
davecheneythumper: yup, this environment is now broken00:07
davecheneyit doesn't respond to any cli commmands00:07
perrito666fwereade: still there?00:16
thumperdavecheney: hmm... interesting00:43
thumperperrito666: I'd expect not, fwereade is probably sleeping, and if he isn't, he should be00:45
davecheneythumper: normally i'd be expecting hte unit agents to be freaking out and restarting like crazy00:49
davecheneybut they are all connected, and just sitting there00:49
davecheneythumper: do you want to take a look00:50
davecheneywhat is your lp id name00:51
davecheneyie, ssh-copy-id $WHO00:51
davecheneyubuntu@winton-02:~/charms/trusty$ ssh-copy-id thumper00:51
davecheney/usr/bin/ssh-copy-id: ERROR: No identities found00:51
davecheneymaybe i'm doing it wrong00:51
davecheneyi was00:52
davecheneythumper: machine is winton-0200:52
davecheney  Hostname
davecheneycopy your .ssh/config stanza and replace the hostname00:52
* thumper sshes in00:54
thumperdavecheney: something here is lying00:57
thumperdavecheney: I can status00:57
thumperand it tells me that the machine agent for 0 is down00:57
thumperwhich it isn't00:57
thumperbecaues it responded to status00:57
thumperdavecheney: you rebooted about an hour ago?00:58
thumperthe three lxc machines are all showing as started00:58
thumperdavecheney: juju ssh 1 works, and both the machine and unit agent are running according to upstart00:59
davecheneythumper: yeah, but they don't do anything01:05
davecheneyi did juju remove-unit mysql/101:05
davecheneyand it's still there01:05
* thumper is reading logs01:05
davecheneyit's liek status is jammed at some point in the past01:05
davecheney 1016  juju status01:06
davecheney 1017  juju remove-unit mysql/101:06
davecheney 1018  juju remove-machine 301:06
davecheney 1019  juju status01:06
davecheney^ did jack01:06
=== marco-traveling is now known as marcoceppi
davecheneythumper: try to do stuff with that enviornment01:11
thumperdavecheney: none of the watchers are firing01:22
davecheneybut they are poll driven, right ?01:32
davecheneythumper: being told I have to go to the shops to get food for our family01:42
davecheneyafk for a bit01:42
thumperwaigani, wallyworld_: axw has power issues, will be online later02:04
thumperpower as in electricity, not ppc6402:04
marcoceppidavecheney: hey02:04
marcoceppiwhat's that concept that's not bundles but is bundles02:04
marcoceppibut is like bundles02:04
marcoceppithanks thumper02:05
thumpermarcoceppi: I had to turn aufs off by default with lxc-clone02:06
thumpermarcoceppi: too many weird edge-cases02:06
thumpermarcoceppi: it is however, btrfs aware02:06
marcoceppithumper: yeah, saw the release, but it will still use lxc-clone02:06
thumperso will use fast snapshots02:06
thumperyes, still use lxc-clone by default02:06
thumperbut lots of i/o to create a machine as it copies ~800M02:06
* thumper goes to make a coffee02:07
waiganiagent-state on new machines (except 0) is stuck on pending02:27
waiganitrying to ssh into machine one fails:02:27
waiganiERROR machine "1" has no public address02:27
waiganiall-machines log logs this error:02:28
waiganiERROR juju runner.go:220 worker: exited "environ-provisioner": no state server machines with addresses found02:28
thumperwaigani: how long did you wait?02:30
waiganilxc-ls and "uvt-kvm list" list no containers02:30
thumperwaigani: if you haven't done things before, it takes a while02:30
thumperwaigani: you need to do 'sudo lxc-ls'02:30
waiganithumper 10min?02:30
thumper'sudo lxc-ls --fancy'02:30
waiganistill not up02:30
waiganiah, I'll try that02:30
thumperis it downloading the image?02:30
thumperif you haven't run the local provider before, it is downloading the cloud image02:31
waiganiah, there is a lot of network activity02:31
thumpertail the log02:31
waiganiall-machines ?02:31
waiganithumper: tailing and seeing activity - cheers02:32
davecheneythumper: back02:57
davecheneyare you still using winton-02 ?02:57
thumperdavecheney: I have wallyworld_ and waigani looking in to replicating this locally while I finish off a much needed patch02:57
thumperno, I'm out of winton-0202:57
davecheneythumper: ok02:57
davecheneycan I manually destroy that environmet02:57
davecheneyor do you guys stil need it02:58
thumperdavecheney: no, kill it03:00
thumperI think we have enough info to work from03:00
waigani_thumper, davecheney: lxc-start/stop machine 1 -agent-status showed started/down as expected. Restarted my machine, machine 0 agent-status: started.03:01
davecheneywaigani_: which mongo are you using ?03:01
thumperwaigani_: are you on trusty yet?03:02
waigani_no :( (busted)03:02
davecheneywaigani_: recommendation: spin up an environment on ec203:02
thumperwaigani_: can I get you to cause a change to the machine that has started up?03:02
davecheneydeploy cs:ubuntu/trusty03:02
davecheneyand use that to test03:02
waigani_davecheney: MongoDB shell version: 2.4.603:02
thumperwaigani_: just to confirm that the bits are hooked up03:02
davecheneywaigani_: dpkg -l | grep mongo03:03
waigani_davecheney: 1:2.4.6-0ubuntu503:03
davecheneywaigani_: wrong version03:04
davecheneyyou neet juju-mongodb03:04
waigani_ah, how do I get that?03:05
davecheneywaigani_: 1. use trusty03:05
waigani_hehe, okay03:06
davecheney2. sudo apt-get install juju-mongodb03:06
waigani_tried that03:06
waigani_could not find it03:06
davecheneywaigani_: it wont if you aren't using trusty03:06
davecheneyit may be available in the cloud archive if you are using a cloud image on hp cloud or ec203:06
waigani_oh these are steps, not options03:06
waigani_okay, so I need to update to trusty to debug03:07
davecheneywaigani_: i'd recommend deploying the ubuntu charm on a cloud03:07
davecheneyit's faster and less likely to ruin your afternoon debugging upgrde programs03:07
waigani_okay, do we have ec2 creds we can use?03:08
davecheneywaigani_: i can ask for a new ppc vm for you03:08
davecheneyprobably take longer than today03:08
davecheneythen you can debug the problem at the source03:09
waigani_davecheney: :D03:09
davecheneywaigani_: someone (not me) can give you the hp cloud credentials03:09
davecheneythat might be another solution03:09
waigani_hp, okay03:09
waigani_thumper: ?03:09
davecheneyi only say ec2 because I *KNOW* they have working trusty images03:09
davecheneyhp cloud, less certain03:09
* thumper has no hp clould stuff03:09
davecheneywallyworld_: ?03:10
davecheneycummon folks, we're developing a tool to managed public clouds, and nobody has the credentials to test on the clouds ?03:10
* wallyworld_ reads backscroll03:10
davecheneywallyworld_: do you have HP creds you can share with waigani_03:10
thumperwaigani_: you need to be on trusty to get the juju-mongodb03:11
wallyworld_i do.03:11
waigani_okay, I need to update to trusty anyway...03:11
wallyworld_davecheney: except it's my own user name with my password03:12
wallyworld_best to get a new account added by asking antonio03:12
wallyworld_he has a master account he can create sub accounts from i believe03:13
davecheneyi think antonio is still online03:20
waigani_sorry, I was off downloading trusty, what is antonio's nic?03:36
waigani_msg hi arosales, I'm part of tim's team. I'm told you are the keeper of cloud credentials. Would I be able to get some for ec2 please?03:39
* davecheney sadtrombine03:39
waigani_doh forgot the /03:39
davecheneywaigani_: good thing you didn't include your payment details03:39
waigani_lol - facepalm03:39
=== vladk|offline is now known as vladk
wallyworld_thumper: on trusty, i can restart via juju run reboot and also via lxc-stop machine 1 and it shows and down and then started again and config changes seem to be propagated03:57
wallyworld_i haven't retried rebooting the host yet03:57
davecheneywallyworld_: the test case is03:57
davecheney1. use trusty03:57
davecheney2. use juju-mongodb03:57
davecheney3. reboot03:57
wallyworld_ok, 2 out of 3 ain't bad03:58
wallyworld_i'll reboot03:58
wallyworld_good bye cruel world03:58
* davecheney plays revelry03:58
waigani_wallyworld_: you're going to win! hmph03:58
wallyworlddavecheney: well that didn't go so well, no bootstrap agents restarted after reboot04:02
wallyworldthey are running but juju status fails04:02
wallyworldcan't connect to state api port04:03
wallyworldactually, machine 1 agents are running but not machine 004:04
jamwallyworld: so the containers came back up correctly, but not the host agent. What is "service juju-agent-wallyworld-local status" say?04:09
jamas well as "service juju-db-wallyworld-local status"04:10
wallyworldjam: i checked those, db was running, agent was not04:10
wallyworldi started agent by hand04:10
wallyworldbut stats still fails, loking into it04:10
jamwallyworld: hopefully there is something in machine-0.log ?04:10
thumperwaigani_: hey04:11
wallyworldnope :-(04:11
thumperwaigani_: sorry tab fail04:11
thumperwas curious about wallyworld's status04:11
jamwallyworld: http://askubuntu.com/questions/207143/how-to-diagnose-upstart-errors says "/var/log/upstart/JOBNAME.log"04:12
wallyworldah found it04:12
* thumper goes back to write more tests04:12
thumperwallyworld: found the failure04:12
thumperor the log file04:12
jammine has: /bin/sh: 1: /bin/sh: cannot create /var/log/juju-jameinel-local/machine-0.log: Directory nonexistent04:12
wallyworldthe upstart script has the wrong log dir04:12
jamwhich doesn't bode well, I don't know why it would be trying to log there.04:12
wallyworldso the job fails04:12
wallyworldmine also says04:13
wallyworld/home/ian/jujulocal/tools/machine-0/jujud machine --data-dir '/home/ian/jujulocal' --machine-id 0 --debug >> /var/log/juju-ian-local/machine-0.log04:13
wallyworldsad trombone04:13
thumperand /var/log/juju-ian-local doesn't exist?04:14
wallyworldi have a ~/jujulocal/log04:14
wallyworldwhich is where the logs were written before i rebooted04:15
wallyworldso its just the upstart script that is wrong04:15
thumperI know what it is04:15
thumperthe upstart script is being rewritten04:15
thumperwith the wrong log dir04:15
wallyworldyep :-)04:15
thumperi fucking knew it04:15
thumperit shouldn't use the log dir from the agent04:15
thumperas that is wrong04:15
jamwallyworld, thumper: I see the same thing in my upstart, it is trying to redirect to /var/log/$STUFF but we should only be writing to /home/jameinel/.juju/local/$STUFF04:15
thumperit isn't what is used by the local provider04:15
thumperI have to finish this branch04:16
jamthumper: you mean it is using the $DIR that is bind mounted inside the LXC ?04:16
jamwell, machine-0 can't be bind mounted04:16
thumperjam, wallyworld: hangout? and I can explain what I think is the problem04:16
thumperthen I can go back to work04:16
wallyworldsure, i think i can find it anyway04:17
wallyworldbut let's talk to be sure04:17
jamthumper: technically, I'm not working and I have to go have breakfast, but feel free to chat with wallyworld04:17
wallyworldthumper: https://plus.google.com/hangouts/_/calendar/am9obi5tZWluZWxAY2Fub25pY2FsLmNvbQ.mf0d8r5pfb44m16v9b2n5i29ig?authuser=104:17
* thumper puts head back down04:25
wallyworlddavecheney: sooo, there is one showstopper - juju machine agent update script is wrong for local provider, so after a reboot, no machine 0 agent for you. that doesn't explain everything you are seeing perhaps, but that's the focus right now to be fixed04:27
thumperwallyworld:  https://codereview.appspot.com/7866004304:45
wallyworldthumper: i've fixed the issue, i think. gotta write a test and test live04:45
thumperI've missed a test04:45
thumperwallyworld: ack, and very cool, thanks04:45
* wallyworld will wait for test to be added04:45
thumperlboxing now04:47
* thumper waits...04:47
wallyworldthumper: did you now destroy env for local doesn't remove the upstrat scripts?04:48
thumperwallyworld: it should04:48
wallyworldwell, it didn't just now04:48
thumperthat's a bug...04:48
wallyworldi'll file 2 bugs04:49
thumperit should use the same mechanism that manual provider uses04:49
thumperto remove the script04:49
thumperit is possible that manual agent removal is broken too04:49
thumperwallyworld: test updated and pushed04:49
wallyworld1 bug for upstart script creation for local, one for removal04:49
thumperwallyworld: the only drive-by there, is a change of an existing job04:49
thumperfrom "host units" to "all"04:49
thumperas the lock dir is needed on all machines04:50
* thumper thinks04:50
thumperoh... ick04:50
* thumper thinks some more and looks at code04:50
thumperI remember why we did it... but it is icky04:51
thumperthe only machine that is not "host units" is a local provider state machine04:51
thumperas normal state machines also host units04:52
thumperso we don't try to run it on machine 0 for local04:52
thumperwhich is right04:52
thumperactually doesn't hurt04:53
thumperbecause it uses agent dir04:53
thumperand it only tries to chown if there exists a /home/ubuntu04:54
thumperso I'd rather keep it as "all machines" as it better describes what is intended04:54
wallyworldsounds reasonable04:56
wallyworldthumper: my fix works and we now have a valid all-machines-log symlink :-D04:59
wallyworldit wasn't valid before05:00
wallyworldso looking good, Vern05:00
wallyworldthumper: sadly, i changed the code and no tests failed :-(05:01
thumperpossible to write a test to save us next time?05:02
wallyworldyep, that's the plan05:02
wallyworldi always write a test when fixing a bug05:02
thumperthat's because you're AWESOME!05:02
* wallyworld blushes05:02
wallyworldthumper: that destoy env thing  - i used --force cause machine agent wasn't running. it left behind upstart scripts as well as mongo process etc. so not really a show stopper i guess05:04
thumperwallyworld: we already have a bug for making --force clean up more05:04
thumperlets just make sure we do it next week05:04
* thumper has hit EOW05:05
thumperI've approved that branch and hope it lands05:05
thumperlater folks...05:06
=== vladk is now known as vladk|away
=== vladk|away is now known as vladk
arosaleswaigani_, hello05:26
arosalessorry I missed your ping05:26
waigani_arosales: hello :)05:26
waigani_I was looking for some ec2 creds. Are you the right person to talk to?05:27
davecheneywaigani_: hp man, hp05:27
waigani_arosales: s/ec2/hp05:28
arosaleswaigani_, hp I can do let me get those to you.05:30
bloodearnestok, lxc-clone: true is like, the best thing EVAR. You guys have made me a non-trival % more productive. 2 months before review time too! Thanks! :D05:35
axwno power and no coffee makes axw go something something05:45
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axwsigh, gotta restart - hotplugging display link doesn't seem to work since too well since I upgraded05:47
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waigani_axw: what's going on?05:58
axwwaigani_: with hotplugging?05:58
waigani_thumper said you lost power or something today?05:59
axwwaigani_: oh yeah, power outage all morning05:59
waigani_ha, that sucks for you05:59
waigani_pen and paper coding...06:00
axwI had like 10 minutes left on my laptop before it came back on06:00
waigani_oh nice06:00
axwcouldn't do much without coffee though ;p06:00
axwcaffeine dependence is the price for flavoursome mornings06:01
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wallyworldfwereade: i'm off to soccer. here's a small mp that fixes a critical 1.17.7 issue to do with local provider logging and upstart config https://codereview.appspot.com/7873004307:58
axwwallyworld: what makes you think it's incorrect? thumper found that rsyslog has an apparmor profile that only allows it to write in /var/log/...08:05
* axw plays with it08:05
wallyworldaxw: the symlink was wrong08:05
wallyworldthe branch fixes it08:06
axwok, I'll take a look.08:06
wallyworldthe symlink in ~/.juju/local/log didn't point to /var/log/...08:06
wallyworldthe upstart file was also wrong so that a reboot didn't restart the local machine agent08:07
* wallyworld -> soccer08:07
rogpeppemornin' all08:15
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vladkgood morning08:34
axwmorning vladk08:42
axwwaigani: I've already done the local provider Destroy vs. broken environments (except for one last thing which I'm doing now), so reassigning the card to myself09:05
* davecheney waves to wwitzel3 09:36
axwhey wwitzel309:38
axwdavecheney: did you got to the bottom of why local on ppc doesn't survive reboot?09:43
davecheneyaxw: not yet09:56
davecheneyit's hard to reproduce the problem09:56
davecheneyit might be juju-mongodb09:57
axwdavecheney: ok, just wondering if it was connected to the bug wallyworld raised10:03
_mup_Bug #1295501: local provider upstart script broken <local-provider> <logging> <juju-core:In Progress by wallyworld> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1295501>10:04
dimiternmgz, hey10:24
dimiternmgz, how is it going with the state changes?10:25
perrito666good morning10:27
dimiternfwereade, hey10:27
fwereadedimitern, heyhey10:28
dimiternfwereade, re state changes for vlans10:28
fwereadedimitern, yeah10:28
dimiternfwereade, you're thinking of having 2 new collections - serviceNetworks and machineNetworks?10:28
dimiternfwereade, or the latter will just be a couple of fields in the machine doc?10:28
fwereadedimitern, yeah -- serviceNetworks needs NoNetworks, machineNetworks just needs Networks10:28
dimiternmorning perrito66610:28
fwereadedimitern, I'm generally against extending entity documents10:29
fwereadedimitern, we have a history of screwing up watcher behaviour by doing so10:29
dimiternfwereade, why just networks for machines?10:29
perrito666fwereade: turns out the rsyslog thing has actually changed, apparently restore is broken, but since tests didn't pass before we did not know10:29
dimiternfwereade, we should list both included and excluded ones i think10:29
perrito666axw: thanks for the mail :)10:29
fwereadedimitern, because the machine stuff is the record of reality, while the service stuff is the specification10:29
fwereadedimitern, it's like hardware characteristics vs constraints10:30
dimiternfwereade, so to get both we need to fetch the service's excluded networks and use the machine's included networks10:30
axwperrito666: no worries10:31
fwereadedimitern, ah-ha, thank you, something has crystallised in my mind10:31
dimiternfwereade, yeah?10:31
fwereadedimitern, so, looking forward, we'll want to be able to add machines with net/nonet specifications10:31
dimiternfwereade, not so forward even10:31
dimiternfwereade, i thought that was one of the basic features we're aiming to have for maas10:32
fwereadedimitern, at the moment we take that info purely from the assigned units10:32
fwereadedimitern, we kinda elided that in favour of servce-only10:32
fwereadedimitern, but the forces in play are actually the same as for constraints10:33
fwereadedimitern, are you familiar with machine constraints?10:33
dimiternfwereade, hmm.. but how about the networker worker - where will it record what networks it started/not started for a machine? and where to get which ones to process in the first place? the service?10:33
dimiternfwereade, not that much10:33
fwereadedimitern, ok, so when we create a new machine for a unit to live on, we record the constraints in play (env/service combination) and subsequently use those when provisioning the machine10:34
fwereadedimitern, this is a bit different to the model we thought we'd have for networks, but it shouldn't be, I think10:35
dimiternfwereade, yeah - so we compute the effective set and save it with the machine10:35
fwereadedimitern, exactly10:35
fwereadedimitern, same deal10:35
fwereadedimitern, and this means that it's trivial to create a machine without units, but with net/nonet specification, and store that directly10:35
fwereadedimitern, so in fact my "call it serviceNetworks" thing on mgz's review was wrong10:35
dimiternfwereade, why would you do that?10:36
dimiternfwereade, net/nonet spec should always go with a service10:36
dimiternfwereade, well... except in case "i know what i'm doing, just give me a machine like that"10:36
fwereadedimitern, people do sometimes like to create machines ahead of time and leave them idle, even if they know what they will want to do with them in future10:36
fwereadedimitern, yeah10:36
dimiternfwereade, why was your comment about serviceNetworks wrong?10:37
fwereadedimitern, because we need to store net/nonet data for both services and machines10:37
dimiternfwereade, true10:38
fwereadedimitern, (mgz, perrito666): and this means we want globalKey ids, not serviceName keys10:38
dimiternfwereade, what will the key be? either serviceName or machineId ?10:38
fwereadedimitern, (mgz, perrito666): and *then* subsequently we want to store, separately, what-the-machine-actually-got, analogous to HardwareCharacteristics10:38
fwereadedimitern, it should be the entity's globalKey10:38
fwereadedimitern, like constraints/settings/any other collection that assoicates with multiple entity types10:39
dimiternfwereade, i see10:40
dimiternfwereade, sgtm10:40
dimiternfwereade, i'll look some more into constraints / hardwarecharacteristics10:41
rogpeppedimitern, fwereade, mgz: standup?10:46
rogpeppewallyworld: ^10:46
dimiternjam, ^^10:47
dimiternoh, he's probably off today right10:48
perrito666hey, can I bzr switch to a tag?10:52
wwitzel3natefinch: I merged in trunk and fixed some conflicts on my copy of 030-MA-HA and I'm pushing that up now11:14
wwitzel3natefinch: I need a copy of your latest fixes though, I don't have the environment fixes11:15
voidspacerogpeppe: grabbing coffee, stretching my limbs and returning11:22
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wwitzel3natefinch: actually you should probably merge your stuff with trunk before pushing it up, since you will actually have all the changes and I'll just have to merge again when I pull your branch11:26
natefinchwwitzel3: ok11:27
=== psivaa_ is now known as psivaa
wallyworldaxw: you still around?11:54
axwwallyworld: I am now12:05
wallyworldaxw: the reason the upstart script failed is because the output file is is being redirected to doesn't exist12:05
wallyworldjam had the same problem12:06
axwwallyworld: why doesn't it exist?12:06
wallyworldcause local provider creates a log file elsewhere12:06
wallyworldnot in /var/lib/juju12:06
wallyworldmy changes fix the issue and also repair the brokem symlink12:07
axwwallyworld: see my comment in launchpad - it's not broken on my system. so there's something more at play here12:07
wallyworldie all-machines.log -> /var/log/juju-ian-local/all-machines.log12:07
dimiternwallyworld, it /var/log/juju-<namespace/12:07
wallyworldfull path: <juju local root dir>/log/all-machines.log -> /var/log/juju-ian-local/all-machines.log12:08
wallyworldthe above was broken12:08
axwwallyworld: machine-0.log is written into ~/.juju/local/log. all-machines.log is written into /var/log/juju-<namespace>12:08
axwwallyworld: and symlinks in either direction12:08
dimiternmgz, i'll take over your lp:~gz/juju-core/networks_state_doc branch to finish it off and land it, cause it's blocking 2 of my other branches12:09
wallyworldi agree with the first bit12:09
wallyworldrsyslog writes to /var/log/juju-blah/all-machines.log12:10
mgzdimitern: it's done, I'll land12:10
wallyworldthe symlink in juju local log points to that12:10
dimiternmgz, ah, good morning :)12:10
wallyworldbefore my changes the symlink pointed somewhere that didn't exist (can't recall where now)12:11
axwwell that is not the case on my machine12:11
wallyworldand my changes also fix the broken upstart script12:11
axwI don't know what you mean about the upstart script being broken12:11
wallyworldwonder why it's differnet for you? it was broken for me john dave12:11
axwthat is also not broken on my machine12:11
mgzdimitern: hm, I need an lgtm still12:12
wallyworldthe upstart script is broken because it redirects output to a non existant log file12:12
wallyworldhence it fails12:12
wallyworldand machine agent doesn't start12:12
fwereademgz, dimitern: can you scroll back? I diuscussed some stuff that needs to be a touch different with dimitern12:12
axwI don't know, but we need to get to the bottom of it. because the change you proposed will break in another way when we do the agent.conf LogDir->rsyslog worker change12:12
dimiternmgz, can you propose your changes from last reviews, i'll take a look12:12
fwereademgz, if you would land that joyent branch instead I would be most grateful12:13
axwwallyworld: right, so the same issue in both cases12:13
axwwallyworld: i.e. the root cause is that the log file doesn't exist12:13
dimiternmgz, yeah, and look at the scrollback12:13
axwwallyworld: sounds suspiciously like permissions. did you change root-dir at all?12:13
wallyworldnot that i know of12:13
bodie_morning all12:14
mgzfwereade: ah, okay12:14
wallyworldaxw: i'm not recalling the rsyslog worker change you mention12:14
axwwallyworld: is this on your machine, or on ppc?12:14
wallyworldmy machine12:14
mgzer... so, I'm not sure how to untie it from servie12:14
axwwallyworld: the bit about propagating MachineConfig.LogDir -> agent.Config -> worker/rsyslog12:14
wallyworldi think it failed for dave on ppc, not sure12:14
axwwallyworld: atm worker/rsyslog hard codes /var/log/juju-<namespace>12:14
wallyworldok, i didn't realise we were doing that12:15
axwwallyworld: it will need to, to support debug-log on local12:15
wallyworldmakes sense to change it12:15
dimiternaxw, actually it's worse - it hardcodes agent.DefalultLogDir, which is /var/log/juju/12:15
axwdimitern: yeah, I think log/syslog tacks on the namespace12:16
* axw checks12:16
wallyworldso, weird that it works for some but not others it seems12:16
dimiternmgz, i have some ideas and we discussed the way forward with fwereade, so if you're willing, just propose what you have so far and I can take it over and finish it, so you can do the joyent change12:17
mgzfwereade: in fact, apart from undoing hte renaming I've done, I'm not sure what you want, it already uses the same keys as constraints etc12:17
wallyworldaxw: so this was the upstart bit that was wrong12:17
wallyworld/home/ian/jujulocal/tools/machine-0/jujud machine --data-dir '/home/ian/jujulocal' --machine-id 0 --debug >> /var/log/juju-ian-local/machine-0.log12:17
wallyworldmachine 0 log should not be in /var/log12:17
wallyworldit is in juju local log12:18
dimiternwallyworld, it's not, it's symlinked there from local log dir12:18
wallyworldthat's what my change does12:18
axwwallyworld: right, but there's a symlink...12:18
wallyworldnot on the broken systems12:18
wallyworldthe only symlink i had/have is the all machines one12:18
wallyworldwhich was also wrong12:18
dimiternwallyworld, and it really should be in /var/log/juju-<namespace>/, because rsyslog have access only to /var/log/12:19
axwwallyworld: so you have stuff going to /home/ian/jujulocal rather than /home/ian/.juju/local, which suggests root-dir has been changed12:19
axwwallyworld: I'll see if that has anyhting to do with it12:19
wallyworldi did change root dir12:19
wallyworldbut john didn't12:19
wallyworldand it broke for him the same way12:19
dimiternwallyworld, was there 1.16->1.17 upgrade involved with this local env my any chance?12:20
wallyworldi just started a local provider from turnk12:20
dimiternah, ok12:20
mgzfwereade: the joyent storage branch has conflicts12:20
axwwallyworld: still works when I do that...12:21
=== vladk|lunch is now known as vladk
* wallyworld shrugs12:21
wallyworlddimitern: axw: i just got back from soccer and need to go eat. i'll bbiab12:21
mgzthe bigger issue is I'm not sure if dstroppa wants the move of gojyent in or not12:21
bodie_juju-mongodb is broken on 14.0412:21
axwwallyworld: nps, I'll keep investigating12:21
bodie_I'm thinking of building from source just so I can make use of my workstation12:21
mgzI guess I just try to land as is, and we can fiddle with deps later12:22
bodie_do I need to remove juju-mongo from my path until things are cleared up?12:22
bodie_rather, juju is broken wrt juju-mongo...12:23
wwitzel3fwereade: I am unable to replicate bug 1294776 on my local MAAS even after upgrading the provider and node to 14.0412:24
_mup_Bug #1294776: No debug-log with MAAS, 14.04 and juju-core 1.17.5 <logging> <regression> <juju-core:Triaged by wwitzel3> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1294776>12:24
wwitzel3jamespage: ^12:24
axwdimitern: btw, worker/rsyslog does do the appending of namespace to logdir (at the bottom of newRsyslogConfigHandler - a little bit non-obvious)12:24
jamespagewwitzel3, I see that on openstack as well btw12:25
jamespagejust updated that bug12:25
axwjamespage: did you see my comment?12:27
jamespageaxw, it does have rsyslog-gnutls installed12:27
jamespage(the paste was from 1.17.6 openstack deploy)12:28
axwjamespage: thanks, hadn't seen the paste12:28
jamespageaxw, only just did it :-)12:29
axwjamespage: and the ls -l please, if you didn't see that12:29
* jamespage is testing 1.17.6 prior to asking the release team for an ack on an upload12:29
jamespageaxw, that paste is foobar12:30
jamespage(the apt-cache policy one)12:30
jamespagewrong box12:30
axwheh, so I see12:30
jamespageaxw, pasted right one this time!12:30
axwhrm, ok, doesn't really shed any light unfortunately12:31
axwwallyworld: when you get back, can you please destroy your env, remove any /var/log/juju*, remove ~/jujulocal, and bootstrap with --debug?12:33
axwthen pastebin that and ~/jujulocal/log/cloud-init-output.log12:34
axwwallyworld: just gonna dist-upgrade and see if that's it12:34
wwitzel3jamespage: thanks for the update12:34
jamespagewwitzel3, np - if you want me to poke anything else just ping me here - don't always look at bugs straight away12:35
axwwallyworld: no difference for me after dist-upgrading, so it's not a new policy...12:40
wallyworldaxw: trying again now, just deleting stuff12:40
wallyworldaxw: deleting all that stuff and trying again, seems to have fixed it. there's now a /var/log/juju-ian-local/machine-0.log symlink and the all machines one is correct12:44
wallyworldmust have been left over root stuff12:44
wallyworldbut bad that we didn't error12:45
axwstrange even12:45
wallyworldi think we need to do a local 1.16 or 1.17 set up and destroy and then try again with 1.1812:45
axwI'd like to repro... there's obviously something that needs to be fixed12:45
axwI'll try that in a bit12:46
wallyworldok, i'm a bot too weary to do much more tonight12:46
axwnps, I will dig in and let you know how I get on12:46
wallyworldok, i'll update the bug12:47
bodie_confirming juju-core works on 14.04 with source build of mongodb12:52
dimiternwallyworld, axw, btw I have this handy cleanup-juju script to obliterate mercilessly any remnants of a local environment: http://paste.ubuntu.com/7130453/ (call as sudo cleanup-juju and change localenv to your envname - preferably unique for pgrep's sake, and obviously dimitern to your username)12:57
wallyworldcool, will be handy thanks12:58
dimiternsometime you need to run it twice in a row if the agents/mongodb are doing stuff to clean up all12:59
axwthanks dimitern12:59
* dimitern thinks it's about time for another "snippet" type blog post13:00
mgzgah, damn criss-crosses13:16
mgzI think I;m screwed13:17
rogpeppemgz: if you have a moment at some point, i'd really like to find out why the 'bot keeps getting "lock held" messages, which break the config-changed hook13:21
rogpeppemgz: sample message: Unable to obtain lock  held by go-bot@bazaar.launchpad.net on taotie (process #21172), acquired 4 seconds ago.13:21
_mup_Bug #21172: libnotify pops balloons on top of fullscreen window (e.g. screensaver ) <libnotify (Ubuntu):Fix Released by mvo> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/21172>13:21
mgzrogpeppe: because it's doing things13:21
mgzwe talked about this the other day, you can manually take the lock on the machine, but it should mostly be harmless13:21
mgzfwereade: so, I;m being partly hosed on the joyent storage landing because ian/daniele landed some of the history, without the changes, as an unrelated bug fix in r240113:24
mgzwhich is requiring some major unpicking13:24
fwereademgz, ouch13:24
fwereademgz, btw, anything significant in the call yesterday?13:25
mgzno, didn't happen as neither antonio or the other joyent guy could make it13:25
mgzwanted to catch up with daniele but missed him13:25
=== psivaa is now known as psivaa-afk
sinzuijamespage, do you have any advice for Bug #129560913:40
_mup_Bug #1295609: Unable to bootstrap local provider, missing juju-mongodb dependency <mongodb> <packaging> <juju-core:Triaged> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1295609>13:40
dimiternI was just hit by that after the last update - had to install juju-mongodb to be able to bootstrap13:41
sinzuidimitern, I was misguided. I restored the previous packaging rule believing juju *preferred* juju-mongodb, but would fall back to mongodb-server13:42
sinzuiWithout fallback we need to create different packaging rules for the series.13:42
dimiternsinzui, yeah seems so13:43
sinzuiwell, maybe jamespage has a clever idea13:43
jamespagesinzui, I've switched to have only juju-mongodb in the packaging to enforce the dependency13:59
jamespagebut I've not got a release team ack on that yet13:59
natefinchwwitzel3: I made the fix William suggested in the meeting and I merged from main, rerunning the tests now14:00
sinzuijamespage, you did that for just the trusty packaging?14:00
jamespagesinzui, yes14:00
wwitzel3natefinch: great, is that pushed up?14:00
jamespagesinzui, I've not got an ack for the upload just yet14:00
sinzuihmm, in my case mongosb-server would be listed as removable, but I shouldn't do that if I have an env up14:00
jamespagesinzui, obviously that breaks on older releases so its not a clean backport14:01
natefinchwwitzel3: the fix william suggested is (though there's one syntax error that I missed somehow.... but it'll be obvious).  After the merge I'm getting compile errors in the build, so I'm figuring those out now14:01
jamespagesinzui, indeed it would14:01
sinzuijamespage, I can update the packaging in a few hours for trusty users of the ppa.14:01
jamespagesinzui, OK _ hoping for an ack on the 1.17.6 upload14:02
jamespageI tested on local, maas and openstack OK14:02
sinzuijamespage, oh, I was pondering using this on HP cloud to create a 5 node maas for Juju CI http://manage.jujucharms.com/~virtual-maasers/precise/virtual-maas14:03
sinzuijamespage, Do you think it would work?14:03
jamespagesinzui, ah - we might have a good plan on that14:03
jamespagesinzui, rharper in my team has hacked together a openstack integration for MAAS14:03
jamespagesinzui, so he can have MAAS control openstack instances that netboot and install like regular nodes14:04
sinzuijamespage, He has been updating http://manage.jujucharms.com/~canonical-ci/precise/virtual-maas14:04
jamespagesinzui, yeah - he started looking at that stuff14:05
jamespagesinzui, and then he and smoser hacked on this approach as well14:05
jamespagelemme ping him14:05
jamespagesinzui, the nice thing about this is we could just charm it all up and deploy multiple different series on serverstack as test environments14:05
smosersinzui, hp cloud doesn't expose nuetron does it?14:06
smoserthe limiting factor for all of this is that you have to get a second network from the primary.14:06
smoserbecause you're not going to successfully run a dhcp server on your primary interface.14:06
natefinchrogpeppe: what's with this error?  It's not the normal syntax error string... there's no filename or anything:  src/launchpad.net/juju-core/cmd/juju$ go test14:07
natefinch# testmain14:07
natefinchlaunchpad.net/juju-core/testing/testbase.PatchEnvPathPrepend(0): not defined14:07
natefinchtype.launchpad.net/juju-core/testing/testbase.Restorer(0): not defined14:07
natefinchFAILlaunchpad.net/juju-core/cmd/juju [build failed]14:07
smoserit will work on canonistack or server stack, but i could'nt find a public cloud that exposed both neutron and used kvm.14:07
smoserperhaps you could make this work on xen hvm (rackspace).14:07
sinzuismoser, yeah, the network has been a factor in other things I need to test.14:07
axwnatefinch: waigani was getting that, had to delete the pkg dir14:08
natefinchaxw: I thought it might be something like that. Thanks.14:08
smoserbut what rharper has done is really REALLY cool.14:09
smoserif we could get a public cloud that had kvm and neutron, then anyone with a credit card could trivially deploy maas14:09
smoserand it tests pretty much all of maas (from pxe boot to power control)14:09
sinzuismoser, :/ so I probably need to wait, but with some research I might find a cloud that will work14:11
sinzuismoser, I am not familiar with joyent's setup, might that be viable when they are available?14:11
smoseri went looking a few days ago.14:12
smoserand didn't find anything really.14:12
smoserthe closest to having hte necessary pieces are EC2 and rackspace that i know of14:12
smoserand both of those are xen.14:12
smoserwhich adds a wrinkle.14:12
smoserand you can't specify '--kernel' on EC2, so thats another wrinkel14:12
sinzuithank you very much smoser. At least know the criteria to pull this off. Not next week though as I hoped14:13
* sinzui copies conversation14:13
smoseron a "full openstack" like you get on canonistack or server stack, its doable.14:14
smoserand really very cool to see.14:14
dimiternmgz, you've got a review on https://codereview.appspot.com/77270046/14:24
rharperjamespage: sinzui  re:virtual-maas charm; I'm currently using the non-juju mode of it; I've got an update to setup-maas and pulled in a few scripts (partially based on the maas-to-libvirt-tools) to automate the creation/registration of the nodes14:24
sinzuirharper, great news. That would be more helpful to me14:25
sinzuirharper, I hesitate to run a 5 node vmaas on canonistack. I moved most of juju-ci off that cloud because we were using most of the resources14:26
rharpersinzui: I've got a deadline I'm working toward next week, but after that, I can push a branch against virtual-maas charm with the changes for review -- I have a branch, but not pushed against upstream maas; though I'm currently  applying the nova power type patch in-line in virtual-maas charm since we're working with 1.4.X maas out of the cloud-archive14:28
=== psivaa-afk is now known as psivaa
* sinzui nods14:29
natefinchwwitzel3: well, frig, the fakeuploadtools thing was working before I merged from main :/14:31
wwitzel3natefinch: I'm in a similar boat, I can't bootstrap a 14.04 node on maas with trunk .. it was working before I pulled14:33
natefinchwwitzel3: I just pushed up a merge from main.14:33
natefinchwwitzel3: it doesn't fix anything, but at least we'll both be broken with the same code14:33
wwitzel3natefinch: k, will pull it down .. is the fakeuploadtools broken in a test as well? or just when trying to use local provider?14:34
natefinchwwitzel3: the fake upload tools stuff is not related to the local provider.  There seemed to be some confusion about that in the standup.  The local provider is broken.  What was fixed yesterday was just being able to run the bootstrap tests we'd been working on.  Of course, now those tests are broken again14:39
wwitzel3natefinch: ok, that was my fault14:41
perrito666ah I finally caught the bug :D14:42
perrito666rogpeppe: have a sec?14:42
wwitzel3natefinch: I will take a peak at these tests, see what I see14:42
natefinchwwitzel3: there's a panic in bootstrapsuite not being able to find the tools , even though the first thing we do is upload the tools.  I tested that before I merged from main and it worked.  I don't know why it's different now14:49
axwrogpeppe: part one of removing things we don't need to do now that we have synchronous bootstrap :)14:49
wwitzel3natefinch: tried to do a bisect for more details, but sadly it doesn't know how to step through the commits that make up the merge, so it just tells me that r2288 is bad and gives me the diff between that and r2286 .. lol, not helpful15:39
mgzdimitern: on your review, I can revert the naming easily enough, but I think I need your help understanding some state sublties15:46
mgzif you have a mo to walk me through some things15:46
mgzdimitern: er, you porbably missed that, I'll requery15:52
dimiternmgz, yep, my internet started acting funny15:53
wwitzel3natefinch: fixed the BootstrapSuite16:04
natefinchwwitzel3: wow sweet.  What did you do?16:04
wwitzel3natefinch: we were uploading the tools to newly created stor and then never doing anything with it. So I changed it to just upalod the tools to env.Storage()16:05
wwitzel3natefinch: pushed16:06
wwitzel3natefinch: that was a lie .. I can't type my password right .. pushing now16:06
wwitzel3natefinch: ok, you can grab it lp:~wwitzel3/juju-core/030-MA-HA16:08
natefinchwwitzel3: you shouldn't need to type your password every time.... I haven't typed mine in months... not even sure what my password is, to be honest16:08
wwitzel3natefinch: i know, i know, I just haven't setup an agent yet16:08
perrito666natefinch: I type mine every time, default ubuntu server install lacks an agent and I am too lazy to set up one16:09
natefinchcan't you just get it to use your launchpad key?  maybe I set up an agent and it's been too long, I don't know16:11
perrito666natefinch: I get a decent linux work machine this afternoon :) Ill take the time to set up my workspace correctly16:12
wwitzel3natefinch: my lp key has a passphrase, I'm not typing my lp password16:13
natefinchwwitzel3: oh, I see. Yeah, I don't think I put a passphrase on mine.  Too lazy.16:13
perrito666natefinch: ah, yes, same here than wwitzel316:14
perrito666natefinch: we are differents kind of lazy16:14
natefinchI only use my LP key for lp, so no one could do anything with it except commit as me ;)16:14
natefinchwwitzel3: thanks for the fix. I must have messed it up when I converted to using upload tools, I swear it worked at one point, but maybe I'm just crazy :)16:15
wwitzel3natefinch: could of been an artifact of the merge16:15
mgzeval `ssh-agent`; ssh-add16:15
mgzis not very hard...16:15
* perrito666 crafts a particularly egregious commit that angers all of the most violent devs... using natefinch key16:16
perrito666amazon restored16:16
perrito666restore missing state server16:16
perrito666fwereade: :D it worked16:16
wwitzel3mgz: thanks, done :)16:17
* fwereade cheers at perrito66616:17
wwitzel3natefinch: ok, so now it is just local provider?16:18
mgzdimitern, fwereade: state networks branch should be good to go, you may just want to look over last changes/comments16:31
natefinchwwitzel3: sorry, had to go for a bit for some family stuff.  back now.  Yes, just local provider16:42
vladkdimitrin: do you have a moment to look over https://codereview.appspot.com/78660045/ ?16:42
vladkdimitern: do you have a moment to look over https://codereview.appspot.com/78660045/ ?16:42
natefinchwwitzel3: well, I found the source of one bug, possibly several... environs/cloudinit had its own constant for the mongo service name16:47
dimiternvladk, reviewed16:48
natefinchwwitzel3: er environs/cloudinit.go16:48
natefinchand this is why you only define constants in *one* place16:48
natefinchwwitzel3: local provider was also creating its own mongo service name16:49
natefinchwwitzel3: in provider/local/environ.go16:50
natefinchwwitzel3: I haven't fixed anything yet, just finding some problems so far16:50
wwitzel3natefinch: ok wil start poking around from there17:01
natefinchwwitzel3: I'm working on basically removing all reference to MongoServiceName everywhere, no one needs to know it except the thing creating the upstart service.  I added a RemoveService() function to the mongo package to replace one place where we were using the name outside that package17:14
perrito666hey, could anyone with bash fu take a look at https://codereview.appspot.com/78870043 ?17:22
perrito666thank you17:22
mgzperrito666: I do not fulfill the requirement :)17:28
perrito666mgz: my fault, I just committed go code and yet I request a bash dev to check it :p17:28
natefinchperrito666: sorry, my bash is possibly worse than my spanish, and I haven't taken spanish in 20 years.17:30
mgzwe need scott or someone :)17:30
perrito666natefinch: well I havent taken spanish in about 13 yrs and I am pretty good at it :p17:30
mgzliving is south america is cheating17:31
mgzthen again, living in the US should be cheating too17:31
natefinchperrito666: I can ask where the bathroom is, and that's about it.  If bash involves more than calling commands and optionally piping into other commands, I'm out17:31
perrito666well `find . -iname "bathroom"`17:32
natefinchI never understood why they didn't write the command so I could just say find bathroom like a normal person.17:33
natefinchor possibly find bathroom .17:33
rogpeppeperrito666: looking17:34
perrito666natefinch: normal people dont use find to find out where the bathroom is17:34
natefinchperrito666: I've never been accused of being normal :)17:34
rogpeppeperrito666: reviewed17:52
rogpeppenatefinch: bash is a ridiculous shell17:52
perrito666rogpeppe: lovely thank you17:53
natefinchrogpeppe: this is why I don't write shell scripts.  Why write in some wacky language when you can write in a real language?17:54
rogpeppenatefinch: 'cos the basic shell syntax is almost perfect for human use17:54
rogpeppenatefinch: and pipes are awesome17:55
perrito666rogpeppe: yes, just humans who are not suitable for bash17:55
perrito666rogpeppe: [[ $agent = unit-* ]] && [ -d "$agent/state/relations" ] does not do the same as my test17:55
natefinchrogpeppe: the only part of the shell syntax that seems at all logical is pipes17:55
bodie_some people practically only use bash17:55
rogpeppei only use rc17:55
perrito666relations will exist, its the folders under it that wont17:55
natefinchbodie_: some people sleep on beds of nails, too.17:55
bodie_I worked at digitalocean with a guy from IBM who pretty much only knew Bash, but muddled along with other languages when necessary17:55
bodie_i tried to reason with him17:56
rogpeppeperrito666: i think my test is equivalent to yours17:56
rogpeppeperrito666: (your test only checked that ls could read the relations directory, AFAICS)17:56
natefinchpretty much any time I need a conditional statement, I drop into a real language (python or go, pretty much, and my python's getting rusty)17:56
bodie_who needs conditionals when you can have one-line perl maps from hell?  heh17:57
natefinchbodie_: I also never write regexes unless someone is twisting my arm17:57
natefinchbodie_: which pretty much puts perl off limits, which is fine with me17:58
perrito666rogpeppe: nope, ls -A folder/ lists all inside it excepting . and ..17:58
bodie_haha, avoiding regex is always good.17:58
rogpeppeperrito666: yes; if the relations directory is empty, your test will succeed17:58
rogpeppeperrito666: it's possible you want if ls -d $agent/state/relations/*/* 2> /dev/null; then17:59
rogpeppeperrito666: or maybe go the same route as the other one and do: find $agent/state/relations -type f | xargs sed -i ...18:01
perrito666yeah find is more elegant in that case too, thank you18:01
rogpeppevoidspace: https://codereview.appspot.com/7889004318:12
=== vladk is now known as vladk|offline
voidspaceg'night all, have a good weekend18:28
natefinchwwitzel3: ug, accidentally deleted one extra line when I was removing references to MongoServiceName, and it took forever to figure out what was making things blow up in weird ways.18:38
rogpeppereview appreciated, if anyone has some time to spare: https://codereview.appspot.com/78890043/18:48
rogpeppeand that's me for the week18:49
rogpeppehappy weekends all!18:49
natefinchrogpeppe: happy weekend18:50
wwitzel3natefinch: I just got back from lunch, I dug a little bit on the local provider stuff before but no break throughs18:53
natefinchwwitzel3: yeah, me either.  I managed to break a lot of tests by changing the MongoServiceName stuff (mostly I think it's just that I need to mock out the new RemoveService()) method, since I'm getting access denied errors)19:04
natefinchwwitzel3: so, it looks like it's hanging on the line where we create transaction log collection.19:34
wwitzel3natefinch: ok19:34
wwitzel3natefinch: we had a problem there before too, before we were initializing the replicaset properly19:34
wwitzel3natefinch: probably related somehow19:35
natefinchwwitzel3: yeah, that's my thought, I'm looking now to see if maybe the local provider is somehow missing that step19:35
=== vladk|offline is now known as vladk
sinzuihi natefinch wwitzel3 , last juju devs awake. is rsyslog-gnutls a hard dependency for juju-local?19:56
sinzuiI ask because it does not exist for arm6419:56
=== vladk is now known as vladk|offline
natefinchwwitzel3: figured out at least part of it.  THe logic in ensure mongo server was bailing out before it actually initiated the service20:00
wwitzel3sinzui: with not great confidence, but based on my initial poking around, it looks like yes, it is a hard dep for juju-local20:01
wwitzel3natefinch: I thought we told it to wait there?20:01
wwitzel3natefinch: well, I guess .. can we tell it to wait there? :)20:02
natefinchwwitzel3: if it's already installed, but not running, we just run it, but we don't check to see if it's initiated.  I'm guessing the local provider is installing the service early or something20:02
wwitzel3natefinch: ohhh20:02
wwitzel3natefinch: good find20:03
sinzuiwwitzel3, natefinch I am also looking into packaging/publishing issues. The package might be available but the test images cannot see it20:03
natefinchsinzui: we definitely try to install the gnutils, but I have no idea how critical their use is. Definitely things currently will  break if it's not there20:04
sinzuinatefinch, I suspect the problem is ec2/ami. I don't think any of the universe packages are being seen20:05
natefinchsinzui: ahh, huh.  I have no idea if that's normal or not.20:06
sinzuinatefinch, nothing about the arm64 image is normal20:06
natefinchwwitzel3: I pushed up my code.  it doesn't actually fix things yet, but I think it's better. Mongo doesn't seem to like localhost as its hostname in the replicaset, which is something I remember from when I was twiddling with replicasets locally earlier.  I think it needs to use the local machine's hostname20:19
wwitzel3natefinch: yeah you can only used localhost/ if all of the members of the replicaset use localhost20:20
natefinchwwitzel3: well, you'd think a replicaset of one would be ok with localhost then20:21
wwitzel3natefinch: in theory it should be20:21
wwitzel3natefinch: http://docs.mongodb.org/manual/reference/replica-configuration/#local.system.replset.members[n].host20:22
natefinchwwitzel3: 2014-03-21 20:00:21 ERROR juju.cmd supercommand.go:300 failed to initiate mongo replicaset: couldn't initiate : can't find self in the replset config my port: 3701720:23
natefinchwwitzel3: I think I remember there needs to be a command line flag set for it to accept localhost20:23
wwitzel3natefinch: can you see what host it is trying ti use? is it for sure trying to use localhost?20:25
natefinchwwitzel3: double checked, definitely is "localhost"20:27
wwitzel3natefinch: ok20:27
wwitzel3natefinch: looks like the bind_ip would have to be for the localhost in replicaset to work.20:33
wwitzel3natefinch: so you're right, we need to use the actual machine hostname20:33
natefinchwwitzel3: I tried setting the bind_IP to too20:35
wwitzel3natefinch: well that *should* have worked20:36
wwitzel3natefinch: I was able to do it on my local machine that way anyway, which means squat20:37
natefinchwwitzel3: the trick looks to be that you need to include the port in the hostname when you use localhost20:37
natefinchwwitzel3: then bootstrap finishes on locval20:37
wwitzel3natefinch: ahh, I did do that20:37
natefinchwwitzel3: we were just passing in the hostname to initiate20:38
wwitzel3natefinch: nice so local is worky now too?20:38
natefinchwwitzel3: sort of, I hard coded adding the port to see if it would work, so I have to find a way in real code to do it.  But at least we know what the fix is20:38
natefinchwwitzel3: and bind_ip can stay, that works fine20:40
natefinchwwitzel3: actually, not that hard.  if address == "localhost", append :port.20:41
wwitzel3natefinch: :)20:42
natefinchwwitzel3: gah, bootstrap works but then juju can't connect to the API, so like juju status returns connection refused20:46
natefinchwwitzel3: pushed, at least20:46
wwitzel3natefinch: ok, I will take stab at it for a bit here20:47
natefinchEOD for me.  Have a good weekend everyone.20:55
wwitzel3same here21:00
bits3rpentHello everyone, I just uploaded a fix for the password logging bug. I would appreciate if anyone would review it. https://code.launchpad.net/~jwharshaw/juju-core/fixlogbuild/+merge/21165523:43

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