
ochosibrainwash: because i'm not sure yet how to fix it00:02
brainwashandrzejr_ should know :)00:07
ochosinot sure, actually NSchermer changed that part00:07
ochosiUnit193: you still around?00:11
Unit193More or less.00:11
ochosiUnit193: if so, could you do a (maybe strange) test for me?00:11
ochosiit should be rather simple, let me PM you the instructions quickly00:11
ochosiok, so i think if Unit193 manages to confirm my test too, i'm sure that this is what's failing00:17
elfyochosi pleia2 knome - thanks for the thanks, but mostly thanks for the ontopic comments that I can read and mull over :)00:31
knomemh, i felt bad for you with the original thread...00:32
Unit193elfy: Yes I stink, sorry, and I agree you did a much better job than seemingly most of us.00:32
elfyknome: I'd have restarted it in the morning probably - when I saw the offtopic stuff I couldn't be assed to do more than post :)00:33
Unit193Also, I have another system ready to update, whenever you want.00:34
knomei don't mind those mails to the mailing list, they can add something to some discussion, but i'd love if we were able to keep threads on topic00:34
elfyknome: last one tried - just didn't actually make a new thread lol - I thread them - so it just went on the end00:35
elfyUnit193: next week would be cool - after the b2 tracker is up 00:35
Unit193Will do.00:35
elfyhi GridCube 00:38
GridCube:) hi elfy 00:38
elfyUnit193: I do actually do hardware upgrades for the lts to lts test - but they're not 'used and abused' ones 00:39
elfybut they are at least hardware rather than vm's00:39
Unit193Well you know me, I have to run debsums even before I do an upgrade, so quite abused. :P00:39
elfyI'll hopefully be able to bully balloons into letting me know what the tracker url will be again 00:43
bluesabreknome, ochosi: yeah, if we want, we can set xv to false in xubuntu-default-settings00:45
bluesabreI forget what xv does, but I think it is hardware acceleration (maybe?)00:45
ochosiit is00:46
knomebluesabre, well ochosi said it'll create a lot of CPU cycles... but if it can't be fixed otherwise, maybe we should do that00:46
ochosihence more cpu cycles00:46
knomeit's just an option; but it fixes those two bugs related.00:46
ochosiand it's more of a graphics-driver issue than a parole issue from what i can tell00:46
ochosiwell, "fixes"..00:46
ochosiwe actually decided against adding a gui option to disable xv earlier in parole00:46
ochosibecause it's not a very desired thing00:47
knomehow do you define "fixes" in any other way than "makes the error go away"00:47
bluesabrewell, gnome-shell fixes crappy multimedia key support in xubuntu00:47
ochosinah, i won't explain the diff between workaround and fix now :)00:47
bluesabreI'll try to add that patch in tonight00:48
ochosiwait, what patch?00:48
bluesabreerrr, not?00:48
ochosii'm kinda -1 on disabling xv by default00:48
bluesabretoday I am a packager, let me know what you all want me to do00:49
ochosiit will be quite the regression for many who had no problems so far00:49
bluesabreochosi: have we tested the performance difference?00:49
bluesabrebrainwash: poke00:49
ochosifun way to sneak out of an argument ;)00:49
elfyha ha ha 00:49
bluesabreI'm getting better at it00:50
ochosii'll dig up the old bugreport...00:50
bluesabreactually, the first thing I need to do is fix the catfish-stable ppa for precise, apparently there's a distro that uses it, and I broke it for them00:50
bluesabreyay gtk3.400:50
bluesabreand then I will release, upload l-g-g-s00:51
bluesabreanything else need a package tonight?00:51
* elfy refuses to answer that00:51
ochosibluesabre: this guy had an interesting thought: https://bugzilla.xfce.org/show_bug.cgi?id=9428#c500:52
ubottubugzilla.xfce.org bug 9428 in General "Add an option in the preferences window to toggle xv output" [Enhancement,Resolved: wontfix]00:52
knomebluesabre, anything and everything that's queued for micahg?00:52
ochosianyway, we had near to 0 reports about the xv extension being a problem...00:53
knomenear to 0 == 2? :)00:54
bluesabrenear to 0 ~ 200:54
knomeboth in virtualbox, i gues00:54
knomeone of them was reported by me!00:54
knomeat least the other.00:54
knomeby me.00:54
bluesabreor that other one00:54
ochosiit can only work with xv disabled in virtualbox afaik00:54
bluesabreyou know, the *other other* one00:55
elfyochosi: if things like that are the case then I really need to know - then I can put notes in the testcase to say so00:55
ali1234gstreamer sucks anyway :/00:55
elfythen we will get less spurious bugs00:55
ali1234i had to switch to xbmc cos it's the only thing that actually keeps the audio and video in sync00:55
knomebut 127808900:56
knomebug 127808900:56
ubottubug 1278089 in parole (Ubuntu) "parole reports "Gstreamer backend error, could not initialise supporting library" in trusty" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/127808900:56
knomedoesn't mention if it's in a virtualized environment00:56
ochosiyeah it doesn't00:56
elfypretty sure migou was doing them in vm - he was here asking about how to use vm's I am sure00:56
ochosiknome: i thought you said "both in virtualbox, i guess"?00:57
knomethen it's probably a vm-related problem00:57
knome"i guess"00:57
ochosiwell i thought you were one of the two ppl00:57
bluesabreelfy: so, the note would be00:57
ochosiso err?00:57
knomeis not "100% guaranteed"00:57
knomeochosi, i did report bug 115515100:57
ubottubug 1155151 in parole (Ubuntu) "Can't play an OGV file" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/115515100:57
knomebut not the other bug00:57
knomei can only speak for my self00:58
elfycould add a generic "If reporting bug from a vm - please say so" to testcases00:58
knomeunless the other person notes if they ran parole in a VM or not00:58
bluesabre"Run `parole -xf` in Terminal before testing Parole when testing in a virtual machine"00:58
bluesabreparole -xv00:58
bluesabreactually, thats not right either00:58
bluesabreparole -xv false00:58
bluesabreright ochosi?00:58
knomenot that either00:58
knomeparole --xv false00:59
ochosii think you have to flip a switch in xfconf00:59
ochosior: you can00:59
knome^ that does it00:59
ochosinot sure we kept the commandline thingy00:59
knomeyou only have to run that once00:59
bluesabrewe did00:59
ochosiknome: are you running 0.6?00:59
knomeochosi, whatever is in trusty.00:59
knomeor, was, when i reported/confirmed00:59
knomemind you, still watching the pythons, not really debugging anything00:59
bluesabreparole --help01:00
brainwashso much activity here01:00
knomejust throwing in comments that might or might not be helpful.01:00
bluesabremostly me making typos01:00
ochosijust saying, that consumes both my CPUs when watching a normal movie01:00
ochosiso the movie actually stutters01:00
elfybluesabre: so the command is definitely parole --xv false for testing in a vm 01:01
bluesabreit'd be nice to do some sort of detection to make it work01:01
bluesabreelfy: yes01:01
* bluesabre will investigate that over the weekend01:01
knomebluesabre, yeah, that would be yummy:)01:01
ochosisame movie, i get 40% cpu01:01
ochosiwith xv enabled01:01
brainwashit only affects parole? other gstreamer based players work fine?01:01
ochosibrainwash: is that a question or a statement01:02
bluesabreI think totem handles things very differently now01:02
ochositotem uses clutter01:02
bluesabreother gstreamer players... not sure which01:02
ochosii guess there's mostly elementary's player, which also uses clutter01:03
ochosifrankly, this bugreport is really inconclusive: https://bugzilla.xfce.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1073301:04
ubottubugzilla.xfce.org bug 10733 in General "Parole gives me "Gstreamer Error...Unable to start the support library."" [Major,Needinfo]01:04
ochosiali1234: yeah, but i guess you get tearing everywhere...01:05
ali1234no, actually xbmc is the only player that doesn't have tearing too (because it goes full screen - but it also turns off all my other monitors too)01:05
knomejust ask if the report was done in a VM or not.01:05
ali1234but if i want to watch a movie or something that's okay01:07
elfyknome: I made a note to add a generic note to our testcases re vm's01:07
knomenote to note01:08
elfyand I'll finish parole tomorrow01:09
ochosiali1234: wow, so what backend does it use? its own?01:11
ochosihmmm, i guess i gotta try it again then01:11
ochosiit used to segfault and do all kinds of crazy stuff here, even kernel panics01:12
ali1234it still crashes if you're not careful01:12
ochosihehe, "careful"?01:12
ali1234but all media players do01:12
ochosiyeah, but with xbmc it sucks cause it's in fullscreen-mode and there used to be no easy way to kill it01:15
ochosi(well, with a kernel panic that doesnt matter anyway)01:15
bluesabreok, catfish should be fixed for precise ppa now01:27
knomeprecise? aren't we focusing on trusty stuff?01:28
Unit193My focus is on Unicorn.01:28
bluesabreI am now back to trusty stuff01:31
Unit193knome: So, docs fixes?01:32
Unit193Saw the links to broken stuff?01:32
knomewill get to that tomorrow01:32
Unit193As long as you saw them, it's up to you when you investigate. :)01:33
knomei'll ping you tomorrow.01:33
knomeanyway, i'm soon out of battery01:33
ochosiUnit193: commented on the xfce-panel appmenu bug quite extensively. so it's actually up to nick to decide how he wants to fix this exactly...01:34
ochosinight knome 01:34
ochosinot much more i can do for now01:35
Unit193How full is the patch? :P01:38
ochosiwell it's basically a huge question mark added to the changes in garcon01:41
Unit193pleia2: You touched on "Social Media" again in the mailing list, did you follow up with holstein about G+ (or was it Facebook?), he said something about being interested.  If you really need someone that isn't good socially on G+, in theory I could set up an account and help out.01:55
holsteinyeah, just let me know, pleia2 .. i have G+ setup, and im about as inactive there as facebook, but i do check in and can help with whatever02:03
pleia2Unit193, holstein - I can't add anyone to G+ :(02:09
pleia2only the owner can, and he isn't responding02:09
pleia2still hoping, I didn't realize that managers couldn't add more managers02:09
Unit193pleia2: Sorry then.02:10
pleia2he is an admin on fb though02:11
pleia2holstein, I mean02:11
Unit193Well didn't think you meant me, first you'd have to find me, then add the terribly inactive account. :P02:11
holsteinpleia2: you think i should say something? to the admin?02:52
holsteinMIA admin :/02:53
Unit193bluesabre0: Oooh, how do you like smuxi?  Server setup?03:06
bluesabre0just testing it out for now03:07
bluesabre0installed it on my webserver03:07
bluesabre0Unit193: are you a big smuxi user?03:07
Unit193bluesabre0: Never used it, but the client/core idea of quassel is interesting, moreso when you factor in that you can use a GUI or TUI client. :)03:08
Unit193It being in mono has kept me from installing, though.03:08
bluesabre0yeah, that bothered me a bit03:08
bluesabre0but being able to connect with a GUI to my server sounded like fun03:09
Unit193(Exactly like quassel. ;) )03:11
bluesabre0I'm still an IRC noob03:13
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1295482 in xfce4-session (Ubuntu) "[needs-packaging] xfce4-session 4.10.1-3ubuntu5" [Undecided,Confirmed]04:03
bluesabre0that should solve the xscreensaver issue04:03
micahgbluesabre: shouldn't that be the other way since we prefer light-locker?04:04
bluesabre0there was some discussion about this the other day04:05
bluesabre0Unit193, was there a reason to have xscreensaver first?04:06
bluesabre0or were you and brainwash just being contradictory?  :)04:06
bluesabre0micahg: I can swap it right quick if you'd like04:06
Unit193I don't remember precisely, but either way should work as we seed light-locker.  Which does xflock pick first?04:07
micahgit technically shouldn't matter04:07
bluesabre0now it is light-locker, xscreensaver, gnome-screensaver04:07
bluesabre0yeah, your call, didn't seem like order was an issue04:07
Unit193So, I'd say we should have it exactly like that, but that's me.04:08
Unit193(sed s/,/|/g of course)04:08
micahgit technically doesn't matter, was just wondering if there was a reason one way or the other, this might actually be better04:09
bluesabre0micahg, would you like to handle the upload? :)04:10
bluesabre0I need to head to bed, haven't had any sleep all week04:10
micahglooking at it now04:10
bluesabre0night everyone :)04:11
micahgNoskcaj: are you planning on fixing tumbler?04:24
micahgUnit193: you're involved with xubuntu docs, right?  are the current docs taking into account the pending changes from ochosi ?04:37
Noskcajmicahg, the issue?04:40
micahgNoskcaj: FTBFS on ppc64el04:41
micahgpitti kicked the sync bug back to you04:41
Noskcaji'll look into it this weekend04:41
Unit193micahg: I don't think the docs mention those anywhere, so nothing to change, though I am not related to the whiskermenu changes at all.04:42
micahgNoskcaj: wait, it looks like you fixed it already04:42
micahgoh, sigh04:42
micahgNoskcaj: sorry, browser cache issue04:42
micahgyou did fix it04:43
Unit193I think lp:xubuntu-docs is out of sync with the archive right now though.  (Archive changelog, just needs set to released and start the next version.)04:47
micahgI can merge these in, but I'll need a UIFe bug approved before I can upload04:48
micahgsince it only affects xubuntu, that'll just mean the xubuntu docs team needs to sign off on it04:49
Unit193(The docs thing is a non-issue, just need to merge it)  Really?  It's not just a bug with them already being in, but wrong?04:49
micahghrm, sorry, 2 issues04:50
micahgthe 3 branches waiting to merge in for -default-setting I can merge, but I can't upload without docs team sign off04:50
micahgsince there are UI settings changes04:50
Unit193jjfrv8 is docs lead, can add him.04:51
micahglp:xubuntu-docs being out of date is not good, is that something I can fix (don't think I can do tonight)04:51
micahgok, I'll merge the branches and file a UIFe bug04:51
micahgand subscribe both jjfrv8 and ochosi and they can hash out what's needed for docs04:52
Unit193Oh hoho, bluesabre messed up. :/04:54
Unit193bluesabre0: You don't have the new images.04:55
bluesabre0I mentioned to use lp:xubuntu-docs as the base04:55
bluesabre0some things cannot be easily done with a sponsorship04:56
Unit193Uploading the tar.gz should help with that.04:57
Noskcajmicahg, :)04:57
Noskcajoh that, yeah04:57
Unit193knome: See above, that'd explain some of the problems.04:58
bluesabre0for future uploads such as these, I'll make sure to include the .tar.gz and be specific05:01
bluesabre0sorry for the mess :)05:01
Unit193Thank you.05:01
Unit193Dang, no scrollback to check out the other issues.05:02
micahgochosi: sorry, just ran out of time, what's in the merges is fine, in the future, we probably want changelogs to go along with them, if you could please file a UIFe bug for the branches and get jjfrv8  to sign off that docs can be updated for the changes, I'll upload as soon as I can 05:34
micahgI will get this stuff uploaded before Sunday morning my time05:44
micahg(assuming we have docs sign off)05:44
micahgnow off to sleep05:44
Unit193Good night, micahg.05:45
micahggood niht05:45
dkesselGood morning06:40
paioniumezzaHi, developers.08:24
elfyI'll say hi as the devs are all snoring08:24
paioniumezzaBut not you, ok?08:25
elfyno - I'm no dev - I do qa08:26
elfypaioniumezza: might be able to help you or point you in the right direction08:27
paioniumezzaOk. I'm new here. Sorry for my english. It's not my native language :-) Well, I am interested in one of the topics of the brainstorm...08:28
elfyyou'll have to point me at that :)08:28
paioniumezzaPrecisely: "Investigate if we can still get python3 only on the iso" 08:28
paioniumezzaAnyone is taking care abouts this?08:29
elfyfrom the brainstorm at the beginning of the cycle?08:30
elfyat a guess I'd say that is reliant on packages we use - but I can't give you a definitive answer08:31
paioniumezzaseemed to me that it referred only to have python 3 in iso instead of the current 2.7.3. If so, then there are important considerations at 'https://wiki.python.org/moin/Python2orPython3'.08:35
paioniumezza"There are a few minor downsides, such as slightly worse library support..." and so on08:37
paioniumezzan summary, I was wondering if someone on the team has already proposed something about it and how I could participate, since it interests me.08:39
elfypaioniumezza: hang around in the channel and when they are looking they'll see what you've said :)08:44
paioniumezzaelfy: Thanks for the light :)08:45
elfyyou're welcome :)08:45
paioniumezzaAs a new User/Developer, I'm very hungry for knowledge. So, can you explain me your participation on this project, on QA, as you've pointed?08:49
paioniumezzaIf this does not bother you ...08:50
knomeUnit193, aha, so not branch-code-related, but packaging/upload-related, ACK.09:09
knomeUnit193, is there something i need to worry about?09:09
knomei guess not, since the docs build good to me.09:15
=== danilo_ is now known as paioniumezza
ochosimicahg: sure, adding changelog is no problem, i can do that from now on10:33
ochosimicahg: no need to have a docs signoff on those changes btw10:36
Unit193Won't hurt and can only "look good."10:40
Unit193knome: Installed and all?10:40
knomeUnit193, no, just test-built10:40
knomebut isn't "installation" just cp the build dir anyway?10:41
elfyochosi: pretty sure that Danilo on the m/l is the paioniumezza user in here earlier :)11:15
ochosipossible yeah11:19
ochosistill, replying on the ml is useful for other potential/future contributors too11:19
elfyyea - was just saying :)11:19
ochosisure :)11:20
elfythere seems to have been more of that this cycle - or I'm noticing it more - all good whichever :)11:20
brainwashmemory leak bug 129561411:25
ubottubug 1295614 in xfdesktop4 (Ubuntu) "xfdesktop leaking memory on wallpaper change (ubuntu 14.04 with xfce)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/129561411:25
brainwashxfdesktop 4.11 is so.. experimental :)11:30
pleia2holstein: you're welcome to try :)11:37
slickymasterWorkknome: https://code.launchpad.net/~knome/ubiquity-slideshow-ubuntu/uife-bug-1294619/+merge/211707 has been merged12:01
slickymasterWorkdo you think I can now start to work on the slideshow translation?12:01
knomelet me check.12:02
knomeactually, hmm12:02
slickymasterWorkbtw, when you manage to find the time for it, don't forget https://code.launchpad.net/~slickymaster/xubuntu-docs/xubuntu-docs/+merge/212038, knome 12:03
slickymasterWorkand thanks ;)12:03
elfyhi slickymasterWork 12:03
slickymasterWorkmorning elfy 12:03
slickymasterWorkelfy: replied to your QA "survey" in the ML12:04
knometext conflict :|12:04
slickymasterWorkknome: in my MP?12:05
knomeyep, but resolved12:06
knomefortunately it wasn't in the portugues parts ;)12:06
slickymasterWorkthanks knome 12:09
slickymasterWorkand also for the poedit tip, it's really faster to work with12:09
knomeyep, np12:10
* Unit193 recommends you change it to prefer UTF-8 if you haven't.12:10
* slickymasterWork is grateful for the hint but has already change it12:12
Unit193Thought you might. \o/12:14
elfyslickymasterWork: yep - saw that - replied to your reply :)12:20
slickymasterWorkhopefully not bashing me :)12:21
ochosibrainwash: please link bugreports like that one to the xubuntu-t-bugs blueprint12:31
ochosi(i've done it already for this one, but for the future)12:32
brainwashI did plan to12:32
brainwashafter actually verifying the bug12:32
brainwashochosi: screenshot was made for an ibus report, but the xfdesktop label bug is back12:35
ochosixfdesktop label bug?12:37
brainwashbug 127026112:38
ubottubug 1270261 in xfdesktop "Desktop items have background" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/127026112:38
brainwashI feel like re-opening this report, but filing a new one would be a better idea, or?12:39
ochosii see12:40
brainwashalready re-opened the upstream report12:40
ochosii'd just reopen the existing launchpad report12:40
brainwashso, can you confirm the memory leak when switching wallpapers?12:41
ochosihaven't had time to check yet12:42
brainwashelfy: bug 129420913:05
ubottubug 1294209 in thunar (Ubuntu) "Deleting files from desktop freezes machine for short period" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/129420913:05
brainwashvm or normal installation?13:06
brainwashand/or live mode13:06
elfyunfortunately this one - I was just reminded of it :|13:06
brainwashlooks like classic timeout issue (blocking)13:07
elfymight well be - but what it is - is new to me :)13:07
brainwashcan you upload your ~/.cache/upstart/startxfce4.log please13:07
brainwashmoreover, if you delete files from the desktop directly, shouldn't the report target xfdesktop4? :)13:08
elfyyea probably should :)13:10
elfyit does ;)13:11
brainwashthe log file might contain some hints, other than that, it's a very strange issue13:12
brainwashif it freezes the whole machine13:12
elfynothing in the logs - I can see nothing after the last thing mentioned in the logs - I know when I deleted and the last thing in the logs I did prior to deleting13:13
elfyyep - it just freezes - can't move to a different workspace or anything - nothing responds at all 13:14
brainwashwhat about switching to a virtual console?13:14
elfynot tried that13:14
brainwashand also take a look at /var/log/dmesg and/or /var/log/syslog13:14
elfyit is very much like the thunar slow at first start issue 13:14
elfybut affects everything not just thunar :)13:15
elfynothing in logs in /var13:16
elfythis bug ties up with the last thunar update timing wise - which was ali1234's side pane fix I think13:18
brainwashsadly I cannot confirm this problem13:19
elfyI doubt if we'll manage to get anyone to do that - I suspect that as soon as I've got a clean install it'll disappear13:20
brainwashthe magical power of a clean install :)13:21
Unit193Well, thunar does have a -dbg package. :P13:21
elfythough that said I do plan to keep this one hanging about this time13:21
ochosijjfrv8: can you please check (and approve) this merge-request? https://code.launchpad.net/~ochosi/xubuntu-default-settings/whiskermenu_defaults/+merge/21171414:28
ochosijjfrv8: we just need an ack wrt docs, i don't think this MR should be a problem though anyway but micah asked for it14:28
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slickymasterWorkknome: you around?15:30
slickymasterWorkknome: there's something wrong with the xubuntu_ubiquity-slideshow.po files. At least with the _pt.po one15:32
slickymasterWorkthe issue relates with ochosi text to the "Make the desktop your own" slide, which isn't present in the file. Currently instead of said text it's still showing just the word "Stuff" as we had before ochosi made the text15:34
jhenkehi guys15:49
jhenkelittle off topic question for English native speakers: Does the word guys include women as well in general, or is it understood as men only? I have seen both uses and would like to know what native speakers think about it.15:50
slickymasterWorkjhenke: for off topic questions there's the #xubuntu-offtopic channel15:52
holsteinjhenke: it can be both.. but, it can be considered not-ok15:53
holsteinjhenke: depends on the context.. if its a professional item, "guys" for both gender wouldnt likely be acceptable15:53
holstein"folks" could be a little less formal and work for both.. otherwise "ladies and gentlemen" 15:54
jhenkeholstein thanks16:25
jhenkeslickymasterWork I did not intend to start a lengthly discussion, it was just a quick question16:25
slickymasterWorkcoll jhenke, no problem ;)16:28
Unit193jhenke: It's generally men and women, but would be strange when only women are present.17:03
elfyjhenke: I would use guys for men - my 14 year old daughter and her friends use it interchangeably 17:07
Unit193Him/he is supposed to be used for an unknown entity, though it's harder.  Them/they is wrong though since it means more than one person.17:10
jhenkethanks for the input, I'll try to get used to folks as a replacement then, as it seems more safe17:18
elfyjhenke: really depends what the context is to be honest 17:18
elfyaah I see holstein said that already :)17:19
jhenkeelfy isn't that valid for every langauge and all phrases?17:19
elfyyep 17:19
elfybut I only speak two languages English and Hampshire17:19
elfyHampshire being almost exactly the same as English but with only one H17:20
Unit193Gibberish and English.17:20
elfy3 languages ... 17:20
jhenkeI see, yes English as mother tongue makes it tempting to not learn any other language17:20
elfyjhenke: you really should join the -offtopic channel - dev stuff gets talked in there too 17:21
elfyI would say mostly by Unit193, but knome is good too :p17:22
jhenkesorry for that, it really wasn't my intention17:22
elfyit's ok :)17:22
jhenkeI really had the one question and a simple yes or no would have been enough17:22
elfyindeed - but as you found out - we will jabber :)17:23
slickymasterWorkbrainwash, https://bugs.launchpad.net/thunar/+bug/115972417:55
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1159724 in evince (Ubuntu) "Evince Error setting extended attribute 'xdg.origin.url' while saving a duplicate" [Undecided,Confirmed]17:55
Unit193Meh, when I'm doing "devel" stuff there, it's normally crap devel stuff.17:59
ochosiUnit193: could you help with packaging a patch for xfce4-settings?18:04
Unit193What do you mean by help?18:05
ochosiwell, add it to the package and subscribe the sponsors to the MR18:05
ochosiUnit193: this would be the collected bugreport: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xfdesktop4/+bug/128941118:06
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1289411 in xfce4-settings "Help button doesn't open online help" [Medium,Confirmed]18:06
ochosiand the patch is here: https://bugzilla.xfce.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1074018:07
ubottubugzilla.xfce.org bug 10740 in Settings Manager "Add support for versioned help desktop files" [Normal,New]18:07
ochosiplease! (and thank you)18:07
slickymasterWorkochosi: +118:08
brainwashNoskcaj: please re-open bug 1270261, I already changed the status of the upstream report19:41
ubottubug 1270261 in xfdesktop "Desktop items have background" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/127026119:41
brainwashit's a regression19:41
Noskcajok. so tag regression-release ?19:41
brainwashI guess so19:41
brainwashand change "fix released" to "confirmed"19:42
brainwashthanks :)19:42
brainwashali1234: if a window is not resizable, should it allow to be maximized?21:47
ochosistill haven't given up on that, eh? :)21:52
brainwashochosi: no, every time I open a dialog window and see the unnecessary maximize button I start to wonder21:58
brainwashbut fixing this means learning about the standards and so on22:03
brainwashand it needs to be tested with some test cases22:04
brainwashso no one complains if a fix will be accepted upstream22:05
NoskcajI'm looking into making an abiword upload. Should i just try and cherry pick patches or package the whole upstream stable branch (is bugfixes only)22:05
ochosii guess the question is whether it has been tested at all?22:05
ochosior: have you tested it with the patches?22:05
brainwashit will be tested :P22:05
brainwashwhat is the debian policy?22:06
Unit193Noskcaj: Pickup xfce4-session too. :P22:06
NoskcajUnit193, As in 4.11 or some bugfixes that need adding?22:08
Unit193Settings, session, same thing.22:13
ali1234brainwash: there is no standard22:13
ochosiNoskcaj: Unit193 just wants to run away from something i asked him for (xfce4-settings patch from upstream to fix the help buttons: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xfdesktop4/+bug/1289411 )22:14
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1289411 in xfce4-settings "Help button doesn't open online help" [Medium,Confirmed]22:14
Unit193Of course I do, merges.22:15
brainwashand libxfce4ui?22:15
NoskcajI'll do the packaging for setting now then, i'll fix bug 1260341 there too22:17
ubottubug 1260341 in xfce4-settings (Ubuntu) "Tapping lower-right corner of touchpad causes a right-click" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/126034122:17
brainwash^ shouldn't be set to 'high'22:19
brainwashand no one actually tested my patch22:20
ochosiNoskcaj: while i like the hands-on "let's fix stuff" approach, please don't include patches that haven't had testing (the last commentor on that bugreport even said he can't reproduce the issue anymore...)22:23
Noskcajochosi, yep. I wasn't going to package it after i saw brainwash's comment22:24
ochosiok :)22:24
brainwashbut please lower the importance level22:24
NoskcajThe abiword maintainer thinks it's stupid that ubuntu has 3.0, suggests we revert to the current stable release22:25
brainwashwhich isn't 3.0?22:26
Noskcajnope, 3.0 is an experimental release22:26
Unit193Came because of a sync from Debian.22:27
Noskcajstable is 2.8.6, developement is 2.9.4, experimental is 3.0.022:27
brainwashsaucy already shipped with a svn snapshot of version 3.022:27
brainwashand it's only abiword after all22:28
brainwashali1234: ok, so I'll provide a patch and hope that it gets accepted22:33
Noskcajxfce4-settings Merge Request is up22:57
ochosithanks Noskcaj 23:00
knomeslickymaster, hmh.23:16
knomeslickymaster, there isn't the new string at all?23:16
slickymasterno, just the "Stuff"23:16
slickymasterI have evrything else translated besides that string23:16
knomethat's weird, because the new template should be in...23:16
knomeoh right23:16
knomeno po files updated23:16
* knome facepalms23:17
knomeslickymaster, open the .po file.23:17
knomein poedit, that is23:17
knomeselect catalog -> update from pot file23:18
knomeand select the pot file in the same directory23:18
knomeit updates the catalog with new translatable messages23:18
knomei think launchpad might do that automatically.23:18
knomeor not.23:18
slickymasterI'll have a MP in no time23:20
knomeor you could try uploading it23:21
slickymasterknome: do you mind terrible if I assign you as reviewer to merge it?23:21
knome(if you have that option)23:21
knomewe could see if it was easier that way23:21
slickymasternot sure if I have or not23:21
slickymasterif not, what? I just upload it to ubiquity translations?23:22
knomedo you have an "Upload translation" button on that page?23:23
knomeok, use that23:24
slickymasterI'll use this process then23:24
knomeok, great23:25
knomelet's see how that turns out23:25
slickymasterknome: select catalog -> update from pot file23:26
slickymasterdidn't brought any new strings23:26
slickymastercan't I just pull the entire branch, copy the string from the slide, add it to the pot file and translate it?23:29
knomenow i see it23:29
knomeit's obvious23:29
knomethis is why i was uncertain about translating now, now i remember it!23:29
slickymasterto you probably :P23:29
knomewe are translating the *ubuntu package*23:30
knomenot the main branch23:30
knomeand the new ubuntu package isn't uploaded yet23:30
knomeso there can't be a new translation template23:30
knome(unless you download one from the main branch)23:30
knomebut i don't know how LP would treat the .po file if it had strings the template didn't23:31
knomeit would most probably just dismiss them23:31
slickymastercan't I just branch it and get the pot file from there?23:31
knomewhether it was able to reuse those *when* the strings are available... i don't know23:31
knome"Launchpad will only accept the .po file if it has the X-Exported-From-Launchpad header. That header is automatically added when you export a .po file from Launchpad."23:32
knometechnically, you could add that header...23:32
slickymasterhmmm, the saner thing to do is to just wait until the new ubuntu package is uploaded23:32
slickymasterin the meanwhile the work is done. it's just a matter of copy/paste afterwards23:33
knomeit should happen on monday at latest23:33
slickymasterokie dokie23:33
brainwashali1234: can we mark bug 1208681 as fixed?23:38
ubottubug 1208681 in thunar (Ubuntu) "PCManFM bookmarks are not being respected by other applications due to GTK 3.0" [Low,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/120868123:38
slickymasterbrainwash: did you get to see bug 115972423:40
ubottubug 1159724 in evince (Ubuntu) "Error setting extended attribute 'xdg.origin.url' while saving a duplicate" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/115972423:40
brainwashnot yet23:41
slickymasterI come across it today just by chance and realize that it's not a evince bug but a thunar one23:43
slickymasterI added an upstream bug report to it23:43
brainwashyou should have added "thunar (Debian)" to the Affects list23:43
slickymasterwill do23:44
brainwashbecause it's the debian bug report23:44
brainwashstrange thing, you cannot change it afterwards23:44
brainwashthe distribution list appears to be magically limited23:45
slickymasteryes, extremelly limited :p23:46
brainwashso, did you try to reproduce it with a different file manager?23:47
slickymasterat the time I was also dealing with some issues on a database server at work23:48
slickymasterdidn't got a chance to23:48

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