
harmwgod how I hate DDoS attacks10:08
oobxthanks for all of the work, fellas.12:09
oobxI've been trying hard to find docs for cloud-init.  I see lots of examples.  But, no version-by-version syntax. Is that available?12:10
oobxexcept 7.5 http://cloudinit.readthedocs.org/en/latest/12:10
smoserpublio, did it work ?13:51
smoseroobx, config examples are in the tarballs for the version, and if you've installed a deb, also included.13:52
smosermake sense ? 13:52
smoseri would like version'd docs. but its jus tlow priority.13:52
smoseror you could check out bzr and look at docs/ at a particular tag  level13:53
oobxthanks, smoser!  I'll check the examples.13:54
smoserit actually seems to me that that is the most direct way to deliver documentation.13:54
oobxprobably.  But, I think lots of people just google first.  The examples might be indexed by google.  But, I was looking for exact syntax, like apache docs or something.  I'm trying to use prebuilt RPMs and such for CENTOS.  So, I'm may not be using the latest version of cloud-init.  I don't want to bang my head against the wall trying directives that will never work in my version.13:57
oobxi'm trying to wedge cloud-init into vcloud director guests.  So far, it's working by attaching an ISO.  I think it's using the OVF datasource.13:58
oobxi'm new to cloud-init, especially on vcloud/vmware.  I do have a spot instance on Amazon.13:59
oobxbut, I have not gotten too far into the nitty gritty there.13:59
oobxI'm actually selling vcloud services.  So, I need to have a good understanding before I recommend it to anyone.14:00
oobxoff to a meeting...14:01
smoseroobx, i agree. i google too.14:10
smoseroobx, utlemming might have more info that could help you.14:10
smoseri'm not sure though.14:11
smoseroobx, another amazon instance to look at will cost you a whopping $0.017 per hour!14:11
smoseror you can just poke around with "nocloud" 14:11
oobxthanks, smoser. I'm gonna try nocloud.  I didn't at first, because vcloud director doesn't have a gui for attaching and removing disks.  But, the fog ruby gem seems to allow upload and attach/detach of disks.  Disks would actually work better, because leaving a CD inserted in a vmware instance limits vmotioning capabilities and such.14:56
smoseroobx, oh. i was just saying you can play with it on a local system.14:59
smoseryou can even (slowly) play with it in qemu or nested kvm.14:59
oobxI really want to play with it on vcloud, where I'll have to figure out the whole flow.  What's teh best datasource for vcloud? altcloud?  I'd love to mimick ec2's http calls.  But, I can't think of a way to do that ... yet :)15:04
harmwsmoser: how'd you got to 181 points so sudden? accumulated from other LP projects?20:01
harmwI was so close..20:01
smoserin cirros ?20:10
smoseroh. i know.20:10
smoseri went through and did the bugs state and such.20:10
smoserBOOO YAH!20:10
harlowja_still_asmoser, hey out sick with not so fun case of poison oak, if u were wondering where i went20:22
harlowja_still_anot fun stuff....20:22
harlowja_still_a*got it outside last weekend when rock climbing20:22
harlowja_still_adamn mother nature, lol20:26
smosersilly californians.20:27
smoserwe dont have to wrry about poison oak here.20:27
smoserstill snow most places20:27
harmwpoison oak..?20:27
harlowja_still_ano snow in bay area (ever)20:27
harlowja_still_asmoser, probably poison ivy though where u are20:28
harlowja_still_a*not right now of course20:28
harlowja_still_asame evil chemical in poison ivy20:28
smoserwe have both poison ivy and poison oak20:32
smoserand i've had both.20:33
smoserbut you sure don't have to worry about it riht now20:33
harlowja_still_aya, i'm just having the excitement of watching this run its course :-/20:33
harlowja_still_a*for the Nth+1 time20:33
harlowja_still_ahot water is currently my bestest friend, lol20:39
=== oobx_ is now known as oobx

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