
micahgOvenWerk1: bug 1295354 needs a UIFe, not an FFe04:35
ubottubug 1295354 in ubuntustudio-menu (Ubuntu) "[FFe] Menu item for entangle is in the wrong sub menu" [Undecided,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/129535404:35
micahgif it doesn't affect studio docs and someone can ACK that in the bug, I'll upload04:36
OvenWerk1micahg: zequence seems to have changed it already. Thank you.15:04
OvenWerk1zequence: just looking through things and noticed you added -controls to the seeds. So I went to look at -controls to see what you have been doing with it and found the last change (not even released) is a few years old.17:34
OvenWerk1zequence: the branch I see is: lp:ubuntustudio-controls and the last revision (107) is 2010.17:35
OvenWerk1I had thought you were working on something new and wanted to see if you had included making sure jack was able to run RT.17:37
OvenWerk1That is fixing file name and adding user to audio.17:37
OvenWerk1The reason I was looking is that I have finished (in time for 14.10) and was thinking of adding this fuctionallity in the case of installing jackd217:45
zequenceOvenWerk1: I'm going to do a SRU for it later17:51
zequenceOvenWerk1: The SRU will be a simple bugfix, enabling users to set rt privilege17:51
zequenceOvenWerk1: Later, once I finish the actual application, as is intended, I will backport it17:51
zequence-controls has nothing in it that will help the user currently, and in the case of rt, it will just mess things up17:52
zequenceI'll also SRU it in previous releases, all the way back to the last LTS17:53
zequenceI had to focus on other stuff first. ubuntustudio-live was uploaded before FF, but wasn't accepted. Got delayed17:59
zequenceand all the artwork came in late, as well17:59
zequence-controls I can fix afterwards, but this is the only chance I have to get ubuntustudio-live in18:00
OvenWerk1No problem, I was just making sure there wasn't another branch. That seems reasonable to me.19:24
OvenWerk1zequence: The new installer is way better. About the only thing I can think of to make it better is to add a startup splash.21:51
OvenWerk1Adding remove is for another day as is dealing with metas differently. I would like to add package remove first before choosing packages from within a meta.21:53
OvenWerk1ppa:len-ovenwerks/ppa is the ppa. but the package can be downloaded from https://launchpad.net/~len-ovenwerks/+archive/ppa/+packages if you want to install in a system older than 14.0421:56
OvenWerk1It should work back to the last LTS or so.21:57
OvenWerk1(quite likely farther, the toolkit has been around for a while)21:58
OvenWerk1If someone wishes to install ubuntustudio on top of another perinstalled DE this is the way to go. It would likely work as is on a debian system too... if the metas where available.22:03

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