
bfillerkenvandine: failed again on quiet_logging branch00:11
kenvandinethat's the one that has peer_picker_ui in it00:12
kenvandinepeer_picker_ui is still in it00:12
kenvandinerobru, can you remove that from the config?00:12
cjwatsoncyphermox,thomi,robru: xnox's changes are in https://code.launchpad.net/~xnox/upstart-app-launch/sync-archive/+merge/20990800:14
cjwatsonplease just land that as well if you're landing another UAL change00:14
robrucjwatson, oh, I already pushed the changes direct to trunk. so that MP is stale / conflicting now. wasn't aware of the MP, sorry00:21
cjwatsonIt would have landed weeks ago if the landing process were remotely functional.00:22
robrui see00:23
robrukenvandine, sorry remove which from the config? I removed one already..00:24
kenvandinerobru, which did you remove?00:24
kenvandinethe only one that should get removed is the peer_picker_ui branch00:24
kenvandinewhich was in that second run00:24
robrukenvandine, the one that was conflicting from the previous build run... can't remember the name right now00:24
robrubut not that one you just said00:25
kenvandinepeer_picker_ui looked like the one that failed the first time00:25
robrukenvandine, fix_pending_check00:25
kenvandinethat shouldn't have00:25
kenvandineit was a tiny change on top of more_handlers00:25
kenvandineit got much further than that00:25
robrukenvandine, not sure what you mean? "the first time" i saw fix_pending_check giving conflicts00:25
kenvandineoh.. i was looking at the criss cross stuff for peer_picker_ui00:26
kenvandinelet me merge that into quiet_logging too00:26
robrukenvandine, ok, so i'm going to add fix_pending_check back, drop peer_picker_ui, then what?00:26
kenvandinerobru, so drop peer_picker_ui and give me a minute00:26
robrukenvandine, wait, do I add fix_pending_check back or not?00:27
kenvandineno, it might blow up again00:29
kenvandinei merged it into quiet_logging00:29
kenvandinelike bfiller said, we'll get a mamoth MP :/00:29
kenvandinebut it works :)00:29
kenvandineok, pushed00:29
kenvandinerobru, remove peer_picker_ui though00:31
kenvandineif you didn't already00:31
kenvandineso drop fix_pending_check and peer_picker_ui00:31
kenvandineand i think it'll be clean00:31
robrukenvandine, ok, those are dropped, i'm kicking the build now00:31
robrukenvandine, bfiller : ok here is the latest attempt:
kenvandinerobru, thx00:38
robrukenvandine, you're welcome!00:38
robrukenvandine, are we rooming in Malta?00:38
kenvandinewe can00:38
kenvandineput it on the spreadsheet00:38
robruyeah, just got my approval today00:39
kenvandinei'm booked already00:39
robrukenvandine, heh, neither of us are in the spreadsheet yet ;-)00:40
kenvandinei was the other day00:44
kenvandinerobru, oh... look at the second worksheet00:44
kenvandinethere are 2 weeks00:44
kenvandinewe are on the second00:44
bregmahey guys, I got a weird build fail (looks like a write fail) on amd64 in my silo, other arches built OK ... is there a way to restart just that one build, to see if it was a transient error in the builder?00:44
robruthat explains why there were no names I recognized on the whole thing ;-)00:45
robrubregma, should be in the PPA a 'retry build' button if you dig.00:45
robrubregma, which silo?00:45
cjwatsonrobru: he won't have access unless he's in ci-train-ppa-service00:46
robruok, i'm on it00:46
cjwatsonI don't see the failure though00:46
cjwatsonoh yes I do00:46
bregmahttps://launchpad.net/~ci-train-ppa-service/+archive/landing-006/+build/5832899 fyi00:47
bregmalooks suspicious to me00:47
cjwatsonI guess you mean00:47
cjwatsonmake[3]: *** [generated/glib-2.0/schemas/org.compiz.networkarearegion.gschema.xml] Error 900:47
cjwatsonit's pretty scary if our builders are throwing random write errors, but I guess in this case it's OK to give it another try00:48
robrubregma, ok, i restarted it, if you keep watching the jenkins log you should see the status revert from "failed" to "building" (eventually)00:48
bregmayeah, the usual, and hopefully not continue on to "failed to build"00:49
robrubregma, if jenkins says "failed to build", just immediately re-run build with WATCH_ONLY and then it'll see the newer status of that rebuild00:49
bregmawell, I just watch the PPA itself, it tells me everything00:50
kenvandinebfiller, woot... it's building in the ppa now00:52
kenvandinerobru, thx for the help00:53
robrukenvandine, you're welcome00:53
kenvandinei'm going to disconnect now, before i get tempted to work more :)00:54
kenvandinegood night all!00:54
robruok, i'm off for dinner, but i'll be back in an hour or so in case anybody needs anything01:16
kgunncyphermox: you around ?01:40
kgunnrobru: ...hey when you get back, can you reconfig silo 4 ...one...more...time....01:41
kgunnit doesn't like me doing reconfig with those "ubuntu-touch-session" MPs01:41
kgunnwondering what trick you are doing to reconfig without it griping01:41
kgunnrobru: i gotta boot into my macos for a bit...i'll check back in about an hour or so01:46
plarsrobru: cyphermox: 249 finished, just those two calendar app errors on mako so I'm going to rerun those. hopefully they will not be reproducible01:48
cyphermoxrobru: reconfiguring silo 4...01:52
robrucyphermox, thanks01:54
robrujust got back01:54
cyphermoxwell, it's failing...01:54
robrui... what01:56
cyphermoxweird huh01:57
robrucyphermox, try again? maybe it's a connection issue01:57
robrui mean that's a standard MP. it's not like i did anything that would change that.01:57
cyphermoxsome issue with launchpad01:58
robruthomi, !!!! omg i'm so sorry that took all day. i just confirmed the trunk resync was successful and now published autopilot!01:58
veebersrobru: that's awesome news! :-)01:59
robruveebers, will you be around in an hour? that's usually how long it takes for stuff to get through proposed, then I can merge & clean, then I can assign your next silo... but I might need to be reminded because i seem to be easily distracted and forgetful today01:59
veebersrobru: yep, it's only 3pm for me :-)02:00
robruveebers, oh sweet, you australian or something? 7PM here, I'm EOD, but I've got things to do ;-)02:00
veebersrobru: Close, New Zealand :-)02:00
veebersrobru: I presume you'll be around on my Tuesday morning? (um, probably your Monday afternoon right?)02:01
robruveebers, i should be, yeah.02:01
robrui'm taking off early friday for a weekend trip but i should be back monday no problems02:01
veebersrobru: coolio, if you're not around in an hour I might hold off and get a silo on my Tues, save holding a silo over the weekend (it's Friday arvo here)02:02
thomirobru: wooo! thanks man02:02
robruthomi, you're welcome!02:03
robruveebers, ok no worries02:03
robrucyphermox, hmmm what happened in silo 4?02:04
cyphermoxthe what?02:05
cyphermoxit's the one that is broke for reconfig02:05
robruoh right. sorry I was just looking at the most recent *build* log error and got confused02:06
cyphermoxyeah, it's still failing anyway02:08
cyphermoxneed to ask ops.02:08
thomirobru: I see the M&C job running - thanks :)03:13
thomiwas just about to kick it off myself :)03:13
robruthomi, you're welcome! do you have some MPs to snag a new silo with?03:13
thomiveebers: ^ ?03:14
thomiI did this release, it's veebers turn to feel the pain for the next one :)03:14
robruveebers, I'd recommend jumping into a silo now, even if you don't test until next week -- i predict silos will be hard to come by next week...03:15
thomirobru: I guess he's AFK for a second03:18
robruno worries. lunch or dinner perhaps?03:19
thomiI predict: coffee break03:20
thomiit's 4:20 PM03:20
veebersrobru: hey, sorry was running tests03:20
veebersthomi: :-)03:20
thomibah.. was close...03:20
robruthomi, I've had lunch at 4PM some days ;-)03:20
veebersrobru: one moment I'll update the spreadsheet03:20
robruveebers, great03:20
veebersrobru: Thanks for the heads up. I've setup line 49.03:24
robruveebers, great, i'll assign it now03:24
veebersrobru: Even if silos are hard to come by, it won't be hard to reconfigure right? i.e. I might need to add a MR for gallery-app03:25
veebersrobru: awesome, thank you03:25
robruveebers, nope, reconfigs are trivial03:25
veebersrobru: sweet03:26
robruveebers, ok, you got silo... wait for it... 3! ;-)03:26
robruveebers, are you able to kick the build yourself? or do you need me to?03:26
veebersrobru: nice :-) thanks again03:27
veebersrobru: I can kick the build03:27
robruveebers, you're welcome!03:27
thomiahhh, it feels so good to pass the "release autopilot" baton to the next person03:29
MirvI'll build the landing-015, since it seems like a good idea to have testable asap05:16
robruMirv, good morning06:14
robruMirv, don't panic, but I published autopilot today. I tested it for at least 5 hours. it looked really good06:14
Mirvrobru: PANIC!!06:24
Mirvrobru: ok, sounds good :)06:24
tvosscyphermox, around?06:35
tvosscyphermox, if so, can I get a silo for line 43?06:35
Mirvtvoss: I'm not good enough for you!? :)06:36
Mirvthat said, we're full in silo usage (regarding the limits we've set to ourselves), let's see if something could be freed06:37
tvossMirv, oh, you are around :) sorry for that :)06:37
tvossMirv, I'm just looking for an available silo-dealer :) but my needs will not be fulfilled I guess06:38
Mirvtvoss: I try to get that one tested line published and I'll let you know when dbus-cpp could have a chance06:41
tvossMirv, yup, thank you06:41
Mirvmandel: hi, it was pointed out at #ubuntu-devel that the QML plugin dependency is too strict - or is it on purpose?06:52
Mirvmandel: I mean, are you planning to break ABI on purpose without bumping the library soname?06:53
sil2100I mean, hm, why did robru publish autopilot? Didn't he get the e-mail and didn't read the meeting summary?08:12
Mirvsil2100: he said not to panic in the morning, and that he had tested it for at least 5h before publishing and that it looked really good08:14
Mirvand... morning!08:15
sil2100Mirv: smoketesting looks ok, just it's really unwise to land risky things like autopilot while we're in the state 'do not publish anything besides fixes'08:16
sil2100Mirv: since even if you test everything, you never know if it won't introduce additional flakyness or the likes08:16
sil2100For me stopping the line means stopping the line ;)08:17
Mirvsil2100: yeah, it's not without risks I agree, not sure why he wanted it in (well, of course it's nice to always to get stuff in, just hard to be 100% sure nothing breaks)08:24
sil2100Mirv: this time it's a no-issue, but for the future I would really like to avoid that08:26
asacsil2100: autopilot landing worked well?08:34
asachmm. dont see it in 25008:35
Mirvsil2100: I'm now running the UITK tests for double-testing to spot regressions. it's for the notes-app, I believe that's something that should go in since it's a 5.2 regression? (even though notes-app was workarounded)08:37
Mirvsil2100: meanwhile, I've the updated indicator-datetime installed too. not sure about that one, I didn't have much alarm success but it looks like the branches are supposed to fix real bugs08:38
asacMirv: is it in the blocker list?08:38
sil2100Mirv: for now don't land anything that's not fixing the blockers, so even UITK I would not move08:38
Mirvasac: it was on the blocker list earlier, but then workarounded. so yeah it can be postponed.08:39
Mirvsil2100: true, that08:39
Mirvsil2100: finally, thomas would like to have a silo for line 43, but we're out of silos08:39
sil2100asac: I don't see the changes file for 250 on ogra's machine, but from my calculations it should be in 25008:39
asacsil2100: do you know where we are on the blockers?08:39
asacsil2100: you are right. thta one is missing08:40
MirvI think we're at the point that Savi_q is sleeping and he filed upstream bug report in the night08:40
sil2100asac: I just read all the e-mails and checked the bugs, and as Mirv mentioned there's an Qt upstream bug filled in and some insight on the LP bug as well08:40
sil2100We would have to wait for upstreams to wake up and comment how they want to proceed08:40
Mirvthen the alarms problem alone seems complex, and that's why I'm asking about indicator-datetime - there's the general event issue, and then bugfixes that claim to now have branches08:40
sil2100But it seems that most issues are related ;/08:41
asacsil2100: we cant solve this on our own?08:41
sil2100asac: by upstreams I mean our upstreams08:41
sil2100Like, Saviq and kgunn ;)08:41
MirvI built indicator-datetime in the morning with those branches, but since the event issue is also there I'm uncertain how to test the branches properly08:41
asacsil2100: ic... those guys are always laggers :P08:41
Mirvsil2100: feel free to give the indicator-datetime a whirl08:42
Saviqexcuse me!08:42
sil2100Mirv: let me try then, I'll just reflash my device to latest08:42
sil2100Saviq: :O ! Awake already?!08:42
Saviqsil2100, for an hour now :P08:42
* sil2100 shocked08:43
asacseems ogra's bot is more unreliable than our AP tests08:43
asacguess thats a good thing08:43
sil2100heh ;p08:43
asacafter all we get some maturity into this stuff08:43
MirvFWIW I'm running full AP suite with both UITK and indicator-datetime updated, so if everything passes that's at least additional data point in addition to actual manual testing08:43
asacafaik the trainbot died two days ago already :)08:43
sil2100Saviq: anyway, do you have any ideas on how to proceed with this Qt-event-stopping bug?08:43
asacand that doesnt do mcuh :)08:43
Mirvsil2100: well there was the ugly hack to refresh Mir once a second...08:44
sil2100Mirv: sounds like a promotion candidate then! :D08:45
=== WebbyIT is now known as rpadovani
Mirvseriously, I guess it depends how deep the change of behavior in Qt is, ie. is it really that the events handling can't be just forced somewhere where wanted08:45
sil2100ANyway, seriously, I don't know much about Qt5 insides, but it's strange that this happens for like music and such, but for instance phone calls on a screen turned off still works08:46
Saviqsil2100, yeah, am waiting for QML upstream to show up and comment08:46
MirvSaviq: are you on #qt-labs?08:46
SaviqMirv, yes08:46
SaviqMirv, talked with thiago yesterday, and they did see this behaviour as weird08:46
Saviqbut referred me to Alan08:46
MirvSaviq: if you want to have additional data points, there is ppa:canonical-qt5-edgers/backup-qt511 and I could provide with an apt line to downgrade eg. a chroot:s environment to it08:47
Mirvie Qt 5.1.1 built against trusty08:47
MirvI had that done in December08:47
sil2100Nice :)08:47
SaviqMirv, let me try, I'll be fine with the versions I think08:47
Mirvsil2100: /me likes backups, you never know when they might be useful08:48
SaviqMirv, hmm, libicu48 not there :/08:54
MirvSaviq: let me try it and possibly give some ugly hacks08:55
SaviqMirv, so I'm down to http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/7129585/08:56
* Saviq tries to force this in08:57
tvossMirv, sil2100 a silo for line 51 would be highly appreciated :)08:57
MirvSaviq: first one being wget 'https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/icu/'08:57
SaviqMirv, the latter pulls in -dev packages for some reason08:57
Saviqor maybe my apt-cache foo is wrong08:58
SaviqMirv, I'm fine it seems08:59
SaviqMirv, yup, same in 5.1.109:00
MirvSaviq: \o/ dist-upgrade in my chroot still running. I was thinking about apt pinning09:00
MirvSaviq: aha, so it has changed already there...09:00
* Saviq marks09:00
Mirvuseful data to upstream too09:01
seb128Mirv, hey, thanks for the silos/starting the build/adding the commit messages09:01
Mirvseb128: you're welcome09:02
seb128Mirv, I'm doing testing now, giving the silos back then hopefully09:02
Saviq    Created:09:03
Saviq        Today 12:25 AM09:03
Saviq    Updated:09:03
Saviq        Today 10:02 AM09:03
Saviqno, that's not confusing _at all_09:03
seb128Saviq, you found a way to go back in time to update things before they get created? ;-)09:04
MirvSaviq: there's only small part of the world you need to convince to leave 12h clock behind :)09:04
sil2100tvoss: bad news! We're in *that* mode again, which means we don't assign any silos for anything that's not a blocker fix09:04
Saviqseb128, Mirv, yeah09:04
MirvI always need to read the Wikipedia article on the am/pm stuff09:05
Mirvespecially the part of what 12:00am meant09:05
Mirvso simple http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/12-hour_clock#Confusion_at_noon_and_midnight09:05
SaviqMirv, what do you mean, it's obvious that after 12:59 it's 1:00, isn't it? ;)09:06
sil2100Sooo obvious09:06
MirvSaviq: yes, it's obvious that after 12:00pm it's 12:01 am and then at some point 01:00, at least according to one interpration :)09:07
bzoltanMirv: sil2100: May I ask for a silo to proceed with the line nro 13?09:07
Mirvbzoltan: TRAINCON-0 announced by asac on the mailing list09:07
Mirvassigning silos would be possible, though, but we're out of them as well09:08
sil2100bzoltan: sadly we are very low on silos right now...09:08
Mirvprobably in 1-2h there'll be silos available09:08
sil2100uh, need to reflash my device again09:09
bzoltanMirv: may I put some extra MRs on the silo16 then?09:09
Mirvbzoltan: hehe, actually yes you can, since that's not going in either since it's not anymore a blocker after notes-app was workarounded09:10
bzoltanMirv: ohh... nice :) should we just add the line 13 to that silo and reconfigure?09:11
Mirvbzoltan: yeah I think so09:11
sil2100thostr_: ping09:11
bzoltanMirv:  thanks mate :)09:11
Mirvand modify the description09:11
thostr_sil2100: pong09:11
sil2100thostr_: I see charles prepared a merge fixing the #1295237 blocker?09:11
sil2100thostr_: do we have a landing for that? Is this a final fix?09:12
sil2100Mirv: ^09:12
Mirvsil2100: yep09:12
sil2100Mirv: ah, I see now it's part of the datetime landing09:12
Mirvsil2100: that's what I asked you to give a whirl to09:12
sil2100thostr_: ok, so it's in a silo now but with some other fix, nvm then!09:13
thostr_charles told be that cyphermox was already silo'ing it09:13
Mirvsil2100: the other fix is the fix Charles pointed out in the bug report that is on the blocker list09:13
Mirvthostr_: sil2100: yep, cyphermox did the silo and I launched a build in the morning so it's ready to be tested from there09:13
thostr_in total charles has three patches:  https://code.launchpad.net/~charlesk/indicator-datetime/lp-1295271/+merge/212028, https://code.launchpad.net/~charlesk/indicator-datetime/lp-1295237/+merge/212021 and https://code.launchpad.net/~charlesk/indicator-datetime/lp-1293646/+merge/21205609:14
seb128the first 2 are in silo 1509:15
seb128sil2100, Mirv: is that fine if I add the third one and reconfigure/rebuild? or do you want to get the touch fixes through and do another landing for the desktop fix later?09:16
sil2100seb128: let's do another landing later, since this way we won't have to wait for a rebuild now and simply test and publish09:17
sil2100seb128: if that's fine with you09:17
seb128sil2100, ok, can you help testing it?09:17
sil2100seb128: yes, just finishing re-flashing ;)09:17
seb128sil2100, sure, if you don't tell me the other landing is going to be blocked because the lockdown :p09:17
sil2100seb128: pfff ;p09:19
Saviqsil2100, can you please kick rebuild in https://launchpad.net/~ci-train-ppa-service/+archive/landing-004/+build/5833499 ?09:19
Saviqor well, "try again"09:19
sil2100Saviq: sure09:20
sil2100ogra_: hello! Are you coming? :)09:31
seb128mhr3, do you watch your silos? you have one failing to build and one woth "code cleanup" waiting to be tested since yesterday morning at least09:34
mandelMirv, I have read your comment in the MR and it makes sense09:35
Mirvmandel: did you read the last one too? :)09:36
Mirvmandel: so it seems it's not something required to be changed. now we just have the TRAINCON-0 so I'm afraid even with it ready for publishing we can't publish it09:37
mandelMirv, just did.. ok, so it looks like is not a huge problem then09:37
mandelMirv, indeed, I read asacs email and I know the current situation, we will have to wait09:37
Mirvmandel: let's keep in the silo and ready to be published at moment's notice.09:38
mandelMirv, is not a blocker for me atm and I have talked with the browser people and they are not yet in the point where they are going to be using it, os we are ok09:38
mandelMirv, keeping the silo is awesome :)09:39
mhr3seb128, i do09:42
seb128mhr3, so fix your build or give the silo back ;-)09:42
mhr3seb128, the testing failed and i already warned Wellark that the indicator stuff needs to move09:43
Laneythe last promoted image still uses 5.0, right?09:44
ogra_Laney, yup09:44
ogra_237 iirc09:44
Laneythis is handy for testing behaviour differences09:44
Laneywe should keep one around09:44
ogra_we keep the promoted ones09:45
seb128Laney, what do you test? the tz stuff?09:45
seb128cool, I assumed you would09:45
Laneypretty sure it worked before09:45
Laneybut who knows09:45
seb128I'm 90% sure it did work correctly09:45
seb128I was wondering what changed09:46
Laneyqt :P09:46
seb128but now that you mention it, it's probably qt5.2 :p09:46
seb128I though we used datetimed there09:46
Laneyalthough the report doesn't say what version it was09:46
Laneyyes, to change the tz09:46
seb128well, I get the issue on current trusty desktop09:46
Laneybut then there's a call to tell qml that it has changed09:46
seb128it's a bit weird09:47
seb128like I'm utc+109:47
seb128if I pick SF it gaves me california as utc+209:47
seb128if I pick Paris back it gives me france as utc-809:47
seb128e.g it's one step behind09:47
seb128maybe the order of signals changed or something09:47
davmor2Morning all09:50
ogra_signals done seem to be a strength of Qt 5.2 :P09:50
seb128Laney, btw, you should be able to test click updates now :p09:53
Laneyyeah it works for me on that image09:54
Laneythat's both good and bad at the same time :P09:54
sil2100davmor2: so, ppa:ci-train-ppa-service/landing-015 if anything, and upgrade indicator-datetime from it :)09:57
seb128sil2100, indicator-datetime seems fine to me, but I'm unsure how to trigger the original bug so I can't really confirm that's fixed09:57
sil2100seb128: I'm trying to do it right now, but I asked davmor2 (who reported it) to give it a spin as well09:58
sil2100As he knows the best how to trigger it09:58
sil2100seb128: thanks for testing!09:58
davmor2sil2100, seb128: right my phone is now flashed so let me make sure I can replicate on the new image and then I'll look at installing the ppa and seeing if the fix solves the issue10:00
sil2100davmor2: thanks!10:00
davmor2right reproduced now to install the ppa10:13
MirvFYI I've not seen regressions from indicator-datetime in full AP suite so far, 3/4 done or so10:22
Mirvone calendar app AP fail but that has happened before too10:22
sil2100Mirv: general dogfooding also didn't reveal any problems here, although I'm having a hard time doing the testing as mentioned on the bug ;)10:24
sil2100Mirv: I guess davmor2 will give us a definite +1 on if the issue is fixed10:24
MirvToyKeeper: nice round of bugs you have. I mean, those seem like more cornercase problems but definitely something that people will eventually hit if not kept on radar.10:27
Mirvbeing a beta tester of jolla these kind of problems seem quite familiar. now they're non-beta, but still some similar bugs there, which is not surprising given the complexity of a phone.10:30
davmor2sil2100, seb128: Okay so I seem to be able to dismiss alarms now \o/ :)10:35
seb128davmor2, great!10:36
sil2100davmor2: yessss!10:39
sil2100davmor2: actually, on my device every alarm attempt I made was dismissable10:39
sil2100Mirv: you want to do the honor of publishing inidicator-datetime? ;)10:39
Mirvsil2100: so testing has concluded? mine _just_ finished as well, no regressions.10:40
Laneyyeah I got a simple reproducer10:40
LaneydateTimeUpdated() seems buggy10:41
LaneyI mean timeZoneUpdated10:41
* Mirv hears if what Laney is saying is somehow related to indicator-datetime landing10:41
Laneyit's a qt problem10:42
sil2100Mirv: it's a different issue, related to TZ's10:43
Mirvsil2100: ok. so changing Tested to be yes as per davmor2 and publishing then.10:44
sil2100Mirv: you can publish indicator-datetime as it is now anyway I guess10:44
Mirvindicator-datetime published10:45
seb128sil2100, Mirv, davmor2: thanks10:46
popeydavmor2: adb shell ls /opt/click.ubuntu.com/com.ubuntu.calculator - what do you see?10:47
davmor2popey: root@ubuntu-phablet:/# davmor2@stryder:~$ adb shell ls /opt/click.ubuntu.com/com.ubuntu.calculator10:48
davmor2ls: cannot access /opt/click.ubuntu.com/com.ubuntu.calculator: No such file or directory10:48
ogra_Saviq, hmm, i just worke up my mako and the shell is dead .... indicators work, switching apps work, the launcher shows if i swipe from the left, but the shell itself is stuck on the application lens and i cant move it10:50
Saviqogra_, right, I think I encountered that once or twice, it felt like mouse input isn't delivered10:50
ogra_(lockscreen works too)10:50
davmor2popey: root@ubuntu-phablet:/opt/click.ubuntu.com# ls -al10:50
davmor2total 810:50
davmor2drwxr-xr-x 2 clickpkg clickpkg 4096 Mar 21 03:17 .10:50
davmor2drwxr-xr-x 3 root     root     4096 Mar 21 09:26 ..10:50
Saviqogra_, edges are different 'cause they deal with touch events10:51
popeydavmor2: is this a clean device you have just flashed?10:51
Saviqogra_, but everything else deals in mouse events and it looks like that gets b0rked10:51
davmor2popey: yeap and then added a ppa and opened calculator10:51
ogra_hmm, k10:51
Saviqogra_, I didn't find a way to repro, though :/10:51
Saviqogra_, but please file a bug10:51
ogra_Saviq, anything you want me to capture specifically ?10:52
Saviqogra_, steps to repro...10:53
ogra_i dont reallly have any ... i had a paused music app up and the device was suspended over night10:54
ogra_waking it up got me this10:54
ogra_i just tried to use the hud to close the music app ... now i cant swipe it away anymore10:54
ogra_swiping down brings up the indicators behind the opened hud10:55
ogra_this device is seriously confused10:55
davmor2ogra_: do you see the little down arrow on the hud transparency at the top?10:57
ogra_yes, see ... use, no10:58
davmor2ogra_: :(10:59
ogra_tapping there expands the indicator pane a few mm10:59
davmor2don't find bugs we want to promote and image :P10:59
ogra_i can use the left swipe to get back to the shell10:59
ogra_davmor2, how do you expect us to promote an image with the signal processing bug11:00
davmor2ogra_: it won't help if you find more in the meantime though ;)11:00
ogra_heh, indeed11:00
ogra_filing anyway ...11:00
* davmor2 sends a message to LP to block the Report bug button if login == "ogra"11:04
ogra_Saviq, bug 129562311:10
ubot5bug 1295623 in unity8 (Ubuntu) "shell is unresponsive after a night of suspend, while all other UI elements work" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/129562311:10
* ogra_ reboots the device11:10
Saviqogra_, thanks11:12
ogra_not really helpful i think ...11:12
ogra_but at least it is logged11:12
ogra_hmpf ... my flo doesnt offer me to upgrade11:17
ogra_i'm on 248, i'm online but neither the notification in system-settings comes up nor do i see any update when i tap on the update icon in sysstem-settings11:18
* ogra_ reboots the device11:19
ogra_aha, works after reboot11:20
seb128still seems a bug in the service11:21
ogra_nah, must be system-settings :P11:21
seb128ogra_, not a bug, you locked down our archive, we are locking down your upgrades11:21
ogra_i didnt lock down anything ... complain to the sack ;)11:22
ogra_(/me just notices that that sounds like "talk to the hand")11:22
seb128talking to the sack is like talking to wall ;-)11:23
seb128*to a wall11:23
ogra_nah, depends what you say really :)11:23
seb128if you say something he doesn't want to hear I should have added11:23
* ogra_ knows that "want a whisky ?" always gets him a response11:23
=== psivaa_ is now known as psivaa
asacwhats the word on the train block?11:43
thostr_sil2100: can I get a silo for line 10?11:44
sil2100asac: we're still blocked on the event thing, it's still being discussed11:45
asacSaviq: do we have any leads on our side?11:45
sil2100thostr_: we're in TRAINCON-0 and low on silos right now11:45
asace.g. still straws?11:46
sil2100asac: he's on lunch right now11:46
sil2100asac: but I saw a lot of discussion on -unity11:46
thostr_sil2100: ok11:46
sil2100greyback: maybe you have any leads?11:46
greybacksil2100: not really, Saviq is looking after it11:48
Mirvin case bzoltan asks, landing-016 was reconfigured as discussed to include "all" the UITK branches hoped to be landed at some point when traincon is over11:57
ogra_asac, seems the issue is there sice Qt 5.1 .... Saviq filed an upstream bug12:04
Saviqyup /me bisects12:05
asaci am sure we are on our own12:06
asacto get this fixed12:06
asacor hacked12:06
asacuntil upstream has time to look at it12:06
* ogra_ thinks we should reconsider the block, looks like fixing might take longer and we are finally constantly green atm12:07
seb128locking down everyone also doesn't help to fix that qt bug12:07
seb128it's like a few people working on it/knowing the topic enough, it's not going to be fixed earlier by preventing others to do their work12:08
asacSaviq: so once you have the commit, feel free to pull bzoltan and his team in12:10
Saviqseb128, ogra_ +112:11
seb128asac, what about listening to the teams rather than being stubborn? or at least explain why the lockdown is helping12:11
=== josepht changed the topic of #ubuntu-ci-eng to: Ubuntu CI Engineering Team | Vanguard: josepht | CITrain support - US: robru, cyphermox, rsalveti - EU: sil2100, Mirv, didrocks | CITrain support no answer: use mup bot after 30 minutes, but choose right timezone | Known issues: -
sil2100Ok, I jump out for quick lunch now12:21
SaviqMirv, can you please kick the dependency-wait armhf builds in https://launchpad.net/~ci-train-ppa-service/+archive/landing-004/+packages12:23
SaviqMirv, i.e. unity-mir and platform-api12:24
MirvSaviq: I don't see missing armhf builds for them. other archs?12:25
SaviqMirv, sorry, my eyes are broken12:25
SaviqMirv, ignore please :)12:25
MirvSaviq: ignoring:)12:25
cjwatsonSaviq: you might just not have reloaded recently - dep-waits are auto-retried if possible at 25,55 * * * *12:27
cjwatsonand those successful armhf builds are recent12:27
Saviqcjwatson, yeah, I must've12:27
davmor2ogra_: don't change imgbots name :)  === isn't supported in xchat as a highlight string so I've put in imgbots nick to hightlight on instead see if that works :)12:36
popeyget a better irc client ☻12:37
ogra_davmor2, robru asked me to put "trainguard" into the string it posts ... just highlight onn that12:37
davmor2popey: I can get a plugin for it but I don't trust unofficial 3rd party plugins12:38
davmor2ogra_: that's the other alternative I guess :)12:38
davmor2ogra_: just reading your email to the phone list.  I don't think we should keep mir running that's just daft.  but might be a force on us if QT are not going to change the upstream do we know if things will actually be changed though?12:41
ogra_davmor2, it affects X11 too and i dont think it is wanted to stop processing in Qt, so i am confident upstream will fix it (or accept a patch from us once we have one)12:44
ogra_davmor2, though Saviq is the better person to judge this12:44
Saviqogra_, I'm slightly worried "this is a feature, not a bug"12:45
ogra_i just personally think we should see that we release one of the green images tonight ... that gives the SDK team still the rest of the day and a chance to fix it but wont block the world ... we are (as i said) in a special situationn with the beta freeze and all12:45
Saviqogra_, should know a bit more once I pinpoint a commit12:45
ogra_anyway, not up to me, just stating an opinion here ... the final decision is in rickspencesrs and asac's hands12:46
davmor2Saviq: thanks for the update12:47
mhr3sil2100, giving up 00212:53
davmor2popey: I just got the warning on facebook login I just hit continue and it all worked for me12:58
davmor2popey: and an email from facebook to12:58
=== alan_g is now known as alan_g|lunch
kenvandinebfiller, what do we do about clicks that are part of a silo?  like gallery in silo 14?13:12
bfillerkenvandine: we have to build it manually I guess13:13
bfillerkenvandine: was about to do that to test13:13
cyphermoxseb128: thostr_: I was told by charles that he wasn't sure about the third, so he said not to add it, that's why there were only two13:21
thostr_cyphermox: ok with me. the first two seem more critical anyway13:22
davmor2popey: let me open up friends and make sure it actually works though13:22
davmor2popey: yeap Friends shows facebook posts13:23
sil2100mhr3: ok13:25
sil2100Saviq: hi! Any progress?13:25
ogra_don't be pushy !13:25
Saviqsil2100, it's BUILDING! ;)13:25
Saviqunfortunately qt's pretty heavy to build ;)13:26
Saviqespecially when you're trying to bisect...13:26
sil2100Saviq: you think we'll have to distro-patch Qt to get it fixed, or maybe we can workaround it in our projects instead?13:26
ogra_in all of them ?13:27
Saviqsil2100, Qt13:27
sil2100ogra_: yes, in every one in the archive ;)13:27
ogra_we shouldnt have to distro-patch though ... upstream should ifx it :P13:27
sil2100ogra_: we're being priority-pushed here, Qt upstream doesn't understand the PRESSURE I have on me and the PRESSURE I put on Saviq right now to get this fixed ;p13:28
Saviqsil2100, ogra_'s trying to lift the pressure on ubuntu-devel for you ;)13:29
ogra_i think it doesnt need you to make Saviq feel the pressure :)13:29
ogra_(or me, or anyone)13:29
Saviqit doesn't help that 5.0 doesn't build on trusty...13:30
* Saviq changes approach13:30
davmor2it's almost like everyone is under the microscope + magnifying glass at the same time I don't think we need to announce the pressure on top of that :)13:33
=== alan_g|lunch is now known as alan_g
davmor2popey, ogra_, sil2100: would you agree with me that other than the issues when the screen is blanked 250 is pretty solid?  Also I think i would hold off on looking at promotion till the image with the dismiss alarms fix is up :)13:35
=== psivaa is now known as psivaa-afk
popey250 is solid13:39
sil2100davmor2: I just played around with the phone and noticed no issues as well13:40
davmor2I'm just testing location which is the final test13:42
kenvandinebfiller, i just updated my gallery-app branch since trunk had a landing yesterday13:49
kenvandinebfiller, so if you didn't merge from trunk before building a click, you might want to pull again13:49
bfillerkenvandine: ack13:49
bfillerkenvandine: have you tested the other parts yet (like uss and address book?)13:50
bfillerwith the silo13:50
bfillerneeds gallery in all these cases, doh13:50
kenvandinebfiller, not yet... right13:50
kenvandinei've installed them all :)13:50
kenvandinejust building gallery13:50
kenvandinei wish the silo could give us a click build :/13:51
bfillerkenvandine: I know, sergio build me a click version of gallery from trunk yesterday. I'm actually testing that the AP tests still work as a click13:51
bregmasil2100, I have a desktop-only (unity7+compiz) landing in silo 006 ready for publish, if and when it is safe and convenient to do so13:52
sil2100bregma: sure! Let me take a look13:52
sil2100bregma: I believe these are only bugfixes, yes? ;)13:53
bregmasil2100, yes13:53
kenvandinebfiller, my build it at 65%, if you want i can send you the click when it's ready13:54
kenvandinetakes quite a while on the device13:54
bfillerkenvandine: that would be good13:55
kenvandinebfiller, http://ubuntuone.com/2ynawe58vvRLCkon6RFBU314:05
bfillerkenvandine: thanks14:05
kenvandinebfiller, oh bugger...14:10
kenvandinethe version is the same as the preinstalled click14:10
kenvandinebfiller, building another... with a different rev14:12
kenvandinebfiller, http://ubuntuone.com/78m3eVPfkLq9AR47CQCIrN14:13
sil2100ogra_: you have a moment for a packaging ACK?14:14
sil2100ogra_: the migration file looks sane, the dconf meddling is also done in other migration files already14:17
ogra_sil2100, hmm that last bit looks weird, is the "s0_active_plugins =" removal actually including the following line ?14:22
ogra_(apart from that ... ACK)14:23
sil2100ogra_: the final line just modifies s0_active_plugins = to not include gnomecompat in it14:24
ogra_sil2100, right, but the removal looks like it doesnt remove the list of plugins, only the variable14:25
ogra_might be a wrapping issue with the debdiff14:25
ogra_i would like you to make sure it actually also removes everything after =14:25
ogra_if thats clear, go wild :)14:26
sil2100ogra_: hah, it's cool - as you might see there is no 'whitespace' at the beginning of the second line, so it means it's part of the '-'14:27
sil2100ogra_: if it was a separate line that is left unmodified there would be a " " at the beginning ;)14:27
ogra_so yes, go ahead14:27
sil2100ogra_: thanks!14:27
=== psivaa-afk is now known as psivaa
bfillerkenvandine: I'm reflashing then will test, any luck so far?14:30
asacdavmor2: did you fully test the latest image?14:31
sil2100asac: yes, from what we know the whole dogfooding process has been finished successfully14:32
sil2100asac: as per https://docs.google.com/a/canonical.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0Ai33BkOcORLLdE4xLTFtSE80ZkpITXZ3aV85cWtPX2c&usp=drive_web#gid=014:32
kenvandinebfiller, all our pre-defined test cases work14:42
kenvandinebut i did find a bug in the loader elleo added to ContentPeerModel14:42
kenvandinenot a regression and doesn't break our default apps14:43
kenvandinedoesn't need to block, but it's probably an easy fix14:43
bfillerkenvandine: let him know and hopefully he can fix it today14:43
bfillerkenvandine: the train is blocked anyway from releasing14:43
bfillerso we have some time (:14:43
kenvandinei just pinged him about it14:44
davmor2asac: popey and I have done the daily smoke that we normally do.  Everything is looking like the normal bugs are in place the only others are the Alarm and 2nd music track.  I can do a full image test but it will take maybe 3-4 hours14:52
bfillerkenvandine: installed everyting, gallery doesn't launch from system-settings for me when trying to choose background photo14:53
kenvandinebfiller, does gallery launch at all?14:53
kenvandineand confirm you installed
davmor2asac: hence asking if you wanted me to do it on #ubuntu-touch14:54
davmor2asac: it'll give you a full break down like on image 23714:54
bfillerkenvandine: gallery launches on it's own, but not from uss or address-book. I have installed14:55
kenvandinebfiller, also ensure content-hub-service has restarted14:55
kenvandineor even reboot it to be sure it's all clean14:55
bfillerkenvandine: I rebooted, hub service is not running after reboot or after requesting gallery from uss14:58
bfillermaybe I missed something14:58
kenvandineapt-cache policy content-hub14:59
asacdavmor2: i think we want a firm +1 on this image15:02
bfillerkenvandine: 0.0+14.04.20140321-0ubuntu1, segfaults if I run /usr/bin/content-hub manually. let me get a trace15:02
asacdavmor2: from you15:02
bfilleri'm on the latest15:02
asacin case we agree to whitelist this bug for this promotionm15:02
asacdiscussion is ongoing as always :)15:02
kenvandinebfiller,  i wonder if you have gsettings cruft15:02
bfillerkenvandine: image 25015:02
bfillerkenvandine: possible, I didn't wipe15:02
davmor2asac: right I'll start a full image test I'll throw a link at the mailing list in a bit15:02
kenvandine gsettings get com.ubuntu.content.hub.default pictures15:03
kenvandinebfiller, ^^15:03
kenvandinebfiller,  and gsettings get com.ubuntu.content.hub.source pictures15:03
bfillerkenvandine: ['com.ubuntu.gallery_gallery_2.9.1.931']15:03
bfillerkenvandine: which is wrong, that's the prior version I had installed15:04
kenvandinewhich is that from?15:04
bfillerkenvandine: that's the one sergio built me from trunk yesterday that I had installed15:04
kenvandinei meant which setting?15:04
kenvandinegsettings get com.ubuntu.content.hub.default pictures15:05
kenvandine['com.ubuntu.gallery', 'gallery', 'current-user-version']15:05
kenvandinethat's what you should get from default15:05
bfillerkenvandine: oh  gsettings get com.ubuntu.content.hub.default pictures = ['com.ubuntu.gallery_gallery_2.9.1.931']15:05
* davmor2 reflash 237 for an upgrade path15:05
kenvandinebugger... why didn't that default get reset15:05
kenvandinebfiller, had you maybe manually set the default before?15:06
bfillerkenvandine: no I didn't15:06
bfillerkenvandine: let me reflash with a wipe and try it again15:06
bfillerkenvandine: it's working ok for you?15:06
kenvandinegsettings reset com.ubuntu.content.hub.source pictures15:06
kenvandinedo that15:06
kenvandinebut we need to make sure this transition works15:06
kenvandineit worked for me...15:06
kenvandinebut that isn't enough :)15:07
kenvandinebfiller, so that should have already been broken for you, because we changed that default to a tuple a couple weeks ago15:07
kenvandinethat landed15:07
kenvandinebfiller,  so this issue isn't really related to this silo...15:07
bfillerkenvandine: maybe when I installed sergio's click yesterday it didn't do the right thing with gsettings?15:08
kenvandinethe click shouldn't change defaults15:08
kenvandinethey register themselves, but they can't change the default15:08
kenvandinewas the hub working for you yesterday?15:08
bfillerI didn't try it15:09
kenvandinethat should have already been crashing, since it isn't a tuple15:09
bfillerprobably was15:09
bfillerprobably wasn't working I mean15:09
bfillerkenvandine: ah wait15:09
kenvandinedavmor2, can you run this "gsettings get com.ubuntu.content.hub.default pictures" ?15:09
kenvandinepopey, ^^15:09
bfillerkenvandine: I also had been installing gallery-app deb to test, maybe that did it?15:09
kenvandineshouldn't have...15:09
kenvandinelets see what that default is set to for some people that doesn't have the silo or ppa added15:10
davmor2kenvandine: popey can you help with that15:10
kenvandinebfiller, resetting that should fix your problem though15:10
cyphermoxseb128: just checking, all good with charles' indicator-datetime silo I set up for you?15:11
popeydavmor2: on a hangout..15:13
seb128cyphermox, yes, that landed/got merged back, thanks15:13
bfillerkenvandine: resetting both of those keys fixed it15:13
bfillerkenvandine: now seeing a different problem on address book though..15:13
kenvandinebfiller, yeah?15:14
cyphermoxseb128: oh good15:14
davmor2kenvandine: I'm on a mission to help with the decision to promote R250 which starts on 237  So I won't be much use to you till latter15:14
bfillerkenvandine: after choosing a picture from address book it shows up, but after hitting save it disapears15:14
cyphermoxso then we're good with the alarms blocker? :D15:14
bfillerkenvandine: wondering if could be related to Elleo changes on address book on the image path15:14
davmor2kenvandine: if you can wait a bit I can run it on a tablet15:14
kenvandinedavmor2, sure, just want to see what the default is in a current image without our silo added15:15
kenvandinebfiller, do you know what it does with the image?  keep a copy of it or just add it to the contact?15:17
bfillerkenvandine: not sure, I'm asking renato and Elleo on #ubuntu-touch15:17
davmor2kenvandine: from flo on current root@ubuntu-phablet:/# gsettings get com.ubuntu.content.hub.default pictures15:31
davmor2['com.ubuntu.gallery', 'gallery', 'current-user-version']15:31
davmor2kenvandine: ^ is that good or bad news?15:33
kenvandinedavmor2, that's good :)15:43
kenvandinedavmor2, thanks15:44
popeydavmor2: i am still concerned that my flo is constantly restarting unity8 after being upgraded from 237 to 24915:50
popeyand now 250 too15:50
ogra_still works fine for me15:50
popeydid you go 237 -> 249?15:50
popeyskipping everything in between?15:50
ogra_(and obviously for the test infra as well)15:50
davmor2popey: still works fine for me15:50
ogra_i did go 238 -> 248 ... and today 248 -> 25015:51
popeyright, I'm going to do it again (3rd time now) and if it still breaks I'm raising the priority of that bug report.15:51
davmor2popey: in date time if I click on clock it opens clock if I click on date should it open the calendar?15:51
t1mppopey: how often is "constantly" restarting?15:52
* t1mp did 239 --> 249 --> 25015:52
popeyboot it up, its restarting constantly15:53
popeyby the exact definition you know that word15:53
popeyphablet   2456  2.9  4.2 329892 79248 ?        Ssl  15:49   0:06 unity815:53
popeyphablet   2705  118  3.0 276356 56852 ?        Ssl  15:53   0:04 unity815:53
popeyphablet   2848  122  1.7 225960 31696 ?        Ssl  15:54   0:02 unity815:54
ogra_out of diskspace ? /tmp not writable ? (or something similar)15:54
ogra_did you check the upstart log for unity815:54
popeytmpfs                           903M  288K  903M   1% /tmp15:54
ogra_(process:2848): GLib-GIO-CRITICAL **: g_bus_watch_name: assertion 'g_dbus_is_name (name)' failed15:57
ogra_smells like it cant connect to dbus for whatever reason15:57
=== bfiller is now known as bfiller_afk
popeyhttp://paste.ubuntu.com/7131263/ dbus log15:58
popeyright, going to flash clean again15:58
ogra_well, since nobody else is seeing it i would suspect something in your home gets in the way16:00
ogra_(nothing sticks out in the dbus log ... but then i'm no unity dev :) )16:01
popeyi wiped16:01
popeywhich is why it worries me more, because I did a --wipe when i put 237 on, so it's stock 237 to stock 24916:02
ogra_did you check that home is really empty ?16:02
ogra_probably an issue with ubuntu-device-flash16:02
popeywill check16:03
popeyits flashing16:03
popeyogra_: its clean, 23716:11
plarsanyone know how to trick adb into running a process in the background (not background on the host, background on the device)16:11
popeyooh, there's suf in .local16:11
plarsI tried something like adb shell "nohup foo &" but to no avail16:11
popeylooks sane though16:11
popeyplars: we should ship gnu screen or tmux on the device *hint* ogra_16:12
ogra_plars, i never tried but adbd tears down the shell when you disconnect, so nohup is unlikely to work16:15
ogra_plars, there is a way to put user upstart jobs into ~/.init or so ... you could dump something there, and fire it up via initctl then16:18
ogra_(not sure about the path)16:18
sil2100asac: in case I miss something, could you poke me once we're clear to resume normal landing? :)16:19
plarsogra_: in this case, it's not something I'd want to leave running forever. It times itself out after a specified amount of time and I don't want it to restart or anything16:19
ogra_so dont use repawn in the job ;)16:20
plarsogra_: but I do need it to dump a file, and it's output somewhere16:20
plarsI'll look into it give that a try, seems an odd use of upstart16:20
ogra_why ?16:21
ogra_thats what user session support was designed for16:21
asacdavmor2: things looking good so far? whats ETA?16:22
asacfor finishing your run?16:22
* ogra_ hopes we have some info for the meeting in 40min16:22
davmor2asac: a while yet but pretty much everything is green except for outstanding minor issues that are already known16:23
davmor2ogra_: doubtful look at the doc16:23
ogra_ah, k16:24
asacdavmor2: yeah. the doc looks like you are currently testing the upgraded variant16:24
asacnot the clean install16:24
asacnot sure if i parse that correctly and whether there will be another run for clean install16:25
ogra_the run he is doing is the verification run anyway16:25
ogra_there was already a successful test run before16:25
davmor2asac: I did a fresh install for the dogfooding this morning.  This was to test that you could upgrade from the current promoted to 250 with no issues16:26
davmor2asac: I figured that was an Important test16:26
plarsogra_: seems to work ok, thanks! looks like it's $HOME/.config/upstart/foo.conf16:28
ogra_ah, cool16:28
asacdavmor2: yeah16:34
popeyreproduced bug 1295170 again16:41
ubot5bug 1295170 in unity8 (Ubuntu) "unity8 in restart loop on flo" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/129517016:41
* ogra_ doesnt get why only you are affected 16:42
popeyprobably because nobody else follows the procedure exactly ☻16:43
popeyyou have to put music on it16:43
popeyand then wait, and then unity8 goes mad16:43
ogra_well, ToyKeeper tests music on the flo a lot ... (judging by her reports)16:44
ogra_it probably doesnt like your kind of music :P16:44
popeyright, but you have to be not-connected before putting it on16:44
popeythen when you connect, it does the mass update of album art or something16:44
popeyand boom16:44
ogra_oh, wait ... you wipe only the first time and re-use the whatever generated metadata from the former install16:46
ogra_sounds like a data migration issue16:46
popeywell, the --wipe cleans surely?16:47
ogra_it should16:47
popeythe home looked clean to me16:47
popeyand there was no music on it before I upgraded16:48
ogra_oh, ok16:48
=== retoaded changed the topic of #ubuntu-ci-eng to: Ubuntu CI Engineering Team | Vanguard: retoaded | CITrain support - US: robru, cyphermox, rsalveti - EU: sil2100, Mirv, didrocks | CITrain support no answer: use mup bot after 30 minutes, but choose right timezone | Known issues: -
sil2100cyphermox: will you be on the meeting?17:05
sil2100davmor2: let me take a lookie17:27
sil2100davmor2: looks good so far, as I see you're making music playback now - could you check video playback as well?17:34
sil2100davmor2: ah, I see you're doing that as well17:34
davmor2sil2100: I did say I was in the process of doing the scopes ;)17:34
sil2100davmor2: scopes ;) For me video playback is not part of scopes functionality! It's, like, functionality of its own ;p17:35
sil2100davmor2: sooo, is it a final +1?17:42
davmor2sil2100: looks like it but I think asac might want to have a quick look before you do.  I'm just going back through and adding links to the bugs17:43
sil2100asac: ^17:43
sil2100asac: can you check that provided document?17:43
sil2100davmor2: I think asac might be AFK right now17:43
sil2100Let's wait 15 minutes and if asac doesn't pop-up, let's +1 and promote \o/17:44
robrualright, who wants some landings?! ;-)17:48
asacdavmor2: is there anything not known before?17:49
asacdavmor2: if not, we delegated the +1 power to QA :)17:49
davmor2asac: on the click package Tagger crashing17:49
cjwatsonrobru: (cc thostr_) I'd love line 15 ...17:49
cjwatson(though I guess things already in silos come first)17:49
davmor2asac, sil2100: In that case by the power invested in me +1 looks pretty solid17:50
robrucjwatson, I suppose I can assign that. no promises on when it can be published though17:50
sil2100Let's promote!17:50
robrusil2100, oh excellent17:50
cjwatsonrobru: it was blocked on autopilot, but I gather not any more17:51
sil2100ogra_: can you promote #250? Thank you :)17:51
ogra_sil2100, ok, doing so17:51
robrucjwatson, that's right, i did publish autopilot yesterday!17:52
asacdavmor2: i dont know tagger, so you are better suited to make that call17:52
robrucjwatson, ok, i gave you silo 6, please build17:52
davmor2asac: 3rd party 3d tag reader creator will just need the dev to look at it and maybe rebuild against QT5.2.117:53
asacdavmor2: thats new? compared to yesterday?17:54
cjwatsonrobru: thanks17:54
asacor just newly noticed?17:54
asacdavmor2: doesnt matter i guess17:54
robrucjwatson, you're welcome17:54
davmor2newly noticed17:54
asacok then thats not new for me :)17:54
dbarthasac: ping?17:57
asacdbarth: ?17:57
ogra_=== Image 250 PROMOTED ! ===17:57
dbarthasac: hi17:58
sil2100ogra_: \o/17:58
dbarthi'd like to discuss the opportunity of having a silo for the big bad oxide landing17:58
sil2100Yay for no alarms for users!17:58
dbarthright now, we can't have one because we need the FFE/MIR17:58
davmor2popey: what's your mtp not updating bug please17:58
ogra_who wants alarms on a weekend anyway17:58
dbarthbut at the same time having a silo would help us smooth the test and release process17:58
sil2100ogra_: I actually need to wake up at 6 tomorrow morning!17:59
dbartha bit like qt-5.2, at a smaller scale17:59
ogra_sil2100, insane !17:59
asacdbarth: we are starting to publish, so opportunity should arrive soon17:59
dbarthhow does that sound?17:59
asacunless there is a silo already17:59
asaccheck with sil2100 who is in charge and later robru17:59
dbarthok, but on the principle of getting a silo /before the FFE is formally acked/ you ok?17:59
dbarth(knowing that oxide is a must-have for the security team)18:00
asacdbarth: unless we are very low on silos, we dont really care as long as you put a note so we dont accidentially publish it18:00
asacdbarth: its your risk after all :)18:00
asace.g. if FFE gets nacked you loose word18:00
dbarthi'll add a line to the spreadsheet18:00
dbarthwe'd better get started18:00
asacyeah. also depends a bit on how many things go into the silo18:01
asacand what the backlog of landings for those things is18:01
robrudbarth, need a silo? i'm your guy!18:05
ogra_the silo dealer18:05
Laneyi give good price, many nice silo18:07
* ogra_ imagines robru as Lefty the salesman ...18:07
robrusilos, get your silos!18:07
sil2100dbarth: yeah, actually, if we have enough silos, we can assign a silo for the needs of features without even FFe approval, but with the 'note' that they can be flushed if something else high-priority appears18:07
asacsil2100: robru: so at bgest we would be a bit careful in which order we flush ready silos etc. and kicking images in between to get the engine going :)18:08
asacbut well, i leave it you to you guys :)18:08
robruasac, no worries,thanks18:08
asacthink though its common sense :P18:08
dbarthsil2100: ok18:09
sil2100The problem with current landings is that we have a lot of silos assigned but not tested yet18:10
dbarthsil2100: i'll continue piling things up on line 40 for now18:10
dbarthsil2100: i still need to have oxide touch the universe archive first18:10
dbarthotherwise we won't be able to build anything18:11
sil2100dbarth: ok, we'll keep an eye on that ;)18:11
dbarthsil2100: it's more for monday now i guess18:15
jdstranddbarth: I didn't read all backscroll-- your silo is dependent on oxide in the archive, no?18:26
sil2100Ok, need to drive out now, see you on monday18:30
sil2100If there's anything urgent during the weekend - mup me18:30
sil2100Have a nice weekend!18:30
asacrobru: ogra_: so will we kick images after flushing every other silo? just so we have them as checkpints?18:31
asacthats my last input before going into background18:31
ogra_asac, well, depends if cyphermox is around after the flushing ... else there will be the 3am build18:32
asacrobru doenst have powers to push that button?18:32
ogra_only ubuntu-devs have18:32
asaccyphermox: you around for a bit?18:32
asacogra_: kk18:32
cyphermoxwell yeah18:32
robruasac, nope, i can't kick images18:32
cyphermox3 more hours at the very least18:32
cyphermoxi can kick the images18:33
asaccyphermox: i think its about taking image snapshots after each couple of silos18:33
asacand then trying to be smart about what silos to put togeher18:33
asacso we dont end up withh images that have 100 packages :)18:33
ogra_asac, hm18:33
ogra_asac, that wont work18:33
cyphermoxwell, it depends when it's worth spending time creating new images like this18:33
asacwhat wouldn work?18:33
robruasac, the problem with that is that each image kick takes fully 1 hour.18:33
asaccyphermox: why not? its just a button18:33
ogra_asac, if you build one after each landing they step on each other in the testing infra18:33
asacrobru: right, so we have 1 hourly shots18:34
cyphermoxasac: it takes a lot of time, for the little benefit it gives18:34
ogra_running the tests still takes 4-5h18:34
asacogra_: that doesnt amtter as long as we have the iamges18:34
ogra_so you wont have any info18:34
asaci dont want to wait18:34
asacjust have the images so we can rerun tests in case we break something during the shots18:34
ogra_right, you will have the snapshots, but not know if they broke18:34
asacso in case something broke18:35
ogra_yup, understood18:35
asacwe can easily just ask plars to run the iamges in bisecting style18:35
cyphermoxhow about we just ask people to not break stuff?18:35
asaccyphermox: thats not possible :)18:35
asaccyphermox: everyone tries hard18:35
asacbut there are gaps :)18:35
cyphermoxsure it is, it's software18:35
ogra_cyphermox, thats a good idea18:35
asacand mistakes18:35
* ogra_ wants the t-shirt 18:35
cyphermoxmistakes do happen18:35
asacand we have big silos in the queue18:35
asacso i am sure there will be something hidden18:35
cyphermoxbut at some point our proper, careful testing should mitigate the bad, ugly, stop-the-line mistakes18:36
asacand the faster we can remove such "bomb" the better we can continue running smooth18:36
asaccyphermox: sure. we are getting there18:36
asacwe have the right incentives18:36
dbarthjdstrand: it is yes, i made a note next to the silo for that18:36
asaca) upstreams test on their own now18:36
dbarthjdstrand: chris is to start the upload this evening18:36
asacb) we add tests to their test plan after they slipped something accidentially18:36
* ogra_ wants just 40 more makos in the lab so we can run all tests in parallel18:36
cyphermoxasac: not sure it's the right incentives.18:36
asacc) they might choose manual, but given that thats work that encuourages them to automate18:36
cyphermoxplus before we land, me and robru have to re-test everything quickly to make sure18:37
asaccyphermox: it is. we back their stuff out. they fix it and improve test plan18:37
asaccyphermox: right. we only want that for TRAINCON-118:37
jdstranddbarth: ah, ok18:37
asaccyphermox: but given the backlog, we should do it smartly18:37
asacfor the first landings to get the engine booting18:37
asaccyphermox: you needed to double check because we had high alert state since qt5.2 landing. and before because of android 4.4 bustage.18:38
asacwe dont want that alert state. key is really that if you find a gap, you talk to the lander and ensure he adds it to testplan18:38
davmor2seb128: you about still?  Do you know if the date in the datetime indicator is is meant to tie into anything?18:38
asacalso taking random samples from the MPs and checking that they really followed checklist is important to ensure they get feedback18:39
seb128davmor2, tie?18:39
asacwould be cool if we could flush silos in steps and kick images in the middle to get checkpoints so we can go risky18:39
ogra_davmor2, it was a no-op in the past ...18:39
ogra_but its a long time since i tapped it last18:39
davmor2seb128: so if you click on the clock/time it opens the clock app18:39
cyphermoxin the end, I don't really care, just tell us what you need and we'll get it done, but we're saying it will take lots of time and it doesn't mean it will catch the problems, nor make it easy to revert when you have additional packages that may depend on the broken ones, etc. and need to be rebuilt should stuff have to be backed out18:40
davmor2seb128: so I was wondering if the date bit was meant to open in the calendar18:40
cyphermoxrobru: you ready? you start from the top and I start from the end and we just try to land stuff when asac says go?18:40
davmor2ogra_: yeah I've hit it in the past but I'm wondering if it is meant to and has just never been implemented18:41
robrucyphermox, good god. well i'm here. are we seriously dumping it all at once?18:41
seb128davmor2, I don't think so, but that's a valid wishlist to open for design I guess18:41
asaccyphermox: haha18:41
cyphermoxrobru: no, not all at once18:41
asaccyphermox: pick the silos smartly18:41
davmor2seb128: thanks I was pretty sure it never had but just wanted confirmation thanks18:41
asaci would start with one shot of very leave apps18:41
asacand usually risk free things18:41
asacthen image18:41
cyphermoxwe'll iteratively go through the silos, pick the easiest, safest first, then go from there18:42
asacthen pick another silo with one big thing and a couple of more simpel things18:42
seb128davmor2, yw, thanks for checking18:42
asaceasiest first is probably goodie18:42
asaccyphermox: starting with leav'ish stuff also will prevent invalidaating silos accidentially18:42
cyphermoxrobru: also probably best to not assign new silos in between18:42
asacthink we didnt enforce locks so some might conflict :)18:42
asacyou guys do :)18:42
asacand innovate how to do this engine kickstarting :)18:43
davmor2asac: right everything that had a bug now has it tagged I'm going to write up the new ones and the doc is then complete18:45
=== bfiller_afk is now known as bfiller
cyphermoxasac: we sure did innovate, we're done18:59
cyphermoxso there's nothing currently marked as having been tested, so we're not in a position to land anything new except for ubuntu-download-manager, which was just pushed19:00
davmor2seb128: not sure how I should assign this to design do they have a tag or something, I set wish list though https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/indicator-datetime/+bug/129579919:00
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1295799 in indicator-datetime (Ubuntu) "Date doesn't connect to anything when clicked" [Wishlist,New]19:00
davmor2asac: Right doc is good, all is good in the world, ogra_ why has imgbot not said anything?19:12
davmor2ogra_: or does it not say Promoted?19:13
ToyKeeperI was wondering about that too...  did imgbot already break?19:14
ToyKeeperThe last line I saw from it was about image 249.19:16
boikorobru: so, just to be clear, is landing opened again?19:16
robruboiko, yes! do you have a tested silo for me?19:17
boikorobru: almost, I just found one weird thing: so, I flashed 250 on a nexus4, installed messaging-app-autopilot from the silo19:17
boikorobru: but when I try to run the autopilot tests, it says ImportError: No module named gi.repository19:18
robruboiko, oh god19:18
boikorobru: has something changed on autopilot itself lately?19:18
robruboiko, well there was just an autopilot release19:18
asaccyphermox: wtf19:19
asaccyphermox: so everything else was already landed?19:19
asacguess lets kick an image NOW then19:19
asacunless you tell me nothing was landed because nothing was ready19:19
asacthat would be a shame :P19:19
elopioboiko: I remember having to install gir1.2-upstart-app-launch-219:20
elopiothey added the dependency on this branch: https://code.launchpad.net/~thomir/autopilot/trunk-upstart-support/+merge/21090619:20
cyphermoxjust waiting for ubuntu-download-manager to be in the archive19:20
boikoelopio: it is already installed19:21
kgunnrobru: we added one more proj to the silo4 for the testing...mind hitting reconfig ?19:21
cyphermoxkgunn will do19:21
kgunncyphermox: thanks....don't hit build tho19:21
cyphermoxno that's up to you19:21
kgunnwe only need to target build one or 219:21
robruah, beat me to it19:21
robruasac, yeah, that's what we are saying. only one silo was marked as ready, so only one silo got landed just then19:22
boikorobru: elopio: installing python-gi (as suggested by robru) did the trick19:22
cyphermoxah crap, this is the one where we need to ingore conflicts19:24
elopiopython-gi is in build-depends. Should it be in a different section on t he deb?19:24
boikoelopio: so, python3-gi was installed, maybe that one is providing the required names?19:24
robruelopio, i think this is related to the python3 transition. it seems they dropped the python-gi dependency at some point without actually switching to running the tests in python3.19:25
elopioboiko, robru: ok, I don't know much about that. nuclearbob, should they report a bug? ^19:27
robruelopio, i'm not sure a bug is necessary, i know the python3 transition is in progress, i think they're working on it.19:28
robruthey have another silo already19:28
cyphermoxkgunn:  done19:28
kgunnthank you sir19:28
robrualright gents, I'm off for lunch and then I gotta catch a bus. I'll check in a little bit later!19:29
nuclearbobelopio: did you figure out that a bug wasn't necessary?  I've been trying to read the conversation in reverse, and I'm not yet sure which part I need19:31
elopionuclearbob: it seems not. Maybe just keep an eye on the dependencies after the py3 things land.19:32
nuclearbobelopio: all right, can do19:32
elopiothanks nuclearbob.19:32
bfilleranyone know why I'm getting this error trying to run autopilot on the device? http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/7132306/19:34
bfillernot sure what I'm missing19:34
bfillerballoons: ^^^^19:34
balloonsbfiller, looks like you are missing some python modules while running19:35
balloonscopy them into /home/phablet/autopilot19:35
balloonsor use click-buddy to provision19:35
bfillerballoons: I'm using phablet-click-test-setup --click com.ubuntu.gallery && phablet-config autopilot --dbus-probe enable && phablet-test-run -v gallery_app19:36
bfillerballoons: sergio told me gallery not setup for click buddy yet19:36
balloonsahh :-(19:36
bfillernot sure why19:36
ToyKeeperbfiller: We were *just* talking about that missing module.19:37
balloonsis it click-fied?19:37
ToyKeeperpython-gi should do it, I think.19:37
sergiusensbfiller, because it needs cross compilation support and has some qmake calls inside; the cmake file needs a cleanup19:37
bfillersergiusens: you live!19:38
bfillersergiusens: thought you were off today19:38
sergiusensbfiller, I'm off today (in theory, and monday)19:38
sergiusensbfiller, I'm in the middle of nowhere so irc is all you can expect from me :-P19:38
bfillersergiusens: darn19:38
bfillersergiusens: having problems testing the gallery click autopilot19:38
balloonsbfiller, adb push /usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/gi/ /home/phablet/autopilot/gi19:39
balloonsI believe that will sort you19:39
sergiusensbfiller, from the trace, it could be the new autopilot stuff and upstart-app-launch python modules (from robru's email)19:39
sergiusensthat's just a guess a missing dep might be required19:40
bfillerballoons, sergiusens: installing python-gi sorted it19:40
bfillerat least tests running now19:40
boikocyphermox: rsalveti: just a heads up, landing-009 is fully tested again, ready to land19:40
balloonsyep, that works too bfiller19:40
sergiusensballoons, can we get python-gi into the autopilot-touch meta?19:40
balloonssergiusens, mm.. there's not mch in there now19:42
balloonssergiusens, talk to thomi19:42
bfillersergiusens: who besides you can cooridinate the click release of gallery? we have it in the content-hub silo and needs to be released at same time as content-hub or it will break19:46
cyphermoxboiko: ack19:50
sergiusensbfiller, balloons or xnox20:00
bfillercyphermox: are you doing landings?20:28
cyphermoxyes, looking at them20:29
bfillercyphermox: line 21 ready for release, slightly complicated as click package for gallery needs to be released in sync with this release20:29
cyphermoxwhere is this? why is it not in the PPA?20:30
bfillercyphermox: gallery-app is both a deb and a click20:30
bfillercyphermox: deb is needed for desktop, click for touch images20:30
bfillercyphermox: the silo only builds debs, not clicks20:31
bfillercyphermox: click upload needs to be manual20:31
cyphermoxwell it should still have the deb for desktop testing.20:31
bfillercyphermox: it does20:31
bfillersilo 1420:31
cyphermoxit's not listed at line 21.20:32
davmor2Night all have a great weekend20:32
bfillercyphermox: it's one of the MR's20:34
cyphermoxver well20:35
kgunncyphermox: wanna reconfig silo4 one more time ? ...we add 1 more proj to it20:42
imgbot=== trainguard: IMAGE 251 building (started: 20140321-20:45) ===20:44
* ToyKeeper hugs imgbot20:44
* popey returns from being afk20:49
* popey sees 17:57:55 < ogra_> === Image 250 PROMOTED ! ===20:50
* popey is happy20:50
bregmacyphermox, would you be able to assign a silo for line 51 (Unity7 fixes)?21:21
cyphermoxbregma: give me a moment21:21
imgbot=== trainguard: IMAGE 251 DONE (finished: 20140321-21:50) ===21:49
imgbot=== changelog: http://people.canonical.com/~ogra/touch-image-stats/251.changes ===21:49
cyphermoxboiko: so far, silo 9 is a no go. I can't send phone calls or send SMS22:08
cyphermoxbfiller: my system is flashing right now, as soon as it's done I'll test your silo22:21
cyphermoxhey robru22:23
robruahhhhhh finally22:23
robrubeen having a terrible time finding internet22:23
cyphermoxwhy have you been looking?22:23
robruso what's up? i see three tested silos, two seem like big landings but that libclick one looks small and landable.22:24
robruand IRC ports seem to be blocked, so i'm just using frenode web chat22:24
asac251 didnt reach the dashboard yet?22:25
asacogra_: ?22:25
asacimage still building?22:25
asacrobru: ?22:26
asacok seems image is in index22:27
asacso guess wait a bit for dashboard to pick it up22:27
robrucyphermox: yeah just checking in since i found some internet. did you not want me around? :-P22:27
robruhmmmm i don't seem to be getting any messages....22:35
robru_wow IRC is a remarkably flaky protocol in the face of connectivity issues22:38
cyphermoxbfiller: still around?23:31
cyphermoxhow do I test without gallery-app?23:32

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