
jrwrenwow... I really do have more storage than I know what to do with... for the time being.  datavg   5   6   4 wz--n- 12.74t 6.81t00:18
mrgoodcatgood evening yourself01:31
rick_h_party party01:33
rick_h_and then bed time01:33
cmaloneyGood morning12:12
rick_h_double morning12:12
cmaloneyrick_h_: It's WEdnesday today, just in case you needed a reminder. ;)12:13
rick_h_heh yea I do12:13
rick_h_I'm not sure where I'm at any more12:13
cmaloneyI gathered.12:14
rick_h_when do we get to NAPDay?12:14
cmaloneyNot sure12:14
cmaloneyI think it happens between CoffeeDay and PassOutDay.12:15
mrgoodcattoday is coffee day12:37
mrgoodcatsuper cheap coffee at biggby for their birthday12:37
mrgoodcat2$ 20oz hot mocha caramel ftw12:38
DrDaemonEyemrgoodcat: good day for coffee13:02
jrwrenawesome song to start the day always helps.13:02
mrgoodcati have a quick sqlalchemy question about best practices13:04
mrgoodcati have a module to store my model. Should I have code in the model to create the table if it doesn't exist or should that be in the main code?13:05
rick_h_mrgoodcat: db migations, check out alembic13:09
rick_h_manage migrations manually vs auto creating things13:10
mrgoodcatso they should be run separately outside the app?13:10
rick_h_yes, the app shouldn't magically create data store imo. It hides that you typod the db name, etc13:10
mrgoodcatthats the way it was done in rails too. i was just wondering. alembic must be the same thing basically as rake db:migrate?13:10
cmaloneyAlembic can also be used to generate the migrations13:11
cmaloneyThink of it as a melding of rake db:migrate and the magic migration management of Active Record13:12
cmaloneybut less magic. :)13:12
cmaloneyand written by a serious badass13:12
mrgoodcatrake db:migrate is the magic migration management of active record. unless i'm misunderstanding what you mean13:13
cmaloneyRight, but not recalling offhand in Ruby what makes the migration files that get parsed13:14
mrgoodcatgot it. in rails its just a rake task13:14
cmaloneyHaven't touched Rails in quite a while (outside of trying to install Redmine. ;) )13:15
cmaloneyand fixing a bug in Tracks. ;)13:15
mrgoodcati still use rake for things that aren't even rails related13:17
mrgoodcati use it the same way rick_h_ uses make13:18
brouschBut then you need Ruby on your computer13:19
mrgoodcati have ruby so no big deal13:21
mrgoodcati write things for myself to use, and if they happen to be useful for other people then great13:22
mrgoodcatnot the other way around13:22
mrgoodcati just reread that and i sound like a dick. i promise it sounded better in my head13:22
mrgoodcatbut the statement stands13:23
brouschOn the Internet, everyone sounds like a dick13:23
mrgoodcatbut you know what i mean right? rake is more comfortable for me. if someone else wants to use my app and really wants make, they can port it. otherwise i don't think it's a big deal13:26
mrgoodcatwhen i make apps for other people i try to stick to dependencies that everyone is likely to have. so no rake tasks13:26
mrgoodcathow often should i commit() sqlalchemy? or is it better to let it deal with those semantics by itself?13:48
rick_h_mrgoodcat: it depends, most web things will commit at the end of every web request13:49
rick_h_mrgoodcat: but in scripts I might bunch commits into chunks of 10 or 20 for performance reasons13:49
rick_h_if you're doing something else, commit where the transaction in progress is 'done'13:49
mrgoodcatok. so if performance isn't an issue, a commit after each process is ok13:49
mrgoodcatbut chunking them together makes it process faster13:50
rick_h_yea, every transaction creates locks and the commit takes time. So if you do a looped new trans/commit for every record you'll find it's 100x longer than a single commit13:50
rick_h_but that's bad because if one item in the transaction fails and it rolls back you've got nothing in the db to show for it13:51
jrwrenunless that is a good thing.13:51
rick_h_so I tend to create bunches. And if one fails for some issue, it's only that batch that I need to address13:51
rick_h_jrwren: definitely13:51
rick_h_it all depends on what you're doing13:51
jrwrenas usual, it depends.13:51
jrwrenas usual, adult diapers13:52
rick_h_diaper me!13:52
mrgoodcati'm going to keep the commit schedule i already had, but now i feel better about it13:52
rick_h_ex: importing bookmarks. I do in batches. if one or two fail fine, we can deal with a failed batch and reimport13:52
rick_h_ex2: Alter all records to be lowercase: maybe you want this as a single large commit so that you don't miss any13:52
rick_h_and if anything fails, then don't convert the data13:52
mrgoodcati just pressed ^C during a try-except clause that lasts all of .002 seconds and the program didn't quit. it just caught the exception... wtf...13:57
mrgoodcatterrible timing13:57
mrgoodcatgood lesson learned though... i should explicitly catch KeyboardInterrupt13:58
mrgoodcatrick_h_: maybe we'll actually get around to that test today at CHC14:00
rick_h_mrgoodcat: ok coolio14:01
jrwren"Alter all records to be lowercase" <-- don't use an ORM14:17
rick_h_jrwren: yea, true. I use SQLE layer for that14:18
rick_h_but still, you manage transactions and such as it should be a migration14:18
jrwreni see.14:18
mrgoodcatswitching to sqlalchemy was definitely a good idea. thanks whoever suggested it14:37
mrgoodcati think it might have been jrwren14:38
cmaloneyI wish I knew more about network interfaces.15:03
cmaloneyI'd love to use my LXC containers outside of my private machine15:03
cmaloneybut I'm worried I'll goof up Virtualbox in the process15:03
cmaloneyand not 100% sure how VBox does bridging15:03
cmaloneyand my Google-fu is not showing me a definitive "step 1., step 2." process15:04
jrwrenKVM > VBox15:06
jrwrenI'm pretty sure VBox just runs brctl for you15:06
cmaloneyjrwren: if I do brctl list i don't see anything outside of lxcbr015:07
jrwrenhuh. nevrmind then. I have no idea.15:07
cmaloney(show, rather)15:07
mrgoodcatlxc containers running inside a vbox?15:07
cmaloneyno, alnogside15:07
cmaloneyI use vbox for a Windows machine15:08
mrgoodcatthere is a pretty good digital ocean article about making lxc public15:08
mrgoodcathang on i have it bmarked15:08
mrgoodcatcmaloney: https://www.digitalocean.com/community/articles/getting-started-with-lxc-on-an-ubuntu-13-04-vps?refcode=074ce659810515:09
mrgoodcati run all my services in lxc15:10
mrgoodcati used to use docker but docker only runs on 64 bit15:10
mrgoodcatthe important bit is this: iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -i eth0 -p tcp --dport 80 -j DNAT --to
cmaloneyInteresting that their solution is to use NAT to hook to the internal container.15:12
mrgoodcatwhere is the private address of your lxc container and port 8- is the one you want15:12
cmaloneyHadn't though to go that route.15:12
mrgoodcatthats what i do15:13
cmaloneyHmmm... nginx as a proxy to this app. :)15:13
mrgoodcati do that as well15:13
cmaloneytx. That might be just what I need.15:13
cmaloneyhah! Awesome!15:14
cmaloneyThat's just what I needed.15:15
mrgoodcatglad to help15:15
cmaloneyThank you15:15
mrgoodcatno problem15:15
* mrgoodcat wishes there was a distro where all programs were wrapped in lxc by default15:17
mrgoodcati think the logistics of getting that many lxc containers to communicate with each other might be a nightmare though15:17
mrgoodcatwould be nice if any non-core services ran in lxc though15:17
jrwreni want that too15:20
jrwrenwith all the storage in ceph15:20
cmaloneyYeah, I think that might be both cool and a nightmare as well15:20
cmaloneycool that everything is self-contained15:20
jrwrenso the host is a tiny cloudimg itself that does some ceph storage management :p15:20
cmaloneyand a nightmare because ^^15:20
mrgoodcatthere are a lot of things i want. would be nice if /etc configurations were standardized as well15:21
cmaloneymrgoodcat: i Think you might need a time machine for that one. ;)15:21
mrgoodcatpretty much everything would have to be rewritten15:22
mrgoodcatit's a part of the reason nixos is so interesting15:22
cmaloneyWell, it seems to me a way to emulate a mainframe-like environment15:23
cmaloneywhere everything is extremely job-controlled15:23
cmaloney*nix had the memory management that sort-of protected processes from each other15:24
cmaloneynow we have that on steroids.15:24
mrgoodcatwould be cool if there was some sort of juju like program to manage services in containers on a local machine15:25
cmaloney"I'd like to run ls in 'incognito' mode". :)15:26
cmaloneyCreate a one-off container for running ls. :)15:28
mrgoodcatin case there is a 0day exploit that involves folder names?15:28
cmaloneyWhen people are out to get you, paranoia is just good thinking. :)15:29
greg-gwell, if I were an attacker and I owned a box, I'd replace some common commands like ls and cd with wrappers that also go off and cover up my tracks15:49
brouschrick_h_: How many proposals have you received for gsoc?15:57
jcastron0p, ping15:57
mrgoodcatjcastro: wrong window15:57
mrgoodcatoh. i assumed you didn't mean to say that since it seems like nonsense to me15:58
jcastrooh I say that all the time to people15:58
mrgoodcatmaybe it means somethign to someone. i apologize15:58
jcastroeven in real life!15:58
brouschmrgoodcat: It means jcastro was trying to get n0p's attention15:59
mrgoodcatgot it15:59
mrgoodcattime for lunch16:00
rick_h_brousch: hmm, 10 so far, I've got a few more sent via email16:01
brouschgeezum pete16:01
brouschkivy only has 2. I think it's because we're part of PSF which has 21 sub-orgs16:02
rick_h_yea, I think we've been on the high end of things16:02
rick_h_which is @$##@ as a first time org with only a couple of spots we're trying to get16:03
brouschI see a lot for scientific python going by16:05
rick_h_brousch: 1116:29
cmaloneyrick_h_: Found a neat plugin that integrates Kanban-style card shuffling with Redmine16:53
rick_h_cmaloney: cool16:54
cmaloneyPlaying wiht it under Redmine 2.516:55
cmaloneycurrently bopping to iNTROSPEKT16:57
rick_h_nice to see the disclaimer on the bottom there16:58
rick_h_cool though16:58
jrwrenmrgoodcat: oh, I know. instead of /etc/ configurations standard, lets use a database for configs. we could call it a registry.17:13
* rick_h_ runs away17:13
jrwreni ate lunch across the street from n0p and didn't even invite him. I'm a dick.17:14
rick_h_oooh, lots of that going around today17:14
brouschrick_h_: We just got our 3rd submission. 2nd for the part that I would work on17:14
rick_h_brousch: cool, got another one up to 12.17:15
rick_h_I just hope google gives us the two spots we asked for17:15
rick_h_the docs say new orgs normally only get 117:15
rick_h_that would suck17:15
jrwrenhow much do they get paid?17:15
rick_h_13 now17:15
rick_h_for the 3 mo17:15
brouschgeez on the 1317:16
jrwrenlets have a fund raiser and fund the second spot ourselves if goog doesn't :p17:16
rick_h_we need moar bookie mentors!17:16
jrwrenif I had a clue about bookie, I'd offer to mentor.17:17
rick_h_If I had the mentors I could easily take 5 quality students on.17:17
rick_h_some are meh, and the others aren't worth the time17:17
rick_h_but we've had 5 or 6 solid students17:17
brouschIf Bookie was in Django ...17:27
jrwrenlol, then I'd REALLY run screaming :p17:29
brouschWhat? jrwren I thought you were a fellow django-lover17:39
rick_h_they have a fellowship in that now?17:40
brouschWe ride ponies and play Django Reinhardt songs together17:44
cmaloneyjrwren: I don't have a clue and I'm the backup. :)17:45
rick_h_kind of cool, we had a netcraft security audit done17:45
rick_h_makes for some interesting reading to see someone pick apart your app17:46
jrwrendjango ain't bad, but I'd not say I love it.17:49
jrwrenits sooooo heavy weight.17:49
rick_h_it's good for what it's good for17:50
jrwreneven that is more friction taht I like. I'd like more convention and less required configuration17:53
mrgoodcatjrwren: well you don't gotta be a dick about it17:54
rick_h_it's a requirement and seems to be the theme of the day17:55
mrgoodcatjrwren: the idea of the registry isn't fundamentally flawed anyways. just terrible execution. if it had atomic upgrades/rollbacks, version control, and core system didn't depend on it (so you would still be bootable in case of failure), I don't see why it couldn't be useful for some things17:57
mrgoodcatalso storing executable code in the registry was awful17:58
mrgoodcatand it would need to be backed up correctly17:58
mrgoodcatand the userspace tools for it could be better17:58
jrwrenmrgoodcat: lol, i was joking. I was not trying to be a dick.17:58
mrgoodcatbut given those things, the idea of centralized configurations isn't nessecarily bad17:58
jrwreni agree.17:59
jrwrenmany config files in /etc are executable.17:59
jrwrenthings in /etc/default/* typically just get sourced by a shell, you could put any executable code in there you want.17:59
jrwrenpython programs often just load config as a python module18:00
mrgoodcata lot of people just regurgitate "THE REGISTRY SUX" without even knowing why they say it. Im not accusing you of that, but i'm just sick of every single conversation about the registry ending in the same stupid undereducated place18:00
jrwrenthe registry sucks because I can't grep, awk, sed, perl, python it like I can plain text :)18:00
jrwrenand managing permissions on trees is painful, largely for the same lack of tools you already mentioned.18:01
mrgoodcatit's just poor implementation18:01
jrwrenMuch of "the registry sucks" rhetoric IMO, come from registering com components. which is really a com detail.18:02
mrgoodcati think 99% of it is people regurgitating shit they've heard other people say18:03
jrwrenhonestly, i've not heard anyone complain aobut it in years.18:04
mrgoodcatbtw thanks for the sqlalchemy tip18:04
mrgoodcati think it was you18:04
cmaloneyI think the biggest problem is the registry is a giant shithole of hashes.18:04
mrgoodcatand if it gets corrupted your system won't boot18:05
cmaloneyand it makes it extremely hard to find anything in there unless you have a map, a torch, and a sherpa.18:05
mrgoodcatwhich makes me really nervous when i'm editing things that i'm not 100% sure about18:05
cmaloneyjrwren: So there you go. Reset the shot clock. :)18:05
cmaloneyThe "i've not heard anyone complain about [the registry] in years" comment18:06
mrgoodcatwell it would be nice to standardize configuration even if it was just standardized syntax in /etc, but that would require every single program to be rewritten with the new config syntax and every developer would have to agree on the new one. in other words, not going to happen18:08
jrwrennot to mention "it would be nice" isn't very good trade off for "now I can't optimize"18:21
jrwrene.g. postfix configs use bdb, ldap, lmdb, etc.18:22
jrwrennot using optimal configuration systems for a task at hand is not optimal.18:22
jrwrenI like our potentially optimal /etc18:22
jrwrenOSX and iOS have this single config system - plist. they suck.18:23
cmaloneyI personally like dot files18:28
cmaloneyand dot directories.18:28
cmaloneyat least I have a snowballs chance in hell of removing config should the need arise18:29
cmaloneywhich is why I hate the registry with a passion18:29
jrwrensame here.18:29
Havenstancedoes anyone have a link a help guide or something to help me configure this server? I have 4 nics, I want one to get dhcp from the internet and the other 3 to host 3 subnets that assign other clients dhcp on them.18:36
jrwrenHavenstance: no problem.18:37
Havenstancejrwren, glad it's no problem for you lol, I've been pulling my hair out over this for 3 days now. I'm using server 13.10 if it matters18:39
Havenstancethen eth3 be static as well?18:40
jrwrenand then a /etc/dhcp/dhcpd.conf with subnets for your dhcp18:40
jrwrenHavenstance: if that is what you want.18:40
Havenstancejrwren can you give me a slight idea as to what that might look like? as I said im having so much trouble with this its unreal18:41
jrwrenthe dhcpd.conf?18:41
Havenstanceyeah just a basic syntax and I can fill in my information18:42
jrwrenisc dhcpd is nice enough to ignore interfaces with addresses in ranges that you don't specify, so it won't offer leases on your DHCP client interface18:44
jrwrenthat dhcp config assumes you have 192.168.15,16,17 on your three static interfaces18:45
Havenstancejrwren, thank you, I was out of the office for a few but thanks again this should work19:57
Havenstancejrwren, sorry about taking that to the other place.. I just wanted some clarification on what I was looking at as your setup is just a bit different then mine :)20:21
Havenstanceand before i waste another 8 hr day on this I wanted to make sure it'd work :)20:21
jrwrenno worries. i just thought it was funny that I was there too20:43
jrwrenHavenstance: someone caught /etc/default/isc-dhcp-server, which I had missed. INTERFACES= in there.20:45
jrwrenwhich means I was wrong about it not offering on ohter interfaces.20:45
Havenstancehm, okay20:46
HavenstanceI wish there was a GUI or something to do this automatically kind of like the Windows Server 2008 DHCP Config :)20:46
HavenstanceBut this is a good learning experience20:46
jrwrenyou are insane.20:47
jrwrentext > gui.20:47
jrwreni'd hate doing this in a DHCP msc20:47
HavenstanceI agree text > gui but for a noob gui = text :)20:47
jrwreni disagree.20:47
Havenstancebecause finding where those text files go is horrid sometimes20:47
jrwreni'm a noob on many, many things, and i find text much easier to configure20:48
jrwrena gui just confuses me and adds to my noobness20:48
jrwrenfinding where they go is easy. I know how to use strace and strings to see what a process is doing to know where it wants them.20:48
HavenstanceI suppose, but I literally just started experimenting with ubuntu server. I'd like to get it going and operating because I can see how much more reliable then most things this is20:49
HavenstanceI will say uncommenting a couple lines and throwing in text in files is great if you know what files to edit and where to put them. I expect I'll probably break this a few more times before I'm done lol20:50
jrwrenat that point, its not much different than poking in a gui and checking a few of the wrong checkboxes20:52
HavenstanceI'm trying to learn though so that has to stand for something20:52
Havenstanceand most of it im doing on my own granted I pick some brains when I need to but usually as a last resort :)20:52
Havenstanceif all things were the same in a perfect world someone would have written a tutorial for this by now that says you do this this and this then this this and this and point this at this and your good to go20:53
Havenstanceiface eth0 inet dhcp my understanding of that is its telling the system this is the DHCP Server and all clients get addresses from this card?20:54
Havenstanced'oh, next line answsered that it tells eth0 it gets ip from dhcp20:55
jrwren /etc/network/interfaces is very well documented20:59
jrwrenman interfaces20:59
Havenstanceyeah I'm finding that out :) its just trying to decypher some of it is a bit confusing at times20:59
HavenstanceI think i'm more confused on the syntax then the actual configuration though. I know what I want and I can explain that till im blue in the face but the syntax still doesn't make sense when someone pastes it.21:02
Havenstancethis is what i found. but the subnet netmas and range under the DNS config doesn't make sense to me21:03
jrwrenthat isn't a very good answer.21:03
HavenstanceI have 3 subnets getting addresses21:03
jrwrensomeone should edit it.21:03
Havenstanceso wouldn't I need to specify all 3 and all 3 pools?21:03
jrwrenman dhcpd :)21:04
HavenstanceIt looks quite interesting actually21:04
HavenstanceI now see why people charge so damn much for setting these up though. not that its hard just lots of time required21:05
jrwrenya know... now that I skim the docs some. I'm not sure a single dhcp server can do what you want.21:07
jrwrenyou might need to run 3, each with different config and each listening on a different interface.21:07
Havenstanceif that is the answer im going to kick my own ass, and I think you might be right21:08
jrwrenthat is the easy way, for some definition of easy.21:08
Havenstancewell, I think its the right way like your saying it makes sense now21:08
Havenstanceif eth1 is subnet 192.168.1.x then dhcp 1 would need to listen on eth1 and assign from the 1.x pool, then eth2 would be dhcp2 from the 2.x pool and so on with eth321:09
Havenstanceso if i used webmin to do this I need to configure 1 dhcp server on each of the eth1,2,3 with config for each. it makes sense21:10
Havenstancei'll give it a go and i'll let you know how it works out for me21:10
Havenstanceim also seeing the iptables which i don't recall configuring because the guide i was following said i didn't need it i just needed to uncomment a line in /etc/network/interfaces21:11
Havenstancejrwren, could this local network bridge be the issue? https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BridgingNetworkInterfaces do i need to run that script to bridge ports eth1,2,3 with 0?21:14
Havenstancejrwren, i think i just found an article covering the whole of what i was asking about https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Router21:23
cmaloneyjrwren: http://surveillance23.bandcamp.com/22:03
cmaloney(and anyone else who like Assemblage23)22:04
jrwrenHavenstance: you said you wanted different subnets per interface, so I did not recommend bridging.22:29
jrwrenHavenstance: I actually bridge 5 or so interfaces and do DHCP for that one net with one IP subnet at home.22:29
jrwrenthe config I linked you was based around that.22:29
jrwrenalso, webmin doesn't work with ubuntu, or at least it isn't tested so YMMV22:30
cmaloneyWaiting for JoDee to finish up her exam so I can take her home.23:44
cmaloneysheesh, this sucker must be the homma-momma of exams.23:44
cmaloneyAlready going on hour 223:44
cmaloney(she managed to sprain her ankle earlier today)23:44
cmaloneyso I'm sure she's going to be dipping into the Jamesons tonight23:44

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