
Fudgeattente:  are you ears on?00:35
Fudgebug #1282782, was wondering if that would also in your opinion cause Orca to read the title of the active window everytime the 'alt' key is touched?00:36
ubot2Launchpad bug 1282782 in compiz (Ubuntu) "Newest compiz/unity has decided that it owns my Alt key" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/128278200:36
attenteFudge: not really sure tbh00:43
Fudgeattente:  thanks anyway mate00:43
FudgeI'll keep looking00:43
attenteholding the alt key does show the menu bar00:43
attentebut i'm not really familiar with how orca works00:44
attenteit definitely sounds plausible though00:44
Fudge:) basically if you had Orca running, push ALT a bunch of times and Orca will on each keypress read the title of the window. e.g On thunderbird just now, alt=orca saying inbox unified folders mozilla thunderbird frame then if I push it again I hear it again.00:46
attenteFudge: do you know how long that bug has been happening?00:46
Fudgequite a while attente , I've been on Trusty from the start, I would have to say confidently at least a few months.00:47
attenteFudge: so that bug that you linked to here started around late Jan, early Feb00:48
attentei mean the regression was introduced around that time00:48
Fudgeis it specific to jsut gnome terminal?00:50
attenteFudge: no, but holding the alt key in general causes the menu bar to become visible00:51
attenteFudge: sorry, it was actually introduced on Feb 1400:51
Fudgeah the penny drops, so it is hidden before then is it?00:51
attenteFudge: before alt had no effect on showing the menu bar due to a bug00:51
Fudgehow about tapping the alt, does it start to appear?00:51
attenteFudge: tapping alt would cause the hud to appear00:52
FudgeI have hud disabled00:52
attentebut i don't know why it would cause the screenreader to read the window title00:52
Fudgeit could be since the bar is appearing that Orca is reading the whole thing and not just the menu focus?00:53
attenteFudge: if you remember having the bug older than Feb 14-ish, i'd say it's caused by something else.. sorry :(00:53
FudgeI'll ask Themuso since you've given me better understanding of it now00:53
attenteFudge: good idea00:53
Fudgeyou've still helped me so thank you mate00:53
attenteFudge: Trevinho would also be helpful i think00:53
attenteFudge: good luck, sorry i could help more :)00:54
Fudgethank you attente. Trevinho  if you followed our conversation maybe you might have some ideas?00:54
darkxstattente, The keygrabber moved into Unity around that time01:13
darkxstprior to that key grabs were handled by gnome-settings-daemon01:13
attentedarkxst: yep, i just wasn't sure if that was the cause since Fudge said he had the problem for a few months now03:39
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robert_ancellseriously, how long does unity take to compile?23:46
ochosihey robert_ancell23:51
robert_ancellochosi, hey23:51
ochosirobert_ancell: i quickly wanted to ask you about that gtk-greeter bug we're seeing where the greeter doesnt exit and appears in the session (if you have time)23:51
ochosi(if you dont have time, no worries)23:52
robert_ancellochosi, sure23:52
robert_ancellI have some time23:52
ochosirobert_ancell: so as i said last time, i can hardly reproduce the bug and so far i've only seen it once (didn't think it would be a greeter bug back then and hence didn't save the logs)23:52
ochosiany idea how to even get to reproduce this? basically the gtk-greeter still exits the same way it always did23:53
ochosiso i have no idea what could go wrong there23:53
ochosithe only thing that's new is support for gtk3 indicators (started via upstart and then killed, same as in unity-greeter)23:54
TheMusorobert_ancell: Yeah it does take a while to compile.23:54
robert_ancellochosi, I'm kind of at a loss too without being able to reproduce and check what's running post login23:55
ochosirobert_ancell: i'm wondering whether there is any kind of debug output i could add to help with this, but i guess then i'd already have to know where the problem lies..23:56
ochosirobert_ancell: so i suppose there weren't any changes in lightdm that could cause this behavior?23:57
robert_ancellochosi, it's possible the signal handling got messed up and lightdm just thinks the greeter quit when it didn't?23:57
robert_ancellBut I'm pretty sure it wouldn't do anything until the process actually quit23:57
ochosirobert_ancell: well what we added and what wasn't there previously (although that rather should fix stuff than break it) is gtk_main_quit(); in the sigterm_cb before exit (0);23:59

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