
WTShello all05:34
WTSi am a recent ubuntu gnome user and i think this would be the channel for tech support05:35
WTSi was going to use linux mint but tbh i like gnome ubuntu just fine05:36
WTSi seem to have a problem with shell extensions not working correctly05:39
WTScase in point, my applications menu does not work05:40
WTSi can click it05:40
WTSbut it does nothing05:40
=== makije|away is now known as makije
=== makije is now known as makije|away
=== makije|away is now known as makije
=== makije is now known as makije|away
=== ph_afk is now known as ph
=== ph is now known as Guest56362
=== ph_afk is now known as ph
=== ph is now known as Guest77395
=== cyberalex4life is now known as cyberalex4life_
=== cyberalex4life_ is now known as cyberalex4life
=== FireMedic is now known as FiremanEd
=== makije|away is now known as makije
=== jackson is now known as Guest15284
=== Guest15284 is now known as Noskcaj
=== makije is now known as makije|away

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