
pleia2so it turns out I don't know how to boot a computer from usb/dvd anymore10:57
pleia2uefi confounds me10:58
jedijfpleia2: try bios and turning it off10:59
jedijfor just use old stuff(hardware)11:00
pleia2it just boots into windows11:01
pleia2I don't know how to tell it to not :\11:01
jedijfpleia2: did you go to bios and trun off the uefi stuff (if you can)11:01
pleia2found some videos online, but I'm on pay-per-gig internet this week11:01
pleia2I can't get to the bios!11:01
jedijfcall HP support11:01
pleia2no "press f10 for setup" option11:01
pleia2amusingly, this is the neighbor who was all "I have an HP question!"11:02
jedijfdo the keyboard mash technique on boot (allfingers pushing down keys at same time)11:02
pleia2yeah, one thing told me it was esc, then another f2, f1011:02
pleia2tried a few, maybe didn't quite get the right one11:02
jedijfyeah i do that throw in delete but the 10 finger mash sometimes just confuses it into bios11:03
jedijfalso, that means you said "yes".....:(11:04
jedijfshould have stuck with the dinosaurs11:05
jedijfdestroy the village11:05
pleia2awww, Evan used my talk for LOPSA-East as an example in his email :)11:19
teddy-dbearMorning peoples, dogs, turkeys, hamsters and everything else12:14
lazyPowero/ greeeeeetings baconites12:15
lazyPowerInHisName: did you check out Digital Ocean?12:15
InHisNameDigital Ocean sounds familliar,   may be a few months back, can 't remember.12:16
lazyPowerInHisName: they had an issue when they integrated with juniper to reduce cross region latency12:16
lazyPowerthere was a massive outage in their NY1 data center for a week - but the blame was on some engineer cowboying. Now that juniper is integrated across their network you shouldn't see that. Otherwise i've had rock solid uptime out of them12:17
JonathanDInHisName: I'm using them.12:35
InHisNameI am not.  Due to lack of income.  Checking out "We're hiring" button.12:37
InHisNameCommuter Benefits -0- Plane, train automobile - how ever you get here, we'll help. They're in NYC.  NG for bicycling from Warminster area.  No mention of ipv4 ro ipv6 for commuting.   "Endless Grub" insinuates you have to be there.   Now if they'd only open a 'branch' in Warminster !12:41
JonathanDInHisName: I was thinking of moving my irc stuff to them, and using my linode only for the fosscon and web stuff I do.12:43
lazyPowerJonathanD: we recently got an alpha juju provider for them thanks to an engineers efforts with the manual provider. I've moved my entire setup out of datashack, linode, and AWS to DO13:16
lazyPowercut my monthly bills down from $375 to $40 with DO - best move i've made in a while13:16
InHisNameYou are a winner, lazyPower.   That's some BIG savings.   Going from $0 to $5 would be the wrong direction for me.13:56
lazyPowerthanks :) what do i get?13:57
lazyPowerbetter be bacon!13:57
InHisNameAny cups experts around ?13:59
InHisNameHere you go:  http://photobucket.com/images/bacon?page=1   check out the 1st, 4th, and 8th pics14:00
InHisNameI setup network printer with a windows shared printer.  When I print to it, I get a "Filter failed"  status.   What errors would make this message spit out ?    One web site says its lack of resources (ink, paper, etc.). However the print item never gets to arrive at windows driver so it never finds out that it's lacking anything,yet.14:04
square-r00tanyone know why  sed -e '/^[[:space:]]*#/d' -e '/^[[:space:]]*$/d' works but sed -e '^[[:space:]]*(#|$)/d' doesn't?16:35
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MutantTurkey is there a way t ocombine like, paste and diff?17:48
MutantTurkeyI want to side by side see the diffs in color17:48
=== KyleYankan is now known as StarStuff
=== StarStuff is now known as KyleYankan
pvl1im so excited. i got an n64 controller working on my arduino. im hopeing mupen64plus will be able to read two controllers. might have to do some hacking21:23

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