
xubuntu374New to xubuntu ... On my laptop... Just need a pointer to how I troubleshoot no sound thru hdmi....01:00
Unit193xubuntu374: I've done zero with HDMI out, but might be able to get it from https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/PulseAudio/Examples#HDMI_output_configuration01:04
xubuntu374Tks unit193, looks like a good place to start01:06
cfhowlettdelt, greetings03:24
deltmaybe a stupid question, but how do i set the cpu speed on my laptop to always be at maximum?03:24
delthello cfhowlett03:24
cfhowlettdelt, what's your xubuntu question03:24
deltcfhowlett: in xubuntu/ubuntu studio, where's the setting for cpu throttle?03:25
cfhowlettdelt, I don't know - never used it.03:25
delteither with a graphic tool or commandline/config editing03:25
deltthe "settings manager" so far isn't being much help.03:25
deltunless i'm missing something obvious03:26
cfhowlettdelt, looks like it might be cpu-freq or the jupiter power applet03:26
deltCPU running at 800.000 800.000MHz, governor mode ondemand03:27
deltthanks for the info, let's see if this has a manpage....03:27
cfhowlettThrottling occurs when the CPU governor is set to Ondemand or Conservative. Set it to Performance or Powersave within Linux to disable throttling. Or disable Speed Step in your computer's BIOS to run at full speed the whole time.03:27
deltasking on #linux...03:28
deltand dr.google =)03:28
holsteindelt: i have shortcuts on my ubuntustudio desktop to set the govenor to performance, as cfhowlett suggests03:36
delt"apt-cache search jupiter" doesn't show anything useful....03:38
deltbtw hello holstein03:38
holsteindelt: i dont think jupiter was ever in the repos03:38
holsteinjupiter is something else.. its not only for setting the cpu freq..03:39
holsteinwhat i do looks a lot like this.. http://askubuntu.com/questions/149271/how-to-change-default-scaling-governor-back-to-ondemand03:39
holsteinit will depend on what you have, and what you are willing to install to manage the cpu freq like that03:39
holsteini suggest checking and seeing where it is now..03:39
delthmm, interesting.. /etc/init.d/ondemand03:41
deltthere's no /etc/init.d/performance though...maybe i could modify that one?03:41
holsteindelt: as i said, it really depends on what youhave, and what you want..03:42
holsteindelt: i would start by looking and seeing what its set at now.. could be you dont have scaling capabilities, and the machine is *already* at performance by default03:42
delt[pts/1][root@laptop]:~# cat /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/scaling_governor03:43
holsteinthen, i would read what i linked above, which has a few different ways of addressing it03:43
delti set it with cpufreq -g03:43
deltthanks for the link..reading....03:43
holsteindelt: so, you dont have to bother about setting it to performance if its already at performance03:43
holsteini use a command line string like that to set my CPU for my production machine03:44
delt[pts/1][root@laptop]:~# cat /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/cpuinfo_cur_freq03:45
delt(2.8GHz core2 duo)03:45
deltweird thing is, pianoteq keeps reporting lower freqs03:45
holsteinso.. pianoteq shouldnt have root permission03:46
deltit doesn't03:46
holsteini would see if it is working at a resonable latency03:46
deltanyway i'll play some more and see if i still get hickups in the sound03:46
deltthanks for the help!03:47
holsteinyou should have realistic expectations03:47
holsteini typically try and run pianoteq at around 5ms latency03:47
holsteinthats on a netbook.. without JACK running03:47
xubuntu566i am very new to xubuntu, pls if somebody to help me how to install adoble flash player03:52
ubottuTo install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash - See also  !Restricted and !Gnash03:52
holsteinxubuntu566: or, you can use the chrome browser, which includes its own flash for linux03:53
xubuntu566thank you so much!!03:54
xubuntu566another question!? may i?03:54
holsteinjust ask, if a volunteer can help, they will03:54
xubuntu566brightness adjusting doesnt work..03:55
holsteinit may not.. you can try other keyboard controls, not just the ones that are marked.. sometimes, they will bre in a different place03:55
holsteinyou can try different graphics drivers.. you can try other settings as well, but i suggest, just use it for a while, and choose your battles03:56
holsteinwhen you buy a machine with windows, a team of folks at a company makes sure that the brightness controls and everything works03:56
holsteinwhen you decide to run linux, you take that role on.. that burden or support.. i would just take it slow, and get used to things in order03:56
cfhowlettholstein, well said!03:58
holsteincfhowlett: cheers!03:59
HoNgOuRuhi, I want to know if it is important to create a "/boot" partition before installing xubuntu... I did one for "/home" and another one for "/"04:01
cfhowlettHoNgOuRu, not required ...04:01
HoNgOuRucfhowlett, but it does the difference?04:01
cfhowlettHoNgOuRu, the /boot partition is automatically created/configured.  you need do nothing.04:02
HoNgOuRuand what about the "/" partition ?04:02
cfhowlettHoNgOuRu, you need to set "/"04:03
HoNgOuRuyes, I know04:03
HoNgOuRubut is it better in a different partition than home ?04:03
cfhowlettHoNgOuRu, "better"?   depends on your use and profile.  personally I set a /home as it makes upgrading easier04:05
HoNgOuRuok, Ill do that04:06
ubottuYour home directory is where all of your personal files are usually kept. For moving your home directory to a separate partition, please see: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Partitioning/Home/Moving04:06
HoNgOuRucfhowlett, the "/" partition .... should be ext2 ext3 or ext4 ?04:11
cfhowlettHoNgOuRu, ext4 is the default04:11
HoNgOuRuI am doing it manual04:11
HoNgOuRuwith gparted04:12
awesome-o3000hey guys just started a fresh install of xubuntu 13.10 and am having problems getting my sound working can anyone give a hand04:53
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startnixHello People!!06:56
startnixI am using xfce, but there is a problem, I cannot lock screen, when I click lock screen nothing happens, I did tried, shortcut key, that is Ctrl+L but didn't work tough!!06:58
baizonstartnix: try by launching xscreensaver07:04
SeibHi. Is there anyone who can help me figure out a problem?08:44
ubottuSeib,: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience08:44
SeibOh. I'm sorry. Okay.08:45
baizonnp Seib08:47
SeibI'm running Xubuntu 12.04 on my HP Chromebook 11. My battery died and I didn't realize it was low, so my computer shut off automatically. But when I turned it back on after plugging the charger into it, the "OS Verification Is Off" screen came on and I clicked ctrl D like I was supposed to, but the Xubuntu login screen never came up! Instead, it just went straight on to the ChromeOS login screen... D:08:47
SeibI even logged in thinking it was normal, but when I tried doing the ctrl + alt + shift + f2 hotkey to switch, that didn't work either.08:48
cfhowlettSeib, I've no experience with chromebook.  ask in #ubuntu08:48
SeibHow do I get to that? :/08:49
cfhowlettin your irc client   /join #ubuntu08:49
SeibOkay. Thank you. See ya08:50
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zoidberg_hi there11:28
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MorsicatioHello all13:07
MorsicatioHaving an issue with Xubuntu 13.10: it freezes after login.13:07
MorsicatioThe mouse pointer is active, but no icons, panels or anything else loads.13:07
MorsicatioI've read online that i need to type in commands: cd .cache rm -rf sessions13:08
MorsicatioI've tried this, but to no avail13:08
Morsicatioany advice?13:08
MorsicatioI am a complete noob and have no idea if i am typing them correctly13:08
MorsicatioAny help, much appreciated13:08
DoomBoomwhen did it start freezing after login?13:09
MorsicatioWell, I started using a command line hibernate function13:10
Morsicatiosudo pm-hibernate13:10
Morsicatioand I didn't much shut it down thereafter13:11
Morsicatioprobably went about 20-days without shutdown13:11
Morsicatioshut it down today, and when I turned it back on, it hanged right after login13:11
Morsicatioit did once attempt to update, but said no internet connection was detected13:12
DoomBoombut you had an internet connection?13:12
MorsicatioI then tried connecting an ethernet cable, this time the update ran, no updates were found, I clicked okay, and then it went back to hanging at install screen13:13
Morsicatiowell my wifi was on and functional13:13
Morsicatioand it worked with the ethernet cable13:13
Morsicationo problems13:13
DoomBoomodd, I don't know much about this myself to be honest13:13
DoomBoomone more thing though13:13
DoomBoomdid you type "cd .cache rm -rf sessions" on one line and exactly as that?13:14
Morsicationo, sorry, i typed it on two individual lines13:14
DoomBoomthen the sessions were probably deleted correctly...13:14
Morsicatioafter cd .cache the line began: laptop name:~/.caches13:15
Morsicatio(after i pressed enter)13:15
Morsicatiothen i entered the second line and pressed enter, and then it reverted to laptop name:~/.cache$13:16
Morsicatioafter i pressed enter13:16
Morsicatioso no idea if it actually did anything13:16
Morsicatioafter that, I pressed Ctrl+alt+F7 and logged out and back in again13:17
DoomBoomrm is silent so that should be what you'd see13:17
Morsicatiothe same thing happened, logged in but no icons or panels loaded13:17
Morsicatiothe mouse pointer moves, but that is about it13:17
DoomBoomyou could always check if .cache/sessions is still there with something like `file .cache/sessions`13:18
MorsicatioI type in the following: file .cache/sessions13:19
Morsicatioi'll give that a go now...13:19
MorsicatioI got the information from this link: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=218774813:20
Morsicatiothere was another solution offered, but I could not login to tty213:20
Morsicatioi dont know what that is or what that means13:20
Morsicatiothe GuestAccount login I have, will not login after pressing Ctrl+alt+f213:20
HypothesisFroghi. My audio is screwed up.13:20
Morsicatiowhen i login, there are two options at top rhs13:22
Morsicatioxubuntu session or xfce session13:22
HypothesisFrogevery time I try to run an audio file on media player, I get "GStreamer encountered a general stream error."13:22
Morsicatioi think i tend to use xfce13:22
HypothesisFrogthat's on totem13:22
HypothesisFrogsame thing on parole media player13:22
HypothesisFrogyoutube sounds doesn't produce anything13:22
Morsicatiojust plugged in file . cache/sessions and the result is:13:23
Morsicatio.cache/sessions: directory13:24
Morsicationxt line is: laptop name:~$13:24
DoomBoomthat means it exists, though it might be that it was recreated after removing it13:24
Morsicatioshould I attempt repeating the rm action?13:24
DoomBoomno harm in doing it I guess13:25
DoomBoomsafest is to do the same with cd first and then rm, making a type in rm while in your home directory is dangerous13:25
DoomBoomI wonder why you can't log in to tty2 though13:26
Morsicatioright, just did that and confirmed it was not present with the file command13:26
Morsicatioit now says directory cannot be found13:26
DoomBoomyeah then it was removed correctly13:26
Morsicatiowith tty2: I know what the guestlogin name is13:26
Morsicatiobut it does not have a password13:27
Morsicatiowhen it asks for a password13:27
Morsicatioi just hit enter13:27
Morsicatioand then it says login failed13:27
Morsicatiois there maybe another way to indicate no apssword?13:27
DoomBoomhow do you get in tty1?13:28
Morsicatiothen it asks for a password13:29
MorsicatioI input the password but it says incorrect13:29
Morsicatioi then put in the username when it prompts and then the password13:29
Morsicatioand login for tty1 then succeeds13:29
DoomBoomcan't you use the same login for tty2?13:30
Morsicatioah, didn't realise that was possible13:30
Morsicatiothought tty2 meant the other login13:30
MorsicatioI'll try that now13:30
MorsicatioOkay, logged into tty213:31
DoomBoomI wonder why paulprobert said to log in to tty2 though... I thought every tty was the same13:32
DoomBoomwell you can do what he said, it'll remove all xfce configuration though13:32
DoomBoomand hopefully it fixes it13:32
DoomBoomanother post says something about only deleting .config/xfce4/xfconf/xfce-perchannel-xml/display.xml13:32
Morsicatioshall i put the same commands through, or as advised in the previous noted link, try: rm -rf ~/.config/xfce4/xfconf13:33
MorsicatioI don't mind that, I just want it to work!13:33
Morsicatioalso, I usually use xubuntu session rather than xfce session13:33
Morsicatiowhats the difference13:33
DoomBoomto be honest13:33
Morsicatioonly found out there was an option today13:33
DoomBoomI have no idea13:33
DoomBoomXubuntu is Ubuntu with XFCE13:34
DoomBoommaybe XFCE doesn't start the ubuntu stuff?13:34
cfhowlettMorsicatio, xfce is ubuntu with xfce overlay.  xubuntu is ubuntu with xfce integration13:34
Morsicatiookay, i'll try: rm file .config/xfce4/xfconf/xfce-perchannel-xml/display.xml13:34
Morsicatioright, thanks13:34
Morsicatiovery confusingQ13:34
Morsicatiois that a valid command above?13:35
DoomBoomit is valid, I'd remove the file part though unless you want to remove a file called `file` as well13:35
Morsicatioah right!13:35
Morsicatioit says no such file or directory exists13:37
Morsicatioare there any spaces in the command?13:37
Morsicatioi cant tell f there is a space between the .xml and display13:37
Morsicatioi've put it in as one long chain13:38
DoomBoomno spaces13:38
DoomBoombe sure you're in the right directory13:38
Morsicatioright...how do i do that?13:38
DoomBoomif you're in .config, you can do `rm xfce4/xfconf/xfce-perchannel-xml/display.xml`13:38
Morsicatiosorry, but how do I get into .config13:39
DoomBoomoh, you're in ~?13:39
DoomBoomthat should be the right directory for the earlier command13:39
Morsicatiothe line reads:laptopname:~$13:39
DoomBoomyes, you're in ~13:40
Morsicatioright, so is that the correct directory?13:40
Morsicatioor do i need to change13:40
Morsicatioit is correct?13:40
DoomBoominteresting, I see I also don't have .config/xfce4/xfconf/xfce-perchannel-xml/display.xml13:40
elfyDoomBoom: afaik you'll only have display.xml with multiple monitors13:42
Morsicatioright, so perhaps I shall try the other suggestion of: rm -rf ~/.config/xfce4/xfconf13:42
Morsicatiothat I do not have13:42
DoomBoomyes, try removing that13:43
Morsicatiodo i need to be in ~ directory to run that command?13:43
DoomBoomno, the added ~/ at the beginning makes it start at ~13:44
Morsicatiowell I've run that command and pressed enter13:45
Morsicatiothe next line reverts back to ~13:45
Morsicatioshould I now attempt shutdown and login or logout and then login13:45
Morsicatiodoes it matter?13:45
DoomBoomthat should be expected, rm doesn't say when you remove stuff13:45
DoomBoomlogout and login should be enough, if it worked13:46
Morsicatiocan i do that from here or do i press ctrl+alt+f7 and then logout13:46
DoomBoomctrl+alt+f7 first if you want to log in the the GUI13:47
Morsicatiohmm..no luck13:48
MorsicatioI think I may just go for a fresh install13:48
DoomBoomthat's always possible13:49
Morsicatiowon't be great, but not a biggie either13:49
DoomBoomweird problem though13:49
Morsicatiomost of my stuff is backed up13:49
Morsicatioyeah really odd13:49
MorsicatioIt's something playing up with whatever is running the windows13:49
DoomBoomyou can always back up more stuff from the command line if you've got a USB stick or external hard drive plugged in13:49
Morsicatiooh great13:50
Morsicatiohow do I do that?13:50
Morsicatiohaha, what a noob question that is!13:50
Morsicatiomajor n00b13:50
DoomBoomdepends on whether it automatically mounts it if you're not logged in to the GUI13:50
Morsicatioanother bit of information i left out13:51
DoomBoomI'd consider myself a noob too actually, I hope I'm helping13:51
Morsicatioi last installed chromium and abunch of chromium apps and deleted terminal13:51
DoomBoomdeleted terminal?13:51
Morsicatioi deleted it because it disaapeared from my apps list13:51
Morsicatioand i was trying to reinstall13:51
Morsicatiognome terminal13:52
DoomBoomwell that shouldn't be a problem13:52
Morsicatioubuntu centre said it was installed, but I couldn't find it anywhere13:52
Morsicatioright, well, we tried!13:52
Morsicatioi've plugged in the usb and nothing has happened!13:53
DoomBoomyou're in the tty?13:53
holsteinyou could have a failing piece of hardware13:54
holsteinreading the backlog, you are not able to login as your user? in the GUI?13:55
MorsicatioWell, it logs in13:55
Morsicatiobut nothing loads up13:55
Morsicatioits a relatively new SSD13:55
Morsicatioin ana oldish laptop13:56
Morsicationot sure that makes snese13:56
Morsicatiothe GUI asks for the password13:56
MorsicatioI input this13:56
Morsicatioit accepts it, but the next screen is the desktop wallpaper and an active mouse cursor and that is it13:56
Morsicationo icons or file manager or anything else13:57
holsteinMorsicatio: i would make a new user in the terminal, and test.. this will remove your user config from the equation.. you can also remove or move the config from your users /home and test13:57
Morsicatioright, how may i go about this?13:57
MorsicatioI am in tty1 at the moment13:57
Morsicatioin ~$ directory13:57
holsteinMorsicatio: the first option would look like this.. make a new user, login as that user.. see what the desktop is like as that user13:58
holsteinthere is an adduser command.. sudo adduser13:58
DoomBoomcan't you add users in the GUI?14:00
Morsicatioroom number?14:00
=== TheMaster is now known as Guest70634
holsteinMorsicatio: after trying elfy 's reload suggestion14:08
Morsicatiowell, this is very odd14:08
Morsicatioi've just launched firefox after searching it after pressing alt+f214:09
Morsicatioseems to be working14:09
holsteinMorsicatio: in that box that appears, thats where you enter the text elfy suggested.. xfdesktop --reload14:09
Morsicatioelfy suggestion: where do i run that command, in tty1?14:09
holsteinMorsicatio: sure.. no doubt parts of the system are working14:09
holsteinMorsicatio: you run that command where elfy suggested,, and as i stated, *after* pressing alt-F2, you input it..14:09
Morsicatiobecause that is currently returning an error: xfdesktop is currently not installed14:09
holsteinMorsicatio: i think you removed a lot of the system by accident14:09
MorsicatioIt appears that way!14:09
Morsicatiosorry, I'm still not sure where I am pressing alt+f214:10
Morsicatioin tty114:10
Morsicatioand then run the command elfy has recommended?14:10
holsteinMorsicatio: i would, as i said before, go to TTY, run "sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade" then, if that completes with no error, you run "sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop"14:10
holsteinMorsicatio: you dont run that in tty14:10
Morsicatiookay, i will give your suggestion a try now, sorry misunderstood it before14:10
holsteinMorsicatio: tty will have no graphical components.. alt+f2 is *only* for in the gui, and running that suggested reload command14:10
Morsicatioa lot of stuff is currently updating....14:11
Morsicatiofailed to find a launchpad file14:12
holsteinMorsicatio: correct, that is an upgrade commmand to update the packages.. its not a "fix".. its a means to do only that.. update your system14:12
holsteinMorsicatio: then, you could have ppa's added that are breaking your system14:12
Morsicatioand also some index files failed download apparently14:12
Morsicatioi did try to add ppas the other day!14:12
Morsicatioi was trying to download something i cannot recall14:13
holsteinMorsicatio: those can break what you are saying is broken14:13
Morsicatioi didnt know what i was doing, reallly14:13
holsteinMorsicatio: i would work in tty, and purge those14:13
Morsicatiothe jigsaw is beginning to fix14:13
Morsicatiooh right yes14:13
Morsicatioi was trying to install handbrake14:13
Doge_Ramwhenever I try to upgrade I have a lot of issues. Should I just install a copy in the first place14:13
holsteinDoge_Ram: upgrade what? the system? what issues?14:14
Doge_RamI try to go for 12.04 to 13.10 through the terminal.14:14
holsteinMorsicatio: http://askubuntu.com/questions/173195/how-do-i-remove-a-ppa-added-via-command-line14:14
holsteinDoge_Ram: you dont do that.. you go 12.04 to 12.10 to 13.04 to 13.1014:15
cfhowlettDoge_Ram, ^^^ that14:15
elfyholstein: did they deal with the upgrading to 13.04 it being EOL14:15
* elfy lost the thread on that 14:15
holsteinDoge_Ram: any upgrade from 12.04 to 13.10 is unsupported, and likely to fail. i suggest a fresh install if you have tried to force that unsupported action14:15
Doge_Ramok thank you I will do that14:16
holsteinDoge_Ram: unless elfy has some magic for you.. i would wait and follow whatever elfy has, and know that a fresh install is likely the easiest "fix"14:16
elfyholstein: I don't ;)14:16
holsteinDoge_Ram: you can go right from 12.04 to 14.0414:17
Doge_RamWhat do I need to do?14:17
holsteinDoge_Ram: assuming things are still intact you may want to either wait, or go ahead and force that14:17
Morsicatioi am currently installing the desktop14:17
MorsicatioI shall attempt the advice offered in the link thereafter14:17
elfyholstein: I was hesitating to suggest 14.04 - but it is pretty much stable now imo14:17
elfyDoge_Ram: if you wanted to upgrade to 1404 then you can either grab the latest daily image and do it that way or via cli14:18
Slayersi think 13.12 would be best for his cards14:18
Slayerssince i got same cards as him14:18
holsteinSlayers: 13.10?14:18
Morsicatioi thought 13.10 was the latest for xubuntu?14:18
cfhowlettMorsicatio, 13.10 is the latest for ALL buntus...14:19
elfyMorsicatio: it is - holstein and I are talking about the unreleased version14:19
holstein14.04 is released next month.. and an upgrade is offered from 12.04 to 14.0414:19
Slayersi got linux CCC 13.1214:19
Morsicatioi see14:19
Morsicatiowell, that'll be good14:19
Morsicatiowill it bring the hibernate function to xubuntu?14:19
holsteinMorsicatio: it depends on what all is "broken" in your system as to what i suggest14:20
elfyMorsicatio: hibernate is off by default14:20
holsteinMorsicatio: i have had hibernate.. you can add it to whatever you like, though, its likely the ssd setup you have that is "breaking" that for you14:20
Doge_Ramso what do I need to do to put 14.04 on my machine through putty. What is the command?14:21
holsteinDoge_Ram: i would either wait a few weeks til its stable, or, you can find guide on how to do that unsupported activity online14:21
ubottuUbuntu 14.04 (Trusty Tahr) will be the 20th release of Ubuntu.  See the announcement at http://www.markshuttleworth.com/archives/1295 for more info. support in #ubuntu+114:22
Doge_RamIf I decide to go with 13.12 instead I need to install a copy from scratch?14:22
holsteinDoge_Ram: 13.10*14:22
elfyDoge_Ram: yes you would14:23
holsteinDoge_Ram: at this point, that would be the easiest, and arguably the only supported method from 12.04 to 13.1014:23
elfyDoge_Ram: if you want to go the unsupported in #xubuntu route then http://iso.qa.ubuntu.com/qatracker/milestones/308/builds/57248/testcases/1635/results14:23
holsteina fresh install of 13.10 takes me about 8 minutes.. an upgrade takes  hours.. and you would need to do 3 to get from 12.04 to 13.10.. and 13.10 is over halfway through its support cycle14:24
Doge_RamI have tried to do it unsupported and had lots of issues. I may just put 13.10 on my thumbdrive and go for it14:25
holsteini would rather, if i were on 12.04, and i am, just run 12.04 til i fresh install 14.4014:25
elfyholstein: agreed - and if I was in that position I would likely clean install 13.10 too14:25
Doge_RamI am trying to get my mining computer to hash where it should be. I am thinking it is either Xubuntu or cgminer that is causing the slowdown14:27
cfhowlettDoge_Ram, xubuntu is a low load OS - unlikely it is causing a lag.14:28
holsteinDoge_Ram: i would look for a mining specific channel.. though, the drivers are typically as well supported as they can be in any version14:29
holsteinthere are the ppa's that steam suggests users use for the most current drivers14:29
ubottuValve have officially announced that they are developing Steam and are working with !ubuntu during their development, see http://blogs.valvesoftware.com/linux/steamd-penguins/ for further details, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Valve for install instructions, you can also join #ubuntu-steam for discussion.14:29
holsteini believe the PPA is https://launchpad.net/~xorg-edgers/+archive/ppa ,though ppas are unsupported14:30
Morsicatiowell, i've deleted the ppa ( i think thats what it was, a software source from unknown) and googles software source14:32
holsteinMorsicatio: you need to purge it, to remove the packages it provides... as per the link i gave14:32
holsteinMorsicatio: dont "think".. look at the sources, and research why they are there.. ppas are not officially supported, but you may need them.. and they do add functionality14:33
Morsicatiothere are two suggestions in that link14:33
Morsicatioright, okay, will look into PPAs14:33
Morsicatioi should know what they are, I suppose14:34
Morsicatiothere is a terminal command to sudo apt-get ppa-purge14:34
holsteinapt-get install it.. yes14:34
Morsicatioand also another suggestion: sudo add-apt-repository --remove ppa:kernel-ppa/ppa14:34
holsteinMorsicatio: not quite14:34
Morsicatiookay, will do that now14:34
Morsicatiowell, ive done all the above, and manged to launch thunar so I can backup all my files14:37
Morsicatiowhich is great14:37
Morsicatiothe desktop windows are still not loading, so i shall just attempt a clean install14:38
Morsicatiobut thank you very much for your help14:38
Morsicatioyou have been very helpful, much appreciated14:38
holsteini would be backing up files with a live CD14:38
Morsicatioah, there's an idea!14:39
Morsicatiobut will give me a chance for a clean break14:39
holsteinsounds like a plan.. cheers!14:39
Morsicatiowould you recommend any alternatives to try14:39
Morsicatiobeginner based linux distros like xubuntu14:40
Morsicatioor just stick with xubuntu?14:40
elfyI'd stick with one for the moment - then look once you know more about what you're doing :)14:41
elfyif you've got sufficient ram - look into using vm's to distro surf14:41
=== Guest70634 is now known as Unit193
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=== howefield_afk is now known as howefield
xubuntu674I have a problem!17:27
holsteinxubuntu674: just ask, with details, and a volunteer may be able to help.. feel free and review the /topic17:28
bullgard4xubuntu674: Just state your xfce problem. Yoiu do not introduce yurself.17:29
xubuntu674Ok, i try to explain the problem, basically i have a pop up on the right/up side of the desktop with the icon of brightness that continue to turn down the brghtness and i'm unable to turn on that17:30
holsteinxubuntu674: you are unable to control the brightness?17:31
stevefIs there any information about a possible "touch" version of xubuntu?17:32
ubottuInformation about the Ubuntu Touch platform for Phone and Tablet is available here https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch support and discussion in #ubuntu-touch17:32
stevefWill it only be for phones and tablets?17:33
holsteinstevef: xubuntu *is* ubuntu.. nothing about xfce or xubuntu will prevent, nor necessarily facilitate supporting your hardware17:33
xubuntu674yes the pop up still appear also now, and i'm not touching anything, it's like it try to turn down the brightness ever and ever17:33
holsteinstevef: the touch OS is intended for that.. if you are asking "can i use a touch screen with xubuntu?".. yes17:33
holsteinxubuntu674: i would just kill the notifications, and let them respawn..17:33
holsteinxubuntu674: have you tried looking for and applying all upgrades?17:34
stevefSo if touch extensions were created for Xbuntu they would just become another aspect of system control?17:34
holsteinstevef: no17:34
holsteinstevef: there is no need for "touch extentions"17:34
holsteinstevef: you load the OS, and use the touch screen17:34
stevefOK. I have an Acer Aspire V5 that I purchased for its touch capability. Are you saying that I can use it as is?17:35
holsteinstevef: im saying, nothing about xubuntu is preventing that.. if your touchscreen supports linux, it will work "out of the box"17:35
stevefSweet! Thank you! I'm going to check it out right now.17:36
holsteinstevef: usually, i suggest folks load up a live CD and just see first hand what is working17:36
stevefWow! It does work! I didn't expect it to work so I didn't try to use it. Fascinating!17:38
holsteinusually things like that just work out of the box in linux, if they are able to be supported.. if they dont just work, then its typically quite challenging17:39
stevefYes. I am aware of that. I've been using Linux/Xubuntu for a very long time, but I'm not a programmer (yet, age 60). I have been using Linux in one form or another since about 1998 and I love it.17:40
stevefThank you, Holstein.17:42
davidulloHi i'm the one who have the problem of brightness17:45
davidulloIs anyone there=17:46
cfhowlettdavidullo, assume no one knows what you're talking about and state the issue17:46
davidulloi have a problem whit the brightness17:47
davidulloand it is told me that i have to install all the upgrades17:48
davidullobut after i installed them17:48
davidullothe problem continue17:48
davidulloanyone answer me?17:49
ubottuDon't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/17:50
davidulloOk, i have an icon on the right/up side of the desktop that continue to vibrate and continue to turn up and down (more down) the brightness and it doesnt disappear, what i have to do?17:52
ubottudavidullo,: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/17:55
cfhowlettread ^^^17:56
davidulloare you a bot?17:57
cfhowlettubottu is the bot17:57
ubottucfhowlett: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)17:57
davidullook so answer my question! :(17:58
cfhowlettrude.  doesn't work on me.17:59
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js_dooderunning xubuntu 12.04.4 LTS, best way to install google chrome, latest stable version?19:25
=== howefield is now known as howefield_afk
UndercooLhey guys21:05
UndercooLrecently installed 12.04 32-bit version on an old laptop and have been running it a few weeks.  Not too many problems and learning a lot21:06
UndercooLneed 12.04 because I have a non-pae CPU21:06
UndercooLlong story short, I started playing under the hood and jacked up the installation.  Doing a fresh reinstall and can't remember how to fix intel i915 video and BCM4318 wireless card21:08
UndercooLcan't find the urls I used to setup originally.  Any help?21:08
GridCube!find bmc21:14
ubottuFound: cbmc, freeipmi-bmc-watchdog, libmcpp-dev, libmcpp0, libmcrypt-dev, libmcrypt4, libmcs-backend-gconf, libmcs-dev, libmcs-doc, libmcs-utils (and 14 others) http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?keywords=bmc&searchon=names&suite=saucy&section=all21:14
GridCube!search bmc21:14
GridCubemmm no idea21:14
UndercooLat least you answered.  Thanks anyway21:15
a_muva__I get approx. 24px x 24px square at the left-top corner , right below  panel. It seems that it shows only when composite is on. How can I fix it?22:22
=== howefield_afk is now known as howefield
L0laapk3anyone into mining?22:36
L0laapk3because I'm a linux noob22:36
ubottuGRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub223:46

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