
yofelwgrant: is there any reason why launchpad likes to frequently fail builds without buildlog recently? e.g. https://launchpad.net/~kubuntu-ninjas/+archive/ppa/+build/583240300:35
yofelanything one can do to help with debugging?00:35
wgrantyofel: One of the VM host kernels seems to have become a little angry, and that build was unlucky enough to be dispatched to 5 VMs on that host in a row, all of which failed to start correctly.00:41
yofelso the solution would be to retry and hope all goes well when that happens?00:42
apacheloggerwgrant, yofel: fwiw that has happend at least for a month or so00:48
apacheloggerthere's at least one neon5 build per week that randomly fails without log ^^00:48
yofelyeah, usually about a dozen of our kde sc builds fail in every batch00:48
yofelusually still managable, but this time it's like 3 dozen builds, so retrying them by hand gets tiring :/00:49
yofelI think we had a retry script somewhere, I'll try to dig that out00:49
apacheloggeryofel: oh, I have a script00:49
apacheloggernot sure if it scales00:49
yofelwe have one from felix too, not sure where it is though00:50
apacheloggerwell, more like is-useful-outside-neon5 rather than scales ^^00:50
wgrantWe'll eventually have the new, reliable, non-hardy, non-unmaintained buildds that we've been promised for 18 months, and then maybe it will be fixed.00:50
wgrantSadly it's out of my hands.00:50
apacheloggeryou could just fork it FWIW, it's effectively like 5 sloc00:50
wgrantI can assure you I want them fixed a couple of orders of magnitude more than you do :)00:50
yofelwgrant: np, thanks for explaining at least :)00:51
apacheloggeryofel: oh, actually you just need to change  ppa = getPPAObject("neon", "kf5")00:52
apacheloggerruns through sources, checks for fails and retires all it can find00:52
apacheloggerif that is what you need anyway ^^00:52
yofelI just found the other one, kubuntu-retry-builds was in kubuntu-automation00:53
yofelIIRC that's what we used for retrying before we deprecated kde-sc-dev-latest00:53
apacheloggeron that note00:53
apacheloggerI think we need a card for refactoring that stuff00:53
yofelrefactor what?00:53
apacheloggerall the automation tooling00:53
apacheloggerthe ppa buildstatus script for example is very scrary from a design POV, what with having inline html code and stuff00:54
apacheloggernot that I would have implemented it any differently, it just isn't very extendable able ^^00:54
yofeland  there's a lot of code copied around in kubuntu-dev-tools and kubuntu-automation00:54
apacheloggerwhen one repeats words the mind is failing00:54
yofelnot that I really like how python libs are implemented though :/00:55
apacheloggerrewrite everything in perl00:55
yofelthere's lazr restfulclient for perl?00:55
apacheloggeryou don't need lazr restfulclient, you need a way to deal with http :P00:56
yofelone way would be to rewrite some parts in bash and make the python functions independent scripts that each access launchpad on their own.00:56
yofelBut that would be slow as hell00:56
apacheloggeryofel: what would be slow is python :P00:57
yofelfor our use case, not really00:57
apacheloggeractually I think it is00:57
wgrant>99% of the time will be spent in IO00:58
wgrantIt's nothing to do with Python.00:58
wgrantProbably more like 99.99%00:58
apacheloggerwgrant: so it's the REST that is so slow?00:58
wgrantThe HTTP requests in general00:58
wgrantLight is slow, and Launchpad is slow00:58
wgrantBut even the speed of life is enough to get it to 99% IO00:58
kubotuwgrant meant: "But even the speed of light is enough to get it to 99% IO"00:58
apacheloggerwell, I do not doubt the slowness of IO in general00:59
apacheloggereitherway, whether you end up calling bash to python or write it all in python there ought not be much noticable difference anyway, unless the script combo then ends up shoving godzillabytes up the pipe to the bash script01:00
yofelfor most our scripts, the python cpu and memory usage is negligible, their either stuck on HTTP or they run some subprocess that does most of the work01:00
wgrantCheck the CPU versus real time :)01:00
apacheloggerhehe, too much work01:01
apacheloggerall I know is that I have relatively simple scripts lingering around for like a minute01:01
yofelwell yeah, that's why most of the scripts are just python, if like inital upload which consists mostly of subprocess calls01:01
yofelonly kubuntu-batch-backport is batch as it doesn't need launchpad01:01
apacheloggerit is really the convenience factor that is important here IMO, if you need to do something with the data (as you almost always do) there's no point in splitting the scripts in a bash and python part01:03
apacheloggerotherwise you ned up seralizing on one end and deseralizing on the other, making the design moot again01:03
apacheloggerthe neon5 builder was originally architectured as a framework in bash, I even have code for it somewhere still ^^01:04
apacheloggerbut there you have no information that needs to go to the parent process01:04
apacheloggerkubotu: was that a power nap?01:06
apacheloggeryofel: created a card01:07
yofelhm, we even had a seperate board for the scripts https://trello.com/b/zgX4oTvx/kubuntu-automation01:08
yofelnot much happened for a while01:08
apacheloggerwe have too many boards01:08
apacheloggeralso they exist for too long01:08
apacheloggeralso no one looks at them01:09
apacheloggerhttps://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=313359 dem bug reports01:10
ubottuKDE bug 313359 in updater "Muon ktouchpadenabler not starting" [Normal,Unconfirmed]01:10
apacheloggerno version no nutin01:10
kubotu::workspace-bugs:: [1283820] content of windows (and desktop) appear black when using kwin, but not with kwin_gles - in... @ https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/1283820 (by avlas)03:29
ScottKWhoever touches kdeplasma-addons for the next upstream release, be sure to check bzr since I updated it.03:53
* shadeslayer looks at cards08:29
shadeslayerhurray http://qa.kubuntu.co.uk/ninjas-status/build_status_4.12.95_trusty.html08:29
yofelI wonder what's causing the corruption all the time08:33
* shadeslayer uploads homerun instead08:33
shadeslayerxnox: halp 118278408:54
shadeslayerbug 118278408:54
ubottubug 1182784 in ubiquity (Ubuntu) "Install with German / Swiss Keyboard fails: "ubi-console-setup failed with exit code 141" or "Installer Crashed"" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/118278408:54
xnoxshadeslayer: stgraber moved from switzerland to canada, we don't need those layouts anymore.08:55
xnoxshadeslayer: i believe was slangasek's response =))))08:55
shadeslayertell that to the swiss08:56
xnoxshadeslayer: stgraber is the swiss =)08:56
shadeslayertell that to the swiss who are reporting bugs :P08:56
shadeslayerbecause I am not going anywhere near them, everyone there probably has guns in their houses08:56
xnoxshadeslayer: the did non-trivial things with French/Swiss layout. But i have no idea if that somehow affected other Swissish layouts.08:56
yofeljust move all of them to canada :P08:56
yofelonly 75% swiss left in switzerland anyway 08:57
shadeslayerliberate canada!08:57
xnoxyofel: sure, let's call a referendum! oh wait, US will not recognise it.08:57
xnoxshadeslayer: anyway, yeah the bug needs looking into and fixing. But i'm not working on that at the moment.08:58
shadeslayerxnox: I'm not even sure where/how to begin08:58
xnoxshadeslayer: well leave it. As a workaround, the user can just install e.g. with english or plain french keyboard layouts, and enable swiss keyboard post-install.08:59
shadeslayerxnox: but wouldn't that screw with keymaps when setting up a username/pw09:00
xnoxshadeslayer: not really. As it's always still english during username/pw stage, i thought. Or one can change layouts (at least on ubuntu flavor) using the keyboard indicator on the top.09:01
shadeslayermmm ... not on Kubuntu, the only way you can do that is via the keyboard layout thing, and I thought the username/pw stage honoured the keymap settings09:03
shadeslayerif it does not, then you might end up with a different password?09:03
shadeslayerhi cortexA909:33
cortexA9hi shadeslayer 09:34
cortexA9shadeslayer: what about kde 4.12.95?09:36
shadeslayerI'm not releasing it :P09:36
shadeslayerbecause I don't like bug reports09:36
shadeslayercortexA9: http://qa.kubuntu.co.uk/ninjas-status/build_status_4.12.95_trusty.html09:36
cortexA9shadeslayer: yeah i see09:36
shadeslayercortexA9: I'll try and get it done by lunch today09:37
shadeslayerso we can have some testing09:37
cortexA9shadeslayer: oh nice man09:38
lordievaderGood morning09:43
shadeslayerhm, no sgclark09:49
shadeslayerprobably asleep09:50
shadeslayeryofel: I think we're done with 4.12.95 \o/09:51
yofeluntil the rest is built, looks like it09:51
shadeslayerark needs fixing though09:51
shadeslayersince libkonq5-dev comes from kde-workspace09:51
yofeler, no. libkonq5-dev is kde-baseapps09:52
shadeslayeroh, ok09:52
shadeslayerfine, we're done then \o/09:52
yofelI think I had the libnepomukwidgets deprecation done too, nepomuk-core not so much09:53
shadeslayerkdepim-runtime is missing a desktop file though09:53
vHandayofel: in case users ask how to disable Baloo - http://forum.kde.org/viewtopic.php?f=154&t=12004709:53
yofelvHanda: thanks, we had some of those ^^09:54
yofelvHanda: btw. does baloo still add inotify watches to all new folders when a drive is mounted? IIRC nepomuk had a tendency to do that09:55
shadeslayeryofel: are you getting something like W: Failed to fetch https://private-ppa.launchpad.net/kubuntu-ninjas/ppa/ubuntu/dists/trusty/main/source/Sources  HttpError40109:58
yofelshadeslayer: in case you missed it, everyone got their Private PPA access removed09:59
shadeslayeroddly the regular deb line works09:59
yofelI think I added you back09:59
shadeslayeryofel: yes, someone did09:59
yofelbut your key hash is reset09:59
shadeslayeryep, I reset the keyhash just to be sure09:59
yofelthen you shouldn't be getting 40109:59
yofelthat's what you get with a wrong hash09:59
shadeslayerah hm, I think LP was just being slow10:00
shadeslayerapachelogger: I can't click the flash plugin http://wstaw.org/m/2014/03/21/plasma-desktopVo2157.png10:03
apacheloggershadeslayer: it's a broken dependency!!!!10:03
apacheloggerI think10:03
apacheloggershadeslayer: show apol10:03
apacheloggertell him to add debug output for it :P10:04
shadeslayerapachelogger: oh oh oh, more brokenness10:05
shadeslayerapachelogger: click upgrade icon -> install updates -> cancel authorization -> flash plugin suddenly appears in the list of upgrades10:05
shadeslayerit wasn't there in the initial upgrade list10:05
apacheloggertell himn to add debug output :P10:05
shadeslayerwill do when he arrives10:06
apacheloggerit's possible that the update lists from qapt are still being broken by the updater10:06
apacheloggerthough we fixed the primary occurance of that10:06
apacheloggerbasically what happens is that it gets confused with what state a package is supposed to have and what sort of state we want post-upgrade10:07
shadeslayerI see10:09
Riddellshadeslayer: tomahawk still not looking thrilled about life10:24
shadeslayerRiddell: yeah, I blame arm10:24
shadeslayerRiddell: retry the arm builds, 0.7.0 did succeed at first10:25
Riddellactually it's only armhf it needs to compile on to make the archive happy10:25
* Riddell retries10:25
Riddell"dh_install: tomahawk missing files (usr/lib/tomahawk/*), aborting"10:25
Riddella retry isn't going to do it10:25
shadeslayergreat >.>10:26
Riddelland my arm machien doesn't seem to be online today to test it10:27
Riddellshadeslayer: not bad not bad http://qa.kubuntu.co.uk/ninjas-status/build_status_4.12.95_trusty.html10:36
shadeslayeryeah, waiting for things to build :)10:36
BluesKaj'Morning folks11:02
vHandayofel: nope. It does not.11:12
sgclarkRiddell: did you get my oxygen-fonts build fix? in my ubuntu one11:14
Riddellsgclark: yeah I think so, let me check11:14
Riddellsgclark: yep, all built today https://launchpad.net/~kubuntu-ppa/+archive/experimental/+packages11:14
Riddellapachelogger, shadeslayer: oxygen-fonts in ppa:kubuntu-ppa/experimental incase neon needs it ↑11:15
shadeslayersgclark: oh since you're around, what exactly did you fix in kdeplasma-addons?11:15
yofelvHanda: *hugs*11:16
Riddellshadeslayer: looks like infinity did something too, I'll merge it into bzr and upload to ninjas11:17
sgclarkshadeslayer: oe of the wallpapers does not get built without eigen2 so was getting missing error with ppc64el, just made a ppc64el install file without it 11:17
shadeslayerRiddell: I think it's merged11:17
Riddellah, infinity made eigen2 work on ppc6411:18
Riddellshadeslayer: they weren't, uploaded to ninjas11:22
shadeslayerRiddell: cool :)11:22
Riddellsgclark: want a new task or still busy with the existing ones?11:22
sgclarkRiddell: finished all but some patches, can't find a kde-artwork package to submit to, I would love build tasks :)11:24
Riddellsgclark: I replied to your e-mail, submit to kscreensaver on bugs.kde.org11:24
Riddellsgclark: I had a request from a calligra dude11:24
Riddell08:59 < boud> Riddell: for 2.8.1, can you package the sketch brush engine with the main krita package again?11:24
Riddell08:59 < boud> Riddell: I'm getting lots of questions like this:  http://forum.kde.org/viewtopic.php?f=137&t=120215&p=305302#p30530211:24
Riddellsgclark: might be nicer to do that sooner rather than wait for 2.8.111:25
Riddellsgclark: needs files moved between the .install files and Replaces: added to debian/control11:26
sgclarkRiddell: on it!11:26
Riddellsgclark: but calligra is a beast to build so I ofter start up one of the expensive ec2 servers with muckle proccessor power to build it, let me know if you want that11:26
sgclarkRiddell: only if there is a time constraint, this laptop is dedicated to packaging and has ehld up well. I am more comfortable with my familiar environment atm.11:30
Riddellsgclark: ok go for it11:33
Riddelljust warning you, it'll take all day :)11:33
sgclarkRiddell: I am ok with that :) I love packaging, addicted some might say11:34
Riddellyay, I can build kf5 stuff using the shiny new Qt 5.2 packages in the trusty archive :)11:38
shadeslayerRiddell: apachelogger http://paste.kde.org/pzgkaztkp11:40
shadeslayerfix for https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/kde-workspace/+bug/118019611:40
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1180196 in kde-workspace (Ubuntu) "qtchooser operation prevented by PATH forcing under KDE" [Undecided,Confirmed]11:40
sgclarkRiddell: kscreensaver patch submitted https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=33239711:41
ubottuKDE bug 332397 in general "migrate from eigen2 to eigen3 (Debian dropped support for eigen2)" [Normal,Unconfirmed]11:41
Riddellthanks sgclark, I wonder if anyone will listen11:42
shadeslayersgclark: just send to reviewboard11:42
Riddellshadeslayer: kdeartwork has no reviewboard11:42
Riddellit's old school11:43
shadeslayeroh :(11:43
Riddellif there is no upstream we can look at submitting it upstream outselves11:43
ScottKRiddell: I looked at our stuff that was stuck in proposed.  I got the bulk of it to migrate last night and once the mplayer upload that cjwatson just did builds, the last package should be ready to do.11:47
RiddellScottK: that and shadeslayer fixing tomahawk :)11:50
RiddellScottK: thanks for looking at that, I got a bit scared when I saw the size of update_excuses.html but then there's only 3 packages with kubuntu on it and I relaxed11:50
shadeslayerRiddell: I'll have a look at tomahawk after lunch11:51
shadeslayerbtw does anyone recall what we use in trusty to set the default session for lightdm?11:51
apacheloggershadeslayer: if it was a fix it'd be on reviewboard :P11:52
Riddellshadeslayer: kde-workspace-data sets lightdm theme11:55
Riddellor at least it ships /usr/share/lightdm/lightdm.conf.d/40-kde-plasma.conf11:55
shadeslayerRiddell: nah http://paste.ubuntu.com/7130199/11:57
Riddellshadeslayer: that's set by ubiquity at install no?11:58
shadeslayerRiddell: yeah, that's what I was looking for11:58
=== rdieter_work is now known as rdieter
Riddellanyone know the cause of this problem? http://paste.kde.org/p1mmushfu QT_QT_INCLUDE_DIR not set13:14
Riddellhappens when compiling kde 4 stuff, I suspect because i have qt5/kf5 stuff installed13:14
jarkko__how to  disable baloo?13:39
BluesKajRiddell, ppl are asking how to disable baloo, any suggestions ?13:39
yofelBluesKaj: http://forum.kde.org/viewtopic.php?f=154&t=12004713:41
RiddellBluesKaj: are they saying why?13:42
BluesKajjarkko__, qdbus org.kde.baloo.file /indexer suspend 13:43
jarkko__BluesKaj: using it like that doesnt work...how to know what to write "org.kde.baloo.file" istead13:43
BluesKajRiddell, no, but I suspect it's using up cpu on some installs if nepomuk was enabled when baloo installed13:44
RiddellBluesKaj: more likely to be disk that's the limiting factor I'd expect13:44
yofeljarkko__: it should work like that13:44
RiddellBluesKaj: wise man says don't run nepomuk when running baloo :)13:44
BluesKajjarkko__, I used system monitor to kill it 13:44
jarkko__BluesKaj: i did too13:45
jarkko__Service 'org.kde.baloo.file' does not exist.13:45
BluesKajI don't see nepomuk, think it's been removed13:45
yofeljarkko__: then the indexer isn't running13:45
jarkko__there was something definitely running13:45
jarkko__baloo and   some baloo extractor13:45
yofelis it running *now* ?13:46
jarkko__yofel: killed it13:46
jarkko__yofel: system monitor13:46
cornfeedhobothere is a dev channel? well slap me with a wet noodle. that explains why i got nowhere in the main channel13:46
yofelwell, that took the dbus interface with it of course13:46
jarkko__well have to try again after reboot13:47
vHandajarkko__: is it just baloo_extractor or only baloo_file?13:48
cornfeedhobohello gents, I am having an issue. I am trying to add and ipv6 openvpn connection. I just installed 13.10 and there is no ipv6 tab on the openvpn connection, but there is one on normal connections (eth, wlan, etc), is there something i need to do to enable it? the main ubuntu networkmanager seems to be a completely different layout, and they have the ipv6 tab.... i am very lost13:49
cornfeedhoboadd an*13:50
jarkko__vHanda: both13:50
soee_broken http://qa.kubuntu.co.uk/ninjas-status/build_status_4.12.95_trusty.html ? :)13:50
vHandajarkko__: on #kubuntu ?13:51
kdeuser56osee: yes13:51
vHandacause after the initial run it shouldn't take any cpu / io13:51
kdeuser56cornfeedhobo: I think #kubuntu channel might be better to get help there13:51
cornfeedhobohere is the Ubuntu screenshot http://i.imgur.com/BBbHuXc.jpg vs my Kubuntu screenshot http://i.imgur.com/MS4ylAE.png13:51
yofelsoee_: well, that's a new one ^^13:51
jarkko__i am fine13:51
cornfeedhobokdeuser56: i dont think so. I might need to apply patches. I would rather speak with devs13:51
cornfeedhoboI even found someone that already made a patch for it, but I want to confirm this would even need to be applied (https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/networkmanager-openvpn-ipv6/)   I dont get why the ubuntu dev TJ (spoke with last night) is running network-manager-openvpn-0.9.6 and i am running 0.9.8 and yet he has ipv6 support and i dont13:53
Riddellcornfeedhobo: we don't develop plasma-nm we just package what upstream send us, you should get the latest version from git and compile it and if that doesn't help askin #solid but I suspect much of the development is happening for kf5 branch now13:54
cornfeedhobohmm okay13:54
Riddellcornfeedhobo: it'll just be a difference in what is implemented in the frontend13:54
kdeuser56cornfeedhobo: I have no ipv6 tab either, on 4.1313:54
cornfeedhobokdeuser56: well at least i am not alone... thanks for the confirm :)13:55
yofelFWIW: the framworks branch enables ip6 for: Wired, Wireless, Infiniband, Wimax, Bond, Bridge, Vlan. so you'll have to take that up with the kde folks13:57
cornfeedhobookay. brb. I am going to dig through network-manager-openvpn and see if this is a lack of support, or just a lack of gui13:57
cornfeedhobothanks guys :D13:57
BluesKajcornfeedhobo, does your modem setup support IPv6 , according to my ISP mine doesn't, yet14:00
soee_yofel: ok fixed now i see :)14:06
yofelsoee_: well, timeout errors come and go, there's not much to fix there ^^14:06
soee_yofel: and increase some limits ?14:08
yofelimpossible, that's on the launchpad side14:08
soee_ah ok14:08
=== soee_ is now known as soee
cornfeedhoboBluesKaj: it would be through the openvpn ipv4 tunnel14:10
cornfeedhoboBluesKaj: i have cjdns running locally, i know its not an ipv6 support issue14:10
cornfeedhobowish it was that easy :(14:11
BluesKajcornfeedhobo, yes my vpn server shows IPv6 capability , but when i check my IP on http://myip.ms/ without using vpn, it shows my connection is not IPv6 capable.14:20
BluesKajon openvpn 14:22
cornfeedhoboBluesKaj: yes. but... unless i am confused, I am not clear how it would affect me here? the issue is the networkmanager module....14:26
cornfeedhoboas I already said, I can reach outside ipv6 addresses through tunnels I have.14:27
cornfeedhobothey are just managed outside of the scope of NM14:27
cornfeedhobois there something that i am missing that could be affecting NM?14:27
BluesKajcornfeedhobo, ok , my networking knowledge is spotty at best, so djdns is something new to me. Didn't mean to confuse since <I'm the onm14:30
BluesKajone who's confused :)14:31
BluesKajcjdns rather14:31
cornfeedhobono worries14:32
BluesKajI'm just happy to have figured out how to use a vpn server 14:32
cornfeedhobohaha. yeah... encrypt the world!14:32
Riddellshadeslayer: will you upload that fix for bug 1180196 ?14:33
ubottubug 1180196 in kde-workspace (Ubuntu) "qtchooser operation prevented by PATH forcing under KDE" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/118019614:33
shadeslayerRiddell: didn't get a consensus on whether it's fine as a short term fix for now14:34
Riddellshadeslayer: why not as a long term fix? startkde is obsolete anyway is it not?14:35
shadeslayeris it?14:35
Riddellshadeslayer: isn't it being replaced by systemd foo?14:37
shadeslayersure, but not right away ?14:37
Riddellshadeslayer: well anyway that bit of code in startkde doesn't seem to be needed for kubuntu so should be find to scrap it14:38
Riddellshadeslayer, apachelogger: neon5 dudes tell me why I can't compile kde-runtime? http://paste.kde.org/psut7w0g814:41
shadeslayerthey didn't install the kf5umbrella framework I guess14:43
Riddellshadeslayer: damn you're good14:47
shadeslayerjust well accquainted with this particular issue :OP14:49
Riddellshadeslayer: did you downgrade to 4.12?15:11
shadeslayerthis was a clean system instal15:12
Riddellshadeslayer: hmm, ask afiestas?15:12
shadeslayerhe's in haxxoring mode15:12
Riddellapachelogger: compile failure on phonon http://paste.kde.org/pqbrz6glp15:12
Riddellapachelogger: we have both /usr/include/phonon4qt5/phonon/Phonon/AbstractMediaStream and /usr/include/phonon4qt5/phonon/AbstractMediaStream15:12
Riddellapachelogger: do you know what's wrong?15:12
jussiRiddell: and anyone else here that ordered shirts, a whole bunch went out today :)15:16
manchickenjussi: I'm going to order another one, my building's crappy dryer already damaged mine. I hate my apartment.15:19
jussimanchicken: better be qick, not that many left15:19
jussiXL is already sold out, I don't remember what size you were thoguh15:19
manchickenI'll try to do that today.15:19
jussimanchicken: 2 left15:20
shadeslayerwell, uploaded, hopefully this doesn't break someones startkde15:35
shadeslayerRiddell: ^^15:35
Riddellshadeslayer: do a call on the !testers tomorrow15:36
shadeslayerI reckon people will be around on a weekend15:36
shadeslayerRiddell: if I don't show up, can you do that?15:37
shadeslayerassuming you login15:37
BluesKajshadeslayer, I might not be around tomorrow :)15:37
Riddellshadeslayer: or just e-mail the list?15:37
BluesKajdo it now !15:37
shadeslayerwill do15:39
jussido we know who owns the kubuntu g+ group? 15:42
Riddelljussi: mm, yes he did come in here when setting it up and I should be an admin15:42
Riddelltwitter and facebook we do not15:42
jussiRiddell: Id like to make a poll about what to order next...15:42
jussican we do that on g+? 15:43
Riddelljussi: I really don't know, g+ confuses me15:44
Riddelllet me look15:44
shadeslayerI do15:44
shadeslayeror well15:44
shadeslayerI have admin rights15:44
jussishadeslayer: so you can have a look also about what we might order...15:45
jussiif you can do a poll about what we might order15:45
shadeslayerI give you admin rights too15:46
jussiif there isnt a way to do it, Ill manually do it15:46
jussiyeah, that can work15:46
Riddelljussi: this post shows a way to do it https://plus.google.com/+JohnHaydon/posts/D8pvdBwscD315:46
Riddellmanual way though15:46
jussiRiddell: lol, I just got that result  googling mysef :D15:46
jussiahh ye can lock commenting15:47
jussinot a bad way15:47
jussiok, Ill do that. I dont even need admin :D15:47
shadeslayerI can't add a manager15:48
shadeslayerjussi: just give me text and options15:48
jussishadeslayer: I think I can do it myself in anycase15:49
shadeslayerone of those options has to be a fez!15:49
jussijust thought it had propper polling mechanism15:49
jussishadeslayer: got a source? 15:49
shadeslayersource for?15:49
jussifez's? 15:49
shadeslayerjussi: http://fez-o-rama.com/15:51
jussioh dear :P15:52
shadeslayerjussi: http://www.themaac.com/fezzes.html15:52
shadeslayerblast from the 90's15:53
jussialright, so peoples, what else apart from fez's hoodies, tshirts, polo's and beanies do people want? 15:53
jussionsies? :P15:53
shadeslayeroh, I'd buy a hoodie15:53
Riddelljussi: shirts15:53
jussishadeslayer: problem is, hoodies get expensive. looking at 40-50€15:53
shadeslayerjussi: take inspiration from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FLZ8L6SZmaA15:54
shadeslayerjussi: I'd still pay for one15:54
jussishadeslayer: yeah, hoodies are popular.15:56
shadeslayer<3 hoodies15:56
jussishadeslayer: do you think the same sort of embroidered kubuntu that we have on the polo's is nice?  or do we like somethign bigger and  louder? 15:59
shadeslayernah, I like that15:59
jussishadeslayer: and do you prefer a hoodie or a zoodie? 15:59
jussi(zip hoodie, zip down the front)15:59
shadeslayeryeah, hoodie16:00
shadeslayerI have both16:00
shadeslayerI prefer the hoodie16:00
Riddellshadeslayer: any ideas on this error when installing kde-workspace frameworks? http://paste.kde.org/pyjm8ifrm16:03
shadeslayerno clue16:04
jussishadeslayer: maybe I should order the advertising candies :P16:10
shadeslayeradvertising candies?16:10
jussiyou know, when you got to a trade show, they have candies with the company name on the wrapper? 16:11
Riddellkubuntu sweeties!16:11
macowell the kubuntu folks are sweeties16:12
jussiin all seriousness, might be worthwhile for if we are at $conference16:12
=== yofel changed the topic of #kubuntu-devel to: Kubuntu - So Sweet. | Kubuntu 14.04 Beta 1 released | https://trello.com/kubuntu | Reports http://qa.kubuntu.co.uk/ | Polo Shirts are available again!! https://holvi.com/shop/Kubuntu/ (Womens also)
jussiexcept you have to buy a minumum of 30kg...16:12
jussimaco: have you ordered a polo yet? :D16:13
Riddellyofel: topicdiff?16:13
macojussi: no, i dont buy clothing16:13
yofels/Blue/Sweet/ :P16:13
kubotuyofel: You did something wrong... Try s/you/me/ or tell me "help sed"16:13
jussimaco: I shouldve known...16:13
Riddelljussi: bloody quakers and their simplicity eh?16:13
jussiRiddell: hehe16:14
jussiRiddell: all your fault16:14
jussimaco: I guess youve made one already :P16:14
sgclarkRiddell: any of these I need to be concerned with? http://paste.ubuntu.com/7131341/16:14
macojussi: i handsewed (as in, no machine) this last year http://graziamorgano.com/portfolio-item/10th-c-danish/ (and hand spun the linen thread for sewing the linen under dress)16:15
Riddellsgclark: no not really16:17
yofelsgclark: intra-source-package-circular-dependency is usually not too good, also: are those .jar's built at build-time or are they shipped with the source?16:17
jussimaybe pocket knives could be nice :)16:17
yofelW: calligrawords-common: shlib-without-versioned-soname usr/lib/libkdeinit4_calligrawords.so libkdeinit4_calligrawords.so16:18
yofeldh_movelibkdeinit might help with that, not sure how it's properly used16:18
yofelthe rest isn't too bad..16:18
Riddellmaco: quakers are allowed to smile you know :)16:20
macoRiddell: it was 6AM16:21
macowho smiles at 6AM?16:21
Riddellmaco: that must have been a long night of work on the needles!16:21
macoi went to bed at 1 or so16:21
macoand got up at 6 to drive an hour and a half to the event where i was presenting it16:22
sgclarkyofel: the jar is shipped with source16:27
yofelsgclark: I see 2 jars in the source, but I can't find *their* sources anywhere, which would be a DFSG violation16:38
sgclarkyofel: I don't know what I am supposed to do with that information :(16:41
yofelyou might have to repack the tarball after deleting those 2 jars, and patch the build system to not install the plugins16:42
yofelRiddell: could you recheck that I didn't miss something here please?16:42
shadeslayer!info knemo16:43
ubottuknemo (source: knemo): network interfaces monitor for KDE's systray. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.7.6-2 (saucy), package size 630 kB, installed size 2351 kB16:43
shadeslayer^^ we have fun apps in the archive16:43
yofeldoes it use colors?16:43
Riddellyofel: hmm I thought I'd looked into those jars before16:43
sgclarkAlso with the circular dependency, I don't see symbols files so I am not sure where to start. Only calligra-libs lists krita s the depend in control16:44
sgclarkI though this was a simple bundle kritascetch with krita, I may be in over my head here :(16:45
Riddellsgclark: sketch brush engine, krita sketch itself should still be separate16:45
yofelwell, the jars are probably not a new issue, I just spotted it in the log16:46
Riddellyofel: ah the source is in filters/plan/mpxj/planconvert/src/plan/16:47
sgclarkoh? ok back to the original, and figure out what is the engine.16:47
yofelRiddell: ok I see, you're right, the rest is generated16:48
sgclarkso the jars are fine then?16:49
shadeslayeragateau: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ubiquity/+bug/129574816:50
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1295748 in ubiquity (Ubuntu) "[KDE] When choosing a keymap layout in ubiquity by typing out your country ( US for example ) , the combobox jumps between entries" [Undecided,New]16:50
yofelyeah, should be fine. planconvert is definitely fine, and mso.jar doesn't seem to be actually used so I guess that can be tolerated16:50
Riddellsgclark: good enough I'd say16:50
sgclarkRiddell: how do I determine which are the engine? nothing in here says engine16:52
Riddellsgclark: if it's not obvious from the sources you can ask upstream (boud in #calligra)16:53
Riddellsgclark: I think it's whatever gets made from the sources in krita/plugins/paintops/sketch/16:54
Riddellso kritasketchpaintop library, kritasketchpaintop and krita-sketch.png16:55
Riddellbut worth confirming with boud16:55
sgclarkno response, getting late there?16:57
Riddellsgclark: 18:00 there so I guess he might be away16:58
Riddellsgclark: go ahead with moving back those files and we'll upload when we get confirmation16:59
sgclarkRiddell: you read my mind lol16:59
sgclarkRiddell: has been confirmed with boud :)17:17
tester56yofel: does failed kdepim i386 keep back amd64?18:41
yofellet me check18:41
yofeltester56: it didn't fail, it's red because some files aren't shipped18:42
tester56yofel: ah damn, yes, sorry :D18:42
kdeuser56yofel: when rebuilding an applications like kmix, can I simply restart or is this unreliable?18:52
yofelwell, depends on what you mean, logging out would always work though18:53
kdeuser56yofel: I mean restarting the application18:58
kdeuser56yofel: example: killall -9 kmix, kmix ...18:58
yofelfor kmix itself it should work, I'm not sure if the widget needs a plasma restart (as it's still a systray item I think?)18:59
soee_Riddell: .95 ready for tests ?19:58
yofelsoee_: should be good to go19:59
yofelone update for kdepim coming, but nothing important20:00
soee_yofel: ok will download20:01
kubotu::workspace-bugs:: [1281036] Why is kdm still depending on consolekit? @ https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/1281036 (by Simon Rettberg)20:03
=== rdieter is now known as rdieter_work
kubotu::qt-bugs:: [1295835] qdbus is missing dependency over qdbus-qt5 @ https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/1295835 (by Julien Aubin)20:40
shadeslayerawesome ^^20:44
shadeslayeratleast i can fix it tomorrow when i get my computer back20:44
shadeslayerwhats interesting is that it works if you install qdbus-qt520:48
shadeslayerit shouldnt 20:48
shadeslayeryofel: ^^ btw do we have qdbus on the iso?20:48
shadeslayeri is on a mobile device :p20:48
yofelwe kinda have to, qt4 that is20:48
yofelbut let me verify20:49
yofelshadeslayer: amd64.manifest: qdbus4:4.8.5+git192-g085f851+dfsg-2ubuntu420:49
shadeslayeri shall have my computing device tomorrow20:49
shadeslayerokay, phew20:49
shadeslayeryofel: and upgrade wkeks 20:49
yofelproblem is that when you go to qt5-default, it breaks20:49
yofelbecause IIRC nothing depends on qtdbus-qt520:50
shadeslayer*works for you right?20:50
yofelso /usr/bin/qdbus is a broken link20:50
shadeslayerweird users i tell you20:50
yofelqtchooser FTW20:50
shadeslayerremoving their qdbus20:50
yofelnot removing20:50
yofelor did someone remove it o.O?20:50
shadeslayerwell, clearly that guy did20:51
shadeslayerelse it would work20:51
yofelshadeslayer: well, he didn't remove it20:52
yofelhe still has /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/qt4/bin/qdbus20:52
yofelbut once you install qt5-default qdbus points to /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/qt5/bin/qdbus20:53
yofelwhich by default isn't installed20:53
shadeslayerno no no, you dont get my point :p20:54
shadeslayersee kde workspace 4.11.6 0ubuntu320:54
shadeslayerunless qtchooser has a bug, everything should just work20:54
shadeslayerunless he removed qtchooser/qt4-default/qdbus20:55
* yofel only has ubuntu220:56
yofelguess I missed it20:56
yofelor it never made it out of proposed20:56
shadeslayerwell 0ubuntu4 is out20:56
shadeslayeryou should upgrade and rant at me for breaking startkde20:57
shadeslayereveryone is listening to 90's songs on spotify :(20:57
yofel0ubuntu4 is in -proposed, I'm not installing that20:58
yofelI'll rant at you once it's in release20:58
shadeslayerit should be out20:58
shadeslayerlaunchpad lies20:58
yofel     4:4.11.6-0ubuntu4 021:00
yofel         50 http://ftp-stud.hs-esslingen.de/ubuntu/ trusty-proposed/universe amd64 Packages21:00
yofel *** 4:4.11.6-0ubuntu2 021:00
yofel        500 trusty/universe amd64 Packages21:00
yofel        500 trusty/universe amd64 Packages21:00
yofelnot for me21:00
shadeslayermirror out of sync21:01
yofelyeah, I checked git21:01
yofelerm, bzr21:01
yofelalso note the a.u.c url in there21:01
shadeslayeroh hm21:01
yofelanyway, I guess the reporter had an outdated workspace21:01
* yofel throws broken buildd VMs at launchpad21:03
shadeslayeri thought it had enough of those21:07
soee_yofel: smooth upgrade 4.12.90 => 4.12.9521:40
kdeuser56soee, yofel: same here21:45
=== soee_ is now known as soee
shadeslayersoee: what kde workspace version are you running ?21:55
soeeshadeslayer: package kde-workspace ?22:11
shadeslayerfull version plz22:11
soeeshadeslayer: Version: 4:4.11.6-0ubuntu222:12
shadeslayeraw :(22:12
shadeslayerno updates for that? :p22:12
soeeah there are :) 22:13
shadeslayersoee: plz logout / login after upgrading22:15
shadeslayerif you can't login, send me an email :p22:16
soeeshadeslayer: back :)22:20
shadeslayersoee: any issues?22:20
soeethe only issue i have here is with nvidia drivers and video teraing :) but its nvidias fault22:21
shadeslayeri didnt break stuff \o/22:22
shadeslayerok off to sleep22:26
manchickenOkay, to upgrade to 14.04...23:21

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