata_:    sudo ntfs-3g -o force,ro /dev/sdb1 /media/external07:34
arrithdata_:    sudo ntfs-3g -o force,ro /dev/sdb1 /mnt07:34
arrithdata_: second one07:35
data_ok now the drive is gone07:35
data_off the deskto07:35
arrithdata_: that's ok, do07:35
arrithdata_:   xdg-open /mnt07:35
data_ok all the files show locked07:36
arrithdata_: you can copy them off07:37
arrithdata_: backup the files you want, then you can delete the partition to make use of the space07:37
data_i dragged the file to the desktop07:37
data_now i cant open anything on the dekstop07:38
data_incldin my home folder07:38
arrithdata_: to read some files, you might have to do      gksu thunar /mnt07:38
data_im talking about the desk top07:38
data_my home folder07:38
data_or any icons07:38
data_oh i had to07:39
data_close that stupid error box07:39
arrithdata_: what was the error?07:39
data_member when i tried to first open up the drive07:39
data_it was giving me that error07:39
data_i still had the box open07:39
arrithdata_: good. well that's how you copy your data off, that ntfs-3g line and then xdg-open07:40
data_no once i get the files off is there a command i can type to format07:40
data_and make the drive usable?07:40
arrithdata_: you might want to copy the files you want to keep off of xubuntu somewhere safe, then do a reinstall that uses the entire drive07:40
arrithdata_: it might be easier07:41
arrithdata_: if you want to learn, to partition you can use the gparted tool07:41
data_well i have two drives07:41
data_one drive has ubuntu on it07:41
data_the second drive was just a extra one07:42
arrithdata_: well you can use it however you want to07:42
data_i cant just enter a command to format that drive we just got opend and make it appear back on desktop07:42
arrithif you have regular backups, doing a raid 0 for speed is always nice07:43
arrithdata_: you can do    umount /mnt    then right click it on the desktop and there might be a 'format' option07:43
xubuntu108Anybody help please, I can't install VLC in xubuntu 13.107:45
data_the drive showed back up07:45
data_but when i right click07:45
data_it gives me no option to format07:45
arrithxubuntu108: paste the error you get to http://paste.ubuntu.com07:46
data_just open and i cant open because that errorr07:46
arrithdata_: ah, you'll have to use gparted then. but before you do any formatting stuff make sure you have all the data you want07:46
arrithdata_: all the data you want from it copied off to a safe place07:46
data_i do07:46
data_can you please give me the command? sorry if im annoying u07:47
arrithdata_: https://www.google.com/#q=how+to+format+gparted07:47
data_ok thank you07:47
arrithdata_: top result, How to Format a USB Drive in Ubuntu Using GParted - How-To Geek www.howtogeek.com07:47
data_ill give it a go if not ill come back07:47
data_thanks so much for ur help07:47
arrithUnit193: -o ro,force worked07:48
BerylThere's no graphical way to disable guest logins is there? If i remember you add guest=disable or something to lightdm.conf09:42
brauleinchenI took a set of pictures with a sony camera and xubuntu 13.10 doesnt recognize the unit11:51
baizonbrauleinchen: check the format of the picutre11:53
brauleincheni cannot acces any data, all the camera shows is "usb mode connecting"11:53
baizonbrauleinchen: check the dmesg info11:56
brauleinchenbaizon, how do I do that?11:56
baizonbrauleinchen: open terminal and type dmesg11:57
brauleinchenyes, it does list the camera11:57
baizonbrauleinchen: pls post the output on paste.ubuntu.com11:58
brauleinchenlong string11:58
baizonmark and copy?11:58
knomebrauleinchen, dmesg | pastebinit11:58
baizonhmm, didnt know that. Thanks knome :)11:59
brauleinchenis this a drivers issue?12:03
momo_elevendou you know where i can find the std xubuntu xfce menu?12:31
baddog05good morning12:50
baddog05I am a noob at xubuntu and need some help, anyone want to help an old man cross the street?12:53
knomebaddog05, welcome! just ask your question and if somebody knows the answer, they will most probably reply12:56
baddog05cool thanks12:57
baddog05I have just installed xubuntu on hyper v and just can not seem to get it to work wirelessly to my network through the host system. i have tried bridging etc. no avail, unless i am doing it wrong. wired works fine. just trying to learn the system12:58
GridCubebaddog05, at that level (hardware) xubuntu shares the same settings than any ubuntu, maybe if no one knows here you can get a responce in other channels, or you dont have to limit your search on internet to xubuntu, any answer you find for ubuntu "should" work, enphasis in should13:09
baddog05thanks. yeah for some reason just not clicking. just like anything else, will have to keep hammering at it. since i am pretty new at it, i can not count out user error. once i get past this i can start getting a little deeper into things.13:12
akishi all. i am running 12.04 and for file manager i am using dolphin. since last week every time i pluged a usb stick or a sd card dolphin recognised it automatically and placed it under trash icon. suddenly this stopped and every time i am plugging the usb stick i have to choose 'show all entries' in left panel to see usb stick and use it. any idea about a solution on this this issue?13:32
nlsthznpossible bug issue / after a reboot the panel I have on the second display will show the the open windows from the primary display in the "Windows Button" item and not the windows from the secondary screen.  When I select and then again deselect "Show windows from all monitors" for "Windows Buttons" it resumes working correctly...13:40
euryalehi guys!13:40
GridCubeakis, dolphin is from kde, i would suggest you to ask on a kde related channel :)13:40
GridCube!hi | euryale13:41
ubottueuryale: Hi!, Welcome to #xubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines. Enjoy your stay!13:41
euryaledo u guys know how to configure xfce so it will not conflict with compiz's plugins like the alt+tab.13:42
akisGridCube: thanks. i went already in kubuntu (although i am running xubuntu).13:42
GridCubeeuryale, did you replaced xfwm4 with compiz? if you do then all the keyboard stuffs should go to compiz, but remember that compiz itself is not supported in any way by xubuntu13:44
euryale? @gridcube im confuse, i just installed compiz that's all, i don't know about replacing everything in xfce.13:45
euryaleor how do i do that ? :D13:45
euryaleworkspaces doesn't work too.13:46
GridCubeeuryale, press alt-f2 and do "compiz --replace" or something like that, again, if you do we will not be able to give you support here, you will have to go to a compiz channel13:46
euryaleoh ok. yes i did that, and have it start upon login. ok i will try the compiz channel i hope someone's active.13:47
GridCubeeuryale, good luck :)13:48
euryalelolol the last time i checked, no one's actually there to help.13:48
GridCubesorry about that, compiz is pretty much a dying project13:50
euryalesad about that. i tried compton last night, i was not happy, it's ok. but not my type.13:52
openessI'm having wierd trouble with the live-cd (on USB) On my old machine it works just fine, but on my new computer it hangs when I click "try xubuntu".14:16
openessther's a bunch of lines on the screen, but I don't know how best to copy them to you14:18
openessthe weird part (i think) is that it doesn't seem to be a boot problem (since it first boots and then hangs on my clicking try) but still the copy works with my other computer, so I don't think it's a bad write14:20
openessthe last line of output looks like a couple of lines jumbled: "Stopping Restore Sound Card Statedaemonrypted block devicesrrt/stop"14:23
openesscould it be a hardware support issue, I have no idea how to go about solving (or diagnosing) that.14:26
holsteinopeness: i would think, GPU driver support15:26
ubottuA common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter15:27
holsteinopeness: sometimes, i'll suggest installing with a minimal iso, and adding a proprietary driver if available, *then* running/installing the desktop.. or, using a custom xorg.conf with the vesa driver to get in and get started15:27
=== andry_ is now known as andry
openessholstein: thanx. nomodeset did the trick, and I'm now in live mode.15:33
openessI havn't used *buntu in a very long time so driver management and rarely used settings are precisely the thing I don't know how to do.15:35
holsteinopeness: ideally, the manufacturer allows linux to be able to support you.. or, they support linux themselves.. if not, then, it can be challenging15:38
openessI've used arch for the last couple of years, and am now installing for my grandmother. I thought HP would be a safe choice, I have good experience with their computers15:45
holsteinopeness: i find its generally "best" to go with what you can maintain the easiest.. the hardware support will be the same for most any distro15:46
xubuntu530Hi Can you help me? I am just a beginner with xubuntu. I need to change usage of my laptop battery from economy mode(59%)  to full charge mode. Could not find how to do that...15:55
holsteinxubuntu530: thats not whats hapenning.. there is no mode for using only 59% of your battery15:56
holsteinxubuntu530: its just reporting that.. and that can be due to bad/old hardware.. or, the bios reporting incorretly, or the software not being able to comunicate with the hardware15:56
holsteinxubuntu530: the battery live will seldom be "better" in linux.. so, if you are getting a similar or a bit less amount of time from the battery, that is to be expected15:57
xubuntu530hardware is new. I have Lenovo laptop with Power Management and had Windows before and then i got xubuntu instead/ With Windows i could choose between 59% battery mode and full charge/ Then i installed xubuntu and cant change economy mode now/16:03
holsteinxubuntu530: lenovo doesnt support linux16:03
xubuntu530i know16:03
holsteinxubuntu530: so, whatever economy mode was, was likely something etiher in the bios that you can disable, or as i said above, something the software cant communicate with16:04
holsteinxubuntu530: there is no16:04
holstein"mode" in linux that will use 60% of the battery like that16:04
holsteinthere is cpu scaling, and things to make the battery potentially last longer.. but, typically, the battery life just takes a hit16:04
xubuntu530but it stuck now on economy mode and i cant chang it. So there is no option to change it? I tried the bios already((16:07
holsteinxubuntu530: nothing about linux or xubuntu is going to prevent that from being changed.. but, if there is a proprietary application in windows that is provided by lenovo to windows only, that may be the only way to set that settings, whatever it is16:09
holsteinxubuntu530: i once had to take a LUG members machine, and install windows xp on it to be able to enable the wifi adapter on an HP machine due to a similar situation16:09
openesswhat does "stuck in economy mode" mean. what does it do? doesn't it charge, or does it lower performance?16:10
holsteinxubuntu530: i would look around the web for "lenovo model number ubuntu" and see what comes up16:10
xubuntu530it charge but only to 59%. I have a flight tomorrow so i wanted to chang it to full charge to watch movie...16:11
holsteinxubuntu530: i dont think so16:12
holsteinxubuntu530: i really think economy mode is more about the cpu speed, and making the battery last longer16:12
holsteinxubuntu530: i think, as i said, the battery is just being reported at 59%16:12
holsteinxubuntu530: your battery life will not be as good in linux as it was in windows.16:13
cfhowlettsad but true16:13
holsteinxubuntu530: if you'd like some help searching the net, state the model of the lenovo you have.16:13
openessholstein: that depends on the linux dist, but with all the flashy software we love so much about ubuntu, it is true.16:15
xubuntu530 lenovo-g58016:18
holsteinwell, the fact is, any manufacturer is able to and encouraged to support the machines they make in linux.. but, typically they do not16:19
holsteinand, its actually has little to do with the distro, openess .. its more about the module support in the kernel16:19
holsteinyou can turn off "flashy".. but, you can address kernel driver support as easily16:20
holsteinxubuntu530: i dont read anything online that supports the issue you are stating.. i dont think the battery is at 60%.. i think its reporting to be there16:22
holsteinxubuntu530: there is no mode that uses only 60% of the battery. economy mode should be, as i suggested, about using less resources and making the battery last longer16:23
holsteinxubuntu530: i think you are assuming the mode is using only 60% of the battery.. in linux, you may get the battery reporting 60%, but actually be full16:24
xubuntu530there was such a mode with lenovo power manager16:24
holsteinxubuntu530: what i suggest is, look for and apply all upgrades, and let the machine run, and see how the battery bahaves16:24
holsteinxubuntu530: i dont think so, friend16:25
holsteinxubuntu530: that makes no sense. the mode is to use less resources for the battery to last longer.. its not about using "less battery".. meaning physically less of the battery16:25
holsteinxubuntu530: you may want to keep windows around on the machine to communicate to the hardware the changes you are wanting..16:29
openessholstein: you're right that it doesn't have a lot to do with the dist. I simplified, possibly wrongly, that different dists use different amounts of battery based on the software they ship, and expect the user to run.16:31
xubuntu530Can i make it using Virtual Box?16:31
holsteinxubuntu530: thats a quation for the manufacturer.. but, i dont think lenovo will allow you to communicate that through a VM.. or with the assumed application in wine16:32
holsteinxubuntu530: what do i think is going on? i think there was a mode in the OS, and you are assuming, since the battery monitor is reporting 60% that there is a problem16:32
xubuntu530i just wanted to have my laptop on a trip longer tomorrow16:34
holsteinxubuntu530: sure, and nothing here is preventing that, friend.. but, you are assuming anything is wrong16:34
xubuntu530yes coz if i cant chang....16:35
holsteinxubuntu530: there may be nothing to change16:36
phunyguyhello, I am trying to test out Xubuntu 12.04.4, and in the release notes, it says it comes with the saucy kernel.  However, it does not, and this laptop absolutely refuses to work with the 3.2 kernel.16:40
phunyguyis there any way around this or am I boned?  Thanks16:40
holsteinphunyguy: youcan always use whatever kernel you like16:41
Unit193phunyguy: How far can you get?16:41
xubuntu530ok/ will try battery capacity tomorow / Thanks for your time16:41
phunyguycan't even get to desktop, and there is no network adapters present16:41
phunyguyholstein: I would love to, but I can't even install or use live cd16:42
phunyguyI tried 14.04, but it is not ready, lol.16:42
holsteinat this point, i would just go forward16:42
behroozhello , how i can install kernel 3.11 on xubuntu 12.04.016:42
phunyguybehrooz: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PrecisePangolin/ReleaseNotes/UbuntuDesktop#LTS_Hardware_Enablement_Stack16:43
phunyguy`sudo apt-get install linux-generic-lts-saucy xserver-xorg-lts-saucy `16:43
phunyguyholstein: why don't the release notes match the scenario?  :(16:44
phunyguymakes me sad.16:44
holsteinphunyguy: typo? pretty sure the moneyback gurantee still stands ;)16:44
Unit193The issue was pointed out on the ML too, not sure why it was written that we have the enablement stack.16:45
phunyguyahh well.  Was just trying it on a whim.16:45
Unit193What was wrong with Trusty?16:45
behroozphunyguy:this kernel is ok ? i feel kernel 3.8 on my xubuntu more use battery ? dose kernel 3.11 better than 3.8 ?16:45
Unit193I personally use 3.10 on my Saucy box, but that's unsupported and another story. :P16:46
openessI'm now having network issues with the live-usb. The (wireless) network first connects, but after less than a minute it disconnects, and is then unable to connect (to any network) again. reboot has reproduced this behaviour16:47
holsteinopeness: what device? is it a broadcom chip?16:48
openesssometimes I do and sometimes I don't get the error "(32) Connection could not be found."16:48
Morroghello :) for those that remember me from yesterday: i had an issue with xscreensaver/xflock4 interacting poorly with dpms. i managed to swap xscreensaver/xflock4 with a combination of xautolock and i3lock. now after a certain idle time, the backlight is shut off completely. works like a charm for me.16:51
Morrogthank you anyway for listening16:52
Unit193Nice, thank you for giving feedback to whoever may be here.16:52
Morrogno problem :)16:52
openessthat's the one.16:57
holsteinopeness: i had a broadcom chip that was acting like that.. i eventually just swapped it out.. you can open a terminal and run "lspci" and see what wifi chip is listen17:13
holstein!wifi > openess17:13
ubottuopeness, please see my private message17:13
holstein^ that might have some handy info on determining as well..17:14
behroozi use xubuntu 12.04.4 with kernel 3.8.0-37 generic , on lennovo G-500 with intel hd 4000 vga17:26
behrooznow i want upgrade kernel to 3.11 ,is battery consumption an kernel 3.11 less than it at kernel 3.8 ?17:27
holsteinbehrooz: you'd have to try it on your specific hardware.. i suggest just upgrading to 14.04 when its released in a few weeks17:28
holsteinbehrooz: you can then easily test the 14.04 live and see how it works with your hardware before installing.. even do some battery tests if you like that should be quite relevant from the live CD17:29
behroozwhich version kernel use in 14.04 ?17:29
behroozis it 8.12 ?17:29
holsteinbehrooz: you can use uname -a to see what is in your 12.0417:30
behroozi know it . 14.4 lts use kernel 3.11 or 3.12 ?17:30
behroozhas release xfce 4.12 ?17:34
Unit193Xfce 4.12 doesn't exist, but Xubuntu 14.04 has bits of 4.1117:35
astraljavaHey dudes and dudettes. Anyone have an idea how to resize the panel(s) after an external display has been disconnected during suspend?19:25
astraljavaCurrently it seems to remember the overall size (horizontally) that the two displays (laptop screen + external display) had combined, and thinks the panel(s) should occupy that whole space still.19:26
astraljavaOkay, xrandr seems to do the trick easily with the -s option, so I guess I'll just work with that whenever it happens again, if it keeps happening.19:30
astraljavaSorry for the noise. :) Please return to your regularly scheduled programme.19:31
behroozhello everyone , i have question for run source browser plugin in gedit 3.4.119:31
behroozmay i have question here ?19:31
lokote_jonesMy laptop has a HD3200M video card in it. The driver for it under linux is available from ATI but it requires ia32 libs. Xubuntu is now using multiarch and the driver bricks the installation without the ia32 (I tried to force install it and I lost X). Can someone help me or tell me how to make ia32 drivers work under xubuntu?21:42
lokote_jones(I would consider paying USD's for a fix to this - like $25 or something... a game on steam or something? --- puttin a bounty on it. lol)21:44
holsteinlokote_jones: there should be a few options.. have you tried the open driver? and the one in the repos?21:44
Hedgeworklokote_jones: The narrative you just provided suggests that either a different driver or a custom-compiled kernel will be required, however I have no specific experience with that card on Xubuntu.21:44
lokote_jonesholstein: When I open the driver window it doesn't like any alternative drivers as being available.21:44
holsteinlokote_jones: ok.. have you tried the open one and any from the repos, then?21:44
holstein!ati > lokote_jones21:44
ubottulokote_jones, please see my private message21:45
holstein^ thats what i always refer to21:45
lokote_jonesholstein: Thanks. I'll go read into it. I think the open driver doesn't support my card but I will experiment and pop back in if it doesn't work.21:45
holsteinlokote_jones: you shouldnt need a 32bit driver..21:46
Berylwhy is guest login even enabled? it's a huge security hole since you can pwn any desktop21:47
holsteinBeryl: if you can touch the machine, then, you can use the recovery kernel to "pwn"..21:48
holsteinfor me, the guest account is more about someone using the machine that you want to give a "safe" environment to21:48
lokote_joneshttp://support.amd.com/en-us/download/desktop/legacy?product=Legacy2&os=Linux%20x86_64 That is the 64bit driver.21:48
Berylrecovery can have a password...21:48
lokote_jonesBut it requires 32 bit packages21:48
holsteinBeryl: no.. you can encypt the data..21:49
Beryldon't bother with really old amd drivers, the open source ones work fine21:49
BerylAMD's latest FGLRX for 7000+ are good but all of the old GPUs have better OSS drivers21:49
lokote_jonesBeryl: My vid card is a 3xxx but I think the open source ones only go back to 5xxx21:49
holsteinBeryl: that is not for your, friend.. its for lokote_jones21:49
BerylI know....21:50
Beryllokote_jones: try xorg edgers and use the latest kernel, should run ok21:50
lokote_jonesBeryl: Could you shoot me a link to instructions on doing that? I have never used the edgers ppa.21:52
Berylsudo add-apt-repository ppa:xorg-edgers/ppa21:52
Berylthat repo generally has the newest drivers for all GPus21:52
Berylopen and closed21:53
lokote_jonesOnce I add that ppa; How do I know what driver to pull for my card?21:53
holsteinlokote_jones: the same open one21:53
Berylwell  you first apt update, then just upgrade everything21:54
holsteinlokote_jones: it'll automatically update the open driver to the latest from that unsupported ppa21:54
Beryleven though it's an "unsupported" ppa it has thousands of users, including canonical guys21:54
holsteini have used that ppa.. its a good idea to try it.. i prefer that to the proprietary one from the site21:54
lokote_jonesholstein: Thanks. Beryl: Thanks. It takes a second for the update to work. I'll do a sudo apt-get upgrade next.21:54
holstein*all* ppa's are unsupproted21:55
lokote_jonesThe upgrade; she has begun. Wish me luck.21:55
Berylif things go wrong, panic21:56
BerylI'm on  14.04... i had to manually install an older clib so firefox would work :-/21:57
Berylstrange, I had no issues except for a regression from an update21:57
Berylxfce runs nice and quick on my old little intel ssd... so much more reliable than any other one i've used, 24/7 os boot drive since 200922:04
xubuntu193i'm looking to access a very old ipod touch to remove old music and add some newer stuff. I plugged in my ipod touch into my laptop that has Xubuntu, hoping it would be seen as an external storage device, but no... any suggestions as to how i can do this?22:25
Berylthere's several free ipod apps in the repo22:26
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