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pittiGood morning05:35
DanChapmangood morning06:58
jibelGood morning07:55
DanChapmanmorning jibel08:04
elfymorning jibel DanChapman08:05
jibelmorning elfy, DanChapman08:09
pittijibel: I set up debci in a container and played around with it (and sent my first three patches to Antonio)08:10
pittijibel: it'll need quite some changes to work in an asynchronous and decentralized way, but it's still fairly small and easy08:10
pittijibel: and I have some initial ideas about it; I asked Antonio about hanging out next week08:11
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davmor2Morning all09:50
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disc0tech /join #ubuntu-autopilot13:10
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rbasakpitti: nice work with getting adt-virt-lxc working for Debian? I'm just using this functionality for the first time today and I appreciate it.14:25
pittirbasak: heh, glad you like it (or is the question mark an actual question?)14:25
rbasakpitti: with adt-virt-lxc, should I be able to see stderr (with allow-stderr restriction) in realtime? I have a really long test running.14:26
rbasakpitti: oops. That should have been: nice work with getting adt-virt-lxc working for Debian!14:26
pittirbasak: yes, you should14:26
rbasakI might not be running my intended test then. Thanks.14:26
pittirbasak: the only thing it doesn't work with ATM is adt-virt-qemu14:26
pittias you can't use the standard approach of using a FIFO for that14:27
rbasakpitti: I'm trying to run a modified test with the package from teh archive14:27
pittiI need to invent something custom for that, like allocating two more TTYs14:27
rbasakpitti: so I did -B .// but that didn't work.14:27
rbasak(no built tree needed)14:27
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rbasakpitti: fyi, I ended up having to run my thing wrapped with stdbuf -o0 -e0. That gives me streaming all the way through. I guess it's because it's now connected to a pipe rather than the terminal directly or something?15:32
pittirbasak: ah, you piped adt-run's output through less?15:32
rbasakpitti: nope. Running adt-run directly from the terminal (connected through interactive ssh)15:33
pittihm, that usually works fine for me15:33
rbasakIt might be something to do with the way the test itself.15:34
rbasakI wonder if it's actually stdout and not stderr.15:34
rbasakI'll need to let it finish for adt-run to tell me (~1 hour)15:34
rbasakOh and I didn't log it, so I may not :-/15:34
pittiadt-run -B ~/ubuntu/tmp/testpkg// --- lxc -es adt-trusty15:34
pittiI call it like that15:34
* rbasak runs it again against annotate-output15:34
pittiand that testpkg does15:34
pittiecho hello from test15:34
pittisleep 115:34
pittiecho 'one'15:35
pittisleep 315:35
pittiecho 'three'15:35
pittisleep 315:35
pittiecho 'done'15:35
pittiand I see each line15:35
pittirbasak: yes, piping stdout from python programs is.. oodd15:35
pittiI did that not too long ago in ofono-phonesim I think, hang on15:35
pittiexport PYTHONUNBUFFERED=x15:35
pittistdbuf -o 0 /usr/share/ofono/scripts/receive-sms > "$LOG" &15:35
pittirbasak: ^ with these two, live logging from stdout into a pipe or log file works for me15:36
pittirbasak: without the $PYTHONUNBUFFERED bit, it woudl remain completely empty15:36
pitti(I guess it gets flushed only every now and then)15:36
pittirbasak: I tried above adt-run with .. | less, still WFM15:37
balloonsxnox, so we have a good build for nemo-qml-plugin-folderlistmodel, can you help on tweaking the cmake file to incorporate it? https://code.launchpad.net/~nskaggs/ubuntu-filemanager-app/fix-armhf-build/+merge/21162115:52
xnoxballoons: excellent, sure!15:52
balloonswith that, the merge can land.. and we can get a build for fm pushed to the store :-)15:53
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elfyballoons: going to be looking at this for our testcases - don't know if you want it done generically - bug 129544719:08
ubot5bug 1295447 in Ubuntu Manual Tests "Add general note to testcases regarding virtual machine" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/129544719:08
elfyit can make a difference for us to know - not sure about anyone else though19:09
balloonselfy, mm.. the age old question19:09
balloonsin theory the hw field is for this. Certainly if you report a bug you should mention what you used19:09
balloonswould you want to tweak the bug reporting info to make extra mention of this or ??19:10
elfyyea - but you know what humans are like ...19:10
elfyballoons: the "See this page on reporting bugs for help. Not sure which package to file against? See Finding the right package."19:11
elfythat bit?19:11
balloonsyea, it's our first line of defense :_)19:11
elfytweaking that would certainly be easier than adding a line to ~40 testcases :)19:11
balloonsI'm not for modifying the tests for this19:11
elfyyea - that would be awesome19:12
balloonsOk, we can add it straight to the page even I think19:12
elfycool :)19:12
balloonsthat better than editing the wiki eh?19:12
balloonslet me see19:12
elfywell - while I would love to think that anyone reporting to the tracker has read everything related - it's rather unlikely :)19:13
balloonssomething like  <strong>Remember to list your hardware when you report a bug; especially when you are using a virtual machine</strong>?19:13
elfythat sounds good to me19:14
balloonsand link to the hardware profile wiki as well19:14
balloonsperfect, let me add19:14
* elfy is bad at that profile thing19:14
elfyvery very bad :p19:14
elfybut then again it's usually me reading our stuff :)19:14
balloonsright, I'll point it out19:15
balloonsthe bigger deal is vm or real hw19:15
balloonsoften that's enough info19:15
elfyagree with that19:15
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balloonselfy check http://iso.qa.ubuntu.com/19:17
balloonsi don't think I like the bold19:17
elfyme neither19:18
balloonsrefresh and look again19:18
elfyunless it was in a new line19:18
elfythat's perfect :)19:18
balloonsperfect for a friday evening19:19
elfythanks balloons19:19
balloonswell done good sir19:19
elfyyep - talking of which the pub calls - have a good weekend :)19:19
elfyno injuries this weekend :p19:19
elfycya next week balloons19:19
balloonselfy, I'm still healing, so I can't right?19:20
balloonselfy, cya19:20
elfylol - well you know how it is - I ALWAYS managed to seperate injuries ...19:20
balloonsyep, hurt your hand, then wrist, then arm, then leg, etc19:21
balloonsI busted my toe and it took a couple months to heal. Last night I hit the toe in the same spot.. a minor hit, but it hurt ALOT19:21
balloonsmakes me wonder if I learned anything the first time19:21
elfyseems not :p19:22
elfyI'm away now - late ...19:22
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