
Jordan_Ucornfeedhobo: Assuming that such a patch is needed, which I'm not sure of, the easiest standard way to accomplish this would probably be through a launchpad ppa using a build trigger / recipe.00:00
cornfeedhobohmm i di not know ubuntu had such a system00:00
JohnZornafter installing the latest git my apt is bunk. It gives me the following: git : Depends: git-man (> 1:1.9.0) but 1: is to be installed how do I find out what is trying to get apt to fulfill the dependency on git-man
cornfeedhoboJordan_U: pm? can you tell me more about this? maybe a link or two?00:00
Jordan_Ucornfeedhobo: I prefer to keep discussion in-channle.00:01
Jordan_Ucornfeedhobo: https://help.launchpad.net/Packaging/SourceBuilds00:02
ice9how to compile openscenegraph on Ubuntu?00:02
awesomess3gomi, synclient TapButton3=2 #I'm 20% sure this command should work00:02
Jordan_UJohnZorn: Please pastebin the complete output of "sudo apt-get -f install" and "sudo apt-get dist-upgrade".00:03
brandon9Does anybody know how I can make keyboard shortcuts without keyboard modifiers work?00:03
TJ-cornfeedhobo: networkmanager-openvpn has an IPv6 configuration tab00:03
cornfeedhoboTJ-: orly?00:04
cornfeedhoboJordan_U: thx00:04
Jordan_Ucornfeedhobo: You're welcome.00:05
TJ-cornfeedhobo: Well, I've got it here so unless I wrote a patch whilst asleep, it must have ;)00:05
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cornfeedhoboTJ-: http://i.imgur.com/MS4ylAE.png00:06
cornfeedhoboTJ-: what package version do you have?00:06
TJ-cornfeedhobo: which version of Ubuntu is that?00:06
TJ-cornfeedhobo: version... 12.04, 13.10 ?00:07
cornfeedhoboi think 13.1000:08
cornfeedhoboi just installed it00:08
cornfeedhoboone sec00:08
awesomess3I wonder how kubuntu is doing these days00:08
TJ-cornfeedhobo: I have:  network-manager-openvpn, which has some patches of my own (not IPv6!)00:08
cornfeedhoboyeah, its Saucy00:08
cornfeedhoboawesomess3: pretty well. qt5 and plasma make it nice00:09
JohnZornOk nevermind Jordan_U I reverted to the old git, thanks.00:09
cornfeedhoboTJ-: network-manager-openvpn_0.9.8.2-1ubuntu2_amd64.deb  here00:10
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cornfeedhobomy version is newer.00:11
gomiawesomess3 thanks. I had the mening of the synclient variables backwards00:11
TJ-cornfeedhobo: Does the host have IPv6 enabled locally?00:12
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TJ-cornfeedhobo: I say that because the IPv6 tab isn't part of the openvpn extension,it's part of the core NM interface, so if you don't see that, it would suggest NM or the system has IPv6 disabled in some way00:15
Jordan_Ucornfeedhobo: What version of Ubuntu are you using?00:15
cornfeedhoboJordan_U: 13.1000:15
cornfeedhoboTJ-: the tab exists for non-vpn connections, like... my wifi has it00:16
cornfeedhoboTJ-: this pertains to openvpn plugin only00:16
cornfeedhoboi even get a ipv6 address... the interface just doesnt konw about how to present that00:17
cornfeedhoboyou know, command line "ip -6 a"... i get an address in the subnet i expect from the openvpn pool00:17
cornfeedhoboits just... the interface that hasnt been updated yet00:18
TJ-cornfeedhobo: http://imgur.com/BBbHuXc00:21
cornfeedhoboda fuq00:22
cornfeedhobohmm the package must be way different for the -gnome one or something00:22
cornfeedhobothe lzo compression option is hidden behind that "Advanced" button in my image00:23
cornfeedhobobut... you are in kdo00:23
cornfeedhobowhat PPAs are you using? what version of ubuntu?00:24
TJ-cornfeedhobo: Yes, but I also use Unity at times; can't say I've ever checked but I'm pretty sure it showed the IPv6 tab too00:24
TJ-PPAs? none00:24
DbuggerHi guys. I just updated my WebServer to PHP 5.5, which I think it also updated Apache2. Now my sites are not running and when I do "a2ensite" i get a "Site does not exist" message. What is hapenning?00:24
cornfeedhoboTJ-: you said its your own with patches, what was your upstream source?00:25
cornfeedhoboits with*00:25
TJ-0.9.6, with my own patches on top00:25
cornfeedhobookay. brb00:25
TJ-cornfeedhobo: bug #125283200:25
ubottubug 1252832 in network-manager-openvpn (Ubuntu) "Multiple remote gateways fail due to incorrect parsing" [Medium,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/125283200:25
cornfeedhoboTJ-: are you running kubuntu or modified ubuntu?00:26
sebastiannick ghgur00:26
CheekioI have a new machine I'm switching over to ubuntu, and I've never dealt with Nvidia drivers. I have the Quadro K1100M, will I benefit from installing the closed source drivers?00:26
sebastianhow do I install tor?00:26
cornfeedhobosebastian: probably best you just download the bundle if you ask a question like that here00:26
minimecsebastian: https://www.torproject.org/download/download00:27
sebastianthanks, getting it from synaptic00:27
sebastianassuming that should be safe00:27
sebastianis it00:27
sebastianis the respository version properly kept up to date00:27
cornfeedhobosebastian: unless things have changed from back in the day, the difference is really about the level of configuration and security that the auto-provide for you vs what you must create yourself00:28
jjavaholichow can I make sure that the video work is being handled by the nvidia GPU processer and not  system CPU?00:28
sebastiansynaptic says  I downloaded it but when i type it in dash it doesn´t show up00:28
cornfeedhobohmm things have changed since back in the day. I would uninstall it and follow the link someone pasted above00:29
sebastianI cannot open tor by typing tor into synaptic00:30
jjavaholicunity-lens-applications or whatever it is called is installed?00:30
awesomess3sebastian, perhaps `apt-get update` is your ticket.00:31
awesomess3sebastian, and then reopen synaptic00:32
Jordan_U!tor | sebastian00:32
ubottusebastian: Tor is a program to route connections through several servers for anonymity. It is in Ubuntu's repositories, but the Tor Project recommends using their Tor packages due to past issues with Ubuntu's. For setup info, see option (2) of https://www.torproject.org/docs/debian.html.en | To use Tor on freenode, see !tor-sasl00:32
sebastianjust did sudo apt-get update00:32
sebastianand typed tor in dash00:33
sebastianstill not showing up00:33
cornfeedhobosebastian: its a service00:33
cornfeedhoboi think00:33
cornfeedhobosebastian: it doesnt depend on and gtk or qt libraries... i bet its a service00:34
sebastian cornfeedhobo what do you recommend to open it then00:34
cornfeedhoboTJ-: i just went through the source available at https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/trusty/+source/network-manager-openvpn  and the panel doesnt apper to have mentions of ipv600:35
cornfeedhobosebastian: its not something you "open"00:35
cornfeedhobohmm thought that would have something00:35
cornfeedhobosebastian: its a daemon that runs in the background and runs a proxy. you then configure various clients to use it00:36
cornfeedhoboOR, you could just get the bundle... which in the *recommended* way unless you know what you are doing00:37
sebastiancornfeedhobo, I want to GET the bundle00:38
sebastiani thought that´s what sudo apt get would do00:38
TJ-cornfeedhobo: As I said earlier, the IPv6 tab isn't part of the VPN, it's part of network-manager-gnome ... see "/usr/share/nm-applet/ce-page-ip6.ui"00:38
sebastianas that´s what i get when i download it on windows00:38
sebastianso what i need to find out is how to get the bundle from ubuntu00:38
cornfeedhobosebastian: yes. okay. i am going to wriet out the steps to be clear.. just follow them blindly... please00:38
cornfeedhobo"sudo apt-get remove tor"00:39
cornfeedhobosebastian: open your browser and goto https://www.torproject.org/download/download-easy.html.en00:40
cornfeedhoboclick the link that matches your system00:40
cornfeedhobo(32-bit vs 64-bit)00:40
cornfeedhobomake sure to save and not just open00:41
sebastiani downloaded it00:42
Wtalk2Best ubuntu version to use for a webserver?00:43
sebastiancornfeedhobo, what do I do with it? it´s a set of folders, when i click on browser it doesnt go anywhere00:44
TJ-Wtalk2: Which web server? what do you want it to do? do you want full support for PFC? SNI? etc etc00:44
minimecWtalk2: Any LTS version, as once you have a working setup, you want it to run without upgrading your system after 9 month...00:44
sebastiando I extract it?00:44
cornfeedhobosebastian: download the file. dont open it00:44
sebastianok done, next00:44
Wtalk2TJ-: LAMP, Cloudserver00:44
cornfeedhobothe use "tar xf ~/Downloads/tor-browser" to extract it00:44
cornfeedhobosebastian: the use "tar xf ~/Downloads/tor-browser*" to extract it **00:45
TJ-Wtalk2: That doesn't help; what features are required? If you want PFC then you need Apache 2.4, so that'll dictate the minimum Ubuntu version00:45
sebastiancannot open no such file or directory00:45
cornfeedhoboyou can also right click the file and exract everything00:46
cornfeedhobosebastian: ^00:46
cornfeedhobothen just double click "start-tor-browser" inside the extracted folder00:46
sebastiancannot open no such file or directory00:46
mikodoI right clicked a .pdf from a website to open with "Printing", and printed it and closed the file and shut off my printer. I tried to open some .pdf's I have in a launcher on the Xfce panel in Xubuntu, and they would only open to print , with no option to right click and change to open with "Document Viewer". I put a new .pdf on the desktop and when I clicked on it, it too wanted to open it with "Printing", though I could right click it00:47
mikodo, and change it and open it with "Document Viewer. After doing that, the .pdf's in the panel launcher open with "Document Viewer" again. Weird?00:47
eeballikJordan_U: pasted on paste.ubuntu.com00:48
cornfeedhobosebastian: you probably have a corrupted download00:50
sebastianit is not in downloads00:51
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cornfeedhobothen delete the file and use wget.00:51
cornfeedhoboyou only know how to use windows?00:51
sebastianno, i moved it00:51
sebastianfrom the GUI00:51
cornfeedhoboi dont know how to help ya man00:52
cornfeedhoboits pretty straight forward00:52
sebastiancornfeedhobo, tor-browser-linux64-3.5.3_en-US.tar.xz is the name of the file00:53
sebastianif that helps00:53
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cornfeedhoboif you move to within the directory, the command is just "tar xf  tor-browser-linux64-3.5.3_en-US.tar.xz"00:54
cornfeedhoboi gtg00:55
cornfeedhoboTJ-: if you dont mind, i will probably need to chat later. I think there is some difference in the gnome one, which i am not using00:55
marcusmooreEvening! I'm just getting started with Ubuntu and I had a question. I would like to switch over from Windows but I have a Windows Home Server box that I need to connect to for documents and media. Is that possible or feasible? I was able to connect but not dive into the user folders. I don't have permission. I know the credentials from the windows side though.00:55
TJ-cornfeedhobo: Yes, that's why I wondered about IPv6 being disabled somehow00:56
marcusmooreI hope that's not a dumb question.00:56
glenzoSo, I have a question00:57
glenzoAnyone here?00:57
Stanley00!ask | glenzo00:58
ubottuglenzo: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience00:58
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minimecmarcusmoore: COuld this be a good start. I don't have any windows machines here... http://www.7tutorials.com/how-access-windows-7-shared-folders-ubuntu01:00
marcusmooreminimec I'm doing research as well but I was hoping someone had a quick solution. That's not always the case :p I'll check this out. Thanks01:00
minimecmarcusmoore: Even though it seems outdated... It hasn't probably changed much...01:01
marcusmooreAlright. I'm using 13.something and I'm not seeing the applications dropdown in step three. I've seen that listed in different tutorials. Is that the same as browsing with "Files"?01:02
minimecmarcusmoore: That seems more up to date ... http://www.liberiangeek.net/2013/04/how-to-access-windows-network-shares-in-ubuntu-13-04-raring-ringtail/01:02
spiritualgiantgot a google glass invite01:02
kostkonspiritualgiant, and?01:02
spiritualgiantdebating it01:02
kostkonspiritualgiant, whether to accept it or not? anyway right channel for ot is #ubuntu-offtopic01:03
kostkonnyl, hi01:03
marcusmooreminimec Thanks again. I'm not getting the prompts for passwords that I *should* be getting...hm...01:04
awesomess3spiritualgiant, get it and release google glass ubuntu packages01:04
nyli just installed the nvidia 331 drivers on 13.10 also changed kernel to 3.13.101:04
nyl:) all good, beside nvidia prime01:04
minimecmarcusmoore: Check the 'Domain' like WORKGROUP. That is often a problem01:05
nyl** (nvidia-settings:2527): WARNING **: PRIME: Failed to execute child process "/usr/bin/prime-supported" (No such file or directory)01:05
nyl** Message: PRIME: is it supported? no01:05
marcusmooreminimec sorry for all of the questions but would that be on the client side or server side?01:05
gbear14275I'd like to monitor what one of my users is doing but am not sure of the best strategy.  Was thinking about a keylogger but are there any out there that will only log while a particular user is logged in?01:05
awesomess3lol `uname -a`: x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux    --is the system sure it's x86_64?01:07
minimecmarcusmoore: Well if it is working for a windows clinet, then just use the same 'values'.01:08
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marcusmooreminimec thanks. I'll look into it.01:08
gbear14275anyone know of any per user keyloggers?01:09
minimecmarcusmoore: In a network you should simply be able to do <ctrl>l in the nautilus filemanager and smb://computer_name/shared_folder_name <enter> That should give you a login popup window.01:10
kostkondavidblues, hi01:11
davidbluescomo estas kostkon?01:11
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kostkon!es | davidblues01:12
ubottudavidblues: En la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y presione intro.01:12
marcusmooreminimec nope. I just a "This location could not be displayed" "You do not have permissions to view contents...."01:12
davidbluesgracias ubo01:12
marcusmooreminimec I'm seeing that that is the concept that the guides are pointing to but I can't even get to that step...01:12
Guest67236someone speaks spanish here?01:15
Guest67236i need some help01:15
ubottuEn la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y presione intro.01:15
minimecmarcusmoore: I don't want to lead you in a wrong direction. Windows networking is not my strong part anymore... Sorry. If your username and password are not accepted by the windows file server, you maybe have to check the server settings.01:16
pvl1!spanish | Guest6723601:16
ubottuGuest67236: please see above01:16
marcusmooreminimec I appreciate your help. I'm not even getting to enter my credentials so the problem is before that step. I'll keep researching. Thanks again.01:16
Guest67236i have a trouble with 13.10, dont open system settings and others menus01:17
minimecmarcusmoore: Can you ping that windows machine in a console? Like 'ping myserver' (or with the ip 192.168.xxx.xxx)?01:17
Guest67236i do clic on system settings.. and nothing happens..01:18
Cheekioanyone have experience with nvidia drivers? I'm apparently following years old information on the subject because I can't find any authorities since 201201:18
CheekioI tried nvidia-xconfig and that pretty much ruined my laptop01:18
minimecmarcusmoore: Oh... Is the samba package installed? 'sudo apt-get install samba'01:19
Guest67236same thing with About this computer and many others menus01:19
marcusmooreminimec interesting. I can see it in the "Browse Network" folder in Files but I can't ping it from the terminal. Give me a second to check the samba install.01:20
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minimecmarcusmoore: If you can see the folder, samba should be installed and running...01:20
blue_mountainSomebody want to talk01:21
marcusmooreminimec, ah ok. Well it just updated a bunch of stuff...I'll check to see if that helped.01:21
BeldarGuest67236, Key info for the channel, OS release, desktop, and any modification you have done leading to this.01:22
Guest67236i have 13.10 desktop fresh installation.. i only install android adt bundle01:22
Guest67236(sorry for my english)01:23
BeldarGuest67236, Have you looked up the unity/compiz reset for this release?01:23
Guest67236i see that in eclipse and filezilla some menus doesnt work01:24
marcusmooreminimec, it did not...still can't ping it from the terminal either...wtf01:24
BeldarGuest67236, http://ubuntuhandbook.org/index.php/2013/08/reset-unity-and-compiz-in-ubuntu-13-10/01:24
Guest67236im gonna try to reset unity.. (reading about that)01:24
BeldarGuest67236, The reset needs a reboot often.01:26
minimecmarcusmoore: Just for a check 'dpkg -l samba'... You should have an 'ii' in front of samba. Otherwise 'sudo apt-get install samba'. 'ping 192.168.xxx.xxx' <-- use correct ip should give you some feedback.01:26
phaidrosis there a meta package for ubuntu server or what does the server installer make different/special? .. just no X ?01:26
Guest67236now i only recive an error in the terminal01:28
Guest67236WARN  2014-03-20 20:27:06 unity.glib.dbus.proxy GLibDBusProxy.cpp:418 Calling method "CanShutdown" on object path: "/org/gnome/SessionManager" failed: GDBus.Error:org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.ServiceUnknown: The name org.gnome.SessionManager was not provided by any .service files01:28
Guest67236ERROR 2014-03-20 20:27:06 unity.session.gnome GnomeSessionManager.cpp:297 Gnome Session call failed: GDBus.Error:org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.ServiceUnknown: The name org.gnome.SessionManager was not provided by any .service files01:28
Guest67236WARN  2014-03-20 20:27:46 nux.inputmethod.ibus InputMethodIBus.cpp:63 Impossible to connect to connect to ibus01:28
marcusmooreminimec, I do have an ii...anyway to check what the ip is from the files browser?01:28
Guest67236and i lost the top bar of ubuntu01:28
glenzoSo, I have an .iso file, I have it loaded into Daemon Tools lite. Now what.01:29
BeldarGuest67236, ctrl-alt-t for a terminal and reboot, or ctrl-alt-f1 for a tty to reboot from01:29
eeballikhello i have a cine raid dual HD usb enclosure with 1tb when i use ubuntu 12.04.4 alternate and try and manually setup partitions it detects drive as only 160gb01:29
eeballikpasted on paste.ubuntu.com01:29
Guest67236ok.. going..01:30
glenzoDid anyone hear01:30
Beldar!patience | glenzo01:30
ubottuglenzo: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/01:30
daftykinsglenzo: what are you doing?01:31
Beldareeballik, That is any empty pastebin.01:31
glenzodaftykins, what?01:32
glenzoWhat do you mean by that01:32
daftykinsglenzo: i mean what are you trying to achieve?01:32
daftykinsyou're asking for advice but i don't know what the task is.01:32
minimecmarcusmoore: no. you have to know the IP or the name of the windows machine.01:32
sergio_msli reboot and didnt work..  reset unity and reboot and the problem persists01:33
glenzoI am trying to install ubuntu 13. something or other01:33
glenzoand I have an .iso loaded into Daemon tools lite01:33
marcusmooreminimec It's windows home server if that makes a difference. I'll have to pop back into my windows machine to check that out.01:33
cornfeedhoboTJ-: the file "ce-page-ip6.ui" does not exist on my system01:34
daftykinsglenzo: you can't install an OS from within Windows01:34
minimecmarcusmoore: It's probably case sensitive, so 'Winmachine' is not equal to 'winmachine'01:34
cornfeedhoboTJ-: this is clearly kubuntu specific.. thanks for all the help01:34
glenzodaftykins, I've done it before01:34
glenzoMultiple times01:34
glenzoWith multiple OS's01:34
daftykinsglenzo: using WUBI huh - that thing is a seriously bad idea01:35
Theory2Can I use rdesktop from .... a windows computer connecting to my ubuntu computer?01:35
daftykinsi would never knowingly allow anyone to install ubuntu that way01:35
glenzoWhy not?01:35
glenzoI see nothin' wrong with it.01:35
daftykinsglenzo: because of being in here when someone with a WUBI install comes in to say it's broken01:36
marcusmooreminimec, still not pinging. This is frustrating. Thanks for the help though. Time to take the girlfriend to dinner. I appreciate it.01:36
glenzoThe reason I use wubi is because I'm too lazy to go out and buy a DVD01:36
glenzothat I can burn the OS to01:36
daftykinsglenzo: don't own a flash drive huh?01:36
glenzoI do01:36
glenzoBut they all have a bunch of other OS's01:36
Theory2Can I use rdesktop from .... a windows computer connecting to my ubuntu computer?01:36
daftykinsglenzo: ...01:37
glenzoI could use YUMI01:37
glenzoHmmm, why didn't I think of that before?01:37
daftykinswell, i hope you overcome your laziness01:37
daftykinsi'm off o/01:37
minimecmarcusmoore: Ok. 'Bon appétit' as we would say here...01:37
TJ-cornfeedhobo: Yes, you need "network-manager-gnome"01:37
glenzoBai bai01:37
marcusmooreminimec again. Much appreciated. I'll have to hack away at this later.01:37
daftykinsSpec: I SO NO INNOMEN D:01:39
sergio_mslhi again.. i did another reboot.. and the problem persists..01:39
sergio_mslSystem Settings, About this Computer, Change Desktop Background..01:39
sergio_msland others menus dont work, dont open..01:39
Theory2What is the simplest way to control my ubuntu desktop computer from my windows xp laptop...I dislike VNC viewer, and putty, having to use both together each time.01:39
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sergio_msli reset compiz/unity and reboot..  but didnt work.. i use 13.10 x6401:40
leoleo11how can i decrease the brightness in a tty?01:40
cornfeedhoboTJ-: so it turn out that it is installed already01:40
TJ-cornfeedhobo: Thought it would be :)01:41
cornfeedhobothat is the only one. the package "network-manager-openvpn" is the core package. not the gui01:41
cornfeedhobobut... i mean you saw the screen shot... what gives01:41
TJ-cornfeedhobo: yes, network-manager-openvpn-gnome is the GUI01:41
daftykinsTheory2: how do you feel another remote application will succeed where those failed you?01:41
Theory2I have Vinagre installed on my Ubuntu machine.  Now I just need to know how to connect to it using Windows Xp.01:41
TJ-cornfeedhobo: Like I said, it makes me think network manager thinks IPv6 is disabled so doesn't provide the UI01:42
Theory2daftykins, Well, when using it this way I have to login with Putty each time before hand, and then use VNC viewer to login using localhost:5902...using tunnels through ssh01:42
cornfeedhoboTheory2: i have ipv6 working (i use cjdns and can route ipv6) and i see an ipv6 tab on the wifi and ethernet networks. but not openvpn01:42
Theory2daftykins, I just wish there was a simpler way.01:42
cornfeedhoboTJ-:  i have ipv6 working (i use cjdns and can route ipv6) and i see an ipv6 tab on the wifi and ethernet networks. but not openvpn01:42
cornfeedhoboTheory2: sorry01:42
TJ-cornfeedhobo: Best to read through the source-code I guess!01:43
jo_This might be a strange question, but is it possible (or necessary) to cross compile an application from Ubuntu to RHEL6?01:43
jo_I have a nightmarish application which I need to run on my school's supercomputer, and I can't get it to build there.01:43
daftykinsTheory2: this is over your network or over the internet?01:43
Theory2daftykins, its over my own home wifi network01:43
daftykinsTheory2: and you don't trust it?01:44
Theory2daftykins, Uh,I trust it. I just was looking for a simpler way.01:44
daftykinsTheory2: right but you're SSH tunneling your connection to protect the plaintext auth, presumably?01:44
Theory2daftykins, Because I never know the damn i.p of my system, I have to get up and look for it each time using ifconfig01:44
daftykinsso in which case you don't trust the LAN?01:44
misingnoglicHi, I can connect to unprotected wifis fine but the wifi at my college won't take my username/password (keeps bringing up the authentication required popup), any idea how to fix this?01:44
Theory2daftykins, No, I trust it. Its just the same its setup..is there an easier way?01:45
daftykinsTheory2: mistake #1 is to run services on a machine with a dynamic IP, you could set that static and always know the IP to remote to. #2, teamviewer could be installed on either end as an alternative01:46
Theory2daftykins, Connecting to from a windows computer to a windows computer is pretty simple.  I just use teamviewer.01:46
sergio_mslHi, i have a trouble, some menus dont work in my installation 13.10 x64, for example System Settings dont open, About this Computer, and many other dont work..01:46
Theory2daftykins, Okay. so teamviewer will work between different operating systems?01:46
Theory2I was unaware of that.01:46
Theory2I'll check that out.01:47
minimecleoleo11: first try 'cat /sys/class/backlight/acpi_video0/brightness'. See if you get some values. For a Intel HD4000 it might be 'cat /sys/class/backlight/intel_backlight/brightness' If you get some values, do 'sudo echo <new_value> > /sys/class/backlight/acpi_video0/brightness'01:47
daftykinsTheory2: i must sleep now, good luck01:47
Theory2daftykins, I guess sudo apt-get install teamviewer doesn't work01:47
daftykinsTheory2: it's third party, download the .deb from their website01:47
XMUDAanybody know about JAVA01:48
misingnoglicXMUDA: what about java01:49
sergio_mslanybody know about menus that dont work in 13.10?01:50
XMUDAI need a person who knows java01:50
BeldarXMUDA, #java01:50
wah993I accidentally named a Python file threading.py01:51
leoleo11minimec: ok so i did the cat command and i get 93. Can you please give me an example for the echo command?01:51
jade28When i installed qt creator the qmake path was added to manual added part instead of autodetected and when i tried to add a new toolchain qmake path it was not accepting01:51
wah993so now when I import the threading module it refers to that01:51
jade28Can anyone help me out01:51
jade28Mine is qt 4.8.0 -- 64 bit01:51
jade28qt creator 2.4.101:51
jade28ubuntu is 12.04 LTS.01:51
wah993I've deleted threading.py but it still refers to the file01:51
wah993how do I get it working again01:51
demophobiaI inserted a smiley in a Thunderbird letter, and now I cannot delete it. Is this a known bug?01:51
XMUDAi need to create a java code, that code must have a Matriz and print the matriz in spiral01:51
demophobiacut-pasting the text into a new message window allowed me to delete the smileys (functional workaround)01:52
Beldardemophobia, edit-undo01:52
demophobiaBeldar, thank you; I will try to remember that if it happens again.01:52
minimecleoleo11: 'sudo echo 77 > /sys/class/backlight/acpi_video0/brightness' or similar...01:52
minimecleoleo11: Ok. 'sudo' is not working. You first have to 'sudo -i', then 'echo 77 > /sys/class/backlight/acpi_video0/brightness', then 'exit'01:55
kostkonwah993, delete the .pyc files in your project's folder01:55
=== ronin1 is now known as djronin47
somsipminimec: just FYI, use tee when you need to sudo and redirect, eg http://superuser.com/questions/136646/how-to-append-to-a-file-as-sudo01:56
minimecsomsip: Nice! THX. I will try to remember... ;)01:58
somsipminimec: np. Just trying to be helpful01:58
tpw_rulesmy computer is having problems staying connected to wifi. on certain networks, it will lose connection after a few seconds/minutes then requre a restart before i can connect again02:01
minimecsomsip: That's why we all hang around here, don't we? ;) To help and learn @ the same time.02:01
tpw_rulesalso, hey. i'm looking for plotting software that would basically replace a graphing calculator. maxima, gnuplot, etc let me generate a graph but i cannot do things like find intersecions easily. this is for a tablet device so i really don't want something with a command line input02:03
leoleo11minimec: instead of backlight i have intel_backlight is that ok?02:04
=== sergio is now known as Guest44019
Guest44019Hi people (sorry for my english) i have a trouble with 13.10 x6402:06
Guest44019dont work many menus and settings02:07
minimecleoleo11: somsip: Yeah. So the command would be: 'echo 77 | sudo tee -a /sys/class/backlight/intel_backlight/brightness'02:07
leoleo11minimec: it worked with echo 50 > /sys/class/backlight/intel_backlight/brightness02:08
Guest44019System Settings, dont open, About this Computer dont open, Change desktop background.. and many options dont work on the ubuntu interface and on some apps02:08
leoleo11minimec: Thank you very much02:08
somsipminimec: that loks about right. I have to look it up when I need it...02:08
minimecleoleo11: no problem.02:08
Guest44019i reset compiz/unity and reboot.. but the problem persists..02:08
leoleo11minimec: is there a way to have it working from boot?02:08
JungleJimHello. I am trying to upgrade from 12.04 lts-raring to 12.04 lts-saucy but I'm running into "... held broken packages" problems. Is this a known issue?02:09
minimecleoleo11: You can add the 'echo line' to /etc/rc.local just before the 'exit 0'02:09
kostkonJungleJim, paste the output on paste.ubuntu.com02:09
thoonaiI need soem help with a script: It should be run by a usera but owned by user b. user a should not be able to change it. Is there a simple and neat way to realize that?02:10
Guest44019ok im gonna remove ubuntu and install again!02:10
minimecleoleo11: so... 'echo 50 > /sys/class/backlight/intel_backlight/brightness'02:10
TJ-thoonai: Yes, make the script executable by group, and put user a in that group, or have it executable by others and then everyone can execute it02:11
leoleo11minimec: this line has already been here echo 300 > /sys/class/backlight/intel_backlight/brightness02:12
leoleo11 should i delete it first?02:12
thoonaiTJ so the user just can execute it but not move it or change it?02:12
JungleJimkostkon: output pasted02:12
minimecleoleo11: No. Just modify it, I guess...02:12
seednodeTrying to max brightness on boot?02:13
seednodeOr what?02:13
kostkonJungleJim, now paste the url here02:13
JungleJimkostkon: http://paste.ubuntu.com/7128472/02:13
leoleo11seednode: No i want to start at 50 but there was a line in the init file that states 300 so i dont know if i should modify it or have two different commands02:13
eeballikhello i have a cine raid dual HD usb enclosure with 1tb when i use ubuntu 12.04.4 alternate and try and manually setup partitions it detects drive as only 160gb http://paste.ubuntu.com/7128167/02:14
seednodeleoleo11, if they're both echo # > /sys/class/etc...02:14
seednodeThen you can comment out the 30002:14
thoonaiTJ-: then I have one more question: the machine is connected to a server providing user login on all machines, does the creation of a 'local' group interferes with the domain group system?02:14
kostkonJungleJim, why with --install-recommends ?02:15
leoleo11seednode: i just modified it, thats ok right?02:15
seednodeYeah; I just recommended commenting out so you know what to change back to if something goes wrong02:15
JungleJimkostkon: I was using instructions from https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/LTSEnablementStack02:16
seednodeThough I can't think of why it would, if you've already tested "echo 50 > /sys/class/backlight/intel_backlight/brightness" and it worked02:16
leoleo11seednode: Youre right. Ill reboot now to try02:16
TJ-thoonai: as long as the group name/number don't conflict, no, but it might be best to have a domain group assigned for the purpose02:16
kostkonJungleJim, yeah ok02:16
JungleJimkostkon: doing 'sudo dpkg --get-selections | grep hold' does not show any held packages02:18
BBQKinghi all02:19
=== wilson is now known as Guest59702
thoonaiTJ-: ok, I rephrase it more clearly, I want the user to be able to launch a script to start a restricted virtualbox-viewer(vboxsdl) and let the user not be able to change the files in any way, and nobody except this user should access the vbox files or run the vbox. so I thought about letting the user own the script and execute it wit suid 'vbox'. I don't know how to and I'm not sure if this is the right thougt02:20
kostkonJungleJim, similar http://askubuntu.com/questions/336138/dependency-issues-while-trying-to-upgrade-12-04-2-to-the-12-04-3-hwe-stack02:20
* JungleJim looks ...02:21
thoonaiTJ-: I hope I it got a bit clearer02:21
* maladmin nothin here02:21
=== breadcrumb is now known as breadcrumble
maladmin??what the bet way to increase hte font size for this ubuntu install02:22
maladminI cant see nutin at this distance02:22
=== breadcrumble is now known as breadcrumb
TJ-thoonai: I think you might be in need of ACLs "man 5 acl"02:24
Beldarmaladmin, I wiuld just change the displays02:25
maladminwho said that?02:26
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thoonaiTJ-: as creating a script, and set the acl to allow just this one user to execute it?02:26
Beldarmaladmin, This is an install, I read that wrong as installing, gnome-tweak for unity has font access, just needs installing.02:26
maladminof course thx02:26
kostkonmaladmin, or unity-tweak or ubuntu-tweak02:27
Beldarno prob02:27
maladminmy first time using unity on a home system02:27
maladmin'i changed my regular system back to gnome on install02:27
Beldaractually unity tweak is correct,02:27
Beldargnome tweak for the gnome shell02:27
maladminahmm noquite unity teweak02:28
maladminsorry for that badf timing, this is not my normal keyboard02:29
kostkonmaladmin, what kind of keyboard is it then02:29
thoonaiTJ-: with +tx I just could let the script owned by root, or?02:29
maladminit's a usb, logitech02:29
kostkonmaladmin, full size?02:30
maladminor even 3/402:30
kostkonmaladmin, smaller one right02:30
maladmintonight i think i need a giant one\02:30
maladminjust fat fingers02:31
maladminfirst time trying to use ubuntu as a 'home entertainment system'02:31
maladminsucks reading this02:31
kostkonmaladmin, why?02:32
maladminit's on my tv across the room...every thing is too small,02:32
=== peter is now known as Guest41023
TJ-thoonai: something like "setfacl --set u:$UID:x /path/to/file"02:32
kostkonmaladmin, oh that's what you meant02:32
thoonaiTJ-: ;) darn you werde faster! thanks :)02:33
JungleJimkostkon: thanks for the pointer to the hwe-stack report. I tried different workarounds. I will try the workarounds mentioned in bug #119156302:33
maladminnot mythbuntu, mythtv on top of ubuntu02:33
=== megabit|away is now known as megabitdragon
davecore82is there another channel for ubuntu server or is this it?02:34
kostkonJungleJim, ok02:34
kostkondavecore82, #ubuntu-server ?02:34
thoonaidavecore82: just ask02:34
TJ-davecore82:  there's #ubuntu-server02:34
thoonaioh nervermind02:35
bitvilagLove this channel. I always get my answer --> TJ helped me in an issue 4 hours long Thanks MAN02:35
ubottudavecore82,: Ubuntu Server Edition is a release of Ubuntu designed especially for server environments, including a server specific !kernel and no !GUI. The install CD contains many server applications. Current !LTS version is !Precise (Precise Pangolin 12.04) - More info: http://www.ubuntu.com/products/whatisubuntu/serveredition - Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/12.04/serverguide/C/ - Support in #ubuntu-server02:35
TJ-You're welcome02:35
capitalizmhows the job market folks? I am finding its nasty here in los angeles02:44
davecore82it's pretty good in Montreal, Canada02:45
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capitalizmIm tired of crappy 140k offers with need to be on call and zzzz02:48
cfhowlettcapitalizm, good topic for #ubuntu-offtopic02:48
capitalizmseems to be hard to find nice project to build a nice platform02:48
icdomermy laptop don't have bluetooth, so I want to disable it, but I can't use "apt-get remove" because there are so many dependencies. Acturally, I am tired of the boot message "starting bluetooth daemon" for several lines, how could I move this?02:48
Beldar!ot | capitalizm02:48
ubottucapitalizm: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!02:48
capitalizmhow good is fcoe and iscsi support under ubuntu? is ataoe available?02:49
seednodeMmm, eye scuzzy02:49
capitalizmI was told iscsi can be quite fast02:51
capitalizmand dirt simple last time i tried it02:51
capitalizm9p is interesting too02:54
capitalizmalthough file not blok level02:54
m000gleDoes anyone know of a way to disable the FireFox status bar, when running the browser in fullscreen mode?  Normally, it only appears when hovering the cursor over a link; but when in fullscreen mode, the bar is always visible.  [Fireox28 // Ubuntu 13.10]02:55
Beldarm000gle, status bar meaning, navigation toolbar, not sire what you mean.02:59
kostkonm000gle, https://support.mozilla.org/en-US/questions/96995503:00
xanguam000gle: just switched to fullscreen and I don't see the status bar03:01
TJ-m000gle: You sure you don't mean the AddOn bar?03:04
m000gleBy status bar, I'm referring to the one at the bottom which will indicate the URL of a link when you hover.03:04
TJ-m000gle: Not seeing that either; full-screen shows the AddOn bar here with FF 2703:05
m000glehmmm... perhaps its just a glitch, then.  It only seems to be appearing when fullscreening certain website03:05
TJ-m000gle: that may be because they're fetching data in the background03:06
m000gleTJ-: That would make sense, actually.  Netflix is one of the most problematic for it.03:06
m000gleTJ-:  If it's streaming, though, it would be transferring constantly03:07
TJ-m000gle: I think it shows when a new GET/HEAD/POST request is sent03:07
dyuwhat algorithm does mcrypt use if i don't pass one to -a?03:13
oinksofti can't find this: is there a list anywhere of the changes for 14.04?03:16
ubottuoinksoft,: Ubuntu 14.04 (Trusty Tahr) will be the 20th release of Ubuntu.  See the announcement at http://www.markshuttleworth.com/archives/1295 for more info. support in #ubuntu+103:18
oinksoftubottu: this is a rambling blog post03:19
oinksoftcfhowlett: ^03:20
cfhowlettoinksoft, discussion and support for 14.04 is in #ubuntu+103:20
oinksoftthanks cfhowlett, i am there now03:21
DatzHi, I get this warning when running update-grub: Warning: Setting GRUB_TIMEOUT to a non-zero value when GRUB_HIDDEN_TIMEOUT is set is no longer supported.03:24
DatzALso, I have windows and linux boot options in grub, but now it just boots to the first entry straight away without showing the grub menu.03:24
DatzI suppose I will comment out GRUB_HIDDEN_TIMEOUT and see if my computer blows up or what03:26
DatzWarning went away, I notice now windows boot option is now gone as well.03:27
Datzwow, this place is un-chartereristally dead03:28
Datzthat looks to be misspelled03:28
seednodeI'll chat with you in offtopic, though!03:28
minimecDatz: I would NOT comment it out, but set the value to '0'. Then do a 'sudo update-initramfs' -u ALL03:28
cfhowlettDatz, if all else fails, reinstall grub should get you back to grub's default03:28
Datzminimec: I'll try that first, thanks03:29
minimecDatz: 'sudo update-initramfs -u all'03:29
Datzok, me me comment it back in, if that's the term03:29
Datzuncomment it03:29
minimecDatz: 'sudo update-initramfs -u ALL' I have to go to bed I think. getting tired...03:29
Datzthanks minimec03:29
Datzminimec: the value was already set to zero03:30
DatzI think I actually tried setting it to one, before03:30
minimecDatz: Also 'sudo update-grub' cannot be a bad thing.03:30
minimecDatz: Your windows partition should reappear then...03:31
Datzit's asking me about usage for that command you gave03:31
Datzwell, yes it is..03:32
DatzInvalid argument for option -k03:32
Datzhad to look twice because that option wasn't given03:32
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minimecDatz: First try sudo update-grub. Maybe that's enough...03:33
DatzI've been running that like crazy03:33
minimecDatz: For update-initramfs... --> https://answers.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/initramfs-tools/+question/2678103:33
minimecDatz: 'sudo update-initramfs -u -k all'03:33
Datzok thanks03:34
DatzI should also note I've reordered the numbers of the files in /etc/grub/ (I think) to get windows 1st in grub boot order list03:36
Datzwhich I've heard I shouldn't do03:36
Datzminimec: I still get that warning after running that command03:37
Datzalso, windows is still gone03:37
Datzin /etc/grub.d03:37
minimecDatz: I would not do that. You should have an option in the boot config, to choose the 'default boot number'03:37
cfhowlettDatz, and yet you did it anyway ?03:38
* Datz feels a finger shaking coming up03:38
* cfhowlett biting inside of cheek to keep from lol03:38
* Datz doesn't know what's what anymore03:39
Datzso, what was that about uninstalling, and re installing grub, somthing I should do?03:39
DatzI should also note, that I'm booted to windows, and running ubuntu in a VM03:40
cfhowlettDatz, I suggested reinstalling - NOT uninstalling.  reinstalling should reset you back to defaults03:40
cfhowlettDatz, virtualbox?03:40
cfhowlettDatz, so you are NOT dual booting then03:40
DatzNo, I am03:40
DatzI'm using a RAW DISK03:41
Datzor whatever03:41
Datzit's a separate drive03:41
cfhowlettDatz, windows/wubi install?03:41
Datzcfhowlett: nope03:41
raubDatz: a raw disk would not make it dual boot if you are inside vbox03:41
cfhowlettDatz, what you've described is not dual booting ...03:42
demophobiaWhy isn't Google Maps in the Ubuntu Software Center?03:42
DatzI have two installs, Windows, and Linux. They are on separate drives. I can boot to either at startup through grub, or I can boot to windows and boot ubuntu through vbox03:42
Datzubuntu is not a file on windows03:43
raubDatz: so you are saying is you have vbox runnign windows.03:43
raubAnd a vm in vbox that dual boots03:43
minimecDatz: Instead of 'GRUB_DEFAULT=0', you choose the number of the grub entry, you want to boot first. That's all. Afterwards you do 'sudo update-initramfs -u -k all' again03:44
cfhowlettDatz, which is NOT dual boot - so we need not mention it03:44
kostkondemophobia, you can download it from google03:44
Datzwell, it just catches the regular grub boot loader03:44
Datzminimec: ok thats nice03:44
DatzI guess I don't the the true definition of dual boot then03:44
kostkondemophobia, google maps or google earth?03:45
cfhowlettDatz, booting windows on hdd and linux on the other hdd is dual booting03:45
Datzok.. that's what I thought03:45
minimecDatz: ... and 'sudo update-grub' too ;)03:45
* Datz runs it again03:46
cfhowlettso fixing the virtualbox ubuntu will have NO effect on dual HDD booting03:46
Datzit will, it should03:46
DatzI get the same grub boot menu I do at start up03:46
jahandisomebody help me?03:47
ubottujahandi,: Please elaborate; your question or issue may not seem clear or detailed enough for people to help you. Please give more detailed information, errors, steps, and possibly configuration files (use the !pastebin to avoid flooding the channel)03:47
jahandii need some nice help please03:47
cfhowlettjahandi, if you don't describe your issue - no help forthcoming03:47
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience03:47
Datzso, re-install grub?03:48
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cfhowlettDatz, exit windows and fix grub03:49
Datzok, let's pretend for a moment that I did that03:49
Datzevery change I make while booted to the VM, will be written to grub, and the linux drive03:50
ubottuGRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub203:50
=== shreyasp is now known as Shrey
Datzhumm, could grub reside on the windows drive?03:51
Datzoh probably not03:52
cfhowlettDatz, changes to the VM system will ONLY be valid in the VM system thus my suggestion that you exit virtualbox and windows and work on the actual dual HDD system03:52
Datzcfhowlett: I've said it's a RAW drive setup, it boots my physical drive03:52
cfhowlettDatz, ok.  over my head then.  stay in channel and re-state - no doubt someone here will be able to guide you properly03:53
Datzsure, well thanks for the help03:53
gmachine_24greetings, earthlings. my server with 13.xx installed on the main 60GB ssd drive is all of a sudden full - as in registering 100% occupado. I did  $sudo df / and it came back 100% used . . . I have done daily back ups using tar and they have taken up only 2GB of space on a separate back up drive.03:53
ubottugmachine_24,: Ubuntu Server Edition is a release of Ubuntu designed especially for server environments, including a server specific !kernel and no !GUI. The install CD contains many server applications. Current !LTS version is !Precise (Precise Pangolin 12.04) - More info: http://www.ubuntu.com/products/whatisubuntu/serveredition - Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/12.04/serverguide/C/ - Support in #ubuntu-server03:54
=== rm___ is now known as Guest48008
Datzcan someone tell me what the number before os-prober is in /etc/grub.d.?03:57
wheatthingmachine_24, are you having problems operating your system cause it's so full?03:57
gmachine_24wheatthin, hi, I only received a message re: this situation yesterday for the first time and the server has been running a couple months; but, so far no problems that I can tell.03:58
gmachine_24wheatthin, I vaguely remember reading something about Ubuntu 13 and ssd drives when I was building/installing this server and the OS ... but of course I didn't take notes so lost the reference03:59
=== megabitdragon is now known as megabit|away
Datzcfhowlett: well, now it found three instances of windows04:17
Datzso that's good enough04:18
Datzdown to one..04:21
Datzwant me to Irish up that coffee for ya?04:22
Datzminimec: so I can set "GRUB_DEFAUT=30" which is "/etc/grub.d/30_os-prober" to have windows as the first boot option?04:25
* Datz tires it04:26
Datzok, that didn't work. Also, what the warning is saying, isn't even true.04:28
DatzSetting GRUB_TIMEOUT to a non-zero value when GRUB_HIDDEN_TIMEOUT is set is no longer supported.04:29
benkillinask me a question I might be able to answer it04:30
benkillinif you stump me I will give you one (1) internet point04:31
Datzwhat will an internet point get me?04:31
Datzanyway, I think I got everything back working04:32
benkillinif you get over nine thousand internet points you win one internet04:32
kostkonbenkillin, 53 % 28 =  ?    you've got 2 secs04:34
kostkonbenkillin, you failed04:34
=== Thor|Away is now known as Thorium220
benkillinsorry what language are we speaking?04:36
benkillinbecause if you wanna get real04:38
[styx]I have samba shares that I can not write to. After some googling I discovered it may because my hdd is formatted to exfat. Is there away around this or to set permissions? Or should I just reformat to ext?04:38
rwwbenkillin: #ubuntu is for technical support with Ubuntu. If you'd prefer social chat, try e.g. #ubuntu-offtopic04:39
benkillinexcuse me?04:39
benkillinI dont recall introducing any social chat in here04:39
benkillinI was offering to help people with ubuntu problems04:40
benkillinso if you could please, direct that comment at someone else04:40
rwwbenkillin: In future, wait for someone to ask one, instead of cluttering the channel with stuff like that, then.04:40
benkillinyou mean like you are cluttering the channel with inane social restrictions right now?04:40
Jordan_U!guidelines | benkillin04:41
ubottubenkillin: The guidelines for using the Ubuntu channels can be found here: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines04:41
benkillinI detect more clutter04:41
qinquicky, if someone completly forgot to update 13.04, how to more less painless get to 14.04 (after it's release)04:42
elkybenkillin: the clutter is you. Please take this elsewhere04:42
kostkonqin, clean install04:43
qinblimey... thx, kostkon04:44
thoonaiI set the ACL executable flag for user a. the executable called in this script is owned by user b, so I have to set the setuid bit for user b, or?04:44
kostkonqin, or maybe you want to go through dist upgrading an eol release and then doing another one dist upgrade after that04:44
ubottuEnd-Of-Life is the time when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more information. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades04:44
benkillinelky, take what elsewhere? I was offering to help with issues that I had expertiese to solve and then you guys jump on me for cluttering the channel with more clutter; if you dont want inane messages being sent to the channel please don't perpetuate them.04:45
Jordan_U[styx]: Only the machine hosting a samba share needs to support the filesystem stiring the data in question.04:45
qinkostkon: kinda hoped there will be neat mechanism to bring eol to lts.04:45
[styx]Well it is my ubuntu server.04:46
[styx]I have exfat-fuse installed and its mounted fine. Just can't seem to change ownership04:46
Jordan_Ubenkillin: Feel free to join #ubuntu-ops if you wish to discuss your quiet.04:46
Jordan_U[styx]: So you have files on an exfat partition which you want to share via samba, correct?04:48
[styx]They share and read fine. I just can't seem to be able to write to the hard rive from my connecting machine04:48
thoonaiI have the problem, that I want to restrict a user to execute virtualbox only through one script, which is not editable, but Im stuck04:49
kostkonqin, unfortunately there isn't. and since you are fortunate to be on an non lts release that has reached eol only just recently you will only need to dist upgrade twice, if you attempt it that is04:49
qinkostkon: fresh install seems good enough reason for thorought back up, on other hand "only need (...) twice" is very tempting.04:52
kostkonqin, if you are patient enough..04:53
evilbugis there a way to upgrade to a specific version from command line?04:57
Beldarqin, You can make a install dpkg list, save any 3rd party repos and keys and reload the fresh install.04:57
Beldarsave some configs in, and files from home as well04:57
killerHey , I need to know my wireless card name in ubuntu, any way to do this using commmad04:58
Beldarqin, You can also separate home to it's own partition now and use it in the install.04:59
thoonaikiller: lspci or lsusb will help you04:59
thoonaikiller: then look for the vendor or the nametag like wireless04:59
thoonaiany idea how to solve the permissions thing?04:59
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Tom1hello seednode05:04
=== Darth_Coder is now known as Snake2k
Jordan_U[styx]: Can you write to the same directory locally as the same user?05:11
[styx]yeah I can05:12
[styx]so I guess my samba user/group is the problem,?05:12
WhiteWolf|AWAYSo, I think I kinda mucked up my server... I was trying to install libtorrent0.16 and was looking at the ubuntu repo, and it said "Yea add this and it should work" thinking I was already on the ubuntu 13.04, I am on 12.04 and did a apt-get update on my server, updating all matching packages in the univirse repo to 13.04... This broke my server somewhat but it still worked, now after a friend05:15
WhiteWolf|AWAYlooked at it and tried to downgrade it all we get is this for an error :: http://pastebin.com/KiuFhNWp :: Any help of a way to fix this would be greatly appreciated!05:15
=== WhiteWolf|AWAY is now known as White_Wolf
doc|homehey, so I've done a search and found https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LibreOffice but it doesn't seem to help. I'm having problems with my LibreOffice Writer not doing spell checking, either automatically or on command. Anyone got any idea why? It's enabled in the tool bar and I think my language settings should be fine05:15
raj__how do I prevent tomcat installation(sudo apt-get install tomcat7) from installing openjdk when I already have oracle java installed ?05:16
shafijoin #meteor05:17
rwwraj__: Please refer to our previous conversation on the subject.05:17
thoonaiI chowned vbox:vbox /usr/bin/VBox, chmoded it 700, wrote a script which calls vboxsdl and set via ACL executable rights, and then I set the chmoded 4755 the stub script05:17
ice9how to install flightgear3? it's giving segmentation fault during startup05:17
Jordan_Udoc|home: Do you have myspell-en installed?05:18
doc|homeJordan_U: myspell-en-gb and myspell-en-us. I've noticed hunspell isn't installed, but LibreOffice seems to use hunspell. Is that correct?05:19
doc|homelibhunspell is installed05:19
doc|homeJordan_U: any other ideas? Or anyone else?05:29
max4menhi guys!05:32
max4menset jenkins, Publish Over SSH plugin, it executes the commands start the service, the service is started, it's okay, but in the log ERROR: Exception when publishing, exception message [Exec timed out or was interrupted after 120 001 ms].  tell me what can cause a timeout?05:32
max4menhere's the script service http://pastebin.com/NJiDcu6s05:32
rgwilcoI am looking around for the best computer chair I can find for a reasonable ammount of money and was wondering what you use for sitting apparatus, and cost if possible also how comfortable, thanks05:54
evilbughow can i get password field to pop up on ubuntu 12.04 server with openbox when trying to enter wifi pass?05:55
KarmahackerHi all! is there any easy solution to limit RAM consuming for a specific process?05:55
Karmahackerlike cpulimit05:55
=== duckspeaker is now known as Guest36302
Jordan_Uevilbug: What program are you using to manage wifi?06:03
Kungranyone want to field an fstab question06:15
Kungrhow do i automount a drive to a specific user? i have the UUID set. i'm just not sure about the mount point or uid & gid settings06:18
llutz_Kungr: what filesystem?06:19
llutz_Kungr: you use chown/chmod for permissions, not uid/gid which are invalid mount-options for unix-fs06:20
evilbugJordan_U: i installed nm-applet06:20
llutz_!permissions | Kungr06:21
ubottuKungr: An explanation of what file permissions are and how they can be manipulated can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FilePermissions06:21
Kungrllutz: k06:24
Kungrbut how does this work in fstab06:26
llutz_Kungr: its not done in fstab,06:27
llutz_Kungr: "UUID=abcde.efghi /mount/point ext4 defaults 0 2"   is an example fstab entry. you use chown/chmod once, when the filesystem is mounted to set permissions as you need06:28
KungrMy goal is to have a two drives automount to two users06:28
Kungri currently have my drives mounted06:29
llutz_Kungr: welcome to the limited possibilities of unix permissions. i'd guess you should read about  ACLs to setup permissions for that.06:31
llutz_no factoid for it,06:31
llutz_Kungr: yes, posix acl (man getfacl/setfacl)06:32
KungrI'm familiar with it but i didn't know that you couldn't set permissions in Fstab06:34
llutz_Kungr: you might put both users into a common group and chgrp the filesystem to that group. you will still have problems with write-access because of the default umask. so either you change the umask for those users, or, easier(!?), you use acl06:34
llutz_Kungr: setting permissions n fstab only works for non unix-fs, because they don't allow the usage of normal tools like chown/chmod. they canot handle unix-permissions06:34
KungrCan't i just mount them in /mnt or /home/user06:37
llutz_Kungr: yes but that won't affect permissions06:38
Kungrthis kinda sucks06:39
Kungrso now what, format too an NTFS filesystem and use the uid and gid sets06:43
explorer13does anyone know about LEX and YACC programming06:43
llutz_Kungr: use chown/chmod, where is the problem?06:43
llutz_Kungr: put both users into a common group, chgrp the filsystem to that group and define an ACL which allows g+rwx and inherits that on all subdirs06:44
Kungrok sorry a little slow06:44
Kungrso if I set the permissions that way they will apply everytime i reboot?06:45
llutz_Kungr: permissions are stored in the filesystem. so ,yes06:45
Kungrk sweet06:46
Kungrllutz: Thanks, on ma way!06:50
=== makije|away is now known as makije
netskyi want to test Trusty Tahr right now..and i want to update to the official release when that happens. So should i download the ISO using zsync...are there any downsides of using zsync07:22
ikoniawhy do you want to use zsync07:22
llutz_!14.04 | netsky07:22
ubottunetsky: Ubuntu 14.04 (Trusty Tahr) will be the 20th release of Ubuntu.  See the announcement at http://www.markshuttleworth.com/archives/1295 for more info. support in #ubuntu+107:22
ikoniawhy not just download the ISO07:22
ikoniaoops, not +107:22
netskyusing minimal bandwidth is the idea07:23
ikoniayou'll still need to download07:23
ikoniaif an iso image is 800mb, you'll need to down 800mb one way or another07:23
netskyi understand that....but i will save 600 mbs something as i plan to download it now and when it releases07:24
llutz_netsky: if you install it now, you just use apt-get dist-upgrade later. you don#t download the iso again07:24
ikonianetsky: ooh you want to download the iso twice07:24
ikoniaI thought you just wanted to update your machine to final rather than update the iso07:25
llutz_netsky: but please take that to #ubuntu+107:25
ikoniathank you llutz_07:25
netskywhat is #ubuntu+1 ..another irc?07:25
llutz_netsky: different channel for trusty07:25
netskyok..thank you :)07:26
ikonianetsky: /join #ubuntu+107:26
=== CyberJacob|Away is now known as CyberJacob
yellabs-r2can the "Ubuntu Online Tour" be downloaded for offline use ?07:30
iamstupidhow hard would it be to make an apt-get improvement?07:39
iamstupidbasically i am a programming neophyte whose brain just "clicked" into programming (before it was a bunch of chinese in english writing) and i have this awesome idea07:39
llutz_iamstupid: ask the apt development team (lists.debian.org)07:42
iamstupidthanks llutz_07:42
somsipiamstupid: Launchpad also recommends you ask questions or file a bug http://packages.ubuntu.com/saucy/apt07:43
iamstupidwho's launchpad?07:44
somsipiamstupid: The code repo that coordinates all of Ubuntu code (incomplete answer)07:44
iamstupidwhat's this channel for then?07:45
llutz_!topic | iamstupid07:54
ubottuiamstupid: Please read the channel topic whenever you enter, as it contains important information. To view it at any time after joining, simply type /topic07:54
iamstupidinsufficient args for cmd07:55
llutz_iamstupid: this is the "Official Ubuntu Support Channel"07:56
iamstupidis mark shuttleworth in this chat?07:58
popeyiamstupid: not right now07:58
iamstupidi'm kinda curious how an open source environment business runs07:58
pdo_fn14Anyone feels significant to reduce power consumption after installed tlp?.07:59
popeyiamstupid: this is a support channel, not really a discussion one, #ubuntu-offtopic is for open discussion07:59
iamstupidi apologize for breaking some of the rules and making you guys a bit irritated to have me point to the proper channel08:00
iamstupidi appreciate your courtesy and patience, thanks :)08:00
RixuteHaving trouble with Ubuntu Software Center not finishing downloads08:23
Bman_Would someone be able to help me with installing ubuntu touch on nexus 7 (2013)?08:23
RixuteTypically 25% completion and what I would describe as a stall until system reboot08:23
ubottuBman_,: Information about the Ubuntu Touch platform for Phone and Tablet is available here https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch support and discussion in #ubuntu-touch08:24
RixuteI then attempted to download via terminal and got a strange error08:24
RixuteCan someone please help?08:25
ubottuRixute,: Please elaborate; your question or issue may not seem clear or detailed enough for people to help you. Please give more detailed information, errors, steps, and possibly configuration files (use the !pastebin to avoid flooding the channel)08:26
Rixute@ubottu: I pasted the error in pastebin08:33
RixuteEssentially ubuntu software center is taking too long08:33
RixuteAnd terminal is producing the aforementioned error08:34
Ben64Rixute: you do need to give us the pastebin in order for us to be able to see it08:34
cfhowlettRixute, you have to poste the pastebin url so people can actually see the output08:34
cfhowlettplasma, greetings08:36
plasmai have problem running network manager, specially nm-applet on 14.0408:36
plasma** (nm-applet:7209): WARNING **: Error retrieving accessibility bus address: org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.ServiceUnknown: The name org.a11y.Bus was not provided by any .service files08:37
plasmanm-applet-Message: using fallback from indicator to GtkStatusIcon08:37
cfhowlettRixute, *very carfefully*  sudo rm -f /var/lib/apt/lists/lock && sudo rm -f /var/lib/dpkg/loc08:37
plasmagoogle search tells me cause could be some dbus issues?08:37
cfhowlettRixute, *very carfefully*  sudo rm -f /var/lib/apt/lists/lock && sudo rm -f /var/lib/dpkg/lock08:37
ubottuplasma,: Ubuntu 14.04 (Trusty Tahr) will be the 20th release of Ubuntu.  See the announcement at http://www.markshuttleworth.com/archives/1295 for more info. support in #ubuntu+108:37
madghosthi all08:38
madghostHow can I recieve IP from ISC-DHCP-SERVER by MAC ?08:39
Rixute@cfhowlett: why remove the files??08:39
madghostAnd it has to be a lot of computers, for example 20000 ? )08:40
Makefake1what application can we open any document .xls in linux ?08:40
cfhowlettRixute, I'd guess you interrupted a previous upgrade causing an apt-lock.  you upgrade possible so long as lock is in place.08:40
cfhowlettMakefake1, libreoffice number08:40
cfhowlett!server|madghost, sounds like you manage some systems/servers ...08:41
ubottumadghost, sounds like you manage some systems/servers ...: Ubuntu Server Edition is a release of Ubuntu designed especially for server environments, including a server specific !kernel and no !GUI. The install CD contains many server applications. Current !LTS version is !Precise (Precise Pangolin 12.04) - More info: http://www.ubuntu.com/products/whatisubuntu/serveredition - Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/12.04/serverguide/C/ - Support in #ubuntu-server08:41
madghostubottu: thank you )08:42
ubottumadghost: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)08:42
Rixute@cfhowlett: you're right I did; I did not know how to force DL to stop on Ubuntu software center08:42
=== White_Wolf is now known as WhiteWolf|AWAY
cfhowlettRixute, it happens ... now your know08:42
setho_gh@Makefake1: Libreoffice --> Calc :)08:43
ubottusetho_gh,: Wow! You're such a great helper, you deserve a cookie!08:44
cfhowlettMakefake1, sorry, I gave bad info.  libreoffice calc is the right one08:44
Rixute@cfhowlett: Thanks. How do I know it worked?08:45
cfhowlettRixute, sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade08:45
setho_gh@cfhowlett Never mind :D. Thanks for the cookies <cfhowlett> <ubottu>08:45
jackallssono nuovo08:48
jackallsqualcuno può aiutarmi08:48
guimingyuanenglish please08:48
Rixute@cfhowlett: why the dist-upgrade and not just get upgrade?08:48
ubottujackalls,: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)08:48
Rixutesorry update08:48
cfhowlettRixute, update will update your packages list   dist-upgrade will download/install the latest packages for your distro08:49
Rixute@cfhowlett: "I got a system program problem detected" error08:52
cfhowlettRixute, on update?08:52
Rixute@cfhowlett: yeah08:53
cfhowlettRixute, do a reboot, then update again08:54
Rixute@cfhowlett: Ok, I'll be back later08:54
BentFranklincron runs /path/script regularly.  I edit the script.  cron appears to run the old script.  Is it possible cron runs some cached version?09:00
jribBentFranklin: don't thisk so09:01
jribBentFranklin: give more details09:01
cfhowlettRixhute, hey09:02
llutz_BentFranklin: add a line like "date >>/tmp/crontest" to your script and check if it updates09:03
Rixhute@cfhowlett: packages mostly updated correctly09:03
Rixhuteweird errors: E: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)09:03
cfhowlettRixhute, don't worry for now.  try to install your package09:04
Rixhute@cfhowlett: I think this bug has been reprted already https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/man-db/+bug/119632709:04
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1196327 in man-db (Ubuntu) "package man-db 2.6.5-2 failed to install/upgrade: subprocess installed post-installation script returned error exit status 1" [High,Triaged]09:04
Rixhute@cfhowlett: Ok I'll try again09:04
cfhowlettRixhute, is the usb-modeswitch-data package the one that failed on your machine?09:06
BentFranklinjrib: I want the script to run every other Thursday.  cron runs every Thu and the script determines if it is the correct Thu.  It runs correctly by hand, skipping odd Thursdays.  But when cron runs it doesn't skip.09:06
BlackDexHello there, is there a way to hide icons from the unity top panel?09:06
llutz_BentFranklin: check your $LC_TIME and the one cron uses09:09
Rixhute@cfhowlett: I posted it all here http://paste.ubuntu.com/7129630/09:10
cfhowlettRixhute, reading09:10
cfhowlettRixhute, yep.  looks about right.09:11
dwarderwhere do i add imput keyboard language?09:11
dwarderbesides english09:11
Rixhute@cfhowlett: I'm not alone09:11
BentFranklinllutz_: My $LC_TIME is a blank line.09:11
cfhowlettRixhute, eh?09:12
BentFranklinllutz_:  sudo bash; echo $LC_Time is also blank09:12
dwarderwhere do add other than enlish keyboard text input?09:13
dwarderdo i09:13
cfhowlettRixhute, lines 199 - 203 tell you what to do next09:13
Rixhute@cfhowlett: Reading09:13
Rixhute@cfhowlett: Says to modify main.cf, 'if needed'?09:18
Rixhute@cfhowlett: specifically modify what in main.cf?09:18
cfhowlettRixhute, only if you know what you're doing.  I've run ubuntu since 2005 and NEVER had to edit postfix.  no idea what it is/does09:18
Rixhute@cfhowlett: I'm not familiar with post configuration utility09:19
cfhowlettRixhute, so then you don't actively use it?  ignore the error message and drive on.09:19
leeyaawhat is the name of php package tha gives me console commands ?09:22
leeyaain centos its php-cli09:22
llutz_!info php5-cli | leeyaa09:23
ubottuleeyaa: php5-cli (source: php5): command-line interpreter for the php5 scripting language. In component main, is optional. Version 5.5.3+dfsg-1ubuntu2.2 (saucy), package size 2746 kB, installed size 8790 kB09:23
llutz_leeyaa: i'd suggest you learn to use "apt-cache search ...." :)09:23
leeyaai did search for it illutz_ but i was looking for php-cli :D09:24
leeyaai mean llutz_09:24
toddel123Hello folks where do I go to learn how to download and install new fonts for Ubuntu?09:25
ubottutoddel123,: Font installation basics here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FontInstallHowto - No fonts in Flash? Install "ttf-mscorefonts-installer" (from !Multiverse), "gsfonts", and "gsfonts-x11". For the official ubuntu font, see: http://font.ubuntu.com/09:25
toddel123thanks cfhowlett!09:26
cfhowletttoddel123, be safe, have fun09:27
DramorsHey guys, I'm thinking of dropping unity for openbox (nothing against unity, I just wanna customize the hell out of my desktop) and I was wondering if anyone knows of any standalone dash-like programs09:29
DramorsWhere I can search for my programs and what not09:30
clue_hapt-cache search thing09:31
minimecDramors: Synapse would be your choice... http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?suite=all&section=all&arch=any&keywords=synapse&searchon=names09:31
clue_hoh nvm my bad09:31
=== Lebby1 is now known as Lebby
Dramorsminimec: Thanks, I'll check it out :)09:32
stegohello! where can i find the elementary icon theme that supports unity?09:32
stegothe one in the repos has a faulty icon (the system icon top right in the panel=09:32
Dramorsminimec: Oh yeah, this looks like a proper replacement09:36
Alarmi do get sometimes such errors: dpkg: error processing aspell (--configure):  dependency problems - leaving unconfigured during installations09:37
Alarmwhen do those error occur ?09:37
minimecDramors: you're welcome. I use it in combination with enlightenment. Unfortunately for some reason, there is no package for 14.04. You will have to use the 13.10 package in 14.04 too.09:37
cfhowlettAlarm, when dpkg fails for some reason.09:38
DramorsDid 14.04 release?09:38
minimecDramors: No, but I have a 14.04 test install running...09:38
DramorsAh okay :)09:38
cfhowlettDramors, next month09:38
m4l0has anyone here installed ubuntu on a M$ Surface Pro2 and can give me some pointers before I get started. I am mostly worried about the wlan, since the article i find on google says that is a problem to get it working09:38
Alarmcfhowlett: well.... i have a weird problem. sure its not 100% ubuntu related. i use vagrant, a tool to automaticaly configure a virtual box. inside the configuration i have an apt-get install command to install some packages. if i run it through this tool (vagrant) , the apt-get update works, and also the installation starts but then it fails with such errors09:39
irenicus09hi guys can anyone tell me if ubuntu has support for nvidia 820m out of the box?09:39
Alarmif i manualy run the command inside the box (the same command) , it installs the packages with success09:40
irenicus09ubuntu 13.1009:40
cfhowlettAlarm, never used vagrant so - can't advise.  sorry.09:40
cfhowlettAlarm, so you have the fix then ... :)09:40
ubottuFor Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VideoDriverHowto09:40
Alarmcfhowlett:  no that is not the fix :) i must do that automaticaly  :)09:41
cfhowlettAlarm, see if vagrant has a support channel/forum09:42
Alarmit does :) but i wanted to see if there is a specific reason why those errors appear so that i can troubleshoot :)09:42
Alarmcfhowlett:  thank you :)09:43
Dramorsfrom what I understand, it installs but leaves the deps out, is that correct?09:43
Dramorsif so, can't you add apt-get install -f after whatever it is you install? that might do it09:43
ubottuDramors,: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)09:43
DramorsAlarm: ^09:43
xaviousGreetings all09:45
cfhowlettxavious, greetings09:45
xaviousHow goes it?09:48
cfhowlettxavious, wonderful.  what is your ubuntu question?09:49
Gr1Hi guys09:49
Gr1My apt is auto removing some packages that I installed recently09:49
Gr1I am not sure why09:49
Gr1It starts with09:50
Gr12014-03-21 12:53:55 startup packages remove09:50
cfhowlettGr1, paste09:50
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.09:50
xaviousI'm having an issue with my disk drive. I have looked around the web and various forums for a solution, but have yet to find it. It seems as though discs are not being seen by the drive. Puzzling, considering I installed from a disc.09:51
Gr1Here is it09:51
Gr1At the time of install, it never shows any dependency errors or warnings. Inspected line by line09:51
alex_r08Salut tout le monde :) !09:52
Gr1The package status is now shown as rc  bigcouch09:52
cfhowlettGr1, packages may be autoremoved due to dependencies09:53
alex_r08Hi ?09:54
cfhowlettalex_r08, greetings09:54
alex_r08Nice to meet you :)09:54
Gr1cfhowlett: But these packages, when installed, shows up no error, and runs for around 15 minutes or so. Even I configured a cluster, but after some time, it got removed :(09:54
cfhowlettGr1, this is a server??09:55
cfhowlettalex_r08, what is your ubuntu question?09:55
alex_r08Ok, can you help me to know how I can know if my pc is 32x or 64x ? I'm with Xubuntu09:56
cfhowlettalex_r08, what are your hardware specs09:57
llutz_alex_r08: grep " lm " /proc/cpuinfo09:57
alex_r08how can I know ?09:57
cfhowlett!server|Gr1, suggest you take this excellent question to the other channel09:57
ubottuGr1, suggest you take this excellent question to the other channel: Ubuntu Server Edition is a release of Ubuntu designed especially for server environments, including a server specific !kernel and no !GUI. The install CD contains many server applications. Current !LTS version is !Precise (Precise Pangolin 12.04) - More info: http://www.ubuntu.com/products/whatisubuntu/serveredition - Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/12.04/serverguide/C/ - Support in #ubuntu09:57
alex_r08"grep" ?09:57
Gr1Sure cfhowlett. What is the channel name?09:58
YamakasYI have a lot of file with general in front: general_util.js and I want to change this to foo_... how shall I do this ?09:58
cfhowlettGr1, #ubuntu-server09:59
Gr1Thank you. Thanks a lot cfhowlett09:59
alex_r08Hi !09:59
cfhowlettalex_r08, in a terminal09:59
alex_r08oh ok09:59
ilhamihow to run APT files?10:00
xaviousSeems as though terminal commands will not force a disc to be seen either...10:00
uniqoHI could you tell me how to find what's my Wireless NIC chipset ??10:00
alex_r08Do I have to tape "uname -a" ?10:00
Ben64uniqo: lspci if its in a pci slot, lsusb if usb10:00
cfhowlettalex_r08, "apt" files?  ubuntu packages are .deb  files ...10:00
ilhamicfhowlett, when installing flash there is APT+10:01
ubottuTo install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash - See also  !Restricted and !Gnash10:01
xaviousuniqo: http://www.cyberciti.biz/faq/linux-find-wireless-driver-chipset/ may have the info you need10:02
alex_r08cfhowlett, you know, I just want to install OpenOffice, and that's why I have to know if its' 32 or 64 !10:02
Ben64alex_r08: libreoffice is in the repositories, it is suggested you do that instead of doing whatever you're currently attempting10:02
cfhowlettalex_r08, use software center to install.  problem solved10:02
alex_r08oh ok so I have to find software center10:03
alex_r08thanks !10:03
Ben64find? it should be very prominent10:04
alex_r08I thought I had to find it in the Internet10:05
xaviousSo, does anyone know of how to get a disc drive to recognize discs? Still no luck...10:06
cfhowlettalex_r08, it's standard on all official ubuntu distros10:06
Ben64xavious: what does "dmesg" say? use a pastebin10:07
cfhowlettBen64, can with narrow that?  grep "discdrive" ??10:08
Ben64not really10:08
Ben64the last 20 lines only are probably relevant though10:08
xaviousBen64: http://pastebin.com/SN4z5LA7 if this is what you requested10:11
alex_r08Ok thanks a lot guys ! I have to go !10:13
alex_r08See you all :)10:13
jnhghyquite often my image starts to run on the screen: the display jumps 1/2 of the screen and then spins in loop... I can do commands and stuff but can't stop the image from spinning i'm using ubuntu 12.04 what can I do?10:13
Ben64xavious: ok, whats the disc its not seeing10:13
ciarly#ciarly èuscito!10:14
xaviousBen64: Any disc. Audio CD to DVD. At first I figured I was lacking 'dvdread4 but recalled I had restricted areas installed, so that was there. Upon a double check that was confirmed. Tried auido CD...the drive failed to recognize it also. It will spin up and down without result, or endlessly until I manually eject (using switch).10:15
Ben64xavious: put in a cd, not audio, and run this "sudo dd if=/dev/sr0 | file -"10:17
xaviousBen64: No medium found10:19
Ben64sounds like a hardware problem then10:19
xaviousI suppose so10:19
xaviousBen64: apparently I forgot the -"   . It now displays a simple input indicator or >10:21
Kinder-Pingviwho installed ubuntu 14.04?10:22
Ben64xavious: don't type quotes10:22
Ben64Kinder-Pingvi: 14.04 support and discussion in #ubuntu+1 until release10:22
Kinder-Pingvii have laggggg interface on my GeForce 9600 on free drivers..10:22
Kinder-Pingvioh.. thanks.. sorry10:23
xaviousBen64: Before I try again, to prevent another noob fail, is " file - " a variable for another target?10:25
Ben64xavious: just type it, one line, no quotes, exactly like this --              "sudo dd if=/dev/sr0 | file -"10:26
Ben64but i'm fairly sure you're going to get the no medium error again, because the drive can't find a cd10:26
xaviousBen64: Slightly different result. No cammand found followed by "no read permission"10:28
RohitHi All10:30
Rohiti have a one question regarding the papertail with rails10:31
xaviousBen46: Correction; "no medium found" followed by "no read permission"10:35
xaviousSeems a bit of a contradiction...10:36
Kinder-Pingviadministrator_, это канал англоязычный.. зайди на #ubuntu-ru10:37
Tom1how can permanently download softwares for ubuntu, i mean just download, not install from software centre?10:41
=== pietro is now known as Guest92191
execute_having problems running jekyll on ubuntu 13.10 on bitcoin.org, anyone have experience on this?10:44
raubTom1: what are you trying to accomplish?10:44
raubAnd how comfortable are you with Linux in general?10:44
Tom1raub: i want to download software for ubuntu , for storing them permanently.10:45
raubAnd then, say, access it?10:45
raubBut, this software will be updated every so often10:45
raubeven for a given release10:45
clue_hTom1, apt-get download10:45
raubclue_h: I was more going to suggest creating a repo10:46
Tom1yes raub10:46
clue_hoh my bad10:46
raubclue_h: you answer might work better; I dunno what he wants to do ;)10:47
Tom1raub: how about using synaptic paackgae manager, and then click the option "download only"10:47
raubTom1: that is what clue_h suggested10:47
raubJust a diff way to do that10:48
raubI have never done it that way, so clue_h might, well, clue you in ;)10:48
Tom1raub: its a simple thing, just download the software and not install, so that u get the software and its dependencies.10:49
clue_hJust try it with some package of no consequence and see where it is downloaded to it will usually say in the terminal with 'apt-get download'10:50
Tom1clue_h: how;s synaptic package manager?10:50
Tom1it even downloads the needed dependencies too.10:51
clue_hTom1, not sure i use apt for my things. oh nice.10:51
Tom1clue_h: do u downoad and keep the software or just install it directly via software manager?10:52
clue_hhowever if you do it the apt way you can then look in /var/cache/apt/archives10:52
clue_hi keep it for myself mwahaha10:52
clue_hnot really i install what i need10:52
Tom1clue_h: exactly , the downloaded software from synaptic manager are also stored in that directory.10:52
clue_hTom1, cool. have you tried either method10:53
andromeduckso i'm not sure what just happened10:53
Tom1 clue_h: i have tried the synaptic method and it works for smaller softwares with less dependencies10:53
andromeduckbut my intel sound thing stopped working and alsamixer isn't reporting it10:53
andromeducklike the device10:53
andromeduckit was working like an hour ago...10:54
Tom1 clue_h: though will try with larger softwares like gimp and openjdk10:54
clue_hTom1, there's also this http://www.tuxradar.com/answers/517,10:57
Tom1 clue_h: thanks for the link, i appreciate10:59
=== Thorium220 is now known as Thor|Away
emrahhi guys11:17
cfhowlettemrah, greetings11:17
emrahhow do you do11:17
emrahi just start using ubuntu studio any of u can help with this11:19
ubottuemrah,: Please elaborate; your question or issue may not seem clear or detailed enough for people to help you. Please give more detailed information, errors, steps, and possibly configuration files (use the !pastebin to avoid flooding the channel)11:19
emrahhow can i reach all application loaded11:20
cfhowlettemrah, upper left corner, click the ubuntustudio icon, choose your app11:21
g0tchaemrah, a stand alone OS ?11:21
emrahubottu are you there11:21
ubottuemrah: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)11:21
emrahwhat about wine ?11:23
ubottuWINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux - More information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine - Search the !AppDB for application compatibility ratings - Join #winehq for application help - See !virtualizers for running Windows (or another OS) inside Ubuntu11:23
emrahi know11:23
emrahit took me hours to install11:23
emrahwhy is that so11:23
=== tcpman is now known as Guest25110
cfhowlettemrah, too many factors and you're giving NO information.11:24
cfhowlettemrah, is there something specific you're trying to do now?11:24
DJonesemrah: It should take less than a minute or so to install wine using the official software repositories, "sudo apt-get install wine"11:24
emrahit takes too long to install , why ?11:24
cfhowlettemrah, how should we know?  your system, your ISP, your connection?11:25
emrahit is not a problem i just wonder why11:25
ActionParsnipemrah: depends on system spec and dive type, also internet connection speed for downloading debs11:26
emrahits  size not so big connection rate is 800b/s11:27
cfhowlettemrah, is there something specific you're trying to do now?11:27
emrahsorry  just wonder11:27
emrahcan use apps installed in wim11:30
cfhowlettemrah, wim?11:30
ActionParsnipandromeduck: what is the output of: wget -O alsa-info.sh http://www.alsa-project.org/alsa-info.sh && chmod +x ./alsa-info.sh && ./alsa-info.sh --upload11:31
emrahapps installed in win 8 before ubuntu11:31
emrahwith wine11:31
ActionParsnipemrah: that wont work11:31
cfhowlettemrah, you're trying to use win8 apps in ubuntu?  no.l11:31
ActionParsnipemrah: the apps will need installing in Wine11:31
emrahokey thank11:32
cfhowlettemrah, and they may or may not work ...11:32
ActionParsnipemrah: if that worked, piracy would be rife11:32
emrahim very grateful to u11:32
ActionParsnipemrah: there are registry files created when you install apps as well as files in the Windows folder and so on11:32
ActionParsnipemrah: when you install an application in Windows it doesnt all reside in the folder you specify at install time11:33
emrahi got it11:33
andromeduckActionParsnip,  http://www.alsa-project.org/db/?f=252c789a3def024a66bdf40abddedeba95b9e04c11:34
ActionParsnipandromeduck: is this a Chromebook?11:35
ActionParsnipandromeduck: what make and model please?11:35
andromeduckchromebook pixel 32gb11:36
ActionParsnipandromeduck: you do know that Saucy doesnt have much support left...11:36
andromeduckI just want to understand why alsa is so weird11:36
andromeducklike I got it working for 3+ months11:36
andromeduckthen suddenly it dies11:37
andromeduckand all I did is pretty much use sublime/chrome...11:37
andromeducklike haven't touched sound settings in ages11:37
andromeduckseems very odd it suddenly doesn't want to show up in devices anyore11:37
ActionParsnipandromeduck: I found this: https://github.com/vladikoff/chromebook-pixel-ubuntu-13-patch11:37
ActionParsnipandromeduck: try:  killall pulseaudio; rm -r ~/.config/alsa*    then wait 10 seconds and try some sound apps11:38
fedrhow to build cloud???11:39
ubottuUbuntu Cloud Infrastructure is a ready to deploy Infrastructure-as-a-Service (IaaS) based on OpenStack. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuCloudInfrastructure for further details.11:40
phasipHow come I can change the password for a dm-crypt/luks disk but I cannot convert a non-encrypted disk to a encrypted one?11:40
andromeduckActionParsnip, yeah it's not working - I think I already havt the patch11:41
andromeduckhaven't done an update recently so I dont think it could be related to kernel...11:42
ActionParsnipandromeduck: i'd try trusty, its LTS too which is groovy11:42
andromeduckyeah I was on that11:42
andromeduckbut need mesa 10+11:42
andromeduckfor grpahics11:42
andromeduckand that was a nightmare11:43
andromeduckon 12.1011:43
ActionParsnipandromeduck: trusty is 14.04 .....11:43
ActionParsnip12.04 is Precise11:43
=== Thor|Away is now known as Thorium220
andromeduckoh did it release?11:43
ActionParsnipandromeduck: next month, there are prereleases11:43
ActionParsnipandromeduck: could try it in liveUSB / CD11:44
andromeduckyeah I'll probably try it when it drops then11:44
andromeduckthere was something funky with the touchpad last time i tried11:44
andromeduckit's weird... when I installed it the speaker/headphones came muted - so I fix that and it pops up as analogue stuff in the profile tab... so weird it should be gone without any notice...11:49
andromeduckor reboot11:49
andromeduckor installs11:49
ActionParsnipandromeduck: if you run:   alsamixer   use F6 to change device, make sure all all unmuted and cranked, scrol hard to the right to see if more channels exst11:50
jobarte_skuldhi guys, is possible to simple append passwd and shadow to add users manually?11:50
andromeduckthat was thefirs thing I did11:51
andromeduckonly PCM, S/PDIF, S/PDIF 1, S/PDIF 2 show up11:51
ActionParsnipandromeduck: no other devices under F6?11:51
ActionParsnipandromeduck: have you got the latest BIOS etc?11:52
ActionParsnipandromeduck: i'd check settings in BIOS for sound11:53
andromeduckonly intel hda pch shows up under devices11:53
=== giovanni is now known as Guest16203
KartagisI was recovering some files with testdisk and it filled up my main partition. now df shows 0 left even though I removed some files. any ideas?12:10
po_hello I need help12:18
TeraJLis there any type of linux backup like android(clockworkmod)? where i can backup everything(boot/home/everything) to a file on another hard-drive, format try another distro, and if i have any problems, restore the old one again(  with a boot cd/usb with those functionalities or something)?12:18
po_my nvidia 830m card is not being detected12:18
po_I have 10 mins left before I decide to trash ubuntu12:19
k1l!details | po_12:19
ubottupo_: Please elaborate; your question or issue may not seem clear or detailed enough for people to help you. Please give more detailed information, errors, steps, and possibly configuration files (use the !pastebin to avoid flooding the channel)12:19
po_I have an optimuse card I think with an intel one and an nvidia 830m12:20
po_from what I searched on google about ubuntu couldn't find any form of documentation on how to get it installed12:20
po_I heard about bumblebee12:20
fidel_isnt bumblebee an option for optimus cards?12:21
k1lpo_: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Bumblebee12:21
po_fidel_, yes12:21
fidel_oh - i've overlooked that po mentioned it already - sorry then12:22
fidel_po_: that is what i used with my last optimus hardware12:24
fidel_to be honest - i even disabled the entire nv part on the linux install to save some energy - knowing i would never need that performance mode anyways - and saving energy on the mobile device would be a nice sideeffect12:25
po_fidel_, I understand but it's for a friend whose used to playing game on windows & he wants to be atleast able to run graphic demanding games like dota212:26
po_I've installed bumblebee but is there a way to automatically switch to discrete graphics when playing games etc.?12:28
po_fidel_, ^12:28
humbagTeraJL: clonezilla is a live distro for makingbackups12:29
guerrerofranhello, how can I change the keyboard layout on the login screen? i just installed ubuntu but i cannot access through the user I created because the keyboard layout it is the default (I guess) and I write my password with the ES layout (in the terminal it works fine, i could log in and install irssi and get here)12:29
=== michael__ is now known as Guest84072
DJonespo_: I'm not sure about on 13.10 or earlier, but I've started using 14.04 and I'm able to switch between intel & nvidia using the nvidia-prime drivers, it still requires either a logout or a restart (Can't remember which though), the final release of 14.04 is only a month away so that could be an option once its released12:30
po_DJones,  I haven't heard of prime...how do I get that installed?12:31
po_personally it's my first time trying to troubleshoot an nvidia driver12:31
DJonespo_: As far as I know, its only in 14.04 development release at the moment12:31
DJonespo_: I could be wrong on that though, hopefully somebody else can confirm/correct that though12:31
TeraJLhumbag: can i backup everything but the home folder?12:32
sydneyWill lubuntu be suported for 3 or 5 years. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lubuntu#cite_note-omgubuntu2-83 Acording to this it is 5 years?12:38
ikoniaok the first thing to do is always look at the official site12:38
ikoniarather than untrusted sources12:39
k1lsydney: from now on LTS do have 5 years support12:39
ikoniathe desktop is 3 years though12:39
ikoniawhich makes it a complicated mess12:39
k1likonia: no. 5 sears for both since 12.0412:39
sydneyThats the point. :)12:39
ikoniawhat ? is that just lubuntu or ubuntu too ?12:39
IdleOneikonia: ubuntu also12:40
ikoniawhen did that kick in12:40
=== cmagina-away is now known as cmagina
IdleOneall lts since 12.04 is 5 years12:40
speco6hey there. might I ask someone for help concerning a printer problem. I'm new to ubuntu and tried to solve the problem through googling, but failed so far...12:40
k1likonia: no ubuntu. dont know the other variations12:40
sydneyspeco6: Whats the problem?12:41
IdleOneikonia: the derivatives could be different but if they chose to make an LTS release it makes sense for those such as L X K Ubuntu to be 5 years also12:41
ikoniathere was discussion on lubuntu 3 years two days12:41
ikonia2 days ago12:41
speco6printer recognized and installed. files are beeing sent to printer, and he shows the sent files as finished, but it doesnt print nothing...12:41
k1lthe derivates decide themselves how long they can manage the support with community help12:42
IdleOneikonia: hmm, maybe I need to check into it again. afaik it is 5 years for all LTS, but yeah the derivatives can change that if they want. Ubuntu is 5 years for sure12:42
NobodyInPersonSorry, is this the right place to ask questions about packaging .deb files?12:43
IdleOneNobodyInPerson: #ubuntu-packaging would be better12:43
NobodyInPersonOkay thanks!12:43
IdleOnesure thing12:43
sydneyspeco6: are you sure it is installed correctly? also are you selecting the correct printer when you print?12:44
ikoniaIdleOne: as I understood it was anything in the "base" repos that was 5 years12:44
speco6only one printer is in our network, and its the one i use and i have installed :)12:45
ikoniaIdleOne: this suggests you're right for the actual base product https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LTS but I'm not sure how that sits with the derivatives packages12:45
IdleOneikonia: right, the derivatives have the option of shortening the support period if the choose to as I understand it.12:45
ikoniaIdleOne: so that may explain the 3 / 5 year confusion I saw a day or two ago12:46
sydneyHow did you install it? did you use the program called printers.12:46
=== diazepan_ is now known as diazepan_away
rabbitnightmareok I have a legit issue, in Ubuntu Studio my sound card isnt being seen, but in regular Ubuntu its seen just fine12:54
rabbitnightmarefedora too12:54
rabbitnightmareI believe it is RTL818512:55
rabbitnightmareso its open source12:55
tdannecyrabbitnightmare: Which version of Ubuntu are you running?12:57
rabbitnightmareHDMI sound works, but I need the audio for sound input12:58
rabbitnightmareI should probably switch everything to Ubuntu Gnome eventually12:59
rabbitnightmarejust a ton of apps to reinstall12:59
rabbitnightmarebecause everything works fine on other distros, just not the Studio13:00
IdleOnerabbitnightmare: unless I'm mistaken ubuntustudio uses jackd for the sound server, ubuntu uses pulseaudio.13:01
IdleOneyou might need to install pulseaudio13:01
rabbitnightmarethanks ill try13:01
rabbitnightmareas much as I love Linux, I wish things just worked sometimes13:03
krizoekhello, im trying to mount a partition image: sudo mount -o loop,offset=22000173056B imagefile.img /mnt/1   where i got the information with: parted imagefile.img unit B print:  1      0B     22000173055B  22000173056B  ext4  ... but i keep getting the error: mount: invalid offset '22000173056B' specified13:03
rabbitnightmarewhy not right click image.img and click "mount"13:04
krizoekthats not possible in xubuntu/xfce13:05
rabbitnightmareim sorry use a real desktop13:05
IdleOnerabbitnightmare: be helpful13:05
rabbitnightmareI am, there are tons of more preferable ones like LXDE, Enlightenment, Unity, KDE, Gnome etc...13:05
rabbitnightmareif there are usability issues, a better desktop would be better suited13:06
IdleOnerabbitnightmare: xfce is a perfectly real desktop, your personal preferences don't enter into the equation, if you can help that is great, otherwise please don't tell people to use something else because you don't know how to help them13:07
=== herb_ is now known as herb
rabbitnightmaresudo mount -o loop file.img /mnt13:08
batmuffinoHey, i have kind of an emberassing questions, but I could only find unaswered posts in the ubuntuforums and googling didn't help. I just updated to an 11.x ubuntu and I am missing the us international, eliminate dead keys layout for some reason. Can anyone give me an idea how to fix that? I need to type german Umlauts from time to time but always pressing ~ twice is super annoying :(13:08
krizoeki tried that rabbitnightmare, but it didnt work either13:08
rabbitnightmareI take it the image opens with archiver?13:08
rabbitnightmaredid you create it with DD?13:09
tdannecybatmuffino: This guide will help you: http://krisreeves.com/things-that-should-be-easy/permanently-change-keyboard-layout-on-ubuntu-server-11-10/13:09
krizoeknot with dd no, it was with a recovery command13:10
tdannecybatmuffino: You should skip the first part and go down to the sextion that edits "/etc/default/keyboard" and paste in the applicable layout that you want.13:10
rabbitnightmarekrizoek, if you created it with DD you have to mount each partition seperately13:10
rabbitnightmaremount each partition seperately13:11
krizoeki did it with a single ext4 partition13:11
batmuffinoya, just skimmed it. Ok, was hoping to get it changed without bugging our admin :). But at least I have an idea what to tell him now, thank you tdannecy :)13:11
krizoeki tried so with the offset yes13:11
rabbitnightmareyou still have to specify the partition number13:11
krizoekhow so?13:11
rabbitnightmareyou need to find the start sectors13:11
krizoek0b. i tried that with offset, but it didnt work13:11
tdannecybatmuffino: No problem! I don't think you have to do anything with sudo. You might be able to change it all in userspace. Don't quote me on that.13:11
rabbitnightmarefile -s sdb.img13:11
rabbitnightmaremount ~/sdb.img /mnt/sdb -o offset=$((X*512)) *where X is the start sector*13:12
batmuffinotdannecy: just checked. Needs sudo :(. But thanks again13:13
tdannecybatmuffino: I just checked too! You don't!13:14
batmuffinohu? ok, wait13:14
=== fffuchs is now known as KevinS
rabbitnightmarekrizoek, if you live in the US, WalMart has 1TB WD USB3 HDs on sale for 25 bucks13:15
rabbitnightmarethey are emptying stock13:15
=== KevinS is now known as KevinSchacht
ScarClawHi all :)13:16
krizoekbash: 0b: value too great for base (error token is "0b")13:17
batmuffinotdannecy: just checked, it says  -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 569 Jan 22 14:01 /etc/default/keyboard  so nope :(13:17
tdannecybatmuffino: Oooo bummer.13:18
franknoghi ScarClaw13:18
stephen_ganthi I'm a newbie, I'm trying to get Ubuntu 12.04.4 LTS to recognize a PCI express parallel adapter card, is there anyone that can help?13:22
zeroblockSorry for bother you guys @ #ubuntu, I'm from Taiwan, our country is going to lose our Democracy, can you guys please helped us, my English is not very good, here is translate about our country situation, please help us spread the message , Thanks for your time for reading this message.13:27
OerHekszeroblock, file not found, please don't spam13:29
zeroblockclue_h:  http://pastebin.com/sRUDJV3s13:29
zeroblockOerHeks:  Sorry for spamming this channel, we really need as many as country to know our country is very needed help from international13:30
zeroblocksorry for spam the message.13:30
OerHeksspamming is not allowed on #freenode, keep the sorry13:31
ScarClawzeroblock: This channel is for Ubuntu support only.13:33
jkaleFUCK YOU UBUNTU!13:47
jkaleFUCK YOU!!!!!!13:47
jkale!ops FUCK13:47
ikonia@mark #ubuntu jkale agd_sorp using a different nick/trolling13:50
ubottuThe operation succeeded.13:50
=== HeN_ is now known as HeN
elijahDoes anyone know about an issue with Ubuntu (13.04) where the mouse (and possibly) keyboard just randomly start clicking on things and moving the mouse? Almost seems like someone hijacked my desktop?14:02
=== makije is now known as makije|away
elijahI read about some similar issues a few weeks ago when I tried searching for it but can't reproduce that search anymore.14:03
elijahMultiple different mice too, both wired, plus when I am using laptop only (no mouse)14:04
grouseyHello, I'm trying to install firefox beta, I've added the ppa, but apt-get update is not updating the existing installed version14:04
grouseyam I missing something?14:05
elijahBetter yet, what do I use with ubuntu-bug to file this bug?14:05
ActionParsnipelijah: xorg14:07
elijahActionParsnip: heya, thanks!!14:07
FiremanEdgrousey: Which PPA are you using?14:08
=== soee_ is now known as soee
grouseyFiremanEd: firefox-next14:09
grouseyFiremanEd: do I need to remove the stable ppa?14:09
FiremanEdgrousey: It looks like the version pushed out from the official Repo's is 'newer' than the version in the PPA14:10
=== diazepan_away is now known as diazepan_
FiremanEdgrousey: My best estimate is that the next version has not been added (FF29) yet to the PPA14:13
elijahActionParsnip: Thanks, not the best bug report but at least it is out there -> https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xorg/+bug/129568914:13
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1295689 in xorg (Ubuntu) "Mouse randomly moves and clicks stuff" [Undecided,New]14:13
grouseyFiremanEd: thanks, looks like you're right14:13
FiremanEdgrousey: good deal )14:13
mithranhai all. in my previous linux vertions i used to change the font carrecters  using  sudo gedit /usr/share/m17n/ml-inscript.mim.  how can i change change the carrecter mapping in 14.04 trusty tahar as it is not using  ibus-m17 package14:14
ubottumithran,: Ubuntu 14.04 (Trusty Tahr) will be the 20th release of Ubuntu.  See the announcement at http://www.markshuttleworth.com/archives/1295 for more info. support in #ubuntu+114:14
=== anonymous is now known as Guest938
cfhowlettmithran, support in the other channel14:14
mithrancfhowlett: please tell me the channel name14:15
cfhowlettmithran, read the message!14:15
mithrancfhowlett: ???????14:16
cfhowlett!trusty|mithran, "support in ..."14:16
ubottumithran, "support in ...": Ubuntu 14.04 (Trusty Tahr) will be the 20th release of Ubuntu.  See the announcement at http://www.markshuttleworth.com/archives/1295 for more info. support in #ubuntu+114:16
FiremanEdmithran: #ubuntu+114:16
grouseymithran: #ubuntu+114:16
jacwibHello everyone! I need some help, i currently have windows 8 and netrunner dualbooted, i dident use grub and i wanna replace netrunner w/ ubuntu while keeping windows 8? How do i do this?14:16
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mithranFiremanEd: grousey  ok thanms14:17
ghotiSo .. I've somehow buggered something to do with X or my mouse. When I log in to X, I get one or sometimes two mouse clicks before clicks get ignored.  So I can launch an xterm, but then I can't move its window.  Any idea what might be causing this?  Something dbus related?14:18
art_hi evry one14:18
art_i need some help14:18
cfhowlettart_, greetings14:18
jacwibGuys I need some help, i currently have windows 8 and netrunner dualbooted, i dident use grub and i wanna replace netrunner w/ ubuntu while keeping windows 8? How do i do this?14:19
ubottujacwib,: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/14:19
Lihisart_: hi14:19
=== microsoftlessjon is now known as [INFO]
cfhowlett!uefi|jacwib, installing on a win8 computer means some UEFI work.14:21
ubottujacwib, installing on a win8 computer means some UEFI work.: UEFI is a specification that defines a software interface between an operating system and platform firmware. It is meant as a replacement for the BIOS. For information on how to set up and install Ubuntu and its derivatives on UEFI machines please read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UEFI14:21
=== [INFO] is now known as microsoftlessjon
art_i have ubun tu studio but i c'ant make any thing14:21
jacwibOh i dont have uefi on my computer14:21
jacwibThen how did i get netrunner?14:21
cfhowlettart_, choose one thing you want to make14:21
utf-8_do you know lanmap?14:21
=== microsoftlessjon is now known as [INFO]
cfhowlettjacwib, if that computer is running win8, I'm pretty sure you have a uefi machine ... but I could be wrong14:22
=== [INFO] is now known as microsoftlessjon
jacwibIt was originaly a win 7 machine14:22
jacwibSo no uefi14:22
ubottujacwib,: Dual boot instructions: x86/AMD64: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DualBoot/Windows - Macs: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MacBookPro https://help.ubuntu.com/community/YabootConfigurationForMacintoshPowerPCsDualBoot14:22
mithranhai all. in my previous linux vertions i used to change the font carrecters  using  sudo gedit /usr/share/m17n/ml-inscript.mim.  how can i change change the carrecter mapping in 14.04 trusty tahar as it is not using  ibus-m17 package14:23
=== ruben is now known as Guest4567
jacwibDude the deal is i wanna REPLACE a os and keep windows 8 at the same time that does not help.14:23
mithran#ubuntu+1 there is only me14:23
cfhowlettjacwib, really.  install ubuntu.  repair grub.  dual booting achieved.14:23
fishsponge__hello! does anyone know anything about openoffice calc? or is there another channel about it??14:25
jacwibcfhowlett Okay here is the whole thing. I have windows 8 and netrunner and i wanna get rid of netrunner but keep windows 8 while adding ubuntu. How do i do that?14:25
cfhowlettmithran, be patient. someone will be there14:25
FiremanEdmithran: There are 185 people on that channel, try again14:25
cfhowlettfishsponge__, there is a support channel for libreoffice14:25
fishsponge__thank you!14:25
microsoftlessjonYeah, mithran motherf*cker. that is a valid one14:25
cfhowlettjacwib, get ubuntu.  make usb.  boot ubuntu.  install over the current netrunner partitions.  install grub.  done.14:26
jacwibi already have grub do i need to reinstall it or what?14:26
ikoniait should install grub as part of the ubuntu install14:26
=== Boreeas_ is now known as Boreeas
jacwibbye then14:27
cfhowlettfishsponge__, http://www.libreoffice.org/get-help/community-support/14:27
fishsponge__thanks again14:27
utf-8_bye bye boys14:30
art_jacwib,what u want ?recover windows or ubuntu14:32
emrahhi can i ask sth14:35
ubottuemrah,: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience14:35
=== Harlin_ is now known as Harlin
emrahhow can i reach c directory as in windows14:37
cfhowlettemrah, sudo mount but ... be very careful.  quite easy to frag your windows that way14:38
sydneyemrah: You open Home then click on File System in left hand bar. There isn't really a "c" drive.14:39
cfhowlettemrah, eh.  I assumed you wanted your ACTUAL windows C:/14:39
emrahwhats its name of c directory  in ubuntu14:40
cfhowlettemrah, no such thing.  no! such!  thing!  you have your /home directory14:41
sydneyemrah: Are you dual booting ubuntu?14:41
emrahsorry guys i think you assume me im stupid !14:42
cfhowlettemrah, no one thinks you are stupid14:43
ikoniaemrah: don't worry, just explain what you want to do, rather than what you think you need14:43
sydneyemrah:  We don't think your stupid. :)14:44
k1lemrah: if you select it in nautilus and let it automount, it will be listed in /media/user/....14:44
ljsoftnetwhats the terminal command for pcmanfm to display preferences14:45
emrahokay i specify the question  ; in win  there is users files  how can i find  it14:45
Raydiationhi, whats a typical CRM and project management software for ubuntu?14:45
grouseyemrah: so you are on a linux machine, trying to access your users files on a windows drive/partition?14:45
cfhowlettRaydiation, search the software center14:46
emrahyes yes yes14:46
Raydiationcfhowlett: dont have ubuntu installed14:46
grouseyemrah: or are you asking what the equivalint is in Linux?14:46
emrahno i just want to reach my personal files  saved in win14:47
emrahhow can i make search  for a file in  all directory14:47
sydneyemrah: Open drive C. click on documents and settings. I am doulbe checking that at the moment.14:48
grouseyif the firectory isn't auto mounted (and availble in the file browser) then you will have to mount it yourself like cfhowlett mentioned14:48
cfhowlettsydney, no C:/ in ubuntu14:48
grouseycfhowlett: c might be mounted as a folder though14:48
emrahhow can i make this   require any app14:48
sydneycfhowlett: I know,but if he is accessing a windows partion or drive...14:49
donavan01is there way to run ubuntu completely from a thumb drive but not have it act as a live CD and earse all the changes made when you reboot14:49
cfhowlettgrousey, my system requires sudo permission to mount my windows ...14:49
cfhowlett!persistence|donavan01, yes.  install to usb with persistence14:49
ubottudonavan01, yes.  install to usb with persistence: To have some persistent storage when using a Live CD, follow the instructions on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LiveCDPersistence14:49
emrahi got it thank you guys14:49
donavan01thanks cfhowlett14:51
cfhowlettdonavan01, be safe, have fun14:51
cfhowlettgrousey, sydney C:/ designation comes from windows management.  if you go looking for c:/ in your dualboot, you won't find c:/14:53
cfhowlettmy windows files sudo mount as 250 GB filesystem14:53
daum_hey guys - how do i make it so www-data's user home directory is /var/www  ?  right now it is /root14:53
grouseydaum_: symboic link?14:54
daum_grousey, symlink /root? ...i just want to change it from /root to /var/www14:54
metaphysiciandaum_: there's usermod coomand14:55
=== ashish is now known as Guest19431
daum_metaphysician, i tried usermod -d /var/www www-data but it keeps saying no changes14:56
sydneycfhowlett: I forgot about that, It would be called filesystem. :p14:57
Guest19431can i install gnome3.10 in ubuntu12.04 by any means?14:58
ubottuGNOME was the default desktop environment on Ubuntu up to 10.10. To install the GNOME Shell, type [ sudo apt-get install gnome-shell ] in a !terminal. For the GNOME-based !flavor of Ubuntu, see !ubuntu-gnome14:58
geirhadaum_: ''getent passwd www-data'' says homedir is /root ?14:59
Guest19431ubottu, i have already install gnome3.4, i want to install 3.10 in ubuntu12.0414:59
ubottuGuest19431: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)14:59
kyle__Is there a way to use standard uid:gid file ownership when using an ntfs drive?14:59
sydneycfhowlett:  Whats with the exclamation point. (Im still learning :)14:59
geirhadaum_: I'm guessing it's just your test that was wrong.15:00
cfhowlettsydney, eh?  sorry, I must have mispunctuated.  don't take it personally15:00
fedrwhich chanel we can go to learn networking15:00
fedror hacking15:00
k1lfedr: #networking ?15:01
sydneycfhowlett:  Just wondering if it was something special...15:01
cfhowlettsydney, !bot calls the ubottu factoids15:01
ubottuHi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi | Usage info: http://ubottu.com/devel/wiki/Plugins | Bot channels and general info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Bots15:01
geirhafedr: ##networking and ##programming15:02
kyle__fedr: you'll need to be more specific, and prehaps set your sites on learning the basics first.  No sysadmin skills, no programming skills means no networking skills and no "hacking" skills.  Just start studying.  You'll get there.15:02
kyle__sights rather.  Damn  Can't type.15:02
sydneycfhowlett:  Ok.15:02
kyle__Anyway, anyone know if you can use uid:gid permissions in ntfs?15:02
fedrkyle__: What all to study??15:03
cruelhabbitanyone can help me about configure proxy server?15:03
marcello^kyle__, not out of the box15:04
kyle__fedr: Start with everything.  Then broaden your study.15:04
kyle__fedr: OK.  Start with some c programming tutorials and sysadmin howtos.15:04
marcello^you have to cook your own mapping between windows ID and linux ID15:04
fedrkyle__: I am good in c15:05
geirhakyle__: look into ntfs-3g.usermap(8) perhaps15:05
Guest19431can i install gnome3.10 in ubuntu12.04 by any means?15:05
sydneyanon75956:  hello15:05
kyle__marcello^: geirha: Ahh.  This is what I needed.15:06
anon75956sydney: I just have a question about ssl on irc... if i enable it... will my isp still see my messages on plain txt?15:06
kyle__so it looks like you need to have some files owned by the users you need in winders-xp/7/8 first, and then make your mapping in linux...15:07
cruelhabbittest, anyone can help please?15:07
ubottucruelhabbit,: Testing... Testing... 1. 2.. 3... ( by the way, remember that you can use /join #test )15:07
cruelhabbitanyone can help me about configure proxy server?15:08
sydneyanon75956: I personaly do not think so ,but I may be wrong.15:08
kyle__cruelhabbit: Lots of people.  Find a howto, or read the docs for the particular proxy server you want to setup.  Or, if that's not what you mean, ask specifically what you need help with.15:09
llutzanon75956: no15:09
anon75956meh that sucks...15:09
* kyle__ puts on a sockpuppet: "I'm cruelhabbit. How do I set a system-wide proxy so everything uses it?"15:09
kyle__SOmething like that.15:09
daum_geirha, so as that user if i do echo $HOME; i get /root, any ideas on that?15:11
sydneyHow do I post a photo in ubuntu pastebin15:12
kyle__daum_: That sounds an awful lot like you're root then.15:12
kyle__sydney: Probably use imgur, I don't think any of the pastebins do photos.15:12
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.15:12
daum_kyle__, whoami shows www-data15:12
cfhowlettsydney, see?  imagebin15:12
daum_i'm sudo -uwww-data -s15:13
geirhadaum_: there's your problem15:13
geirhaadd -H to that sudo command15:13
kyle__daum_: Ah.  Some of those users are made for specific network services, and often don't have a proper home.15:13
kyle__cfhowlett: imagebin.  Who'da thunk.15:13
daum_ah perfect15:14
kyle__daum_: You can also grep for the user in /etc/passwd (as any user, you don't have to be root to do that).15:15
kyle__man 5 passwd will tell you how to read it.  Also, good to read that even if you're just interested in how it works.15:16
cruelhabbiti have a case  ---> i have a network topology router = , and proxy server in the same network with ip and several local server which directly connected to manageable switch. and i have internal network So howto my internal network through the proxy server when it will access the internet, but not through it when acces local server. NB: using transparent proxy15:16
=== BPositive is now known as BPositive|dinner
cruelhabbitthats my problem^^ please help me15:17
sydneydoes anyone know what this is http://imagebin.org/300843 and if it will work with ubuntu?15:18
Guest19431can i install gnome3.10 in ubuntu12.04 ?15:20
=== Korkel is now known as Korkel-AFK
sydneyGuest19431:  I don't see why not.15:21
k1lGuest19431: you will need a PPA for that15:22
sydneydoes anyone know what board this is? http://imagebin.org/300843 DOn't forget to look at the whole thing.15:23
Pessimist!ppa | Guest1943115:23
ubottuGuest19431: A Personal Package Archive (PPA) can provide alternate software not normally available in the offical Ubuntu repositories - Looking for a PPA? See https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+ppas - WARNING: PPAs are unsupported third-party packages, and you use them at your own risk. See also !addppa and !ppa-purge15:23
zennro !screenshots15:24
ubottuScreenshots can be made with the [PrtScr] button. Want to show us a screenshot of your problem? Upload an image to http://imagebin.org/?page=add and post a link to it.15:24
k1l!ot | sydney or use ##hardware15:24
ubottusydney or use ##hardware: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!15:24
ubottuSince Ubuntu 9.10, a !ppa can be added using a single command «  sudo add-apt-repository ppa:user/ppa-name » See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories/Ubuntu#Adding%20PPAs for more details15:24
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience15:24
OerHekssydney join ##hardware and tell them the FCC number15:25
ubottuAs you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)15:28
ubottuYou can use your <tab> key for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line.15:28
ubottuPlease investigate with me only with "/msg ubottu Bot" or in #ubuntu-bots.  Search for factoids with "/msg ubottu !search factoid".15:28
cfhowlettzennro, if you have a specific question, please ask.  invoking random bots is needlessly distracting15:29
yeyemanmy unity panel has a red triangle with an exclamation mark inside it15:30
zennroyeap, i hoped that messages with ! are hidden, sorry15:30
yeyemanwhen I click it, it says 'your software is up to date'15:30
k1lyeyeman: than it wants to report a system crash. click on it15:30
k1l(or update)15:30
yeyemank1l, yeah but it does not go away and just says it's up to date15:31
yeyemanso I think something is messed up15:31
k1lyeyeman: please run a "sudo apt-get update &&sudo apt-get dist-upgrade" (that will not update from 12.04 to 12.10)15:31
yeyemanI have saucy15:31
yeyemandoes that matter?15:32
k1lor not to 14.04 in your case15:32
k1ljust run that command i gave you and see if its asking for a update15:32
=== Germanaz0|0FF is now known as Germanaz0
cruelhabbithello anyone can help my problem with proxy server before?15:32
cloudgeekmy port 8080 is open on internal network but not open on outsdie network, I also added port 8080 in inbound rules of EC2, even Tried Iptables command , still not working help15:33
yeyemank1l, nothing changed15:34
yeyemank1l, but something failed to download15:34
cloudgeeksudo iptables -A INPUT -p tcp --dport 8080 -j ACCEPT, still port is not open15:35
=== Korkel-AFK is now known as Korkel
somsipcloudgeek: I'd suggest checking your security group again if it's on EC215:38
cloudgeeksomsip: I added to open 8080, custom tcp rule , for inbount , for all traffic15:39
somsipcloudgeek: I'd suggest checking it again to be sure.15:40
cloudgeeksomsip: I checked again port 8080 is open, in inobund rules15:43
somsipcloudgeek: fair enough15:43
cloudgeeksomsip: port 80 is working, that is open15:44
cloudgeeksomsip: but port 8080 is not working, my jenkins is working there15:45
cloudgeeksomsip: on my public Ip port 80 is working fine15:45
somsipcloudgeek: IME, if it's built on a standard EC2 image, and the security group is setup correctly, there is nothing else running that will block it. I use jenkins on EC2 too15:45
cloudgeeksomsip: yes ,  security group is setup properly , I don't know why it is blocked15:46
cloudgeeksomeone: on localhost, when run nmap, it shows running and port is opn15:47
matthias__what do i have to enter in visudo to run gksu "python /opt/lampp/share/xampp-control-panel/xampp-control-panel.py"  without password?15:47
OerHeks!xammp | matthias__15:48
OerHeks!xampp | matthias__15:49
ubottumatthias__: We do not support XAMPP installs here. Please use the LAMP stack that is in our repositories; see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP for more information.15:49
=== compdoc_ is now known as compdoc
matthias__ubottu: i installed lampp from here http://wiki.ubuntuusers.de/XAMPP15:52
ubottumatthias__: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)15:52
matthias__OerHeks: i installed lampp from here http://wiki.ubuntuusers.de/XAMPP15:53
kriskropdcan anyone suggest to me a foss service for collaboration? I'm looking for something where I can share an image and have someone directly highlight on the image and make notes, I'm thinking of something like BigBlueButton, but I was hoping for something a little more lightweight that might have iOS and Android applications available15:53
kiatz matthias__> : https://www.digitalocean.com/community/articles/how-to-install-linux-apache-mysql-php-lamp-stack-on-ubuntu15:54
bgardnermatthias__: I would imagine: username  ALL=NOPASSWD:/usr/bin/python15:54
aguitelhow install nvidia-173 in 13.10 ?15:56
aguitelis there a way ?15:56
ActionParsnip!info nvidia-current saucy15:56
ubottunvidia-current (source: nvidia-graphics-drivers-304): Transitional package for nvidia-current. In component restricted, is optional. Version 304.88-0ubuntu8 (saucy), package size 4 kB, installed size 34 kB (Only available for i386; amd64; lpia)15:56
ActionParsnip!info nvidia-173 saucy15:57
ubottunvidia-173 (source: nvidia-graphics-drivers-173): NVIDIA binary Xorg driver, kernel module and VDPAU library. In component restricted, is optional. Version 173.14.37-0ubuntu4 (saucy), package size 12087 kB, installed size 36630 kB (Only available for i386; amd64; lpia)15:57
ActionParsnipaguitel: enable the restricted repo then run:  sudo apt-get install nvidia-17315:57
=== bfiller is now known as bfiller_afk
aguitelActionParsnip, ok15:58
Wiz_KeeDhey guys I have downloaded Bless Hex Editor for ubuntu 13.10. and a tutorial says for editing a bin file to go to position 00181460 but there is no such position on the left hand side of the screen (Assuming those are the position) any idea where I could be wrong?15:58
rahulkrai_I updated my kernel as instructed by the update manager , now some websites are not opening , IT IS NOT MY ISP FAULT - THE SAME ISP 'S SAME CONNECTION ON WINDOWS RUNS THE WEBSITE FINE - TE WEB PAGES WERE OPENING BEFORE AS WELL15:58
ActionParsniprahulkrai_: why the caps? WHAT DOES TYPING LIKE THIS DO?15:58
tgm4883I LIKE LAMP15:59
ActionParsniprahulkrai_: can you ping ?15:59
rahulkrai_!caps , What I meant was most of the places on intermet start blaming the ISP for no reason15:59
ubotturahulkrai_: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)15:59
ActionParsniprahulkrai_: yes but you dont have to type in caps, it does nothing, doesn't it..?15:59
kiatzcheck your DNS15:59
cfhowlettrahulkrai_, test: install chromium-browser and see if that works15:59
tgm4883rahulkrai_, I don't think I would start blaming the ISP. But then again, I wouldn't start blaming the kernel either16:00
kiatzWhats the equivilant of nslookup on ubuntu?16:00
rahulkrai_let me ping ---------------64 bytes from icmp_req=1 ttl=60 time=1.28 ms16:00
rahulkrai_I am using chromium browser itself16:00
tgm4883rahulkrai_, what website16:00
=== BPositive|dinner is now known as BPositive
ActionParsniprahulkrai_: if you run:   echo "nameserver" | sudo tee /etc/resolv.conf > /dev/null     then try the web, is it ok?16:01
rahulkrai_the webiste is quora.com , and16:01
matthias__bgardner: wouldn't that be insecure? a user could run then every python script with root rights16:01
=== gnu is now known as Guest46117
KekaiI installed Lubuntu a while back, but wasnt happy, so I installed Xubuntu Via the terminal.16:02
bgardnermatthias__: Yes, it will affect all python scripts.  No, it only means THAT user won't be prompted for a password.  I agree, it's not a great idea but the risk is relatively small.16:02
rahulkrai_there is a website for which I pay to get coaching on chat , I updated and the chat window is gone , I habe paid 250$ just for that chat window - udacity.com is the website16:02
KekaiNow I got rid of Lubuntu16:02
Kekaibut the login screen is still lubuntu and shows errors16:02
cfhowlettrahulkrai_, no spamming please.16:02
Kekaican I get the Xubuntu login screen?16:02
rahulkrai_I am not spamming , Hey I am not spamming16:02
hellknightHow is the support for the latest AMD Radeon cards (270X etc GCN based) on Ubuntu? I'm currently on onboard Intel HD4600 with Intel Core i5 4570 processor and I'm thinking of getting a new card16:03
tgm4883ActionParsnip, couldn't we just check if his DNS is responding with the right IP address rather than  just switch to Google's?16:03
ActionParsniptgm4883: as you wish, just wanted to get things goin16:03
OerHeksrahulkrai_, contact your vendor16:03
kiatzDo a nslookup 'Website Name'16:04
bgardnermatthias__: That change won't bestow new rights, it just skips the password prompt for a user that already has the ability to call sudo.16:04
tgm4883ActionParsnip, maybe I'm old fashioned, but I think checking that the website is up and that he's resolving the right IP address are better starts than changing his DNS and making him install a new browser16:04
rahulkrai_Hey , I made it clear that it is not my vendor fault , the same website , yes the same website on the same ISP runs fine on windows machine , It worked fine before update , I have come to ubuntu chat help for a reason , that it is the update bug16:05
tgm4883rahulkrai_, do a 'nslookup quora.com'16:05
=== wilson is now known as Guest60484
ActionParsniptgm4883: i never advised a new browser, if is replying then if we make that the DNS, does it work? We need to explore what makes it work and what doesnt/16:05
ActionParsniptgm4883: the resolv.conf file is generated, so undoing the change is easy16:05
rahulkrai_ echo "nameserver" | sudo tee /etc/resolv.conf > /dev/null16:05
ActionParsniprahulkrai_: does my command make things ok?16:06
rahulkrai_I did that16:06
ActionParsniprahulkrai_: can you now browse the web?16:06
tgm4883ActionParsnip, sorry, that wasn't directed just at you. Someone else told him to install chromium-browser16:06
KekaiI installed Lubuntu via a live USB, but I got Xubuntu via terminal, I loved it so much I got rid of16:06
ubottuKekai,: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/16:06
rahulkrai_I can browse the web , just not some parts of it after I updated16:06
rahulkrai_The program 'nslookup' is currently not installed.  You can install it by typing:16:06
matthias__bgardner: is there a way to do this only for the specific script, because many users are using this workstation16:06
tgm4883ActionParsnip, it's just quora.com and  udacity.com16:07
ActionParsniptgm4883: the dns used now may have old IPs, so a switch to a different one may help diagnose this16:07
tgm4883rahulkrai_, can you pastebin /var/log/apt/history.log16:07
rahulkrai_It is not just quora.com ,I can open quora.com , I cannot read the full answers on it , same thing with udacity.com , I can open it , but after update the chat widget is gone16:07
bgardnermatthias__: Does the script start if you call it without 'python'?  e.g. Just '/opt/lampp/share/xampp-control-panel/xampp-control-panel.py'16:08
tgm4883rahulkrai_, that is very very different than what you told us in the beginning16:08
bgardnermatthias__: If so, put that in the visudo edit.16:08
chaotixhey guys16:09
tgm4883rahulkrai_, "some websites are not opening" is VERY different than "some things on this particular website don't work"16:09
jayari can't download from my ftp into /usr/share/nginx/www i tried chmod but i'm not sure what permissions that folder should have16:10
aguitelActionParsnip, need to run:nvidia-xconfig ?16:10
tgm4883rahulkrai_, that isn't the full log16:10
bgardnermatthias__: If it doesn't start, I presume you could put #!/usr/bin/python at the top of the script and then stick an execute bit on it.16:10
tgm4883!pastebinit | rahulkrai_16:10
ubotturahulkrai_: pastebinit is the command-line equivalent of !pastebin - Command output, or other text can be redirected to pastebinit, which then reports an URL containing the output - To use pastebinit, install the « pastebinit » package from a package manager - Simple usage: command | pastebinit -b http://paste.ubuntu.com16:10
matthias__bgardner: yes it starts with /opt/lampp/share/xampp-control-panel/xampp-control-panel.py16:10
ActionParsnipaguitel: sometimes its not leeded16:10
matthias__bgardner: sorry for the "late" answer16:10
aguitelActionParsnip, ok16:11
bgardnermatthias__: Ok, then put this in the visudo edit: username  ALL=NOPASSWD:/opt/lampp/share/xampp-control-panel/xampp-control-panel.py16:11
DatzHi, I'm looking for a way to set up wireless printing for my HP photosmart plus B209a. Is anyone familiar with wireless printing on linux?16:11
chaotixso holding ctrl+alt and an arrow key changes workspaces if they are enabled, and adding shift to the equation brings the top window with, but for some reason on my install of ubuntu 13.10 i am only able to ctrl+alt+shift a window with me left or right, but i cant up or down16:11
bgardnermatthias__: 'username' needs to actually be the username you want to not be prompted for password, of course.16:11
ActionParsnipDatz: can you ping the printer's IP?16:12
chaotixdoes it work for anyone else?16:12
chaotixand how would i word that in a bug report or google search?16:12
DatzActionParsnip: I can bring up the web ui page on my browser16:12
ActionParsnipDatz: ok then seletc to add a printer, type the IP and click scan.16:12
ActionParsnipDatz: you can check the HPLIP site to see if your model is supported16:12
DatzActionParsnip: ok thanks, let me look into that, where do I add the IP?16:13
ActionParsnipDatz: in the dialogue, you'll see it16:13
tgm4883rahulkrai_, what version of ubuntu is this?16:13
DatzActionParsnip: I plugged it in via usb, and it loaded drivers. I'm not sure which dialogue you speak of.16:14
rahulkrai_elementary os it is 12.04 , elementary os chat window is not useful , so I came here16:14
chaotixbueller? bueller?16:14
chaotix:P just playing16:14
ActionParsniprahulkrai_: helementary OS is not supported by the ubuntu community16:14
rahulkrai_ok ok ,ok16:14
tgm4883rahulkrai_, also, you didn't update your kernel16:14
rahulkrai_But I can reproduce the same problem on ununtu as well16:14
chaotixrahulkrai_, people in #ubuntu_offtopic might help, also #linux16:15
ActionParsniprahulkrai_: doesnt matter, your disribution isnt supported here16:15
chaotix**sorry thats ubuntu-offtopic16:15
rahulkrai_What if I reproduce the error in 30 minutes on ununtu 13.1016:15
chaotixrahulkrai_, they are sticklers about that...  you arent allowed to talk about other distros in here16:15
cfhowlettrahulkrai_, then we can support it16:15
FapFlopI've got two things if anyone has the patience.16:16
kiatzFapFlop: shoot16:17
rahulkrai_Ok , I have reproduced the problem many a times before , just thought I should come to here to get help , but any idea as to what to do16:17
FapFlopSweet. I'm running Precise and at some point PlayOnLinux stopped working. It's saying it can't find 32/64 bit libraries.16:17
FapFlopI've got the nvidia 331 drivers installed.16:17
DatzActionParsnip: under System Settings -> Printers I see "localhost" set as the IP. I'm not sure how to set a new address.16:18
tgm4883rahulkrai_, what isn't working on the quora site?16:18
FapFlopOn the site, it says I need wine:i386, but THAT won't install.16:18
kiatzits a pain16:18
kiatzlet me find the guide i used last time16:18
kiatzFapFlop: What ver of wine is it?16:20
ActionParsnipDatz: http://heatware.net/wp-content/uploads/2009/11/ubuntu_printer_4.png16:20
ActionParsnipDatz: do you not have 'find network printer' or something similar?16:20
FapFlopkiatz: It only states 'wine:i386'. http://www.playonlinux.com/en/download.html16:21
DatzActionParsnip: let me check16:22
=== ashish is now known as Guest64145
DatzActionParsnip: ok that may have worked. Thanks. Since it already was on the list. I didn't think to try and add another one.16:23
Guest64145how to install gnome3.10 in ubuntu12.0416:23
maujhsnCan anybody tell me if there is a better way of creating a liveUSB?16:24
xanguaGuest64145: upgrade to 13.10 and add the gnome3 ppa16:24
cfhowlettmaujhsn, better than what?16:24
Guest64145Guest64145, use unetbootin16:24
Guest64145xangua, i dont want to upgrade ubuntu13.10 as it doesnt support fglrx driver thats why i stuck on 12.0416:25
maujhsncfhowlett Better than start-up disk creator!16:25
Guest64145maujhsn, use uentbootin16:25
cfhowlettmaujhsn, this ^^^16:26
maujhsnGuest64145, cfhowlett, Yes I have heard of it!16:27
Guest64145xangua, is there is any way to compile and install gnome 3.10 with all its dependencies?16:27
DatzActionParsnip: wow thanks. That's really great how easy that setup was. Easier than setting wireless printing up on windows.16:27
=== exxxo_ is now known as exxxo
maujhsncfhowlett, Guest64145, Is there a tutorial that can help give me instructions on how to create the USB with uentbootin?16:28
ActionParsnipDatz: indeed, plus the driver is in a default install, no need for CDs or downloading 200Mb of drivers from HP's slow servers16:29
cfhowlettmaujhsn, pretty intuitive.16:29
Guest64145maujhsn, u r using ubuntu?16:29
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DatzActionParsnip: indeed16:29
matthias__bgardner: Working thanks16:29
dupingpingI want to use selinux in Ubuntu12.04.416:29
Guest64145maujhsn, install unetbootin from synaptic or software center16:29
jpdsdupingping: Good luckk with that.16:29
dupingpingBut lightdm is fail,16:30
sandman13is there distro of ubuntu with no Desktop Environment16:30
dupingpingNow what do i do?16:30
ActionParsnipdupingping: then use gdm, slim, xdm, kdm   or anyother DM you can find....16:30
Guest32250Bonjour je debute comment installe t'on un scanner xerox centre 6015 svp ?16:30
cfhowlettsandman13, #ubuntuserver16:30
jpdsdupingping: SELinux isn't very Ubuntu friendly.16:31
ActionParsnipsandman13: yes, Ubuntu Server is pure CLI.16:31
dupingpingActionParsnip: But I want selinux and lightdm.16:31
jpdsdupingping: Noone maintains policies for Ubuntu for it.16:31
cfhowlettdupingping, in others - NAGI - not a good idea16:31
sandman13using Ubuntu Server to run day to day activities?16:31
Guest64145xangua, is there is any way to compile and install gnome 3.10 with all its dependencies?16:32
Guest64145is there is any way to compile and install gnome 3.10 with all its dependencies?16:32
maujhsnGuest64145  I'm in Synaptic right as we speak going to download the program!16:32
ikoniaGuest64145: yes, compile all the dependencies, then compile gnome16:32
cfhowlettsandman13, wshatever "day to day activities" means - ye16:32
dupingpinghey guys16:32
Guest64145maujhsn, install it and let me know16:32
ikoniaGuest64145: however there are pre-compiled packages, but you need to be confident about the resources you get them from16:32
bgardnermatthias__: Glad to hear it, good luck16:32
chillibiteis there a way to use google calendar in ubuntu ( without using a web browser )16:33
jpdschillibite: Yes, lightning in Thunderbird.16:33
ikoniachillibite: it supports webdav as I recall,16:33
sandman13cfhowlett: daily usage16:33
sandman13desktop use16:33
dupingpingI want to use selinux in Ubuntu12.04.416:33
Guest64145ikonia, please can u tell the procedure as i want to install gnome 3.10 in ubuntu12.04 for which compiled packages are not available16:33
jpdsdupingping: Sure, you can install it, IT WON'T DO ANYTHING.16:33
ikoniadupingping: install and configure it then, however be aware ubuntu has apparmor16:33
Guest64145ikonia, and also not officially supported16:33
chillibitejpds: oh my god, that is just... so good... thanks16:33
ikoniaGuest64145: then I suggest you don't do it16:33
dupingpingikonia: I want to use selinux and lightdm.16:34
cfhowlettsandman13, can't even begin to guess what you consider "daily usage".  try server in a virtualbox and see for yourself16:34
ikoniadupingping: install and configure it then16:34
jpdsdupingping: People that *NEED* selinux, generally have the money to PAY for a consultant to get it working.16:34
ikoniaagain, be aware ubuntu uses apparmor though16:34
ActionParsnipsandman13: if the glove fits....16:34
ikoniaI am available for hire if you want selinux consultancy16:34
exstaseaGuest64145: You will need a 3rd party PPA for gnome 3. Google can locate those for you.16:35
sandman13cfhowlett: i mean desktop use as main OS16:36
Guest64145exstasea, no packages available for gnome3.10 with ubuntu12.04. at launchpad its mentioned that its 12.04 is supported only gnome13.416:36
ubottusandman13,: Ubuntu Server Edition is a release of Ubuntu designed especially for server environments, including a server specific !kernel and no !GUI. The install CD contains many server applications. Current !LTS version is !Precise (Precise Pangolin 12.04) - More info: http://www.ubuntu.com/products/whatisubuntu/serveredition - Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/12.04/serverguide/C/ - Support in #ubuntu-server16:36
exstaseaGuest64145: third party PPA, not in the official repo16:36
Guest64145exstasea, can u help for ppa?16:37
ActionParsnipGuest64145: if you add the PPA we cannot support your issue with Gnome here.16:38
maujhsnGuest64145 One of the issues that I am sick and tired of is that the startup disk creator always worked on the premise that the new USB is formated with either a FAT32, or NTFS system! And unfortunately for me, this was the case!16:38
ActionParsnipGuest64145: https://duckduckgo.com/?q=gnome+3.10+ppa16:38
ikoniaGuest64145: if you are unable to find a PPA on your own - I very very strongly advise you not to progress any futher, and wait for gnome-3 to be released into a stable distribution16:39
Guest64145maujhsn, use unetbootin16:39
ActionParsnipikonia: +116:39
tcollinsIm trying to setup MAAS on a set of physical machines. I'm having an issue with the DHCP setup, the docs say everything can be done from the WebUI but nothing changes. Do I have to manually edit my interfaces files as well?  The docs kind suck16:40
sandman13cfhowlett: is there something like "Unubuntu"?16:40
tcollinssandman13: Windows16:40
bootstrap@sandman13 no16:41
Guest64145ikonia, i was just now able to find tha ppa of gnome3.12 with ubuntu12.04.16:41
ObsdarkHey oh16:41
Obsdarki'm trying to connect to internet with ubuntu server, through terminal to upgrade/update but i can't, when i ping any site in the outside internet it appears "ping: unknown host www.google.cl" and if i try to ping my router apparead "PING ( 56(84) bytes of data." and then start to spam this "From icmp_seq=1 Destination Host Unrecheable", i'm trying to connect to internet16:41
Obsdark<Obsdark> through wifi, to a static ip router(modem who gave wifi to several comps)16:41
Obsdark<Obsdark>any suggestions?16:41
Obsdark<Obsdark>how to fix this problem?16:41
Obsdark<Obsdark>thanks in advance16:41
Obsdark<Obsdark>PS: i'm kinda noob in linux & specialy in ubuntu16:41
maujhsnGuest64145 Yes I shall! The download is complete, and I am just deciding what .iso I'm going to use!16:41
cfhowlettsandman13, I think you jerking us around.  you want full desktop capability but you don't want a DE?  come on ...16:41
sandman13cfhowlett: i want to install desktop environment later16:42
Obsdarkthanks in advance16:42
cfhowlettsandman13, since most of the apps in ubuntu REQUIRE a DE ...16:43
Obsdarkany help would be very apreciated, sorry for write so many lines... please ask any question about you have16:43
ShaunRwhats the name of 13.10?16:43
ubottuUbuntu 13.10 (Saucy Salamander) is the current release of Ubuntu. Download at http://releases.ubuntu.com/13.10 - Read the release notes at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SaucySalamander/ReleaseNotes16:44
sandman13cfhowlett: here's what i have been upto, remove Unity completely and install Cinnamon16:44
ubottuUbuntu 11.10 and higher use GNOME 3 with the !unity shell by default. To use GNOME Shell instead, from 12.10 and up install the "ubuntu-gnome-desktop" package. From 11.04 to 12.04, install the "gnome-shell" package and investigate "gnome-tweak-tool".  For GNOME Fallback mode, which is similar to GNOME 2, install "gnome-panel". Both packages will place entries in the Sessions dropdown. Using Natty? See !classic16:44
cfhowlettsandman13, great.  good luck.16:44
ubottuUnity is the default UI since Ubuntu 11.04.  Unity is a shell for GNOME. see http://unity.ubuntu.com. For a GNOME 2-like experience, see !notunity16:45
ubottuUbuntu 14.04 (Trusty Tahr) will be the 20th release of Ubuntu.  See the announcement at http://www.markshuttleworth.com/archives/1295 for more info. support in #ubuntu+116:45
Segfault_Hello. For some reason I can not add keyservers in seahorse. The only key server type I can select is "custom". It does not matter what I enter into the box, it wont allow me to click Ok16:48
nickhsHey there, I'm trying to find an old package of ubuntu (specifically 23.0). Looking on packages.ubuntu.com turned up only the latest version - does know where I could find that?16:48
nickhssorry I mean old package of firefox (for precise)16:48
cfhowlettnickhs, www.firefox.org16:49
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nickhscfhowlett: I'm looking for the ubuntu debian package with ubuntu specific patches applied16:49
cfhowlettnickhs, perhaps on an older ubuntu.  try 12.04 ...16:50
nickhscfhowlett: I'm on precise...it's been updated to 28.x16:50
cfhowlettnickhs, get the iso.  pull firefox from the source16:51
=== Invisible_Magi[A is now known as Dj_FlyBy
kostkonnickhs, what about here http://old-releases.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/f/  or here http://old-releases.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/m/16:55
cfhowlettkostkon, another good suggestion16:55
nickhskostkon: that's exactly what I was looking for, thanks!16:56
kostkoncfhowlett, yes16:56
kostkonnickhs, np16:56
Sailor7009hi everybody16:56
kostkonSailor7009, hi16:56
exstaseaHello Sailor700916:56
kiatzayeaye sailor16:57
Sailor7009i found tips here to install ubuntu, but unfortunatwly i can't16:57
kiatzSailor7009: Sorry?16:57
Sailor7009extasea and kostkon hi16:57
exstaseaSailor7009: What are you installing from, what device are you instsalling onto, and what is the error?16:57
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Sailor7009HP pavillion win8 built-in16:58
Sailor7009i think is 201316:58
kiatzSailor7009: Are you trying to install fresh or along side?16:58
exstaseaSailor7009: At what stage is it failing? It's hard to fix if we don't know exactly what the problem is.16:59
Sailor7009kiatz: if i do understand you mean dualboot, yes16:59
kiatzSailor7009: You can install from inside windows or from a bootable.16:59
=== cmagina is now known as cmagina-away
cfhowlettkiatz, install from inside windows?  no17:00
Sailor7009exstasea: fail in file load during installation17:00
kiatzSailor7009: So youre trying to dual boot?17:00
kostkonkiatz, not recommended anymore17:00
Sailor7009it creat already a dualboit, but can't load it17:00
kiatzkostkon: I was going to recomend against it.17:01
zooptwoHello, is there a way to have aptitude re-install a services init script?17:01
kostkonkiatz, oh ok then17:01
kiatzkostkon: I have engineers here at work that do it all the time, cocks up windows and causes me a ton of pain.17:01
=== Germanaz0 is now known as Germanaz0|0FF
red_how to make dc hub ?17:01
Sailor7009i think i did inside windows17:02
red_not in windows17:02
red_I wanna run it here in linux.17:02
Sailor7009when the computer start, it shows a dual boot, but can't load a cd17:03
kiatzSailor7009: Well i can help you with the dualboot but somone else is probably better at troubleshooting issues with the along side installs.17:03
cfhowlettSailor7009, standard method is to boot your ubuntu usb and choose "install alongside windows"17:03
Sailor7009i just need help, i can't stand windowa anymore17:03
red_how to make dc++ hub >>>17:04
=== Germanaz0|0FF is now known as Germanaz0
cfhowlettSailor7009, if you no longer want windows, boot ubuntu, run gparted, delete the windows partitions and install ubuntu to the empty HDD17:04
dupingpingplease help me17:05
Sailor7009ok, so once i had a ''fake dualboot already'' what can i do?17:05
kiatzYoure probably better off doing a fresh install of both windows and Ubuntu17:05
ubottudupingping,: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience17:05
dupingpingHow can I use selinux and lightdm on Ubuntu12.0317:05
cfhowlettdupingping, still not recommended - and there IS no 12.03 ubuntu version ...17:05
exstaseadupingping: What is your use case for selinux? This is not going to be easy and I doubt it's simple enough to go over IRC.17:06
red_how to install ptokaX ?17:06
seekerseerwhats the name of that text based browser17:06
dupingpingHow can I use selinux and lightdm on Ubuntu12.0417:06
exstaseaSailor7009: i am not sure i fully understand the problem17:06
=== jack is now known as Guest30947
dupingpingexstasea: what?17:07
exstaseadupingping: what is your use case for selinux? why are you doing it?17:07
llutzdupingping: if you are too dumb to understand the answers and info you've been given here, how do you expect to use selinux? stop trolling17:07
exstaseaSailor7009: How are you installing?17:07
cfhowlettllutz, too harsh ...17:07
dupingpingexstasea: I want to use selinux2.2.1 on Ubuntu12.04.17:08
kostkon!info links2 | seekerseer17:08
ubottuseekerseer: links2 (source: links2): Web browser running in both graphics and text mode. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.7-2ubuntu1 (saucy), package size 1886 kB, installed size 2859 kB17:08
exstaseadupingping: Yes, WHY17:08
llutzcfhowlett: sry, you haven't seen me being harsh yet. ;)17:08
Sailor7009exstasea: i try to install ubuntu first without creating a partition, it create the shortcut for dualboot but can't load cd, says fail something17:08
exstaseaexstasea: You are installing ubuntu from a CD, from a USB or from inside windows8?17:09
dupingpingexstasea: selinux is a secure tool.17:09
Sailor7009very quickly that i can't see the exact error17:09
exstaseadupingping: What feature does Selinux have that you require?17:09
cfhowlettdupingping, 30 minutes ago, everyone you asked told you this was a bad idea and WHY it's a bad idea.17:09
kiatz llutz: *slow clap*17:09
loonix103is $() suppose to be the same as ' '. I'm trying echo $(ls) and it outputs a list directories, When i do echo 'ls' it output ls.'17:09
seekerseerubottu im stuck without gui right now and i want to use the one i used to use years ago, however i cant recall the name anymore, it was well known though17:09
ubottuseekerseer: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)17:09
* seekerseer feels dumb17:09
red_how to install ptokaX ?17:10
ubottuseekerseer,: Some of the Web Browsers in Ubuntu's repositories include: Firefox (XUL, Gecko), Rekonq (KDE, WebKit), Konqueror (KDE, KHTML/WebKit), Chromium (GTK+, WebKit), Epiphany(GTK+, WebKit), Arora (Qt/KDE, WebKit), Midori (GTK+, WebKit), w3m (terminal-based), links2 (terminal-based or graphical, see !manpage), edbrowse (terminal-based). Along with many others.17:10
red_how to install ptokaX ?17:10
ubottured: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/17:10
llutzloonix103: $() equals `` (backticks) not normal ticks ''17:10
ScarClawHello All.17:10
dupingpingexstasea: so, I use it, for security.17:10
exstaseaSailor7009: You are installing ubuntu from a CD, from a USB or from inside windows8?17:10
setho_ghseekerseer: which?17:11
cfhowlett!info selinux17:11
ubottuselinux (source: selinux): Security-Enhanced Linux runtime support. In component universe, is optional. Version 1:0.11 (saucy), package size 10 kB, installed size 82 kB17:11
exstaseadupingping: What specific feature do you think you require from selinux?17:11
dupingpingcfhowlett: You could not help me, be quiet!!!17:11
setho_ghseekerseer: lynx is one17:11
red_dupingping:calm down.17:11
ubottudupingping,: The guidelines for using the Ubuntu channels can be found here: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines17:11
exstaseadupingping: If you don't know what specific thing you need to do that needs selinux, I am going to tell you that you don't need selinux and i'm out of this conversation17:12
setho_ghseekerseer: sudo apt-get install lynx17:12
ubottucfhowlett: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience17:12
zooptwoIs there a way to have a package's original config files etc be restored.  meaning overwrite the current configs.17:12
cfhowlettzooptwo, only way I know is purge and reinstall17:13
dupingpingexstasea: Oh, yes, my boss require that.17:13
zooptwocfhowlett: I have tried that it does not seem to do that.17:13
dupingpingexstasea: I don't know the reason.17:13
kiatzAnyone have DNS knowhow?17:13
zooptwocfhowlett: actually I used remove not pruge is there a difference?17:13
ScarClawI'm trying to install Ubuntu 12.04 LTS over Linux Mint 14 Cinnamon, the problem is the install if failing on the part when I select my location. This is the error I'm getting -  (Installer Crashed) with a small discription indicating that I am to report the problem but when I pursue it this comes up -  (Could not determine the package or source package name). I need to know if this is a Software or Hardware problem and how I can fix it?17:14
dupingpingexstasea: But I must.17:14
red_I wanna run a DC++ hub using ptokaX or something but I am unable to install it ;(17:14
llutzzooptwo: "remove" won't remove configs17:14
zooptwoAwesome thanks.17:14
cfhowlettScarClaw, perhaps run gparted from ubuntu to delete and free the mint partitions before you assign them to ubuntu17:15
red_I wanna run a DC++ hub using ptokaX or something but I am unable to install it ;(17:15
llutzzooptwo: sudo dpkg --force-confmiss -i /path/to/the/original.deb17:15
llutzzooptwo: in most cases /var/cache/apt/archives/  if you haven't cleared debs (apt-get clean)17:17
kiatz cfhowlett> ScarClaw> Or a DiskWipe17:17
ScarClawcfhowlett: Is that the reason, I am not familiar with running gparted so would you mind guiding me through?17:17
exstaseaScarClaw: cant you use the installer to do the partitioning?17:18
cfhowlettScarClaw, boot ubuntu > run gparted > navigate to the HDD > kill the offending partitions17:18
zooptwollutz: Thanks agian.17:18
red_I wanna run a DC++ hub using ptokaX or something but I am unable to install it ;(17:18
ScarClawcfhowlett: Should I delete all three partitions?17:19
red_how to install ptokaX ?Plz help me ?17:20
cfhowlettcfhowlett, can't hurt.  I'm assuming here that you're being EXTRA careful to avoid touching windows on a dualboot?17:20
ubottured_,: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/17:20
=== jim is now known as Guest10379
ScarClawcfhowlett: Ah and how do I delete the partitions in gparted?, I have no dual boot for this machine.17:21
cfhowlettScarClaw, select with gparted and kill em17:22
OerHeks!info ptokaX | red_17:22
ubottured_: Package ptokaX does not exist in saucy17:22
red_i am using xubuntu17:22
cfhowlettred_, 13.10?17:22
OerHeksred_, is it available in xubuntu repository's ?17:23
cfhowlettred_, nope17:23
ScarClawcfhowlett: Pardon me, I have Gparted Partition Editor open but I cannot kill or do anything to the partitions as they appear to be locked. Am I doing something wrong?17:24
red_Can I run it on playonlinux.It will work ?(ptokaX)17:24
cfhowlettScarClaw, probably not.17:25
cfhowlettScarClaw, what are your computer specs?17:25
cfhowlett!wine|red_, see wine support for ptokax17:26
ubottured_, see wine support for ptokax: WINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux - More information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine - Search the !AppDB for application compatibility ratings - Join #winehq for application help - See !virtualizers for running Windows (or another OS) inside Ubuntu17:26
OerHeksScarClaw, are you running gparted from live cd? as the disk needs to be unmounted and not in use17:26
ScarClawcfhowlett: Intel Core 2 Duo Compac, 3GB Ram17:27
ScarClawOerHeks: I am currently talking to you off a Live CD.17:27
cfhowlettScarClaw, per oerheks note: dismount (!) the hdd17:27
ScarClawcfhowlett: Oh yes its giving me options, now to delete the partitions?17:28
cfhowlettScarClaw, yep17:28
cfhowlett!cookie|OerHeks,   thanks for that.  I completely forgot17:28
ubottuOerHeks,   thanks for that.  I completely forgot: Wow! You're such a great helper, you deserve a cookie!17:28
emrahhi guys     yoshimi crash 3 times  what shall i do17:29
ScarClawcfhowlett: Okay deleted but the /dev/sda2 cant be deleted (3GB)?17:30
red_emrah: Which version You are using ?17:31
cfhowlettScarClaw, /sda2 is your usb I think17:31
cfhowlettScarClaw, as in don't touch17:31
ScarClawOerHeks: Yes thanks, have another cookie17:31
cfhowlettScarClaw, sda1 should be your HDD and should be - what? - 250 gigs?17:32
ScarClawcfhowlett: 146 GB - That partition has a Linux Swap as /dev/sda5 in it17:33
cfhowlettScarClaw, you can leave the swap17:33
ScarClawcfhowlett: Okay so I may continue on with the installation? (It will work this time right?)17:34
cfhowlettScarClaw, fingers crossed ...17:34
Pinkamena_Dcan I somehow give libreoffice calc less priority so that typing 'calc' in the dash search and pressing enter will bring up the calculator?17:36
ScarClawcfhowlett: Much obliged!, Ah if you don't mind me asking for learning perposes why would the Linux Mint be a problem when Ubuntu should simply format it and install?17:36
emrahunsufficient language support !  is that supposed to worry about17:36
Pinkamena_D(it does not seem to remember that I use the calculator much more often)17:37
cfhowlettScarClaw, such knowledge is above my pay grade - IOW I have no idea.17:37
KorkelHello my friends!17:37
joejoem3Hello, I don't know where else to go for help with this, but I have a chromecast and i just installed the chromecast extension in my chrome browser and whenever i cast a tab onto my televison everything works fine, the sound works, and there is little to no lag, but whenever I try to put a video in full screen in the tab, it just goes to black, but the sound still works and I hear the video?17:37
Pinkamena_Dwhat is your question?17:40
cfhowlettemrah, Ms Cleo and the other telepaths are out to lunch so you have to actually describe the problem if yo want help17:40
ScarClawcfhowlett: Okay then if this is the last you hear from me then I have succeed, if not I shall return seeking your knowlage. Thank you for your time and help. :)17:40
cfhowlettScarClaw, best of luck!17:40
=== canis is now known as Guest80079
joejoem3I am having a problem with my chromecast17:40
Guest80079i am new user her17:40
ScarClawcfhowlett: I will need it - Computers bite.17:41
Guest80079i don't know anything17:41
joejoem3I think it maybe has something to do with chrome in linux?17:41
Pinkamena_Dyou dont know...anything?17:41
Guest80079can anyone help me??17:41
cfhowlettjoejoem3, could be.  see chromse support17:41
=== cmagina-away is now known as cmagina
cfhowlettGuest80079, you haven't stated your problem17:41
joejoem3Could i have a link plz17:41
emrahunsufficient language support !17:41
OerHeksjoejoem3, you need the next ubuntu 14.04 for that, but support for the beta version is in #ubuntu+117:42
Guest80079i have problem opening facebook page.17:42
=== cmagina is now known as cmagina-away
Guest80079It didn't open properly.17:42
cfhowlettGuest80079, if the only page that's flutzing is FB then it's probably a FB issue not ubuntu17:42
Guest80079what can i do to make facebook run in ubuntu 12.04?17:42
loonix103any idea why my computer dosnt beep when i type this in: sleep 10; echo "Time's up" $'\a'17:43
Guest80079before i first install ubuntu, everything is going well in facebook but after few weeks, this had happen. didn't open facebook page17:43
The_EvilGuest80079: what browser?17:44
Guest80079i have tested in both firefox as well as chromium.17:45
Guest80079both didn't work17:45
cfhowlettGuest80079, ONLY facebook is failing?17:45
The_EvilGuest80079: any message of error?17:45
Guest80079no message of error17:45
Guest80079but i can show you how it looks17:45
Guest80079but here how to send screen photo?17:46
Guest80079i will capture and send it to u17:46
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.17:46
ScarClawcfhowlett: I am sad to be back, the install is still crashing. Do you have any other sugestions?17:46
cfhowlettScarClaw, same error?17:46
The_EvilScarClaw: what is crashing?17:47
ScarClawcfhowlett: The very same as well as the location17:47
Guest80079How to send picture ?17:47
jaequeryis it okay to power off the server thats in middle of a drive format using mkfs.ext4? i am in a hurry to move the server out and want to finish it later.17:47
ScarClawThe_Evil: My install of Ubuntu 12.0417:47
jaequeryit wont damage the drive correct? i can always format it later w/o problems?17:47
Guest80079i wanna show how it looks when i open faceboook page?17:47
cfhowlettThe_Evil, he's trying to install ubuntu over mint but it keeps jamming17:47
The_EvilGuest80079: http://imagebin.org/?page=add17:48
ScarClawcfhowlett: There is no Mint now17:48
jaequeryanyone ?17:48
Pinkamena_Djae, cant you at least ctrl+c that process or something17:48
The_EvilScarClaw: what CPU?17:49
cfhowlettjaequery, "probably" not  ...17:49
jaequeryctrl c not doing anything17:49
chuyfelis dia17:49
ScarClawThe_Evil: Intel Core 2 Duo - 3GB Ram17:49
ubottuEn la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y presione intro.17:49
The_EvilScarClaw: and GPU?17:50
Pinkamena_DI would say if you really need to at least kill the process and allow the server to shut down normally, but maybe I am old fashined17:50
ScarClawThe_Evil: GPU?17:50
The_Evilgraphic card17:50
Guest80079ok i have uploaded picture.17:50
ScarClawThe_Evil: Uh not too sure actually, you want me to check (I need the code to put into the terminal)17:51
The_EvilScarClaw: yes, use the paste to see it17:52
kostkonScarClaw, lspci | grep -i vga17:52
The_EvilScarClaw: see the kostkon code17:53
Guest80079Did you get my picture screen?17:53
cfhowlettGuest80079, did you post the url?17:53
ScarClawkostkon: Thanks, I knew it was something like that which I would not remember :)17:53
bekksGuest80079: No. You have to give us the URL of your im image upload :)17:53
The_EvilGuest80079: not yet17:53
kostkonScarClaw, np17:53
Guest80079here it is17:54
bekksGuest80079: which plugins are installed in chromium?17:54
The_Evilseems a plugin is breaking the css17:55
=== Havenstance2 is now known as Havenstance
sydneyDoes anyone know how to use this http://www.ebay.com/itm/350699133529?ssPageName=STRK:MEWAX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1423.l2649 in ubuntu?17:55
Guest80079i don't know17:55
kiatzadblock does that to me somtimes.17:55
ScarClawThe_Evil: http://paste.ubuntu.com/7131819/17:55
The_EvilI have adblock, and it doesn't17:55
Guest80079how to see which plugins are installed or not?17:56
Guest80079in firefox, shockwave flash are installed.17:56
The_EvilScarClaw: ok, do you use 64 bits iso or 32?17:56
bekkssydney: which chipset does that device have?17:56
ScarClawThe_Evil: I think 64 bit17:57
sydneybekks: I do not know? I was thinking of buying it to do some videos.17:57
The_EvilScarClaw: ok, you are triyng install mint then?17:57
ScarClawThe_Evil: But thiis computer ran Ubuntu 10.04 on 64 bit17:57
raj__tomcat7 by default installs openjdk, however I would run tomcat using already installed Oracle JRE, should I leave the  openjdk that will come along with tomcat as it is (I have seen that trying to uninstall openjdk also uninstalls tomcat7) Is there any harm in leaving it incase I dont wish to use it? (avoiding uninstall just because it is leading to complexities )17:57
ScarClawThe_Evil: No, I am moving back to Ubuntu17:57
ScarClawThe_Evil: Trying17:58
The_EvilScarClaw: and when it's crashing? installer screen?17:58
sydneybekks: I wasn't sure If I could use it like a webcam.17:58
The_Eviltrying* my bad :)17:58
ScarClawThe_Evil: Its crashing at the part where you select your country location.17:59
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The_EvilScarClaw: screen stuck? (nothing happen)?17:59
Guest80079what to do?18:00
Guest80079do u get my picture?18:00
ScarClawThe_Evil: Ah no it attempts to load into the option to choose the location and then the error pops up saying the installation has crashed and to report it. When I go ahead to report it that comes up with another error with the only option of closing.18:01
The_EvilGuest80079: make a backup of firefox with mv .mozilla mf18:01
ScarClawThe_Evil: After that it just goes back to the desktop.18:01
Guest80079then what to do after that?18:01
The_EvilScarClaw: ok, do you know the alternate cd?18:02
The_EvilGuest80079: open firefox (it will open with new config) to test if works18:02
ScarClawThe_Evil: alternate cd?18:02
bekkssydney: you cant, because it isnt a camera.18:02
The_EvilScarClaw: yes, installation in text mode like win xp18:03
sydneybekks: Well I wasn't sure because it is a video in device.18:03
The_Evilthat iso is for exceptions18:03
The_EvilScarClaw: I will send you the iso18:03
Guest80079how to take backup of firefox ?18:03
bekkssydney: It is an SVHS Video to USB converter. Not a camera.18:03
The_EvilGuest80079: mv .mozilla mf18:04
The_EvilScarClaw: 12.04 lts?18:04
ScarClawThe_Evil: Unfortunately I can't say I do, what exactly does it entail?18:04
ScarClawThe_Evil: 12.04 LTS yes18:04
sydneybekks: I get it,but how do I get it to work?18:04
bekkssydney: you cant get it to work as a camera.18:04
The_EvilScarClaw: it does install ubuntu in text mode (after start in normal mode) it's for excepcional cases18:05
Guest80079what to do with this mv .mozilla mf18:05
sydneybekks:  I get that to,that is what you said.18:05
Guest80079i don't know how to take backup18:05
The_EvilGuest80079: nothing, just mv .mozilla mf (don't delete mf folder)18:05
ScarClawThe_Evil: Am I an exceptional case?. I am not exactly an advance user.18:05
sydneybekks: Or would this be easier to configure. http://www.ebay.com/itm/NEW-HP-ASUS-Media-Center-TV-Tuner-FM-PVR-PCI-Card-P-N-5188-4214-/250891893743?pt=US_Video_Capture_TV_Tuner_Cards&hash=item3a6a527bef18:06
The_EvilScarClaw: http://releases.ubuntu.com/precise/ubuntu-12.04.4-alternate-amd64.iso18:06
bekkssydney: Thats not a camera either.18:06
bekkssydney: Both devices have nothing to do with acting as a webcam.18:06
bekkssydney: So what do you really want to do with those devices?18:07
The_EvilScarClaw: it's easy, just next next..18:07
sydneyI know but I don't want a webcam,I want a video in port so I can record tapes to digital format.18:07
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ScarClawThe_Evil: The other thing is that my internet is slow (The perks of a third world country) which means it will only be done in about 4 - 8 hours.18:07
bekkssydney: you said: < sydney> bekks: I wasn't sure If I could use it like a webcam18:08
bekkssydney: that doesnt match with your last post.18:08
The_EvilScarClaw: to download the cd?18:08
ScarClawThe_Evil: Can I not install it with this live CD I currently have?18:08
ScarClawThe_Evil: Yes to download 744 MB18:08
ScarClawThe_Evil: And 4 hours is fast :D18:09
The_Evilis too slow lol18:09
The_EvilScarClaw: do you use manual partition or auto?18:09
sydneybekks:  (you are getting me mixed up!) I didn't know if its video-in was very similar to a webcam?18:10
ScarClawThe_Evil: Yeah I am ashamed,  use the auto but I have used the manual before. I would just need to be refreshed of the exact partitions and their settings.18:11
The_EvilScarClaw: do you have important files?18:11
sydneybekks: How about lets restart and i'll ask you the right question from the start.18:11
ScarClawThe_Evil: Specify important files?18:12
ScarClawThe_Evil: Personal or Software related18:12
The_Evilsoftware doesn't matter18:12
brontosHey all, in UbuntuGnome I try to change the gtk theme but the window title bars are not changing.  Anyone might know why?18:12
ScarClawThe_Evil: Ah thats long gone after the first attempt, its currently an empty hard drive so there is no fear of loss of data - All backed up.18:13
The_Evilah ok, better18:13
The_Evilthen open the disk utility18:14
sydneyDoes anyone know how to use this http://www.ebay.com/itm/350699133529?ssPageName=STRK:MEWAX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1423.l2649 in ubuntu? Any help would be appreciated.18:14
The_Eviland create a new table18:14
The_Evilto clean the hd18:14
The_Evilsydney: yes, it's a video capture18:14
The_EvilI have one18:14
sydneyHow do you use it?18:15
sydneyThe_Evil:  how do you use it?18:15
The_Evilsydney: it's original easycap or a imitation?18:15
=== Korkel_AFK is now known as Korkel
ScarClawThe_Evil: Create new table? - are you referring to formating it?18:16
sydneyThe_Evil: I am not sure,they should be both the same.18:16
The_EvilScarClaw: a new table (clean all partition)18:16
The_Evilsydney: with vlc if you are an original you can play it18:16
The_Evilif you are an imitation I don't think so18:17
sydneyI have vlc,but how do I get it to work?18:17
The_Evilin the open menu18:17
ScarClawThe_Evil: Its one big partition - Should I go a head and delete it?18:17
The_EvilScarClaw: yes, make sure it's the hard drive and not other device18:18
sydneyThe_Evil: How do I record it though?18:18
The_Evilsydney: gameplay?18:19
sydneyThe_Evil:  vlc doesn't record?18:19
The_EvilI don't sure, I don't think so (I don't use vlc) but with recordmydesktop you can18:20
ScarClawThe_Evil: Okay I have deleted it and is completely free - there is /dev/sda2 and /dev/sda5 (Extended and Linux swap partition). Do they go too?18:21
sydneyThe_Evil: What is gameplay?18:22
UmeaboyKeyboard-layout is wrong. How do I change it? locale says that its correct.18:22
The_EvilScarClaw: yes, swap too18:22
UmeaboyCharacters arent in the same place as the key pressed.18:23
The_Evilsydney: people that record games while playing18:23
UmeaboyI use Swedish as language.18:23
UmeaboyIts systemwide.18:25
=== wojciech is now known as Guest76960
humbagUmeaboy: does command setxkbmap fix it temporarily18:26
Umeaboyhumbag: Nope.18:27
MercuryIs there a specific channel for discussion of issues in 14.04?18:28
llutzMercury:  #ubuntu+118:28
ScarClawThe_Evil: I must be doing something wrong - http://paste.ubuntu.com/7131990/18:29
humbagsorry i meant setxkbmap se , also sudo dpkg-reconfigure keyboard-configuration , but i don't know the clickable way18:29
UmeaboyThat fixes it temporarily.18:30
UmeaboyAs it seems.18:30
The_EvilScarClaw: wow, 3GB for swap?18:30
UmeaboyI can type å, ä and ö on the right keys.18:30
ScarClawThe_Evil: Thats what the Linux Mint recommended - Whats wrong with it when the RAM is the same?18:31
The_EvilScarClaw: 3 is too much18:31
The_EvilScarClaw: you have a partition mounted?18:31
llutzScarClaw: that much swap is only useful, if you use hibernation18:32
ScarClawThe_Evil: I was told by the support that it ether has to much the current ram or be double it?18:32
ScarClawllutz: I do from time to time18:33
The_Evilif you don't use hibernation, with 1 or 2GB is enought18:33
llutzScarClaw: in that case your swap has to be >= RAM18:33
monsunehow can you force a read-only file system to mount as rw?18:33
mithran_how can i make my ubuntu booting and shutdown faste18:33
ScarClawllutz: Not double?18:33
mithran_how can i make my ubuntu booting and shutdown faster18:33
llutzScarClaw: no18:33
gazzwi86I'mtrying to limit an ftp user to their own directory and stop them seeing all other directories.  But if I add the user to the /etc/vsftpd.chroot_list then I cnt login with them at all18:34
ScarClawThe_Evil: I don't see anything else mounted, the hard drive is not mounted18:34
yeyemanwhat is the name of the font which has a white middle with black outlining of characters?18:34
The_EvilScarClaw: umount the partitions and delete all18:34
gazzwi86I have chroot_list_enable=YES set18:34
The_EvilScarClaw: are you sure?18:34
monsuneno way to remount a / read-only filesystem as rw? when i try to mount -o remount,rw / it just stays read-only and all i want is to edit a single fstab entry... any ideas?18:35
ScarClawThe_Evil: Well I think so, I have the Drive selected and its not mounted and those other two partitions only give me the option of deleting it which is failing as you saw?18:36
The_Evilmonsune: use nano18:36
Bashing-ommonsune: Why is the file system mounting "read only" is the better question.18:36
yeyemanlibre office = babby toy program18:36
FapFlopDoes this include settings/preferences? http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=3508718:36
monsuneThe_Evil i can't edit fstab because the fs is read-only18:36
The_Evilmonsune: use sudo18:36
monsuneBashing-om it's a virtual guest which failed to switch to virtio drivers for hdd18:36
The_EvilScarClaw: ok, let's try so18:37
monsuneThe_Evil i'm root18:37
ScarClawThe_Evil: And the swap is giving me the option to edit?18:37
BeldarFapFlop, From 2005, there are easier ways.18:37
ScarClawThe_Evil: So we continue with those partitions s they are?18:37
FapFlopBeldar: Link?18:37
monsunecan i pass some option at boot time so this pos boots up as rw?18:38
The_Evilnew partitions (when you are in the screen partition)18:38
BeldarFapFlop, What is the end goal, and the tools you have?18:38
The_Evilmonsune: chmod 75518:38
monsuneThe_Evil do you understand that the file system is read-only?18:39
De5c3ntOMG someone is making a Descent styled shooter for Linux!!! If you love linux, please help get this greenlight http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=11107501418:39
FapFlopBeldar: I'm reinstalling Ubuntu tonight (x64 -> x86) and would rather not go through all of the setup BS again. I'm new. :(18:39
Beldar!spam | De5c3nt18:39
ubottuDe5c3nt: Please don't spam18:39
ScarClawThe_Evil: I have the empty partition selected18:40
The_EvilScarClaw: fisrt swap, 1gb18:41
monsune1GB is actually nothing...18:41
The_Evilis enought18:41
i5150pcHello, I've encountered a problem after installation of Ubuntu Server. it doesn't boot with the error "Read Error", How may I fix this?18:41
monsuneit's not enough18:41
The_Evilwhy not? only if you use hibernation need more18:42
BeldarFapFlop, I use clonezilla http://clonezilla.org/18:42
ScarClawThe_Evil: Ah what about the existing one that does not want to be deleted? By the way there is more to the error which I discovered?18:42
raj__what does this command do:   "dpkg --force-depends --purge openjdk-6-jre-headless openjdk-6-jre-lib icedtea-6-jre-jvmvm"  ?18:42
monsuneScarClaw that guy seems to be trolling you18:42
monsunesame as he did to me18:42
The_EvilScarClaw: delete, and create the new 1GB18:43
The_Evilmonsune: you are the only troll here18:43
ScarClawmonsune: in what way?18:43
monsuneScarClaw don't trust this guy's advices or you will end up with broken stuff18:43
monsuneThe_Evil stop it now.18:43
ScarClawThe_Evil: It won't delete18:43
The_EvilScarClaw: ok, then create / and /home18:44
llutzraj__: it will purge the given packages and if they were needed as dependencies, it will only warn you about18:44
raj__llutz: thanks.. will it warn me before purge or just leaves a message that there's an unsatisfied dependency ??18:45
ScuniziI'm trying to get Audacity to record an audio stream on a web conference with no success.. It seems no combination of Pulse "Recording" settings or Audacity input sources will do it.. any ideas?18:45
ScarClawThe_Evil: What type? - / and /home are the names.18:45
llutzraj__: the latter18:45
monsuneScunizi alsa18:45
raj__llutz: thanks!18:45
The_EvilScarClaw: the / is de root partition (for the system) and /home is for your user18:46
llutzraj__: better to purge them without the --force-stuff first18:46
robert[con]any of you using the Ubuntu phone? is there anyway to sync with my ActiveSync contacts? :)18:47
Scunizimonsune: can you clarify?18:47
raj__llutz: I am trying to purge them using apt-get purge however that leads to uninstalling tomcat as well(actually they all were installed by tomcat7 package).. I want to remove them(all openjdk stuff) as I would use Oracle jre ..18:48
awakecodinghi, I have a weird issue on a fresh ubuntu 13.10 64-bit installation. I want to manually install Qt5 for both 64-bit and 32-bit on this system from the prebuilt packages. When trying to execute the installer, all I get is "bash: ./qt-opensource-linux-x86-5.2.1.run: No such file or directory"18:48
awakecodingbut the file is there18:48
raj__llutz: I want to remove openjdk* & keep oracle jre for tomcat7 package..18:48
llutzraj__: install oracle jre first, then remove openjdk18:48
Beldar!touch | robert[con]18:48
ubotturobert[con]: Information about the Ubuntu Touch platform for Phone and Tablet is available here https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch support and discussion in #ubuntu-touch18:48
awakecodingmaybe I'm missing some 32-bit dependencies that aren't installed by default on a 64-bit system18:48
awakecodingany tips?18:48
Scuniziawakecoding: I think the library is ia32libs... if you haven't tried that already.18:49
Walexawakecoding: don't do it.18:49
sarthorIs there any pdf editor that I can install on my Ubuntu?18:49
Walexsarthor: yes.18:50
The_Evilsarthor: libreoffice18:50
ScarClawThe_Evil: Okay so I set them to Ext4 yeah?18:50
The_EvilScarClaw: yes18:50
raj__llutz: I did exactly that but since oracle jre wasn't installed via apt-get(as there is no package for oracle java) hence manually installed oracle jre is not being recognised by apt-get & when I remove openjdk it assumes there is no other jdk/jre .. though  I properly configured via update-alternatives..18:50
sarthorWalex: what is that, trying libreofice also.18:50
Scunizisarthor: you want to annotate? Xournal18:50
llutzraj__: ah ok18:50
ScarClawThe_Evil: What size am I dedicating to them?18:51
The_EvilScarClaw: to / 10GB is enought18:51
Walexsarthor: there are several, GUI and command line. None do a full job because PDF is not en editable format...18:51
The_Evilto /home you choice18:51
ScarClawThe_Evil: Home is everything else, no other partitions?18:51
The_EvilScarClaw: no, just that18:52
llutzraj__: isn't there any ppa for oracle jre which would install a clean java-env?18:52
awakecodinghum... answering my own question. sudo apt-get install libc6-i386 gets me further18:52
otherflowhi, does anyone know a "tips of the day" application which can be integrate to a graphical session startup ?18:52
ScarClawThe_Evil: So just / and /home - No swap?18:53
Walexotherflow: what does that mean?18:53
ScarClawThe_Evil: or others18:53
raj__llutz: ppa is there.. webupd8 ppa but that is for jdk not for jre... I think thus I am only left with the "dpkg --force-depends --purge" option as atleast it does not remove tomcat7.. I hope that wont anyway lead my system into some bad state as unsatisfied dependecies if left may be sorted by apt-get -f install no ?18:53
awakecodingWalex: don't do it is not very helpful. I'm setting up a single VM to build for both 32-bit and 64-bit18:53
The_EvilScarClaw: yes, the swap too18:53
awakecodingI already managed to do that correctly on Fedora18:53
The_EvilScarClaw: continue18:54
llutzraj__: apt-get -f install should correct most of any problems. still, good luck18:54
Wizari removed geforce 650, and switched pc to sandy bridge, however i have trouble booting, kdm logins to black screen, logining with gdm results in revert to login screen,  is there a command in ubuntu to udate GPU config as if i have a new system?18:55
ScarClawThe_Evil: How much to swap? (3GB) And for / can I go lower than 10GB?18:55
Walexawakecoding: you have the right to do what you want, but using non-".deb" packages is something that has numerous disadvantages.18:55
raj__llutz: thanks... or what do you think should I be installing a jdk when jre is enough for me just for the sake of using a ppa ? any idea on jdk/jres ? :)18:55
WalexWizar: yes. Boot in recovery mode first.18:55
The_EvilScarClaw: yes, to swap 1GB and / you can 7 or what you want (the standar is 10)18:56
WalexWizar: but note that the black screen may be due to a kernel too old wrt to the GPU chip in your Intel CPU.18:56
otherflowWalex, i need a "tip of the day" on gnome startup18:56
awakecodingWalex: I am perfectly aware of this, and yes, this is still what I want to do.18:56
llutzraj__: the ppa would install a lot of useless stuff with the jdk but has the benefit of a clean installation. its your choice, hdd-space vs comfort18:56
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otherflowWalex, like this : http://kmymoney2.sourceforge.net/online-manual/tipofday.png18:56
awakecodingI'm in the early stages of a beta of my proprietary application I am shipping with its own build of Qt5. I do intend to come up with proper packages later on though18:57
awakecodingthis is why I'm using prebuilt Qt5, as I'm using the very latest version of Qt5. my stuff can run on Ubuntu 12.0418:57
craigbass1976Anyone noticed a delay with printing from java web apps?  Our ERP prints a merchant and customer copy, and there's a wicked delay between the two.  No such delay on a windows xp box.18:57
raj__llutz: yes.. thanks!!18:57
Walexawakecoding: to manage well the perils of non-".deb" packages one needs a level of sysadm under which one does not have to ask questions about dependencies. For example, are you aware of 'equiv' pseudopackages?18:57
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Walexotherflow: there are some good tech/sysadm oriented "fortune" files18:58
awakecodingWalex: nope, but if you're got a link, I'll look at it18:58
llutz!info java-package18:58
ubottujava-package (source: java-package): Utility for creating Java Debian packages. In component multiverse, is optional. Version 0.52 (saucy), package size 15 kB, installed size 83 kB18:58
ScarClawThe_Evil: Okay listen I now have two swaps, that does not seem right? - Should I just use the one that wont delete?18:58
WalexScarClaw: the Linux kernel can use several swaps in parallel.18:59
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otherflowWalex, "fortune" ?18:59
llutzraj__: ^^  see ubottu , maybe that is a way to get a clean jre18:59
The_EvilScarClaw: ok, then leave one18:59
The_Evilnot two18:59
Walexotherflow: an ancient UNIX traditions. As always you can use 'apt-cache search ....'19:00
The_Evilif won't delete, leave19:00
awakecodingWalex: while you are at it, how would one properly ship Qt5 with an app for distribution on the ubuntu software center with compatibility back to 12.04, which didn't have Qt5?19:00
ScarClawThe_Evil: Then perhaps I should format or is it fine as is?19:00
Walexotherflow: try for example 'apt-cache search fortunes'19:00
otherflowWalex, ok ok19:00
Walexawakecoding: with a PPA....19:00
raj__llutz: thanks will have a look19:00
The_EvilScarClaw: fine, after installation you can resize19:01
gazzwi86why is my chrooted ftp user not able to login? I'm getting a -203 error19:01
Walexawakecoding: with a PPA. and a backport.19:01
awakecodingWalex: is there a "proper" Qt5 ppa backported to 12.04 that I could rely on?19:01
ScarClawThe_Evil: Sorry what I meant was Format the swap that does not allow me to delete it or leave it as it is?19:01
awakecodingand by Qt5, I mean the latest, 5.2.119:01
Walexawakecoding: you could create ones...19:01
awakecodingor I can just bundle a custom stripped build with my app19:02
The_EvilScarClaw: no, is not neccesary format it19:02
Walexawakecoding: it is entirely possible for example to create a '.deb' from a binary19:02
The_EvilScarClaw: leave as it is19:02
awakecodingI know19:02
IznougoudI've recently upgraded from Ubuntu Server 13.04 to Ubuntu Server 13.10. After the upgrade I can't access password protected web directories on the Apache2 server for some reason. Any info on that?19:03
Walexawakecoding: some applications like Firefox ship their own set of '.so' files in their own little directory, this might be a somewhat dirty option.19:03
ScarClawThe_Evil: Okay so I have a / - 10GB, Swap - 3GB and the rest /home. Is that it?19:04
awakecodingright now what I have is a script that builds all my stuff, fixes rpaths, copies binaries dependencies in an isolated prefix. for Qt5, I decided I could probably just install them in lib/<myapp> to avoid conflicts with the rest, and have my own stripped down build of Qt5 used only by my app19:04
The_EvilScarClaw: yes19:04
awakecodingso I could eventually build a proper .deb that would have dependency information and all the rest that could be installed on a system without conflicting with the rest19:04
luckydbwhat to learn python 2.x or 3.x ? :)19:05
Walexawakecoding: that would be nice.19:07
ScarClawThe_Evil: okay then we can proceed. The 3GB Extended partition is of use or not (It won't delete ether?)19:07
Walexawakecoding: probably you can scavenge an existing Qt5 source package and just replace the souces with the latest wiht some tweaking...19:07
The_EvilScarClaw: yes, is in use, but after you cant resize :)19:08
awakecodingWalex: I've already got some scripts here to make my own build. Qt5 can be quite big, I want to strip it down as much as possible19:11
alex116I need help with a macbook pro 3.1, installing a bootloader. I would like to know how and where to install the required software for it to boot via efi19:11
Scunizialex116: hummm... you might try a mac channel19:13
daftykinsalex116: pretty sure there's tonnes of info on how to do mac installs on either askubuntu or the forums19:14
Walexalex116: plenty of HOWTOs on the web19:14
madghostI want using ISC DHCP sertver for 20K users, will it be work for that count of users? Also I want matching IP and MAC addresses for every users.19:15
exstaseaalex116: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MacBook19:15
bekksmadghost: Of course it will work on that scale. Just ensure your hardware is capable of the load. And if you want reserved IP adresses for every user - why do you want DHCP at all? Why dont you just use static IPs then?19:17
alex116yes thank you. I have made the experience that the /efi/boot folders aren't even installed and only /boot/grub exists.19:18
phasipIf I want to dm-crypt two disks I understand the common way is to have the key to the other disk in the root partition. But this means that if my root disk breaks I won't be able to decrypt my home disk right?19:19
madghostfor static IP needs a lot of hand work of engeeners. I want a billing to give IP for some user and write it to config of ISC DHCP server.19:19
madghostdhcp for automatization of process.19:20
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madghostWe don't want to setting up every modems of users. It had in past, now we use PPPoE, but it is very aweful technology at all.19:21
madghostsorry for my bad English (19:21
bekksmadghost: Just use DHCP, and a very long lease time. No need to write mac adresses to any configs.19:21
madghostbilling has to know IP address of any users at any time, for intelligence agency19:23
madghostit is condition.19:23
bekksThen billing should learn to read the dhcp server logs where that information is stored.19:23
bekksNo need to configure that manually.19:23
RealKillazgenst question suddenly I can not connect anymore with ssh on my server running ubuntu 10.0419:24
RealKillazI get an error when ssh19:25
bekksRealKillaz: Which error...? :P19:25
RealKillazbekks, I'm pastebin for you19:25
RealKillazI will*19:25
madghostI don't want to configure in manually, I want to write script for that, just add some string into dhcpd.conf file host user_id { hardware ethernet 01:02:03:04:05:06; fixed-address; }19:25
madghostfor example19:25
bekksmadghost: No need for that with an infinite lease time.19:25
madghostbekks: out billing is very stupid program ( and tech support are lazy for doing this. (19:26
bekksmadghost: Then script the log analysis instead, not the server configuration.19:26
bekksmadghost: That would make much more sense.19:26
RealKillazbekks, http://paste.ubuntu.com/7132283/19:27
madghostisc has log about every connects macs and ips?19:27
bekksmadghost: Configure the logging as you need it.19:28
madghostoh, thank you19:28
madghostI will try19:28
bekksRealKillaz: So what did you do before on that computer?19:28
rootFrankhello everyone i'm new on this distro i have a problem installing a skype19:29
bekks!skype | rootFrank19:29
ubotturootFrank: To install Skype on Ubuntu, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Skype - To record on Skype, check: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SkypeRecordingHowto - Please use open protocols instead if you can, see !Ekiga19:29
RealKillazbekks, nothing19:31
RealKillazjust logged out couple of days ago19:32
RealKillazwithout doing anything..19:32
RealKillazjust check the server health etc19:32
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RealKillazI can connect tough via another user...19:32
bekksRealKillaz: I am talking about the computer you are using ssh from, not to.19:32
rootFrankhello friends,i'm using backtrack 5 is't the same on ubunto?19:33
bekksrootFrank: Thats a question for the backtrack support, not for Ubuntu.19:33
RealKillazbekks, I can connect from the same machine with another user without any problem...19:33
RealKillazand my colleague has same problem from his machine...19:33
OerHeksrootFrank, ubuntu does not provide backtrack19:33
xtbmanis there a way to check the status of all USB ports on a machine?19:33
RealKillazbekks, when connecting to this server19:33
RealKillazbekks, and other servers are fine19:34
bekksxtbman: Which status in particular?19:34
RealKillazbekks, that's why I think it is related with this specific server19:34
bekksRealKillaz: that dump shows that you have a problem on the computer you are using ssh from.19:34
xtbmanbekks I just bought a Chromebook, and it appears that the USB 3.0 port isn't working. So, I was hoping I could somehow get information via Ubuntu as to whether the port is disabled, damaged, or something19:35
RealKillazbekks, ok. So that means that my colleague and me has same issue..19:35
RealKillazbekks, connecting to the same machine19:35
bekksxtbman: how do you try to "get it working"?19:35
RealKillazbekks, two different machines we're connecting from19:35
rootFrankoh,sorry thanks for reply..so backtrack has also have like this chat environment?19:36
xtbmanbekks I plugged in a USB mouse and a USB flash drive. Neither are recognized. They work fine with the USB 2.0 port.19:36
bekks!backtrack | rootFrank19:36
ubotturootFrank: Ubuntu channels can only provide support for Ubuntu itself, as other distributions and derivatives have repository and software changes. Please consult their websites for more information. Examples: gNewSense (support in #gnewsense), Linux Mint (see !mint), kali-linux (#kali-linux), CrunchBang (support in #crunchbang), BackTrack (support in #backtrack-linux)19:36
rootFrankok thanks bekks and ubottu...19:37
USBUserHi / bonjour / hola19:37
bekksxtbman: thats most likely because they just dont support usb3 - and it is a fairy tale that usb3 is fully compatibly down to usb119:37
xtbmanbekks ok I'm going to check a few more devices19:37
bekksxtbman: use a usb3 device, in first instance.19:38
xtbmanbekks is there a certain command I can issue in Ubuntu to check whether the USB ports are functioning properly?19:39
USBUserI need an easy information about USB installation. Ijust want to have an Ubuntu installation on my USB key. I could boot on it but I can not save my work : New installation program, configuration, etc. Can somebody help me a little ?19:40
bekksxtbman: No, because thats technically impossible.19:40
xtbmanbekks strange. It's possible in Windows. Oh well19:40
bekksxtbman: No, it isnt. Windows just shows you the driver state, nothing else.19:40
bekksxtbman: And that basically tells you nothing about the hardware state.19:41
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xtbmanbekks, if a port is damaged, in Windows it doesn't show up in the device list.19:41
bekksxtbman: Which is not true, from my personal experience.19:41
rootFrankhow do i get in chat room in backtarck 5?19:42
bekks!backtrack | rootFrank19:42
xtbmanhmm, I was told in another channel that it's ridiculous to suggest that a flash drive and USB mouse both just aren't "3.0 compatible", and most likely the port is dead19:42
bekksrootFrank: ubottu told you: "BackTrack (support in #backtrack-linux)"19:42
bekksxtbman: whoever told you that does not know anything about usb, honestly. However. There is no such command you are looking for,19:43
xtbmanok thanks19:43
seednodeI've had every USB device I own work in every USB 1, 2, or 3 port I've tried19:44
seednodeBut maybe I'm just lucky19:44
cyberalex4lifedoes anyone know how will optimus be supported in other trusty distros, I mean is it possible to have some nvidia-prime like, or will we still rely on bumblebee19:44
bekkscyberalex4life: which "other trusty distros" do you mean?19:45
madghostbekks: can I ask you one more question?19:46
bekksmadghost: Sure.19:46
jjavaholichow can I find out which application is causing higher than normal CPU usage calls to xorg?19:46
cyberalex4lifexubuntu, kubuntu, lubuntu, ubuntu gnome, and maybe mint distros19:47
bekkscyberalex4life: We dont know anything about Mint, as it isnt supported in here. And the others will support exactly the same hardware as ubuntu does.19:47
xtbmanyep, just tried 4 more other devices. Appears the port is dead19:47
madghostbekks: every user has their own tariff, and NAT do channel bandwidth by networks for example 172.19.x.x has 20Mb/sec 172.20.x.x has 40Mb/sec19:48
cyberalex4lifeyup, but nvidia-prime used to need lightdm and compiz,19:48
bekksmadghost: Can you rephrase that please, I didnt undestand what you wrote.19:48
cyberalex4lifei use now ubuntu gnome, and it has to be related to gdm19:48
bekkscyberalex4life: gnome does not require gdm, it will work with other DM too.19:49
madghostif I will use matching MAC with IP in dhcpd.conf I will can give some users their IP from some networks and their will have their bandwidth by tariff19:49
bekksmadghost: How is that related to a dhcp server?19:49
madghostdhcp server give ip for users.19:50
cyberalex4lifeso I have to install lightdm instead of gdm and hope things will be ok?19:50
madghostAnd if I will write ip and mac in conf I will be control which user will get some IP address.19:50
bekksmadghost: Use static IP adressing then. Static leases for 20k users is just nonsense.19:51
madghostsorry, but it is very difficult to me to describe what I want to say :(19:51
normi've got isc-dhcp-server installed, but i don't want it to start automatically at boot. how can this be disabled?19:51
madghost:) I agree but in that case we have to setting up every modem with their own IP address. It's difficult.19:52
bekksmadghost: It is fairly easy, and can be done within minutes before shipping the modem to the user.19:52
jjavaholicyou can normally set your dhcp range with some spare slots for static Ip adresses19:53
bekksmadghost: Or use infinite lease times. But dont use static leases.19:53
trismnorm: looks like it uses upstart, so you can probably just use override files to disable the two jobs in /etc/init/ http://upstart.ubuntu.com/cookbook/#override-files19:53
llutzmadghost: you'll have to use a database with all the info (mac, ip, subnets, tarif etc.pp) and some scripting generating the dhcp-config from that database19:53
madghostWe did it, and I like it, I wrote software for it. But our admins wants to use PPPoE. But I don't like PPPoE19:53
bekksmadghost: you dont have to like it, you just have to use it :)19:53
trismnorm: the two I see are /etc/init/isc-dhcp-server.conf and /etc/init/isc-dhcp-server6.conf19:53
madghostllutz: I want it19:53
madghostbut I'm not sure, will be work dhcp with so huge database of ips and macs ?19:54
llutzmadghost: i'm sure it works, i'd worry about performance19:54
madghostPPPoE is sucks :(((19:54
bekksmadghost: Sure, why not. Just ensure your hardware is capable of the load - which was my first answer to your questions.19:55
madghostIf I would to know what is hardware to need for it :)19:55
madghostI just can to make program for automatization of procedures19:56
madghostI don't know which resourses to need for it :(19:56
bekksmadghost: Which resources do you currently have?19:57
madghostwhich command I can to see it?19:58
bekksmadghost: Errm, dont tell me you want to run that on a PC?19:58
bekksmadghost: you need a server with a full blown network connection, rendundant, etc.19:58
madghostI have just simple computer, for small wifi networks.19:58
xoexoehello everyone, I am trying to create a sub-partition under an extended partition, and getting this error: http://paste.ubuntu.com/7132435/19:58
bekksmadghost: Forget it then.19:59
armensgI'm trying to get some help on booting ubuntu from a usb stick.19:59
madghostIf my idea will be work, I'm sure I'll get a good server.19:59
siavoshkcso is there anything wrong with the guide?20:00
bekksmadghost: You need the server for getting it to work. Without the server, it will not work.20:00
madghostI'm just doing a prototype for testing my idea.20:00
xoexoehello everyone, I am trying to create a sub-partition under an extended partition, and getting this error: http://paste.ubuntu.com/7132435/20:01
madghostthank you, I agree with you about hardware.20:01
bekksmadghost: your prototype with 10 clients has nothing to do with the requirements for 20k clients :)20:01
__tj__does anyone know how debootstrap "knows" which list of packages must be installed ? if i know that, then i can also figure out how to modify this list in order to remove from the default list, or even add to it as kind of a custom setup20:01
xoexoeI dont know if its because it already contained a partition20:01
bekksxoexoe: Which command is causing that error?20:01
madghostbekks: heh ( if suddenly it will fall on 1K users? What I will to do?20:02
Swany1having trouble with rt3290 wifi chip with ubuntu 14.04  i can't get the linux drivers to compile even using the hundreds of patches found over the forums and i am unable to get the windows driviers to work.20:02
bekksmadghost: Calculate the network bandwidth requirements, etc.20:02
xoexoebekks, I was using disk utility. when you asked me I just thought of trying gparted now20:02
madghostchiefs will hkick me out :(20:03
Swany1https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/1049466 is the relevant bug i have the same problems as comment #17320:03
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1049466 in linux (Ubuntu) "Need support of Ralink RT3290 wifi support" [Medium,Confirmed]20:03
bekksmadghost: Now you can see that your idea is somehow pointless.20:03
OerHeksSwany1, join #ubuntu+1 for 14.04 support untill release20:03
madghostIs it will be enough server with 1Gb20:04
madghost1Gb/sec network ?20:04
Swany1ok,  OerHeks i'm only using 14.04 as i thought they may have fixed this problem by now.20:04
bekksmadghost: calculate, dont guess.20:04
madghostI don't know how :(20:05
madghostbut thank you ) I'm going to know it20:05
xoexoebekks, I tried gparted, and it shows the whole disk unallocated, while it has partitions20:09
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okisdplease help i can open 7z files , whats the command to instll 7zip  ??20:13
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daftykins!find 7zip20:14
ubottuFound: p7zip-rar, p7zip, p7zip-full20:14
TheEvilokisd: apt-get install p7zip-full20:14
bekksokisd: sudo apt-get install p7zip20:14
xoexoecan you help me please? I get this error when I want to create a partition: http://paste.ubuntu.com/7132435/20:14
WizardGedhey is anyone here getting timeout errors from launchpad20:15
bekksWizardGed: What if someone does?20:15
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WizardGedwelll i'm translating at the moment and launchpad cant keep up which is unusual because yesterday i had no problem20:17
PiciWizardGed: Have you asked in #launchpad ?20:17
WizardGedsilly me i had no idea that was a channel, thank you kind sir/madame.20:18
Picinp :)20:18
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hellrazorhi all20:24
hellrazori am running ubuntu 13.10 with a full disk encryption, i did not make a swap partition when i installed the system the first time, and now i want to use suspend to disk.20:25
hellrazori did now create a swap partition into my encrypted root-lvm, what else do i need to do to use pm-hibernate successfully?20:26
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Guest62206Hi guys, anybody willing to help me set up PostGIS on my machine?20:27
Guest62206\nick Kevin20:27
xoexoehello everyone, I am trying to create a sub-partition under an extended partition, and getting this error: http://paste.ubuntu.com/7132435/20:29
Jordan_Uxoexoe: What command did you run to get that error?20:31
xoexoeJordan_U, I was using ubuntu disk utility. I selected the free block, and then clicked on "create partition"20:32
Jordan_Uxoexoe: What is the actual name of the utility? (gnome-disks, GParted, something else). You should see it in an "about" menu somewhere.20:34
sandGorgonhttp://www.geek.com/apple/ubuntu-14-04-drastically-improves-gaming-on-a-macbook-1588526/ ... so it's official. a macbook is the best linux machine out there.20:35
DDoS971apati moun adan ça!!!20:35
daftykinssandGorgon: lol.20:35
xoexoeJordan_U, it is gnome disk utility20:36
sandGorgondaftykins, so which one ? a similar specced thinkpad is way more expensive.20:36
daftykinssandGorgon: i don't know what you're looking for20:37
elcucosandGorgon: wtf? most of the macbook is not supported HW. No wifi our of the box, hotplug of thunderbolt displays...20:37
Jordan_Uxoexoe: Please pastebin the output of "sudo parted -l".20:37
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daftykinselcuco: off topic.20:39
xoexoeJordan_U, before it finished the output, it warns like this : "Error: Invalid partition table on /dev/sdc -- wrong signature 0.    Ignore/Cancel?"20:39
xoexoeJordan_U, shall I ignore and paste the output?20:39
Jordan_Uxoexoe: That's what I expected. Yes please.20:40
xoexoeJordan_U, here it is : http://paste.ubuntu.com/7132625/20:41
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Jordan_Uxoexoe: Interesting that parted and gnome-disks complain about different device names, sdb vs sdc. Have you rebooted since you saved your gnome-disks error message?20:44
xoexoeJordan_U, no. but I connected the disk to another machine before the current one.20:45
xoexoeboth gave the same error20:45
Jordan_Uxoexoe: OK. "sudo apt-get install gdisk".20:47
nylhi can someone help me with nvidia related problem?20:47
Jordan_Uxoexoe: Once the package is finished installing, please run "sudo fixparts /dev/sdb" and pastebin the output (it will bring you to another interactive prompt, but please pastebin the output before continuing).20:49
lorenzo_Good afternoon. I have problems with intel graphics (module i915) on ubuntu 13.10. Is this the right place to ask for help?20:51
Jordan_Ulorenzo_: Yes.20:51
lorenzo_HW is an Acer V5-472 with HD 4000 graphics. When I boot with nosetmode only the internal display works, without nosetmode only the external display20:52
lorenzo_and my kernel log is spammed with [drm:intel_dp_i2c_aux_ch] *ERROR* too many retries20:52
lorenzo_Would be awesome if I could get both to work at the same time.20:53
lorenzo_The i915 shows up in lsmod with or without the boot option20:53
xoexoeJordan_U, I am a bit worried about other partitions on the disk. maybe I can just reinstall everything. I have some bad memories while fixing disks.20:53
Jordan_Ulorenzo_: For an intel card, for full functionality you're going to need the Kernel Mode Setting driver, so I would start there and try to get the external display working. Please pastebin the output of "dmesg" and the contents of /var/log/Xorg.0.log after booting without the nomodeset kernel parameter (or any other special kernel parameters).20:54
Jordan_Uxoexoe: Are you saying that you're considering wiping the entire drive and starting over instead of trying to fix what you have?20:55
lorenzo_Jordan, Thank you. Will do and come back.20:55
jordanlorenzo_: ok ;-)20:56
nyl** (nvidia-settings:9882): WARNING **: PRIME: Failed to execute child process "/usr/bin/prime-supported" (No such file or directory)20:56
nylanyone got any ideas?20:56
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xoexoeJordan_U, not the entire drive but entire extended partition20:58
Jordan_Uxoexoe: That should fix the problem, but seems unnecessary. Please post the output from fixparts anyway, it will not change the partition table without prompting you clearly first.21:03
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xoexoeJordan_U, I already started with partitions..please dont get me wrong, just dont wanna try "fixing"anything :)21:08
xoexoeI mean , when it comes to disks21:09
bododohi all21:09
alphahawk98sup guys21:10
bododoI have a usb laser printer that I can't make work on any nix* system but that works fine on windows (yeah a driver thing) so I have this old PC and I thought to myself that I could share this printer with CUPS over the LAN. Is it doable even without a CUPS driver knowing that the windows machines have the driver installed?21:11
JFranksInstalling Ubuntu Server 12.04.4 LTS from disc.. All good till I hit the GRUB install .. The default in the prompt is "/drive/mapper/" ??  I chose the LVM option for the whole disk (2 x 500gb RAID Mirror) and I swore it said it was sda1 ? ... but none of my guesses work.. /drive/sda/ /drive/sda1/ and the default /drive/mapper/ all fail?21:11
Jordan_Ubododo: Windows printer sharing requires the remote machine to have a driver for the printer as well, so no.21:12
bododoJordan_U: I'm not talking about SAMBA, just plain cups21:12
bododostill not doable?21:12
Naphatulis ubuntu juju supposed to fit a similar role to ansible?21:13
Jordan_UJFranks: Do you have a partition table on the disk, or only LVM?21:13
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JFranksJordan_U: Just now during the install I told the installer to use the entire disk with LVM21:13
Jordan_Ubododo: How do you plan to share the printer over the network from the Windows machine?21:13
bododothis: (windowsmachine)----LAN--->(NIX machine and CUPS)---USB-->(laser printer)21:14
JFranksJordan_U: Which was 498mb or something..21:14
Jordan_UJFranks: That leaves no place for a bootloader. So you'll either need to re-do that with a partition table, or install grub's boot sector and core.img to another drive that does have a partition table.21:14
bododoJordan_U: the printer will be attached to a nix machine, not to a windows one21:14
JFranksAhhh nice.. I do have 2 spare hot-swap bays.. but I don't want to start the install all over.. Waah. ;)21:15
Jordan_Ubododo: Ahh, I don't know if that would work or not. My suspicion is not though.21:15
madghostWho knows, should I restart ISC-DHCP-SERVER after modify dhcpd.conf ?21:15
bekksmadghost: Yes.21:16
SmilexI installed a kernel from git that I just compiled and the Nvidia driver is failing. How can I switch between my driver options via command line? I did it using Software Updates before21:16
bododoJordan_U: ok, thanks anyway :) I'll try and report back.In fact I'll be using openbsd as a nix machine21:16
bekksmadghost: The config is read once, not continously.21:16
bododojust wondering about CUPS setup and whether a driver is required on the server21:16
AfraidToShootStrDoes the driver support for Ubuntu 12.04 differ from 13.10? I recently got an X1 Carbon on which I wish to install Ubuntu. However I wonder which version has the "best" support for the required drivers belonging to the X1 Carbon21:16
madghostbekks: So, If I added some host { mac; ip;} I have to restart server?21:16
bekksmadghost: Yes. You can see, your approach with static leases is pointless.21:17
madghostyes, but I have no see other method :(21:17
bekksmadghost: Then you havent read what I told you.21:18
bekksmadghost: I told you how to solve your design issue.21:18
madghostdinamic ip without mapping mac and ip ?21:18
bekksmadghost: DHCP without static leases but using inifinite lease times.21:19
bekksmadghost: And evaluating the logs instead to script the server setup.21:19
madghostbut how I can give users bandwidth into Internet?21:20
madghoststatic ip isn't variant :(21:21
bekksmadghost: The same way. After evaluating the logs, you know his IP since you know his MAC. Then just modify bandwidth for that IP.21:21
madghostin realtime?21:21
BeldarAfraidToShootStr, the later the release the more updated drivers, theoretically, of what's there or added. Try it from a live dvd/usb and see. This is a uefi computer so just be aware.21:22
bekksmadghost: For 20k, nothing will happen in realtime.21:22
bekksmadghost: 20k clients.21:22
bekksmadghost: And your NAT approach will not give a user more bandwidth at all.21:22
madghostI admit that one time per day I can load data from log into database of billing. But how I can control NAT for bandwidth with logs?21:23
bekksmadghost: NAT has nothing to do with bandwidth.21:23
bekksmadghost: NAT is Native Address Translation not "Magically give more bandwidth".21:24
madghostI think it to do one server.21:24
madghostthe same server21:25
madghostNAT + bandwidth21:25
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bekksmadghost: So you have three requirements: DHCP without static leases but infinite leasetimes, NAT and bandwidth control.21:25
bekksmadghost: So how do you want to control bandwidth, using Ubuntu?21:26
madghostI don't remember, through iptables ?21:26
bekksmadghost: With 20k rules in iptables, only for the bandwidth control? That will be a monster server, with quadrillions of CPU and cintilliards of MB of RAM. :)21:27
madghostI did it by this article21:29
bekksmadghost: Yeah - did you ever try that for 20k clients at once?21:29
madghostactualy not, I use it for small count of wifi users.21:30
bekksmadghost: It works for a small number of clients, but it will perform bad for 20k clients at once.21:30
madghostI just find the way to do same in Internet users instead of PPPoE21:30
afiefHello, my PC has windows7 installed, it has two NTFS partitions, one is 100MB and the other is quite big, I assume the 100MB is the EFI partition, but the Ubuntu installer expects efi partitions to be vfat not ntfs21:31
bekksmadghost: I ont see a single reason to raise more problems than benefits just for the sake of getting rid of PPPoE.21:31
ekarlsoany reason Trusty aka 14.04 gives device names aka "renameX" ?21:31
bekksafief: The 100M partition is the Windows 7 rescue partition.21:31
madghost90% of users have Dlink DSL-250021:32
madghostand this modems don't work in Router mode more then 3-4mb/sec.21:32
bekksmadghost: That doesnt matter actually. The design you are going to implement will fail.21:32
madghostsad (21:32
afiefbekks: So all I need is a partition for Ubuntu and grub will manage to find both windows and linux?21:32
bekksafief: Thats how it should work, yes.21:33
Jordan_Uafief: You have a BIOS based Windows installation, which has a small "System Partition" used by Windows, which is not the same as an EFI System Partition.21:33
Jordan_Ubekks: afief: The 100 MiB partition is *not* a rescue partition, it is the Windows "System Partition" as I explained above.21:34
bekksJordan_U: Despite the naming (which you are correct with) - afaik just a bunch of files used for rescueing a system is stored on that partition.21:35
BitStickcan somebody assist me with something?21:35
vladimirhello. i have a problem trying to upgrade ubuntu due to boot sector full21:35
Jordan_Ubekks: No, completely wrong. That partition stores most of the bootloader, and removing it will prevent Windows from being able to boot at all.21:35
SmilexHow do I change my video driver from terminal?21:36
BitSticki downloaded the drivers from amd for my apu,  and it gives me a zip file.  and if i extract that i get a run file21:36
madghostisc-dhcp-server is restarting fast21:36
BitStickbut nothing ive found on google is of help,  so i dont know how to actually install it21:36
Jordan_Uvladimir: "boot sector full" doesn't make sense. What are command are you running / what are you doing to try to upgrade and what is the exact error message you're recieving?21:36
bekksmadghost: Much too slow for regular activities with 20k clients.21:36
madghostso, i need to add about 20k records into dhcpd.conf and will try to restart21:37
BitStickand i cant right click and open with terminal because its not in the list21:37
bekksJordan_U: Thanks for the clarification :)21:37
Jordan_Ubekks: You're welcome :)21:37
bekksBitStick: Why dont you use the driver from the ubuntu repos?21:37
bekksBitStick: Which GPU do you have actually?21:37
vladimir@jordan - thanx 4 your response21:37
BitStickits buggy for me,  i get random flickering and other issues.  and if i try to change it to the fglrx it just hangs on "applying changes"21:37
vladimirI am receiving this notification since few months21:38
madghosthow can I do add 20k the same records into file ?21:38
bekksmadghost: Script it.21:38
madghostbash script?21:38
madghostI will try, thank you.21:39
vladimir'unable to instal updates - boot sector is full21:39
bekksmadghost: Doesnt matter, the scripting language you are comfortable with will do.21:39
vladimirnot enough space in BOOT21:39
BitStickbekks   my gpu thingy is actually an apu21:40
BitStickits an A6-520021:40
madghostmy language is c# :(21:40
Jordan_Uvladimir: What command are you running to try to update?21:40
bekksmadghost: Thats not a scripting language.21:40
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madghostI know, thank you so much for helping.21:40
BitStickis what the run file is called21:40
bekksmadghost: you can code an c# application if like to, doesnt matter :) It just has to be quite fast, unlike c# :)21:40
AfraidToShootStrBeldar: UEFI computer, not familiar with that term. What does it entail?21:40
Beldar!uefi | AfraidToShootStr21:41
ubottuAfraidToShootStr: UEFI is a specification that defines a software interface between an operating system and platform firmware. It is meant as a replacement for the BIOS. For information on how to set up and install Ubuntu and its derivatives on UEFI machines please read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UEFI21:41
Guest13890hey guys, im trying to install nvidia driver on 10.04 and getting a "Checksum error" if tried searching google and nothing is working. can anyone help me21:41
BitSticknobody can tell me how to use a .run file?21:41
AfraidToShootStrBeldar: Hm odd, how is X1 Carbon, being that it is a Windows machine, devoid of BIOS?21:42
SmilexBitStick: chmod +x file.run21:42
SmilexBitStick: ./file.run21:42
vladimirJordan: i am not running any command. it happens when i receive automatic updates21:42
bekksGuest13890: do you try to run sudo apt-get install nvidia ? :)21:42
BeldarAfraidToShootStr, It has a bios.21:42
vladimiri am no longer able to install them21:43
Guest13890bekks, not yet but ill  give it a try now and see what happens. thansk for responding. brb21:43
jordanJordan_U: maybe I should just give you my nick ;-)21:43
vladimiri get this notification - not enough free space in BOOT21:43
bekksGuest13890: Installing drivers like that will break your system on every kernel update.21:43
BeldarAfraidToShootStr, A larger picture might help and why it is there. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Uefi21:43
Guest13890it says "could not find package nvidia"21:46
AfraidToShootStrBeldar: Ok I'll have to read up on it but since you were advising caution, what/which are the issues or problems of an UEFI meeting Ubuntu that may arise?21:46
BeldarAfraidToShootStr, Just the install mainly.21:46
Guest13890well i really need this for my HDMI21:46
bekksGuest13890: apt-cache search nvidia | sort21:46
Guest13890and to duplicate screen21:47
xoexoeJordan_U, I removed data from partitions, and just tried to delete them, but all of them return the same error as I first posted21:47
AfraidToShootStrBeldar: Hm all right. From what I heard, X1 Carbon and Ubuntu go well together but we'll have to see when go about installing it21:47
Guest13890thx ill try thhat brb21:47
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BeldarAfraidToShootStr, Another is this link, note the backup and recovery disc advice. http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2147295  It is not an issue of whether they work together, it is getting there. ;)21:48
NoiseEeehey, how can i force a fresh DNS lookup / clear the DNS cache on ubuntu 12.0421:49
AfraidToShootStrBeldar: Thank you so much!21:49
Beldarno prob21:49
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lorenzo_Jordan_U, are you still there?21:52
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Jordan_Uxoexoe: Please pastebin the output of "sudo fixparts /dev/sdX".21:54
exstaseaAfraidToShootStr: A *new* UEFI machine with the latest ubuntu should work fine. A while ago UEFI was new and the were problems with both ubuntu (now patched) and firmware (likewise in most cases)21:54
Jordan_Ulorenzo_: Yes.21:54
lorenzo_Great. I am the one with the i915 problems. Here they are http://pastebin.com/XF4CF5mL and http://pastebin.com/SRcNLi9621:55
AfraidToShootStrexstasea: All right, so I should go with 13.10 then21:55
lorenzo_dmesg and xorg log21:55
lorenzo_and thanks in advance21:55
kartanyone has any idea about using clusterssh [csshX] via a remote shell on ubuntu.21:55
lorenzo_These are the logs without nomodeset where only the external monitor works21:56
bekkskart: clusterssh is a graphical tcl application, IIRC.21:56
Jordan_U!pm | vladimir21:57
ubottuvladimir: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers, and ensure that you're not getting bad advice.21:57
kartbekks: is there a way to achieve similar functionality over a shell ?21:57
Jordan_Uvladimir: Please pastebin the output of "sudo apt-get upgrade".21:57
Hopmanwell, hello there21:58
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rymate1234http://images.rymate.co.uk/images/FxZgtGH.png why does htop show so many instances of my mc server?21:58
xoexoeJordan_U, I'm "dd"ing the partitions now, it seems at least to work21:58
bekkskart: Sure, why not. Use ssh -X instead of ssh and the just start clusterssh.21:59
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Guest13890bekks, ive installed everything the seems relevant. Is there anything i can do with the .run file i downloaded from nvidia.com?21:59
xoexoeI mean, I'd started it already21:59
Jordan_UGuest13890: Ubuntu 10.04 is EOL on the Desktop. Upgrade to 12.04.22:00
madghostbekks: you was right!22:01
Guest13890jordan, thx ill do that if i fail to install this driver. i really need my hdmi and duplicated display wokring22:01
kartbekks: wait, hows that possible? can you use more than one host with that?? i just tried that bash returned a command not found error22:01
xoexoeJordan_U, I'll apply fixparts once the erasing is done.22:01
Jordan_UGuest13890: You are currently using an insecure and unsupported OS.22:02
Guest13890well if 12.04 can fix it then ill go that route22:02
madghostrestarting about 1-2 minuts, and start: Job failed to start :-))))))22:02
Jordan_UGuest13890: Trying to install nvidia drivers manually will likely just break things, which you will have to take extra time to fix. Upgrade first, and install the nvidia driver packages using the supported method (*not* by downloading anything from Nvidia.com).22:03
madghostit doesn't work actualy22:03
bekksmadghost: I know ;)22:03
madghostthanks a lot22:03
bekks!nvidia | Guest1389022:03
ubottuGuest13890: For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VideoDriverHowto22:03
Jordan_UGuest13890: I suspect that upgrading to 12.04 and running jockey-gtk (the graphical proprietary drivers tool) will get HDMI working, yes.22:03
bekksGuest13890: you should update to 12.04 when your are going to use it as a desktop, since 10.04 isnt supported as desktop anymore.22:04
rymate1234wat if u want gnome 222:04
lorenzo_Has anybody seen those drm errors before? Starting at 3.107819 in here http://pastebin.com/XF4CF5mL22:04
Jordan_Urymate1234: Then XFCE is probably a good choice for you.22:05
rymate1234no it isnt22:05
rymate1234xfce is not gnome 222:05
kartbekks: any other suggestions ??22:06
Guest13890well pc appears to be broken lol. no display. but ill go ahead and switch over to 12.04 and retry.22:06
madghostso, I have to find other DHCP server, with external database with dynamic load ip/macs22:06
Guest13890thank you for the help, i shall be back!22:06
madghostWho know it ?22:06
Jordan_Urymate1234: MATE may be more to your liking then, though it isn't officially supported in Ubuntu (yet).22:07
Jordan_Urymate1234: You're welcome.22:07
Guest13890oh wait a minute. my hdmi is working22:09
Guest13890but no sound. bah brb 12.04 it is.22:11
Jordan_UGuest13890: Hopefully you are using 12.04 now. If not, I remind you that the OS you're using is *insecure*. It has known vulnerabilities which have not been patched. If you value security, or any support (like help from this channel), then you need to upgrade.22:11
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lorenzo_I have a laptop with intel HD 4000 graphics and I cannot get the internal display to work. I just get [drm:intel_dp_i2c_aux_ch] *ERROR* too many retries, giving up errors. Maybe someone who knows more than me could risk a look at my dmesg (starting at 3.107819). http://pastebin.com/XF4CF5mL22:17
=== happyface_ is now known as happyface
sudormrfhey guys.  I am trying to understand something.  I am using ubuntu 12.04.4 I have the latest updates.  I use apt-get update && apt-get dist-upgrade to perform these, however my kernel version is still 3.8.0-37.  Shouldn't it be 3.11?22:21
root_Frankdhollo guys,i'm using backtrack linux and i have some problem using it cause i'm new to this distro,how do i go in backtrack chat room so that i can ask some quetions about it?22:21
OerHeksroot_Frankd, you have been told, BT is not supported here, thanks22:22
OerHeks type /join #backtrack-linux22:23
root_Frankdhow do i get in backtrack 5 chat room?22:24
OerHeks!repeat | root_Frankd22:25
ubotturoot_Frankd: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/22:25
karthello teammm. any suggestion of ways i could send input to multiple servers/screens/shellsat the same time? i used to use a mac program called csshX before to acheive that, but recently made a switch to ubuntu, and am looking for a program that does similar stuff.22:25
Jordan_Uroot_Frankd: Backtrack has been discontinued, you're not likely to find support for it anywhere.22:25
seednoderoot_Frankd, can I PM?22:26
OerHeksJordan_U, great, we need to update that factoid :-D22:26
root_FrankdPM what?22:26
seednodePrivate message you22:27
seednodeWhat IRC client are you using?22:27
root_Frankdhey seednode,wer u from?22:30
Jordan_Uroot_Frankd: This channel is only for Ubuntu support. seednode would like to help you figure out how to continue in a PM I'm OK with that right now, but that is all (other than Ubuntu support).22:31
lorenzo_I am new here and I don't know much about etiquette on IRC. As users constantly join and leave, is it OK to resend one's question if nobody could answer so far?22:32
seednodelorenzo_, within reason, yes, you can re-ask questions; however, I'd personally recommend waiting half an hour at least between them22:33
seednodesomeone else might know better22:33
seednodelorenzo_, as for your question; have you tried hitting F6 at boot and selecting the "NOMODESET" option?22:38
seednodeTry that and let me know if it boots properly22:38
lorenzo_It boots properly. With nomodeset ONLY the internal display works. without nomodeset ONLY the external works and i get the flood of drm errors in dmesg22:38
lorenzo_therefore Jordan_U suggested that pastebin dmesg and xorg.log which I did. Only that I don't understand those files.22:39
seednodeWell, reading through it, nothing is jumping out to me as making sense22:39
lorenzo_I don't like the [drm:intel_dp_i2c_aux_ch] *ERROR* too many retries, giving up.22:40
JFranksSo 3 weeks ago we got a bunch of old servers.. I took a Sunfire X4100 and tried to get Ubuntu 12.04.4 LTS onto it with both USB key and CD.. but I couldn't get it to boot. So I tried another, this one just installs and then reboots to "Video Mode not Supported" .. Tried a 3rd.. "Video Mode not Supported" .. Pulled out a spare PC, installed off the same disc, works fine.. get everything setup.. try another server in the pile, this time a22:40
BitStickcan someone walk me through installing network manager?22:40
JFranksworkstation MB in a 4U chassis with ICH7 chipset.. Install goes fine.. reboot.. "Video Mode not Supported" .. I've tried taking the KVM out of the setup, tried a Samsun 2243 LCD which says "Video Mode not Optimal" but doesn't display either.. :p22:40
BitStickerr uninstalling22:40
lorenzo_My kernel should NEVER give up. ;-)22:41
BitStickanyone know how to unistall network manager in 13.1022:41
seednodelorenzo_, if this is a laptop, what model is it?22:41
lorenzo_It is an Acer V5-472 with intel HD 4000 graphics chipset22:41
seednodeAnd the external monitor is using HDMI?22:41
lorenzo_old ray cannon monitor22:42
seednodeAnd has this happened on older kernels, if you've tried?22:42
JFranksThat's what I want.. I want an old CRT to hookup and see WTF video mode isn't supported..22:42
lorenzo_yes, on older too and on both 32 and 64 bit22:42
lorenzo_i tried 3.8, 3.10 and some other22:43
JFranksI'm tempted to drive to a storage locker and pickup an old 19" CRT I have buried because I cannot see how 3 installs could all be bad..22:43
lorenzo_3.11 now same behaviour22:43
JFranksHmmm.. What are the odds that SSHd is running.. ? I wonder if I can get the IP of the box and shell in.. ?22:44
BitStickcan someone help me uninstall network manager please?22:44
daftykinsJFranks: sorry only just read a couple of scrollback messages, you've tried nomodeset i take it?22:44
seednodeBitStick, well, to uninstall it, apt-get remove network-manager might work, however22:44
seednodeI'm not sure if that will break other things, honestly22:44
BitStickwell i got wicd22:44
lorenzo_Another detail: without nomodeset the Fn-keys like brightness, sound, mirror screen work. with nomodeset they dont. ACPI?22:44
afiefHello, I just install Ubuntu as a dual boot, but after setup finished and restarted I'm still getting Windows (no grub to pick from)22:46
JFranksdaftykins: Sorry don't know what you mean. I have very little experience with Ubuntu install issues.. up till now it WORKS. At one point on one of the 'video mode not supported' sunfire x4100 attempts I booted off the install disc, went to the rescue option, edited /etc/defaults/grub .. I uncommented the nogui .. didn't change anything.. I uncommented the 640x480 video mode line.. changed nothing.. I even uncommented the beep tone.. didn't notice22:47
JFranksa difference.. I was probably editing the wrong file.. It was only an hour or so wasted..22:47
Beldarafief, What OS is up on the computer now?22:47
afiefBeldar: Windows 7 64bit22:48
Jordan_U!bootinfo | afief22:48
ubottuafief: Boot info script is a usefull script for diagnosing boot problems. Run the script following the directions here: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1291280 and then look at RESULTS.txt (or !pastebin it for others to look at).22:48
daftykins!nomodeset | JFranks22:48
ubottuJFranks: A common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter22:48
CheekioWe're up to T with Trusty, what happens when we get to Z?22:48
Beldarafief, Look at that bootinfo link, that is what I was getting to in the end.22:48
daftykinsJFranks: give the above a go, but a funky Sun card, perhaps you need to force a non-auto driver choice22:48
Jordan_U!ot | Cheekio22:48
ubottuCheekio: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!22:48
red234324anyone know ubuntu software to make subtitles for videos?22:49
CheekioJordan_U, I have to write a program that guesses possible ubuntu distro names. Very much on topic22:49
CheekioSo yeah, what's the naming scheme after Zesty Zebra?22:50
JFranksdaftykins: To quote "If you do not get to see the grub boot menu after the bios automatically, you may have to press SHIFT key after the bios logo to get in to grub:"  ... ?! ... Tap shift? Hold shift? Eh?22:51
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daftykinsJFranks: hold shift prior to your system first reading the disk to boot22:51
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Jordan_UCheekio: Please join #ubuntu-offtopic if you wish to discuss future release names, or #ubuntu-ops if you wish to discuss your quiet here.22:53
JFranksdaftykins: Input not Supported ...22:53
JFranksSo I'm not catching it or there's some other error22:54
daftykinsJFranks: i'm gonna need more than that to understand what you've done and what's going on22:54
nicolasCould someone help me ? :) I just instaled xubuntu, and i have some trouble with the left click of my mouse .... some time it works, some time not ... to make it work, i have to do a right click before :s22:55
nicolashi :)22:55
KeOpscan somebody tell me what is Ubuntu Gnome ?22:55
KeOpsthis one22:55
KeOpsis it official another version of Ubuntu ?22:56
daftykinsubuntu with gnome as the default DE obviously22:56
joustinIt's Ubuntu with the Gnome x-windows interface22:56
JFranksdaftykins: Sure. I can tell you anything.. I could take a video.. Power on the machine.. the ATI bios on the ancient PCI video card shows.. then the Intel BIOS screen .. F2 to enter setup.. Then the Intel ICH7 Raid config comes up.. spots the 2 x sata disks in a raid mirror.. then I get some bios #s at the bottom right 0E, 0F, then the screen goes blank, then "Video mode not supported" or whatever22:56
JFranksThis is on the 4th machine, not the Sunfire x4100s22:56
joustinyou can install Gnome on any version of Ubuntu22:56
sudormrfhey guys.  I am trying to understand something.  I am using ubuntu 12.04.4 I have the latest updates.  I use apt-get update && apt-get dist-upgrade to perform these, however my kernel version is still 3.8.0-37.  Shouldn't it be 3.11?22:56
daftykinsJFranks: this is post-install? what did the liveCD do?22:57
JFranksGoing to check and see if it's pulling an IP from DHCP and see if I can SSH into it22:57
JFranksdaftykins: post install .. "live cd"?22:57
xoexoeI've got an extended partition, under which there are erased partitions (shown as unknown on gnome disk utility). I cant delete none of these partitions. I get this error when I try it: http://paste.ubuntu.com/7133139/22:57
KeOpsjoustin is gnome supported again or not ?22:57
daftykinsJFranks: "livecd" == a live session booted from a CD or USB flash drive22:57
rommelsurfdue, well i have 3.11 but i am running 13.0422:57
lorenzo_Thanks all and bye22:57
JFranksdaftykins: DVD (but sure.. CD image)22:57
SuperLagWhen you install openjdk, it sets 7 as the default java version... but crashplan crashes with 7. How do you get one program to use another Java than the one that's set to default?22:58
daftykinsJFranks: so did that boot up and present a GUI fine to install from?22:58
Jordan_UKeOps: GNOME has always been supported in Ubuntu.22:58
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JFranksdaftykins: I could try booting it off a copy of GParted..22:58
KeOpsjordan i didnt know it is supported after unity cam22:58
KeOpscame *22:58
KeOpsJordan_U *22:58
JFranksdaftykins: the boot fails after the install.. so I had no problems with video during install..22:59
KeOpshow is it supported ?22:59
KeOpsit had some bugs22:59
daftykinsJFranks: right, but i'd be willing to bet you installed with 'update during install' enabled?22:59
KeOpsand not stable as before22:59
daftykinsKeOps: can you type more on full lines instead of pressing enter so much please?22:59
JFranksdaftykins: When I was booting from CD it said "Pick CD Option:" And on the screen was "1)  2) "23:00
daftykinsthe spam bots are hungry.23:00
rommelKeOps, http://ubuntugnome.org23:00
JFranksdaftykin: Correct!23:00
KeOpsi am not spam bot daftykins23:00
KeOpsi type fast maybe23:00
daftykinsKeOps: that's not what i'm saying, i'm asking you to press enter less.23:00
daftykinselse the spam bots will silence and/or kick you.23:00
daftykinsJFranks: if you reinstalled without that, it'd be the same packages as on the live session and so things would work23:01
KeOpsah ok thx daftykins i ll try23:01
JFranksdaftykins: Where were you last week? ;)23:01
JFranksbefore I went through 3 servers..23:01
nicolasCould someone help me please ? :) I just instaled xubuntu, and i have some trouble with the left click of my mouse .... some time it works, some time not ... to make it work, i have to do a right click before :s23:01
daftykinsJFranks: lol, what do you keep changing? between old systems to get something to work?23:02
KeOpshttp://ubuntugnome.org/ <-- this doesnt look like official ubuntu.. also their website is so simple wordpress not looks professional :S23:02
xoexoeJordan_U, I applied the fixparts command to one of the partitions. this is the output: http://paste.ubuntu.com/7133163/23:02
BitStickanyone know why google chrome isnt syncing?23:03
BitStickalso, even though i added the wineppa that still hasnt installed23:03
daftykinsnicolas: check this out http://askubuntu.com/questions/184222/left-mouse-button-not-working-in-xubuntu-session23:03
Jordan_Uxoexoe: "sudo fixparts /dev/sdc", not /dev/sdc5.23:04
sudormrfhey guys.  I am trying to understand something.  I am using ubuntu 12.04.4 I have the latest updates.  I use apt-get update && apt-get dist-upgrade to perform these, however my kernel version is still 3.8.0-37.  Shouldn't it be 3.11?23:04
AmbiguousOutlierhow can i connect to my server via ssh over the internet, router has forwarded lan port 10001 on private server ip from public port 10011. all servers have been configured on 10001. I'm then using ssh -p 10011 me@publicIPaddress, but I get connection refused error23:04
daftykinssudormrf: likely you're expecting to see the raring kernel that got backported?23:05
xoexoeoh, ok..by the way, this was a sub-partition of the extended partition. when I applied the command to the extended partition itself, this is the output: http://paste.ubuntu.com/7133172/23:05
sudormrfdaftykins, yeah.  I was expecting to see 3.11.  I update the box pretty aggressively.  the initial installation was 12.04 (no number).23:05
xoexoeJordan_U, it asks me something there. should I go on, or just quit?23:06
bekkssudormrf: Then you have to install the LTS enablement stack, to get the 3.11 kernel23:06
Jordan_Uxoexoe: Please pastebin the output.23:06
afiefBeldar: Sorry took me a while to get the result, here is what the script produced: http://pastebin.com/RQaNYz7P23:06
afiefBeldar, sdb is the stick from which I'm running the liveCD23:06
sudormrfbekks, any benefit to me doing this?23:06
bekkssudormrf: thats the way to get the 3.11 kernel :)23:07
sudormrfno I mean updating to the 3.11 kernel23:07
bekkssudormrf: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/LTSEnablementStack23:07
* Arafangion has flashbacks to Windows 3.11 for Workgroups.23:07
* daftykins plays solitaire on Arafangion then goes back on-topic23:08
xoexoeJordan_U, I'd meanwhile applied the command to extended partition, before you pointed me at sdc. this is the output from extended: http://paste.ubuntu.com/7133190/  should I do skip this and go on with sdc?23:08
Beldarafief, Show that to Jordan_U  as well.23:09
Jordan_Uxoexoe: Yes, enter 'q' to quit.23:09
afiefJordan_U: Sorry it took so much time, but here are the results of my script (sda is the hard drive, sdb is the live usb stick) http://pastebin.com/RQaNYz7P23:09
Jordan_Uafief: Did you use automatic or manual partitioning?23:10
afiefJordan_U: Manual23:10
xoexoeJordan_U, this is the output then : http://paste.ubuntu.com/7133197/23:10
=== KeOps is now known as Guest22038
Jordan_Uafief: Did you change where grub's boot sector is configured to be installed?23:11
xoexoewhich one should I enter now?23:11
afiefJordan_U: For some reason it didn't give me the option of "side by side" in the selection, so I had to go with manual or have it delete windows23:11
afiefJordan_U: I'm pretty sure I didn't23:11
Jordan_Uafief: Well grub's boot sector doesn't appear to be installed anywhere, and Ubuntu's installer installs it to the MBR by default, so unless there was an error message from the installer or you changed a setting related to grub I'm not sure how this situation came about.23:13
Jordan_Uafief: Press 'p' and pastebin the output.23:14
afiefJordan_U: I think that last bit wasn't intended for me23:14
afiefI'll try reinstalling and see what happens23:15
Jordan_Uxoexoe: Enter 'p' and pastebin the output.23:15
sudormrfbekks, is there a benefit to me upgrading the kernel?23:15
rommelsudormrf, not if your system and harware is working ok23:16
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sudormrfrommel, I figured as much.23:17
xoexoeJordan_U, ubuntu pastebin gives error, and asks me to notify admins. just announcing it in case it is universal.23:17
JFranksdaftykins: So I gank'd the old PCI RAGEII out of the 4U box and slapped in an NVIDIA PCIe.. nada.. no post, no KB lights, nada.. So I dug into the tickle trunk and found a pretty modern ATI chipset in PCI formfactor with HDMI/DVI/VGA out and a fanless heatsink.. popped it in.. the server was SLOW to boot but it finally loaded the GRUB menu at some insanely small fontsize @ 1080p .. :p   Just testing shell now.. wonder how to do the same with the23:17
JFranksSunfire x4100 1Us.. I think they have PCIx?23:17
xoexoeJordan_U, oh no, it worked now23:18
xoexoeJordan_U, this is the output with p: http://paste.ubuntu.com/7133225/23:18
JFranksI guess I could just reinstall without updates .. ;P23:18
daftykinsJFranks: 64-bit PCI? nasty! well, what are you actually trying to do with these exotic systems? it doesn't sound like a GUI is a good requirement23:18
JFranksdaftykins: I want them as headless LAMP boxes .. The irony of video issues is thick and smelly23:19
Jordan_Uxoexoe: OK. Enter 'q', then enter "sudo fdisk /dev/sdc" and pastebin the output.23:19
=== cmagina-away is now known as cmagina
daftykinsJFranks: hrmm, aren't you installing server then?23:20
JFranksdaftykins: Correct.. LTS Server 12.04.423:20
daftykinsJFranks: if i were you i'd just blind-install openssh-server then forget all about it XD23:21
bill337152how do you check  the version of your video card driver?23:21
afiefJordan_U: I reinstalled and made sure that this time grub is set to /dev/sda, but the script still detects Windows on the MBR23:21
JFranksdaftykins: I'm praying it's running by default :)23:21
daftykinsJFranks: nah it's not in the standard install23:21
Jordan_Uafief: Please boot into an Ubuntu LiveCD and tell me when you're done.23:22
daftykinsbill337152: depends what driver you're using ;)23:22
OerHeksbill337152, jockey-text -l23:22
afiefJordan_U: I just booted into one23:22
Jordan_Uafief: sudo mount /dev/sda5 /mnt/23:23
limachi, I wanted to install a 64-bit ubuntu23:23
limac"over" my 32 bit one, is there a way I can do that while keeping my old fiels?23:23
xoexoeJordan_U, here it is: http://paste.ubuntu.com/7133245/23:23
JFranksdaftykins: I'm in..23:23
rommellimac, like home?23:24
bill337152i think im using the amd drivers23:24
limacrommel: yeah23:24
afiefJordan_U done, but that's my home folder partition, the system partition is on /dev/sda423:24
JFranksdaftykins: I did pick 'SSH server' from the roles during install..23:24
Bashing-omlimac: Did you install with a separate /home partition ?23:24
rommellimac, is home on aseperate partition or drive23:24
JFranksSo what could I do now I'm on the shell, to make sure this machine never tries to use graphics.. no 1080p grub.. just VGA?23:25
Jordan_Uafief: Not according to boot info script it's not. sda5 has your /etc/fstab and /boot/grub/.23:25
limacrommel, Bashing-om, no it's on the same on as the linux partition23:25
rommellimac it would be easier to back it up and just reinstall23:26
nomineDoes anyone have any ideea why cerbere fails to load its watched processes?23:26
limacrommel: oh I see. Ok, thank you!23:26
Bashing-omlimac: Then so far as I know, you back up your impotant data (should be done anyway) and (re-)install to get 64 bit.23:26
limacBashing-om: got it! thanks!23:27
Jordan_Uafief: for dir in dev proc sys dev/pts; do sudo mount --bind "/$dir/" "/mnt/$dir/"; done23:27
JFranksGoing to try and uncomment line 20 of /etc/default/grub "GRUB_TERMINAL=console"23:27
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Bashing-omlimac: good luck .23:27
Jordan_UJFranks: Remember to run update-grub afterward to have the change take effect.23:28
afiefJordan_U: I did a reinstall after I sent you that one to eleminate the chance of me having changed the grub target by mistake23:29
JFranksJordan_U: Wait wat?23:29
netametai'm getting 504 Gateway Time-out on my server, i am running an ec2 small server , that has nginx/node/php5-fpm/mysql install on it.23:29
xoexoeJordan_U, what can I do now? http://paste.ubuntu.com/7133245/23:30
Jordan_UJFranks: What part of my comment don't you understand?23:30
JFranksJordan_U: I spent 3 days trying to fix boot issues editing that file and not one fracking document said I had to run a util after.. OMFG23:30
afiefJordan_U: Here is what it looks like now: http://pastebin.com/YPWf51Ad23:30
Jordan_UJFranks: The first line of the file is "# If you change this file, run 'update-grub' afterwards to update /boot/grub/grub.cfg".23:32
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Jordan_Uxoexoe: Enter 'p', and confirm that you see all of the partitions you care about listed.23:32
netametaAnyone with a slight lclue on my question ?23:33
xoexoeyes, all the partitions are listed.23:33
Jordan_Uafief: Did you run the mount and bind mount commands I gave you?23:34
xoexoeJordan_U, yes, all the partitions are listed.23:34
JFranksJordan_U: Ahhh I can barely read that blue on black font.. yeeeesh.. yep there's the info that would have been so handy. ;)23:34
Jordan_Uxoexoe: Great. I expect that if you enter "w" to write the partition table to disk and exit that it will fix the problem.23:34
afiefJordan_U, should I do that after mounting sda5 or sda8? (sda8 holds the current root)23:35
cantyhola gente23:35
Jordan_UJFranks: Note that if you're modifying it from a LiveCD/USB you'll need to chroot into the system to run update-grub, or for a temporary fix you can just "echo terminal_output console | sudo tee /mountpoint/boot/grub/custom.cfg" (be sure to delete /boot/grub/custom.cfg once you're done configuring the sytem properly).23:36
Jordan_Uafief: sda5 certainly contains a root filesystem, as evidenced by the /etc/fstab in it.23:37
afiefJordan_U, ok I ran the mount and mount --bind23:37
JFranksJordan_U: Lucky for me I went with SSH installs so I can still get into the systems when I get the IP right.. ;)23:37
xoexoeJordan_U, to make sure..I now enter w at the below command here : http://paste.ubuntu.com/7133295/ ?23:37
Jordan_Uxoexoe: Correct.23:38
xoexoeJordan_U, this is the output: http://paste.ubuntu.com/7133314/23:41
Jordan_Uxoexoe: Great. Please pastebin the output of "sudo fixparts /dev/sdc" again, which will hopefully no longer have any error messages.23:42
xoexoeJordan_U, now I can delete the partitions, problem solved..thank you so so very much for helping me all along from the start!23:43
afiefJordan_U, I executed the commands you gave me, what should I do now?23:43
xoexoeI am pasting it23:43
Jordan_Uxoexoe: You're welcome.23:43
Jordan_Uafief: Your prompt should now end with '# ' rather than '$ '. Does it?23:44
Jordan_Uafief: If it does, please pastebin the output of "debconf-show grub-pc" from that shell.23:45
xoexoeJordan_U, this is the output: http://paste.ubuntu.com/7133330/23:45
afiefJordan_U, no it's still $23:45
Jordan_Uafief: Ahh, I forgot "sudo chroot /mnt/".23:45
Jordan_Uxoexoe: Great, you now have a completely valid partition table :). 'q' to quit fixparts.23:46
afiefJordan_U, now it's #23:46
Jordan_Uafief: Great. Please run "debconf-show grub-pc" and pastebin the output.23:46
xoexoeJordan_U, many many thanks!23:47
Jordan_Uxoexoe: You're welcome :)23:47
xoexoegood night!23:47
xoexoeor day :)23:47
Jordan_Uafief: I'll be away for a few minutes.23:48
afiefJordan_U: http://pastebin.com/Cd7T25Yq23:48
afiefJordan_U: Take your time, and thanks in advance for all the help23:48
Guest13890hey Jordan. just wanted to say thank you for the help earlier with my gfx related issue23:49
Guest1389012.04 really did solve all issues23:49
Jordan_Uafief: That's an impressively odd bug you've hit there. Please file a bug report including that output. "upgrade-from-grub-legacy" should get you a bootable system (assuming it doesn't report any errors installing grub).23:50
afiefJordan_U the installation finished smoothly, no issues at all. Could you explain what the output of the last command you gave me means? I don't understand it23:51
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afiefJordan_U: Where do I find the upgrade-from-grub-legacy?23:52
ubottuEn la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y presione intro.23:52
Jordan_Uafief: It's a command that should be available. Run it.23:53
Jordan_Uafief: It means that the grub-pc package thinks you're in a transitionary state between grub-legacy and grub-pc, which is clearly not the case as this is a fresh install.23:53
kiezrJordan_U> Would https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Boot-Repair help in this situation?23:54
afiefJordan_U: It's not available, says I can get it from grub-pc, which according to apt-get is replaced by grub-efi-amd64, grub2-common, grub-common23:54
Jordan_Uafief: apt-get install grub-pc23:54
Jordan_Ukiezr: Possibly.23:54
kiezrI have this issue all the time on the builds here at work23:55
kiezrOnly ever see it on the HP Z620's23:55
afiefJordan_U: This is what I get when I try to apt-get it: http://pastebin.com/3im9cDUu23:55
sacreliciousis there another program for making a live bootable usb drive? For some reason the startup disk creator is not working23:56
Jordan_Uafief: Now I'm really confused. What version of Ubuntu did you install?23:56
afiefJordan_U: Kubuntu 13.1023:57
sacreliciousit keeps crashing part way through the process23:57
k0feehow do i stop system-wide any kind of "sessions" tried, sessions and startup, clearing cache, so whatever service is doing this like to disable it23:57
Beldarsacrelicious, unetbootin is another, there are handfulls.23:58
sacreliciousBeldar, thanks I will give it a shot, not too sure whats going on, i've tried it with a couple different distros and usb keys.23:59
kiezrsacrelicious, What OS are you building the bootable from?23:59
Jordan_Uafief: Try running "grub-install /dev/sda".23:59
sacreliciouskiezr, the latest version of tails23:59

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