
ubottuIn #ubuntu, oinksoft said: ubottu: this is a rambling blog post03:20
benkillinI fully expect kostkon to get +q as well04:48
benkillin00:34:18        kostkon | benkillin, 53 % 28 =  ?    you've got 2 secs04:48
benkillin00:34:33        kostkon | benkillin, you failed04:48
benkillinbecause that is obviously clutter04:48
Jordan_Ubenkillin: koston was not a continuing problem. You were.04:48
benkillinand that problem is what?04:49
benkillinchatting in an IRC channel does not prevent anybody from getting help04:49
Jordan_Ubenkillin: Now that we have gotten past the whole "who is cluttering the channel" argument by moving the discussion here, are you willing to follow the guidelines in #ubuntu in the future?04:50
benkillinplease re-link those guidelines04:50
Jordan_Ubenkillin: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines04:50
benkillinincluding the code of conduct, the only guideline on that page I violated was "being annoying"04:52
benkillinwhich can obviously be subjectively extended to kostkon04:52
benkillinso if you do not say something to him I have no desire to ever help your project again on irc04:53
benkillinand just so you know I have over 13 years of experience with linux and I started with ubuntu in 200604:53
Jordan_Ubenkillin: "Recommendations from channel operators, including those stored in the channel bots, should be followed."04:53
benkillinyou are not designated as a channel operator in that channel04:54
benkillinchannel operators have +o04:54
Jordan_Ubenkillin: True.04:54
ubottuAnd the magical fairies came in and stole the crown from underneath the apple tree...04:54
benkillinso if you desire to purport yourself as a channel operator, keep +o all the time04:54
Jordan_UClearly that was not the factoid I was expecting.04:55
* rww giggles04:55
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!04:56
Jordan_Ubenkillin: I personally think that requests from all users should be considered respecfully, but indeed that is not in the guidelines literal text. But, now that you know that it is official policy of #ubuntu not to make offtopic comments, do you agree to follow that policy in the future?04:56
benkillinI agree, however I will no longer participate in your project04:57
benkillinvolunteering to help people on the internet should not require this sort of bullshit04:58
benkillinI deal with enough of that all day long04:58
Jordan_UThat portion of the channel guidelines, follow recommendations from ops, does indeed grate against the idea of "catalizing". We're somewhat trying to have it both ways. And using bot triggers to get around that with the letter of the guidelines is clearly suboptimal, and also often not the best way to catalize.05:03
elkycatalyzing is a romantic notion to begin with.05:55
elkycatalyzing is also not "compromise"05:56
elkyif you have to let someone misbehave to compromise between removing their disruptiveness, there's something wrong05:56
onerequest for unban07:39
onejtrucks request for unban07:40
oneCorey send it through07:40
oneyano unban07:44
DJones@mark #ubuntu jkale/Agd_Scorp trolling, ban tracker flags up as syko13:48
ubottuThe operation succeeded.13:48
cfhowlettDJones, that was random.  enters channel, fbombs and calls ops on himself ...13:49
h00kwhat is this, I don't even13:51
k1lsyko :(14:26
cprofitthello all15:03
cfhowlettcprofitt, greetings15:03
jobarte_skuldoper of #ubuntu-br here?19:22
Unit193Loco channel OPs are in #ubuntu-irc generally.19:23
Unit193jobarte_skuld: Been taken care of, was there anything else you needed?19:42
=== IAmNotThatGuy is now known as Mohi
CheekioIs a quiet a permanent thing, or a temp thing?23:24
Jordan_UCheekio: It's something that you can get resolved by talking with us here. Welcome :)23:29
CheekioAnyone else?23:30
Jordan_UCheekio: We have certain guidelines in #ubuntu that we ask our users to follow.23:30
Jordan_U!guidelines | Cheekio23:30
ubottuCheekio: The guidelines for using the Ubuntu channels can be found here: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines23:30
Jordan_UCheekio: Please take a moment to read them and tell me when you're done.23:31
CheekioIs it not considered rude to ping a bot at someone instead of addressing them directly?23:32
knomeCheekio, the guidelines are at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines23:32
CheekioReading it now, knome23:33
CheekioThanks for the link and being respectful.23:34
CheekioPretty solid Ts & Cs23:35
CheekioI don't see how I violated any of these rules23:36
CheekioI do, however, see that Jordan has violated the very first rule of being kind, respectful, and cooperative.23:36
Jordan_UCheekio: I apologise for short responses, I'm trying to give 3 people support at once while talking to you. No disrespect was intended.23:38
Jordan_UCheekio: You were asked to stop your offtopic discussion in #ubuntu, yet continued anyway.23:40
oneunban one for helping others help23:42
rwwone: where have you been helping others help?23:43
onefor for23:43
onefore rww23:43
rwwone: hrm?23:43
rwwoh, you want me to unban you so that you can help others?23:44
oneI can send it forward.23:44
onesome have capabilities to help23:45
rwwone: what is your normal language?23:45
onewhat sense of normal?23:46
rwwone: the one that you speak most of the time and are best at23:46
onewell yes23:46
Jordan_UCheekio: Have you finished reading the channel guidelines, and if so, do you agree to follow them in the future?23:47
oneI should help23:50
rwwone: you should answer my question :)23:50
onewhat is is, you went from future to past23:51
onenow is the time to help23:51
rwwnow is the time to give me confidence that if i let you back in #ubuntu you won't cause a mess again23:52
onejust going to watch for 24h worth of clock cycles to assess strategems for help23:53
ubottuOfficial channel logs can be found at http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ . LoCo channels are now logged there too.23:53
rwwfeel free to read those ^ instead and come back here when you have such strategems. I'd be interested to hear them.23:53
oneWhat are LoCo channels?23:54
Cheekio@Jordan: I agree23:54
rwwLoCos are local community teams, but that's not important right now23:55
onenow you are pointing to the past again23:55
one24h of current is more important than logs of the past23:56
rwwThankfully, you can access 24h of current in 24h, using the log site.23:56
rwwAnything else we can help you with today?23:56
Jordan_UCheekio: Great, thank you. You are no longer quited in #ubuntu.23:57

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