
ubottucfhowlett called the ops in #ubuntu (Toadstool2,)09:07
DJonesAsked them to stop the line of discussion09:09
* AlanBell wonders if cfhowlett should apply for ops09:10
DJonesI think he should, he's quite aware of channel guidelines & is around quite often, maybe a bit enthusiastic with factoids, but certainly has a good attitude09:12
* AlanBell thought cfhowlett was a she for some reason09:12
DJonesCould be, I'm not certain09:12
DJonesIs it worth me sending a pm?09:12
DJonesAnd asking if they'd consider it09:13
AlanBellto encourage them to ask for ops, yes09:13
DJonesok, will do09:13
AlanBellenquiring about gender, not so much ;)09:13
DJonesYeah, that would be irrelevant09:13
AlanBellI think I know an unrelated howlett who is a she, just mixed up in my head09:14
AlanBellanyhow, people who correctly use the !ops trigger in general are likely to people people we should empower to sort things out themselves09:15
DJonesThey are interested, going to look at the email and the links09:19
DJonesHi cfhowlett09:20
cfhowlettDJones, hey!  just checking in while my other eyeball is reading the links09:20
DJonesYeah, quite a bit of links to read09:20
cfhowlettMy initial thought is that since I only run LTS ubuntustudio, I could best help out in US or perhaps xubuntu09:21
cfhowlettDJones, the "catalyst" page is actually quite helpful.09:22
DJonesIts what you'd feel comfortable with, I use a default Ubuntu install, but only as a user, I don't have a great technical knowledge, but give support where I can & just be aware of potential issues09:23
DJonesThat is very handy, thats something you do well09:24
cfhowlettDJones, outstanding.  Let me read up.  Thank you for the invitation.  It is most appreciated.09:26
=== mrmist is now known as mist
DJonesYou're welcome09:26
* Unit193 waves to cfhowlett.09:27
* cfhowlett raises a tasty beverage in the direction of Unit19309:27
Priceycfhowlett: Your slip is showing.09:52
=== TheMaster is now known as Guest62851
totemhi phunyguy23:47
totemphunyguy, please fix my ban23:47
totemi already join, why?23:47
jbroomeit's not long enough?23:47
rwwtotem: because the ban is on your cloak and you've been joining before your cloak kicks in23:48
ubottuYour IRC client is completing NickServ authentication after joining channels, which triggers a fake quit and rejoin to apply your cloak and increases channel noise. Please see https://freenode.net/faq.shtml#nocloakonjoin and use SASL or another method to prevent this.23:48
IdleOneremove the channel from your auto join23:48
phunyguytotem: you do realize also, that #ubuntu-offtopic is not a support channel, right?23:48
totemokay i understood23:49
totembtw, i don't do drama23:49
jbroomeoh man, sorry for my smart-ass response, i thought i was in a different ops chan23:49
phunyguywell I was going to remove it....23:49
knomejbroome, mistakes happen, don't worry about it :)23:50
phunyguythe ban has been in place for over a month23:50
phunyguyshoot, over a year23:50
rwwon the other hand, totem hasn't improved since 201323:50
jbroomethe user or the program?23:51
phunyguyahh well. I will leave it in place.23:52

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