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stokachuis there a way to just manually change the version string in a debian/changelog file with dch? basically i can do "dch -v 0.1+git-aaabbb-0ubuntu1" but without loading up the editor and appending a extra * at the end of the entry00:43
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ScottKmitya57: For the new sip API version it's a transition.  You'll need to rebuild all the packages that depend on the API.  It definitely needs an FFe and please test rebuild everything before you ask because that'll be my first question.02:01
mitya57ScottK: Ok, will do02:51
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RAOFMan I wish our python pretty-printers for STL containers weren't all busted to hell.03:15
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pittiGood morning05:35
RAOFAloha, pitti!05:45
pittihey RAOF05:45
RAOFHow does that umockdev sync interact with the STOP THE WORLD!! from phone CI?05:55
pittiRAOF: umockdev isn't (I hope) on any image05:55
infinitylibumockdev0 (from umockdev) is seeded in:05:55
infinity  ubuntu-touch: daily-preinstalled05:55
pittiRAOF: also, I only read that afterwards05:55
RAOFBut is in all the CI stuff.05:55
infinityThat said, you can see my opinion of the stop the line thing in my followup post...05:56
pittiRAOF: yes, sure; as I said, the three syncs (postgresql and umockdev) were the first things I did this morning before attacking my mailboxes05:56
pittias yesterday evening they still weren't imported into LP05:56
pittibut I fully agree with infinity here05:56
RAOFYeah, I've certainly done similar things in the past.05:56
pittiI think we dialed the "no regressions" slider way too far into the other direction now, it's incredibly hard to land anything these days05:57
infinitypitti: Yes, ScottK brought that point up nicely.05:58
RAOFOh, *that's* what he meant!06:01
MirvI'd need a packaging ack from a core-dev, ubuntu-download-manager adding a QML plugin
RAOFMirv: = ${binary:Version}?06:44
RAOFAh, we've already decided that ABI is for chumps? :)06:45
Mirvgood point, that may be too strict06:46
MirvI don't think we've that in others06:47
RAOFNo, you do have that in others.06:47
Mirvthank you, I'll note that on the branch. darn.06:48
RAOFThe package description isn't consistent with the other ones, either.06:49
RAOFBut I wouldn't block on that.06:49
Mirvit might be of course that the '0' in lib means they aren't really committing themselves to an ABI yet06:51
pittiRAOF: umockdev 0.8 just made it into trusty, so happy evemu events recording/replaying :)07:16
dholbachgood morning07:19
zygadoko_: good morning07:29
zygadoko_: regarding your question yesterday, how can I reproduce that build failure of bzr?07:29
pittizyga: I get the same failure with07:59
pitti$ bzr selftest -v bzrlib.tests.test_email_message.TestEmailMessage.test_multipart_message08:00
pittizyga: in current trusty08:00
pitti(with apt-get install bzr python-bzrlib.tests)08:00
zygapitti: thanks08:05
zygapitti: I recall that bzrlib was failing on tests in trunk a while ago (when I looked at bzr3)08:05
zygapitti: but I don't assume that it was packaged without running tests08:05
pittizyga: the package skips a few tests08:06
zygapitti: ok, I reproduce the failure the same way08:06
zygapitti: python 2.7 gets very few changes08:06
zygapitti: so if this worked before (and bzr was updated and ran the test suite) then it must be something python related08:07
* zyga looks08:07
diwicHmm, after today's updates "unity-control-center sound" crashes with "Settings schema 'com.canonical.indicator.sound' is not installed" and then a SIGTRAP.08:27
zbenjamincjwatson: ping08:28
pittidiwic: works here; do you have "indicator-sound" installed?08:28
pittiindicator-sound: /usr/share/glib-2.0/schemas/com.canonical.indicator.sound.gschema.xml08:28
diwicpitti, thanks. It's not installed here, how can indicator-sound be not installed if ubuntu-desktop is installed?08:29
* diwic installs indicator-sound manually unless you want to troubleshoot further first08:30
pittiit's just a recommends08:30
pittidiwic: so I suppose u-c-c now needs a hard depends on it08:30
diwicpitti, ah, ok. thanks for the troubleshooting08:30
pittidiwic: or the schema needs to go someplace else; I'm not sure which is right (I'm not involved in this), so I think reporting a bug about that and prodding seb128 is a good approach08:30
diwicpitti, will do08:31
tjaaltonis cmocka something that could be more useful and moved to main, or should I drop it from sssd build-depends?08:40
tjaaltonused for some tests08:40
pittioh, surprising that samba isn't using that too08:41
tjaaltonprobably because of that08:41
tjaaltonit's in universe08:41
pittishould be fairly harmless in main IMHO08:41
tjaaltonI'll add a MIR bug08:41
tjaaltonsssd isn't there yet either, should fix that before release08:42
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tjaaltonis anyone else having issues with ecryptfs taking ~5min to stop on shutdown?08:50
pittinot 5 min here, but can easily take 20 s; not sure if I'm seeing the same08:52
tjaaltonyeah that sounds normal08:58
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cjwatsonMirv,RAOF: ABI or not, I tend to think that it's reasonable and appropriate for dependencies within a source package to be (= ${binary:Version}) ...09:14
cjwatsonzbenjamin: hi09:14
cjwatsonzbenjamin: (please include content with your pings, it's quicker)09:14
zbenjamincjwatson: ok , just a quick question , can a click package have more than one desktop file?09:21
cjwatsonzbenjamin: yes, you can have multiple apps in a single click package and each would have its own .desktop file09:24
Mirvcjwatson: RAOF: not having it would allow upgrading the library from the source package without upgrading the QML plugin, but I'm not sure if that's useful of course09:25
cjwatsonzbenjamin: (now, whether stuff in the stack above click all handles multi-app packages gracefully, I can't be certain as I'm not sure I know of any real examples - but we made sure support for this was in the design)09:25
cjwatsonMirv: yeah, in general I don't think this is a useful thing to support for different binaries from the same source, though of course there are exceptions09:25
zbenjamincjwatson: ok thank you09:26
Sweetsharkdoko: So about libreoffice-voikko: Cant reproduce that with the libreoffice 4.2.3 prelease I current have from a PPA. It guess it was already fixed by https://gerrit.libreoffice.org/#/c/8368/ for
Sweetsharkdoko: so should be fine with the next LibreOffice upload.09:26
Mirvcjwatson: ok, thanks for your input. not blockin on that then.09:26
cjwatson$ apt-cache show gir1.2-click-0.4 | grep -m1 Depends09:27
cjwatsonDepends: gir1.2-gee-0.8, gir1.2-glib-2.0, gir1.2-json-1.0, libclick-0.4-0 (= 0.4.19)09:27
cjwatsonwhich I think is spiritually similar09:27
dokoSweetshark, ok, let me know when I can retry09:28
Sweetsharkdoko: will do.09:30
maxiaojunanyone to look at usb-creator?09:35
seb128xnox did some work on it this cycle, why?09:35
maxiaojunErase Disk still broken09:36
zbenjamincjwatson: any idea when we will be able to build in the chroots again?09:40
xnoxseb128: yeah. I am planning to look into usb-creator today.09:45
dakirahi. can you please change the status of LP:729979. It says "Fix Released" but that fix never worked for anyone.10:02
dakiraThis bug affects all users of nvidia binary drivers. It should either be fixed or worked around for 14.04.10:02
darkxstdakira, it would be more useful, if you put a comment on the bug, rather than here!10:04
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ScottKcjwatson: Thanks for taking care of mplayer/arm64.  I just noticed the lack of it was blocking a -proposed -> -release migration and there it was, fixed (I hope) already.11:45
cjwatsonyeah, turned out to be easier than I'd thought.  I hadn't done it before because gigantic dependency chain and a lot of that wasn't ported until recently.11:46
rbasakslangasek, stgraber, xnox: so for mysql-5.5, AIUI it automatically broke when debhelper behaviour changed. No upload was required for that.11:49
rbasakWhen it was brought to my attention I asked about it (at our sprint in London) and understood that it would be fixed by changing the lsb function, so I left it.11:50
rbasakSo that's one example.11:50
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dakiradarkxst: this bug is being ignored. it was marked "fix released" in february 2013. Since then there have been 40 comments stating that the bug is not fixed.11:57
cjwatsondoko,xnox: looks like gcc-arm-linux-androideabi needs to be switched from libppl0.12 to libppl-dev; will one of you take care of that?11:57
dakiradarkxst: I came here as a last resort. My first comment on the bug was in early 2011. This bug makes Unity look broken on all machines that use nvidia binary drivers.11:59
xnoxcjwatson: i'll do it.11:59
dokocjwatson, yes, and remove the isl b-d12:00
dokocompilers up to 4.7 use ppl, newer ones isl12:00
xnoxcjwatson: so looking at the command-not-found data which mvo's account is still generating..... It not generating things for trusty, and it's only generating against main-archive, as the account got disabled on the ports machine (or the machine is gone)12:01
xnoxcjwatson: can we move command-not-found generator to someplace owned by ~ubuntu-archive which happens to have access to the unsplit mirror?12:02
cjwatsonxnox: it would be simplest to wait for mvo to restart and do it then12:02
cjwatsonwe have time :)12:02
xnoxcjwatson: true. Ok then. I'll upload a small bugfix, and that's it.12:02
xnox(without data update)12:02
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cjwatsoncool, porting mplayer to arm64 cleared 15 uninstallables12:29
cjwatsonten more of those ...12:29
seb128bdmurray, pitti: can we do anything to get https://code.launchpad.net/~brian-murray/aptdaemon/bug-1266844/+merge/207276 moving forward? it's the most report trusty issue on e.u.c12:34
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pittiseb128: I'm afraid I don't understand enough what that patch is doing13:15
pittiit looks like a bandaid, but doesn't explain the reason *why* the model isn't available13:16
seb128pitti, we need mvo back ;-)13:16
pittiand it's not clear that the program/UI would then behave sensibly after just returning13:16
ogra_seb128, one more week, isnt it ?13:20
seb128ogra_, yeah, can't wait!13:24
ogra_same here :)13:24
xnoxogra_: seb128: do we need a blueprint with work-items we'd want mvo to finish by 14.04 release ;-)))))13:37
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pittixnox: I'm not sure whether a single BP can hold that many WIs13:38
xnoxpitti: he can fix launchpad and work-items tracker in one go as well to resolve that bug =)13:39
pittioh, of course!13:39
pittixnox: I keep thinking too small :)13:39
ogra_there are only two WIs , arent there ?13:41
ogra_fix all click issues13:41
ogra_fix all apt issues13:41
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tseliotpitti: hi, any ideas as to why we haven't updated util-linux? LP: #101208114:42
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1012081 in util-linux (Ubuntu Raring) "util-linux needs updating to 2.24.1" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/101208114:42
pittitseliot: I poked lamont about it several times14:43
pittitseliot: I think the biggest problem is that the package is incredibly hard to update as there aren't broken-out patches, but there is just a single huge patch in debian.diff.gz14:43
pittitseliot: I think lamont has some git magic to tell them apart, but I wouldn't know it14:43
tseliotpitti: I see14:45
mdeslaurcjwatson: are you planning an openssh update to 6.6, or shall I upload the fix for CVE-2014-2532?14:50
cjwatsonmdeslaur: I have it staged in git already14:50
mdeslaurcjwatson: great, thanks14:50
cjwatsonthough thanks for the CVE ref :)14:51
cjwatsonI'll insert that into my changelog14:51
cjwatsonmdeslaur: I'm waiting for translations of the debconf template in https://lists.debian.org/debian-ssh/2014/03/msg00024.html before uploading, at this point14:52
cjwatsonutlemming,smoser: Do you have any thoughts on the matter raised in https://lists.debian.org/debian-ssh/2014/03/msg00029.html ?14:53
cjwatsonmdeslaur: (http://anonscm.debian.org/gitweb/?p=pkg-ssh/openssh.git, for future reference)14:54
mdeslaurcjwatson: thanks14:55
utlemmingcjwatson: interesting....from a cloud-image perspecitve, cloud-init would disable that by default for our cloud images, unless the user wants it. Generally, the cloud market is split between allowing and disallowing root logins.14:55
smosercjwatson, will have no affect on us. either way.14:56
cjwatsonutlemming: Would you do just just by sedding sshd_config, or equivalent?14:57
smoseron cloud-iamge boots, cloud-init stuffs the provided ssh key into root's authorized keys, but disables login to it by a ssh key options (gives a message that says 'login as ubuntu')14:57
cjwatsonutlemming: Or do you mean you're already disallowing root logins anyway?14:57
cjwatsonOr disallowing password auth to root anyway14:57
smoseralready disallowing root login. as that.14:57
smoserwe don't change the root password login14:58
smoserso this would then allow the user to get in as root, but there is no root password in the images unless the user has set one.14:58
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cjwatsonOK, so no effect in default configuration.  Thanks14:59
cjwatsonmdeslaur: If you think this is urgent, I guess I could do 6.6 first and then the root login change in a separate upload15:01
mdeslaurcjwatson: not urgent at all, not a big issue15:01
cjwatsonRight, I didn't think it was too terrible.  Thanks15:01
cjwatson(Can't think of any especially horrible env vars that contain "LC_")15:03
mdeslauryeah, me neither15:04
dokojamespage, should we sync tomcat8 from unstable?15:09
dokocking, could I have some feedback about lp: #1294669 ?15:11
ubottuError: Launchpad bug 1294669 could not be found15:11
ckingnope, it does not exist :-(15:12
cjwatsonit does, it's just private so the bot can't see it15:12
cjwatsonbut you filed it so you should be able to :)15:12
ckingah, sorry, it does, heh doko, will do, sorry15:12
dokocking, ohh, and 4.3-4ubuntu1 is currently building15:13
ckingdoko, unfortunately my history is probably way out of date, I'll try and reproduce it15:15
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Laneydoko: http://people.canonical.com/~laney/weird-things/webkit-preprocessed.xz15:22
LaneyI just built wk on harris.debian.org & got that for you re: the ftbfs I pointed out yesterday15:22
dokoahh, nice15:23
Laneyyou should be able to grab it from my homedir there too if you want15:23
Laneyto save building it again15:23
ckingdoko, I'm finding it hard to reproduce this issue, where as the day I filed it i could trigger it randomly quite frequently15:23
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jamespagedoko, hmmm15:58
jamespagedoko, I'd be hesitant; its just going to sit in universe15:58
dokoLaney, looks you can avoid that by not passing -fno-tree-dce16:13
Laneydoko: turning off dead code elimination? what kind of an impact will that have?16:14
Laneydo you think it's a gcc bug?16:14
dokono, turning on16:15
dokoevery ICE is a gcc bug16:15
Laneyoh, I missed the double negation16:15
dokobut I miss the background why you turned it off16:16
LaneyI thought it could have been webkit generating some invalid asm16:16
dokojust to confirm. you did see this in unstable too?16:16
LaneyIt was built in experimental but I don't think it actually installed any build-deps from there, only unstable16:17
Laneyand I don't know why it's disabled, let me see if upstream knows16:18
dokocan't see this with 4.7 and trunk16:21
Laneymmm, https://github.com/WebKit/webkit/commit/7678ecfd0590c406e43f1b7b8ab8c923d9bd26ab16:24
Laneyso compiler bugs, let me see if they filed them upstream16:24
Laneybugs without, bugs with, what fun16:25
doko-fno-omit-frame-pointer doesn't help for the register pressure16:26
slangasekrbasak: no, it broke when 1) debhelper behavior changed, and then 2) somebody reuploaded mysql-5.5 without making the necessary source changes as described in that mail to ubuntu-devel.  In retrospect it seems we were not proactive enough in making sure that job-containing packages did get the necessary init script source changes, and given where we are now the way forward is to fix it centrally as an lsb functions hook16:27
Laneythe comment there says 'incorrectly compiled operationCallEval'16:27
dokoLaney, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gcc-4.8/+bug/129573816:30
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1295738 in gcc-4.8 (Ubuntu) "[4.8 Regression] unable to find a register to spill in class 'LO_REGS'" [Undecided,New]16:30
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Laneydoko: thank you, will look out for a fix16:32
cornfeedhobohello. I am trying to nail down an issue I am having so I can decide if I should patch this and manually compile, or what.  I am trying to find out if the NetworkManager openvpn plugin has any ipv6 support, and i just dont know how to enable it, or if that is slated for patching soon?16:56
maxiaojunxnox: any news for usb-creator?16:56
cornfeedhobothere are some chats about a patch available on the mailing list16:57
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jamespageoh - nm17:06
hallyncking: forkstat looks awesome.  relatedly, comment system on your blog site sucks :)  i cannot get the capchas right.17:12
hallyn(or, my eyes suck <shrug>)17:12
ckingoh, yeah, sorry about the capchas, but it gets load of spam otherwise17:13
ckingthe proc connector interface is poorly documented, hopefully the source of forkstat is some help :-)17:14
hallynyes, i think it'll make a big difference in # people looking into it, a good thing17:15
hallyncking: anyway to get it to tell who the fork parent was?17:17
hallynoh heh there it is17:17
ckingit's all there :-)17:17
hallynjust used it to look at that virtmanager bogosity.  I say, WTF!17:18
ogra_xnox, i think i asked you already, but forgot the answer, are you working on getting python-apt from the image (we have python3-apt)17:18
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ckinghallyn, that will keep you busy17:19
xnoxogra_: yes, but e.g. blocked by blockages. See my latest email in response to asac.17:19
ogra_xnox, yes, that remineded me that i wanted to ask you again :)17:20
xnoxogra_: yeah, _all_ of it is going, as soon as things land.....17:20
ogra_xnox, yeah, as soon as davmor2 is done testing i'll promote an image17:21
xnoxogra_: 250?17:21
ogra_he is just doing an additional verification test run17:21
xnoxogra_: i don't see new gallery-app on image 250. So no good for me.17:21
ogra_i guess 251 will then have it17:21
cjwatsonogra_: click uses it to parse framework dependencies, that probably won't go away soon17:23
cjwatsonogra_: oh, sorry, that's only python3-apt17:23
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davmor2ogra_, popey, sil2100: can you have a quick scan over the list other than the scopes that I'm about to start can you see anything else missing?  https://docs.google.com/a/canonical.com/document/d/1VkoSTUStDDPN84rwLztHIgSEK2HlbvXghZDBkBYVxTU/edit#17:26
davmor2sorry wrong channel17:27
ogra_davmor2, looks good17:28
cyphermoxcornfeedhobo: it's already in the archive, in trusty17:40
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cornfeedhobocyphermox: orly?17:43
cornfeedhoboI was just starting to look into how to make a debian style package... i have a patch ready17:44
cornfeedhobocyphermox: huzzah!17:46
cornfeedhobonow how should i install just that one package from trusty? can i just dpkg the deb?17:47
seb128bdmurray, ev: hey, do you know how e.g https://errors.ubuntu.com/problem/dae59d0805bf3202f10977ead46c964a07bb53be can have 0 report in its trusty column but trusty report in the examples list?17:52
bdmurrayseb128: looking17:53
seb128bdmurray, thanks17:53
bdmurrayseb128: well at least the first couple are missing Package: info in the report17:54
seb128bdmurray, do you know how that can happen?17:54
bdmurrayseb128: not immediately17:56
seb128thanks anyway ;-)17:56
seb128that's probably not on the e.u.c side17:56
bdmurrayit could be apport, I'd try manually causing a crash in hplip-data17:57
bdmurrayactually a lot of 13.10 ones are missing them also17:58
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bdmurrayseb128: I setup a crash in hplip-data and my .crash files have the information so I don't really now18:08
seb128bdmurray, ok, thanks for looking18:08
seb128it's weird, but it seems only that package so no a big deal either18:08
bdmurrayI know aptdaemon and the release upgrader have their own crash handlers but I don't see anything like that in hplip18:09
argesbdmurray: hey. i can start taking a look at the sru queue18:15
bdmurrayarges: sounds good, no pending stuff today since its friday18:17
cornfeedhobocyphermox: so, that patch seems to deal with not messing up ipv6 routes, which is good, but does not add a tab to the gui to control it18:17
cornfeedhoboand it does seem to expose ipv6 capability to all plugins, which is also good18:18
cornfeedhobothe gui layout file /usr/share/gnome-vpn-properties/openvpn/nm-openvpn-dialog.ui doesnt even mention ipv618:21
cyphermoxno, it doesn't have to18:23
cyphermoxit's detected by NM from the capabilities of the VPN plugin18:23
cornfeedhobohmm... let me update the core NM18:23
cornfeedhobois trusy going to be systemd based?18:24
cornfeedhoboany words on when that transition may start?18:30
cornfeedhobocyphermox: my apologies. the problem appears to be with plasma-nm18:39
cornfeedhoboi have been trying to narrow this down18:39
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juliankbdmurray: Did you already find out why the tests with the pkg.is_upgradable are failing?19:00
bdmurrayjuliank: no, not yet19:01
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paulbIs this the correct channel to get help with creating a ppa?19:40
stgraberpaulb: nope19:42
stgraberpaulb: #launchpad maybe19:42
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paulbK, thanks stgraber19:42
bdmurrayjamespage: this upload of juju-core looks a bit like a micro release and I don't see a MRE for juju.19:51
bdmurrayjamespage: this being the one in the saucy proposed queue19:51
jamespagebdmurray, I agree that it is bordering on needing a MRE (which I have on my list to apply for)20:00
jamespagebdmurray, park it for the moment; I'll work through the linked bugs and do test-cases20:06
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YokoZarAre archive admins the one to talk to if I want to add a package to the debian import blacklist?20:17
infinityYokoZar: Yep.20:22
infinityYokoZar: Also helps if you specify what it is, though.20:22
infinityYokoZar: (guessing something wine-related?)20:22
YokoZarinfinity: Please add winetricks there, yeah20:22
infinityYokoZar: Seems we've had that all the way back to precise.  Why is it suddenly a problem?20:23
infinity(Or was it always, and we just didn't notice...?)20:23
YokoZarinfinity: I'm readapting the debian package but it needs to fork at this point20:23
YokoZarinfinity: basically it's going to keep recommending the debian wine package names (eg wine-unstable)20:24
infinityYokoZar: Okay, but if you fork it, there's no need to blacklist it.20:24
infinityblacklisting only makes sense if we're removing it.20:24
YokoZarinfinity: err you're right20:24
YokoZarinfinity: mom won't auto import it20:24
YokoZarinfinity: which will be good enough20:24
infinityRight, go forth and fork.20:25
YokoZarI'm wondering how the debian one got synced on top of ours to begin with20:25
YokoZarin precise20:25
YokoZarmaybe someone did it manually (maybe even me) and I forgot20:26
infinityI don't see any ubuntu revisions in precise history.20:27
infinityThere was one in quantal.20:27
infinityAnd it was indeed you who synced over the quantal delta.20:28
YokoZarWell it did work at some level.  But now it needs to be in merge mode dropping the debian patches and making changes to the control file (and we may be upstream ahead of debian too)20:29
YokoZarThanks infinity20:29
infinityYokoZar: If I were you, I'd just make the package clever enough to DTRT on both distros.20:29
YokoZardo the right thin20:30
infinityDo The Right Thing.20:30
infinityYokoZar: Since the build-dep is just debhelper, it's obviously only binary and runtime things you care about, and that can all be handled sanely by substituting things in debian/rules based on dpkg-vendor20:30
YokoZarI have plans to bring my wine packages to debian/steamos as well (via external apt repo) so it's not a bad idea20:30
YokoZarinfinity: that's actually a clever idea, I forgot about variable substitutions like that20:31
debfxcyphermox: some patches in network-manager rely on TARGET_DEBIAN being defined, however that has been removed upstream: http://cgit.freedesktop.org/NetworkManager/NetworkManager/commit/?id=012c5f4b271b935852267ed865933ea3bb6983ba20:41
marruslanyone happen to know if there's a PPA with a pre-release version of the HWE trusty x-stack for 12.04?21:07
tarpmanmarrusl: looks like canonical-x/x-staging has something like it21:13
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marruslthanks tarpman, I will take a look21:13
marrusltarpman, why I do believe that is exactly it.  sweet!21:14
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ekarlsocan someone tell me why my interfaces in 14.04 are named "rename<some number>" vs em3 and em4 as they should be ?!22:03
jpdsekarlso: New scheme.22:04
ekarlsojpds: but why the crap does it make it "renameX" instead of em?22:05
ekarlsoi have a em3 which is the 3rd port on the port which _should_ be em322:05
ekarlsoibstead it's em2 as a kernel name...22:05
ekarlsoit even ignores my persistent udev rules22:06
infinityekarlso: dmesg should have a bit of enlightenment as to which renames were attempted and why.22:12
infinityekarlso: A persistent scheme that results in loops can sometimes lead to renames getting "stuck".22:12
ekarlsonope infinity22:14
ekarlsoit's freakin' frustrating22:14
infinityAnd what's in /etc/udev/rules.d/70-persistent-net.rules ?22:15
ekarlsonothing on the mentioned host22:15
ekarlsoit doesn't write rules even22:15
infinityekarlso: Is biosdevname in play here?22:16
ekarlsoI have biosdevname installed ye22:16
ekarlsocomes with 14.04 as stock it seems22:16
infinityRight, so that's where the bug lies, at least.  I'd file one, if I were you.22:18
infinityIt does look like a logical fail with the rename hitting a loop, but that shouldn't happen in your case, I'd think.22:18
infinitySadly, I don't know much about biosdevname, so a bug would be better to make sure the right person/people see it.22:19
ekarlsowhich udev rule calls it ?22:19
infinityekarlso: It'll be something in /lib/udev/rules.d22:20
infinityI don't have it installed here, so don't recall for sure.22:20
infinity71-biosdevname or something.22:20
ekarlsowell I can't see it there..22:20
ekarlsooh, nvm there it is .22:20
ekarlsowhere to report that infinity ?22:24
infinityekarlso: ubuntu-bug biosdevname22:25
infinityjtaylor: Man, that python-cffi testsuite takes an impressively long time to run when it doesn't fail. :P22:27
jtayloryes but you only need to run two of them to see the failure22:27
jtaylorof the files22:28
infinityjtaylor: Well, I just did a full package build to make sure it worked with my local glibc build.22:28
infinityjtaylor: The two things you were waiting on were the backport of Siddesh's sin() fixes, and this no-regmove hack, right?  I have both of those staged, just pondering one or two unrelated fixes, but will upload in the next ~24h, so you'll be unblocked before beta freeze.22:29
jtaylorI wanted to try and bisect gcc-4.7..4.8 but for some reason every checkout failed to build so I gave up22:29
jtayloryes I only have those two issues on my want-fixed list :)22:29
infinityKay, then I have you covered.22:30
ekarlsostupid ass bisodevname22:30
ekarlsosucks balls22:30
jtaylordoes glibc do bugfix releases?22:31
infinityjtaylor: They do point releases, yeah, though we've been amazingly bad about maintaining the stable branches upstream.22:32
infinityjtaylor: There's been ongoing discussion over the last month or two about us doing better on that score.22:32
jtaylorI think this one would be a good reason to do one22:32
jtaylorthe sin issue22:32
jtaylorwrong math is very bad22:32
infinityjtaylor: It's in the stable branch already, it'll make it in .1, if/when Allan decides to cut a release.22:32
jtaylornow that I know how to test glibc dev releases I'm going to run the stuff I care about against git head :)22:33
jtaylorthe ./testrun.sh is quite convinient22:33
infinityjtaylor: Yeah, now that we're pretty much caught up with upstream, my plan next cycle is to be doing snapshot builds in a PPA.22:34
infinityjtaylor: And if I can get 2.19 to unstable soon, snapshot builds in experimental too.22:34
infinity(Should make rebasing patches a bit less painful if we're doing it incrementally instead of in a panic with each new release)22:35
NoskcajIs anyone able to give me a testimonial for MOTU? https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Noskcaj#MOTU22:50
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