
arriththe kernel freeze is coming up and i would like to help fix Bug #1287966: "DisplayLink USB Graphics not supported by Ubuntu Kernel" before it passes, or find out that it's no longer a bug. the bug link is: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux-lts-saucy/+bug/1287966 (and a related blog post: http://plugable.com/2014/03/06/displaylink-usb-2-0-graphics-adapters-on-linux-2014-edition ).00:06
ubot2Launchpad bug 1287966 in linux-lts-saucy (Ubuntu) "DisplayLink USB Graphics not supported by Ubuntu Kernel" [Undecided,Confirmed]00:06
arrithwould it be better to post about investigation into that on a bug, on the ubuntu kernel mailing list, here in the irc channel, or somewhere else?00:07
jtnapw: would it be useful to add my Wacom success report to bug 1293725, or is that for your own use?00:13
ubot2Launchpad bug 1293725 in linux (Ubuntu Trusty) "linux: 3.13.0-18.38 -proposed tracker" [Medium,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/129372500:13
bjfjtn, that's just for internal tracking00:15
jtnOK. Well, it doesn't much matter, since it all works and no-one need do anything. Just wanted to share the \o/00:18
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stag019what are the odds that ubuntu 14.04 gets linux kernel 3.14 over 3.13?04:17
antarusI'm not on kernel team, but my impression was that the odds were 'none'04:18
stag019news articles from mid february keep mentioning they've been toying with 3.1404:20
antarusyeah they have weekly kernel meetings, I wonder if they publish minutes04:21
* antarus only pays a brief sort of attention04:21
antarusmaybe check there?04:22
stag019was just reading that as you mentioned it :P04:22
stag019The 3.13.0-15.35 Trusty kernel is available in the archive. This is bssed on the v3.13.5 upstream stable update. Our unstable branch has also been rebased to track the latest v3.14-rc5 release. 04:23
stag019from 3/304:23
antarusother than that, hide out here and eventually someone will wake up and answer for real ;)04:23
stag019im pretty sure it would have to be out of rc before the kernel freeze on april 3rd, but if that happens i wonder how much time theyd need to test it04:25
UserErrorTrying to get all the ARM bloat removed before then07:13
apwstag019, none, the kernel will be 3.13 based, unstable is just our branch for the next release08:21
stag019thats a shame; is there any way any small patches from 3.14 could be backported in time for 14.04? particularly since it's a long term release08:24
apwstag019, you have to pick something, and for an lts we are always more conservative.  there are lots of fixes being backported, mostly via stable upstream08:26
stag019where would i be able to check if the particular fix i had in mind has already been backported and if it isnt, where could i suggest it?08:27
apwyou could look in our git repo, or you could tell me the sha1 of that fix upstream08:28
apwif it isn't you would need to file a bug, and put the details in there, and tell us the bug #08:29
apwstag019, ^08:34
stag019okay yeah i just checked it it's still bugged; where would i file a bug report?08:41
apwstag019, yes, and include the sha1 of the fix, and once it is filed let us know here the bug#08:45
stag019submitted: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/129503209:08
ubot2Launchpad bug 1295032 in linux (Ubuntu) "3840x2160 fails with 30Hz with HDMI" [Undecided,New]09:08
apwtseliot, if you have any contact with the nvidia tester for that thing you refered to me for saucy, you might poke them else it will languish09:39
tseliotapw: I'll send him an email, thanks09:40
tseliotapw: ok, email sent. Hopefully we'll get feedback soon09:45
apwstag019, test kernels in the bug10:37
apw"there are test kernels in the bug" rather than "TEST NOW"10:38
henrixrtg: did you received any feedback from Dan on the ioat patches backport?12:39
henrixrtg: they definitely seem to be stable material12:39
henrixrtg: but i was holding queuing them for 3.5 stable to see if he replies to your email12:39
rtghenrix, nope12:40
henrixrtg: ok, cool. i'll wait a few more days12:40
rtgbut I agree, they do seem like stable material.12:40
* henrix can't hold them for too long as next 3.5 release will be the last one ;)12:40
rtghenrix, I've been able to test the ioat driver on real HW. I don't know for sure that code gets used, but it doesn't seem to have broken anything.12:41
henrixrtg: and the feedback on the bug report seems to be positive as well12:42
henrixrtg: i'll probably just reply to your email adding some more pression on the author :)12:42
rtghenrix, I forgot to look if my tester posted some results.12:43
henrixrtg: he did12:43
rtghenrix, what is that bug number ? 12:43
* apw imagines henrix putting the reported in a "pression" a cafetiere/french press12:43
henrixrtg: bug #129111312:44
ubot2Launchpad bug 1291113 in linux (Ubuntu Quantal) "Intel igb driver infinite loop in ksoftirqd, uses 100% of cpu 0" [Undecided,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/129111312:44
rtghenrix, based on his test feedback I'm gonna propose those patches for SRU12:45
henrixrtg: ack12:45
henrixapw: i guess i meant 'pressure'...? :)12:46
apwhenrix, probabally, the the vision you gave me was much nicer12:58
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caribouanyone of you having problems with Mumble's Push To Talk (PTT). Can't seem to get it to work anymore13:32
caribouI know if OT here, but many people here use Mumble13:32
apwcaribou, is working for me on T15:26
caribouapw: yeah, working for many others I checked with, but thanks for checking15:27
rtgsforshee, do you have the iwlwifi bits in a branch somewhere ?15:38
sforsheertg: no but I can push them real quick15:38
rtgsforshee, thanks15:38
sforsheertg: git://kernel.ubuntu.com/sforshee/ubuntu-trusty.git iwlwifi-fw-dump15:40
rtgsforshee, /home/rtg/ukb/trusty/armhf/master-next/ubuntu-trusty/drivers/net/wireless/iwlwifi/mvm/debugfs.c: In function 'iwl_dbgfs_fw_error_dump_release':17:15
rtg/home/rtg/ukb/trusty/armhf/master-next/ubuntu-trusty/drivers/net/wireless/iwlwifi/mvm/debugfs.c:180:2: error: implicit declaration of function 'vfree' [-Werror=implicit-function-declaration]17:15
rtg  vfree(file->private_data);17:15
rtgsforshee, Its probably safe to just disable iwlwifi for armhf17:16
infinityrtg: In theory, iwlwifi could run on armhf fine, if you find an armhf device with a minipci header.17:20
infinityrtg: (ie: fixing the bug would be better, but disabling it probably won't bite us anytime soon)17:20
rtginfinity, it won't run for shit if the kernel doesn't compile, but that is a different problem. I'm looking into it.17:21
smoseri think that errored because the package installation says that my cpu is not right for this deb.17:22
smoserbut i do not care about that.17:22
smoseris there a way to make it not fail ?17:22
infinityrtg: I do think we need to do an audit of all the PCI/USB/etc devices that are disabled on ARM kernels and sort out why, as we're probbaly only a generation away from ARM machines that people will want to hang random devices off of.  But I'd agree that "just disable the silly thing" is the easiest way out right now, if finding the midding prototype proves to cross some arch/* boundaries or something equally intractable.17:22
rtginfinity, vfree _should_ exist for armhf. I'll figure it out.17:23
infinitysmoser: What's that's saying is that you don't have /proc mounted.  Why?17:24
infinitysmoser: Expecting any package installation to work without all the right virtual fielsystems mounted is a crapshoot.17:25
jtnrtg: (Just FYI, I tested a Trusty daily cdimage with the Wacom Intuos fix you pushed, and my tablet Just Worked. Thanks again.)17:26
smoserinfinity, i can mount /proc. but thats not what it says is the error.17:27
infinitysmoser: It does if you read up.17:27
infinitysmoser: As in, the line immediately above the one you're talking about.17:28
smoserno. it comlains it can't find proc. 17:28
infinity... which is how it's checking the CPU caps.17:28
smosersuppose I *did* hav proc, and it did not find pae17:28
smoseri dont want it to fail then17:28
smoseri dont care if it can't run.17:28
infinityI can only assume this is mostly hypothetical, as I doubt you're doing this on a system without PAE.17:29
infinityEspecially since it's amd64.17:30
smoserwhether or not that is the caes, isnt' it generally bad packaging to fail the install ?17:32
smoserbecause the thing wont run.17:33
infinitysmoser: No.  The preinst is there intentionally to stop you from shooting yourself in the foot on upgrade.17:33
infinityI suppose they could add an "IDONTCAREABOUTPAE" environment check or something, but in your case, mounting /proc will fix your issue, which you should be doing anyway.17:34
infinityAnd the number of people who would legitimately need IDONTCAREABOUTPAE would be vanishingly tiny.17:34
infinitySince the usecase here for you is "building images to run on another system", and the odds of someone running an image builder on a PPro from 1996 seem slim.17:34
smoserfor this specific case, yes.17:35
infinityThe only other legit case I can think of is that batch of PentiumMs that had PAE but didn't advertise it.17:36
infinityAnd I think there's a kernel hack for that.  Not sure if we carry it.  But the preinst could perhaps check for that model/stepping and not scream.17:36
infinity(It's a bit icky, though, as not every CPU in that class had PAE, just some subset)17:37
smoseri really dont care about the specifics. i thikn its generally wrong to fail thepackag install.17:37
smoserapt-get install webcam-software17:37
smoserE: you do not have webcam plugged in. sorry.17:38
infinitysmoser: It's genuinely not wrong in a case like this.  preinst checks to stop you from hosing your system are rare, but an entirely appropriate use of preinst.17:38
infinitysmoser: "You don't have a webcam" is entirely different from "after you do this upgrade, rebooting your system WON'T WORK".17:38
smoserits really not that different.17:40
infinityIf it's any small consolation, we can drop that check in 14.1017:40
smoserbecause that isn't the case17:40
infinitysmoser: That's absolutely the case.  On upgrade from precise to trusty, if you have a non-pae machine with linux-generic installed, you'll get a linux-generic that doesn't boot on your computer.  Refusing the upgrade is better than breaking the computer.17:40
smoser"after you do this upgrade, rebooting your system WON'T WORK... until you pick the old kernel that is still perfectly happiliy installed there (and may even be a newer version than this one to grub)"17:41
infinityYes, because every user knows how to enter grub and ask for a different kernel.17:41
infinity(And the old kernel will definitely not be earlier in the list, we reverse sort on version for a reason...)17:42
smoseri didn't upgrade17:42
smoseri installed a package17:42
smoserthe package had no context as to whether or not it would be booted.17:42
smoserthanks for arguing. 17:43
infinityYou didn't upgrade.  But the kernel ABI changes meaning every kernel is a new package means it's pretty hard to detect upgrade versus install.17:43
sforsheertg: I doubt anyone uses intel wireless with arm, though surely vfree exists for arm. Probably just an include which is needed.17:45
sforsheertg: I'll look into it in a few minutes, attending to another fire drill right now17:45
infinitysforshee: Yeah, I doubt anyone uses it currently either, but they could.  There are ARM devices with PCI busses, and some with minipci, so it's possible, just not likely.17:46
infinity(But I've run e1000 NICs on powerpc, for instance, so assuming "Intel" == "x86", is usually a bad assumption)17:46
hallynapw: do you know if the kernel in canonical-kernel-team ppa for precise would have http://kernel.ubuntu.com/git?p=ubuntu/ubuntu-trusty.git;a=commitdiff;h=bdb820eab084eb94fc098fe7154deb0a5a8a75b6 ?17:48
hallyni mean...  i assume not.  if not, can i do something to kick off a ne wbuild?17:49
apwhallyn, are you asking if the P kernel has that ?17:49
sforsheertg: #include <linux/vmalloc.h>17:49
hallynapw: no, the kernel in the canonical-kernel-team ppa17:50
hallynno, that's quite old isn't it.17:50
apwbut in the 3.2.0-* versions ?17:50
hallynno, 3.1317:50
apwwe have about 5 kernels in P17:50
apwso you are asking if the lts-backport-trusty has it?17:51
hallynactually i should have just gotten a newer kernel from stgraber's ppa - i'm going to reboot and see17:51
hallynyeah i guess that was my q:)17:51
apwwhat version is it17:52
hallyn3.13.0-8-generic #28~precise1-Ubuntu SMP Tue Feb 11 18:53:36 .  so obviously not.17:52
UserErroreol meta is the best from that ppa17:52
hallynrebooting, biam17:52
UserErrori think they are on 1817:52
apwm == month seemingly18:00
apwhallyn (not), it is -18 in the PPA as is the associated meta, so no idea why you have -8, and -17 had the commit you wanted in it18:03
infinityapw: If hally ever comes back, teach him how to use --contains.18:03
* infinity was JUST going to mention that it was in -17...18:03
apwno idea where he got his -8 from even18:04
infinityapw: I assume from the PPA long ago, and then never upgraded. :P18:04
apwhallyn, it is -18 in the PPA as is the associated meta, so no idea why you have -8, and -17 had the commit you wanted in it19:36
phillwHi, I've successfully made (with a lot of help) a non-pae kernel for 14.04 community respin. I generate the .deb files using 'make deb-pkg' but it seems a PPA cannot import ready made .deb files. Could someone please give me a link so that I can add and maintain the kernel during 14.04.19:53
cristian_cI've opened this bug report much time ago: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/97260419:54
ubot2Launchpad bug 972604 in linux (Ubuntu) "168c:001c [HP Compaq Presario C700 Notebook PC] Wireless led button doesn't switch colors" [Low,Triaged]19:54
cristian_cI've to open an upstream bug report19:54
cristian_cthere is this wiki page: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Bugs/Upstream/kernel20:00
cristian_cI've read it, but I've got some doubts:20:00
cristian_cfor example: Please take care that when you provide the below information, you should be booted into the newest available upstream mainline kernel only. Failure to do this will have negative unintended consequences.20:01
cristian_cWhat kernel does it refer to, exactly?20:01
apwthe latest linus' kernel, we build upstream kernels for that, but you know that cause we said that last time 20:02
cristian_capw, this:  http://kernel.ubuntu.com/~kernel-ppa/mainline/ ?20:03
cristian_capw, http://kernel.ubuntu.com/~kernel-ppa/mainline/v3.14-rc7-trusty/ ?20:04
cristian_capw, And then: While booted into the newest mainline kernel only describe how the bug is reproducible in the latest mainline kernel only. If this is a regression, please note the specific commit. 20:09
cristian_cHow can I find the commit?20:09
cristian_cAny ideas?20:10
phillwhi folks. I've had my question answered, to use 'debuild -S -sd' which was what I thought I needed :)20:19
cristian__cHas anyone answered to me?20:30
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rtgdannf, so, all of your x-gene crack is merged into master-next. please give it a spin.20:47
dannfrtg: awesome20:48
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