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mihirballoons, ping !!06:29
mihirpopey, are we meeting today in meeting right?06:29
dholbachgood morning07:24
popeymihir: 16:00 UTC08:11
mihirpopey, All Jenkins are getting failed on Calendar app08:39
mihiranyidea, whom to contact08:39
popeymihir: see #ubuntu-ci-eng - being debugged now08:41
popeybug 129499508:41
ubot2Launchpad bug 1294995 in qtdeclarative-opensource-src (Ubuntu) "qmlscene crashed with SIGSEGV in value() when running calendar-app" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/129499508:41
popeyoh, i lied, #ubuntu-touch08:41
mihirpopey, thank you :)08:44
JamesTaitGood morning all; happy World Storytelling Day! :-D09:35
justCarakasthe end :D09:38
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DanChapmanis there a way to disable the backbutton in a toolbar, I can't find anything in the docs :-\10:41
bobatwebyo babows+10:48
t1mpDanChapman: yes there is.11:00
t1mpDanChapman: you have a PageStack? but you don't want to go back?11:00
t1mpDanChapman: sec, let me look up the code11:00
t1mpDanChapman: there is the back property of the ToolbarItems: http://developer.ubuntu.com/api/qml/sdk-14.04/Ubuntu.Components.ToolbarItems/#back-prop11:01
t1mpDanChapman: you can set visible: false, or replace it by any other Item. Maybe setting it to null will work (not sure)11:02
DanChapmant1mp: indeed it kind of disrupts the progressional flow. There is no need/reason for the user to go back at this point.11:02
DanChapmant1mp: brilliant thanks how did i not see that :-)11:02
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balloonsmihir, pong?14:17
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mihirballoons, wanted to know the reason for ,failing Jenkins for Calendar app14:17
balloonsping oSoMoN14:28
oSoMoNpong balloons14:37
balloonsoSoMoN, so we're discussing in #ubuntu-touch-meeting about reverting the changes that causes the issue with calendar14:38
balloonscan you join?14:38
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dpmoSoMoN, renato, boiko, how do the uploads to the store work for system apps? Does each app's developer take care of uploading the app which he's got assigned to the store? Or do you guys have shared credentials?15:53
oSoMoNdpm, no idea how that works15:54
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popeydpm: we dont upload system apps to the store16:12
popeythey only come with a new image AIUI16:12
dpmthanks popey16:13
dholbachhey jdstrand, I can't remember if we talked about this on IRC already, but I followed up on bug 1292418 and I'd be happy to backport apparmor-easyprof-ubuntu if you think that's the best way forward (comment 3) - just let me know and I'll take care of it16:19
ubot2Launchpad bug 1292418 in Canonical Click Reviewers tools "Test suite fails in saucy" [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/129241816:19
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balloonsping iBelieve16:27
iBelieveballoons: pong16:29
balloonsiBelieve, so got time to talk about file manager a bit? Seems like qt 5.2 or something else has rendered your big changes moot. The UI doesn't seem to load properly anymore16:30
balloonsand that makes all the tests fail and thus blocks trunk and releasing new stuff to the store, etc16:31
iBelieveballoons: sure. I saw your merge request and glanced through it a bit.16:31
balloonsyea, my mp just reverts the whole thing, which is fair from ideal. I did it to see to confirm the version before still worked.. and indeed it seems to16:31
balloons*far from ideal16:31
iBelieveballoons: odd that its failing to load. It worked fine when I ran the app on my PC before purposing the merge. (Though it does look like I forgot to rename a reference to a variable)16:32
balloonsyes, I assume it worked when you merged it :-)16:32
balloonstry running it now, assuming you've updated your install16:32
balloonsyou'll see what i mean16:33
iBelieveballoons: do you know if it is still working on the desktop or if it fails everywhere? I'm pulling the latest code to test16:33
iBelieveballoons: ah, I see what you mean. Very odd16:33
balloonsI believe it's failing everywhere, but i'm not 100% positive on that16:33
balloonsanother question -- does file manager need armhf or no?16:33
balloonsit's unclear to me.. i didn't think it did, but old versions seem to be built that way16:34
iBelieveballoons: I think I know what the problem is, though I have no idea why its just now showing up16:34
iBelieveballoons: looks like it is because of changes to Tabs. Now I can't use a Repeater to support multiple tabs. Taking out the Repeater and replacing it with just one Tab works fine16:36
balloonsiBelieve, ohh.. I might know the bug for that, one sec16:36
ubot2Launchpad bug 1124071 in Ubuntu UI Toolkit "[tabs] Cannot add Tabs programmatically" [Critical,Confirmed]16:37
balloonsmm.. perhaps not. Anyways, so thoughts on fixing then? Sounds like it's doable16:38
iBelieveballoons: yeah, that's not the right bug. But anyhow, I can easily fix it, but it'll mean losing the the nice multi-tabs support :(16:39
balloonsiBelieve, could you do a couple things.. 1) fix it 2) re-propose the original code and file a bug upstream16:40
balloonsi swear it might be filed, I should look harder16:40
balloonsthat way we can get the nice multi-tab support16:40
balloonsand keep trunk happy16:41
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iBelieveballoons: You mean re-purpose a MP adding the tabs back in after the Repeater part gets fixed in the SDK?16:42
balloonsiBelieve, I would re-propose immediately.. it will fail, but we will have the implementation showing the failure we can link to the bug. Does that make sense?16:43
balloonsI don't want to hide the bug; it should get fixed16:43
iBelieveballoons: ah, got it. will do16:43
balloonsI'll cancel my big revert :-)16:43
jonahbronDoes anyone know why the QtQuick.Controls.MenuBar isn't working on Trusty?16:47
iBelieveballoons: here's the mp if you want to review it: https://code.launchpad.net/~mdspencer/ubuntu-filemanager-app/disable-multitabs/+merge/21200016:51
iBelieveballoons: you also asked if the file manager needs armhf. The app itself (what's in the main branch) is pure QML, no C++. However, the backend (in a separate branch) is a QML plugin written in C++. Not sure if that answers your question or not.16:53
balloonsiBelieve, right.. so it shouldn't need armhf16:54
balloonsyes, let me review the branch and see if things are better now :-)16:54
balloonsiBelieve, can you file a nice bug explaining the issue?16:55
balloonslike a little simple qml showing it even?16:55
iBelieveballoons: sure16:55
balloonsI like to have bug #'s referenced in code when you do things like this16:56
iBelieveballoons: ok, after I create the bug I can add the number to the code. Before you approve the branch, I can also fix the issue with the arrow icon being pulled from the global icon theme instead of the local packaged version16:58
balloonsiBelieve, excellent. try and get rid of those warnings :-)16:59
iBelieveballoons: filed the bug as lp:1295242. I'm not very familiar with multi-project bugs. Do I mark this as also affecting the File Manager app?17:05
ubot2Launchpad bug 1295242 in Ubuntu UI Toolkit "Repeater in Tabs doesn't work" [Undecided,New]17:06
balloonsiBelieve, yes, and i can help with that if needed17:06
balloonsbut yea, just mark also affects file manager17:06
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iBelieveballoons: in File Manager, would this be critical or high, since it is causing a regression?17:08
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balloonsi would place it as high17:10
balloonsor critical actually, as you said, this is merged code17:11
balloonsfunning on the device I'm seein this file:///opt/click.ubuntu.com/com.ubuntu.filemanager/ module "org.nemomobile.folderlistmodel" is not installed17:11
balloonsbut the package exists.. not sure what's up17:11
balloonschanges seem to fix things on the desktop17:11
balloonsohh right, cmake changes.. :-) one sec17:12
balloonsiBelieve, ok so I'll work on the cmake bit some more. Let me finish testing and we'll merge your mp17:41
balloonsthe sdk guys ack'd the bug we filed and will have a look17:42
balloonsI say we, I meant you filed. Examples like that really help, so thanks for laying it out so nicely17:42
iBelieveballoons: cool, thanks for helping get this worked out and for testing & reviewing the merge17:44
balloonsiBelieve, so I still see a few warnings about icons17:49
balloonsdo you see them? they are for the placessidebar17:50
balloonsd'oh, i didn't pull your change17:50
balloonshah! sorry!17:50
iBelieveballoons: np, glad its fixed17:50
jonahbronI'm trying to use QtQuick.Controls.MenuBar in my QML app, but when I run, the menu does not appear.  Any idea why?17:54
jonahbronHas it not been completed yet?  I know it's unstable.17:54
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balloonsiBelieve, merging and starting on the cmake and translation fixes17:59
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jonahbronI'm trying to use QtQuick.Controls.MenuBar in my QML app, but when I run, the menu does not appear.  Any idea why?19:20
kenvandinejonahbron, that's new in 5.2, not sure if anyone has tried them with the ubuntu sdk19:26
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jonahbronkenvandine: so there's no way to create an app menu with QML?21:26
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iBelievesnwh, ping22:45
snwhiBelieve, pong22:46
iBelievehi snwh. I was wondering if you could do a version of the Project Dashboard icon with the UbuntuShape border around it (like the first preview you showed me), but without the white background. I'd like to be able to use that on my website and on the GitHub authentication dialog.22:47
iBelievesnwh, or is there some place I can get the UbuntuShape border so I can do it myself? I've never found were that border comes from22:48
snwhUnity generates the border AFAIK22:49
iBelievesnwh, yeah, but I'd like to be able to use the icon outside of Unity and want it to look like it does in Unity.22:51
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snwhiBelieve, https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/7027392/project-dashboard-shadowed.png22:54
iBelievesnwh, perfect, thank you!22:55
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