
=== TheLordOfTime is now known as teward
phaidroshow to start the grub shell when running the system?00:39
phaidrosages ago there was a command called "grub"00:39
phaidrosthis seems gone :)00:39
phaidrossince the days of grub-legacy have passed00:40
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gmachine_24greetings, earthlings. my server with 13.xx installed on the main 60GB ssd drive is all of a sudden full - as in registering 100% occupado. I did  $sudo df / and it came back 100% used . . . I have done daily back ups using tar and they have taken up only 2GB of space on a separate back up drive03:55
davecore82gmachine_24, do you have a question? what do you want to know?04:02
gmachine_24davecore82, yes, well, I suppose my question is whether this is normal and if not what can I do about it.......?04:04
cfhowlettgmachine_24, , df doesn't require sudo ...04:05
gmachine_24davecore82, the tar back ups still only take up 2GB of space04:05
davecore82you could start by finding what's using the most space with a command like    ( du -xSk || du -kod || du -ax ) | sort -nr | head -3004:05
davecore82   ran from your / dir04:05
cfhowlettgmachine_24, clear out your logs???04:05
gmachine_24davecore82, well ok but I get almost the exact same output when I just do df /04:05
sarnoldgmachine_24: probably first things first, go look for huge logs in /var/log ; use apt-get clean and apt-get autoclean and apt-get autoremove to free up some more space04:08
davecore82this will work too:    du -xSk / | sort -nr | head -1004:08
sarnoldgmachine_24: once you've gotten yourself some headroom you can start looking for your data that's big :)04:08
gmachine_24hi - thanks for the help. I had run apt-get clean and apt-get autoremove already. I just ran apt-get autoclean. I deleted a bunch of podcasts that were downloaded when I first set up the server; I forgot they were there.04:12
gmachine_24however, after removing the podcasts I get the same 100% used04:13
gmachine_24when running df /04:13
davecore82are they currently opened in some application on your server?04:13
gmachine_24I really think there is a problem that I cannot recall exactly having to do with ssds .... this will again teach me to keep all notes04:13
gmachine_24davecore82, what 'they' are you referring to?04:14
davecore82the podcasts04:14
gmachine_24I deleted them04:14
gmachine_24and no04:14
gmachine_24not opened in some application04:14
davecore82but where they already opened somewhere? sometimes when your df doesn't show any change it's because the files are still opened somewhere04:15
davecore82you could check what lsof returns and see if you see anything weird04:15
gmachine_24davecore82, I'm not familiar with lsof .. but, as I said, this is a new situation . . . I'm going to reboot the server and see if deleting the podcasts makes a difference;04:22
gmachine_24ok, the server is back up and things are the same; the thing that is different, which I should have realized and said before, is that I've installed and am configuring KVM so I can run virtual machines........04:26
davecore82did you run this?  du -xSk / | sort -nr | head -1004:26
gmachine_24I just installed KVM last night but did not create any vms as it got late and I don't want to do that when I am tired04:26
davecore82that command will find the top 10 directories using the most disk space04:27
gmachine_24davecore82, yes, I had run it before; here is the out put: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/7128838/04:31
davecore82you should run it with root04:31
gmachine_24ha, ok, brb04:31
gmachine_24http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/7128843/ run with sudo04:33
davecore82can you show the output of df -h ?04:33
davecore82I don't see how your 60 GB disk be full with just that showing up04:34
gmachine_24davecore82, unless the squeezebox server cache is some how out of control; and, yes, that's what I meant - it makes no sense to me, either04:36
davecore82can I see your df -h ?04:36
gmachine_24http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/7128861/          from sudo df -h04:37
davecore82do you use things like file system snapshots, ...?04:38
gmachine_24davecore82, well, having no idea what that is I'm going to say no04:39
gmachine_24is it like an image?04:39
davecore82I can't help you sorry. Some forum suggests you run fsck from single user mode04:40
davecore82does this show anything interesting ?   lsof | grep '(deleted)'04:41
gmachine_24just like that with the deleted and everything?04:41
davecore82lsof | grep '(deleted)'04:41
gmachine_24the lsof command before led to a huge output04:41
davecore82this one will be shorter04:41
gmachine_24uhm... well, running with sudo and without sudo I got the same output: nothing04:43
davecore82so that means its not deleted files locking your space04:44
davecore82If you can, follow the instructions from that link04:44
davecore82maybe your fs is corrupted04:44
gmachine_24davecore82, yes, could be. so I guess it's good that I have a > a month of back ups04:45
gmachine_24davecore82, thanks again for your time04:45
davecore82where are the backups exactly? on a different drive?04:45
gmachine_24davecore82, yes, different drive04:45
davecore82try that fsck thing04:45
davecore82good luck04:45
sarnoldanything in /root ? it looked mos likely out of those locations to possibly have some data stashed away04:45
gmachine_24sarnold how do I tell what is taking up all that space in /?04:46
sarnoldgmachine_24: normally davecore82's little recipe does the job04:49
sarnold(I never use -S myself but it shouldn't matter much one way or another)04:49
gmachine_24sarnold, ok, well, the output didn't add up.......... I am logged in from a remote terminal using ssh -X ..... is there some way I can run the graphical disk usage analyzer remotely? I'm not even sure it's installed on the server04:50
sarnoldgmachine_24: you could try, the only one I know of is 'kdf', but that will bring i nthe whole kde runtime, unless it's already installed you won't be able to make it fit :)04:51
gmachine_24sarnold, it's ok - I ran the disk analyzer using the command line baobab ..... and nothing accounts for the full disk........04:54
sarnoldgmachine_24: it could be that some of your other mounts _might_ be mouted on top of directories full of data...04:55
sarnoldgmachine_24: I'd umount all your external drives and look again04:55
gmachine_24I mean it shows the disk is using up something like 48GB of 51GB total..... but then there's nothing in the file system details which comes close to using that amount of space04:55
gmachine_24you know what, I wonder . . . . I'll be right back; I might have the answer04:57
gmachine_24sarnold, oh well. I thought maybe it had something to do with my backing up my music collection to an external 1TB usb drive; but, I removed that, rebooted the computer and get the same information. So I don't know. Thanks for your help. I'm beat - going to turn in.05:04
raj__how do I prevent tomcat installation(sudo apt-get install tomcat7) from installing openjdk when I already have oracle java installed ?05:17
sarnoldraj__: take a look at the 'equivs' package, I think it could help you05:21
raj__sarnold: thanks going to look at that..!05:22
ilhamiAnybody here?09:12
cfhowlettilhami, yes09:14
ilhamicfhowlett, I got a free DNS host from noip.com.09:14
ilhamiHow can I configure this with Ubuntu server?09:15
cfhowlettilhami, can't help with that - sorry09:15
ubottuTo set up a Domain Name Service see the !serverguide - https://help.ubuntu.com/12.04/serverguide/C/dns.html09:15
cfhowlettbest I can do ^^^09:15
cfhowlettDamienRed, greetigns09:41
DamienRedty, Im thinking of starting a ubuntu server at home09:43
lordievaderGood morning09:43
DamienRedJust looking over it on the site09:43
DamienRedCAn you connect windows and mac to a ubuntu servecr?09:46
cfhowlettDamienRed, certainly a windows with samba - don't know about mac09:46
ubottuSamba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and https://help.ubuntu.com/12.04/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html09:46
DamienRedaha yeah, samba looks like what i was looking for .09:48
DamienRedDoes ubuntu server have features similar to active directory?09:49
Gr1Hi everyone09:59
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caribourbasak: I have a uvtool question :12:47
caribourbasak: if you run 'uvt-kvm create onetest", who does uvt-kvm selects the image to use ?12:47
caribourbasak: on my test system, I have 5 images starting with Oneiric & this command picked up precise which was the second in the list12:47
rbasakcaribou: let me check the exact logic12:48
caribourbasak: I'm working on the doc & just want to provide a few simple examples12:48
RoBoT_38I want to ask12:49
rbasakcaribou: it defaults to release=`distro-info --lts`12:49
rbasakcaribou: I think there's an error in the manpage there, where I said it also defaults to the host arch. I don't think it does.12:49
RoBoT_38what is the command for movilng all files that begin with a, b, c, to a folder.12:49
* rbasak needs to fix that12:50
caribourbasak: no it doesn't, my test system is trusty & it installed precise12:51
rbasakcaribou: what does "distro-info --lts" on your trusty system say?12:51
caribourbasak: precise, so it is coherent12:51
rbasakI think it'll change to trusty once distro-info-data is updated in Trusty, which I guess happens on release or something.12:52
rbasakUsers who care should specify.12:52
rbasakDo you think that's a problem?12:52
caribourbasak: no, as long as it is clearly outlined in the doc12:53
caribourbasak: I wanted to show that it was so simple to use that just doing 'uvt-kvm create onetest' was enough to get toing12:53
caribourbasak: with your explanation, I'll explain how it gets picked up12:54
zuljamespage/hallyn: so I was thinking we should apply for an MRE for libvirt for trusty+1, what do you think?13:19
gQuigss the 12.04 + icehouse cloud archive open for business?  just found that it is active... is it meant to be used now? (I wasn't expecting it to be released until it got backported from 14.04)13:27
zulgQuigs: yes pre-releases are available13:30
hallynzul: mre, why?13:31
zulhallyn:  so we can do a "stable" branch and get in updates faster13:31
jamespagezul, +113:32
zulhallyn:  seabios as well it was just pointed out to me13:32
hallynzul: sounds good.13:32
hallynman my laptop is being weird13:32
hallynwell we don't want seabios updated without qemu13:33
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zulsmb:  did xen 4.4. get uploaded?13:48
smbzul, yup13:48
zulsmb:  sweet13:48
smbzul, now we just need to weed out some issues13:49
zuljamespage:  ill fix the python-pbr failing for the CA this afternoon13:49
zulsmb: ill try to test xen-4.4 with libvirt/openstack next week13:50
smbzul, Ok, that would be awesome. And let me know all the bugs you find.13:50
zulsmb:  ack13:51
gQuigszul: is it going to eventually provide nodejs as well?  (they have a specific version dependency between it and libv8 that is provided)13:57
jamespagezul, ack13:59
zulgQuigs: uh...probably not...whats the specific dependency you are talking about?14:12
gQuigsnodejs (precise) depends specifically on libv8-
gQuigsthey specifically want to install npm and find that can be impossible14:19
jamespagegQuigs, there is no intent to provide nodejs in the cloud-archive14:22
gQuigshmm..  I think it might be due to the libv8-dev not having the version number in the package name14:23
gQuigslibv8-3.14 and libv8-3.7 are installable side by side, but there is only one libv8-dev package14:24
gQuigswhy is libv8 included in the cloud archive?14:25
jamespagegQuigs, mongodb14:27
gQuigsthanks both, bug is precise not the cloud archive...14:28
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gQuigsor actually.. do you need to provide the libv8-dev package?  you have the libv8-3.14-dev package..14:30
gQuigshaving that package breaks letting them both be installed14:31
gQuigsyou don't have a package for libv8-dbg14:31
jamespagegQuigs, we try to make the cloud-archive delta as small as possible; I'd like to understand why you have the cloud-archive enabled on a server where you are doing other nodejs stuff?14:35
gQuigsjamespage: I don't; it's a customer14:36
gQuigsthey say it's a dependency for their Razor setup, through npm...14:39
gQuigsah... puppet-razor14:40
gQuigsit's a test node for them where they track the latest changes to see if anything will break in their setup in the future14:40
gQuigsI'll make a detailed bug report to the cloud archive and we can figure out next steps there14:49
Obsdarkhey oh14:53
cfhowlettObsdark, greetings14:53
Obsdarki'm trying to connect to internet with ubuntu server, through terminal to upgrade/update but i can't, when i ping any site in the outside internet it appears "ping: unknown host www.google.cl" and if i try to ping my router apparead "PING ( 56(84) bytes of data." and then start to spam this "From icmp_seq=1 Destination Host Unrecheable", i'm trying to connect to internet14:57
Obsdark through wifi, to a static ip router(modem who gave wifi to several comps)14:57
Obsdarkany suggestions?14:57
Obsdarkhow to fix this problem?14:57
Obsdarkthanks in advance14:57
ObsdarkPS: i'm kinda noob in linux & specialy in ubuntu14:58
ObsdarkPS2: i'll try asking in stack overflow (ask ubuntu) but i stop receive responds after like 8 hours ago14:59
Obsdarkand what i print here is as far as we arrive with the guy who help me (before stop)15:00
Dj_FlyByany reason why my Ubuntu Server 12.04 keeps changing it's IP address? I set it manually via this guide --> https://help.ubuntu.com/12.04/serverguide/network-configuration.html    but it doesn't seem to stay permanent and changes even when the server ISN'T restarted....15:19
gQuigsDj_FlyBy: see if dhclient is still running15:23
drumshey guys15:31
cfhowlettdrums, greetings15:32
drumsnice to meet you, im pretty new to linux since a damm long break like 10? years :=15:32
drumslast time i was running linux, suse 9 was the shit everyone was running trough15:32
Obsdark- AndroidLoverInSF ha entrado15:32
Obsdark<Obsdark>PS2: i'll try asking in stack overflow (ask ubuntu) but i stop receive responds after like 8 hours ago15:33
cfhowlettdrums, language - keep it clean15:33
drumsusers from germany here?15:33
drumsi got some rly hard nut for you guys15:34
Obsdarki'm trying to connect to internet with ubuntu server, through terminal to upgrade/update but i can't, when i ping any site in the outside internet it appears "ping: unknown host www.google.cl" and if i try to ping my router apparead "PING ( 56(84) bytes of data." and then start to spam this "From icmp_seq=1 Destination Host Unrecheable", i'm trying to connect to internet15:34
Obsdark through wifi, to a static ip router(modem who gave wifi to several comps) any suggestions? how to fix this problem? thanks in advance PS: i'm kinda noob in linux & specialy in ubuntu15:34
ubottudrums,: In den meisten Ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuche bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Einfach "/join #ubuntu-de" eingeben. Danke für Dein Verständnis!15:34
jamespagecoreycb, zul: we need to fixup https://bugs.launchpad.net/cloud-archive/+bug/126730715:35
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1267307 in ceilometer "upstart services aren't created for ceilometer-alarm-evaluator ceilometer-alarm-notifier" [Undecided,New]15:35
drumsi was previously able to set my display within a script wich loads by booting gnome/unity to set my customized screen resolution by the command "xrandr 1199 x 904" (for example)15:35
drumsbut then i played around with all this funny compiz stuff and so on until everything crashed15:36
drumslike EVERYTHINK15:36
drumsi made it to work again, even witout a new instalation15:36
drumsand ye, i got my workspacecube, i got my cairo, i got all the fancy nice looking transperancy stuff again BUT15:37
* ogra_ wonders how this is related to ubuntu-server15:37
drumsxrandr command doesnt work anymore, it now just takes resolutions wich are PREdefined (like all the standart resolutions)15:37
ogra_sounds like you would rather want #ubuntu or #ubuntu-de15:38
zuljamespage:  ack ill put it on my todo list15:38
drumsbut i cant set it anymore to a specific resolution by myself, what happend?did i kinda bugged out X server by itself?15:38
drumsogra_ ye sry, maybe its the wrong channel, i excuse myself for that15:39
Obsdarkogra_ it would be the right channel for my case?15:39
ogra_np, it is just the the guys in here will likely not be able to help much with desktop stuff15:39
ogra_since this is the server specific channel15:40
drumsbut maybe u got some idea?cause even friends of mine, wich are realy expirienced in linux, got no idea how this could happen15:40
drumsye its a problem with x, administrators are not involved into x serv15:41
drumsbut maybe one of u had this problem by himself before15:41
drumsand the solution is quit simple15:41
Dj_FlyBygQuigs: dhclient is in fact running15:45
gQuigszul: jamespage, reported the libv8 issue, https://bugs.launchpad.net/cloud-archive/+bug/129572315:45
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1295723 in cloud-archive "libv8-dev backport breaks some dependencies" [Undecided,New]15:45
gQuigsDj_FlyBy: that's your issue..  our docs need desperate updating15:46
gQuigsifdown the interface first, should stop the dhclient, I think... then you can make the change15:46
gQuigsand ifup it back15:46
gQuigs(assuming you don't just have one interface, if you do, I suggest rebooting15:46
Dj_FlyBychange is already made... and are permanently added to the interfaces file whichis why I am so confused15:47
Dj_FlyByI can't reboot the server every times this happens.... I need to solve the problem :) multiple websites ad such are hosted on this server... rebooting it constantly i s bad business15:48
gQuigsDj_FlyBy:  post your interface conf file (w/ ips removed) somewhere15:49
rbasakgQuigs: as a workaround, can you pin libv8-dev in precise to score higher than the cloud archive?15:50
jamespagerbasak, gQuigs: that was going to be my suggestion15:52
novocharI'm reading http://www.danscourses.com/Linux-Fundamentals/install-a-configure-the-bind-dns-server.html and it tells me to edit /etc/sysconfig/network-script/ifcfg-eth0 ubuntu-server doesn't have this file, it does have /etc/sysctl.conf though15:54
novocharIs it the same?15:54
novocharWhere would I insert DNS1=
novocharAnd is that even relevant?15:55
patdk-wknovochar, you have lots of issues15:55
rbasaknovochar: I suggest you look for a guide that accomodates Debian and Ubuntu. It sounds like you're looking at a RHEL/Fedora/CentOS -specific guide.15:55
rbasaknovochar: eg. the official Ubuntu server guide for 12.04: https://help.ubuntu.com/12.04/serverguide/dns.html15:56
gQuigsrbasak: jamespage, yes that appears to be a valid workaround15:57
rbasakGreat! I can't think of any other way to solve this problem. It's a fundmental property of the cloud archive that it won't necessarily work with arbitrary packages from the release.15:57
novocharThanks for the link rbasak15:57
novocharpatdk-wk: noted15:58
gQuigsrbasak: I'm not suggesting removing libv8-3.14-dev, just libv8-dev..15:59
Dj_FlyByack.... I forget how to list the contents of a file16:01
Dj_FlyBygQuigs: trying to sprunge that interfaces file for you16:01
novocharDj_FlyBy: cat?..16:05
Dj_FlyBynovochar: hahah thanks...... can't believe I forgot that16:08
novocharI don't see anywhere in /etc/bind/ where this example could be inserted: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wildcard_DNS_record#Definitions_of_DNS_wildcards16:10
Obsdarkhey oh i'm trying to connect to internet with ubuntu server, through terminal to upgrade/update but i can't, when i ping any site in the outside internet it appears "ping: unknown host www.google.cl" and if i try to ping my router apparead "PING ( 56(84) bytes of data." and then start to spam this "From icmp_seq=1 Destination Host Unrecheable", i'm trying to connect to16:11
Obsdark internet through wifi, to a static ip router(modem who gave wifi to several comps) any suggestions? how to fix this problem? thanks in advance PS: i'm kinda noob in linux & specialy in ubuntu but i have a CentOs one working if that is usefull for something, any ideas?16:11
novocharNone of the db files would fit and the named.conf.* files have a different syntax16:11
Dj_FlyBygQuigs:  http://sprunge.us/ZbGF16:14
jamespagegQuigs, see my note on your bug report as to why we can't do that16:16
Obsdarkany chance somebody tells me at least if my problem make sence or where i can find a answer?16:18
gQuigsjamespage: still don't understand why it can't depend on libv8-3.14-dev directly16:18
novocharThis could be useful if it was for 13.10: http://www.leaseweblabs.com/2013/08/wildcard-dns-ubuntu-hosts-file-using-dnsmasq/16:23
gQuigsDj_FlyBy: don't see anythng wrongg.... are the $ just an artifact?16:23
novocharIf I just apt-get install dnsmasq, will ubuntu use it for dns forwarding?16:24
Dj_FlyBygQuigs: i'm guessing the $ are part of the cat -A command as they don't actually existin the file itself16:24
tcollinsIm trying to setup MAAS on a set of physical machines.  I'm having an issue with the DHCP setup, the docs say everything can be done from the WebUI but nothing changes.  Do I have to manually edit my interfaces files as well?16:35
novocharThis looks relvant: http://therailworld.com/posts/36-Wildcard-Subdomains-with-Dnsmasq16:36
novocharThe problem here is I don't want `blah`, I'd like *16:36
novocharIs it possible to use * with dnsmasq?16:36
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MezQuick Question: I've setup LDAP -and it reports administrators:*:10001:mez17:12
Mezfor getent group17:12
Mezbut if I run "groups" as myself, I only see my primary group.17:12
MezAny idea why this would be the case?17:12
bekksMez: Did you re-login?17:13
Mezbekks: yup17:13
Mezeven rebooted it :)17:13
jrwrenthe groups command doesn't use libnss to do its lookups. I'd recommend not using it.17:16
jrwrenor... i'm reading strace output incorrectly17:16
Mezjrwren: it shows me in the LDAP groups on another system...17:17
jrwrennevermind me then.17:17
* Mez has managed to somehow get locked out of sudo via this17:18
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MezAh, it's nscd17:26
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raj__tomcat7 by default installs openjdk, however I would run tomcat using already installed Oracle JRE, should I leave the  openjdk that will come along with tomcat as it is (I have seen that trying to uninstall openjdk also uninstalls tomcat7) Is there any harm in leaving it incase I dont wish to use it? (avoiding uninstall just because it is leading to complexities )17:57
patdk-wkif it explicitly depends on openjdk, that is a bug17:58
raj__patdk-wk: dont no why but when I tried uninstalling openjdk it uninstalled tomcat7  as well.. actually may be becuase I did not installed oracle jre via apt-get so it see only openjdk installed via apt-get ..18:00
zuljamespage:  have you had a chance to look at python-psutil yet?18:07
zuljamespage:  http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/7131876/18:07
jamespagezul, hmm18:08
jamespageis that in the lab?18:08
zuljamespage:  ppa18:08
zulci ppa sorry18:08
jamespagezul, under openstack-ubuntu-testing?18:09
zulyep on precise18:09
jamespagezul, oh foobar18:10
jamespageI expect that it got built with old dh-python18:10
zuljamespage:  ack18:11
jamespagezul, oh - psutil is out-of-date on i386 - it failed to build18:12
* jamespage hits rebuilkd18:12
zuljamespage:  merci buckets18:12
Valduarehi guys I got a headless ubuntu server running on wifi as a cups print server18:16
ValduareI got it connecting great with dhcp and wpa_supplicant18:16
Valduarei understand there are problems with trying to specify a static ip? with wpa_supplicant18:16
sarnoldI thought wpa_supplicant worked on the wifi layer rather than the IP layer?18:18
lordievaderThat was my impression too.18:18
ValduareI was just reading about it not completing if you had network/interfaces setup for static18:19
sarnoldadmittedly I've not tried it, but it doesn't sound right to me.18:20
Valduareguess i'll just try it heh18:20
Valduareluckily i can just take the sd card out and redo the network interfaces file if it does not work heh18:21
sarnoldwoo :)18:21
Valduarei got ubuntu 12.04 lts running on a mk802iiis to use as a cups print server18:22
lordievaderLast time I did a static wifi address I used a very nasty work around, I wrote an /etc/init.d script. I couldn't get /etc/network/interfaces to work properly.18:23
adam_gsmb, were you planning on upload someting to saucy proposed /w debdiff in 1248025? or should i?18:38
adam_gor hallyn18:38
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1248025 in libvirt "[SRU] libvirt-bin fails to start inside Xen" [High,In progress]18:38
tcollinsim trying to debug PXE under MAAS, where are the pxelinux.cfg files for MAAS?18:47
hallynadam_g: it is on my list,18:49
tcollinsthe pxelinux.cfg seems not to exists under MAAS18:49
hallynadam_g: if you do, pls also include bugs 1287232 and /126446518:49
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1287232 in libvirt "/usr/lib/libvirt-lxc.so missing from libvirt-dev" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/128723218:49
sarnoldtcollins: look for /usr/share/pyshared/provisioningserver/pxe/config ?18:51
adam_ghallyn, hmm. those look less like low hanging fruit.18:51
adam_gIOW over my head :)18:51
hallynin any case there is a pkg in -proposed still18:51
hallynunless it cleared whil i wasn't looking18:51
adam_gohh damn, right18:52
adam_gthat exterely difficult bug to verify18:52
hallyni think we shoudl take the verifications we have and go with it, but then i'm not on the sru team :)18:53
tcollinssarnold: is that the config.py file?18:53
zuljamespage:  https://code.launchpad.net/~zulcss/nova/2013.1.518:53
zulcoreycb: ^^^18:53
sarnoldtcollins: I think it's used to make the pxe config.. it's been ages since I've done anything with it, but I've got that in my notes :) heh18:53
tcollinssarnold: I'm just trying to understand how maas controls pxe.  Since there is no pxelinx.cfg for the nodes to pull18:55
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zuljamespage/coreycb: https://code.launchpad.net/~zulcss/neutron/2013.1.5/+merge/21222618:57
tcollinssarnold: it seems as though maas is not creating the config files18:57
sarnoldtcollins: check out the maas-import-pxe-files script, it might have the details you need18:58
tcollinssarnold: maas-import-pxe-files just downloads the images.  Nothing helpful in there19:08
jamespagezul,  neutron +1; nova - do we really need to release?19:11
zuljamespage:  yes "Known Issues and Limitations" https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/ReleaseNotes/2013.1.519:13
zuljamespage:  keystone is still buidling for me19:14
jamespagezul, that nova commit list is incomplete then19:16
zuljamespage:  ok ill have a look19:16
zuljamespage:  that CVE got fixed in october according to the changelog19:21
zuljamespage:  im happy to skip it19:26
zuljamespage:  https://code.launchpad.net/~zulcss/keystone/2013.1.5/+merge/21223219:29
Obsdarkgood day, i have a issue with the static ip configuration19:31
Obsdarkyou see: when i try to use the instructions on the oficial documentation, it just doesn't work, the dhcp-client process is dead but apt-get don't let me unninstall it, also i can't connect to the internet through cable modem19:32
Obsdarkor better say, "wired" any suggestion or help would be greatly apreciated19:32
pmatulisObsdark: you've mentioned 'static' and 'dhcp'.  what are you up to?19:38
Obsdarkok, wellwell, i'm making a "test" with a notebook19:40
Obsdarkthe idea is connect it to internet and stup a server19:40
pmatulisObsdark: can you get an IP or not?19:41
Obsdarki first try to make work a wifi net, but now i'm thiknking than it's better use cable connection and clone it19:41
Obsdarkwith that pc, i can't even ping google19:41
Obsdarkit must been said than i'm through a modem than brings wifi to some other pc's too19:42
Obsdarkand that one have a static ip19:42
Obsdarki'm just thinking on clone this machine entirely on another pc after end the test here, but before of that i need set it up internet to it, cable internet, any suggestion? :S19:43
Obsdarkpmatulis: please just do any question about it19:45
pmatulisObsdark: use dhcp19:47
Obsdark¿? but that's for dinamic ip aren't it? otherwise, how i can do it?19:47
Obsdarkyou fucking rocks!19:53
Obsdarkdamn man... i'm a very noobish ubuntu user but thanks a lot!19:54
Obsdarkpmatulis: ¡You Rocks!!19:54
Obsdarkjust a last question19:56
Obsdarkhow i just setup to autoconnect when started?19:57
Obsdark(the comp)19:57
Dj_FlyByany reason why my Ubuntu Server 12.04 keeps changing it's IP address? I set it manually via this guide --> https://help.ubuntu.com/12.04/serverguide/network-configuration.html    but it doesn't seem to stay permanent and changes randomly even when the server ISN'T restarted....20:01
bekksDj_FlyBy: It changes to what? Can you give us an example?20:06
Dj_FlyByit changes fromthe static 10.x.x.3 to 10.x.x.1020:07
bekksIn a vbox environment?20:08
Dj_FlyByI'd have to say no since I'm not entirely certain what that is20:12
Dj_FlyByI'm guessing VirtualBoxin which case, no20:12
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pmatulisDj_FlyBy: heh heh20:14
pmatulisDj_FlyBy: see whether a dhclient process is running20:15
pmatulis(ps ax | grep dhclient)20:16
Dj_FlyBypmatulis: no it is not running20:30
Dj_FlyByok this is weird.20:34
Dj_FlyByI search for a running process and I getnothing20:34
Dj_FlyBybut your command shows something20:34
Dj_FlyBypmatulis: -->  http://sprunge.us/ZAWa20:36
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Dj_FlyByOOOoooOo  I found a VERY useful guide....  for anyone else to note in case of others with my issue....  -->  http://lani78.com/2012/07/19/change-to-static-ip-on-the-ubuntu-precise-pangolin-server/20:40
pmatulisDj_FlyBy: so you'll want to do 'kill $(pgrep dhclient)'20:49
pmatulisDj_FlyBy: or similar, 'kill $(pgrep dhclient3)'20:50
Dj_FlyBypmatulis: but that kill it permanently, or wil it start again if so some od reason the server gets rebooted?21:10
Dj_FlyBywhat about stopping it and then sudo apt-get remove isc-dhcp-client21:10
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qman__Dj_FlyBy: you don't need to uninstall it, just configure /etc/network/interfaces as static ip and it won't activate after a reboot21:14
Dj_FlyBybutI've had the interfaces file configured for some time and the server has been rebooted since then21:15
qman__you can also use dhclient -r to release your lease and it will stop trying to reconfigure it21:16
qman__sounds like something else is interfering then, maybe network-manager?21:17
qman__that doesn't mean network-manager isn't installed21:20
Dj_FlyByI didn't personally so unless by default21:21
Dj_FlyBydoesn't hurt to check :)21:21
qman__i know there were some bugs about this years ago, but i haven't run into it since 201221:21
qman__and i install a lot of 12.04 servers21:21
Dj_FlyByandso t is21:21
qman__it isn't on a default install but can easily get pulled in as a recommend21:22
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Dj_FlyByhow do Isee what is using it so I know if I can close it21:29
qman__network-manager is the daemon running in the background21:30
qman__you probably don't have the gui app installed21:31
Dj_FlyBycould use it if I did, lol21:31
qman__provided your normal config works, you can just apt-get remove it21:31
qman__though if it's remote you might want to take some precautions21:32
Dj_FlyByI did edit the interfaces file a while agi21:32
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