
=== TheLordOfTime is now known as teward
=== marco-traveling is now known as marcoceppi
=== WebbyIT is now known as rpadovani
qenghoA heads-up: I just tried to visit lp /ubuntu/+source/chromium-browser, and got a Timeout Error in less than 2 seconds. Something squirrelly might be going on.14:55
qenghoResolved at reload. It was just too weird to ignore.14:57
=== anteaya is now known as cyan
=== cyan is now known as Guest20064
=== Guest20064 is now known as anteaya-who-was-
=== anteaya-who-was- is now known as anteaya
=== qengho is now known as CardinalFang
=== CardinalFang is now known as qengho
paulbCan I get some (hopefully) quick help in packaging up a binary into a ppa?20:01
qenghoI have some PPAs that I want to push daily packages to. Is there a way to make old package expire automatically so I don't run out of space every few days?20:04
dobeyqengho: superseded packages do automatically expire. you can maybe ask for more space, but i think librarian is a bit low on space as it is, at the moment20:07
dobeypaulb: you can only upload source packages to a PPA20:08
paulbdobey: Is this possible?->  I want to down JDK 7 from Oracle's site as a .tar.gz, package that up, and put it on launchpad.  Is this not possible because they do no provide sources?20:16
WizardGedhello i was wondering if launchpad is having issues atm20:19
WizardGedim translating and launchpad times out again and again20:19
WizardGedi can provide error id's if need be20:19
platoucheWizardGed: I also have a lot of times out when I'm translating directly from lp20:20
WizardGedyeah im recording timeouts in case anyone's interested later20:21
dobeypaulb: no, you cannot do that20:23
paulbdobey: Ok thanks, I think we'll create our own debs and host a apt repo on our local server instead...20:33
dobeypaulb: there's a PPA that has an installer that installs the oracle java 7, already20:45
dobeypaulb: i'm pretty sure the tarballs oracle provides do not include rights to redistribute20:45
WizardGedlooks like launchpad has ground to a stop on my end.20:49
WizardGedi cant even load a new page20:49
dobeyworking fine here (though i'm not translating things)20:55
WizardGedthanks dobey, ive been recording the error id's to see if i can figure it out later21:01
=== qengho is now known as CardinalFang
=== CardinalFang is now known as qengho
wgrantpaulb: Not just because they don't have sources, but also because Oracle's Java license forbids redistribution. It's no longer possible to legally distribute packages of Oracle's JDK yourself.22:21
phillwhi... any one about familiar with ppa?23:04
phillwali@amjjawad:~/src/linux-3.13$ debuild -S -sd23:04
phillwdebuild: fatal error at line 687:23:04
phillwfound debian/changelog in directory23:04
phillw  /home/ali/src/linux-3.1323:04
phillwbut there's no debian/rules there!  Are you in the source code tree?23:04

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