
cmaloneyGood morning13:02
cmaloneyHello from the Science Olympiad.14:28
jrwrenplaying with the kids, eh?14:29
cmaloneyWell, more helping JoDee out with the AStronomy section14:30
cmaloneyI'm her gopher.14:30
cmaloneyYeah, at the moment I'm watcing students sweat and trying to set up a gitorious account.15:22
cmaloneyHah, helps if I actually use gitorious.org and not gitorious.com. :)15:37
cmaloneyYay, did some OSS coding here16:43
cmaloneyPLayed around with a package called Spigot which posts your blog entries to pump.io16:43
gamerchick02you're still using pumpio?16:56
gamerchick02i can't hit the "login" button to... log in.16:57
gamerchick02won't register16:57
cmaloneyyeah, im usig identi.ca18:28
cmaloneygamerchick02: you will need javascript18:28
gamerchick02i thought i had it, i'm using chrome18:31
gamerchick02i get the following when i try to use the remote subscribe: http://paste.ubuntu.com/7137194/18:37
rick_h_gah, jalepeno in my eye, that'll leave a mark21:39
jrwreni do that almost every year at harvest.21:43
jrwrenhow bad rick_h_ ?21:43
jrwrencry it out?21:43
rick_h_eye wash in the sink21:44
rick_h_thank you pull out sprayers in the kitchen21:44
rick_h_I can open my eye again, burns a bit but hey I'm typing21:44
rick_h_but wow, that was a good burn until the eyewash21:44
wafa jalepeno is a lotta pain, yo.22:03
waf...i'll be here all night, folks22:03

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