
* RAOF would like gmock to hurry up and make NiceMock the default.05:30
duflu_RAOF: That would be troublesome for finding things you missed06:08
* duflu_ -> lunch06:08
RAOFduflu_: You can always explicitly make them naggy mocks if you want.06:09
RAOFduflu_: Another question is: what sort of things you missed?06:11
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dufluRAOF: Naggy can be useful, yes :)07:07
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Saviqhey guys, do these test failures from devel mean anything to you https://launchpadlibrarian.net/170204996/buildlog_ubuntu-trusty-armhf.mir_0.1.8%2B14.04.20140321-0ubuntu1_FAILEDTOBUILD.txt.gz ?09:16
alan_gSaviq: it is only a guess - but is that an attempt to run the tests on a machine with no graphics hardware?09:20
Saviqalan_g, definitely, it's a launchpad builder09:21
Saviqalan_g, if those tests require graphics, they shouldn't be included in make check09:21
Saviqalan_g, OTOH it completed for i386 and amd6409:21
Saviqalan_g, it's basically a PPA build of lp:mir/devel09:22
alan_galf__: ^^ you were looking into which tests ran where recently?09:22
Saviqalan_g, alf__ ugh, so we lost that log right now, since the build was rekicked09:22
Saviqlet's see if it's consistent, then, will report back in some 37 minutes09:23
alan_gSaviq: ack09:23
alan_galf__: FWLW there was a lot of "C++ exception with description "Could not open hardware module" thrown in the test body."09:27
alf__alan_g: hmm, that sounds like android hw, but didn't kgunn disable them for package building? Let me see..09:29
alf__alan_g: them = integration and acceptance tests09:29
alan_galf__: "them" is what failed09:30
alan_gI thought so too09:30
alf__alan_g: ah, they were disabled only in trunk not devel09:31
alan_gSaviq: ^09:31
alf__alan_g: don't we sync back from trunk to devel after release?09:31
Saviqoh, explanations, /me likes :)09:32
alf__alan_g: well, it's clear we didn't in this case, but aren't we supposed to do so?09:32
alan_galf__: we do. But this time there were some "trivial conflicts" maybe it got lost09:32
alf__alan_g: Saviq: ok, let me sync again09:33
Saviqalf__, looks like "nothing to do"09:33
Saviqalf__, but indeed that change is not there09:33
alf__Saviq: ok, I will propose an MP with the fix09:34
Saviqalf__, great, thanks09:34
Saviqalf__, please let me know when you get the MP, I'd like to put it in a silo09:43
alf__Saviq: ok09:43
dufluWhee, circular make_shared dependencies eat all the memories09:51
alan_gduflu: stick to a DAG09:51
duflualan_g: I know but I didn't see the cycle coming09:52
alan_gI guessed that ;)09:52
alan_gI presume no-one else is looking into https://bugs.launchpad.net/mir/+bug/1295231?09:53
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1295231 in Mir "TestClientInput memory leak in CI" [Medium,Confirmed]09:53
alf__RAOF: do we require libumockdev >= 0.6? Trunk says no, devel says yes, but the change in devel predates last sync of devel => trunk09:53
duflualf__: I think that just landed for 0.1.8. It's documented in the upcoming changelog ;)09:54
dufluOh, that part's not documented09:54
alf__duflu: you are right, it's post 0.1.709:58
alf__Saviq: https://code.launchpad.net/~afrantzis/mir/no-display-hw-tests-on-armhf-package-builds/+merge/21212210:09
Saviqalf__, thanks!10:09
* alan_g looks at TestClientInput and feels a strong urge to delete and rewrite10:26
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alan_galf__: happy for me to top-approve https://code.launchpad.net/~alan-griffiths/mir/once-Surface-interface-to-rule-them-all/+merge/212012?11:57
alf__alan_g: hmm, I thought I had review that (or something similarly named :))11:58
alf__alan_g: looking11:58
alf__alan_g: @//resolve ambiguous member function names, what's ambiguous about them?12:12
alan_gThey exist in multiple base classes12:12
alan_g(Which makes code calling them ambiguous)12:13
alf__alan_g: but they are pure virtual in all of them, so shouldn't this just work?12:13
alan_gI know what you mean, but no12:14
* alan_g tries to come up with code where it matters which name is resolved...12:16
alan_gauto eg1 = &Surface::name; // eg1 is Base1::*()12:19
alan_gauto eg2 = &Surface::name; // eg2 is Base2::*()12:19
alan_geg1 & eg2 have different types12:19
alan_gEven though they call the same member function12:20
alan_gThere's no rule in the standard to disambiguate Base1::name and Base2::name12:21
anpok_hm a using of either Base1::name or Base2::name?12:22
alan_gthat would work too12:24
alf__alan_g: I don't get what the first two line you pasted show12:26
alan_gThe two alternative resolutions of Surface::name12:27
alan_gIt isn't real code - as both lines are ambiguous12:28
alf__alan_g: ok, got it, thanks12:33
anpok_mterry: hi12:34
anpok_I was reviewing and now testing the u-s-c branch..12:34
anpok_one question came up .. in which cases should the spinner show up?12:35
mterryanpok_, hi12:35
mterryanpok_, well, where you testing with other split branches or just the usc branch?12:36
anpok_oh - only usc - and I only see it on startup .. i need a unity8 branch too?12:42
mterryanpok_, so the branch is OK in isolation.  But you won't see all the scenarios unless you also install some other branches...  Let me give you links, and I can explain when you'll see others12:49
mterryanpok_, https://code.launchpad.net/~mterry/unity8/split/+merge/210664 and https://code.launchpad.net/~mterry/ubuntu-touch-session/split/+merge/21154912:50
mterryanpok_, the times you'll see it are 3-fold:12:50
mterryanpok_, boot, waiting for greeter to come up; boot, after greeter comes up but if the session behind the greeter is slow to appear and you swipe greeter away very fast, you'll see spinner until user session finishes appearing; and when you lock device, if you turn it back on very quickly before greeter has had a chance to finish appearing, you'll see it12:52
mterryanpok_, that second instance Design actually wants me to get rid of -- I'll make a small adjustment to that branch so that the greeter doesn't appear until the user session is also ready12:52
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mterryracarr_, hello!20:49
mterryracarr_, we've got a testing PPA for the split greeter stuff going (which includes your remove-ensure-display-powered merge)20:50
mterryracarr_, but I'm still seeing the screen turn on after locking20:50
mterryracarr_, I was wondering if you had time to re-investigate that.  Might be easier now that there is a PPA with all the code for easier testing20:50
mterryracarr_, https://launchpad.net/~ci-train-ppa-service/+archive/landing-00420:51
racarr_mterry: Ok I will investigate20:53
* mterry buys a beer for racarr_, keeps it cold in fridge for ya20:54
mterrytsk..  this beer will go bad before I see you next20:54
* mterry opens beer20:54
dansufHi, I am porting ubuntu touch to my phone and I've got graphics-related issues. Here's a log generated by logcat when running lightdm: http://pastebin.com/ag6iSVkW . Also, in dmesg I've got "mdp4_overlay_play: pmem Error" and in unity-system-compositor.log: "terminate called after throwing an instance of 'boost::exception_detail::clone_impl<boost::exception_detail::error_info_injector<std::runtime_error> >'20:56
dansuf  what():  error during hwc set()20:56
dansufAny ideas what could be the cause of these errors?21:00
=== dandrader is now known as dandrader|afk
racarr_mterry: Cheers lol21:12
racarr_dansuf: Hmm I mean abstractly it looks like some of the hardware compositor usage through the android HAL...isnt working21:13
racarr_the different devices have different quirks. kdub or AlbertA would know more.21:13
kdubdansuf, yeah, something is going wrong with hwc and the drivers21:15
racarr_We used to have a fallback mode...presumably still do, that might work for you21:15
racarr_dansuf: in mir/src/platorm/graphics/android/output_buider.cpp I think you could force_backup_display(true) in the constructor21:15
dansufso it may be something connected to device files21:15
dansufracarr_, I will have to build mir?21:16
kdubfallback is discontinued in most up to date qcom drivers21:16
kdubwhich device?21:17
racarr_Oh. :( maybe we dont have a fallback21:17
dansufaa far as i know its legacy version if this does change anything21:17
dansufi mean legacy qcom21:17
dansufi don't have big knowledge about all this stuff21:17
dansufit's sony ericson live with walkman, codename coconut21:18
AlbertAit does look like dev permissions from the log21:18
AlbertAor maybe your kernel driver does not instantiate those devices21:19
dansuf_i applied udev permissions from android files21:19
kdubyeah, maybe run as root and see if that helps21:19
dansuf_i run it in root shell21:20
kdubalso, those drivers have a hwc.mdpcomp.enable (or similar), maybe try turning that off21:20
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dansuf_kdub, I set that to false in build.prop, it still fails but the logcat is slightly extended http://pastebin.com/Au3Paj1x21:45
kdubi'd still guess there's some permissions or chroot mix up somewhere21:48
kdubdo the hybris test programs work?21:48
dansuf_kdub, I didn't run them21:49
dansuf_Where can I find them?21:49
kdub/usr/bin/test_glesv2 from libhybris-test21:50
dansuf_kdub, wow, it works21:51
dansuf_I mean, the tests21:51
kdubdansuf, good sign21:51
dansuf_Although, egl seems to crash21:52
dansuf_I'll try maybe to build mir with fallback21:56
dansuf_So, I tried to build mir for ubuntu touch and It just throws error with no reason "[  7%] Built target android-input22:43
dansuf_make: *** [all] Error 222:43
bregmaracarr_, just so you know, I pushed your u-s-c and the lightdm tweaks to https://launchpad.net/~unity8-desktop-session-team/+archive/custom and installed them, I now have a working mouse and trackpad in the Unity8 desktop session22:57
bregmajust. like. that.22:58
bregmaI look forward to those hittong the archive soon for winder consumption22:58

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