
mamarleyI am trying to upload a package to my PPA, but I get "Unable to identify 'Michael Marley':<michael@mamarley-laptop> in launchpad" in the rejection message.02:22
mamarleyGoogling yields no results.02:22
wgrantmamarley: Your email address in debian/control or debian/changelog is invalid.02:25
wgrantIt's set to michael@mamarley-laptop02:26
mamarleyOh, that would do it.02:26
mamarleyStupid me.  Thanks!02:26
=== OutOfControl is now known as benonsoftware
=== JoseeAntonioR is now known as jose
=== FourDollars_ is now known as FourDollars
FloSofthey guys, I looked for it but havent found it - is somewhere a list of currently accepted ppa distributions? since Ive tried to upload a ppa package for precise and it seems not to get built or even get a message about it?16:16
tsimpsonFloSoft: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+ppas (right hand side of the page)16:43
tsimpsonbasically, it's any currently supported distribution of Ubuntu16:43
dobeyFloSoft: if you don't get an e-mail whether the package was accepted or not, then most likely you signed it with the wrong gpg key or similar.16:51
=== BradCrittenden is now known as bac
FloSoftdobey: hmm the key is registered and correct, thats what I think is a bit strange? no message, no email, "upload okay"21:07
cjwatsonFloSoft: if you tell us the package name then somebody can look it up in the logs for you21:08
cjwatson(not necessarily me, I have to go shortly)21:08
FloSoftcjwatson: okay its s25rttr in https://launchpad.net/~flosoft/+archive/s25rttr/+packages21:09
cjwatson2014-03-20 21:08:12 INFO    Failed to parse changes file '/srv/launchpad.net/ppa-queue/incoming/upload-sftp-20140320-210802-011565/~flosoft/s25rttr/ubuntu/precise/s25rttr_20140320-9255.315_source.changes': GPG verification of /srv/launchpad.net/ppa-queue/incoming/up21:09
cjwatsonload-sftp-20140320-210802-011565/~flosoft/s25rttr/ubuntu/precise/s25rttr_20140320-9255.315_source.changes failed: Verification failed 3 times: ["(7, 153, u'Key expired')", "(7, 153, u'Key expired')", "(7, 153, u'Key expired')"]21:09
FloSofthmm interesting - since my key is not expired O.o21:10
dobeyapparently it is21:10
dobeyat least, the data on the key server says it is21:10
FloSofthmm okay21:10
PengAre you accidentally using an old key, maybe?21:11
FloSoftwhich keyserver does it use?21:11
cjwatsonyes, both your keys there are expired21:11
cjwatsonpub   1024D/FDA80487 2007-07-07 [expired: 2013-01-06]21:11
cjwatsonpub   1024D/6D09334C 2007-07-13 [expired: 2013-01-06]21:11
cjwatsonthe keyserver probably won't accept an update at this point removing the expiry as that would make expiries kind of pointless, although you can certainly try sending it an update in case I'm wrong21:11
FloSoftdo you know how to upload the (local) keys to keyserver from scratch? I cant remember ;)21:11
cjwatsongpg --keyserver keyserver.ubuntu.com --send-keys KEY-ID21:12
cjwatsonif it won't accept an update to an expired key then you probably have no alternative but to create a new one21:12
cjwatsonyou could take the opportunity to make it stronger, e.g. 4096-bit RSA21:12
* cjwatson goes21:13
FloSoftah no it seems to allow the update21:13
FloSoftor i dont know, on the website of the keyserver it doesnt show the expirydate21:14
FloSofthmm okay I'll look at it tomorrow, seems like I really have to generate a new key :/21:21

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