
=== OutOfControl is now known as benonsoftware
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=== FourDollars_ is now known as FourDollars
brainwashcan anyone please re-open bug 1290575 ?11:23
ubot2Launchpad bug 1290575 in LightDM GTK+ Greeter "lightdm-gtk-greeter does not exit cleanly when logging in" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/129057511:23
brainwashthe bug is not fully fixed11:24
brainwashthe status has been already set back to "confirmed", but "fix released" seems to override it11:26
rbasakbrainwash: done. Note that there are two bug tasks there - one for the upstream project; one for the package in Ubuntu. Bug status applies independently to each task.12:16
=== back is now known as Guest81905
=== Guest81905 is now known as bakc
=== om26er_ is now known as om26er
jobinHey all! I am trying to help with triaging bugs at launchpad with the nautilus package and have come across some bugs which are related to 13.04 release which is now past its EOL. What is the procedure to deal with such bugs? I would like to know since I am a newbie at triaging and hence please forgive my naivety.20:12
jobinOne of the bugs here FYR: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/nautilus/+bug/123545720:16
ubot2Launchpad bug 1235457 in nautilus (Ubuntu) "error open nautilus on terminal" [Undecided,New]20:16
hggdhjobin: in general, we should check if the issue is still present on a supported version20:23
hggdhjobin: and please do not worry, we are happy to have you helping :-)20:24
jobinbut then the bug reported should be modified or a new bug filed with the updated release?20:24
jobinif the bug is present20:24
hggdhif the bug is still present, you just adjust the description to state it is still there on version <x.y>; it would be nice to check on bugzilla.gnome.org if it was reported there are well, and then (if so) link the upstream report to the LP bug20:25
jobinand thanks, it feels nice when people help out on IRC :)20:26
jobinand if the bug is not present?20:26
hggdhthen... (just a sec, let me get the URL)20:27
jobinand which bugs are reported to bugzilla.gnome.org btw if they have already been reported on LP?20:27
hggdhjobin: you can use https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Bugs/Responses#Release_has_reached_EOL20:28
hggdhin fact, the page has a series of common cases20:28
jobinthanks a lot, have a lot to read before i proceed :-|20:29
hggdhdon't worry, we all started without knowing what to do ;-)20:29
brainwashI wasn't aware of the standard responses page, well, it had to exist :D20:31
hggdhthere is a wealth of information in the wiki about triaging. https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BugSquad/KnowledgeBase is also a good reference20:34
jobinlove your humility hggdh :)20:35
jobinI confirmed that this bug: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/nautilus/+bug/1235457 still exists on version 14.04, so modified the bug report, can you please check if what I have done is correct or it needs further modification?20:40
ubot2Launchpad bug 1235457 in nautilus (Ubuntu) "nautilus exits when opened using sudo user and properties of a file/folder is opened" [Undecided,New]20:40
hggdhjobin: let me also check -- I am unsure if the messages you include are correct20:43
brainwashbut isn't the usage of sudo for graphical apps considered wrong?20:43
hggdhbrainwash: it is not adequate, but should not fail this way20:46
hggdhah, I can repeat -- I also get a coredump20:48
brainwashand if launched with gksudo or pkexec?20:48
hggdhthen it eventually fails as well. the difference is that gksudo will change the home to root's20:51
hggdhbut navigating to a different user id (I went to my personal home dir) and select properties also crashes nautilus20:51
hggdhjobin: I get more messages when it fails20:52
jobinwhat is to be done in such cases?20:52
hggdhjobin: you can copy http://pastebin.com/6qXqQ5t4 as a comment to the bug -- these are the errors I see with sudo and gksudo20:53
hggdhI will stop for a while, my migraine returned...20:55
jobinthe samba errors in your core-dump seems to be because samba is installed, so I am not sure whether to include them, should I?20:57
brainwashI cannot trigger this crash20:58
jobinnautilus version?20:59
hggdhI am not sure. I would have to follow the stacktrace, and I am not in any condition to do that now20:59
hggdhfor the record, I am 14.04 up-to-date20:59
jobinsame here20:59
brainwashme too21:00
hggdhinteresting. really have to look at the stacktrace21:02
brainwashthe crash does not trigger apport?21:02
hggdhit triggers woopsie, which sends the error to errors.ubuntu.com (access restricted)21:08
hggdhbut I am not in condition to look at it now21:09

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