
knomeis somebody about to update all packages for ubuntu for the docstringfreeze or will i need to find an uploader?12:45
knomesame question goes for the translation deadlines: will somebody upload new versions of packages when we hit those?12:46
dsmythiesknome: gunnarhj just got upload rights for desktop help and will do it. I do not know about the others X-K-L-? ubuntu. The serverguide is not a package, so I usually do it.14:51
knomedsmythies, thanks, but that doesn't answer my question :)16:58
knomeGunnarHj, heard you got upload rights for the ubuntu docs... i guess that doesn't extend to the xubuntu docs, or does it?16:59
GunnarHjknome: No, it doesn't. Guess you are the one who should apply for xubuntu-docs.17:02
knomei'm not, i have no experience with packaging17:02
GunnarHjBut maintaining an existing package (as I suppose you do all the time) has little to do with packaging experience.17:04
knomeyeah, i acknowledge that17:05
knomeit come down to the fact that it's just not something i want to commit to :)17:05
GunnarHjOk. Personally I see it as a right, not a commitment. Getting upload rights is not the same thing as becoming a package's maintainer (which I wouldn't want to be - I'm just a volunteer...).17:07
knomei understand17:07
knomeand i understand it is a privilege17:07
knomebut... i don't want that, i have enough already17:08
knomeif you know what i mean :)17:08
GunnarHjI do know about having enough already. ;-)17:08
knomeit's not something i am interested in, and i think it wouldn't be fair to let others think i am17:08
knomei also think it would make sense to have one contact person for updating all the docs packages in all needed situations17:14
knomebut i'm not asking you to do that... you will have to volunteer yourself.17:14
bkerensaGunnarHj: I'm also applying for uploads for ubuntu-docs and package I maintain in Debian17:16
bkerensaGunnarHj: Going to bang out some work on the bugs today and try and land some merges before the day ends17:17
GunnarHjknome: Since I don't work with Xubuntu, I wouldn't be the right person for that role. Suppose you'd better try to find some core dev who is involved in Xubuntu.17:23
GunnarHjdsmythies: ping?17:25
knomeGunnarHj, yeah... that's the problem. but no worries, we'll handle it via the sponsorship queue then17:25
GunnarHjknome: Since the docs uploads are pretty time critical, I can help you by calling someone's attention to it on IRC, if you feel you don't have the proper contacts.17:28
knomeGunnarHj, no, i do17:28
knomeGunnarHj, and i don't have a problem to put it in the sponsorship queue17:29
knomeGunnarHj, it's just that... i don't think that's a very sustainable option :)17:29
GunnarHjIt's better if you get some specific developer who know you well and trust you, of course.17:31
knomeyeah, that's not the problem either17:31
knomei just think that in ideal world there would be a single person, or team, who made sure all documentation-related uploads were made when needed17:31
knomeand were in touch with the flavor teams and who ever had documentation packages to upload17:32
knomeand that team should be (a subset of) the ubuntu-core-doc team.17:32
GunnarHjI think that in the ideal world, Canonical would take a more active interest in docs in general. Having a dedicated docs uploader, as you mentioned, might be a part of that.17:34
knomethat's another discussion17:34
knomewhether it was canonical or community... that doesn't matter to me17:34
knomecommunity is taking care of lot of the docs already, and while it sucks that canonical doesn't help sustain it, i think the community should be able to cooperate and come up with a sustainable solution17:35
GunnarHjWell, not to me either, really, but it's easier to maintain sustainability with employed staff, and those are Canonical.... So the issues are related, I think.17:36
knomei guess...17:38
knomethough that doesn't mean the community shouldn't try to fix things17:39
knomemaybe canonical was more interested to maintain the docs (or make some developer work on the uploads) if there was something specific set up17:39
belkinsaI think we need a link to the developers to give us docs on what they work on.17:40
GunnarHjOf course, I didn't mean to say that the community would be less involved.17:40
GunnarHjbelkinsa: Right, that's another important point.17:41
knomebelkinsa, that's a different issue, which is more closely related to the canonical-community communication17:41
belkinsaOh, I was thinking from the Roundtable from the last UDS17:41
knomethe point is, that issue only concerns the ubuntu docs, and only the content part of that17:47
knomeas it is now, the flavors already (obviously) maintain their own documentation content17:47
knomeand they only need to get it uploaded17:47
knomewhich is okay, if they have the manpower to do so17:47
knomeduring this cycle, we've had only a few uploads here and there by people in our team, everything else went through the sponsorship queue17:48
knomewhich is another issue...17:48
dsmythiesGunnarHj: I am here now.20:46
GunnarHjHi dsmythies!20:46
GunnarHjdsmythies: The reason I pinged you was to ask if you had made any progress wrt that screenshot, but as you may have seen I have fixed it now.20:47
dsmythiesI didn't make any progress. I didn't see that you fixed it. I will pull Rev 385 right away and have a look. Thanks.20:50
GunnarHjdsmythies: Sent a mail about it.20:53
GunnarHjdsmythies: It's not very beautiful, so if you know how to make a better one, please do.20:53
dsmythiesGunnarHj: What did you install to make it work? The rhythmbox-plugins package, I assume.21:00
GunnarHjdsmythies: Yes.21:00
dsmythiesGunnarHj: I'll try it and see if my screenshot is any brighter than yours. If not, I might contrast stretch yours.21:08
GunnarHjdsmythies: Ok, thanks.21:08
GunnarHjdsmythies: I'm not good at playing with pictures.21:09
=== belkinsa_ is now known as belkinsa
dsmythiesGunnarHj: My main trick is that I do it at a screen resolution of 720X576, which minimizes after capture downsizing.21:12
godbykI can take a screenshot real quick if you like.21:12
godbykdsmythies: What dimensions did you say it should be?21:13
dsmythiesgodbyk: I am just updating, which is taking awhile, then I was going to try to get the same one GunnarHj just did, but see if I can make it brighter.21:13
GunnarHjdsmythies: Aha, didn't think of that.21:14
dsmythiesIt is one of the set that it rotates through on the index.page21:14
godbykThe screen resolution should be set to 1024×768.21:14
godbykGimme just a sec and I'll crop this one and email it to you guys.21:15
godbykYou can decide if you want to use it.21:15
dsmythiesFor the script yes. When I do them manually, I set the screen as low as it will go.21:15
godbykThat one must've been taken at a resolution higher than 1024×768.21:16
godbykOtherwise most if the stuff in that image gets cut off.21:16
GunnarHjI used the default screen resolution, whatever it is...21:17
dsmythiesGrab any size at an aspect ratio of 5 to 4 and it can be re-sampled afterwards.21:18
GunnarHjprobably 1366 x 76821:19
godbykWell, it looks nicer if you don't have to resample.21:19
dsmythiesI crashed my 14.04 Desktop VM. I'll be awhile...21:19
godbykOkay, I ended up having to crop the screen to 500×400 and then scaling it down by a factor of two.21:22
godbykI've emailed you guys the screenshot I took.21:22
godbykLet me know if you'd like me to make any adjustments or retake it.21:22
GunnarHjgodbyk: In any case it's better than the one I did...21:24
GunnarHjgodbyk: But I would think that it would be even better if the actual sound menu was bigger (and less of the background).21:25
godbykWith the 250×200 ratio, it's hard to do that.. otherwise you end up clipping off the bottom of the sound menu.21:26
godbykAre there any specific items that I can help with?21:29
GunnarHjgodbyk: Just sent a modified version of your screenshot to illustrate what I meant.21:35
GunnarHjgodbyk: (via mail)21:35
GunnarHjgodbyk: But if you agree, it should of course be done based on the original screenshot for better quality.21:35
godbykGunnarHj: Let me see if I can get something closer to that by adjusting the screen resolution...21:36
godbykGunnarHj: See if you like the newer one better.21:44
godbykI took the screenshot at 800×600, then cropped it and then scaled it to fit the 250×200 restriction we have.21:45
GunnarHjgodbyk: Excellent, much better. :)21:45
godbykGunnarHj: Does it look blurry or anything?21:46
knomeanything in 250x200 looks blurry :P21:46
godbykknome: Fair point. :)21:48
GunnarHjgodbyk: Resizing isn't good for quality, but I think it's good enough for the purpose.21:48
godbykGunnarHj: Yeah, that's why I was trying to always resize be an even factor like two. But that doesn't give you the proportions you wanted.21:49
GunnarHjgodbyk: Aha, so it's a trade off between proportions and clearness, kind of...21:50
godbykGunnarHj: True.21:51
GunnarHjgodbyk: See that now, when I compare your two pictures. Anyway, I for one vote for the second one. Let's Doug decide. ;-)21:52
godbykGunnarHj: I'm relatively ambivalent. I'll let you and Doug sort it out. :-)21:54
GunnarHjgodbyk: cheese-dick! ;-)21:56
GunnarHjyeah, not willing to take a stand.. :)21:59
dsmythiesgodbyk, GunnarHj: My atttempt e-mailed to you. I did not have to re-sample it.22:00
GunnarHjdsmythies: Very clear, but no embedded picture...22:01
dsmythiesgodbyk: Earlier you asked: Are there any specific items that I can help with? The script: check-validation.sh assumes IDS checks work, but they don't. You were working on changes. Were they submitted?22:02
godbykdsmythies: I haven't yet, but I can work on that if it's helpful right now.22:02
dsmythiesGunnarHj: Yes, I do not know how to get the embedded picture.22:02
godbykdsmythies: I also planned to add options so you could enable/disable individual checks. And you wanted href checks disabled by default, right?22:02
godbykdsmythies: I downloaded this MP3: http://people.ubuntu.com/~jbicha/Echoes%20In%20Time.mp322:03
godbykdsmythies: It's the one used in the original screenshot. It comes with embedded album art.22:03
dsmythiesyes, Href checks must be disabled by default.22:03
godbykdsmythies: Just drop it into the Music folder so Rhythmbox finds it and you're all set.22:04
dsmythiesi guess the script doesn't fall under the string freeze deadline, so probably not a hurry.22:05
godbykdsmythies: True.. unless it helps us fix problems that need to be corrected prior to the string freeze deadline.22:08
dsmythiesgodbyk: I can not seem to get the embedded picture. Can you grab another screen shot? Hold the aspect ratio at 5 to 4 and get just past the bottom of the dialog box, at whatever height it takes. I'll re-sample it to 250X200.22:16
godbykdsmythies: I'm not following. What would you like me to do differently this time?22:18
dsmythiesSend me the original screen shot before any cropping or re-sampling.22:19
godbykdsmythies: I can do that. Which resolution do you want?22:20
godbykdsmythies: The last one I took was at 800×600.22:21
GunnarHjgodbyk, dsmythies: Is there anything in the desktop guide that comments on the Display capplet in System Settings?22:24
godbykdsmythies, GunnarHj: Okay, I've sent you some full screenshots at various resolutions.22:26
godbykGunnarHj: Some of the links under https://help.ubuntu.com/stable/ubuntu-help/prefs-display.html deal with it.22:27
GunnarHjgodbyk: Thanks!22:27
GunnarHjgodbyk: Another thought... Did you ever discuss the terms with anybody? Thinking of session/system menu and that stuff.22:33
godbykGunnarHj: I haven't.22:34
godbykGunnarHj: Aside from the menu bar / top bar issue that mpt weighed in on.22:35
GunnarHjgodbyk: Ok. Currently it is system menu in the desktop guide and session menu in the manual.22:35
GunnarHjgodbyk: Guess we'll need to live with that discrepancy for now.22:37
godbykGunnarHj: It's probably a bit late in the day to change it now. After this cycle, we'll get that sorted out.22:37
GunnarHjgodbyk: Agreed.22:37
dsmythiesGunnarHj: Are you O.K. with the screenshot (unity-app_01_.png) I sent you and godbyk?23:21
GunnarHjdsmythies: Indeed I am. Looks good.23:23
GunnarHjdsmythies: Do you commit it?23:24
GunnarHjgodbyk: still there23:24
GunnarHjgodbyk: ?23:25
godbykGunnarHj: Yep, I'm here.23:25
dsmythiesGunnarHj: I will commit it.23:25
GunnarHjdsmythies: Great.23:26
GunnarHjgodbyk: Did you see that I modified the update-translations.sh script?23:26
dsmythiesGuys, I am quite happy with the screen shots now. Thanks.23:27
godbykGunnarHj: Was that the one where you renamed the files from ubuntu-doc-LANG.po to LANG.po?23:27
GunnarHjgodbyk: No. It was revision 374.23:28
godbykOh, let me look.23:28
GunnarHjgodbyk: I mean yes, it was that script...23:28
godbykGunnarHj: Ah, then yes. :)23:29
GunnarHjgodbyk: Did it really work as expected before?23:30
godbykGunnarHj: Hmm.. I'm fairly sure it did. But I haven't tried it in eons.23:31
godbykFor the manual, I usually download individual .po files as they're ready for publication.23:31
GunnarHjgodbyk: Maybe the tarballs in ubuntu-docs and the manual are differently structured.23:32
GunnarHjgodbyk: But nevermind, I'm pretty sure the copy in the branch works for ubuntu-docs.23:33
godbykGunnarHj: That could be to. I'll have to check sometime.23:33
godbykGunnarHj: Ah, good.23:33
GunnarHjdsmythies: Great work with the screenshots. Thanks!23:35

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