
phillwhi, is there a guru about?00:07
phillwthe new kernel for non-pae is finishing off building... That means I have .deb I need a bit of help to get it into ppa00:09
phillwI also need a bit of help to name the kernel, as the source code is 3.13.0 and I pull in 3.13.0-18 from  /boot/config-3.13  on my VM that hosts the latest desktop00:13
infinityphillw: I'd imagine renaming it the same as apw's kernel in https://launchpad.net/~apw/+archive/nonpae/+packages would make sense.00:15
infinity(Or, just basing on his packaging)00:15
Sarvattapw: nice, thanks for doing that ppa00:17
phillwinfinity: rather than duplicate things, is apw happy to keep the 3.13 kernel updated for non-pae? I understand that 3.13 is not a lts kernel from linux kernel https://kernel.org/category/releases.html00:21
phillwinfinity: I'm in my usual confused state :)00:22
Sarvattphillw: 3.13 is a lts kernel, ubuntu kernel team is maintaining the stable releases of it but due to drama they wont list it on that site :P00:25
infinityphillw: 3.13 is going to be a Canonical-maintained LTS kernel for 14.0400:25
phillwinfinity:  The VM is building .deb files which I'm used to. did you use ' debuild -S -sa' to get your build into your ppa?00:26
infinity(But I have no idea if Andy intends to keep rebasing that kernel, or if it was just a proof of concept, you'd have to ask him about it)00:26
Sarvattjust have to make sure to fakeroot debian/rules clean before updating the changelog and using debuild -S -sa to make it work in the ppa00:27
Sarvattthe kernel build system is weird00:27
phillwSarvatt: it is a minor rebuild... https://wiki.ubuntu.com/phillw/non-pae Needless to say, I've had a heck of a lot help on this. the next step is to have it in ppa so any flavours that base off *buntu can get updates.00:29
phillwthe actual .deb files are already generated00:29
phillwSarvatt: why does http://packages.ubuntu.com/trusty/linux-source-3.13.0 have .13 release when the system is .18 ?00:35
phillwHi, anyone used to building kernels on their local machines?01:00
phillwinfinity: sorry to ping, but are you still about?01:01
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miseria"blanca es mi piel, negro es mi cabello, llevo en mi carazon toda la generacion y un rechazo a la discriminacion" bienvenidos: http://castroruben.com *temo_a_un_ser_sin_rival*06:52
UserErrorppisati , thank you for accepting the arm bloat issues as legitimate 07:20
ppisatiUserError: ???07:20
UserErroron launchpad, in the x86 kernel07:21
ppisatiUserError: lp bug?07:21
ppisatiUserError: which one?07:21
UserErrorall of them07:21
ppisatisorry, i don't get it07:22
UserErrorFor example the exynos drivers, i.MX Freescale AHCI, etc (to be removed)07:23
cristian_cI've opened this bug report much time ago: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/97260408:09
ubot2Launchpad bug 972604 in linux (Ubuntu) "168c:001c [HP Compaq Presario C700 Notebook PC] Wireless led button doesn't switch colors" [Low,Triaged]08:09
cristian_cI've to open an upstream bug report. There is this wiki page: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Bugs/Upstream/kernel08:10
cristian_cI've read it, but I've got some doubts:08:10
cristian_cfor example: While booted into the newest mainline kernel only describe how the bug is reproducible in the latest mainline kernel only. If this is a regression, please note the specific commit. 08:10
cristian_cAny ideas?08:10
tseliotapw: Aaron replied in the bug report08:14
tseliotcristian_c: that's for when you need to file a bug report against the upstream kernel08:16
tseliotin that case, upstream developers will only be interested in the upstream kernel, not in the ubuntu specific release (where we apply our own patches)08:17
cristian_ctseliot, ok, but what commit have I to specify?08:43
tseliotcristian_c: maybe check the "COMMIT" file for your kernel? For example here: http://kernel.ubuntu.com/~kernel-ppa/mainline/v3.14-rc7-trusty/08:46
cristian_ctseliot, ok, is it right?08:48
tseliotcristian_c: it depends on the kernel you downloaded for testing08:49
cristian_ctseliot, summarizing: I try the 3.14-rc7 kernel and I specify the v3.14-rc7 and I note the v3.14-rc7 commit in the upstream bug report. Is it right?08:52
tseliotcristian_c: yes, that would be the tag. That's correct08:53
cristian_ctseliot, ok08:53
cristian_cthanks :)08:53
cristian_cthen, I use the content of the COMMIT file in the directory of the upstream kernel I try08:54
* tseliot nods08:54
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speakmanHi folks. have you experienced any problems with netconsole? I'm running it as a module atm, but although all parameters are setup correctly there is nothing being sent from the host.12:36
speakmanIt's actually Debian kernel 3.2.0-4-amd64 but I guess you've probably heard if there is any problems with netconsole.12:37
WhoopieHi, you enable CONFIG_ARPD for saucy kernels. Any chance to get also enabled in raring kernels? It was mentioned here (https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/kernel-team/2013-August/032046.html) that it could be considered.12:38
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apwWhoopie, rtg's response there implied that if noone whined about it we could consider it, as saucy went out with it enabled i assume it might be possible.  that said raring is likely going off support already isn't it?12:40
Whoopieapw: even for the backported kernels to precise?12:41
Whoopiertg: I just asked the following question: Hi, you enable CONFIG_ARPD for saucy kernels. Any chance to get also enabled in raring kernels? It was mentioned here (https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/kernel-team/2013-August/032046.html) that it could be considered.12:45
rtgWhoopie, Thiswill only have an impact on Raring LTS kernels in Precise. Is that what you are using ?12:46
Whoopiertg: yes12:46
rtgWhoopie, do you have a bug started ?12:47
Whoopiertg: no12:47
Whoopiertg: should I open one?12:48
Whoopieall right12:48
apwthere are something like 3-4m life in that kernel12:49
rtgapw, the Raring LTS is supported until the end of Precise, isn't it ?12:51
apwrtg, until 14.04 is backported then the other lts kernels end12:51
apwat around 14.04.1 timeframe was my understanding12:52
Whoopieapw: 3-4m is a lot, and some may stay with that kernel and won't upgrade.12:52
apw3-4 is a fair time, though people who need the feature presumably arn't using that kernel for the other 10m or so it has existed12:53
Whoopienevertheless, opened a bug report: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/129566612:54
ubot2Launchpad bug 1295666 in linux (Ubuntu) "Please enable CONFIG_ARPD in Raring LTS kernels for Precise" [Undecided,New]12:54
apwrtg, btw i have been running -19 on my kit here ok so far12:59
rtgapw, I'm gonna start testing on a few platforms this morning. if it  looks good I'll upload in a few hours. Does that work for you ?13:00
apwrtg, ack, am spreading the love round here right now13:03
rtgdannf, install your x-gene with http://kernel.ubuntu.com/~rtg/3.13.0-19.39/. There is still time to fix issues before I upload.13:06
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apwrtg, both xen and kvm seem to work on this kernel too ...13:54
apwsmb, regraded to your -release versons of xen and things are basically working modulo the known issues13:54
smbapw, ack, I am right now starting to look into those13:54
rtgapw, cool. I checked out the KVM patches myself as well.13:55
rtgapw, perhaps I should just upload and be done with it. it appears to be working on all of my kit.13:56
apwrtg, i well it doesnt seem to regress at least13:58
rtgapw, We can always pickup any x-gene patches from dannf in the next upload, which will likely be Mon/Tues.13:59
apwrtg, the next stable is going to be a heap and no mistake 14:08
rtgapw, how many ?14:08
apwrtg, 149 so far14:17
=== psivaa-afk is now known as psivaa
dannfrtg: installing..14:42
dannfrtg: so far so good14:50
rtgdannf, thats good news 'cause I've already uploaded :)14:50
rtgthough we'll have at least 2 more before freeze14:51
dannfrtg: one small typo - ./modules/sata-modules:ahxi_xgene ? (x/ahxi/ahci/)15:37
dannfrtg: want me to submit a patch, or is that good 'nuff?15:37
rtgdannf, dang. I can fix it.15:38
rtgdannf, patch pushed15:41
unicodestring111I updated my kernel as instructed by the update manager , now some websites are not opening , IT IS NOT MY ISP FAULT - THE SAME ISP 'S SAME CONNECTION ON WINDOWS RUNS THE WEBSITE FINE - TE WEB PAGES WERE OPENING BEFORE AS WELL15:54
apwunicodestring111, reboot into an older kernl and see if it goes away16:02
apwunicodestring111, if it goes away then it was the kernel update, if not it is something else, say something else that came in the same batch of updates16:22
dannfrtg: and i see you were just copying what i typed, sorry -  my bad.16:51
rtgdannf, np16:51
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ParkerRIf I am wanting to backup the boot parttiion of my nexus 7 (/dev/mmcblk0p2) can I just dd it to a file? From everything I have seen it should be 8MB but when I dd it to a file it's 8.4MB. I am wanting a backup that I am able to flash with fastboot21:19
ParkerROk nvm. Just tested flashing it with flashboot and it worked. I figured if anything messed up I could just redo it. Glad that I didnt have to :D21:21
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miseria"blanca es mi piel, negro es mi cabello, llevo en mi carazon toda la generacion y un rechazo a la discriminacion" bienvenidos: http://castroruben.com *temo_a_un_ser_sin_rival*23:41

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