
GunnarHjdsmythies, godbyk, everybody else: Just updated the proposed "What's new" page.00:48
GunnarHjPlease let me know if you have some last minute feedback.00:48
godbykGunnarHj: Should we split the updates into two categories: since 12.04 and since 13.10?00:50
GunnarHjgodbyk: I know that we talked about doing so during a meeting, but I found it difficult to make that distinction in a sensible way.00:51
godbykGunnarHj: Fair enough.00:51
godbykGunnarHj: I'd change #3 to read: Improved look and style including rounded window decorations, a new interface for screen unlock, and other tweaks to the theme.01:09
GunnarHjgodbyk: Good improvement!01:11
godbykI want to rejigger #5, too...01:12
GunnarHjgodbyk: Please be feel to do it directly in the branch.01:13
godbykGunnarHj: okay.01:14
godbykGunnarHj: Probably easier than describing the changes. :)01:14
GunnarHjgodbyk: Right.01:15
godbykGunnarHj: Where did you get the 'literally hundreds of different online sources' count for the Dash? How many does it actually search?01:18
GunnarHjgodbyk: https://help.ubuntu.com/13.10/ubuntu-help/whats-new.html01:23
GunnarHjgodbyk: I just copied and pasted... Don't really know.01:23
godbykGunnarHj: Huh. Fair enough. :)01:23
GunnarHjgodbyk: But I agree it does not sound plausible.01:24
GunnarHjgodbyk: Maybe we should make it a litte more vague...01:25
godbykI was trying to find a real number.. are there actually hundreds?  Or just dozens?  Or maybe only a dozen?01:25
GunnarHjgodbyk: Good question. I have absolutely no idea. I have it switched off...01:26
GunnarHjgodbyk: I can ask someone tomorrow.01:27
godbykGunnarHj: I made some adjustments to the What's New page. I've just pushed the to bzr so you can take a look. Feel free to revert anything you dislike.01:35
GunnarHjgodbyk: I like it. Thanks!01:40
godbykGunnarHj: np01:40
=== OutOfControl is now known as benonsoftware
bkerensagodbyk: I noticed What's News says changes made since 12.04 LTS06:27
bkerensabut these changes should be since the last release not 12.04 LTS06:27
dsmythiesbkerensa: I'll forward you some e-mail thread about the what's new stuff.06:48
bkerensadsmythies: oh so I should leave the 12.04 LTS bit?06:52
bkerensadsmythies: nick of time btw I was just about to push :P06:52
dsmythiesYes, I think so. I'll forward you a bit of the thread.06:53
bkerensaokie dokie06:56
dsmythiesbkerensa: I sent some of the e-mails, but not all. The issue was discussed and LTS to LTS what's new won out.06:56
bkerensaDo you know if anyone from the team is interested in taking care of the release notes?06:58
bkerensaIt usually takes a couple hours of time and pinging all the teams for contributor names06:58
bkerensagood night all07:03
melodieanyone here has a write access to the wiki ?13:37
belkinsaHey there, melodie.  Everyone does with a LP account.13:37
melodiehi belkinsa everyone but me13:37
belkinsaDid you log in?13:37
pleia2melodie: when you sign into the wiki, is the username box checked?13:37
melodiewhen I try to get to a wiki page I am redirected to the login screen13:37
melodiehi pleia2 I will check now and reply13:38
melodieI am at "yes log me in" all boxes checked13:38
pleia2including Username?13:39
melodienow I would like to go back to the page I was there13:39
pleia2(it won't show up if you don't have one)13:39
melodiepleia2 all 3 boxes checked13:39
pleia2I have 4 boxes :)13:39
pleia2so I don't know what 3 you have13:39
pleia2Username is the important one13:40
melodiewhat are your other boxes?13:40
pleia2Time zone, Full name, Username, Email address13:40
belkinsaI have those too.13:40
melodieI think I don't have timezone13:41
pleia2ok, but you do have Username?13:41
belkinsaIsn't the full name one the only one that isn't grey out?13:41
pleia2the other issue on the wiki is caching, sometimes logging in with a different browser helps, or clearing the cache13:41
melodiemiracle, that seems to work!13:41
pleia2oh good :)13:41
melodieI had to login twice though13:42
belkinsaGood to hear.13:42
pleia2goofy thing13:42
belkinsaIt can be weird at times.13:42
pleia2they use pretty aggressive caching on the wiki, so sometimes it behaves oddly13:42
belkinsalol, knome.13:42
melodieyes! Dingo :D13:43
melodieok, the doc is edited now14:33
melodieI put it under a title 2: "Information as of 2014, March 20"14:34
melodieI hope it's ok for you guys and gals14:34
dsmythiesgodbyk: I am using your check_validation.sh script right now. But I do not know what it is doing. I entered: doug@s15:~/docs-1404/ubuntu-docs/ubuntu-help/C$ ./check_validation.sh and it has been gone for about 10 minutes now.16:45
dsmythiesgodbyk: Oh. It finished.16:46
godbykdsmythies: It's checking everything but not telling you anything until it finds an error.16:46
godbykdsmythies: If you use the -v option, it'll give you status information as it goes along.16:46
CarstenGHi all16:52
CarstenGToday is DocumentationStringFreeze. So we can now safely start with the translation.16:54
CarstenGOr is there any change in any pot file expected?16:54
godbykCarstenG: I think dsmythies has already uploaded the pot file today, but I'm not positive.16:58
CarstenGgodbyk: Thanks. I saw his email in the branch revisions.17:01
dsmythiesI t was not me that changed the pot file. I'm checking things and would like until the freeze time of 21:00 UTC. (Unrelated but, For the serverguide I need until 21:00 UTC, but I do the next step anyway)17:01
CarstenGOk, than we can start :-) And in general, for all the other packages I think, we can also start.17:02
CarstenGAh, ok. Then we wait until 21 UTC17:02
godbykCarstenG: You can probably start translating, though. I don't think many strings have changed.17:02
CarstenGOr better tomorrow :-)17:02
CarstenGYes, I guess some typos...17:03
godbykdsmythies: Btw, I kind of like the simplicity of this: https://wiki.gnome.org/DocumentationProject/Tasks/DesktopHelp17:03
CarstenGFortunately yesterday I downloaded all the po files from the doc. So I can compare it with the current version :-)17:06
dsmythiesgodbyk: Validation: I an do the syntax, orphans and dead link checks in 25 seconds. The script is takiing 3 minutes and  36 seconds. I'll do it again with verbose and observe what it is doing.17:06
godbykdsmythies: Hmm.. that's quite a bit of a difference.17:07
godbykdsmythies: One thing I'm doing differently than yelp-check is that I'm checking each file individually, but I wouldn't expect that to add so much overhead.17:07
dsmythiesCarstenG: It was Gunnar that updated the .pot file and you should be O.K. to proceed.17:15
dsmythiesgodbyk: yes I like the gnome tasks page.17:16
shaunmhey all, I've set the dates for open help 2014. would be great to see some ubuntu faces again. http://openhelpconference.com/19:45
bkerensagodbyk: has anyone mailed the translations list to officially tell them they can begin translation?22:25
godbykbkerensa: I haven't noticed such an email yet.22:26
bkerensagodbyk: we should send one22:26
godbykbkerensa: I think the latest pot is up on Rosetta/Launchpad now, so it should be safe to start translations.22:27
godbykbkerensa: Btw, Gunnar has upload rights now, so we shouldn't have to worry about chasing down someone to upload our package.22:29
godbykbkerensa: Oh, and I just saw an email exchange between Doug and Gunnar. They're on top of the translations mailing list. They're going to send an email once they've taken care of a couple odds and ends (e.g., waiting for the Launchpad to process the approval for the translation template).22:31
belkinsaI found this question interesting: http://askubuntu.com/questions/202088/is-there-a-kind-of-ubuntu-wiki-sitemap-or-contents-index?atw=1  Someone is looking for a site map, maybe one should be created for the wiki?23:00
bkerensagodbyk: Yeah I saw that and talked to him23:13

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