[07:52] good morning [08:24] GM :) [09:27] does anyone want to join dpm and myself in a couple of minutes to chat about app dev school events? [10:06] hi [10:06] i want to join to your team [10:43] belkinsa: You said yesterday: "Everyone should be allowed to choose what they can do in a LoCo, but with heads up from the team and the Leader". I don't realy understand what you mean by "heads up from ...". [10:59] belkinsa: I'm not familiar with that expression. [11:22] HakanS: notify them [11:22] so if you do an event, you should tell the rest of the team :) [11:23] pleia2: Thanks for the explanation. [11:24] you're welcome [12:39] Thanks pleia2. [12:39] Spelling fail was on me and blanked out and used slang. === belkinsa_ is now known as belkinsa