
bluesabresounds like you guys are in need of somebody else!00:23
knomelike bluesabre?00:26
knomeooh ooh!00:26
knomebluesabre, seriously, if you could go through that...00:26
bluesabreprovide links to the things that need package00:26
bluesabreand I will get to them tonight/tomorrow00:26
bluesabreI hope this is similar to previous xubuntu-docs packaging00:27
bluesabreI'll whine if not00:27
knomeshouldn't be too different...00:27
knomeUnit193, hmm.00:28
knomeUnit193, startpage broken00:28
knomeUnit193, do we expect some other directory structure?00:28
knomeUnit193, doesn't look like we do00:28
knomeUnit193, main Makefile, line 24:00:31
knomeUnit193, line 21:00:31
knomeonly copies *.css, should copy *.css and *.png00:32
knomeor the .htx file should point to ../desktop-guide/logo.png00:32
arriththe kernel freeze is coming up and i would like to help fix Bug #1287966: "DisplayLink USB Graphics not supported by Ubuntu Kernel" before it passes, or find out that it's no longer a bug. the bug link is: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux-lts-saucy/+bug/1287966 (and a related blog post: http://plugable.com/2014/03/06/displaylink-usb-2-0-graphics-adapters-on-linux-2014-edition ).00:33
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1287966 in linux-lts-saucy (Ubuntu) "DisplayLink USB Graphics not supported by Ubuntu Kernel" [Undecided,Confirmed]00:33
arrithany thoughts on if would it be better to post about investigation into that on a bug, on the ubuntu kernel mailing list, in the ubuntu kernel irc channel, or somewhere else?00:33
knomearrith, both.00:34
knomeUnit193, http://temp.knome.fi/xubuntu/docs.diff.txt00:42
knomelinks point to about/fi00:42
knomeand logo is not visible00:42
knomei guess it was a wise move to do the test-build now...00:43
knomethose changes fix it for me00:43
knomewant to review? :)00:43
knome(try building it yourself!)00:43
Unit193Trying latest trunk first.00:44
Unit193Right, works for me because I was expecting, and working with, a different structure.00:46
knomeaha :)00:46
Unit193So, good catch I suppose, means more work for me. :P00:46
knomehow so?00:47
knomethe fix is in trunk00:48
knomeplease double-check it works00:48
knome..aaaand i pushed an updated translation template as well00:50
Unit193We could just make the structure match mine. :D00:53
knomea bit late for that, and why at this point?00:53
knomewhy didn't you do that earlier, that is?00:54
Unit193Well, there's a structure now and it seems to work for the installed docs well enough, it just doesn't work at all for what I do, simple as that.01:13
knomeso what do you do?01:13
Unit193I want it all under one dir, and have xubuntu-index the first thing seen.  This means moving it and renaming it.01:15
knomeyeah... that sounds somewhat logical01:15
knomewe can do that for 14.04.101:15
knomeor sth...01:15
Unit193So I have a sed on that, adding the revno (would "upstream" that), and removing the hardcoded path to the desktop-guide.01:16
knomeochosi, hmm, parts of light-locker lock screen is not translated01:21
knomeochosi, are we just lagging behind on getting stuff up?01:21
ochosiwe didn't have too many complete languages for it01:21
knomei mean,01:22
ochosiluckily the lockscreen of light-locker shouldn't be visible too much01:22
knomei see "Unlock"01:22
knomewhat? i've surely translated that.01:22
ochosierr, are you referring to lightdm-gtk-greeter maybe?01:22
knomepossibly that.01:22
knomewhat ever is presented when i'm trying to unlock the screen ;)01:22
ochosiheh, yeah, that's the greeter01:23
ochosino idea what the status is on translations there01:23
knometbh, i'm a bit loss with all these different light-locker projects...01:23
knomeitself, -greeter, -settings, what else01:23
ochosithere is:01:23
ochosinow everything should be clear, right? :>01:24
knomewhere do i translate the greeter?01:24
knomehmm hmm01:24
ochosifinnish has quite a few missing and a few more that need review01:24
knomeyeah WEEEEIRD01:25
knomecontext: Other01:25
knome%d is integer?01:26
Unit193knome: So you still think those sound sane? :P01:26
ochosiyup, %d is integer01:27
knomehad a wrong translation there01:27
knomeand what was the content for "Other"?01:28
knomehmm, wait!01:28
knomethat's translated01:28
knomei shouldn't work on FOSS stuff at 3am, i get confused01:30
knomewhere's light-locker translated?01:33
knomeoh wait01:33
Unit193Don't like that one?01:34
knomewell no,01:34
knomebut that's hardly a problem01:34
knomesince i have an account01:34
knomeand it's 100% translated01:34
knomeeh, funny?01:40
knomeDefault display manager01:40
knome== Oletusnäytönhallintasovellus01:40
knomethat'll do...01:40
knomewhere does one find l-g-g-s ?01:42
knomeochosi, ^01:42
knomehmm, i found a bug in whiskermenu...01:43
knomenot sure if it only affects vbox installations thought01:44
ochosiknome: stuff from the settings-manager can't be found in any menus01:49
ochosiappfinder too01:49
knomethat's not the bug01:49
knomethe bug is:01:49
knomeopen a category that has so many items that they will need a scrollbar01:50
knomescroll fast back and forth01:50
knomeat some point, the workspace switches01:50
bluesabreknome... so the docs are not ready to be packaged then?01:51
knomebluesabre, they are01:51
knomebluesabre, i just dropped in the needed changes01:51
bluesabreare you suuuuure? :]01:52
* bluesabre starts packaging01:53
Unit193bluesabre, knome: Don't you want to wait for translations to land? :D01:56
knomeUnit193, no, they should land at translation deadlines01:56
* bluesabre stops packaging01:56
knomewe need another upload then01:57
knomebluesabre, keep on packaging01:57
* bluesabre resumes packaging01:57
bluesabreactually, looks like you all have already done the hard work01:57
bluesabreI just have to create the sponsorship bug and build the dsc01:57
* bluesabre expects this for more packages in the future01:58
Unit193bluesabre: I was going to say, what didn't I do? :P01:58
bluesabre1. blame somebody01:58
bluesabre2. learn more about what you're doing01:58
bluesabre3. appologize01:58
bluesabre4. ???01:59
bluesabre5. profit01:59
knomei found two typos from the strings that were changed01:59
knomelaunchpad says 8 strings untranslated02:00
knomewhen i click that link02:00
knome"There are no messages that match this filtering."02:00
knomebluesabre, that is, typos in the finnish translation...02:01
bluesabrewhich project?02:01
knomekeep on packaging02:01
knomexubuntu-docs :)02:01
knomemight be something updating atm02:01
knomenow says 002:01
bluesabrenow it says -1402:04
knomethings start getting weird02:05
knomei should shut down the computer so that doesn't spread here too much02:06
knomesee you later, and thanks for taking care of the sponsorship sean :)02:06
Unit193knome: http://paste.openstack.org/show/7386602:16
Unit193Document es/index.xml does not validate02:23
bluesabreUnit193: I don't think there is much else I can do with this... https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xubuntu-docs/+bug/129493202:25
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1294932 in xubuntu-docs (Ubuntu) "[needs-packaging] xubuntu-docs 14.04.1" [Undecided,New]02:25
Unit193[ Sean Davis ], and targetting UNRELEASED?  Really? :P02:27
bluesabreI've been scolded for putting the right target before02:28
bluesabresponsors are finicky02:28
bluesabreand should I put the [ Sean Davis ] if I didn't actually do anything?02:29
bluesabrecopied a previous release's format02:29
Unit1931. When were you scolded?  2. I'm generally thinking Debian format, shouldn't be wrong but we could do it your way, sure.02:30
bluesabreit's been a while02:31
Unit193I'd have to know more about it, but generally you leave as UNRELEASED until you are ready for it to go into the archive.02:32
bluesabreI think this should be fine, they've accepted the last 20 packages :)02:33
* Unit193 doesn't like it. :P02:33
Unit193Alrighty, if it works.02:33
Unit193bluesabre: When you request a merge, please make sure to use what's in the archive, and add another point release targetting UNRELEASED and with an example change?02:40
Unit193Does this make sense?02:40
bluesabreyes... so then the UNRELEASED only applies to merges, and not for ubuntu-only packages?02:42
Unit193UNRELEASED is seen in Debian VCSes too, it's to indicate the package is not meant to be uploaded right now.02:44
bluesabreI think that also applies for sponsored packages as well02:44
bluesabrethe rules and docs are fuzzy for these things02:45
* Unit193 knows Debian rules, didn't think Ubuntu changed that much.02:45
Unit193knome: Should I mention en_AU looks funny on the languages thing?04:06
arrithknome: you think mailing list and irc? or mailing list and bug?04:10
Unit193I seem to be missing context.04:11
arrithUnit193: if you mean for my question i asked some 3+ hours ago04:51
=== OutOfControl is now known as benonsoftware
Naphatulwhen i select encryption my install it auto selects using lvm, is this just recommended or needed?08:40
brainwashjhenke: hey, thanks for the xflock4 fix10:05
brainwashwe also need to change debian/control10:06
brainwashso it won't pull xscreensaver in, something like "Recommends: ..., xscreensaver | light-locker"10:07
brainwashbecause we don't use xscreensaver, so we shouldn't ship it10:09
ochosihey slickymasterWork 10:13
slickymasterWorkmorning ochosi, how's everything?10:14
ochosislickymasterWork: good good :)10:14
ochosii quickly wanted to ask you, aren't you a native speaker of portughese?10:14
ochosi(or am i mixing you up with someone else now..)10:14
slickymasterWorkdo you need any help?10:14
ochosiand do you have a transifex account already?10:15
slickymasterWorkyou're asking about whisker translation?10:15
ochosii just realized that we have no portughese translations in light-locker10:15
slickymasterWorkgive me the link and I'll start working on it10:16
ochosiwell, some brazilian portughese, but even that is incomplete10:16
ochosiyay! thanks!10:16
ochosiit's only about 12 strings10:16
slickymasterWorkthere's a bit (sometimes huge) difference between pt_PT and pt_BR10:16
slickymasterWorkochosi: consider it done ;)10:17
ochosiok, well if you want, feel free to look at this as well :)10:17
ochosithanks a bunch!10:17
ochosireally looking forward to getting better translations for the 1.4.0 release10:18
ochosiif you see more langs and you know native speakers, don't hesitate to spread the word!10:18
slickymasterWorkI'll take a look at the Brazilian translation and if needed I'll finish it also10:18
slickymasterWorkwill do ochosi, don't worry10:19
ochosithanks, that's a great help!10:19
slickymasterWorkyou could poke GridCube to get a Spanish translation10:19
slickymasterWorkochosi: ^^10:20
ochosithanks, spanish is done already though10:21
ochosiand iirc he's not catalan10:21
brainwashochosi: http://www.debinux.de/2014/03/xfce-fenster-maximieren-mit-drag-top/10:48
brainwashsadly we won't include this change10:49
slickymasterWorkochosi: done -> https://www.transifex.com/projects/p/light-locker/language/pt/10:50
ochosithanks slickymasterWork 10:50
ochosibrainwash: yeah, i know10:50
ochosii'd actually want to fix that for a later xfwm4 release10:51
brainwashochosi: https://bugzilla.xfce.org/show_bug.cgi?id=992710:55
ubottubugzilla.xfce.org bug 9927 in General "Maximize window when dragged to top of screen" [Enhancement,New]10:55
brainwashlater release?10:55
ochosiyeah, in the more distant future :)10:57
brainwashok :)10:57
ochosistep1: change default, step2: make the drag-actions configurable11:02
knomearrith, i would imagine the more communication, the better... ask the irc channel first, and if you get a direct response as to how to proceed, go with that11:41
knomearrith, if not, send a mail to the mailing list11:41
knomearrith, if there is a bug and you have any further information to it, add it. if not, or you don't know what, reply to the bug and ask how you could help11:42
knomeslow wiki today, again11:54
elfyochosi: funny that you posted that comment in the lightdm-greeter bug - I posted exactly the same in the current forum thread on it :)12:26
knomebug 128584312:33
ubottubug 1285843 in transmission (Ubuntu) "Queue selections do not move torrents" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/128584312:33
knomethat's a weird one12:33
knometo be honest, at this point i'm not even sure what "queue" is supposed to mean12:33
knomebecause when you edit the queue, the files are ordered in that order in the main GUI12:33
knome(in saucy, where that works)12:33
knomebut you can *also* *order* the torrents by name, file size, activity, etc...12:34
knomewhich *also* changes the order12:34
knomeso is the order shown in GUI the queue order, eg. what should be downloaded first?12:34
* elfy thinks a lot of the testcases should be pared down 12:35
knomewell, i think that either there is another bug in transmission12:37
knomei mean, not being able to show the queue order12:38
knomeor then there is... another bug in transmission12:38
knomewhich is, the queue order doesn't have any correlation with anything12:38
knomealso note my comment12:38
knomesame version12:38
knomequeue sorting works on saucy12:38
knomequeue sorting doesn't work on trusty12:38
knomepotential GTK issue?12:39
* elfy wouldn't notice tbh - rarely torrent, when I do I don't need a queue :)12:39
knomesame here12:39
knomeso what do you think?12:42
knomescrap that bug from the blueprint?12:42
knomeit really doesn't sound like high-priority12:42
knomeor anything we will actually come to12:42
knomei just did that...12:43
knomebug 1270894 is somewhat nasty...12:44
ubottubug 1270894 in ristretto (Ubuntu) "Sorting by date or name not working properly in thumbnail bar" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/127089412:44
elfywell ... I'd guess we've got bigger fish to fry than queuing in transmission12:45
knomeand even if we didn't...12:45
elfyand is it our fish to fry anyway?12:45
knomei wouldn't call this bug something we "commit" to fix for the release12:46
knomeit's in no way release-critical12:46
knomei also marked it as low12:46
elfyI'm getting rather concerned about the keyboard one 12:46
knomeit's getting lost in the list of bugs :P12:46
elfyif that's not dealt with then that is release critical imo12:46
knomebug 127715412:47
ubottubug 1277154 in xfce4-notes-plugin (Ubuntu) "Ctrl+W does not ask for confirmation on note delete" [Undecided,Invalid] https://launchpad.net/bugs/127715412:47
knomeyou happy with that? :)12:47
knomeremoving from blueprint12:47
knomewhat's the kb bug?12:50
knomeam i just not seeing it12:50
knomeor is it not linked to the blueprint12:50
elfywasn't - is now12:52
elfybug 128463512:52
ubottubug 1284635 in ibus (Ubuntu) "Keyboard layout changes after login" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/128463512:52
knomelol, good12:52
* elfy found another thunar bug - hesistant to add more to the list that won't get done lol 12:54
knomeif it's something we would *like* to get fixed... just add it12:54
slickymasterWorkknome: do you think bug 1289411 should be added to the blueprint?12:54
ubottubug 1289411 in xfce4-settings "Help button doesn't open online help" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/128941112:54
knomeat least the list works as a shortlist for bugs to fix for .112:55
slickymasterWorkelfy: was your 'yes' addressed to what I asked?12:55
elfyboth :p12:56
knomeochosi, bluesabre: can we set "xv" to "false" on default xubuntu installation? that's a workaround for bug 127808912:56
ubottubug 1278089 in parole (Ubuntu) "parole reports "Gstreamer backend error, could not initialise supporting library" in trusty" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/127808912:56
knomeslickymasterWork, yep, you should12:56
knomeslickymasterWork, docs translation templates are up..12:56
slickymasterWorkknome: are you referring to the ubiquity ones?12:58
slickymasterWorkyeah, I see it now :P12:59
knomethe strings changed a bit since we poked the entities a bit12:59
knomeso what i suggest you to do12:59
elfyknome: did the last slideshow bit get done now?12:59
knomeelfy, it's done, but waiting for an upload (stgraber has promised to do that)12:59
elfyok - I'll forget about that now :p12:59
knomeslickymasterWork, 1) update your branch12:59
knome2) open the .po file IN A TEXT EDITOR12:59
knome3) go to launchpad, and filter out untranslated strings13:00
knome4) search the .po file for those strings: you will find commented out strings13:00
knomethat basically allows you to reuse the text13:00
knomebut only update the paths13:01
slickymasterWorkok, knome. I'll do it that way. It's just 30 strings13:01
knomethat's what i did yesterday13:01
knomethere were like 5 strings that actually needed "new" translations13:01
knomethe rest were updating the patgs13:02
slickymasterWorkyesterday was father's day over here, so no work at home13:02
knomeGridCube, spañish trañslatioñ of docs?13:03
knomeGridCube, the official call for translations is not out yet, but we have everything ready for you to go ahead and translate13:04
knomeno strings will change...13:04
elfytell me how and I will translate en_AU into a proper language like en_GB13:04
knomeelfy, lol13:04
elfyjust for the karma you understand :p13:04
slickymasterWorkknome: traducción al español de los documentos13:04
knomeslickymasterWork, dokumentaation suomenkielinen käännös!13:04
slickymasterWorkthat was in spanhis actually, not ion portuguese :P13:05
knomeyeah, and that was "the finnish..." in finnish :P13:05
elfyha ha ha13:05
knomeelfy, https://translations.launchpad.net/xubuntu-docs/trusty/+pots/desktop-guide/en_GB/+translate13:05
knomeelfy, start bashing ;)13:05
slickymasterWorklunch time. bbl ->13:06
* knome ponders about eating as well13:07
* elfy had cakes13:07
GridCubeknome, i've asked several people to help, i will try to check myself 13:08
knomei ate two eggs :)13:09
knome6-7min eggs13:10
GridCubeim breakfasting coockis and mate13:10
knomei woke up at 1pm and skipped breakfast :P13:11
elfynah - you had breakfast 13:12
elfyyou didn't have it early is all :)13:12
knomenah ;)13:32
knomeo hai pleia2 13:38
knomeme? :P13:39
knomeyour idle time is less than 5mins -> busted13:40
knomei know.13:40
GridCubeknome, there are a bunch of entries to "translate" are just the names of programs, and those are just the same13:41
knomeGridCube, then translate them to the same strings13:41
GridCubei did that P:13:41
knomeelfy, i'll mark your mail "critical"13:49
knomeelfy, if i haven't answered in a week, poke me13:49
GridCubeknome, what have i have to do whit this; <placeholder-1/>lightdm13:50
knomemost probably just keep as it is13:50
GridCubeSimple session-locker for <placeholder-1/> 13:50
GridCubethats the next one, do i translate the text?13:51
knometranslate everything else than <placeholder-1/>13:51
knomeyou can look up the actual string if you test-build the documentation13:51
knomeand open the appropriate page13:51
knomeso you know how to format that string if it's not obvious how to do it with your language13:51
knomepleia2, hrm13:54
knomepleia2, when haz time?13:54
pleia2in a bit13:54
knomelet's schedule a website-marketing sprint..13:54
knomenot sure i have time "in a bit"13:55
knomelater today?13:55
knomeanything that works particularly well or bad for you?13:55
pleia2being owned by puppet and fedora at the moment13:55
pleia2CC meeting is at 17:00, can do after that13:56
knomeok, let's try that13:56
knomecan't promise i'll be here 18utc sharp though ;)13:56
pleia2yeah whenever13:56
* knome goes to unfocused mode, works with real work... ->13:56
m3741hey everyone,  i'm looking for the live-build environment that is used to build xubuntu saucy. i'd be perfectly happy with just the auto/config script itself but if i could get the whole live-build environment all the better13:56
elfythere is a team meeting at 18utc14:18
=== forestpiskie is now known as elfy
=== elfy is now known as forestpiskie
slickymasterWorkknome: you around?15:09
elfythat slickymasterWork is pyschic knome :p15:37
knomeslickymasterWork, i am around :P15:37
knomewaited more than the magic 3 minutes though ;)15:37
slickymasterWorklol, sorry knome 15:38
knomeit's okay15:38
knomei was eating15:38
knomeand just came back15:38
slickymasterWorkquestion is in the pt po file I have this -> "Last-Translator: Pasi Lallinaho <pasi@shimmerproject.org>\n"15:38
slickymasterWorkdo i change it?15:38
knomewell that's weird, but keep it15:39
knomeespecially if you are doing the last changes via launchpad15:39
slickymasterWorkno, I'm working directly on the po file15:39
knomewell during this translation progress, i've magically learnt many languages :P15:39
knomeare you editing it by hadn?15:39
knomeor with a po editing software?15:39
slickymasterWorkso, just keep there, right?15:39
slickymasterWorkno, working in Geany15:40
knomei would suggest looking at poedit15:40
knomein poedit, you can give your personal information15:40
knomelike name and email address15:40
slickymasterWorkis it too heavy?15:40
knomeand when you save the file, that information is saved automatically15:40
knomeno, it's really light15:40
slickymasterWorkI'll try then15:40
slickymasterWork+ it15:40
knomethe only bad side with it is that15:41
knomeit always creates a .mo file on save15:41
knomewhich means you will have to remove that15:41
knomei guess you could be able to remove that feature...15:41
slickymasterWorkyou mean rename it to .po?15:41
elfyknome: not sure I'm going to make tonights meeting at 1800 - but I put the keyboard issue on the agenda - I worry about that still being about in April the middle 15:41
knomeslickymasterWork, no... it's different15:42
knomeslickymasterWork, just remove .mo15:42
knomeslickymasterWork, and yeah, you can remove that feature15:42
slickymasterWorkok, I'll give it a try15:42
knomeedit -> preferences -> editor -> uncheck "automatically compile .mo file on save"15:42
slickymasterWorkokie dokie15:43
knomea few helpful shortcut keys:15:43
knomectrl+enter -> go to next untranslated string15:44
knomectrl+arrow up/down go to next/prev string15:44
knomeelfy, mhm15:44
slickymasterWork16 MB the package, yeah, it's quite light15:45
ochosiknome: re: parole, i'm not sure that that's a good idea as a general solution. it leads to a lot of cpu cycles iirc15:54
=== TheMaster is now known as Guest62851
knomeso, who's chairing the meeting today :)17:38
knomeochosi, did you promise to do that? :)17:38
slickymasterWorkknome: with the po file translated do I just upload it or instaed do I bzr push it to my branch?17:47
slickymasterWorkwhat do you usually do?17:51
knomei push to production :P17:51
knomei guess the easiest way collectively is to upload the .po17:51
slickymasterWorkpushing it means that afterwards I'll have to do a MP for you to review and approve :P17:52
slickymasterWorkhe he, I'll give you that pleasure then :p17:53
knomewell what ever way17:53
knome#startmeeting Xubuntu community meeting18:00
meetingologyMeeting started Thu Mar 20 18:01:02 2014 UTC.  The chair is knome. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/meetingology.18:01
meetingologyAvailable commands: action commands idea info link nick18:01
knome#topic Pick a chair18:01
knomevolunteers? nominations?18:01
elfysorry - in and out of the room18:03
pleia2on unreliable cell wifi18:03
knomeexcuses :)18:03
knomei can wait for a chair to pop up...18:04
pleia2I can try, but ssh is too slow right now to reasonably paste action items into channel18:07
pleia2and if I disappear, someone else has to :)18:07
pleia2(my connection was much better yesterday, before the snowmageddon)18:08
knomewell if elfy is in and out, you have bad connectivity, i'm feeling lazy and micahg sits quiet, why do we even have the meeting?18:09
knomejust asking...18:09
micahg-workmaybe a different time would be betteR?18:09
knome19UTC (one hour later) usually has worked pretty well18:09
knomenobody has said it's bad for them18:10
knomeand it was discussed last time that an hour before is better for most18:10
micahg-workfine with me, though I have a meeting at 19:30 today18:10
pleia2it's fine when I'm home :)18:10
knomenow, i'm not blaming about people not showing up18:10
knomethe meetings aren't obligatory18:10
knomeit shouldn't be a chore18:10
knomeif it is, maybe we should organize communication in another way18:10
elfyI did say that 1800 was bad for me ;)18:10
micahg-workI pop up to answer questions18:10
knomei can chair a meeting, and run down the agenda, but if people are here just because they feel they have to be... that kind of sucks18:11
knomeelfy, except this week :)18:11
elfywell - holiday :)18:11
knomeand yeah, this change in time was supposed to be a trial...18:11
elfyit is still bad though - food for little one shouldn't have to wait for two IRC meetings ;)18:12
pleia2trial failed, maybe my internet will be better in 50 minutes18:12
knome#topic Ibus vs installed keyboard layout - https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/1284635 18:12
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1284635 in ibus (Ubuntu) "Keyboard layout changes after login" [High,Confirmed]18:12
knomelet's discuss about this18:12
knomeelfy, want to outline?18:13
elfymmm - well - not much I can add to the bug report I did, but this is a big issue imo 18:15
elfyI'm not sure how many this would affect - whether just UK or not - but it would be all of them18:15
knomei wonder if this is related to some of the changes in gnome-settings-manager (time-admin, users-admin) or so which were landed earlier this cycle18:15
elfyalso not sure what we can do about it - though removing ibus fixes it18:16
dkesselI have had that on standard ubuntu some time ago I believe18:16
slickymasterWorkso far I haven't saw it affecting the PT keyboard layout18:16
elfyI'm pretty sure that when ibus ended up in the panel is when the issue started - but can't be more speciic than that18:16
knomedkessel, can you add on the bug then please? would be good to have more eyes on it..18:16
knomedidn't somebody report this on FR layout, or do i misremember?18:17
knomei'm wondering if it has something to do with truncating the LANG to two characters18:17
micahg-workwe got 1.5.5 of ibus 5 days before that bug was filed, maybe it's a regression?18:17
elfyyou might remember me trying to work with a freench layout 18:17
knomemicahg-work, very likely in that case18:18
knomeelfy, let's try with an older version of ibus :)18:18
micahg-workUpdate en-us compose table and add locale tables for xkb engines.18:18
elfymicahg-work: extrmely possible - I remember seeing it - then thinking nothing of it for a day or so18:18
elfygtg - back in 30 18:18
dkesselI guess it would help if I could find the old bug ID. Will try to find that. Very limited time these days18:18
knomemicahg-work, have a link to the commit?18:18
micahg-worksorry, just going off launchpad info here18:19
micahg-workprevious version of ibus: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ibus/1.5.4-1ubuntu118:19
* knome is looking at the last link18:20
micahg-workhttps://github.com/ibus/ibus/commit/e64b25c0ab8fadeae97fe78dcfcbc3a5d0869c6b#diff-feb6c99dcbf1f2fc7ffa5b43075149b3R42 maybe?18:21
micahg-workoh, soryr, that's a test18:21
knomei can run a test with the old version shortly18:22
knomezsyncing daily18:23
dkesselFound my old bug ID for this: bug 124019818:29
ubottubug 1240198 in indicator-keyboard (Ubuntu) "wrong keyboard layout active after booting into desktop, after upgrade to saucy" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/124019818:29
knomejust running an installation18:44
elfydkessel: oh yea - I'd nto have noticed that one at all18:45
knomeyep, can confirm18:47
elfygood - although I've had people confirm it - I thought I was going madder18:48
micahg-workso, maybe it's an older issue than18:48
knomei'll check with the old ibus package soon18:48
elfymicahg-work: we never had it previously18:48
micahg-workdkessel's bug is from pre-trusty18:48
elfyI've not seen it until ibus pitched up on the panel18:48
elfymicahg-work: yes - and it's for an ubuntu indicator 18:48
knomedid we install ibus pre-trusty?18:49
micahg-workI would think so, let me check18:49
micahg-workyes, from at least oneiric on18:49
elfymicahg-work: I'd have noticed this in saucy - I often use things like # in passwords - even in vm's that last one boot18:50
micahg-work(those are all the seeds I have checked out locally)18:50
micahg-workraring had ibus 1.4, saucy brought 1.518:51
knomemicahg-work, is there a clean way to install an older package version?18:54
micahg-workif you have a repo with the old version available, you can add it to your apt sources and use -t with apt-get install to get that version18:55
knomei guess i don't ;)18:56
micahg-workbut stuff doesn't necessarily downgrade like that gracefully18:56
micahg-workyou can download all the debs and pass them to sudo dpkg -i on the command line18:56
knomei guess the old debs aren't saved anywhere?18:58
knomewell at least i can confirm that removing ibus fixes...18:59
micahg-workknome, in launchpad for sure19:00
micahg-workgave link above to the upload, click on the arch you want19:00
Unit193./#endmeeting ?19:02
knome(was aware, thanks.)19:03
knomemicahg-work, if there is any possibility you could look at the merges + uploads today, cool19:05
knomemicahg-work, if not, please let us know and we will find another way to do it19:05
knome(later not preferred, but...)19:05
knomewell at least installing the old ibus doesn't break the layout..19:06
knomeupgrading back to latest19:07
* elfy is back again19:08
elfyso - a regression then 19:09
knomewell, have to look more19:09
knomeapparently i would have had to manually start something19:10
knomehmm, not sure19:12
knomethe package ends up with a crash...19:13
knomeso downgrading isn't clean19:13
knome#topic Schedule next meeting19:14
knome#info Next Xubuntu community meeting: Thu 27 Mar, 19UTC19:14
meetingologyMeeting ended Thu Mar 20 19:14:32 2014 UTC.  19:14
meetingologyMinutes:        http://ubottu.com/meetingology/logs/xubuntu-devel/2014/xubuntu-devel.2014-03-20-18.01.moin.txt19:14
pleia2thanks knome 19:14
knomethanks, i guess19:14
knomei'm off19:14
elfythanks 19:14
knomesee you later19:14
elfycya 19:14
micahg-workforgot to announce, beta 2 freeze Mon 21:00 UTC19:21
micahg-workor I missed it19:21
elfynope - you didn't miss it19:24
elfyas soon as I've got url for the tracker I'll be calling out 19:25
elfyand someone can whack it on the social media things :p19:25
pleia2yes, that :)19:25
elfyI mean pleia2 can you whack it on the social media things :D19:25
elfyI'll ping you with it as soon as I've done it :)19:26
elfyhi slickymaster 19:27
slickymasterand the meeting is over :P19:27
slickymasterwell, going to have dinner then19:27
elfyI had to during the meeting :)19:28
slickymasterbbl _19:28
pleia2slickymaster: it was an hour earlier this week, but we're putting it back next week19:28
slickymasterknome: for your appreciation -> https://code.launchpad.net/~slickymaster/xubuntu-docs/xubuntu-docs/+merge/21203819:48
Unit193Oh, docs string freeze, we can do translations now.21:32
elfyknome: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Xubuntu/Processes - Releasing "The image must not be oversized" what does that mean now we don't fit on a CD?21:41
Unit1931G is our limit, though less than 900 is preferred.21:46
elfyok - specified somewhere?21:46
Unit193No idea.21:47
Unit193knome: You're not going to like this, the structure is still off. :322:03
Unit193(I think I mentioned something about this a long time ago, but since forgot as it Worked for Me™)22:04
Unit193preferences-desktop.png was also dropped from the package?  What for?22:10
Unit193It's still in use, or trying to be.22:10
knomeUnit193, hmm, so is something "not working"?22:13
Unit193file:///usr/share/xubuntu-docs/about/xubuntu-index.html <<< Look, also look >>> file:///usr/share/xubuntu-docs/desktop-guide/guide-desktop.html22:22
Unit193Images be missing.22:22
Unit193The index image is right with my mod, and right on the desktop-guide and languages.22:23
Unit193Missing a few images there. :/22:23
ochosiUnit193: have you tested this with an earlier garcon version?23:14
ochosior you brainwash ?23:14
ochosithe bugreport doesn't seem entirely clear on that23:14
ochosialthough the fact that xfdesktop's menu still works points more to the panel...23:15
ochosithis seems to be where the panel switched to the new garcon stuff: http://git.xfce.org/xfce/xfce4-panel/commit/?id=eb2098a7d18df0a2ecd995f781cc7c861337e1f623:21
ochosiit's possible that xfdesktop still uses old garcon routines and is hence not affected23:21
brainwashI've switched to whisker menu23:26
Unit193And you don't get hit by it?23:26
ochosiyeah, but whiskermenu and xfdesktops menu arent affected23:29
ochosiit only affects the application-menu plugin of xfce4-panel23:29
ochosii think i found the problem23:33
ochosii *think* :)23:33
ochosigarcon now uses gtk_image_new_from_icon_name23:33
ochosiinstead of gtk_image_new_from_icon_name23:33
ochosiinstead of xfce_panel_image_new_from_source23:34
ochosiso the icons break because the icon-theme doesn't have an icon called "skype.png" or "skype.xpm" but only "skype"23:34
ochosiguess i should try to back this up somehow...23:34
ochosiyup, i think that's it23:36
ochosinot sure i can submit a patch for that, but it basically needs to check with gtk_icon_source_set_filename as well23:48
=== Mapley is now known as Mapleh
=== Mapleh is now known as Mapley
brainwashochosi: why not?23:58
brainwasha patch can be reviewed23:59

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