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oinksoftdoes anybody know where i can find a changelog for 14.04?03:21
ThomasBthank you to whoever finally brought working last.fm scrobbling to rhythmbox in 14.0404:42
notwistThomasB: Clementine is also a good player06:43
plasmai have problem running network manager, specially nm-applet on 14.0408:38
plasma** (nm-applet:7209): WARNING **: Error retrieving accessibility bus address: org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.ServiceUnknown: The name org.a11y.Bus was not provided by any .service files08:38
plasmagoogle search tells me cause could be some dbus issues?08:38
Makefake1please, with program can i use my webcam ?09:09
DJonesMakefake1: You can test a webcam with an app called "Cheese"09:11
DJones!webcam | Makefake109:11
ubottuMakefake1: Instructions for using webcams with Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Webcam - Supported cams: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsMultimediaWebCameras09:11
lordievaderGood morning09:43
plasmano one who can tell me how to fix it?10:12
Kinder-Pingvihi. I have laggggg interface on free drivers on my ubuntu 14.04... on my videocard GeForce 9600 GT10:23
Kinder-Pingviit.. may be 8 fps.. or less)))10:24
BluesKaj'Morning folks11:02
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mithran_hai all. in my previous linux vertions i used to change the font carrecters  using  sudo gedit /usr/share/m17n/ml-inscript.mim.  how can i change change the carrecter mapping in 14.04 trusty tahar as it is not using  ibus-m17 package14:19
mithran_is there anybody14:19
mithran_hai all. in my previous linux vertions i used to change the font carrecters  using  sudo gedit /usr/share/m17n/ml-inscript.mim.  how can i change change the carrecter mapping in 14.04 trusty tahar as it is not using  ibus-m17 package14:20
mithran_please help me14:21
mithran_ is there anybody14:21
ikoniamany people are here14:23
mithran_hai all. in my previous linux vertions i used to change the font carrecters  using  sudo gedit /usr/share/m17n/ml-inscript.mim.  how can i change change the carrecter mapping in 14.04 trusty tahar as it is not using  ibus-m17 package14:25
mithran_i can see the key board layout chart14:26
mithran_hai all. in my previous linux vertions i used to change the font carrecters  using  sudo gedit /usr/share/m17n/ml-inscript.mim.  how can i change the carrecter mapping in 14.04 trusty tahar as it is not using  ibus-m17 package14:29
k1ldont use sudo gedit14:32
k1luse gksu for GUI programs like gedit14:32
mithran_kll ok14:38
mithran_k1l: ok14:38
mithran_k1l: that is not the issue14:39
k1lbut i am not sure about the character settings14:39
mithran_k1l: i dont know were is that perticular file kept in 14.0414:39
k1lare you sure you dont want to change the system font in unity-tweak-tool?14:40
mithran_k1l:  if i found the file i will make the change14:40
k1lyou mean that package? http://packages.ubuntu.com/de/trusty/m17n-contrib14:42
elfyk1l: what about people that don't want to install gksu :)14:43
mithran_k1l: i dont know is that is using in the new linux ipurged it and foud the malayalam is working14:43
k1lelfy: well, is it gksudo now?14:45
elfyno - it's not installed by default anymore :)14:45
elfyunless they recently changed it back of course14:45
elfyI couldn't make much sense of the reasoning behind it's removal tbh14:46
mithran_k1l: i want the carrecter" ൗ" insted of " ൌ" while  pressing the  key "q"14:47
mithran_these carecters are in malayalam14:49
k1lhmm, sry i dont know. is there a support channel for your language? maybe they know better14:56
johnjohn101nice 4 more weeks!!15:08
SuperLagelfy: what's wrong with gksu?15:34
elfySuperLag: not a thing if you've installed it :)16:45
elfyit's not installed by default in ones I've looked at16:46
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mithranhow can i view the default auto startup applications17:20
mithranin ubuntu 14.0417:20
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BluesKajmithran, system settings>startup&shutdown>service manager>startup services18:02
mithranBluesKaj:  i can see the systm setting. but  cant find the start$shutdown18:17
mithranBluesKaj:  actuallly i want to improve my system start up and shutdown  more faster18:18
BluesKajmithran, in system settings under System Administration , near the bottom18:19
mithranBluesKaj: in my settings gear i only see:-  about this computer, ubuntu help, system settings,lock switch acccount, user accounts, restart, shutdown18:24
mithranBluesKaj: no system administration18:24
BluesKajoh sorry mithran, forgot this isn't kubuntu ....never mind :)18:28
mithranBluesKaj: then is there any other options for us18:29
mithranIs there any other options for us18:32
ThomasBnotwist, personal preference18:39
ThomasBi prefer rhythmbox18:39
MercuryThis is an odd crash, anything that tries any kind of disk IO freezes, along with stuff like ps.18:44
bekksSounds like a hardware problem, where I/O is interrupted and waits for the timeout.18:45
MercuryBut the fact that it happens for stuff in the kernel layer makes me think maybe kernel.18:47
MercuryAnyhow, the one that I actually came to ask about is grub doing the 'error: malformed file' thing on boot.18:47
MercuryDigging through the code, it doesn't seem to like how the FS has the grubenv file.18:47
MercuryAlright, solved by recreating the /boot FS as ext2 instead of ext4.  Annoying, but, meh.19:05
hydeHmm, would it be royally stupid to upgrade a 12.04 laptop to 14.04 beta?19:21
bekkshyde: I you need that laptop to be working - dont do it :)19:22
hydewell, let's say I'd be a bit bummed if I had to reinstall it from scratch...19:22
hydethough it might be wise. I think it originally had 9.10, then 10.04, then 12.0419:23
hydeso there's probably some accumulated cruft19:23
louisdkI'm doing a "sudo do-release-upgrade -d" on 12.04 and after doing Alt + Tab unity crashes and I'm left the just a wallpaper and unable to switch tty, but ssh works. Can I somehow grab the bash shell over ssh?19:29
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louisdkSolved: http://marcqualie.com/2012/07/recover-from-interrupted-ubuntu-release-upgrade19:48
Swany1having trouble with rt3290 wifi chip with ubuntu 14.04  i can't get the linux drivers to compile even using the hundreds of patches found over the forums and i am unable to get the windows driviers to work.20:04
Swany1https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/1049466 is the relevant bug i have the same problems as comment #173 compiling20:04
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1049466 in linux (Ubuntu) "Need support of Ralink RT3290 wifi support" [Medium,Confirmed]20:04
pietro10Does Ubuntu 14.04 alpha use Wayland by default? And if so, does its libgtk/libgdk use Wayland or X11 via the xlib compatibility as a backend? Thanks.20:11
pietro10*regular Ubuntu 14.0420:11
bekkspietro10: No, it doesnt use wayland.20:12
pietro10ok, thanks20:13
pietro10do you know of any distro that answers yes for both questions? to run in a VM for portability testing20:13
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pietro10(my main system is Kubuntu 14.04)20:13
bekkspietro10: No ubuntu distro uses wayland in 14.0420:15
pietro10right, thanks20:15
pietro10I did a search; will try Maui for this test, thanks anyway though20:15
Swany1ok giving up on irc seems everyone just ignores you20:29
Swany1left a post on the forums hopefully someone can help20:29
pietro10not everyone is active at once and not everyone knows the answer at all times (and I joined after you asked anything)20:32
pietro10it's something that as a programmer you have to learn to get used to, alas :/20:32
pietro10I don't know your problem; good luck though20:32
Swany1yeah its just so disheartening when there's a problem thats been known since 2012 and seemingly "fixed" it is still about in the "future" releases.   Been using ubuntu for years until i got this laptop.  Really don't want to go back to using the preinstalled windows 8.20:34
pietro10still waiting for a bug in kwin to have its patch (which is in upstream and has been since january) to be applied to the packages20:35
sandGorgonSwany1, have you considered swapping out the network card for a broadcom one or something like this http://www.backtrack-linux.org/forums/showthread.php?t=54559&s=55c9324d645ab8edddaa6c30a1ac8b1f20:39
pietro10(I would argue against using Broadcom hardware on Linux systems)20:40
sandGorgonpietro10, which chipset would you suggest ?20:42
pietro10some intel20:46
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kklimondahmm, hey - anyone got spotify to play local files in trusty?21:22
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johnjohn101trusty will be the best ubuntu ever!!22:49
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