
thafreakI'll be a DD...01:27
Unit193I think it'd be a looooong time for me. :P01:28
thafreakwhat do you have to do?01:29
thafreakslay a dragon or something?01:29
thafreakfight an ogre?01:29
paultagto both01:29
thafreaklearn incantations01:29
thafreaksign me up01:29
thafreaki have a gpg key, that's all i need right?01:29
Unit193thafreak: It's the 100% trust in the GPL and FSF I don't have that rules me out.01:30
thafreakoh, you gotta be a rms groupy?01:30
thafreakwhat's up with that musl libc by the way01:30
thafreakpeople are dropping glibc left and right in favor of it now or something01:31
Unit193I'm a little too lax in my dislike for closed source, or "non-free" software.01:31
Unit193(Though, for one example I don't really like the truecrypt license at all...)01:31
thafreakyou use binary blob firmwares don't you!!!01:31
Unit193Sure do, because they Just Work™01:31
Unit193Netbook without fglrx is a bit fuzzy and crappy. :/01:32
thafreakso do they make you swear a blood oath to rms or something?01:33
thafreakhow do they know if you're not 100% gung-ho?01:33
Unit193`vrms` Run that one! :D01:33
Unit193Also, pretty sure it'd make Paul annoyed to know that I have packages "forked" locally, and "fixed up" too. :P01:34
paultagIt would, since you should send patches upstream01:35
Unit193What if you've rubbed off on me a little, and some of it is just changing cdbs evilness to dh? :D01:35
Unit193Also, man, I need to learn to use d/changelog right...01:36
paultagoh lordy01:36
paultagfuck yes01:36
Unit193icecast? Check, pianobar? Check, etc, etc.  (Not just those changes, and "forked" because either Ubuntu was lagging once on pianobar, or I wanted to roll that from git.  Icecast I run off the betas, they are quite stable.)01:37
paultagthe maintainer of pianobar is a friend01:37
paultaghe'd likely accept any changes you have01:37
paultag(Luke is great)01:37
Unit193Also, since I'm using compat 9, it enables `make test` by default. \o/01:38
Unit193Oh, and your thoughts on -dbg packages?01:39
paultagthey suck, I wish we had .ddebs01:39
paultagbut handy01:39
Unit193I've added a couple in because they can be handy for sure, did some debugging for a upstream, and of course I used a package becase :lazy:01:40
paultagthey're fine while we wait for ddebs01:41
paultagbut I hate ddebs don't exist01:41
Unit193Speaking of people you know, do you happen to know Gerrit Pape, or Chris Taylor?01:43
thafreakand...what is your vue on musl...?01:43
Unit193I should likely find lfaraone online somewhere and poke him about pianobar, but he didn't seem very liking of that package. :P01:44
thafreakyou guys see this keybase.io?01:50
paultagI don't know either01:50
paultagbut lfaraone is great01:50
paultagthafreak: yeah, I'm paultag on there.01:50
Unit193thafreak: Also, how would you not have a GPG key?01:51
thafreakwho me?01:56
Unit193Yeah, thought everyone in -oh had (to have) one.01:56
Unit193Though I've been thinking about doing a bad thing and re-creating mine as 4096, since I as of yet have no sigs so nothing to distroy.01:57
thafreakgo for it....i remade mine...just went to another key signing party got the new one signed01:57

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