
Kiloshi nlsthzn and others05:07
Kiloscremora minora05:08
Spekkomorning all05:33
Kiloshi Spekko jabberwocky93 05:34
Kilosyo nlsthzn 05:35
SquirmMaaz: coffee on05:44
* Maaz washes some mugs05:44
SquirmMaaz: large05:44
MaazIn a beer mug just for you Squirm05:44
MaazCoffee's ready for Squirm!05:48
SquirmMaaz: botsnack05:49
MaazThank you thank you, munch munch chomp chomp05:49
jabberwocky93good news for future linux gamers http://www.cryengine.com/news/crytek-announces-its-cryengine-as-a-service-program06:22
nlsthzngot duke nukem 3D for linux yesterday :D the memories :p06:53
Kilosnlsthzn, i wanna do a new install without formatting /home but don want all the stuff installed when trying to sort d-link out07:04
Kiloswhat must i remove please07:04
Kiloshi ThatGraemeGuy 07:04
Kilosjust the .config in home?07:06
Kiloswb superfly 07:07
Kiloswb Superhuman 07:07
Superhumanmorning Kilos 07:07
Kilosyou well?07:08
Superhumanyeah, fighting with the beast known as Apache207:08
Superhumanand yourself?07:08
Kilosim good ty07:08
nlsthznKilos, 07:08
Kilosthere must be apache pros here when they awake07:09
nlsthznwhat I always do is to use the live CD, mount /home and then delete all of the hidden files and folders... 07:09
Kilosoh all the hiddens07:09
nlsthznonly keep the data you want to keep... then when you re-install you will have a clean install without any prior configs ets07:10
Kiloscool ty i will try that07:10
nlsthznremember to select that partition as /home and not to select format :p07:10
Kilosi still want all the stuff on desktop ive collected to fix things07:10
Kilosyeah i have separate / /boot /home /storage07:11
Kilosi only dont want all the scripts and stuff i used before07:11
nlsthznstuff on desktop?07:11
Kilosfound a workaround for the d-link07:11
Kilosmy desktop is chockerblock with stuff07:12
Kiloshow to this and thats and some isos and other stuff i cant think of when on another drive07:13
nlsthznsave all the docs you have in a good place (my documents) or something :p07:13
Kilosbut that will be missing if i delete all hiddens wont it07:15
Kilosbad news running advice found online that involves adding scripts07:17
Kilosbest advice ive found online was how to disable boot splash07:18
Kiloslike i tried lotsa stuff to get the dwm-156 working07:19
nlsthznnope, save everything in say "my documents", then when you delete the hidden files/folders you leave "my documents07:19
nlsthznand you leave downloads07:19
nlsthznand videos and music and all the stuff with files you want to keep07:19
Kilosbut just clean installed on another small drive to test and if i have another working modem plugged in same time nm sees the d-link07:20
Kilosso imo its the modeswitch 07:20
Kilosbut draisbergerhof say it works07:21
Kilosand dont answer posts07:21
Kilosgrrr some more07:21
Kilospeeps seem to forget that each pc has its own idiosyncracies07:22
Kilosty nlsthzn i go see where i can put everything07:22
nlsthznand always a good idea to have a BACKUP07:23
nlsthznjust in case07:23
nlsthznKilos, 07:23
Kilosi aslo like a spare drive with buntu on that i can use to fsck faulty drives07:24
nlsthznnot what I meant >.< 07:24
Kiloshi Golynx 07:52
Golynxhi Kilos07:53
charlmorning Kilos, Golynx, nlsthzn 08:08
charlMaaz: coffee on08:08
* Maaz washes some mugs08:08
Kiloshi charl 08:08
KilosMaaz coffee please08:08
MaazKilos: Sure08:08
Golynxhi charl08:10
MaazCoffee's ready for charl and Kilos!08:12
KilosMaaz ty08:12
MaazYou are welcome Kilos08:12
charlMaaz: thanks08:14
Maazcharl: No problem08:14
Kiloshi Vince-0 08:56
GolynxWhen last did Vince-0 say something ?08:57
Golynxor is it a bot08:58
Vince-0How'd you know?08:58
Vince-0I automate my interactions for the human08:59
Golynxi know your human 09:00
Golynxjust kidding lol09:00
Vince-0canned response number 1: LOOL09:00
Vince-0so whats up Golynx 09:03
Vince-0whats life doing to you today09:03
Golynxsame old same old09:03
Golynxfiguring out ways to survive 09:04
Vince-0ya ek ook09:04
Vince-0I may try an install of this again: http://www.fusionpbx.com/index.php09:04
Golynxnice, good luck with that09:06
Kiloshiya maiatoday 10:05
GolynxDamn, free wifi, 250MB limit per day. This will make me a millionare in +- 7 years indstead of 20 years lol This will http://techcentral.co.za/free-wi-fi-comes-to-cape-town/47075/10:05
Golynxhi maiatoday10:05
* Golynx dont like bottlenecks10:07
GolynxPretoria already got that10:09
GolynxWhy do they always focus on the cities, they dont give a poop about the small towns :/ 10:10
Kilosonly in town10:10
Golynxcities are practically swimming in data , literally people are drowning in the stuff there. While in the small towns are left with little droplets salavating over it. 10:12
Kilosthey supply where they get more peeps involved10:13
Golynxthat sucks10:15
Kilosall about money10:15
Kiloslike wifi hotspots at eating places10:16
Kilospeeps come for free wifi then eat an expensive meal as well10:16
Kilosfew just order coffee10:16
GolynxProject Isizwe, is a non profit organization started by former mxit CEO Alan Knott-Craig. This project is to provide free wifi for people that want it. I dunno about the coffee part though10:19
KilosGolynx can you read audacity files10:39
Kiloswith audacity that is10:39
GolynxKilos, you can export to any audio file type from the file menu10:40
Kilosi dunno how it all works, file is 10kB but its a 4m song10:40
Kilosoh 10:40
Kiloswow its a 2.6m mp3 but audacity is only 10kB10:42
Golynxis that 2.6mb from the export to mp3 10:43
Kilosbetter to send peeps stuff in audacity format10:44
Golynxlol, its just a project file10:45
Kilosyeah but audacity plays the whole thing10:45
Kilosin a 10 kB file10:45
Golynxit hold reference data to the original file10:48
superflyKilos: it's not just the file, there's also a directory with all the data in it11:06
Kilosoh ty superfly it had me going there11:07
magespawngood day11:14
Golynxhi magespawn11:19
GolynxKilos, AUP is a file extension for a project file used by Audacity audio software. AUP files contain audio project information and settings, and correspond with a .DAT file of the same name that contains that audio data referenced in the project file. Source -  http://whatis.techtarget.com/fileformat/AUP-Audacity-project-file11:19
Kiloshi magespawn 11:38
Kilosanyway it works kiff11:39
magespawnhome time later all15:13
Golynxhi psydroid17:07
psydroidhi Golynx 17:07
=== psydroid_ is now known as psydroid
KilosMaaz coffee on17:53
* Maaz starts grinding coffee17:53
Golynxwb Kilos17:53
Kilosty Golynx been working hard17:53
GolynxMaaz coffee please17:53
MaazGolynx: Okay17:53
Golynxwhat your working on 17:54
Kilosi have done about 4 installs of kde and one unity17:54
Kilosand dug holes to find why bathwater seeping out not running when plug pulled17:55
Golynxoh , on one pc17:55
Kilosbut now i have a kde that sees the d-link modem as well17:55
Kilosi run 3 drives on this pc17:56
Golynxhopes the leaks fixed now17:56
Kilosstill havent found where the pipe is blocked17:57
Golynx3 drives with different OS's sounds good17:57
MaazCoffee's ready for Kilos and Golynx!17:57
KilosMaaz thanks man17:57
MaazKilos It gives me great pleasure to serve a bunch of geeks :-)17:57
Kilosinetpro ping17:57
GolynxMaaz thanks17:57
MaazGolynx: No problem17:57
Kilosi hit 1002kB/s with the d-link just now17:58
Golynxoh , i would plundger like crazy lol17:58
Golynxthats still lightning years ahead of me lol17:59
Kilosno here its pipes been buried and run past tress and the tree roots break the pipes ang go in after the water17:59
Kilostrees too18:00
Golynxoh thats bad18:00
Kilosi kinda poegaai now18:00
Kilosyou here all alone Golynx 18:00
Golynxi came in a few minutes ago, psydroid after me18:01
Kiloshi psydroid 18:01
Kiloseveryone else running down for tomorrows holiday18:02
Golynxyeah, seems like it18:02
Golynxa lekker long weekend for them18:02
Kilosyeah but okes like the fly never get breaks18:03
Kilosaway from work its making other stuff work18:03
Golynxyeah, guys like the fly got many responsibilities, both at work and home. 18:05
captineho all18:16
Kiloshi captine 18:16
captinehi Kilos 18:17
Kilosvery lonely here tonight18:17
captinei see that18:33
Golynxhi captine18:33
captineman.  i struggled and didnt succeed in installing ubuntu touch on my tablet18:33
captinehi Golynx 18:33
Kiloswhew captine thats no good18:35
captineand annoyed my samsung isnt supported for the phone18:36
Kilosi battle enough with pcs, no place in head to add tablets and fancy fones18:37
captineyip.  i hear u.  plan to try install proxmox on a mac mini this weekend....18:38
Golynxi thought ubuntu touch and Android shared the same core kernel specs :/18:38
captinethat is my main challenge18:38
captineGolynx, think it needs a cynagen mod version that isnt available for Galaxy S418:39
captineversion i have18:39
Golynxoh i see18:40
inetproKilos: pomg18:41
Kilosyou see speed18:41
inetprothat's too fast mam18:42
inetproman as well18:42
Kilossomething wrong youe n key?18:42
inetprorather the finger than any thing else18:42
Kilosits very lekker for upgrading and so on18:42
Kilosjust what i need for 14.04 next month18:43
Kilosi had to do another unortodox thing to get kde to see the dlink18:44
inetproat that speed 3.6 GB is gone in just one hour18:44
Kilosinstalled unity then kubuntu-desktop18:44
Kilosit only goes if you download everything your eyes see18:45
Kilosnight all. sleep tight19:14

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